St. Monica's, Coatbridge


St. Monica's, Coatbridge
Priest: Almighty and loving Father, as we have received your Son in this Holy
Eucharist, we ask you to hear our prayer for our brothers and sisters:
All: Give your healing, Lord, to those who are sick and housebound.
May those who take the Body of Christ to them
also be a loving sign of our prayers and thoughts.
Keep us united with them in all their sufferings
so that we will grow together
as one community with the presence of Christ among us.
Please Pray For
Margaret Agnew, John Casey, John Clarke, Patrick Connelly, Ryan Coyle,
Andrew Dick, Reane & Brenda Dick, Stacey Docherty, Catherine Donaghey,
Anne Doyle, Mary Dunion, Helen Evans, Eric Forster, Jean Graham, John Harkins,
Frank Hilley, John Howell, Brian Kane, Maddie Kelly, Marcella Kyle,
Felix McAleese, Cody McAllister, Margaret McAuley, Bobby McCafferty,
Marion McCann, Nicola Marie McCrory, Josephine McDade, Andrea McGeechan,
Mary McGeough, Les McGhee, Charles McGlynn, Geraldine McGrath,
Sarah McShane, Toni Molloy; Joe Oakes, Mary O’Donnell, Christine O’Hara,
Eleanor O’Neil, Alice Rea, Mamie Reid, Nancy Rookes, Linda Slevin,
Elizabeth Sludden, Mark Smith, Theresa Smith, Hugh Strain, Annie Sweeney,
Rachel Thain, Anne Toal, Karen Thompson, Margaret Traynor, Danielle Trower,
Helen Watson and Ronnie Whitelaw.
St. Monica's
C oat b r i d g e
Baptism of the Lord
1st reading
Isaiah 55:1-11
Come to the water. Listen and your soul will live.
Responsorial Psalm (Is. 12)
With joy you will draw water
from the wells of salvation.
2nd reading I John 5:1-9
The Spirit and water and blood.
Gospel Acclamation
Alleluia, alleluia!
John saw Jesus coming towards him,
and said: This is the Lamb of God who
takes away the sin of the world. Alleluia!
Gospel Mark 1:7-11
You are my Son, the Beloved;
my favour rests on you.
Nan McCusker (Sharp Avenue)
Receiving: Sunday at 6pm; Funeral Mass: Monday at 10am
Rev. John Ferguson (Deacon of St. Mary’s, Whifflet)
Sarah McLaughlin (Deanston House - formerly St. Monica’s) (Funeral: Monday, 19th at 10am)
Robert Dillon; Archie Shaw; Janet Gallagher; Helen Trower; Joseph Cullen Jukes;
Margaret Smith; Tommy Reynolds; Hugh Lochran; James McGraw;
William and Margaret McGoldrick, Ann and Daniel McPhail; Catherine Tobin;
Ellen Slevin and Michael Mitchell.
Thomas and Margaret Smith, Sadie Purfield, John Smith, Mary Kelly, Mark Kelly,
William Davidson, Bridget Smith, James and Charlotte Daly;
Thomas and Rose Tiernan, Denis Leonard; John, Francis and Janet O’Donnell;
James & Anne Mooney; Bridget and Joseph Hughes; Anne and Thomas McGoldrick.
Vigil: 5:30 pm (Sat),
10 am, Noon & 6:30pm
Monday 10am (Funeral); Tuesday 7pm
Wednesday & Thursday 10am
Eucharistic Service
Friday & Saturday at 10am
after 10am Mass & 5 - 5:20 pm
Sharp Avenue, Coatbridge ML5 5RP
Telephone: 01236 421750
ather of us all,
in Baptism we have been filled
with the light of Christ.
May we walk always
as children of the light
and keep the flame of faith
alive in our hearts.
May we live each day
knowing our true identity
as beloved children of God.
And when the Lord comes,
may we go out to meet him
with all the saints
in the heavenly kingdom
to live with him forever and ever.
Parish Staff: Fr. Vincent Lockhart, Sr. Kathleen Owens & Sean Wyllie
Feasts this week
Tue 13th: St. Kentigern
Sat 17th: St. Anthony
First Reconciliation
Parents’ Meeting
Wednesday, 21st January at 7pm
in the church - behind the screen
Parents should bring a copy of their
child’s baptism certificate to register
their child for the sacrament.
Western Calendars 2015
are available for sale in the porch
First Holy Communion
Parents’ Meeting
Wednesday, 28th January at 7pm
in the church - behind the screen
Parents who have already
come to see Fr. Vincent
should have received a
letter with the date their
child will make their first
Holy Communion.
Conforti Institute
Question Time
Wednesday 21st January: 7 to 9pm
A panel from a wide array of disciplines
have been invited to share some of their
own thoughts and opinions on the issue
of sectarianism in Scotland today and
beyond. This will be an opportunity for
audience members to ask questions and
express their own thoughts on this issue.
Copies of Pope Francis’ letter for the
World day of the Sick, 14th February,
are available in the porch.
500 Club Winners (14th Dec 2014)
1st Prize:
592 E. Chatfield
2nd Prize: 165 A. Clements
3rd Prize:
259 A. Craig
The St. Vincent de Paul Society
would like to thank all parishioners
who supported us very generously
throughout the past year.
Thank you also to all the drivers who
helped at the Christmas party.
Thank you and happy retirement, Pat
Our sacristan, Pat McGurk, has retired
after 20 years of serving our parish
Our sincerest thanks go to Pat from all the
parishioners, priests and former priests of
the parish for his untiring and unselfish
generosity. Happy retirement
400th anniversary
of the death of St. John Ogilvie
10th March 2015
St Andrew’s Cathedral, Glasgow
on Tuesday March 10th at 7.30pm
70 places at the Mass for the people of
Motherwell Diocese.
Anyone wishing to attend please give
your name to Fr. Vincent.
On the same day Fr. Vincent has been
asked to address the Scottish Parliament.
St. Margaret’s
Children & Family Care
Annual Crib Appeal Boxes
Please return the boxes to the parish
as soon as possible.
January 2015
“Jesus said to her, ‘Give me to drink’”
(John 4:7).
Copies are available in the porch.
Last Sunday’s collection: £1,169.34
Justice and Peace: £922.69
Many thanks
Hall Bookings Phone Agnes on 431502
It would have been so easy for John to have responded to the great interest
of the people with self-aggrandisement. Instead he never lost sight of his role as the
one who was to prepare the way for the one who was greater.
John’s faith and understanding of his role was vindicated when Jesus
presented himself to be baptised by John. The mystery of the heavenly intervention
would have confirmed for John that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, if indeed he had
any doubts.
John was a strong and assertive man. His preaching enthralled many people,
and his lifestyle was not for the faint-hearted. But his deep faith was accompanied
by the humility which enabled him to rejoice in his secondary role to that of Jesus.
If he had been affected by pride or jealousy he would have made much of himself
and less of Jesus. Perhaps he had encountered that type of temptation during his
time in the desert, and any delusions of grandeur had been destroyed in the spiritual
furnace of the desert.
There are many times in our lives when we are called to be a supporting act
for someone else. Parenthood is an obvious example. John’s words about Jesus “He
must increase; I must decrease”, are at the heart of being a good parent. Parents
instinctively put their children first in order to give them the best possible life.
Parents are not consumed with jealousy of their child’s achievements but rejoice in
There are many people who have done good and great things whose
achievements have only been possible because of the dedicated work of someone
else. When people receive awards they often say the award is an acknowledgement
of the team which has worked with them. The best people really mean that, because
they have enough humility to know that their achievements would have not been
possible without others.
Jesus spoke about John in ways which revealed his deep admiration for the
role John played, and the price he eventually paid for his dedication. Those who
lead and achieve great things must always be aware of those who make these things
possible, and be open about the contribution of others.
If we are called to play a supporting role to another at some stage in our
lives, it is important to be sure that who and what we are supporting is morally
good, and stands up in the light of our faith. We also need to be sure that we are not
being exploited or taken advantage of because of our dedication to the person or
cause. Our human dignity and potential should never be diminished by what we do
for another.
Playing a John the Baptist role requires wisdom and self-knowledge,
humility and faith. It is never a lesser role because it is an essential role.
I went to the cemetery yesterday to lay some flowers on a grave. As I was standing
there I noticed 4 grave diggers walking about with a coffin... 3 hours later and they're
still walking about with it... I thought to myself, these guys have lost the plot!