Mission, Vision, and Values: What Do They Say?


Mission, Vision, and Values: What Do They Say?
Despite widespread recognition of its importance,
Mission, Vision, and Values:
What Do They Say?
very little empirical research has been conducted
on strategy documents, particularly Mission or
Vision statements. A database containing 489
organizational statements from 300 different
organizations was analyzed via content analysis
to determine how many distinct concepts could
be identified and the most commonly used con-
Steven H. Cady, Jane V. Wheeler,
Jeff DeWolf, Michelle Brodke
cepts. Statements were carefully read to determine if multiple use of a term within a single
statement indicated multiple meanings. The
results indicate that while traditional titles are
Dr. Steven H. Cady is strongly committed
to using cutting-edge approaches that
inspire innovative and collaborative solutions. He is a Graduate Faculty member at
Bowling Green State University where he
serves as Director of the Institute for
Organizational Effectiveness. He has also
served as Director of the Executive Master
of Organization Development Program
and the Chief Editor for the Organization Development
Journal. Steve publishes, teaches, and consults on topics of
organizational behavior & psychology, change management,
and organization development. Prior to receiving his Ph.D. in
Organizational Behavior with a support area in Research
Methods and Psychology from Florida State University, Steve
studied at the University of Central Florida where he obtained
an MBA and a BSBA in Finance.
most often used to label such statements, there is
a wide variety of terms used to express the ideas
contained in them. Many organizational statements contain so many unique concepts that they
begin to suffer from high density.
“Typically, executives devote a tiny
percentage of their time and effort to gaining
understanding, a tiny percentage to creating
alignment, and the vast majority to
documenting and writing a statement. In fact,
Contact Information
the distribution of time and effort should be
Steven H. Cady, Ph.D.
Department of Management
College of Business Administration
Bowling Green State University
Bowling Green, OH 43403
Tel: (419) 372-9388
Email: scady@bgsu.edu
nearly the opposite: spend the vast majority
of your time creating alignment. In short,
worry about what you do as an organization,
not what you say” (Collins, 2009).
The field of business ethics has been around for
quite awhile. Unfortunately it has yet to develop
a generally recognized body of knowledge or an
applied ethical perspective. What we have today
are discourses on acceptable and unacceptable
Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2011
Dr. Michelle Brodke joined the Bowling
Green State University faculty in 2008 as
an assistant professor in the department
of applied sciences at Firelands College.
Brodke earned her Ph.D. from Bowling
Green State University's industrial-organizational psychology program, ranked
one of the top five graduate programs in
the United States. She has 16 years of
experience in addressing organizational challenges both in
academe and industry. Brodke's research interests include
job attitudes, teamwork, and psychometrics. In addition to
publishing, she has presented her work at several regional
and international conferences.
ethical behavior, treatises on actions that should
and should not be taken, and conversations about
the appropriate attitudes to be espoused. These
contributions, all equally valuable, are from business academics and philosophers alike. Yet, there
is no true agreement between these sides (Robin,
In 2002, because of unethical practices employed
by the likes of Enron, we saw the passage of the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which called for a Code of
Jeffrey J. De Wolf, MOD is President
and Managing Principal of WOLF HR
Solutions an Overland Park, KS based
human resources and organization
development consultancy. He is a senior-level HR and OD Consultant assisting organizations of all sizes apply solid
organizational and HR infrastructure
solutions to improve both effectiveness
and compliance. His dedicated focus
on “intentional simplicity”, which is evidenced by WOLF’s
practical solutions and interventions, has made him a
favorite of busy, results-oriented business leaders. He
holds a Masters in Organization Development from
Bowling Green State University and a Bachelors in Business
Administration from the University of Michigan. Jeff can be
reached at 913-219-5353 or jdewolf@wolfhrsolutions.com.
Dr. Jane V. Wheeler is the past director of both the Master
of Organizational Development Program and the Institute
for Organizational Effectiveness at
Bowling Green State University. A professor in the Management Department,
she teaches primarily courses on leadership, change, consulting, and
research. She is a member of the
Academy of Management, the Mid West
Academy of Management, the
Organizational Behavior Teaching
Society, and the Organizational Development Network. Dr.
Wheeler maintains an active consulting practice focusing
on issues of emotional intelligence, executive leadership,
and corporate governance. In addition to a doctorate in
organizational behavior from Case Western Reserve
University, Dr. Wheeler holds an MBA from Boston
University, a Certificate of Special Studies in Administration
and Management from Harvard University, and a BA from
Mount Holyoke College.
Ethics. Then in 2008 and 2009 we saw the virtual
melt down of the American corporate system.
Not surprisingly, practitioners and academics
alike, now more than ever, need to delineate the
factors that make up the ethical organization (Jin
& Drozdenko, 2010).
It seems that people are not listening. Recent data
from the Ethics Resource Center show that over
50% of U.S. employees watched at least one
occurrence of unethical conduct in the workplace
during the past year. Further, more than a third
watched a second as well (Verschoor, 2005).
Jim Collins, the management expert quoted
above, seems to be suggesting that there is a misalignment between a company’s message and its
actions (Collins, 2009). One piece of evidence that
we can look towards is the company’s mission
statement. During the 1990s, more than half of
the U.S. businesses had some kind of mission or
vision statement (Levering, 2000; Walter, 1995).
This number doubled from 10 years earlier
(Levering, 2000). One of the reasons for their
recent popularity is that these “statements” try to
capture the inherent nature of the company
(Verma, 2009). Further, a value statement can act
as an ultimate control system; as long as the values are agreed upon, there is need for control
Organization Development Journal
CEO David Fagiano indicated that “organizations
(Verma, 2009).
are living organisms, in many ways very similar
These statements are found on the wall in the con-
to individuals. People have personalities; organi-
ference room. We have all seen them. “Our com-
zations have cultures. Personalities and cultures
pany strives to be the best...” They show up as
are formed by values because, quite simply, val-
glossy wall posters, table tents, and even laminat-
ues state what is important to individuals or busi-
ed wallet cards. They are typically used by
nesses” (Fagiano, 1995, p. 5). Strong formalized
organizations to describe why the entity exists,
organizational statements can provide landmarks
what it is striving to accomplish, what it stands
along the way. Just as a buoy marks a shipping
for, and how it plans to achieve its objectives.
lane and keeps a ship heading in the chosen direc-
These statements have become an integral compo-
tion, formalized organizational statements pro-
nent of corporate strategy. Statements of this type
vide the benchmarks to keep an organization,
have become common and expected fixtures with-
work groups, and individuals on the right path.
in every type of organization regardless of indus-
Personal experience has taught us that individuals
try, size, or for-profit status. The creation, publi-
in organizations can get so caught up in the race
cation, and distribution of these statements is one
that they forget why they are running. Sooner or
of the most common business practices today.
later a crisis jars the organization into a painful
Yet, little empirical research has been done on the
awareness that they are seriously off course.
subject of corporate mission statements and the
Therefore, if organizations want to maximize productivity and ensure that they are doing the
The most basic of all unresolved issues on this
“right” work, they must provide organizational
topic is what to call the statements of this genre in
members with a clear understanding of who they
general. Two primary purposes that mission
are, where they are going, and how they are
statements serve (Klemm et al., 1991) are external
going to get there (see Falsey, 1989).
and internal communication and motivation
(Verma, 2009). They are typically strategic in
In order to assist organizational leaders in crafting
nature, so they could be called “strategy” state-
stronger statements, an empirical analysis of the
ments. Yet, they are often descriptive of an orga-
concepts contained within formalized organiza-
nization’s identity, so they could be called “identi-
tional statements must be done. For the purpose
ty” statements. They often describe why an
of this study, the term “concept” refers to any ele-
organization exists and what it is seeking to
ment, idea, expression, unique thought, or
accomplish; thus, they could be called “impera-
descriptive language communicated either explic-
tive” statements, “purpose” statements or just
itly or implicitly within a formalized organiza-
plain “mission” or “vision” statements. Although
tional statement. To date, little empirical work
lacking a creative flair, “Formalized
has been done that clearly identifies the unique
Organizational Statements” seems to allow for the
concepts typically included in formalized organi-
generality needed when referring to the entire
zational statements and their frequency of use.
genre of statements typically carrying the label of
The questions that should be answered empirical-
mission, vision, values, purpose, and principles.
ly include: Which concepts are being expressed
Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2011
most typically in these statements? Are there
regarding what these statements actually entail.
common concepts that seem to be “fashionable”
For example, an Internet database search, of most
or “trendy?” Understanding these concepts will
key business and industry journals, yielded only a
provide practical insights to future statement
handful of related articles that were empirical or
writers, allowing them to both avoid cliché and
theoretical in nature. There are a certain number
include key concepts.
of studies that include mission statements from a
sample of companies, yet with little or no analysis
The goal of this study is to conduct a detailed
attached (Abrahams, 1995; 2004; Graham &
classical content analysis using a large number of
Havlick, 1994; Jones & Kahaner, 1995; Williams,
formalized organizational statements from a het-
2008). Most articles are anecdotal in nature. Of the
erogeneous group of organizations throughout
scholarly articles, very few evaluated the content
the United States. This content analysis will pro-
and structure of formalized organizational state-
duce an exhaustive list of the most commonly
ments (see David & David, 2003; Williams, 2008).
used elements and provide valuable insight
regarding the inclinations of organizations in this
Studies Looking at Structure and Meaning
One recent study (Williams, 2008) did look at the
content of the mission statements. It analyzed the
In addition, this study seeks to raise awareness of
statements gathered from firms listed on the 2006
the issues facing practitioners and executives as
Fortune 1000 list. After conducting a content
they consider the creation of a formalized organi-
analysis of these firms’ mission statements, it was
zational statement. It is clear that there is an
found that the higher-performing firms included
obvious lack of consistency and standards related
eight of the nine recommended components more
to the labeling of these statements. Perhaps it is
often than did the lower-performing firms, and
time to create some universal norms that can be
the differences were significant for three of those
used to communicate and educate organizations
components (Williams, 2008). The results of the
and students regarding this key piece of strategic
study stressed the continuing importance of mis-
planning and implementation. Maybe then
sion statements. Further, it showed that the con-
employees can begin to respond to Jim Collins’
tent components have not changed significantly
call to “spend the vast majority of your time creating
in the past 20 years (Williams, 2008). Yet, the
alignment” (Collins, 2009).
study also noted that the authors of mission statements usually provided rationales for the compo-
Literature Review
nents and labels that they used. Not surprisingly,
the resulting variations in terminology and defini-
Although the use of formalized organizational
tions limited the comparability of some studies
statements has been widespread in the United
with others. Any long-term benefits were mini-
States for several years, there has not been a sig-
mized. Therefore, although this serious flaw in
nificant amount of research done that addresses
the mission statement literature had been identi-
the content of these formalized statements, or the
fied before (e.g., Bart et al., 2001; Peyrefitte &
most common frameworks employed in their con-
David, 2006; Williams, 2008), it has not yet been
struction. In fact, there is a void in the literature
Organization Development Journal
In another study (Firmin & Gilson, 2010), the mis-
if these statements achieve their intended pur-
sion statements of 107 member institutions of the
Coalition of Christian Colleges and Universities
(CCCU) were analyzed. The analysis looked at
Studies Looking at the Relationship with
the frequency of words used in the statements as
Company Performance
well as the general constructs expressed. The
Little research has been done on the relationship
results in the article were discussed in light of
between mission statements and company per-
higher education's overall objectives and how
formance, and one study that did find mixed
mission statements set the tone for institutional
results (Bart & Baetz, 1998). Yet, no one seems to
setting (Firmin & Gilson, 2010). Yet this content
doubt the value of formalized organizational
analysis looked at the statements’ role in provid-
statements. One interesting article, published in
ing religious training and other aspects of the uni-
The Economist, involving multinational managers
versity’s function. Another study, focusing on
(Only, 1995), proposed that the globalization
CEOs, dealt with the structure and meaning of
underway in many industries today has forced
organizational vision in the macro sense of the
managers into a new paradigm characterized by
word (Larwood, 1995). This study revealed that a
new players and partnerships. This article
vision statement might be a result of having
explains that “it is far more effective to get people
vision or a vehicle for communicating the vision.
to believe in the company’s values, than to keep
However, the study did not examine the content
issuing them with instructions and keeping a
of the statements themselves. Another major
close eye on their performance” (Only, 1995, p.
study involving vision looked at the effect of a
salient vision on strategic involvement and managers’ perceptions (Oswald, Mossholder, &
Two Other Studies
Harris, 1997).
Another recent study (Davis et al., 2007) wanted
to understand the influence of a mission state-
Although there were numerous articles touting
ment’s ethical contents on university students. It
the need for formalized pronouncements of cor-
found that those universities with ethical state-
porate identity, mission, or values, as well as arti-
ments in their mission produced a significantly
cles describing how to write and communicate
higher number of students with perceived charac-
such statements (for example, see Wall, Sobol, &
ter trait importance in comparison to the universi-
Solum, 1992; Scott, Jaffee, & Tobe, 1993), few
ties that did not contain these statements. Yet, it
seemed to carefully analyze the content and struc-
was found further that the mission by itself did
ture of these central pieces of organizational phi-
not produce any orientation unless coupled with
losophy. Interestingly, one study found that 82%
the overall strategic education process (Krohe,
of organizations surveyed had mission state-
1995). In another recent study (Verma, 2009),
ments, yet only 40% of those statements appeared
undertaken to understand the perception and
to organization members to reflect reality (Wright,
influence of mission statements on executive
2002). The pervasiveness of use suggests a need
behavior, found that the mission’s message did
to conduct research regarding content and struc-
not get across to the intended target audience.
ture of these statements, to ultimately determine
Another study (Palmer & Short, 2008) analyzed
Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2011
the content of mission statements from 408
and inspires people throughout the organization
AACSB schools. The relationship between mis-
and remains relatively fixed for long periods of
sion content and measures of business school
time” (Collins et al., 1997, p. 48). In fact, highly
characteristics, including performance, was exam-
successful and visionary companies have been
ined. Overall, considerable variance in the content
more ideologically driven than purely profit-driv-
of organizational missions existed. One final
en (Collins et al., 1997, p. 55).
study (Desmidt & Prinzie, 2008) examined the
data from four Flemish nonprofit healthcare
In another study, Ledford, senior research scien-
organizations. A self-administered questionnaire
tist at the Center for Effective Organizations,
was distributed to all 4,443 organizational mem-
University of Southern California, refers to a con-
bers of the participating organizations. One of the
cept called “corporate philosophy” (Ledford,
main findings of this study was that organization-
Wendenhof, & Strahley, 1995, p. 4). They use this
al members rarely engage in the behaviors associ-
term to include any expression of a corporation’s
ated with the management of mission statement
philosophy, whether the vehicle is a list of values,
meaning (Desmidt & Prinzie, 2008).
a vision statement, a mission statement, credo,
purpose or other document.
According to William J. Morin (1995), Chairman
of Drake Beam, Morin Inc., our society, in general,
Yet, according to many, the need is deeper than
is in the midst of a “value crisis” (Morin, 1995, p.
simply producing visionary statements. In the
10). He observes that we “are becoming a people
words of former National Semi-Conductor CEO
without rudders, without vision and with values
Gil Amelio when discussing his experience turn-
that have very little value at all” (Morin, 1995, p.
ing around that company, “... just publishing a
10). This situation has resulted in a concept he
Vision statement and speaking in visionary terms
calls “Silent Sabotage” which he defines as “a
at your communications meetings doesn't auto-
turned-off, disenfranchised society that gives up
matically enroll your people to accept it, believe
in silent disapproval; it's a worker who comes in
it, and make it work” (Terdoslavich, 1996, p. 115).
later and goes home earlier than he or she did 10
For example, another interesting concept gaining
years ago; it's people at work who just don't care”
popularity is that of “Bi-Focal” vision. This is the
(Morin, 1995, p. 10). To counteract this effect in
rather profound concept that stresses the need for
organizations, leaders must cultivate and align a
clear vision of the distant future as well as clear
common set of values and a clear vision (Collins,
vision of the here and now (Harari, 1997, p. 46).
Values statements have become extremely popular in the recent past. More than half of the val-
After conducting exhaustive research into the
ues statements in the United States were created
essence of companies that have achieved the label
between 1989 and 1995 (Walter, 1995). This num-
of “visionary,” Collins and Porras (1997) conclud-
ber was double of what there were in the eighties
ed that a fundamental element found in all these
(Levering, 2000).
companies is the presence of a core ideology. The
authors describe this as “core values and sense of
In fact, upwards of 80 % of the Fortune 500 com-
purpose beyond just making money – that guides
panies in the United States have something that
Organization Development Journal
they call a “values statement” (Walter, 1995, p.
87). In an interview conducted with Medtronic
CEO Bill George, the company’s success was said
to be found in “rock-solid, mission-driven values
The data analyzed in this study were collected
that are nonnegotiable and universal” (McKibben,
originally via direct mail by an author assembling
1995, p. 20).
a book to contain the “mission statements” of
approximately 300 American corporations. The
Many organizations prefer the term “mission
sample thus provided a good cross-section of het-
statement” when communicating core beliefs or
erogeneous companies from dozens of industries.
purpose. Most commonly, mission or purpose
statements clearly state the foundational reason
The statements were originally gathered and com-
the organization exists. Gerald B. Johanneson,
piled by author Jeffrey Abrahams for his book
president of Haworth Inc, says “We feel a mission
entitled “The Mission Statement Book”.
statement lays it right out there as to the kind of
Abrahams (1995; 1999) explains in his book that
company we are and what our principles are and
he wrote to 2,600 companies requesting copies of
what our objectives are and how we want to
their mission statements. Because little to no
work” (Nelton, 1994, p. 61).
qualitative analysis has been conducted on mission statements, we chose to look at this data at a
Although there is not necessarily a right or
starting point for analysis. We will discuss in the
wrong way to use labels such as "Vision",
implications section next steps for future research
"Values", or "Mission", this variation can lead to
related to comparing content over time. The
confusion. Organizations are using each of these
sources of that list of companies included the
tools in many different ways with different tech-
Fortune 2000, the Forbes 200, the Inc. 500, and The
niques and with different levels of success. This
100 Best Companies to Work for in America. He also
confusion may cause hesitancy on the part of
indicated that 875 responded to his inquiry, and
organizational leaders to undertake the task of
that 374 actually acknowledged that they had
guiding their companies using strong formalized
some sort of mission statement.
organizational statements. In addition, the barrage of different formalized statements may dilute
The data included in the sample consisted of the
the motivational power and short-circuit the state-
actual formalized organizational statements from
ment’s effectiveness. Ultimately, the impact of
the 300 organizations. These included organiza-
such statements may be diminished if they are not
tions from a multitude of industries and varied in
constructed carefully and sensibly. No wonder, in
terms of size and scope. Many of the companies
yet one last study (Panda & Gupta, 2003), little
in the sample included more than one distinct
emotional commitment was found with the mis-
statement. Several included separately titled
sion statement, regardless of the longer term
statements within one larger statement context.
implications for the survival of the company.
The total number of distinct statements in the
sample was 489. This included 15 statements that
were left untitled by the organization.
Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2011
It is not known whether those companies
again. In other words, if the word “quality” was
responding to the request for statements actually
used several times in the same sentence, it was
included all of their formalized organizational
not coded unless it represented or described a
strategy statements or only their “mission state-
unique circumstance. For example, the following
ment.” The actual letter used in the collection of
statement would be coded as including two
the statements requested the company’s “mission”
occurrences of the concept of “Quality-
statement. Therefore, it is safe to assume that a
General/TQM”: “We strive to give employees a
significant number of the companies included in
quality work environment as we continuously
the sample have additional statements worthy of
improve our quality as determined by our cus-
tomers.” Conversely, the following text would
only receive one occurrence of the concept of
Similarly, it is important to note that a company’s
“Quality-General/TQM: “Everything we do has
response indicating that they did not have a “mis-
the highest quality. Quality is important
sion statement” does not necessarily mean that
because…” This required painstaking evaluation
they have no formalized organizational state-
and eliminated the ability to use a simple text
ments. The responder may have considered the
search functionality to identify occurrences of the
request specific to those statements entitled “mis-
sion.” Other responders clearly interpreted the
request as any formalized statement that is “mission-like.” Therefore, Abrahams’ (1995; 2004)
high-level statistics showing that only 43% of
The 474 titled statements included in the sample
responders actually had mission statements,
were identified by their companies using 46 dif-
should not be construed as the percentage of com-
ferent names. Fifteen of the statements were left
panies that truly employ formalized organization-
untitled. Table 1 includes the titles and their fre-
al statements in general.
quency of use within the sample, sorted by frequency.
For the purpose of the current study, the variety
included in Abraham’s sample was the primary
After the coding was complete, the total number
attractive characteristic. The sample provides a
of separate codes identified and created was 122.
good heterogeneous data population from which
Table 2 illustrates the frequency with which the
to do a content analysis.
various concepts were found within the data. The
frequency of occurrence reflects the number of
times the concept was mentioned within the con-
Since the premise of this paper is exploratory in
text of the sample. In some cases, an individual
nature, classical content analysis was employed,
statement may have contained more than one
using a complex text analysis methodology.
occurrence of the concept.
Although each individual occurrence of a concept’s descriptive word was not coded, if the con-
As identified in the tables, 489 statements were
cept emerged in separate sections of a statement
provided by the 300 companies included in the
or in a slightly different context, it was coded
sample, resulting in a ratio of 1.63 statements per
Organization Development Journal
Table 1. Titles by Frequency of Occurrence
Code of Ethics
Corporate Culture
Defining Statements
Directional Statement
Mission & Purpose
Mission and Driving Forces
Mission, Philosophy and
Standards of Performance
Objective & Strategy
Strategic Imperatives
Core Values & Belief
Values & Mission
Pledge To Shareholders
Quality Commitment
Mission & Philosophy
Quality Statement
Statement of Policy
Values & Strategies
Strategies & Objectives
Values & Vision
Values & Beliefs
Values & Practices
Basic Game Plan
company. It should be noted that one should not
determine from this that companies typically have
more than one statement, nor should it be construed that companies have an average of 1.63
separate formalized organizational statements.
Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2011
Table 2: Concepts Found in the Sample - By Frequency
Shareholder Return/Value
Customer Needs/Expectations
Environmental Focus
Financial Performance/Profitability
Relationship/Partnership/ Interests
Community Focus/Involvement
Customer Satisfaction
Market Position/ Leadership/Reputation
Business Expansion/Growth
Diversity/Equal Employment
Continuous Improvement
Quality Products & Services
Work Environment –
Value/Affordability/Low Price
Customer Service
Employee Respect/Dignity
Communication (Internal)
Employee Recognition/Rewards
Financial Strength/Health
Customer Focus
Employee Retention & Attraction
Change – Managing, Embracing,
Employee Advancement/ Opportunity
Organization Development Journal
Productivity/Productivity Improvement
Core Competency/General Strengths
Organization Structure
Employee as Valuable/Asset/Importance
Risk Taking
Employee Skills
Employee Inspiration/Motivation
Employee Participation/ Participative
Excitement/Enthusiasm/ Energy
Operational Results/High Performance
Achievement Orientation
Adding Value
Industry Knowledge/Awareness
Product Mix/Diversification
Quality of Life
Customer Relationships
Employee Involvement
Quality Service
Employee Satisfaction
Customer Welfare
Strategic Alliances/JVs
Employee Security
Fun at Work
Product/Business Development
Research & Development
Balance of Responsibilities
Customer Convenience
Employee Benefits/Compensation
Good place to work/Preferred Employer
Learning Organization
Market Share
Problem Solving
Customer Retention
Employee Utilization
Employee Well-Being
Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2011
Hard Work
Agility/Agile Thinking
Walk The Talk Work Environment
Customer Loyalty
Employee Loyalty
Zero Defects
Communication (External)
Golden Rule
Market Oriented
Gain/Profit Sharing
Customer Relations
Union Relationship
create their own title by combining one or more
traditional titles.
Following the detailed analysis of the sample,
several observations are made. First, the bulk of
It is interesting to note that just 10% of the titles
the organizations opted to use traditional titles to
were applied to 78% of the statements. The top
describe their formalized statements. Second,
five most frequently used titles (Mission, Vision,
although there was a significant list of distinct
Values, Principles, and Strategies) resulted in 382
concepts included in the sample, there was a
of the 489 total statements. This seems to indicate
strong consistency between the statements in
that the majority of companies choose to use tra-
terms of a few key concepts. Third, evaluation of
ditional titles versus opting for a more unique
the statements revealed a phenomenon we refer
and creative approach.
to as concept “density” in which several unique
and highly meaningful concepts are loaded into a
Analysis of the statements, however, revealed that
very short statement, thus creating a density that
the specific concepts within the statements are
can be measured, as described below.
often communicated uniquely and without using
traditional words or phrases. For instance, the
The titles used to describe formalized organiza-
concept of Shareholder Return/Value was an over-
tional statements range from highly traditional to
whelmingly pleonastic concept in the sample.
unique. While some organizations choose to
The statement writers described the recipients of
leave their statements untitled, others choose to
that return or value, as shareholders, stockhold-
Organization Development Journal
ers, stakeholders, share owners, investors, stock-
Limitations and Further Research
owners, owners, to name a few. These occurrences were unique but all communicated the
Although this research provides good empirical
same concept. This careful analysis revealed that
data with which to understand the concepts that
the concept of “Shareholder Return/Value” was
companies are communicating with their formal-
mentioned 255 times. This should be contrasted
ized organizational statements, there is significant
with the 114 times the word “Shareholders” was
room for additional study. Future qualitative
used as indicated by Abrahams (1995; 2004). It
analysis projects should focus on understanding
should also be noted that it was Abrahams’ inten-
the actual proliferation of formalized organiza-
tion only to illustrate the most common key
tional statements within organizations. This
words and phrases used in the statements. He
study does not attempt to answer the question of
did not intend his word and phrase counts to be
how many companies have formally written state-
interpreted as inclusive of the concepts being
ments. Neither does it contemplate the number of
communicated. Hence, this particular study, by
different statements a company writes over time.
applying a complex content analysis, provides a
Rather, our focus was on examining the conceptu-
more comprehensive evaluation of concepts com-
al framework inherent in mission statements.
Since the data are over 10 years old, we ask: What
is different today? As mentioned, we see this
In many instances, the same concept emerged
study as a starting point for a conceptual frame-
multiple times within the statements provided by
work. From here, future research can look at how
a company. Sometimes, company officials includ-
the core concepts identified here have changed
ed the same concept in all of their separate state-
over time.
ments. In addition, there were multiple examples
of companies using a particular concept several
In addition, future research could investigate rela-
times within the same statement.
tionships between various concepts within the
context of a statement. This would allow for the
While carefully reviewing the data, we were often
gathering of additional insights into what things
amazed by the number of distinct concepts com-
are being communicated within each uniquely
municated within a statement or even within a
titled statement. Understanding what is currently
sentence. We use the term “density” to describe
being communicated as vision, purpose, mission,
this phenomenon. A quick tabulation of the
or values would be the first step in developing a
results shows the total number of concept occur-
framework that could lead to consistent societal
rences to be 5,673. This means that on average;
definitions of the mission, vision, purpose, or val-
nearly 12 different concepts were discussed per
ues statement.
statement and 18 different concepts per company.
There were many, many instances of organiza-
Although we are not convinced that there is sig-
tions packing up to 20 strategic and descriptive
nificance in what a company chooses to call their
words and concepts into a very short statement.
statement, developing norms around formalized
organizational statements would enhance the ability to communicate about them in corporate and
Volume 29 Number 1 Spring 2011
educational settings. In addition, a universal
Another interesting result of the study related to
framework could assist organizations in the
the recurrence of various concepts across state-
development of these statements and create a
ments and organizations. It was clear that a small
sense of familiarity. The blank sheet being used
number of concepts are consistently included in
today would be replaced with a general frame-
formalized organizational statements. There is a
work within which to work.
“short list” of issues that companies feel must or
should be communicated within their personal,
Finally, there seems to be a need for additional
formalized statements. This is probably, in large
research into the concept of density within state-
measure, indicative of the fact that most compa-
ments. For instance, is there a correlation
nies have similar needs, motives, objectives and
between the density of a statement and the level
concerns. For-profit companies exist in an envi-
of ownership within the organization? Is there a
ronment that is built upon providing a specific
correlation between density and organization per-
product or service to a customer while meeting
certain financial expectations as prescribed by the
owners or investors of the organization. Because
As for practical implications, executives will
of that, it should be expected that their formalized
acknowledge that there is a widespread skepti-
organizational statements of mission, vision, or
cism within many organizations today regarding
values center on issues dealing with quality, serv-
the corporate mission statement. Fueled by popu-
ice, customers, and shareholders.
lar comic strips that provide a satirical look at the
things organizations say and do, employees are
We believe it is important for leaders and strategic
becoming cynically aware of overused, under-
planning consultants to acknowledge this danger
practiced corporate rhetoric.
and work to ensure that the concepts being
expressed in formalized organizational statements
are reflective of the organization’s true identity.
Employees and customers are more sophisticated
There were clear instances that the impact of the
now, and are easily seeing through the trendy
statement seemed to be diminished and diluted
business buzzwords being used. We hope that
by all the corporate buzzwords and politically
this research sets the stage for future conversation
correct terminology (see also Lewis, 1999). A pop-
and more exploration into the meaning and use of
ular approach was to attempt to communicate
mission statements as a viable mechanism for an
multiple messages or feelings by strategically
organization’s identity and culture.
employing key words and phrases. In those
cases, there was no attempt to clarify, explain, or
operationalize the concepts. In our opinion, this
phenomenon gives the appearance that the com-
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