current agenda - Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission


current agenda - Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Thursday, January 15, 2015, 9:30 a.m.
Meeting Location:
Track North at Remington Park Racetrack and Casino
One Remington Place
Oklahoma City, OK 73111
Address of the:
2401 NW 23rd Street, SUITE 78
(Located In SHEPHERD MALL, N.W. 23rd Street & Villa Avenue)
TELEPHONE: (405) 943-6472; FAX: (405) 943-6474
All customers who attend public meetings of the Commission who need special accommodations, i.e.,
Sign Language Interpreter, amplification device, large print materials, Braille materials, audio cassette
materials, readers or other special accommodations must notify the Commission by the deadline date and
time for acceptance of agenda requests.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
CALL TO ORDER ............................................................Mr. Burton, Chair
ROLL CALL .....................................................................Mr. Burton, Chair
RECOGNITION OF RETIRING STEWARD .....................Mr. Burton, Chair
Mr. Bill Brown is retiring as a Steward after 24 years of service with the Commission.
BUSINESS .......................................................................Mr. Burton, Chair
The drafted Minutes of the November 20, 2014 Commission Meeting [Item A.1]
will be considered for approval.
Continued Consideration of Proposed Rule Amendments of the
OHRC Rules of Racing As Proposed by the Thoroughbred
Racing Association of Oklahoma
In a November 5, 2014 letter [Item B.1], the Thoroughbred Racing Association of
Oklahoma [TRAO] requested proposed rule amendments to two Oklahoma-Bred
rules. TRAO seeks to amend the current “breed back” rule for Thoroughbred
broodmares in Rule 325:75-1-3, Definition of Accredited Oklahoma-Bred
Thoroughbred, and broaden the distribution of Oklahoma-Bred stallion awards in
Rule 325:75-1-15, Distribution of Funds for Oklahoma-Bred Pari-Mutuel Races.
The objectives of these proposed rule amendments are to further enhance and
improve the overall quality of Thoroughbreds in the state and, in turn, increase
the value of Oklahoma-Bred horses in today’s Thoroughbred market.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
At the November 20, 2014 meeting, the Commission approved opening the
permanent rulemaking process for proposed amendments to OAC 325:75-1-3,
Definition of Accredited Oklahoma-Bred Thoroughbred, and OAC 325: 325:75-115, Distribution of Funds for Oklahoma-Bred Pari-Mutuel Races. A Notice of
Rulemaking Intent was published in the January 2, 2015 issue of The Oklahoma
Register with the Public Hearing scheduled for February 6, 2015.
Since those activities, an error was found in the proposed amendments to OAC
325:75-1-3, Definition of Accredited Oklahoma-Bred Thoroughbred. The first
effective breeding season should be CY 2016 rather than CY 2015.
Due to the length of regulatory text, only the pertinent portion of the rule is
reflected on the agenda. Item B.2 contains the full regulatory language.
underline fonts.
Proposed additions are shown in the bold and
Broodmares Serviced by Out-of-State Stallions: An
accredited Oklahoma-Bred broodmare may be shipped out of
Oklahoma to be serviced by a non-accredited stallion, provided she
is returned to Oklahoma to resume her domicile not later than
August 15 of the calendar year in which she is serviced. Failure of
the accredited broodmare to return to Oklahoma to resume her
domicile not later than August 15 shall have two results: First, the
broodmare loses her accreditation in the program; Second, the
resultant foal is ineligible for accreditation in the Oklahoma-Bred
Program, unless the broodmare resumes her domicile in Oklahoma
and files for re-accreditation prior to the birth of the foal. In order
for the broodmare to produce successive foals eligible for
accreditation in the Oklahoma-Bred Program, beginning with foals
born in 2011, she must produce a foal in Oklahoma in alternating
years by an accredited stallion standing in Oklahoma. Beginning
with the 2015 2016 breeding season, the breeder may breed
the broodmare to an out-of-state stallion every year.
Current Consideration
An amendment to OAC 325:75-1-3 is proposed to correct the effective first
breeding season from 2015 to 2016. This will allow appropriate time to advise
horsemen of the change if the proposed amendment is approved by the
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action; approving the
proposed change to Rule 325:75-1-3 as proposed, or as modified at the meeting,
by authorizing publication in The Oklahoma Register and scheduling of a Public
Hearing; or continuing the matter.
Board of Stewards’ Referral to Commission Regarding
Suspension and Fine for Rick David Bogdanovich, Trainer
Item C.1 is the record on Mr. Rick David Bogdanovich, who was found to be in
violation of OAC 325:45-1-4, Drugs or Medication, and 325:35-1-5, Trainer
Responsibility, for STONE WOLF, a horse under his care and custody, testing
positive for the drug Alfentanil, a Class I drug, following a race on November 20,
2013 at Remington Park.
The Board of Stewards at Remington Park referred the case to the Oklahoma
Horse Racing Commission under the authority of OAC 325:1-1-8 with
recommendations that the Commission impose a suspension greater than one
(1) year and a fine of more than two thousand, five hundred dollars ($2,500.00).
The Stewards’ Order reflects the Stewards’ recommendations of a fine of
$10,000 and suspension of Mr. Bogdanovich’s occupational license for five
At its November 20, 2014 meeting, the Commission was advised that a
continuance of the Referral hearing was granted at the request of Mr.
Bogdanovich’s counsel, with the hearing rescheduled to the next meeting of the
Commission [Item C.2].
Referral Hearing
The Hearing before the Commission will be conducted pursuant to the authority
and jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act, Title 75, § 301 et
seq., the Oklahoma Horse Racing Act, Title 3A O.S. § 200 et seq., and OAC 325
(OHRC Rules of Racing).
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
The procedure for the Referral Hearing before the Commission is as follows:
Because Mr. Bogdonavich has not appealed the Order finding him in
violation of two racing rules, the only issue before the Commission is the
extent of the punishment to be imposed by virtue of the Stewards’ referral
of the case to the Commission for the assessment of punishment.
Mr. Bogdanovich and the Board of Stewards at Remington Park are
entitled to be present and to present arguments, through counsel or on
their own behalf, on the issue of punishment.
The Board of Stewards will have ten (10) minutes to address the issue of
punishment, and Mr. Bogdanovich will have ten (10) to respond to the
Stewards’ argument relating to punishment.
All parties are subject to questioning by Commissioners, Commission Staff
and Commission Counsel.
Possible Executive Session
Pursuant to 75 O.S. § 312, 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(8) and 311 (B)(1), an Executive
Session may be proposed for the purpose of deliberations in an individual
proceeding regarding the Stewards’ referral to the Commission to consider
an appropriate fine and suspension for Mr. Rick David Bogdanovich.
Motion and Vote to Go Into Executive Session for the Purpose Stated
Vote to Reconvene in Open Session
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action, continuing the
matter, or taking preliminary action in the matter, including setting the dates of
suspension, and instructing Commission Staff to draft an Order for consideration
in further deliberations at the February 19, 2015 Commission meeting.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Appeal Hearing of Donald Stewart, Jockey Agent, of Stewards’
Order 14-RP-107
The Appeal Hearing before the Commission was originally scheduled for the
November 20, 2014 Commission meeting. Before the hearing began, Mr. Neal
Leader, Commission Counsel, made a procedural suggestion. Mr. Leader
recommended that the case be remanded back to the Board of Stewards for the
sole purpose of making a Finding of Fact based upon the testimony in the record
regarding whether the Stewards found Mr. Stewart’s testimony credible. The
Commission took action to approve Mr. Leader’s suggestion, forwarding an
Order of Remand to the Stewards [Item D.1]. That Order set a deadline of no
later than Noon on Friday, December 5, 2014, for the Supplemental Order to be
presented to the Commission and to counsel of both parties with the Appeal
hearing set for the January 15, 2015 meeting.
The Board of Stewards forwarded its Supplemental Order on November 28,
2014, including a Finding of Fact that it did not find the testimony regarding the
defense to be credible [Item D.2].
Item D.3 is the rest of the record on Mr. Donald Stewart, who was found to be in
violation of OAC 325:35-1-21, Tricks and Schemes Prohibited. The Stewards’
Order reflected that Mr. Stewart completed a claim form on HICLASS FLY from
the 10th race on March 22, 2013 and signed Mr. John Stinebaugh’s name on the
signature space on the claim form which subsequently resulted in the claim of
HICLASS FLY by Mr. Stinebaugh. The Stewards’ Order also reflects that Mr.
Stewart was not an Authorized Agent for Mr. Stinebaugh. The Board of
Stewards suspended Mr. Stewart for ninety (90) days, beginning Friday,
September 26, 2014, through Wednesday, December 24, 2014, and fined him
Mr. Stewart appealed Stewards’ Order 14-RP-107, dated September 17, 2014,
on September 25, 2014. A Commission- issued Stay of the Stewards’ Order is in
effect until the issuance a Commission Order.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Appeal Hearing
The Hearing before the Commission will be conducted pursuant to the authority
and jurisdiction of the Oklahoma Administrative Procedures Act, Title 75, § 301 et
seq., the Oklahoma Horse Racing Act, Title 3A O.S. § 200 et seq., OAC 325
(OHRC Rules of Racing) and OAC 325:70-1-22, Grounds for Appeal from
Decision of the Stewards.
The procedure for the Appeal Hearing before the Commission is as follows:
The Appeal is not a new evidentiary hearing and is limited to the record.
Presentations by both sides will be limited to arguments/comments
regarding the record of the Board of Stewards’ Hearing.
The appellant, Mr. Donald Ray Stewart, and the Board of Stewards at
Remington Park are entitled to be present, through counsel or on their
own behalf, and to present arguments.
The appellant, Mr. Donald Ray Stewart, or his counsel will present oral
arguments first, with the Board of Stewards or their counsel proceeding
next. Each party will be allowed fifteen (15) minutes to present its case.
All parties are subject to questioning by Commissioners, Commission Staff
and Commission Counsel.
Possible Executive Session
Pursuant to 75 O.S. § 312, 25 O.S. § 307 (B)(8) and 311 (B)(1), an Executive
Session may be proposed for the purpose of deliberations in an individual
proceeding regarding Mr. Donald Stewart’s appeal of the above-cited
Stewards’ Order.
Motion and Vote to Go Into Executive Session for the Purpose Stated
Vote to Reconvene in Open Session
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action; continuing the
matter; or taking preliminary action in the matter, including setting the dates of
suspension, and instructing Commission Staff to draft an Order for consideration
in further deliberations at the February 19, 2015 Commission meeting.
Fair Meadows at Tulsa’s Proposal for Stall Allocation for the CY
2015 Race Meeting
In a January 2, 2015 letter [Item E.1], Ms. Amanda Blair, Chief Operating Officer
for the Tulsa County Public Facilities Authority, advised the Commission of its
proposal for stall allocation for the CY 2015 race meeting. Item E.2 reflects the
following items for discussion:
Review of plat; illustration of the stalling tent, barn and walkers;
Stall allocation / quantity overview; stall amenities; and
Timeline of stalling transitions.
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action; approving the
stall allocation plan, in whole or in part; or continuing the matter.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Presentation by Fair Meadows at Tulsa of Reconstruction Plans
Ms. Amanda Blair, Chief Operating Officer for Tulsa County Public Facilities
Authority, will make a presentation on the partial demolition of the grandstand
and the build-out of the new racing offices. As reflected in Item F.1, Ms. Blair will
a photo illustration of the progress;
floor plan of the new racing offices build-out and timeline update; and
additional plans for CY 2015 race meeting to increase the quality of the
event’s environment.
Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Rules
Commissioner Leonard, as Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Rules, will provide
an oral report.
Proposed Opening of the Permanent Rulemaking Process to
Consider Rule Amendments for the OHRC Rules of Racing As
Proposed by Commission Executive Director
Mr. Constantin A. Rieger, Commission Executive Director, is proposing
amendments to the following four (4) racing rules in OAC Rules of Racing:
325:1-1-7, Jurisdiction of Stewards to Suspend or Fine
325:25-1-17, Coupling of Entries
325:25-1-21, Refund of Fees
325:25-1-28, Selection of Entered Horses
Proposed deletions are shown in the double
strikethrough and bold fonts; additions are shown in the bold and
underline fonts.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
325:1-1-7, Jurisdiction of Stewards to Suspend or Fine
The current regulatory text sets $2,500 as the maximum fine permitted by
the Board of Stewards. Mr. Rieger suggests that the maximum amount be
changed to $10,000 in an effort to send a clear message to the industry. It
would allow the Stewards the ability to fine up to $10,000 per violation
which gives the Stewards the authority to impose more meaningful
(a) The Stewards' jurisdiction in any matter is continuous.
The Stewards may deny, refuse to issue, or refer to the
Commission for revocation, or suspend for not more than
one year per violation the occupation license of any person
whom they have the authority to supervise; or they may
impose a fine not to exceed Two Thousand Five Hundred
Dollars ($2,500.00) Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) per
violation; or they may exclude from all enclosures in this
state; or they may suspend and fine and/or exclude; or they
may order that a person be ineligible for a license. All such
suspensions, fines, denials, refusals to issue, referrals or
exclusions shall be reported immediately to the Commission.
(b) Upon a first offense for the following rule violations, the
Stewards shall assess no less than the Stewards' maximum
fine and suspension authorization to any person found to be
in violation of Commission rules concerning:
(1) a positive laboratory report involving a Schedule I or
II controlled substance or Buprenorphine, or
(2) possession of a Schedule I or II controlled
substance or Buprenorphine within the enclosure, or
(3) possession or use within the enclosure of a
prohibited electrical or mechanical device. Any person
whose racing record(s) reflects such prior rule
violation(s) shall, upon a subsequent violation, be
referred by the Stewards to the Commission with the
Stewards’ recommendation for specific fine and
suspension above the Stewards’ authorized fine and
suspension maximums.
(c) The Stewards may suspend a horse from participating in
races if the horse has been involved in violation(s) of the
Rules promulgated by the Commission or the provisions of
the Oklahoma Horse Racing Act under the following
A horse is a confirmed Bleeder as determined
by the Official Veterinarian, and the Official Veterinarian
recommends to the Stewards that the horse be
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
suspended from participation.
A horse is involved with:
Any violation of medication laws and
Any suspension or revocation of an
occupation license by the Stewards or the
Commission or any racing jurisdiction
recognized by the Commission; and/or any
violation of prohibited devices.
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action;
approving the beginning of the permanent rulemaking process to amend
the rule as proposed, or as modified at the meeting, by authorizing
publication in The Oklahoma Register and scheduling of a Public Hearing;
or continuing the matter.
325:25-1-17, Coupling of Entries
Mr. Rieger proposes the rule amendments in an effort to expand the
number of betting interests per race. Uncoupling of entries would allow
for additional pari-mutuel handle.
In no case shall more than two (2) horses having
common ties through Ownership, training, or lease be
entered in a purse race (overnight). When making a double
entry, the second same Owner entry drawn shall have no
preference over any single entry in purse races, excepting a
preference over an "in-today" horse. If horses are entered
in the same race owned wholly or in part by the same
Owner, then that entry shall be coupled for wagering
purposes. At the time of entry, a preference must be made
to the end that each interest may have an entry in each
division should the race be divided. For different Owners, an
Organization Licensee, with approval of the Stewards, may
allow for each entrant to have an equal shake to draw into a
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
race providing the horse(s) have preference. Horses with
identical Ownership interests regarding prepayment,
nomination and stakes races must be coupled in races
which have an incremental purse payout from first to
last. If a race is to be divided, an additional conditional
entry may be accepted from any interest. Each such entry
may have a joint entry. All divided races will be considered
separate races.
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action;
approving the beginning of the permanent rulemaking process to amend
the rule as proposed, or as modified at the meeting, by authorizing
publication in The Oklahoma Register and scheduling of a Public Hearing;
or continuing the matter.
325:25-1-21, Refund of Fees
Mr. Rieger proposes a rule amendment to change the word ‘shall’ to ‘may’,
allowing the Stewards additional discretion in handling an incident when a
race is not run, declared off, or cancelled for any reason. The change in
wording would allow the dispersal of the purses and funds to proceed
If a horse is declared or scratched from a race, the
Owner of such horse shall not be entitled to a refund of any
nomination, sustaining and/or penalty payments, entry fees,
or organization charges paid or remaining due at the time of
the declaration or scratch. In the event any race is not run,
declared off, or canceled for any reason, the Owners of such
horses that remain eligible at the time the race is declared
off or canceled shall may be entitled to a distribution of the
remaining purse or to a complete refund of all the above
payments and fees less monies specified in written race
conditions for advertising and promotion as determined by
the Stewards.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action;
approving the beginning of the permanent rulemaking process to amend
the rule as proposed, or as modified at the meeting, by authorizing
publication in The Oklahoma Register and scheduling of a Public Hearing;
or continuing the matter.
325:25-1-28, Selection of Entered Horses
Mr. Rieger proposes a rule amendment to allow racetracks and Stewards
the flexibility of using Also-Ran Lists or not as deemed necessary.
The manner of selecting post positions of horses shall be
determined by the Stewards. The selection shall be by lot
and shall be made by one of the Stewards or their designee
and a horseman, in public, at the close of entries. If the
number of entries to any race is in excess of the number of
horses which may, because of track limitations, be permitted
to start in any one (1) race, the race may be split; or four (4)
horses not drawing into the field shall may be placed on an
"also eligible" list to be drawn into the race by preference
and lot if any of the first numbers are scratched. Any horse
which has drawn a post position in a race and enters again
on the next day entries are taken, shall be termed an
"in-today" horse; and if the race overfills, the horse shall be
given no consideration whatsoever, except in stakes races.
A horse on the "also eligible" list shall not be considered as
an "in-today" horse until s/he has actually been given a post
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action;
approving the beginning of the permanent rulemaking process to amend
the rule as proposed, or as modified at the meeting, by authorizing
publication in The Oklahoma Register and scheduling of a Public Hearing;
or continuing the matter.
Report of Ad Hoc Committee on Medications
Commissioner Goumaz, as Chair of the Ad Hoc Committee on Medications, will
provide an oral report.
Proposed Amendments to Directive on Commission-Sanctioned
The Ad Hoc Committee on Medications met on December 16, 2014 and
forwarded the following recommended amendments to the Directive on
Commission-Sanctioned Thresholds for Commission consideration. Item J.1
contains the Directive on Commission-Sanctioned Thresholds with the proposed
language changes to Pages 1-2 under the List of Permitted Therapeutic
Medications section.
Proposed deletions are shown in the double
strikethrough and bold font; proposed additions are shown in the bold and
underline fonts.
Pages 1-2, List of Permitted Therapeutic Medications
Proposed changes include: (1) deleting “effective 1/1/14” for Firocoxib; (2)
showing that Clenbuterol may be used only in Thoroughbreds; and (3) adding a
footnote making it clear that Clenbuterol is a prohibited drug Quarter Horses,
Paints and Appaloosas.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Diclofenac: 5 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Firocoxib: 20 ng/ml plasma/serum effective 1/1/14.
Flunixin: 100 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Ketoprofen: 100 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Naproxen: 750 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Corticosteroid Drugs
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Dexamethasone: 1.5 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Methylprednisolone: 2 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Triamcinolone Acetonide: 1 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Other Drugs
Acepromazine: negative/LOD*.
Albuterol: 1 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Clenbuterol: 0.025 ng/ml [25 pg/ml] plasma/serum for
Thoroughbreds only**.
Dantrolene: 100 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Detomidine: negative/LOD*
DMSO: 1 ug/ml plasma/serum.
Dipyrone: 1 ug/ml plasma/serum.
Mepivacaine: negative/LOD*.
Methocarbamol: 1 ug/ml plasma/serum.
Pyrilamine: 50 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Procaine Penicillin: 25 ng/ml plasma/serum.
Salicylic Acid: 6.5 ug/ml plasma/serum.
*Plasma/Serum Level – Negative/LOD: Less than the limit of detection of the
**As of March 1, 2015, Clenbuterol will now be regarded as a prohibited
drug in Quarter Horses, Paints and Appaloosas.
If Clenbuterol is
confirmed in the sample of a Quarter Horse, Paint or Appaloosa, it will be
called a positive.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action; adopting the
recommendations, in whole or in part; deciding not to adopt the
recommendations; adopting a modified version; or continuing the matter.
Appointment of Ad Hoc Committee on Primary Equine Drug
Testing Contract
The Chair will appoint an Ad Hoc Committee on Primary Equine Drug Testing
Contract to work with Mr. Constantin Rieger, Commission Executive Director,
and Ms. Robin Helt, Commission Fiscal Administrative Officer, to develop the
criteria for an RFP [Request for Proposal] for the next Primary Equine Drug
Testing Contract. The RFP must be available January 1, 2016 for prospective
respondents since the current contract expires June 30, 2016.
Request by Oklahoma Quarter Horse Racing Association to
Change Oklahoma-Bred Funding Amounts for CY 2015 Stakes
Races at Remington Park
At the November 20, 2014 meeting, the Commission approved a total of
$772,000 in Oklahoma-Bred funding for CY 2015 stakes races at Remington
Current Consideration
In a December 8, 2014 e-mail [Item L.1], Ms. Debbie Schauf, Executive Director
of the Oklahoma Quarter Horse Racing Association, advised the Commission
that the total funding amount should be $845,000. The difference in amounts is
due to increased levels for seven (7) Quarter Horse stakes races and three (3)
Paint and Appaloosa stakes races in November, 2013 for the CY 2014 levels.
The breakdown of the affected stakes races is listed in Item L.2.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Possible Action:
Possible action may include, but is not limited to: taking no action; referring the
matter back to the Oklahoma-Bred Advisory Council for its recommendation;
approving, in whole or in part, the recommendation; amending the funding
amount; denying the funding request; or continuing the matter.
The Ad Hoc Committee on Budget and Finance met on December 4,
2014. Commissioner Kirk, as Chair, will provide an oral report. The next
meeting of this Committee is scheduled for thirty (30) minutes after the
adjournment of this meeting.
In compliance with the Commission’s June, 2013 delegation of duties, Mr.
Constantin Rieger, Commission Executive Director, reviewed and made
approval decisions for CY 2015 renewal licenses for the three
independent testing laboratories for gaming:
BMM North America, Inc. DBA BMM Compliance
Gaming Laboratories International, LLC
Nick Farley and Associates DBA Eclipse Compliance Testing
The First Session of the 55th Legislature is scheduled to begin its work on
Monday, February 2, 2015. The Legislature held an Organizational Day
on Tuesday, January 6, 2015, required by statute.
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
Any Matter Not Known About or Which Could Not Have Been
Reasonably Foreseen Prior to Posting the Agenda
The Oklahoma-Bred Advisory Council will meet on Wednesday, February
4, 2015, at the Commission’s Conference Room in Shepherd Mall.
The Commission’s next regular meeting is scheduled for February 19,
2015 to be held at Remington Park in Track North.
ADJOURNMENT .............................................................Mr. Burton, Chair
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
January 15, 2015
Oklahoma Horse Racing Commission
1/19/15 – HOLIDAY [Martin Luther King, Jr. Day]
2/4/15 – Oklahoma-Bred Advisory Council Meeting, 1:30 p.m., Commission Office [2401
N.W. 23, Suite 78, Oklahoma City]
2/5/15 – Deadline for submitting agenda topics for 2/19/15 Commission meeting
2/16/15 – HOLIDAY [Presidents’ Day]
2/19/15 – Commission Regularly Scheduled Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Remington Park, One
Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK
3/6/15 – Remington Park’s Quarter Horse, Paint and Appaloosa Race Meeting is
scheduled to begin
3/12/15 – Deadline for submitting agenda topics for 3/26/15 Commission meeting
3/16/15 – Will Rogers Downs’s Thoroughbred Race Meeting is scheduled to begin
3/26/15 – Commission Regularly Scheduled Meeting, 9:30 a.m., Remington Park, One
Remington Place, Oklahoma City, OK