INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION AND CONDUCT OF THE EXAMINATIONS IN HOME ECONOMICS/HOSPITALITY AND CATERING 2015 General Certificate of Secondary Education 1. 2. 3. 4. Home Economics (Food and Nutrition) Home Economics (Textiles) Home Economics (Child Development) Hospitality and Catering – Catering Hospitality 4300 4310 4290 4730 4740 F.A.O. Subject teachers of Home Economics/Hospitality and Catering. CONTAINS IMPORTANT DATE INFORMATION. N.B. 2018 will be the last year of accreditation for these specifications. WJEC personnel Autumn 2014 Allison Candy Subject Officer: GCSE Hospitality and Catering, Level 3 Food Science and Nutrition, Level 1/2 Hospitality and Catering and Event Operations. allison.candy@wjec.co.uk Karen Evans Subject Officer GCSE Home Economics (part time) karen.evans@wjec.co.uk Gemma Edwards Subject support officer GCSE Hospitality and Catering, Level 3 Food Science and Nutrition, GCSE Home Economics gemma.edwards@wjec.co.uk © WJEC CBAC Ltd. (i) New developments Autumn 2014 The Level 1/2 Qualifications in Hospitality, Catering and Event Operations are an exciting suite of new qualifications soon to be launched by WJEC. Undertaking any number of the proposed individual qualifications will offer a learning experience for 14 to 16 year olds through applied learning. Students will acquire and apply knowledge, skills and understanding through purposeful practical and theoretical tasks. Each specification will offer candidates the opportunity to develop and extend their skills within Hospitality, Catering and Event operations in a vocational context. http://www.wjec.co.uk/qualifications/hospitality-catering-and-events/ (ii) Progression from GCSE New developments from September 2012 WJEC Level 3 Qualification (QCF) Food Science and Nutrition For first teaching from September 2012. This is an exciting new course which will allow students to gain a wealth of knowledge about Food Science and Nutrition. They will have the opportunity to learn about the relationship between the human body and food as well as practical skills about cooking and preparing food. Assessment Controlled assessment internally assessed and externally moderated. Structure Students can achieve an Award, Certificate or Diploma in Food Science and Nutrition, http://www.wjec.co.uk/index.php?subject=206&level=17 2 GCSE Marksheets/Forms with Codes KEY: SPECIFICATION CODE FN TX CD HC = = = = Food and Nutrition Textiles Child Development Hospitality and Catering ELEMENT OF ASSESSMENT Moderation submission date (Date for work to be marked and internally standardised may be set by the centre) th May 5 2015 Home Economics (Food and Nutrition) FN1 FN2 FN3 FN4 Mark sheet Unit 2 task 1 Mark sheet Unit 2 task 2 Coursework coversheet Task 1 and Task 2 Composite mark sheet Unit 2 Home Economics (Textiles) TX1 TX2 TX3 TX4 Mark sheet Unit 2 task 1 Mark sheet Unit 2 task 2 Coursework coversheet Task 1 and Task 2 Composite mark sheet Unit 2 May 5 2015 Home Economics (Child Development) CD1 CD2 CD3 Mark sheet Unit 2 Mark sheet Unit 3 Coursework coversheet Unit 2 and Unit 3 May 5 2015 Hospitality & Catering HC1 HC2 HC3 HC4a HC4b Coursework coversheet Unit 1 task 1 Coursework coversheet Unit 1 task 2 Coursework coversheet Unit 3 event task Composite mark sheet Unit 1 – tasks 1+2 Composite mark sheet Unit 3 – event May 5 2015 th th th (single award catering HC1, HC2, HC4a) (single award Hospitality HC3, HC4b) (double award HC1, HC2, HC3, HC4a+b x 2) N.B. Please note that the dates indicated above are for the submission of controlled assessment tasks to the moderator. Centres will of course need to ensure that the date for the completion of work by candidates precedes these dates by a sufficient margin to allow for the assessment, and internal moderation (if required) of the work by subject teachers. Marks will then need to be entered via the online marks submission area of the WJEC secure website in order to generate the list of candidates who will make up the sample. It is anticipated that the mark-submission pages will be available from 10 March for GCSE subjects. Subject teachers should note that candidate coversheets will be available to download from the WJEC website. Details of the moderators to whom samples are to be submitted will be available via the online marks submission area of the WJEC secure website. Centres will also be able to download moderator address labels so these will no longer be issued in hard-copy. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 3 CONTENTS Page GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION 1. Home Economics (Food and Nutrition) 5 2. Home Economics (Textiles) 7 3. Home Economics (Child Development) 9 4. Hospitality and Catering 11 INTRODUCTION This booklet is provided for the use of teachers who are presenting candidates for examination in 2015 in the following subjects: Home Economics (Food and Nutrition) General Certificate of Secondary Education Home Economics (Textiles) General Certificate of Secondary Education Home Economics (Child Development) General Certificate of Secondary Education Hospitality and Catering General Certificate of Secondary Education All the information concerning the administration and conduct of the 2015 examinations in these subjects will be found in the following pages. Teachers are asked to take note of this information well in advance of the examinations. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 4 GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION 1. HOME ECONOMICS (FOOD AND NUTRITION) 4300 This examination consists of one theory paper, and two controlled assessments. (i) Unit 1: Principles of Food and Nutrition (40%) Written Paper 1½ hours 80 marks (80 UMS) One paper which will be externally set and marked, targeted at the full range of GCSE grades. The paper will contain short-answer, structured and free response questions drawn from all areas of the specification and will assess the quality of written communication. Examination date: Wednesday, 10th June 2015 p.m. (ii) Unit 2: Food and Nutrition Practical Tasks (60%) Controlled Assessment 120 marks (120 UMS) – please refer to the subject page on the website to confirm 'live' tasks. (I) Task 1: (20%) One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC. Duration: 10 hours to commence in the first half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. (II) Task 2: (40%) One task to be selected from a choice of two tasks set by WJEC. Duration: 20 hours to commence in the second half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Send samples for moderation with FN1, FN2, FN3 and FN4 sheets. Moderation Both tasks must be marked and internally standardised (if applicable) in adequate time for marks to be electronically submitted and samples of Task 1 and Task 2 to be sent to the designated WJEC moderator by: May 5 2015 The same candidates work should be submitted for both tasks. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 5 Teachers will assess the work using the criteria for mark allocation published in the specification. The coversheet, FN3 must be attached to each candidate's supportive work but not stapled as it is removed by the moderator. Please ensure that each sheet can be identified after FN3 is removed. Please list candidates in examination number order on forms, FN1, FN2, and FN4. In the interest of economy and bulk, candidates are requested to use soft covers for this work and to remove lengthy appendices consisting of commercial leaflets. Reference to these may be made in the bibliography. Centres are requested to pack these parcels securely and address them carefully, obtaining a certificate of posting. WJEC cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. Centres MUST keep photocopies of all mark sheets sent to the moderator. WJEC may request further samples of work to be sent to the moderators if this is considered necessary. WJEC also reserves the right to call in all work for remarking where moderation identifies significant problems in the initial marking. Additional evidence must be produced by return of post. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 6 GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION 2. HOME ECONOMICS (TEXTILES) 4310 This examination consists of one theory paper, and two controlled assessments. (i) Unit 1: Principles of Textiles and Fashion (40%) Written Paper: 1½ hours 80 marks (80 UMS) One paper which will be externally set and marked, targeted at the full range of GCSE grades. The paper will contain short-answer, structured and free response questions drawn from all areas of the specification and will assess the quality of written communication. Note: Coloured pens/pencils may be used. Examination date: Thursday, 18 June 2015 p.m. (ii) Unit 2: Textiles and Fashion Practical Tasks (60%) Controlled Assessment 120 marks (120 UMS) – please refer to the subject page on the website to confirm 'live' tasks. (I) Task 1: (20%) One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC to include investigation and production. Duration: 10 hours to be carried out within the centre to commence in the first half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. (II) Task 2: (40%) One task to be selected from a choice of four tasks set by WJEC to include researching, planning, making and evaluating. Duration: 20 hours to commence in the second half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Send samples for moderation with TX1, TX2, TX3 and TX4 sheets. Moderation Both tasks must be marked and internally standardised (if applicable) in adequate time for marks to be electronically submitted and samples of Task 1 and Task 2 to be sent to WJEC by: May 5 2015 The same candidates work should be submitted for Task 1 and Task 2 and the practical items are also required. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 7 Moderation will take place at WJEC from 6th-9th May hence it is highly advisable, the work is posted April 30th at the latest to ensure its safe and timely arrival. Despatch to WJEC, 245 Western Avenue, Cardiff CF5 2YX. Please endorse the package FAO Gemma Edwards 'GCSE HE (TX)' and add your centre number. Centres are requested to pack these parcels securely and address them carefully, obtaining a certificate of posting. Please use a container that is suitable for returning the work. WJEC cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. It is advisable that cushions, bean bags, duvet covers are submitted without the filling. It is acceptable to include photographs of the stuffed items in the design folios. Centres MUST keep photocopies of all mark sheets sent to the moderator. WJEC may request further samples of work to be sent to the moderators if this is considered necessary. WJEC also reserves the right to call in all work for remarking where moderation identifies significant problems in the initial marking. Additional evidence must be produced by return of post. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 8 GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION 3. HOME ECONOMICS (CHILD DEVELOPMENT) 4290 This examination consists of one theory paper, and two controlled assessments. (i) Unit 1: Principles of Child Development (40%) Written Paper: 1½ hours 80 marks (80 UMS) One paper which will be externally set and marked, targeted at the full range of GCSE grades. The paper will contain short-answer, structured and free response questions drawn from all areas of the specification and will assess the quality of written communication. Examination date: Tuesday, 9 June 2015 p.m. (ii) Unit 2: Child Study (30%) Controlled Assessment 60 marks (60 UMS) - please refer to the subject page on the website to confirm 'live' tasks. One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC. Duration: 15 hours to commence in the first half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Send sample for moderation with CD1 and CD3 sheets. (iii) Unit 3: Child Focused Task (30%) Controlled Assessment 60 marks (60 UMS) - please refer to the subject page on the website to confirm 'live' tasks. One task to be selected from a bank of two tasks set by WJEC. Duration: 15 hours to commence in the second half of the course. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Send sample for moderation with CD2 and CD3 sheets. Moderation The work must be marked and internally standardised (if applicable) in adequate time for the marks to be entered via the electronic system and for samples to be sent to the designated WJEC moderator by: May 5 2015 © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 9 Teachers will assess the work using the criteria for mark allocation published in the specification. The coversheet, CD3 must be attached to each candidate's work but not stapled as it is removed by the moderator. Please ensure that each sheet can be identified after CD3 is removed. Please list candidates in examination number order on forms, CD1and CD2. Please pack parcels securely using a container that is suitable for returning the work. It is not necessary to send the practical outcomes. For Unit 3 these will be requested by the moderator, if required. Diagrams or photographs of the outcomes will suffice. Centres are encouraged to send the work to the moderator before May 5th if possible. Centres MUST keep photocopies of all mark sheets sent to the moderator. WJEC may request further samples of work to be sent to the moderators if this is considered necessary. WJEC also reserves the right to call in all work for remarking where moderation identifies significant problems in the initial marking. Additional evidence must be produced by return of post. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 10 GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF SECONDARY EDUCATION 4. HOSPITALITY AND CATERING Subject codes Catering single award: 4730, Unit 1 4731, Unit 2 4732 Hospitality single award: 4740, Unit 3 4741, Unit 4 4742 Hospitality and Catering double award: 4748, Unit 1 4731, Unit 2 4732, Unit 3 4741, Unit 4 4742 Catering single award 4730 This examination consists of one theory paper and two controlled assessments. (i) UNIT 1: Catering skills related to food preparation and service (60%) Controlled Task 120 marks (120 UMS) - please refer to the subject page on the website to confirm 'live' tasks. (I) Task 1: (20%). One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Duration up to 15 hours to commence in the first half of the course. (II) Task 2: (40%). One task to be selected from a bank of three tasks set by WJEC. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Duration up to 30 hours to commence in the second half of the course. Send samples for moderation with HC1, HC2 and HC4a sheets and Candidates Time Log. (ii) UNIT 2: Catering, food and the customer (40%) Written Paper 1¼ hours 80 marks (80 UMS) One paper which will be externally set and marked. All questions compulsory and targeted at the full range of GCSE grades. The paper will contain short-answer, structured and free response questions drawn from the catering content. This examination will be available either as an electronic assessment or as a traditional written paper. Date of examination: Thursday, 8 January 2015 p.m. (Unitised Wales only) Monday, 8 June 2015 p.m. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 11 Hospitality single award 4740 (i) UNIT 3: Hospitality skills related to events and functions (60%) Event Based Task 120 marks (120 UMS) One event based task taken from a list of WJEC set tasks. Internally assessed using WJEC set criteria and externally moderated. Duration up to 45 hours in total. Send sample for moderation with HC3 and HC4b sheets and Candidates Time Log. (ii) UNIT 4: Hospitality and the customer (40%) Written Paper 1 ¼ hours 80 marks (80 UMS) One paper which will be externally set and marked. All questions are compulsory and targeted at the full range of GCSE grades. The paper will contain short-answer, structured and free response questions drawn from the hospitality content. Date of examination: Friday, 12 June 2015 a.m. Hospitality and Catering – double award 4748 % breakdown of units Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 30% 20% 30% 20% Moderation Teachers are required to submit for moderation a sample of candidates' work for: Unit 1 Tasks 1 and 2: Hospitality and Catering: Catering Single award Unit 3 Event Task: Hospitality and Catering: Hospitality Single award Unit 1 (Tasks 1 and 2) and Unit 3 Event Task: Hospitality and Catering: Double award Please note unit 1 and unit 3 coursework will not be moderated by the same moderator. The work must be marked and internally standardised (if applicable) in adequate time for the marks to be entered via the electronic system and for samples to be sent to the designated WJEC moderator by: May 5 2015 © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 12 Teachers will assess the work using the criteria for mark allocation published in the specification. The appropriate coversheet must be attached to each candidate’s work but not stapled as it is removed by the moderator. HC1, HC2 (catering) HC3 (hospitality) HC1, HC2, HC3 hospitality and catering – double. Please ensure that each sheet can be identified after the coversheet is removed. Candidates Time Log must be attached to each candidate’s work. Please list candidates in examination number order on form HC4 (double award x 2), HC4a - Unit 1, HC4b - Unit 3. Centres are encouraged to send the work to the moderator before May 5 if possible. Centres MUST keep photocopies of all mark sheets sent to the moderator. In the interest of economy and bulk, candidates are requested to use soft covers for this work and to remove lengthy appendices consisting of commercial leaflets. Reference to these may be made in the bibliography. Centres are requested to pack these parcels securely and address them carefully, obtaining a certificate of posting. WJEC cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. WJEC may request further samples of work to be sent to the moderators if this is considered necessary. WJEC also reserves the right to call in all work for remarking where moderation identifies significant problems in the initial marking. Additional evidence must be produced by return of post. AC/W02 C13 GH/09.10.13. © WJEC CBAC Ltd. 13