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January 7, 2015
“Three, two, one!” While this countdown always brings
excitement and hope for the New Year to come, 1999 was
The Year 2000 problem (also known as the Millennium
Bug or simply Y2K) was a notable crisis for both digital
(computer-related) and non-digital documentation and
data storage situations which resulted from the practice of
abbreviating a four-digit year to two digits.
In computer program design, the practice of representing
the year with two digits becomes problematic with logical
errors arising upon "rollover" from x99 to x00. Without
corrective action, it was suggested that long-working systems
would break down when the "97, 98, 99, 00" ascending
numbering assumption suddenly became invalid and this
caused a world-wide panic. Companies and organizations
checked, fixed, and upgraded their computer systems. People
stockpiled food and supplies, built bunkers in the desert, and
many experts called for a “doomsday” scenario.
All this was driven by fear of the unknown but we know
how it turned out – there were no globally significant
computer failures that occurred when the clocks rolled over
into 2000. Fear of the unknown is the root of all anxiety,
and anxiety and fear are not from the Lord. Like with the
turn from 1999 to 2000, the transition from 2014 to
2015 has many unknown variables and “doomsayers” –
economically, morally and globally. But while we do not
know what 2015 holds in store, God does. He is in charge,
His plan is unfolding just as He wishes, so people of faith
have nothing to fear.
Like every year 2015 will have its highs and its lows, its joy
and sorrows. But as people of faith who trust and serve the
True Living God we can rest knowing the victory is won
because Jesus has risen from the dead, and as he says in John
16:33, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have
overcome the world." The New Earth will someday be ours!
What is our call as Christians in 2015 and beyond? David
shares it with us clearly in Psalms 37:3-7a … Trust in the Lord
and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Delight
yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your
heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do
this: He will make your righteousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun. Be still before the Lord and
wait patiently for him. NIV
“He will stand and shepherd His flock in the strength
of the Lord, in the majesty of the name of the Lord His
God. And they will live securely, for then His greatness
will reach to the ends of the earth, and He will be their
peace.” Micah 5:4, 5.
We are so excited to begin a New Year and a new rotation at Faith Avenue! We are delighted to have
Mrs. Lisa Harp and Mrs. Carrie Bowling teaching in the
Lord’s Way Café for this rotation! Please make sure your
children are here to enjoy the story of Elijah and the
widow…and homemade pancakes made from flour and oil!
Thank you to all of our teachers for their hard work!
Please join us this Wednesday night as we resume our
regular classes at Faith Avenue. We will continue our study
of Elijah.
Our rotation is entitled: “Elijah and Elisha.” Our
memory verse is: “In the past God spoke to our
forefathers through the prophets at many times and in
various ways, but in these last days He has spoken to us
by His Son…” Hebrews1:1, 2.
We are looking forward to Sunday!
2015 Spiritual Enrichment Group Program
Spiritual Enrichment Group (SEG) sign-up sheets are
available in the Connector through Wednesday, January
14th. Participants desiring to remain in their current
group may do so, but will need to indicate their
desire by signing their group’s roster. Groups are available
for college age, young adults, families, and singles/emptynesters. Our first SEG meetings of 2015 will occur
Sunday, January 18th. For information concerning
Central’s Spiritual Enrichment Group Program, contact
Larry Jonas at 229 559-6922 or
Georgia Christian School needs a bus driver for a
morning and afternoon route starting January 7th. Please
send all inquires to Kent Copeland at: or Burt Copeland
at bcopeland@georgiachristian. org.
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Herald of Encouragement
By John Klimko, Jr
Bible Reading Marathon
Green team – 31.48%
Blue team – 33.98%
Red team – 58.06%
Pew Packers
After taking a break for a couple of
weeks, our “Pew Packers” program
resumed this past Sunday night! Zach
Parker is doing such a marvelous job of
challenging and leading our children.
We had 18 very eager young people on
the front pew Sunday night, and they
sang songs and recited Bible verses with
great enthusiasm.
This is a very special ministry for all
children 3 years of age through 5th
grade. If you have a child that has net
been a part of this program, have them
here at 6:00 on Sunday night!
Spiritual Enrichment Groups
Next Sunday, January 18th, is the date
for our Spiritual Enrichment Groups to
meet! We will be launching a new year
for the SEG programs, and we currently
have an opportunity to sign up to remain
in the same SEG or to join in with a new
Spiritual Enrichment Group!
Our sympathy is extended to the
family of Houston Green, who passed away
Tuesday, December 16th. Mr. Green was
the cousin of Rudene Harris. A memorial
service was held Saturday, December 20th.
Our sympathy is extended to the
family of Dora Ann Massey, who passed
away Monday, December 22nd. She was
the sister of Alton (Jane) Hammock. Grave
side services were held December 24th in
Shellman, Ga.
Our sympathy is extended to the
family of Bobby Morris, who passed away
Wednesday, December 24th, in Oklahoma.
He was the father of Kerry Morris. Funeral
services were Saturday, December 27th, in
Our sympathy is extended to the
family of Marjorie Webb Dees, who passed
away Friday, January 2nd. Mrs. Dees was
the sister-in-law of Marion Copeland and
Miriam Fletcher. Services were Sunday,
January 4th.
Our sympathy is extended to the family of
Mrs. Juanita Herndon, who passed away
January 1st in Deland Fl. She was the sister
of Jack (Rachel) Hayes. Services were
Wednesday, January 7th.
Thanks to all who encourage others
through the visitation ministry. The
visitation team for this Sunday,
January 11, is listed below. Please
pick up assignments from the folder
on the table in the office hall foyer
near the Large Auditorium.
M/M Barry Bennett
M/M Jerry DeLoach
Mrs. Frances Draper
M/M Graham Fiveash
M/M Bob Green
Mrs. Lilla Kate Hart
M/M G. R. Holton
M/M Ted Hundley
M/M John Klimko
M/M J. C. McMullen
M/M Jerry McMullen, Sr.
Miss Betty Yale
Central Avenue Church of Christ
Sunday Morning Adult Classes
Winter 2015
Bill Malone
Guiding Your Family in a
Misguided World
The Seven Churches of Asia
Studies in Genesis
The Gospel of Luke
Large Auditorium
Men of the Class
True Spirituality: Being a
Romans 12 Christian
Southwest Annex
Ronnie West
Life Application from the Books
of the Bible
Northeast Annex
Larry Jonas
Fleming Bell
(college/young singles)
The Book of Romans
What Do Christians Do?
Northwest Annex
Office Hall
Kenny Holton
John Klimko
Bryan Jarvis
Small Auditorium
Southeast Annex
The basket of flowers the church
sent for my mother was just beautiful
and both it and the lovely card were so
appreciated. Central Avenue Church
of Christ was an important part of her
life and her fellowship as well as her
faith nurtured there always meant so
much to her. Thank you for remembering her and bringing us comfort in
such a thoughtful way.
The family of Margaret Hendry,
Melissa Epes and Family
Dear Central Family,
On behalf of my entire family I
want to say thank you so much for the
many prayers, cards, calls and messages surrounding the passing of my father, Bobby Morris. The flowers were
beautiful. Your love and encouragement are such a comfort to us all.
In Christ,
Kerry Morris
Military Overseas Packages
Because of your generosity and
concern, the 2014 Military Overseas
Care Package project enabled several
members of the U. S. armed services
currently serving in Afghanistan to
Page 3
Irene Brown, Jackie Mathis,
Louise Deloach(Hospice)
Melba Webb
Sylvia Higgins, Joyce Paine,
Jeanne Jarvis, Sherolyn Ellenberg,
Jane Little, George Clayton
Frances Copeland
Phoebie Slocum
Linda Jones
Gordon & Elaine Teffeteller
Stella Laurene Taylor
ATLANTA: (Rehab) Gordon Teffeteller
ST. JOSEPH: Elaine Teffeteller
Anne S. Dasher, Fannie Dasher, Clarence
DeLoach, Marilyn Ellis, Karen Evans,
Carolyn Force, Glenn Geren, Allen &
Mildred Lancaster, Laura McCall, Ashley
McLeod, George Ann Thomas, Leo & Mary
Nell Wells, Ronnie West, Lloyd Williams,
Jenny Wisenbaker
Wanda Hall Arnold, Abbie Barfield, Leon
Black, Delores Britt, Tim Brogdon, John
Crum, Wanda DeWeese, Joe & Harriette
Gray, Laura Johnson Griggs, Jimmy Jackson,
Ray Norvell, Sr., Steve & Sandi Parrish,
Wayne Shear, Beverly Strange, Earl Tipton,
Donnie Tomlinson, Pat Vann, Mitch Walker,
Thomas Williams, Larry Youmans
receive holiday greetings and seasonal
items to enjoy during the holiday
period. Thanks to all who supported this
effort. Larry & Faye Jonas.
Third Annual Old Hymns Sing
Thanks to everyone who attended the
Third Annual Old Hymns Sing on
December 28th in Central’s Small
Auditorium. Special thanks to Matt
Malone for organizing the songs we sang
and to Phillip & Jessica Walker, Tommy
& April Herring, Cathy Copeland, Ruth
Harrison, and Faye Jonas for setting up
and serving the "Christmas Leftover"
refreshments enjoyed after the singing
hour. And, thanks to everyone who
shared their holiday treats so generously.
Larry Jonas.
Matthew McDowell was baptized Sunday, December 21, 2014. He attends
Lowndes High school and is in the 12th
grade. His address is: 5558 Cypress Lake
Trails, Lake Park, Ga. Matthew is the son
of Mike and Sherry McDowell and
grandson of Ronald and Jean Bennett.
January 11: Jessica Holton
Margaret Lowery
January 12: Ashley Greene
Alexis Luke
January 13: Earl Dasher
Louie Flythe, SR.
January 14: Grace Margaret Harp
Lisa Stephenson
January 15: Jessie Boyd
Charles Dixon
Valiree Lightsey
January 16: Bailey Bridges
Congratulations to John Remer II
and Erin Hart of Perry, FL., on the
birth of a daughter, Adalynn Marie
Hart, born Tuesday, December 23,
2014, weighing 6 lbs., 15 ozs. Proud
great grand parents are George and
Lilla Kate Hart.
MILITARY: William Harp, James
McMullen,III, Skyler Pittman, Benjamin
Starling, Johnny Tucker, Alnozo WalkerPotts, Nick Walker-Potts
January 8: Pierre Evans
January 9: Marshall & Sharon Ewing
January 10: Brad & Cleta Colson Eyre
January 11: Joe Fanning
January 12: Glen & Linda Farmer
January 13: Dan, Lyndi, Randall, Alden &
Park Farnam
January 14: Lee, Rebecca, Autumn, Alan
& Asher Reid Ferguson
Gene Brzozowski (Taiwan)
P. O. Box 1006
Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Phone: 011-886-7-366-0101
Our next Feeding The Flock will be
Wednesday, January 14th. The menu:
Lasagna, Tossed Salad, Garlic Bread, Congealed Salad, Peach Cobbler and Vanilla
Ice Cream. Please indicate on your attendance card this Sunday, January 11, how
many in family will attend.
If anyone has lost an item of any kind
you can check in the lost and found box
located in the hall by the church office or
contact Leigh.
January 14: Feeding The Flock
January 18: Spiritual Enrichment
Groups meet
Men’s Prayer Group:
Tuesdays at 7 am in the Annex
Ladies Bible Class:
Tuesdays, 10:30 am in the Connector
Christian Student Center:
Devotional, Wednesdays at 7:00 pm
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Herald of Encouragement
Central Avenue Church of Christ
304 East Central Avenue
Valdosta, GA 31601-5704
ELDERS: Homer Anderson, Kevin Boyd, Byron Brown, Jerry
DeLoach, G.R. Holton, Bill Malone, Leon Weeks
MINISTERS: Bryan Jarvis, John Klimko, Jr.
DEACONS: Jay Barfield, Donny Bryan, Jeremy Colson,
Richard Hamlen, Anthony Herring, Ted Hundley, Pendleton Little, Jerry McMullen, Sr., Matt Malone, Chris Prine,
John Stephenson, Clyde Tomlinson, Phillip Walker
Church Office:
Leigh Carter...........................................................Secretary
Gail DeLoach…………................................................Bulletin
Phone: (229) 242-6115........................Fax:(229) 242-6116
Visit Central on the
MISSIONS: Paraguay, New Zealand, Ukraine, China, Malawi, India,
Preaching the Gospel (TV)
Central Avenue Church of Christ Family Gatherings
Sunday Bible Class...……………………………...………...…………….….9:30am
Evening Worship……………………..……………………….…………….…6:00pm
Wednesday Bible Class.……………………………………………..……….7:00pm
For the Record: January 4, 2015
Bible Classes
AM Worship
PM Worship
SEG 3rd Sunday
Mid-week PM
Under Budget
There’s something about the start of a new year
that gives us a feeling of a fresh start and a new
beginning. Usually at the end of one year and the
beginning of another, people reflect on their lives,
especially considering successes and failures
throughout the year. Then they make resolutions
for the coming year which, most of the time, are
quickly forgotten and broken.
Self-examination is necessary for Christians, not
only at this time of year, but each and every day.
If we find areas of our spiritual life that needs
improving, we need to resolve to make changes.
Such a resolution must not be abandoned and we
must constantly keep it on our heart. The apostle
Paul possessed this attitude and is one thing that
allowed him to be successful as a disciple of the
Lord. He said,"...but one thing I do, forgetting what is
behind and straining on what is ahead, I press toward
the goal to win the prize for which God has called me
heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)
James 4:13-16 provides a good principle when
making a resolution “Come now, you who say, Today
or tomorrow we will go into such and such a town and
spend a year there and trade and make a profit”— yet you
do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life?
For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then
vanishes. Instead you ought to say, “If the Lord wills, we
will live and do this or that.” As it is, you boast in your
arrogance. All such boasting is evil.”
We often plan our time and activities, both
present and future as if we are somehow in control.
We live in a society that is driven by achieving
positive results and too often we make ourselves
believe we know the correct methods in being
successful in all facets of our lives. James reminds us
that we are not in control of our lives. Time is not
our own, and the results of our efforts are not our
own. Each plan that we make should be based on “if
the Lord is willing.”
The following are a few biblical passages to consider in making any kind of resolutions.
"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has
value for all things, holding promise for both the present
life and the life to come. (1 Timothy 4:8).
"I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in
me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me
you can do nothing." (John 15:5).
"If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who
gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be
given to you." (James 1:5).
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on
your own understanding. In all your ways submit to Him,
and He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in
your own eyes; Fear the Lord and shun evil" (Proverbs 3:57).
Praying that we all have a blessed year in service to
God and others.