Leacroft Nurseries Ltd.
Leacroft Nurseries Ltd.
Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants 10% discount 16% discount Common Name Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) (cm) Size (pb) Exotic Trees, Shrubs & Perennials Abelia 'Francis Mason' Soft pink flowers $7.65 20 2.5lit Abelia grandiflora 'Glossy Abelia' Great border plant. Pink flowers $7.65 20 2.5lit Abelia grandiflora 'Glossy Abelia' Great border plant. Pink flowers $8.20 30 2.5lit Acacia b. 'Purpurea' 'Purple Leaf Wattle' Tree with purple foliage. $10.30 60 3.5lit Acacia bailyana 'Golden Wattle' Tree with silver/blue foliage. Golden flowers. $9.25 60 3.5lit Acacia pravissima 'Alpine Wattle' Tree with drooping branches. Golden flowers. $9.25 50 3.5lit Acanthus mollis 'Bears Breeches' Shrub with mauve & white flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit $10.30 20 2.5lit Agave attenuata Soft blue/green leaves. Forms a curving trunk. Agonis 'Florist Star' Evergreen tree with masses of white flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Ajuga 'Jungle Beauty' Spreading perennial with blue flower spikes. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Alnus jorullensis 'Evergreen Alder' Fast growing tree with drooping branches. $19.95 120 18 Aloe brevifolia 'Short Leaved Aloa' Succulent with red flower spikes. $10.30 15 3.5lit Succulent with a spiral forming habit. $10.30 15 2.5lit Aloe polypylla Aloysia triphylla 'Lemon Verbena' Deciduous shrub. Lemon fragrant leaves. $8.20 40 5 Aquilegia origami 'Blue/White' Small perennial. Blue/white flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Aquilegia origami 'Red/White' Small perennial. Red/white flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Arctotis 'Brick Red' Groundcover with intense brick red flowers. $8.20 15 2.5lit Arctotis 'Cherry Silk' Groundcover with intense purple red flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Armeria 'Ballerina White' Spreading perennial with white pom-pom flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Page 1 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 10 Size (pb) 2.5lit Armeria maritima 'Sea Pink Thrift' Spreading perennial with dark pink pom-pom flowers. Artemesia arborescens 'Tree Wormwood' Fast growing shrub with silver/grey foliage. $8.20 25 2.5lit Aster 'Royal Ruby' Perennial with ruby red flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Aucuba jap. 'Crotonofolia' 'Japanese Laurel' Dense shrub with large glossy dark green leaves. $10.30 30 3.5lit Bacopa 'Snowflake' Mat-forming perennial with white flowers. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Banksia integrifolia 'Coast Banksia' Fast growing tree. Coastal tolerant. $9.25 110 3.5lit Banksia integrifolia 'Coast Banksia' Fast growing tree. Coastal tolerant. $19.95 160 18 Berberis 'Little Favourite' Ddwarf shrub with purple red foliage. Prickly stems. $8.20 15 5 Berberis thunbergii 'Atropurpurea' Shrub with bronze foliage & prickly stems. $8.20 20 5 Berberis thunbergii 'RoseyGlow' Shrub with pink/purple foliage & prickly stems. $8.20 35 2.5lit Structural plant with grey/green foliage. Pink flowers. $10.30 30 3.5lit Beschorneria yuccoides Betula pendula 'Silver Birch' Deciduous tree with attractive silver bark. $28.50 130 28 Betula pendula 'Silver Birch' Deciduous tree with attractive silver bark. $9.25 70 3.5lit Compact shrub with dark purple scented flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Boronia megastigma Brachycome multi. 'Break of Day' Spreading perennial with blue daisy flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Brachycome multi. 'Clarence Coast Gem' Spreading perennial with light blue daisy flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Spreading perennial with mauve daisy flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Brachycome multifida Buxus sempervirens 'English Box' Great for formal hedging. $7.65 25 5 Buxus sempervirens 'English Box' Great for formal hedging. $5.95 15 1.5lit Calliandra 'Blushing Pixie' 'Pom Pom Bush' Compact shrub with pink fluffy flowers. $28.50 70 28 Page 2 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $9.25 (cm) 35 Size (pb) 3.5lit Callistemon citronis 'Violet' Fast growing shrub with violet bottlebrush flowers. Callistemon 'Hannah Ray' 'Weeping Bottlebrush' hrub with a weeping habit. Red bottlebrush flowers. $10.30 30 3.5lit Callistemon 'Hannah Ray' 'Weeping Bottlebrush' Shrub with a weeping habit. Red bottlebrush flowers. $28.50 50 28 Carpet Roses $19.95 2.5lit Cassia 'John Bull' Shrub with masees of yellow buttercup flowers. $9.25 100 6.5 Ceanothus 'Blue Cushion' Low growing shrub with bright blue flowers. $8.20 s15 2.4lit Ceanothus impressus 'Santa Barbara Ceanothus' Shrub with dark blue flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Ceanothus p.'Roweanus' 'Californian Lilac' Fast growing shrub with electric blue flowers. $8.20 25 2.4lit Ceanothus p.'Roweanus' 'Californian Lilac' Fast growing shrub with electric blue flowers. $19.95 80 18 Cerastium tomentosum 'Snow In Summer' Fast growing groundcover with silver foliage & white flowers. $7.65 s10 2.5lit Chaenomales 'Yokuku' 'White Flowering Quince' Compact shrub. White flowers followed by edible fruit. $9.25 90 6.5 Chaenomales 'Yokuku' 'White Flowering Quince' Compact shrub. White flowers followed by edible fruit. $28.50 160 28 Choisya ternata 'Mexican Orange Blossom' Compact shrub with fragrant white foliage. $9.25 40 3.5lit Cistus 'Bennetts White' Fast growing shrub with pure white crepe flowers. $8.20 25 2.5lit Cistus 'Brilliancy' Fast growing shrub with rich pink flowers. $8.20 20 2.5lit Cistus 'Pink Ice' Fast growing shrub with clear pink flowers. $8.20 20 2.5lit Cistus lusitanicus 'Rock Rose' Shrub with white flowers with crimson blotches. $8.20 20 2.5lit Cistus salvifolius 'Snowmound' Compact shrub with white crepe flowers. $8.20 15 2.5lit Coleonema 'Sunset Gold' Low growing shrub with golden foliage & pink flowers. $8.20 15 2.5lit Coleonema pulchrum 'Rubrum' Dense shrub with deep pink flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Page 3 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name Convolvulus cneorum 10% discount 16% discount Notes Spreading shrub with silver foliage & white flowers. $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 15 Size (pb) 2.5lit Correa 'Dusky Bells Spreading compact shrub with carmine pink flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Correa alba 'Australian Fuchsia' Compact shrub with small white flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Spreading shrub with masses of white flowers. $9.25 40 6.5 Cotoneaster microphylla Cuphea 'Bianca' Dwarf compact shrub with masses of white flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Cuphea 'Mad Hatter' Dwarf compact shrub with masses of pink/red flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Cupressus 'Blue Ice' Cone-shaped steely blue coloured tree. $10.30 40 3.5lit Cupressus 'Totem' Upright columnar conifer. Dark green foliage. $10.30 50 3.5lit Cupressus leylandii 'Robinsons Gold' Fast growing columnar tree. Great for tall heding. $9.25 80 6.5 Cupressus semp. 'Gracilis' Conifer that forms a narrowly taperin column. $10.30 45 3.5lit Cytisus 'Ruby' 'Broom' Compact shrub with dark ruby red flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Delosperma cooperii 'Carmine Red' Succulent groundcover. Carmine red flowers. $7.65 s20 5 Dianella 'Revellation' (PVR) Clump forming flax-like plant with blue/green foliage. $10.30 35 2.5lit Dianthus 'Cheddar Pink' Prostrate plant with single pink flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Dianthus 'Chelsea' Evergreen plant with soft pink flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Dianthus 'Dad's Favourite' Evergreen plant with double white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Dianthus 'Ellerslie' Evergreen plant with bright pink flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Dianthus 'Far North' Prostrate plant with fragrant white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Dianthus 'King of Blacks' Evergreen plant with red/purple flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Dianthus 'Mrs Sinkins' Prostrate plant with white, very fragrant flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Page 4 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $10.30 (cm) 40 Size (pb) 3.5lit Dichroa vers. Hydrangea-like green foliage. Mid blue flowers. Dietes bicolor Clump forming plant. Pale yellow flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Dietes grandiflora Clump forming plant. Large white flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Dietes iridioides Clump forming. White flowers marked with yellow/violet. $7.65 30 2.5lit Echium fastuosum 'Pride of Maderia' Shrub with dramatic 30cm purple/blue flower spikes. $9.25 40 3.5lit Erica 'Silver Beads' Compact shrub with silver bell-shaped flowers. $8.20 30 2.5lit Erica 'White Delight' Compact shrub with profuse white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Erigeron 'Serenity' Compact perennial with mauve blue daisy flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Eriostemon 'Profusion' 'Wax Flower' Dwarf shrub with waxy white flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Escallonia 'Apple Blossom' Compact shrub with green foliage & pink flowers. $8.20 30 2.5lit Escallonia 'Field's Scarlet' Fast growing shrub with scarlet flowers. $9.25 30 3.5lit Escallonia 'Hopley's Gold' Dense shrub with golden foliage & pink flowers. $8.20 25 2.4lit Escallonia 'Red Elf' Great for low hedging. Red/pink flowers. $8.20 15 2.4lit Escallonia 'Red Knight' Compact shrub with small red flowers. $8.20 15 2.5lit Escallonia 'White Princess' Compact shrub with green foliage & pure white flowers. $9.25 30 3.5lit Eucalyptus leuc. 'Rosea' 'Pink Flowering Gum' Fast growing tree with attractive pink flowers. $9.25 100 3.5lit Eugenia ventinati 'Lily Pilly' Great for hedging. Fast growing shrub. Fragrant flowers. $10.30 60 3.5lit Euonymus 'Emerald Gem' Great for heding. Dark green foliage. $7.65 25 2.5lit Euphorbia 'Chameleon' Deciduous low growing perennial. Wine red foliage. $8.20 30 2.5lit Euphorbia 'Fens Ruby' Deciduous perennial with yellow flowers in spring. $7.65 10 5 Page 5 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 20 Size (pb) 2.5lit Euryops 'Little Sunray' Compact shrub with masses of yellow flowers. Euryops pectinatus 'Paris Daisy' Compact shrub with yellow daisy flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Fatsia japonica 'Japanese Aralia' Shrub with large glossy tropical foliage. $8.20 30 2.5lit Felicia amelloides 'Blue Jay' Small shrub with intense blue flowers & yellow centres. $7.65 25 2.5lit Fig 'Brown Turkey' Deciduous tree with brown to purple skinned fruit. $10.30 40 3.5lit Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Deciduous shrub with intense yellow flowers. $38.95 140 40 Forsythia 'Lynwood Gold' Deciduous shrub with intense yellow flowers. $28.50 100 28 Forsythia intermedia 'Variegata' Deciduous, upright shrub with variegated foliage. $10.30 40 6.5 Fraxinus griffithii 'Evergreen Ash' Evergreen fast growing tree with unusual foliage. $9.25 100 6.5 Fraxinus griffithii 'Evergreen Ash' Evergreen fast growing tree with unusual foliage. $19.95 120 18 Fraxinus raywoodii 'Claret Ash' Deciduous tree with purple foliage in autumn. $45.00 220 40 Fuchsia 'Candy Bells' Compact miniature fuchsia. Scarlet/purple flowers. $8.20 15 2.5lit Fuchsia 'Tricolor' Arching shrub with variegated foliage. $8.20 15 2.5lit Rosette forming succulent $10.30 50 3.5lit $10.30 50 6.5 Furcraea beddinghousia Gardenia 'Florida' Evergreen shrub with scented white flowers. Gazanaia 'Golden Flame' Spreading perennial with golden flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Gazania 'Kiss White' Spreading perennial with bright white flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Gazania 'Yellow Kiss' Spreading perennial with bright yellow flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Gingko 'Jade Butterflies' Miniature gingko. Leaves shaped like butterflies. $45.00 150 40 Gingko 'Jade Butterflies' Miniature gingko. Leaves shaped like butterflies. $38.95 120 28 Page 6 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Grevillea Common Name 'White Wings' Helichrysum petiolare 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag Spreading shrub. Masses of white flowers. (GST incl) $9.25 (cm) s30 Size (pb) 3.5lit Fast growing shrub forming mounds of trailing branches. $7.65 25 2.5lit Helipterum 'Paper baby' Fast growing perennial. Paper white flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Helleborus orientalis 'Oriental Winter Rose' Clump forming perennial. White/pink/mauve flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Hemerocallis 'Stella Bella' Clump forming daylily. Gold flowers. $8.20 25 2.5lit Heuchera 'Chocolate Ruffles' Clump forming plant. Chocolate brown foliage. $10.30 s20 3.5lit Heuchera 'Palace Purple' Clump forming plant. Red-purple foliage. $10.30 20 3.5lit Hosta 'Dew Drop' Deciduous perennial. Green leaves & white margins. $10.30 15 3.5lit Hosta 'Kiwi Skyscarper' Deciduous. Blue green leaves. Lavender flowers. $10.30 25 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Birgit Blue' Deciduous. Sky blue or deep pink mophead flowers. $9.25 45 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Blaumeise' Deciduous. Rich blue or pink lacecap flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Blue Wave' Deciduous. Blue or pink lacecap flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Geoffrey Chadburn' Deciduous. Red/purple or bright rose flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Hamburg' Deciduous. Bright pink or deep red mophead flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Lacecap' Deciduous. Dark blue or dark pink lacecap flowers. $15.95 40 18 Hydrangea 'Libelle' Deciduous. Pure white lacecap flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Nightingale' Deciduous. Deep pink or blue large lacecap flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Preziosa' Deciduous. Pink or blue small lacecap flowers. $9.25 40 6.5 Hydrangea 'Princess Juliana' Deciduous. White mophead flowers turning pink or red. $9.25 30 3.5lit Hydrangea 'Sabrina' Deciduous. Red edged, white mophead flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Page 7 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $9.25 (cm) 40 Size (pb) 6.5 Hydrangea 'Sensation' Deciduous. White edged, pink or blue mophead flowers. Hydrangea 'White Wave' Deciduous. White lacecap flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Deciduous. Variegated leaves. Pink or blue flowers. $9.25 40 6.5 Hydrangea maculata Hydrangea paniculata 'Kyushu' Deciduous. White flowers turning pink/purple. $9.25 25 3.5lit Hypericim hidcote 'Sungold' Dwarf shrub. Masses of small yellow flowers. $8.20 25 2.5lit Ilex 'Sky Pencil' Tight columnar shrub. Very compact & formal. $10.30 35 6.5 Juniper 'Skyrocket' 'Pencil Cedar' Fast growing slender conifer. Blue/grey foliage. $10.30 90 6.5 Juniper 'Skyrocket' 'Pencil Cedar' Fast growing slender conifer. Blue/grey foliage. $28.50 130 28 Juniperus 'Blue Cloud' Low growing conifer with blue/grey foliage. $9.25 40 6.5 Kniphofia 'Little Maid' 'Dwarf Yellow Red Hot Poker' Clump forming with yellow flower spikes. $7.65 30 2.5lit Kniphofia 'New English ' 'Dwarf Red Hot Poker' Clump forming with red flower spikes fading to yellow. $7.65 10 5 Lantana 'White Lightning' Creeping herb with cascading veil of white flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Lavander 'Munstead' Compact shrub with masses of purple fragrant flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Lavandula 'Major' Upright shrub with deep purple fragrant flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Lavandula 'Pacific Blue' English lavender with vibrant blue flower heads. $7.65 20 2.5lit Lavandula 'Violet Intrique' PVR English lavender with violet blue flower heads. $7.65 25 2.5lit Lavandula dentata 'French Lavender' French lavender with fragrant, blue flowers. $8.20 20 2.5lit Lavandula 'Super' syn: Arabian Nights Compact shrub with fragrant flowers of deep violet. $7.65 20 2.5lit Leonotis leonurus 'Lion's Tail' Shrub with orange flowers resembling a lions tail. $9.25 30 3.5lit Leptospermum 'Coppersheen' Fast growing shrub with bronze foliage & white flowers. $19.95 80 18 Page 8 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 50 Size (pb) 2.5lit $19.95 120 18 Leptospermum 'Coppersheen' Fast growing shrub with bronze foliage & white flowers. Liquidambar styraciflua 'American Sweet Gum' Deciduous, pyramidal tree. Foliage turns red in autumn. Liriope 'Moonbeam' Clump forming perennial. Purple flower spikes. $7.65 25 2.5lit Lithodora 'Grace Ward' Prostrate ground coverwith cobalt blue flowers. $8.20 15 2.5lit Lobelia 'Queen Victoria' Deciduous perennial with purple foliage & red flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Lonicera nitida 'Box Honeysuckle' Great for low hedges. White fragrant flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Lonicera nitida 'Aurea' 'Golden Box Honeysuckle' Great for low hedges. Golden foliage. $7.65 15 2.5lit Loropetalum 'Rubra' Attractive shrub with bronze foliage & red flowers. $8.20 s30 2.5lit $19.95 80 12 $7.65 s15 2.5lit Magnolia seiboldii Deciduous tree with white fragrant flowers. Mesembryanthemum Mauve' Compact groundcover with small jellybean leaves. Michelia 'All Spice' Small tree bearing large fragrant cream flowers. $10.30 45 3.5lit Michelia 'Mixed Up Miss' Shrub with fragrant white edged pink flowers. $10.30 60 3.5lit Michelia doltsopa Small tree with white scented flowers. $10.30 60 3.5lit Michelia yunnanense Shrub with deep green foliage & white fragrant flowers. $10.30 50 3.5lit Nandina 'Firepower' Dwarf shrub with green foliage turning red in autumn. $10.30 30 3.5lit Nandina domestica 'Pygmaea' Compact dwarf shrub. Green/purple/crimson foliage. $9.25 20 3.5lit Nepeta 'Six Hills Giant' Upright perennial with aromatic grey/green foliage. $7.65 20 2.5lit Osteospermum 'Burgandy Star' Compact plant with masses of burgandy flowers. $7.65 35 2.5lit Osteospermum 'Purple' Compact plant with masses of purple flowers. $7.65 s15 2.5lit Osteospermum 'Starry Eyes' Compact plant with masses of white flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Page 9 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Osteospermum Common Name 'White Ice' Pachysandra terminalis 10% discount 16% discount Notes Compact plant with masses of pure white flowers. $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 15 Size (pb) 2.5lit Creeping perennial with small white flowers. $7.65 s15 2.5lit Pelargonium 'Attar of Roses' Perennial with pink flowers. Rose scented foliage. $8.20 20 2.5lit Penstemon 'Blackbird' Perennial with burgandy flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Penstemon 'Etna' Compact perennial with red flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Penstemon 'Susan' Perennial with pink trumpet flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Deciduous shrub with cream/white flowers. $10.30 40 6.5 Philadelphis coronarius Philadelphus 'Virginal' Deciduous shrub with white fragrant double flowers. $10.30 40 2.5lit Philadelphus 'Birchlands' 'Mock Orange' Deciduous shrub with orange scented white flowers. $10.30 50 6.5 Phoenix canariensis 'Phoenix Palm' Large growing palm tree. $10.30 60 6.5 Phoenix roebellini 'Pygmy Date Palm' Dwarf palm, slow growing. $10.30 30 6.5 Photinia 'Red Robin' Fantastic for hedges. Red new growth. $9.25 45 3.5lit Picea glauca 'Conica' Dwarf alberta spruce. $10.30 35 3.5lit Pieris jap. 'Tickled Pink' 'Lily of the Valley Shrub' Slow growing shrub with lily-of-the-valley flowers. $10.30 30 3.5lit Pieris 'Temple Bells' 'Lily of the Valley Shrub' Shrub with orange new growth & cream flowers. $10.30 20 3.5lit Pyracantha 'Brilliant' Vigorous thorny shrub with white flowers. $19.95 60 18 Pyracantha 'Orange Glow' Vigorous thorny shrub with orange/red berries. $7.65 30 2.5lit Pyracantha 'Tiny Tim' Dense rounded bush with tiny white flowers. $8.20 25 2.4lit Quercus palustris 'Pin Oak' Deciduous tree with scarlet autumn colours. $28.50 150 18 Rhaphiolepis umbellata 'Indian Hawthorne' Bush with leathery green leaves. White fragrant flowers. $9.25 40 3.5lit Page 10 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $9.25 (cm) 40 Size (pb) 3.5lit Rhubarb 'Victoria' Deciduous perennial with edible stalks Rosmarinus 'Blue Lagoon' Prostrate shrub with rich blue flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Rosmarinus offic. 'Lockwood de Forest' Prostrate shrub with bright blue flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Spreading groundcover with edible red fruit. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Rubus pentalobus Sagina aureus 'Golden Irish Moss' Dense soreading moss like plant. Golden colour. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Salvia 'Indigo Spires' E/green perennial with dark violet flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Herbaceous perennial with large flower spikes $7.65 30 2.5lit Perennial with pineapple scented leaves. $7.65 40 2.5lit Perennial with bright blue flowers in summer. $7.65 30 2.5lit Compact shrub with lush green foliage. Yellow flowers. $8.20 15 2.5lit Spreading plant. Stunning feature in a rockery. $7.65 s15 2.5lit Salvia confertiflora Salvia elegans 'Pineapple Sage' Salvia uglinosa Santolina 'Lime Fizz' Sedum cristata Sedum mexicana 'Acapulco Gold' Succulent groundcover with bright yellow foliage. $8.20 s25 2.5lit Sisyrinchium 'Devon Skies' Clump forming perennial with green foliage & blue flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Stachys byzantina 'Lambs Ears' Mat forming plant with slivery, wooly leaves. $7.65 15 2.5lit Teucrium fruiticans 'Silver Germander' Great for low hedging. Silver foliage & blue flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Thuja occidentalis 'Pyramidalis' Narrow pyramidal conifer. $10.30 60 6.5 Thymus 'Woolly' Spreading plant with tiny purple flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Thymus citriodorus 'Lemon Thyme' Fast growing, aromatic foliage. $7.65 15 2.5lit Tibochina 'Carol Lynn' Fast growing shrub with purple flowers & white stamens. $10.30 40 3.5lit Verbena 'Merci' Prostrate perennial with deep burgandy mauve flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Page 11 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) s20 Size (pb) 2.5lit $7.65 15 2.5lit Shrub with very fragrant white flowers. $10.30 40 3.5lit $10.30 30 3.25lit Verbena tenuisecta 'Moss Verbena' Prostrate plant with masses of intense purple flowers. Veronica 'Oxford Blue' Fast growing groundcover with masses of blue flowers. Viburnum burkwoodii Viburnum davidii 'Female' Produces blue berries when a male plant is present. Viburnum davidii 'Male' Shrub with thick leathery leaves & white flowers. $9.25 30 3.5lit Viburnum tinus 'Emerald Beauty' Shrub with white flowers followed by blue berries. $9.25 40 3.5lit Viburnum tinus 'Eve Price' Shrub with white flowers followed by blue berries. $9.25 30 3.5lit Vinca 'Gertrude Jekyll' Great groundcover with silky white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Vinca 'Illumination' Groundcover with green/gold leaves & blue flowers. $7.65 s30 2.5lit Vinca minor 'Blue' Groundcover with lush green foliage & blue flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Great groundcover with variegated foliage. $7.65 15 2.5lit Vinca variegata Viola 'English Blue' Groundcover with masses of deep blue flowers. $7.65 10 2.5lit Weigela florida 'Variegata' 'Apple Blossom' Arching shrub with pink flowers in spring. $9.25 30 3.5lit Westringia 'Aussie Box PVR' Great for small hedges, mauve flowers. $8.20 25 2.5lit Westringia 'Grey Box PVR' Great for small hedges, white flowers. $8.20 20 2.5lit Westringia 'Mundi PVR' Great for small hedges, white flowers. Low maintenance. $8.20 20 2.5lit Westringia brev. 'Highlight' Great for small hedges, variegated foliage. $8.20 25 2.4lit Westringia fruticosa 'Coast Rosemary' Compact shrub with white flowers in summer. $7.65 30 2.5lit Blue groundcover. $7.65 s25 2.5lit Native Trees, Shrubs & Perennials Acaena caesa glauca 'Blue Bididi' Page 12 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) s20 Size (pb) 5 $7.65 s20 2.5lit $10.30 70 3.5lit Acaena microphylla 'Bidibidi' Green, fast growing groundcover. Acaena purpurea 'Purple Bidibidi' Purple, fast growing groundcover. Agathis australis 'Kauri' Tree with bronze foliage. Alectryon excelsus 'Titoki' Great specimen tree. $8.20 40 2.4lit Aristotelia serrata 'Wineberry/Makomako' Fast growing tree with attractive foliage. $9.25 100 3.5lit Arthropodium 'Matapouri Bay' Clump forming native lily. White flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Arthropodium 'Parnell' 'Renga Renga Lily' Smaller growing. Clump forming native lily. $7.65 25 2.5lit Green/silver foliage. Flax like leaves. $10.30 40 3.5lit Astelia chathamica Astelia nervosa 'Westland' Red/bronze foliage. Flax like leaves. $10.30 30 2.5lit Brachyglottis greyii 'Daisy Bush' Compact shrub. Grey foliage with yellow flowers. $15.95 50 18 Brachyglottis greyii 'Otari Cloud' Comapct shrub with silver/green foliage. Yellow flowers. $8.20 25 2.5lit Prostrate shrub with attractive marble coloured foliage. $7.65 15 2.5lit Carpodetus prostrata Carpodetus serratus 'Putaputaweta' Small tree with attractive marble coloured foliage. $28.50 110 28 Carpodetus serratus 'Putaputaweta' Small tree with attractive marble coloured foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Coprosma 'Beatsons Gold' Compact shrub with yellow/green foliage. $7.65 30 2.5lit Coprosma 'Black Cloud' Compact shrub with chocolate brown foliage. $7.65 20 2.5lit Coprosma 'Cunninghamii' Fast growing, very hardy shrub for a difficult site. $7.65 50 2.5lit Coprosma 'Flat Freddy' Groundcover with pale bronze foliage. $7.65 s20 5 Coprosma 'Glistener' Fast growing shrub with pruple/red foliage. $15.95 50 18 Coprosma 'Glistener' Fast growing shrub with pruple/red foliage. $9.25 35 6.5 Page 13 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $19.95 (cm) 60 Size (pb) 18 Coprosma 'Laurie Metcalf' Hardy upright small leaved shrub. Coprosma 'Lobster' Shrub with distinctive red foliage. $9.25 35 6.5 Coprosma 'Lobster' Shrub with distinctive red foliage. $19.95 45 18 Coprosma 'Silver Queen' Shrub with attractive variegated foliage. $8.20 25 2.5lit Coprosma 'Yvonne' Fast growing shrub with bronze/black foliage $9.25 25 2.5lit Coprosma acer. 'Hawera' Dense groundcover with small dark green foliage. $7.65 s15 2.5lit Coprosma acer. 'Red Rocks' Dense groundcover with small reddish foliage. $7.65 S20 2.5lit Coprosma acer. 'Taiko' Dense groundcover with dark green foliage. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Coprosma acerosa Dense groundcover with olive green foliage. $7.65 s20 5 Coprosma kirkii Dense groundcover with fantastic green foliage. $7.65 s25 2.5lit Coprosma kirkii 'Variegata' Dense grouncover with variegated foliage. $7.65 s25 2.5lit Coprosma lucida 'Shinning Karamu' Small tree with shiny leathery leaves. $7.65 60 5 Coprosma propinqua 'Mingimingi' Small growing shrub with blue/white berries. $7.65 30 2.5lit Coprosma repens 'Tauputa' 'Mirror Plant' Fast growing shrub with glossy green foliage. $7.65 30 2.5lit Coprosma robusta 'Karamu' Great for difficult sites $7.65 40 2.5lit Shrub with small golden brown leaves. $8.20 30 5 Coprosma virescens Cordyline 'Green Goddess' Small tree with bright green tropical looking foliage. $12.95 40 3.5lit Cordyline 'Midnight Star' Multi branched tree with attractive bronze foliage. $10.30 50 3.5lit Cordyline 'Renegade' One of the darkest growing Cordylines. $10.30 30 2.5lit Architectural tree with variegated foliage. $12.95 50 3.5lit Cordyline albertii Page 14 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 40 Size (pb) 2.5lit Cordyline australis 'Cabbage Tree/Te Kouka' Fast growing multi branched tree. Corokia 'Bronze King' Hedging plant with glossy bronze foliage. $7.65 30 2.5lit Corokia 'Emerald & Jade' Hedging plant with mid green foliage. $7.65 30 2.5lit Corokia 'Geentys Green' Hedging plant with grey/green foliage. $8.20 30 2.5lit Corokia 'Mangatangi' Hedging plant with misty silver/green foliage. $9.25 40 3.5lit Corokia 'Old Parliament' Hedging plant with green/silver narrow foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Corokia 'Pip Squeak' Smaller growing. Compact bushy habit. $10.30 35 2.5lit Corokia 'Red Wonder' Hedging plant with Silver/green foliage. Red berries. $7.65 40 2.5lit Corokia 'Sun Splash' Hedging plant with creamy yellow foliage. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hedging plant with dark green leaves. Yellow flowers. $7.65 40 2.5lit Corokia cheesmanii Corokia macrocarpa 'Hokotaka' Hedging plant with large silver/green leaves. $9.25 40 3.5lit Corynocarpus laevigatus 'Karaka' Tree with large green foliage. Coastal hardy. $9.25 70 3.5lit Dacrydium cupressinum 'Rimu' Graceful slow growing tree. Green foliage. $28.50 160 28 Dacrydium cupressinum 'Rimu' Graceful slow growing tree. Green foliage. $9.25 50 3.5lit Disphyma australe 'Maori Ice Plant' Spreading succulent with pink flowers. $7.65 s15 2.5lit Dodonaea vis. 'Purpurea' 'Purple Akeake' Fast growing tree with purple foliage. $19.95 130 18 Dodonaea vis. 'Purpurea' 'Purple Akeake' Fast growing tree with purple foliage. $38.95 170 40 Dodonaea viscosa 'Akeake' Fast growing tree with green foliage. $19.95 120 18 Dysoxylum spectabile 'Kohekohe' Rounded tree with glossy green foliage. $9.25 45 3.5lit Evergreen coastal plant. Blue/grey foliage. $7.65 25 2.5lit Euphorbia glauca Page 15 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Fuchsia procumbens Common Name 'Shore Fuchsia' 10% discount 16% discount Notes Ground cover with red berries. $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) s20 Size (pb) 2.5lit Griselinia littoralis Great hedging plant. Attractive light green foliage. $9.25 55 6.5 Griselinia littoralis Great hedging plant. Attractive light green foliage. $8.20 40 5 Griselinia littoralis 'Broadway Mint' Great hedging plant. Bright green foliage. $7.65 45 2.5lit Griselinia littoralis 'Broadway Mint' Great hedging plant. Bright green foliage. $28.50 90 28 Griselinia littoralis 'Broadway Mint' Great hedging plant. Bright green foliage. $38.95 120 40 Griselinia littoralis 'Canterbury' Great hedging plant. Green foliage with red stems. $8.20 40 2.5lit Groundcover with red berries $7.65 s30 5 Gunnera prorepens Hebe 'Blue Gem' Green foliage & masses of blue flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe 'Champagne' Purple/green foliage & masses of white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Hebe 'Emerald Gem' Dwarf alpine hebe. Dark green foliage. $7.65 15 2.5lit Hebe 'First Light PVR' Hebe with olive green foliage & bronze new growth. $10.30 15 2.5lit Hebe 'Flame' Green foliage tinged red. Magenta red flowers. $10.30 25 2.5lit Hebe 'Garden Beauty' Compact shrub. Masses of lilac flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe 'Icing Sugar' Compact shrub. Flowers open pink then fade to white. $9.25 35 6.5 Hebe 'Icing Sugar' Compact shrub. Flowers open pink then fade to white. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe 'La Seduisante' Shrub with green/purple leaves. Magenta flowers. $9.25 35 3.5lit Hebe 'Lavender Lace' Shrub with pale lavender flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe 'Mary Antoinette' Shrub with attractive new growth. Purple flowers. $9.25 40 6.5 Hebe 'Otari Delight' Fast growing shrub with pale lavender flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Page 16 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $8.20 (cm) 25 Size (pb) 5 Hebe 'Red Edge' Mound forming shrub. Foliage edged red. Hebe 'Sapphire' Fast growing shrub. Foliage turns bronze in winter. $7.65 35 2.5lit Hebe 'Tiny Tim' Compact shrub, forms a tidy compact ball shape. $7.65 20 5 Hebe 'Totora Blue' Neat, compact shrub. Masses of rose-purple flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe 'Urvilleana' Shrub with white flowers & oval foliage. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe 'Waireka' Compact shrub with variegated foliage. $7.65 20 2.5lit Hebe 'Wairua Beauty' Fast growing, compact shrub. Lilac flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe 'Wiri Splash' Compact shrub. Masses of lilac flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Hebe albicans Compact, spreading shrub. Attractive grey foliage. $7.65 35 5 Hebe diosmifolia Fast growing shrub, bright green foliage. $7.65 20 2.5lit Hebe diosmifolia 'Major' Fast growing shrub with long narrow foliage. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe diosmifolia 'Mauve' Fast growing shrub with masses of mauve flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe elliptica 'Cape Foulwind' Shrub with white flowers & cobalt blue throat. $9.25 40 6.5 Shrub with an attractive compact shape. $7.65 20 2.5lit Hebe evenosa Hebe odora 'Prostrata' Groundcover with green foliage & white flowers. $7.65 s25 2.5lit Hebe odora syn: 'Buxifolia' Compact ball shaped shrub with white flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Hebe pinguifolia 'Sutherlandii' Compact shrub with grey/green foliage & white flowers. $7.65 25 5 Compact shrub laden with attractive white flowers. $7.65 20 5 Hebe recurva Hebe speciosa 'Magenta' Fast growing shrub with large magenta flowers. $8.20 35 2.5lit Hebe speciosa 'Port Waikato' Fast growing rounded shrub with blue flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Page 17 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 25 Size (pb) 2.5lit Hebe stricta 'Koromiko' Fast growing shrub great for revegetation. Hebe stricta 'Koromikoi' Fast growing shrub great for revegetation. $5.95 20 1.5lit Small shrub that forms a ball shape. $7.65 30 2.5lit Hebe topiaria Kunzea ericoides 'Kanuka' Bushy tree. Small white flowers. $7.65 50 2.5lit Leptinella 'Platts Black' Creeping herb with mauve & green fern like foliage. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Crimson Glory' Shrub with bronze foliage & large crimson flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Electric Red PVR' Vigorous shrub with masses of red flowers. $8.20 20 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Huia' Compact shrub with masses of pink/red flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Mahinepua' Prostrate manuka with green foliage & white flowers. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Mercury Island' Prostrate manuka with masses of large white flowers. $8.20 s20 2.4lit Leptospermum 'Pink Cascade' Protrate manuka with masses of pink flowers. $7.65 s30 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Princess Anne' Manuka with white flowers and maroon centres. $7.65 20 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Tui' Compact ball shaped manuka. Single white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Wiri Joan' Vigorous dense shrub. Masses of cerise flowers. $8.20 15 2.5lit Leptospermum 'Wiri Linda' Vigorous dense shrub. Masses of double white flowers. $8.20 30 2.5lit Leptospermum nan. 'Kea' Dwarf manuka with single pink flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Leptospermum scoparium 'Manuka' Bushy small tree. Masses of white flowers. $7.65 40 2.5lit Linum monogynum 'Rauhuia' Small perennial with masses of pure white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Lophomyrtus 'Kathryn' Shrub with attractive red/purple foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Lophomyrtus 'Red Dragon' Compact shrub with vibrant red foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Page 18 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Macropiper psittacorum Common Name 'Glossy Kawakawa' 10% discount 16% discount Notes Lush small tree. Large shiny leaves. $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $9.25 (cm) 40 Size (pb) 3.5lit Mazus novae zelandae Spreading ground cover with mauve flowers. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Mazus radicans Spreading ground cover with white flowers. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Melicytus crassifolius Low growing shrub. Masses of white berries. $15.95 40 18 Melicytus obovatus Shrub with glossy green foliage & small white flowers. $7.65 25 2.5lit Melicytus ramiflorus 'Whitey Wood'/'Mahoe' Small tree with a white trunk. Purple berries. $7.65 45 2.5lit Meryta sinclairii 'Puka' Tropical looking tree with large green foliage. $10.30 60 3.5lit Metrosideros 'Maori Princess' Compact tree with deep crimson flowers. $9.25 60 3.5lit Metrosideros 'Mistral' Pohutakawa & Rata Hybrid. Deep scarlet flowers. $9.25 50 3.5lit Metrosideros 'Scarlet Pimpernel' Small growing pohutakawa. Scarlet flowers. $9.25 45 3.5lit Metrosideros carminea 'Rata' Climbing rata. Carmine flowers in summer. $7.65 s15 2.5lit Metrosideros robusta 'Northern Rata' Medium sized tree with crimson flowers. $7.65 30 2.5lit Metrosideros umbellata 'Southern Rata' Small tree with scarlet flowers. $8.20 40 5 $19.95 50 18 Muehlenbeckia astonii Divaricating shrub with attractive foliage. Coastal hardy. Muehlenbeckia axillaris Prostrate shrub with small foliage. Mat forming. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Muehlenbeckia complexa 'Puhuehue' Compact mat forming groundcover. Coastal hardy. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Myoporum decumbens 'Prostrate Ngaio' Low growing shrub with thick green leaves. $7.65 30 2.5lit Myoporum laetum 'Ngaio' Fast growing small tree. Very hardy. $7.65 40 2.5lit Myoporum laetum 'Purpurea' Fast growing small tree. Purple/green foliage. $28.50 140 28 Myosotidium hortensia 'Chatham Is. Forget me not' Blue/purple flowers. Bright green foliage $8.20 30 2.5lit Page 19 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes Myrsine australis 'Matipo' Small tree with reddish branches. Myrsine divaricata 'Weeping Matipo' Weeping shrub with divaricating habit. $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 50 Size (pb) 2.5lit $8.20 35 2.5lit Myrsine salicina Small tree. Fantastic as a specimen. $28.50 150 28 Myrsine salicina Small tree. Fantastic as a specimen. $7.65 40 2.5lit Olearia albida 'Tanguru' Fast growing small tree with green/grey foliage. $7.65 45 2.5lit Olearia odorata 'Scented Tree Daisy' Fast growing shrub with scented small white flowers. $7.65 50 5 Olearia paniculata 'Akiraho' Small tree with white flowers. Great for hedging. $7.65 50 5 Olearia traversii 'Chatham Is. Akeake' Fast growing hedging plant. Very hardy. $19.95 70 18 Olearia traversii 'Chatham Is. Akeake' Fast growing hedging plant. Very hardy. $9.25 60 6.5 Olearia traversii 'Chatham Is. Akeake' Fast growing hedging plant. Very hardy. $28.50 100 28 Olearia virgata 'Tree Daisy' Fast growing shrub with small foliage. $7.65 80 5 Pennantia corymbosa 'Kaikomako' Small tree with divaricating branches. $9.25 40 3.5lit Pennantia corymbosa 'Kaikomako' Small tree with divaricating branches. $28.50 100 28 Pimelia aridula 'Cook Strait' Compact low growing shrub. Fragrant white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Pimelia prostrata 'Blue Peter' Mat forming plant. Blue foliage & white flowers. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Pittosporum 'Golden Ball' PVR Ball shaped shrub. Golden foliage. $13.95 20 2.5lit Pittosporum 'Golfball' PVR Ball shaped shrub. Green foliage. $13.95 25 3.5lit Pittosporum 'Midget' Rounded compact shrub. Green foliage. $8.20 25 2.5lit Pittosporum 'Oliver Twist' Small tree with silver/green leaves. $8.20 35 2.5lit Pittosporum 'Silver Ball' PVR Ball shaped shrub. Silver foliage. $13.95 20 2.5lit Page 20 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants 10% discount 16% discount Common Name Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $8.20 (cm) 35 Size (pb) 2.5lit Pittosporum 'Silver Sheen' Fast growing small tree with small silver/green foliage. Pittosporum 'Wai-iti' Fast growing small tree with olive/green foliage. $8.20 40 2.5lit Pittosporum 'Wrinkle Blue' Fast growing small tree with wrinkled silver/blue foliage. $8.20 45 2.5lit Pittosporum eugenoides 'Lemonwood' 'Tarata' Fast growing tree with green/yellow foliage. Very hardy. $19.95 110 18 Pittosporum eugenoides 'Lemonwood' 'Tarata' Fast growing tree with green/yellow foliage.Very hardy. $7.65 70 2.5lit Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Kohuhu' Fast growing tree with lush small green/white foliage. $7.65 45 2.5lit Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Kohuhu' Fast growing tree with lush small green/white foliage. $28.50 100 28 Deciduous fast growing shrub. Divaricating habit. $7.65 35 2.5lit Plagianthus divaricatus Plagianthus regius 'Ribbonwood' Fast growing deciduous tree with interlacing branches. $7.65 45 2.5lit Podocarpus totara 'Aurea' 'Golden Totara' Large tree with golden foliage. $9.25 65 3.5lit Pseudopanax 'Cyril Watson' Shrub with bold lobed foliage & upright habit. $10.30 40 3.5lit Pseudopanax 'Dreamtime' Shrub with coarsely serrated leathery purple leaves. $10.30 30 3.5lit Pseudopanax 'Gold Splash' Multi branched shrub with variegated foliage. $10.30 40 3.5lit Pseudopanax arboreus 'Five Finger' Small tree with green leaves. Fruits attractive to birds. $7.65 45 2.5lit Pseudopanax crassifolius 'Lancewood' 'Horoeka' Medium sized tree. Very distinctive juvenile form. $10.30 50 3.5lit Pseudowintera colorata 'Horopito' 'Peppertree' Shrub with yellowish green foliage flushed red/pink. $10.30 40 2.5lit Rhopalostylis sapida 'Nikau' Slow growing palm tree. $10.30 45 3.5lit Scleranthus biflorus Moss like plant which spreads over stones or bark. $7.65 s10 2.5lit Scleranthus uniflorus Moss like plant which spreads over stones or bark. $7.65 s10 2.5lit Dwarf Kowhai. $7.65 35 2.5lit Sophora 'Dragons Gold' Page 21 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants 10% discount 16% discount Common Name Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $9.25 (cm) 50 Size (pb) 3.5lit Sophora chathamica 'Coastal Kowhai' Medium sized Kowhai. Sophora microphylla 'South Is. Kowhai' Large Kowhai. $19.95 120 18 Sophora microphylla 'South Is. Kowhai' Large Kowhai. $7.65 65 2.5lit Sophora prostrata 'Prostrate Kowhai' Prostrate Kowhai. $10.30 30 2.5lit Sophora tetraptera 'Kowhai' Large Kowhai. $9.25 60 3.5lit Sophora tetraptera 'Kowhai' Large Kowhai. $19.95 160 18 Vitex lucens 'Puriri' Tree with lush green foliage. Flowers attractive to birds. $10.30 80 3.5lit Weinmannia racemosa 'Kamahi' Tree with green foliage bronzing in winter. $7.65 40 2.5lit Ficus pumila 'Climbing Fig' Evergreen very popular climber. $8.20 s20 2.4lit Ficus stipulata 'Creeping Fig' Evergreen climber with olive green leaves. $8.20 20 2.5lit Hedera 'Diamond Point' Fast growing groundcover or climber. Small foliage. $7.65 s20 2.5lit Pandorea 'Ruby Heart' 'Wonga Wonga Vine' Vigorous climber with masses of cream flowers. $10.30 70 3.5lit Pandorea jasminoides 'Rosea Superba' Vigorous climber with large pink flowers. $10.30 70 3.5lit Parsonsia heterophylla 'NZ Jasmine' Native climbing jasmine with white fragrant flowers. $10.30 70 3.5lit Parthenocissus quinquefolia 'Virginian Creeper' Deciduous creeper. Orange & scarlet flowers in autumn. $10.30 60 3.5lit Passiflora edulis 'Purple Passionfruit' Fast growing climber with large edible purple fruit. $10.30 50 3.5lit Podranea ricasoliana 'Port St John Creeper' Evergreen climber with attractive large pink flowers. $9.25 35 3.5lit $10.30 50 3.5lit $7.65 30 2.5lit Climbers Tecomanthe speciosa Trachelospermum Climber with lush green leaves and white flowers. 'Star Jasmine' Climber with very fragrant white flowers. Page 22 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants 10% discount 16% discount Common Name Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $19.95 (cm) 150 Size (pb) 18 Vitis 'Niagra' 'Grape' Vine with white, very sweet fruit. Wisteria 'Snow Showers' Deciduous climber with 45cm white flowers. $28.50 100 12 Asplenium bulbiferum 'Hen & Chicken Fern' Low growing attractive fern. $10.30 30 3.5lit Asplenium oblongifolium 'Shining Spleenwort ' Low growing attractive fern. $10.30 30 3.5lit Blechnum discolor 'Crown Fern/Piupiu' Low growing fern with symmetrical ladder like foliage. $10.30 30 3.5lit Blechnum gibbum 'Silver Lady' Dwarf tree fern. Can grow indoors. $10.30 30 3.5lit Cyathea dealbata 'Silver Fern/Ponga' Tree fern with silver undersides. $10.30 40 3.5lit Cyathea medullaris 'Black Tree Fern' Fast growing large tree fern. $10.30 40 3.5lit Cyathea medullaris 'Black Tree Fern' Fast growing large tree fern. $38.95 140 40 Cyathea smithii 'Soft Tree Fern' 'Whe' Fast growing tree fern. $10.30 50 3.5lit Aciphylla squarrosa 'Wild Spaniard' Great specimen plant. Needle like foliage. $7.65 20 2.5lit Agapanthus 'Purple Cloud' Purple flowers. $8.20 35 2.5lit Agapanthus 'Sea Foam' Pure white flowers. $8.20 25 2.5lit Agapanthus 'Silver Baby' White flowers with a hint of blue. $7.65 20 2.5lit Agapanthus 'Snowball' White snowball like flowers. $8.20 10 5 Anemanthele lessoniana 'Grossamer Grass' Orange/green clump forming grass. $7.65 40 2.5lit Apodasmia similis 'Oioi' Blue/green rush. $7.65 60 2.5lit Ferns Grasses & Flaxes Page 23 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $10.30 (cm) 50 Size (pb) 2.5lit Bamboo 'Wang Tsai' Great specimen Bamboo Carex 'Taupo Bronze Warrior' Grass with attractive bronze foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Erect grass with rich reddish brown foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Carex buchananii Carex comans 'Frosted Curls' Arching grass with frosted green foliage. $7.65 30 2.5lit Carex flagillifera 'Green Form' Arching grass with green/bronze foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Carex morrowii 'Evergold' Compact grass with yellow & green foliage. $7.65 30 2.5lit Carex secta 'Pukio' Vigorous grass with bright green foliage. $7.65 45 2.5lit Carex tenuiculmis Arching grass with bronze foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Carex testacea Clump forming grass with orange foliage. $7.65 40 2.5lit Carex testacea Clump forming grass with orange foliage. $5.95 30 1.5lit Large growing toetoe. Can tolerate damper conditions. $5.95 20 1.5lit Large growing south island toetoe. $7.65 40 2.5lit Cortaderia fulvida 'Toetoe' Cortaderia richardii Cortaderia toetoe 'North Is.Toetoe' Large growing toetoe. Can tolerate dry conditions. $7.65 40 2.5lit Deschampsia 'Daybreak' 'Tufted Hair Grass' Grass with green margined pink/yellow foliage. $7.65 20 2.5lit Dianella nigra 'NZ Blueberry' Clump forming flax-like plant with bright blue berries. $7.65 20 2.5lit Festuca coxii Clump forming grass. Blue foliage. $7.65 20 2.5lit Isolepis nodosa Clump forming green rush. $5.95 40 1.5lit Isolepis sepauchralis 'Fibre Optic Grass' Low growing wetland plant. $7.65 10 2.5lit Libertia grandiflora 'NZ Sunflower' Tufted plant with strap leaves. White flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit Libertia ixiodes 'Big Pod' Tufted plant with large decorative seed pods. $7.65 20 2.5lit Page 24 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants 10% discount 16% discount Common Name Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $7.65 (cm) 25 Size (pb) 2.5lit Libertia perigrinans 'NZ Iris' 'Creeping Iris' Spreading plant. Bright orange foliage & white flowers. Liriope 'Royal Purple' Clump forming perennial. Purple flower spikes. $7.65 20 2.5lit Clump forming perennial. Purple/lavender flower spikes. $7.65 15 2.5lit Liriope muscari Lomandra 'Frosty Tops PVR' Arching tussock with grey/green foliage. $10.30 25 3.5lit Lomandra 'Lime delight PVR' Evergreen compact tussock with vibrant green foliage. $10.30 25 2.5lit Lomandra longifolia 'Spiny Headed Mat Rush' Large tussock with long strap like leaves. $7.65 30 2.5lit Miscanthus sinensis 'Morning Light' Deciduous clumb forming grass. Foliage silver/green. $7.65 40 2.5lit Ophiopogon 'Silver mist' Clump forming plant with narrow silver foliage. $7.65 10 5 Ophiopogon plan. 'Black' 'Black Mondo Grass' Clump forming plant with black foliage & white flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Ophiopogon planiscarpus 'Mondo Grass' Clump forming, spreading plant. Lavender flowers. $7.65 15 2.5lit Phormium 'Apricot Queen' Apricot & pale pink flax. $10.30 60 6.5 Phormium 'Black Rage' Black coloured medium sized flax. $10.30 50 3.5lit Phormium 'Chocolate Fingers' Dwarf flax with green to chocolate coloured foliage. $7.65 25 2.5lit Phormium 'Elfin' Compact dwarf flax with upright bronze foliage. $10.30 25 1.5lit Phormium 'Emerald Gem' Dwarf green flax. $8.20 25 2.5lit Phormium 'Evening Glow' Flax with red & pink foliage. $10.30 50 3.5lit Phormium 'Golden Ray' Erect flax with golden/green foliage. $10.30 50 3.5lit Phormium 'Jester' Medium sized flax with pink leaves & green margins. $10.30 50 3.5lit Phormium 'Pepe' 'Dwarf Flax' Dwarf flax, very slow growing and very compact. $7.65 30 2.5lit Phormium 'Pinky' Medium sized multicoloured flax. $10.30 50 3.5lit Page 25 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $10.30 (cm) 50 Size (pb) 3.5lit Phormium 'Rainbow' Medium sized flax with pink, cream & bronze foliage. Phormium 'Surfer' Dwarf flax with green leaves & a bronze margin. $10.30 35 6.5 Phormium 'Surfer Bronze' Medium sized flax with bronze, waved & twisted foliage. $10.30 30 3.5lit Phormium 'Thumberlina' Dwarf flax with attractive bronze foliage. $7.65 20 2.5lit Phormium 'Tom Thumb' Medium sized green flax with twisted foliage. $10.30 30 3.5lit Phormium 'Yellow Wave' Medium sized yellow and green flax. $10.30 45 6.5/3.5lit Phormium cookianum 'Mountain Flax' Arching green foliage. Common flax. $7.65 40 5 Poa cita 'Silver Tussock' Silver/green tussock. Coastal hardy. $7.65 40 2.5lit A. 'Charlie' Large vivid pink double flowers $8.20 20 2.4lit A. 'Helmut Vogel' Cerise pink semi double flowers $8.20 20 2.4lit Rose pink small hose in hose flowers $7.65 20 5 A. 'Mrs Kint White' Single white flowers $8.20 20 2.4lit A. 'Red Glitters' Single red flowers. $7.65 20 2.5lit A. 'Red Rage' Stunning red foliage. Red flowers. $10.30 20 2.5lit Azaleas A. 'Kirin' kurume Camellias C. 'Bob Hope' Japonica Large semi-double red flowers. $11.25 50 3.5lit C. 'Brushfields Yellow' Japonica White anemone flowers with yellow centres $11.25 60 6.5 C. 'Cornish Snow' Hybrid Profuse single white flowers $11.25 60 6.5 Page 26 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants 10% discount 16% discount Common Name Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $11.25 (cm) 50 Size (pb) 6.5 C. 'Crimson King' Sasanqua Crimson red flowers C. 'Crimson Tide' Sasanqua Pale crimson semi-double flowers. $11.25 50 3.5lit C. 'Debutante' Japonica Clear light pink flowers $22.95 90 18 C. 'Desire' Japonica Pale pink flowers. $11.25 70 6.5lit C. 'Elegans Champagne' Japonica Large white flowers with cream centres $11.25 60 6.5 C. 'Elegans Splendour' Japonica Blushed pink flowers with white edges $11.25 60 6.5 C. 'Fox's Fancy' Hybrid Light red double flowers $11.25 60 3.5lit C. 'Midnight' Japonica Anemone dark red flowers $11.25 70 6.5 Single glowing pink flowers. $11.25 50 3.5lit C. Paradise Glow' C. 'Paradise Joan' Hybrid Medium sized crimson flowers. $11.25 50 6.5 C. 'Sweet Emily Kate' Hybrid Peony form blush pink flowers. $11.25 40 3.5lit C. transnokoensis Single white fragrant flowers. $11.25 45 6.5 C. 'Unryu' Single red flowers with yellow anthers. $11.25 40 6.5 Sasanqua Profusion of glowing red flowers $11.25 40 3.5lit Rhodo. 'Anne Tesse' Pink flowers with an orange flare $22.95 60 18 Rhodo. 'Burmanicum Deep Yellow' Bell shaped yellow trusses $22.95 50 18 Rhodo. 'Grumpy' Pink & Cream flowers $22.95 40 18 Rhodo. 'Ivery's Scarlet' Bright brilliant red flowers $22.95 80 18 Rhodo. 'Mrs Betty Robertson' Pale yellow flowers $22.95 50 18 C. 'Yuletide' Rhododendrons Page 27 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants 10% discount 16% discount Common Name Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $22.95 (cm) 70 Size (pb) 18 Rhodo. 'Nobleanum Rubra' Brilliant red flowers Rhodo. 'Parisienne' Bell shaped yellow flowers $22.95 50 18 Rhodo. 'Parisienne' Bell shaped yellow flowers $38.95 60 40 Rhodo. 'Scarlet King' Large rich scarlet flowers $22.95 50 18 Rhodo. 'Virginia Richards' Flowers opening pink, turns yellow $22.95 50 18 Rhodo. 'Virginia Richards' Flowers opening pink, turns yellow $38.95 60 40 Rhodo. Vireya 'Flamenco Dancer' Star shaped bright yellow flowers $22.95 60 18 Rhodo. Vireya 'Golden Charm' Gold trumpet flowers $22.95 60 18 Rhodo. Vireya 'Java Light' Orange/red blooms $22.95 60 18 Rhodo. Vireya 'Kisses' Peach pink flowers with soft yellow centres $22.95 60 18 Rhodo. Vireya 'Robs Favourite' Salmon pink flowers $22.95 60 18 Apple 'Braeburn' Red/orange Apple. $38.95 180 40 Apple 'Royal gala' Red Apple. $38.95 200 40 Apple (semi-dwarf) 'Captain Kidd' Red Apple. Black spot resistant. $45.00 180 40 Apple Double 'Monty's surprise/Cox's orange Double grafted apple. $45.00 200 40 Apple Double 'Royal Gala/Braeburn' Double grafted apple. $45.00 180 40 Apple 'Double' 'Royal Gala/Splendour' Double grafted apple. $45.00 170 40 Apple Triple Royal Gala/Golden Delicious/Braeburn Triple grafted apple. $49.50 160 40 Cherry 'Compact Stella' $39.50 180 40 Fruit Trees and Shrubs Dark red, self fertile Cherry tree Page 28 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants 10% discount 16% discount Common Name Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $10.30 (cm) 45 Size (pb) 3.5lit $8.20 s15 5 Citrus limon 'Meyer Lemon' Fantastic fruiting lemon variety. Cranberry 'Crowley' Traditional cranberry with edible berries Feijoa 'Mammoth' Large fruits, heavy cropping Feijoa $10.30 50 3.5lit Feijoa 'Unique' Self fertile Feijoa. Delicious fruits. $10.30 60 3.5lit $7.65 50 2.5lit $39.50 200 40 Feijoa sellowiana Great hedging Feijoa with the bonus of fruit. Malus 'Jack Humm' 'Crab Apple' Deciduous tree with masses of red fruit. Myrtus ugni 'NZ Cranberry' Shrub with edible berries. $9.25 40 3.5lit Olea e. barnea 'Olive' Commercial olive variety. $10.30 60 3.5lit Olea 'El Greco' 'Greek Olive' Small tree, ornamental variety. $10.30 65 3.5lit Olea europea 'Olive' Commercial olive variety. $10.30 100 3.5lit Olea 'Verdale' 'Olive' Great quality fruit with good yields. $38.95 150 28 Olea 'Verdale' 'Olive' Great quality fruit with good yields. $10.30 80 3.5lit Pear Double 'Belle de Jumet/WB Chretien' Double grafted pear. $45.00 200 40 Plum 'Billington' Self Fertile Dark red skinned fruit. $39.50 230 40 Plum 'Marabella' Red skinned fruit. $39.50 200 40 Plum 'Santa Rosa' Red skinned yellow fruit. $39.50 200 40 Plum Double 'Omega/Santa Rosa' Double grafted tree. $45.00 200 40 Pseudcydonis sinensis 'Waiaua Quince' Deciduous, bushy tree with fragrant pale yellow fruits. $10.30 50 3.5lit Punica granatum 'Pomegranate' Deciduous compact small tree. Yellow/red edible fruit. $10.30 35 3.5lit Red Currant 'Red Laxton' Deciduous shrub with edible red fruit. $9.25 50 6.5 Page 29 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) $5.95 (cm) 10 Size (pb) 2.5lit Strawberry 'Perpetual' Fantastic yielding strawberry plant. Vitus 'Albany Suprise' 'Grape' Vine with very tasty black fruit. $19.95 130 18 Vitus 'Albany Suprise' 'Grape' Vine with very tasty black fruit. $10.30 70 3.5lit Agathis australis 'Kauri' Tree with bronze foliage. $45.00 180 28 Albizzia julibrissin 'Silk Tree' Deciduous tree with fluffy pink flowers. $38.95 180 40 Alnus cordata 'Italian Alder' Deciduous tree with bright green foliage. $19.95 100 18 Deciduous fast growing tree. Conical habit. $19.95 160 18 Large Grade Trees Alnus glutinosa Dysoxylum spectabile 'Kohekohe' Rounded tree with glossy green foliage. $39.50 210 60 Knightia excelsa 'Rewarewa' 'NZ Honeysuckle' Upright tree. Red flowers. $38.95 160 40 Liquidamber 'Worpleston' Deciduous tree with foliage turning wine red in autumn. $39.50 180 40 Magnolia denudata 'Yulan magnolia' Deciduous rounded tree with large white flowers. $45.00 170 40 Magnolia x soulangeana 'Tulip Tree' Deciduous tree with large white/purple flowers. $38.95 170 40 Melia azedarach 'Indian lilac' or 'Bead Tree' Deciduous tree with fragrant lilac flowers. $39.50 250 60 Meryta sinclairii 'Puka' Tropical looking tree with large green foliage. $59.50 150 60 Prunus campanula 'Felix Jury' Deciduous upright tree with rose pink flowers. $49.50 180 40 Prunus campanulata 'Superba' Deciduous fairly hardy tree with rose pink flowers. $49.50 180 40 Prunus glandilosa 'Alba plena' Deciduous dwarf shrub with stunning white flowers. $59.50 120 40 Medium sized Kowhai with small leaves. $38.95 180 40 Sophora longicarinata Page 30 of 31 Stock List as at January 2015 Leacroft Nurseries Ltd. 169 Paekakariki Hill Road, RD1, Porirua 5381 (1.5km North of Pauatahanui Village) Phone 04-237-9880 Fax: 04-237-9906 Mobile: 021-563-553 Manager: Simon Dearsly Email: simon@leacroft.co.nz Web: www.leacroft.co.nz Discounts 10 or more of one variety, or 50 or more of mixed varieties: or, 100 or more of mixed varieties, or 50 or more of one variety: Plants Common Name 10% discount 16% discount Notes $ Grade Bag (GST incl) (cm) Size (pb) Plants as Standard Hebe 'Wiri Desire' (STD) Topiary shaped hebe. $28.50 100 6lit Hebe 'Wiri Image' STD Topiary shaped hebe. $28.50 90 6lit Thuja occidentalis 'Pyramidalis' Standard Narrow pyramidal conifer. $36.95 90 28 Page 31 of 31