invitation for bids cck-2000-15 dairy barn addendum # 1 1-8-15
invitation for bids cck-2000-15 dairy barn addendum # 1 1-8-15
INVITATION FOR BIDS CCK-2000-15 DAIRY BARN ADDENDUM # 1 1-8-15 ATTENTION: This is not an order. Read all instructions, terms and conditions carefully. IMPORTANT: BID AND ADDENDUM MUST BE RECEIVED BY 1-14-15 @ 3:00 P.M. LEXINGTON, KY TIME Bidder must acknowledge receipt of this and any addendum as stated in the Invitation for Bids. Please see the enclosed for clarifcations. OFFICIAL APPROVAL UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY SIGNATURE ________________________________________ ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Contracting Officer / (859) 257-5406. Typed or Printed Name University of Kentucky Purchasing Division 322 Peterson Service Building 411 South Limestone Lexington, KY 40506-0005 An Equal Opportunity University UK Dairy Housing Research And Teaching Facility A/E Commission No. 2014.081 ADDENDUM NO. 01 Page-1 ADDENDUM NO. 01 Date Issued: January 6, 2015 ******************************* The following REVISIONS are made to the construction documents: DRAWINGS Sheet S1.1 REVISE saw cut control joint notes on Foundation Plan to reference details 11/S2.1 and 12/S2.1. REVISE note at feed aisle posts to reference detail 6/S2.1 REVISE notes at piers located at grids intersections F-1.5 and F-2 to reference detail 2/S2.1. REVISE notes at piers located at grid intersections A-1.5, A-3.5, and F-3.5 to reference detail 14/S2.1. The 14x14 piers shall be reinforced with 4) #6 vertical bars and #3 Ties at 8” oc as shown. Sheet S2.1 REVISE detail 8/S2.1 to reference detail 6/S2.1 for pipe mounting information. ADD detail 14/S2.1, 14” PIER. QUESTION RESPONSES The following responses to contractor questions are incorporated into this contract as follows: 1. The foundation plan calls out pier detail section(s) on sheet 2/S4.1. However, that sheet is not in the set? Is this an oversight and should the cut section read; see 2/S2.1 instead? If so, then we will need clarification as to what is in the 18"x18" as opposed to the 14" x 14" pier(s). Point me in the right direction if I am in fact looking at the drawing wrong also? a. The drawings have been revised as noted above. 2. What is the thickness of the Concrete Pavement supposed to be as shown as keynote “8” on C1.1? a. The owner provided paving will be 6” thick. 3. Were there any projected start and finish dates for this project? a. Contractor is encouraged to start promptly after award. This project must be substantially complete by August 15, 2015 4. Are we required to provide fencing? a. Owner will modify the existing cattle fencing to provide an open construction site. 737 South Third Street Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 585-4181 UK Dairy Housing Research And Teaching Facility A/E Commission No. 2014.081 ADDENDUM NO. 01 Page-2 ADDENDUM NO. 01 5. What MEP work or coordination is required? a. Owner will provide MEP work for water lines to waterer, French drains along eaves, electric service, fans, power distribution, and communications. Owner’s work will run concurrent with work of this contract. Contractor shall coordinate with Owner. 6. Is a CAD file available of the site? a. The site CAD file may be downloaded by clicking the following link this CAD file is provided as a convenience and does not relieve the Contractor of site coordination with existing conditions. SOIL REQUIREMENTS The Report of Geotechnical Exploration dated May 22, 2014 by S&ME is attached. The requirements of the geotechnical report are incorporated into this contract and specific attention is called to the following: 1. Top soil is approximately 6-inches deep and silty clay is approximately 12-inches deep below the top soil. Both are to be removed and stock piled on site. 2. Stiff lean clay was found to be approximately 18-inches below the surface and is to be used as bearing strata for concrete slabs. 3. Rock is approximately 4 feet below existing grade. 4. Column foundations are to be excavated to rock. Lean concrete fill is to be used to backfill the rock excavation to the indicated bottom of footing elevations. 5. Lean stiff clay may be borrowed from the site adjacent to the barn by removing topsoil, silty clay and replacing top soil. END OF ADDENDUM NO. 01 737 South Third Street Louisville, KY 40202 (502) 585-4181 Report of Geotechnical Exploration for UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAIRY HOUSING RESEARCH AND TEACHING FACILITY Lexington, Kentucky Project No. 1183-14-026 May 22, 2014 Prepared For University of Kentucky CPMD 411 South Limestone Street #222 Peterson Service Building Lexington, Kentucky 40506 Prepared by S&ME, Inc. 2020 Liberty Road, Suite 105 Lexington, Kentucky 40505 © S&ME™, Inc., All Rights Reserved REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAIRY HOUSING RESEARCH AND TEACHING FACILITY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY S&ME Project No. 1183-14-026 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION / PROJECT INFORMATION ............................................................. 1 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 1 4.0 EXPLORATION METHODS ................................................................................................. 2 4.1 Field Exploration .................................................................................................................. 2 4.2 Laboratory Testing ................................................................................................................ 2 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS............................................................................................... 3 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................. 3 GENERAL DISCUSSION.............................................................................................................. 3 RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................................................................ 4 Stripping / Site Preparation.......................................................................................................... 4 Structural Fill Placement ............................................................................................................. 4 Foundation / Floor Slab Recommendations ................................................................................ 5 7.0 FOLLOW-UP SERVICES ....................................................................................................... 6 8.0 LIMITATIONS OF REPORT .................................................................................................. 7 Appendices Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Site Location Plan Test Pit Location Plan Test Pit Logs Field Testing Procedures Laboratory Data Laboratory Testing Procedures REPORT OF GEOTECHNICAL EXPLORATION UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAIRY HOUSING RESEARCH AND TEACHING FACILITY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY S&ME Project No. 1183-14-026 1.0 INTRODUCTION S&ME, Inc. has completed the geotechnical exploration for the new Dairy Housing Research and Teaching Facility (DHRTF) at the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture Complex on Georgetown Road in Lexington, Kentucky. The purpose of this exploration was to obtain subsurface data at the site pursuant to construction of the new barn. We conducted this project in general accordance with our proposal 11-140029P, dated March 12, 2014, authorized under the University of Kentucky Purchasing Division purchase order PO7500032628 dated May 13, 2014. This report explains our understanding of the project, documents our findings, and presents our conclusions and engineering recommendations. 2.0 SITE DESCRIPTION / PROJECT INFORMATION The university is planning to construct a new barn structure at the dairy complex on Georgetown Road in Lexington, Kentucky. Figure 1 in Appendix A shows the approximate site location. The proposed building area is currently a grass pasture. Existing site elevations noted on the provided site plan indicate the proposed barn is located on a slight knoll with elevations sloping downhill to the north, south, east and west. Elevations noted on the plan indicate about two to three feet of relief within the barn footprint. UK staff staked the approximate building corners prior to beginning our exploration. The new barn will have a footprint of 140 feet (N/S side) by 150 feet (E/W side). The barn will consist of three bays with the long axis oriented in an East/West direction. The floor of the north and south bays will be compacted soil while the center bay will be a 6 inch thick reinforced concrete slab. The building structure will consist of steel framing. 3.0 SITE GEOLOGY A review of the USGS geologic map of the Lexington West Quadrangle (1967) indicates the project site is underlain by the Tanglewood Member of the Lexington Limestone Formation of the Middle Ordovician Geologic Age. The Tanglewood Member is described as limestone and shale. The limestone portion is light to medium dark gray, fine to coarse grained and occurs in beds generally less than six inches thick. UK Dairy Housing Research and Teaching Facility / Lexington, Kentucky S&ME Project No. 1183-14-026 May 22, 2014 Page 2 The shale is medium gray and occurs as thin beds between the limestone beds. The formation weathers to a yellowish brown silty clay. All areas underlain by potentially soluble rock (i.e. – limestone or dolomite) are at some risk due to sinkhole activity. Although no closed depressions were observed during our site visit, there are several sinkholes mapped within one mile of the site. The Kentucky Geological Survey (KGS) defines this area of Fayette County as having a moderate to high potential for Karst activity. Positive site drainage should be maintained at all times, especially during site development. For more detailed descriptions of the data obtained from our test pits, please refer to our Test Pit Logs in Appendix B and the Laboratory Test Data in Appendix C. Regional dip is downhill to the northwest at about 10 feet per mile. The significance of the regional dip is that the dip generally corresponds to the direction of subsurface water flow. 4.0 EXPLORATION METHODS The procedures used by S&ME for field and laboratory sampling and testing are in general accordance with ASTM procedures and established engineering practice. Appendix B contains brief descriptions of the procedures used in this exploration. 4.1 Field Exploration S&ME originally proposed to perform a series of soil test borings for the proposed barn. However, due to the project schedule and drill availability, Mr. Robert Brashear with the university requested S&ME observe the excavation of test pits as a backhoe and operator could be provided by the university. As such, Mr. Andy Fiehler, PE with S&ME observed the excavation of four test pits, one near each proposed building corner. The test pits were labeled as TP-1 through TP-4. The approximate locations are noted on the Test Pit Location Plan included in the appendix. During excavation of the test pits, Mr. Fiehler obtained representative soil samples for laboratory testing. Exploration of the refusal materials by coring rock was beyond the scope of this exploration. The stratification lines shown on the test pit logs represent the approximate boundaries between soil or rock types. The transitions may be more gradual than shown. 4.2 Laboratory Testing The recovered samples were sealed in storage bags and returned to our laboratory. All soil samples were visually classified by the geotechnical engineer according to the Unified Soil UK Dairy Housing Research and Teaching Facility / Lexington, Kentucky S&ME Project No. 1183-14-026 May 22, 2014 Page 3 Classification System (ASTM D2487). Moisture content determinations and Atterberg limits tests of representative on-site samples were performed. We also performed a standard Proctor test on a bulk soil sample obtained during excavation. The laboratory data is included in Appendix C. 5.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The following is a general description of the materials encountered in our test pits. The individual test pit logs are included in Appendix B. From the existing ground surface, the test pits initially penetrated six inches of topsoil and rootmat. Beneath the topsoil, we encountered about one foot of silty clay that graded to residual clay about one and a half feet below the ground surface. The residual clay generally graded from low plasticity (lean) clay (CL) to high plasticity (fat) clay (CH) with depth. The residual clay extended to bedrock which was encountered between three and a half and four and a half feet below the ground surface. For more detailed descriptions, please refer to our Test Pit Logs in Appendix B and laboratory data in Appendix C. The test pits were dry (no free water) upon the completion of excavation. All of the test pits were backfilled by the operator with the excavated soils before we left the site due to safety concerns for the cattle. 6.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the design information furnished to us, the data obtained from the previously described geotechnical exploration, and our past experience. They do not reflect variations in the subsurface conditions which may exist between our test pits and in unexplored areas of the site. If such variations become apparent during construction, it will be necessary for us to re-evaluate our conclusions and recommendations based upon on-site observation of the conditions. GENERAL DISCUSSION We identified the following key issues to the development of this site: • Shallow Bedrock • Site Degradation During Construction UK Dairy Housing Research and Teaching Facility / Lexington, Kentucky S&ME Project No. 1183-14-026 May 22, 2014 Page 4 Shallow Bedrock – The test pits encountered bedrock between three and a half and four and a half feet below the existing ground surface. This shallow depth appears to be shallow enough to make bedrock supported foundations feasible while limiting the likelihood of requiring rock excavation for utility installation. Site Degradation During Construction – The silty lean clay and lean clay are sensitive to changes in moisture content. If grading operations are performed during periods of wet weather, these materials will not perform satisfactorily with regard to site access and stability. If soft, wet soils are encountered during construction, we recommend S&ME be retained to send an Engineer to the site to assess the area and make recommendations for remediation. At the discretion of the S&ME Engineer, a proofroll may be requested, based on the observed conditions at the time of construction. To reduce, but not eliminate, access problems associated with the on-site soils, we recommend that this earthwork and foundation construction be performed during the warm, dry summer months of the year. RECOMMENDATIONS Stripping / Site Preparation Prior to construction, remove the surface topsoil from the construction area. Since a compacted clay floor is planned for two thirds of the barn, we also recommend removing the silty clay horizon. The removed topsoil can be utilized in the landscape areas only. Organic material should not be utilized as structural fill material. It is important that an S&ME representative observes all site stripping. Previously unexplored or unknown conditions could become evident during these operations to assess that adequate (but not excessive) material has been stripped. We must judge whether the recommendations in this report should be modified in view of the conditions encountered. Once the topsoil and silty clay horizons are removed, an S&ME Engineer should observe a proofroll of the exposed clay grade prior to placing fill. Once the proofroll has been observed, place and compact structural fill to the design subgrade elevations. Structural Fill Placement Structural soil fill is defined as inorganic natural soil with a maximum particle size of 3 inches and maximum dry density of at least 90 pounds per cubic foot (pcf) when tested by the standard Proctor method (ASTM D698) and a plasticity index (PI) of less than 30 percent. The results of our limited laboratory testing indicate that the residual clay tested classified at fat clay with a maximum dry density of 91.7 pcf at an optimum moisture content of 29.8 percent. The tested UK Dairy Housing Research and Teaching Facility / Lexington, Kentucky S&ME Project No. 1183-14-026 May 22, 2014 Page 5 sample had a plasticity index of 31 percent. While the tested sample might be considered borderline, it is common throughout central Kentucky. Preferably, any borrow material will be from the upper layer of clay just beneath the topsoil/silty clay horizon. This upper clay layer is typically lower plasticity clay which is preferred for use as structural fill. It is imperative that, during construction, standard Proctor testing and additional Atterberg limits testing of fill soils should be performed by S&ME for compliance with the project specifications before they are used as fill material. We anticipate that structural fill will be obtained from nearby on the farm property. We recommend that the soils be tested for conformance with the project specifications before being transported to the site. Please realize that the laboratory conformance testing usually takes three to four business days to complete. Therefore, the Contractor should plan accordingly. Soil fill placement should occur in relatively thin (6 to 8-inch) layers and be compacted to at least 98 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. The moisture content of the fill should be maintained within the range of the soil’s optimum moisture content required to achieve the specified percent of compaction as determined by the standard Proctor test. In-place density testing must be performed on structural fill as a check that the previously recommended compaction criteria have been achieved. This allows our project engineer to monitor the quality of the fill construction and assess that the design criterion is being achieved in the field. We further recommend that these tests be performed on a full-time basis by S&ME. The testing frequency for density tests performed on a full-time basis can be determined by our personnel based on the area to be tested, the grading equipment used, and construction schedule. Tests should be performed at vertical intervals of 8-inches or less (the recommended lift thickness) as the fill is being placed. Foundation / Floor Slab Recommendations We understand that a preliminary foundation design was performed using a presumed allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. It is our opinion that the residual clay is capable of supporting the presumed allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 psf. Ideally foundations for a structure will bear on a consistent material (i.e.- either all on soil or bedrock). Based on the relatively shallow depth bedrock encountered in the test pits, we anticipate that some of the foundation excavations may encounter bedrock above the planned bearing elevation. As such, we recommend considering excavating all of the foundations to bear directly on bedrock. Where overexcavation is required, lean concrete, flowable fill, or foundation concrete can be placed to re- UK Dairy Housing Research and Teaching Facility / Lexington, Kentucky S&ME Project No. 1183-14-026 May 22, 2014 Page 6 establish the foundation bearing elevation. Crushed stone should not be placed on bedrock beneath foundations. Foundations in Fayette County, Kentucky require a 24 inch frost depth embedment below the exterior finished grade. If bedrock is encountered above 24 inches below grade in foundation excavations, it is not necessary to remove bedrock for frost protection of the foundations. Air entrained concrete should be used in such a scenario. The reinforcing steel should be clean and dry and all loose material should be removed from the excavation prior to concrete placement. Between completion of grading and floor slab construction, subgrades are often disturbed by weather, utility line installation, and other construction activities. For this reason, the subgrade should be evaluated by an S&ME engineer immediately prior to constructing the floor slab. If the subgrade is not evaluated by an S&ME engineer prior to concrete placement, S&ME must be held harmless for any claims due to poor performance. The current seismic design procedures outlined in the NEHRP (National Earthquake Hazard Reduction Program) guidelines mandate structural design loads to be based on the seismic coefficients of the site. Based on the results of our exploration and the geology of the area, we recommend a site seismic classification of “B” for this project site. This classification is further defined in Table 1613.5.2 in the 2012 Kentucky Building Code. 7.0 FOLLOW-UP SERVICES Our services should not end with the submission of this geotechnical report. S&ME should be kept involved throughout the design and construction process to maintain continuity and to verify that our recommendations are properly interpreted and implemented. To achieve this, we should be retained to review project plans and specifications with the designers to see that our recommendations are fully incorporated. We also should be retained to monitor and test the site preparation, foundation and building construction. If we are not allowed the opportunity to continue our involvement on this project, we cannot be held responsible for the recommendations in this report. This project will be governed by the 2012 Kentucky Building Code. Foundation construction will be a critical aspect of this project. Our familiarity with the site and with the foundation recommendations will make us a valuable part of your construction quality assurance team. In addition, a qualified engineering technician should observe and test all structural concrete and steel. Only experienced, qualified persons trained in geotechnical engineering and familiar with UK Dairy Housing Research and Teaching Facility / Lexington, Kentucky S&ME Project No. 1183-14-026 May 22, 2014 Page 7 foundation construction should be allowed to monitor and test foundations. Normally, full-time monitoring of the site work and foundation installation is appropriate. 8.0 LIMITATIONS OF REPORT This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the University of Kentucky for specific application to this project. Our conclusions and recommendations have been prepared using generally accepted standards of geotechnical engineering practice in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. No other warranty is expressed or implied. S&ME is not responsible for the conclusions, opinions, or recommendations of others based on this data. Our conclusions and recommendations are based on the design information furnished to us, the data obtained from the geotechnical exploration, and our experience. They do not reflect variations in the subsurface conditions that are likely to exist between our test pits, and in unexplored areas of the site due to the inherent variability of the subsurface conditions in this geologic region. If such variations are found during construction, re-evaluating our conclusions and recommendations will be necessary. If changes are made in the overall design, elevations, structural loads, or location of the buildings, the recommendations contained in this report will not be considered valid unless our firm has reviewed the changes and modified or verified our recommendations in writing. You should retain S&ME to review the foundation plans and the applicable portions of the project specifications when the designers complete the design. This review will allow us to check whether these documents are consistent with the intent of our recommendations. The Test Pit Logs present our interpretation of the subsurface conditions at specific test pit locations at the time of our exploration. The stratification lines represent the approximate boundary between soil types. The actual transitions may be more gradual than implied. For more information on the use and limitations of this report, please read the ASFE document that follows this page. APPENDIX A SITE LOCATION/TOPOGRAPHIC MAP TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN SITE SCALE: 1" = 2000' DATE: 5/19/2014 DRAWN BY: LHR PROJECT NO: 1183-14-026 FIGURE NO. WWW.SMEINC.COM 2020 LIBERTY ROAD, SUITE 105 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40505 PHONE: 859-293-5518 VICINITY MAP UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 1 TP-2 TP-1 TP-4 TP-3 LEGEND Test Pit Location SCALE: 1" = 30' DATE: 5/19/2013 DRAWN BY: LHR PROJECT NO: 1183-14-026 FIGURE NO. WWW.SMEINC.COM 2020 LIBERTY ROAD, SUITE 105 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40505 PHONE: 859-293-5518 TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 2 APPENDIX B TEST PIT LOGS TEST PIT LOG JOB NAME JOB NUMBER TEST PIT NUMBER UK DHRTF 1183-14-026 TP-1 DEPTH (FEET) FROM TO LOGGED BY DATE LOGGED AVG. SURFACE ELEV. STRATUM DESCRIPTION 0 1/2 Topsoil – 6 inches 1/2 1½ Lean Clay (CL) silty, firm, dark brown, moist 1½ 4 4 Lean Clay (CL) stiff, brown to light brown, moist Bedrock Andy Fiehler, PE 5/14/14 Approx. 942 TEST PIT LOG JOB NAME JOB NUMBER TEST PIT NUMBER UK DHRTF 1183-14-026 TP-2 DEPTH (FEET) FROM TO LOGGED BY DATE LOGGED AVG. SURFACE ELEV. Andy Fiehler, PE 5/14/14 Approx. 941 STRATUM DESCRIPTION 0 1/2 Topsoil – 6 inches 1/2 1½ Lean Clay (CL) silty, firm, dark brown, moist 1½ 4½ Lean Clay (CL) to Fat Clay (CH) stiff, brown to light brown, moist 4½ Bedrock TEST PIT LOG JOB NAME JOB NUMBER TEST PIT NUMBER UK DHRTF 1183-14-026 TP-3 DEPTH (FEET) FROM TO LOGGED BY DATE LOGGED AVG. SURFACE ELEV. Andy Fiehler, PE 5/13/14 Approx. 941 STRATUM DESCRIPTION 0 1/2 Topsoil – 6 inches 1/2 1½ Lean Clay (CL) silty, firm, dark brown, moist 1½ 3½ Lean Clay (CL) to Fat Clay (CH) stiff, brown to light brown, moist 3½ Bedrock TEST PIT LOG JOB NAME JOB NUMBER TEST PIT NUMBER UK DHRTF 1183-14-026 TP-4 DEPTH (FEET) FROM TO LOGGED BY DATE LOGGED AVG. SURFACE ELEV. STRATUM DESCRIPTION 0 1/2 Topsoil – 6 inches 1/2 1½ Lean Clay (CL) silty, firm, dark brown, moist 1½ 3 Lean Clay (CL) stiff, brown to light brown, moist 3 4 Weathered Bedrock with clay seams 4 Bedrock Andy Fiehler, PE 5/14/14 Approx. 941 APPENDIX C SUMMARY OF LABORATORY TEST DATA LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES Liquid Limit, Plastic Limit, and Plasiticity Index of Soils (ASTM D4318) PROJECT NAME: SAMPLE RECEIVED: TEST DATE: METHOD: Sample ID / Location TP-1 TP-2 TP-3 TP-4 UK College of Agriculture Compost Barn 05/14/14 05/20/14 Multipoint PROJECT NO.: 1183-14-026 TECHNICIAN: CP REVIEWED BY: JF REPORT DATE: 05/21/14 Depth LL PL PI NMC, % Est. % retained on No. 40 sieve 3.0 - 4.0 2.0 - 3.0 1.0 - 3.0 2.0 - 3.0 48 57 60 44 24 25 29 22 24 32 31 22 27.1 25.7 29.8 23.5 10 5 <5% 10 Classification - Description CL - Brown Lean clay with sand CH - Brown Fat clay CH - Brown Fat clay CL - Brown Lean clay with sand 60 50 PLASTICITY INDEX (PI) CH or OH 40 30 20 MH or OH CL or OL 10 CL-ML ML or OL 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) TP-1 Depth 3.0 - 4.0 TP-2 Depth 2.0 - 3.0 TP-3 Depth 1.0 - 3.0 TP-4 Depth 2.0 - 3.0 Form No. TR-D698-2 Revision No. : 0 Revision Date: 11/21/07 Moisture - Density Report Quality Assurance S&ME, Inc. - Lexington 2020 Liberty Road Suite 105 Lexington, KY 40505 S&ME Project #: Report Date: 05/21/14 1183-14-026 Project Name: UK College of Agriculture Compost Barn Test Date(s): 05/20/14 Client Name: University of Kentucky Client Address: 222 Peterson Service Building, Lexington, KY 40506 Boring #: TP-3 Sample #: P-1 Sample Date: 5/14/2014 2.0 - 3.0 Location: Offset: Depth (ft.): Sample Description: Brown Fat clay CH Maximum Dry Density 91.7 PCF. Optimum Moisture Content 29.5% ASTM D 698 - - Method A Soil Properties Moisture-Density Relations of Soil and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures Natural Moisture Content Specific Gravity of Soil (D854) Liquid Limit Plastic Limit Plastic Index 110.0 105.0 Dry Density (PCF) 100.0 29.8% 60 29 31 % Passing 3/4" 3/8" #4 #10 #40 #60 #200 95.0 90.0 85.0 Oversize Fraction Bulk Gravity % Moisture 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 % Oversize <5% Moisture Content (%) MDD Opt. MC Moisture-Density Curve Displayed: Fine Fraction ⌧ Corrected for Oversize Fraction (ASTM D 4718) Sieve Size used to separate the Oversize Fraction: #4 Sieve ⌧ 3/8 inch Sieve 3/4 inch Sieve Mechanical Rammer Manual Rammer Moist Preparation Dry Preparation ⌧ ⌧ 80.0 15.0 References / Comments / Deviations: ASTM D 2216: Laboratory Determination of Water (Moisture) Content of Soil and Rock by Mass ASTM D 698: Laboratory Compaction Characteristics of Soil Using Standard Effort Stephen Bennett Location Coordinator Technical Responsibility Signature Position This report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval of S&ME, Inc. S&ME,Inc. - Corporate 3201 Spring Forest Road Raleigh, NC. 27616 5/21/2014 Date 1183-14-026 Proctor TP-3 1-3 P-1.xls Page 1 of 1 LABORATORY TESTING PROCEDURES Soil Classification: Soil classifications provide a general guide to the engineering properties of various soil types and enable the engineer to apply past experience to current problems. In our investigations, samples obtained during drilling operations are examined in our laboratory and visually classified by an engineer. The soils are classified according to consistency (based on number of blows from standard penetration tests), color and texture. These classification descriptions are included on our "Test Boring Records." The classification system discussed above is primarily qualitative and for detailed soil classification two laboratory tests are necessary: grain size tests and plasticity tests. Using these test results the soil can be classified according to the AASHTO or Unified Classification Systems (ASTM D 2487). Each of these classification systems and the in-place physical soil properties provides an index for estimating the soil's behavior. The soil classification and physical properties obtained are presented in this report. Compaction Tests: Compaction tests are run on representative soil samples to determine the dry density obtained by a uniform compactive effort at varying moisture contents. The results of the test are used to determine the moisture content and unit weight desired in the field for similar soils. Proper field compaction is necessary to decrease future settlements, increase the shear strength of the soil and decrease the permeability of the soil. The two most commonly used compaction tests are the Standard Proctor test and the Modified Proctor test. They are performed in accordance with ASTM D 698 and D 1557, respectively. Generally, the Standard Proctor compaction test is run on samples from building or parking areas where small compaction equipment is anticipated. The Modified compaction test is generally performed for heavy structures, highways, and other areas where large compaction equipment is expected. In both tests a representative soil sample is placed in a mold and compacted with a compaction hammer. Both tests have four alternate methods. Test Method Hammer Wt./Fall Mold Diam. Standard A 5.5 lb./12" 4" D 698 B 5.5 lb./12" C Test Run on Matl. Finer Than No. of Layers No. of Blows/Lay er No. 4 sieve 3 25 4" 3/8" sieve 3 25 5.5 lb./12" 6" 3/4" sieve 3 56 Method Hammer Wt./Fall Mold Diam. No. of Layers No. of Blows/Lay er Modified A 10 lb./18" 4" No. 4 sieve 5 25 D 1557 B 10 lb./18" 4" 3/8" sieve 5 25 C 10 lb./18" 6" 3/4" sieve 5 56 Run on Matl. Finer Than The moisture content and unit weight of each compacted sample is determined. Usually 4 to 5 such tests are run at different moisture contents. Test results are presented in the form of a dry unit weight versus moisture content curve. The compaction method used and any deviations from the recommended procedures are noted in this report. Atterberg Limits: Portions of the samples are taken for Atterberg Limits testing to determine the plasticity characteristics of the soil. The plasticity index (PI) is the range of moisture content over which the soil deforms as a plastic material. It is bracketed by the liquid limit (LL) and the plastic limit (PL). The liquid limit is the moisture content at which the soil becomes sufficiently "wet" to flow as a heavy viscous fluid. The plastic limit is the lowest moisture content at which the soil is sufficiently plastic to be manually rolled into tiny threads. The liquid limit and plastic limit are determined in accordance with ASTM D 4318. Moisture Content: The Moisture Content is determined according to ASTM D 2216. APPENDIX D ACI 302.1R-96 GUIDE FOR CONCRETE FLOOR AND SLAB CONSTRUCTION 302.1R-66 ACI COMMITTEE REPORT ADDENDUM GUIDE FOR CONCRETE FLOOR AND SLAB CONSTRUCTION (302.1R-96) Vapor Retarder Location The report of ACI Committee 302, “Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction (ACI 302.1R-96)” states in section 4.1.5 that “if a vapor barrier or retarder is required due to local conditions, these products should be placed under a minimum of 4 in. (100 mm) of trimable, compactible, granular fill (not sand).” ACI Committee 302 on Construction of Concrete Floors, and Committee 360 on Design of Slabs on Ground have found examples where this approach may have contributed to floor covering problems. As a result of these experiences, and the difficulty in adequately protecting the fill course from water during the construction process, caution is advised on the use of the granular fill layer when moisture-sensitive finishes are to be applied to the slab surface. Based on the review of the details of problem installations, it became clear that the fill course above the vapor retarder can take on water from rain, wet-curing, wet-grinding or cutting, and cleaning. Unable to drain, the wet or saturated fill provides an additional source of water that contributes to moisture-vapor emission rates from the slab well in excess of the 3 to 5 lb/1000 ft2/24 h (1.46 to 2.44 kg/100 m2/24 h) recommendation of the floor covering manufacturers. Each proposed installation should be independently evaluated by considering the moisture sensitivity of subsequent floor finishes, anticipated project conditions and the potential effects of slab curling and cracking. The committees believe that when the use of a vapor retarder or barrier is required, the decision whether to locate the retarder or barrier in direct contact with the slab or beneath a layer of granular fill should be made on a case-by-case basis. The following chart can be used to assist in deciding where to place the vapor retarder. The anticipated benefits and risks associated with the specified location of the vapor retarder should be reviewed with all appropriate parties before construction. CONCRETE FLOOR AND SLAB CONSTRUCTION ADDENDUM GUIDE FOR CONCRETE FLOOR AND SLAB CONSTRUCTION (302.1R-96) Flow Chart for Location of Vapor Retarder/Barrier 302.1R-67 Topsoil Silty Clay Lean Clay E.5 FOUNDATION NOTES: 152' - 0" 31' - 0" 30' - 0" 16' - 0" 15' - 0" 30' - 0" 15' - 0" 15' - 0" 5' - 0" T/ WALL 4' - 0" 15' - 0" A2.1 15' - 0" 31' - 0" 15' - 0" 10' - 0" T/ FTG -1' - 0" 1 30' - 0" 15' - 0" 10' - 0" 2 18"X18" PIER, TYP. MATCH T/ WALL EL. S2.1 1. REFERENCE ELEVATION (EL = 0' - 0") IS DEFINED AS TOP OF CLAY SUBBASE AT GRID "K". REFER TO CIVIL WORK FOR EXACT ELEVATION. 2. THE FOUNDATIONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED BASED ON AN ASSUMED ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE OF 2,000 PSF. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER IN FIELD TO VERIFY PROPER SITE PREPARATION. 3. FOUNDATIONS SHALL BEAR ON PROPERLY PREPARED AND COMPACTED SOILS. 4. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES AND STRUCTURES (OVERHEAD OR UNDERGROUND) WITHIN THE WORK AREA AS WELL AS ANY EXISTING FOUNDATION SYSTEM(S). THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY SHORING OR BRACING OF SUCH COMPONENTS. 5. ALL EXCAVATIONS SHALL BE PROPERLY BACKFILLED. DO NOT PLACE BACKFILL BEHIND RETAINING WALLS BEFORE CONCRETE OR GROUT HAS ATTAINED FULL DESIGN STRENGTH. CONTRACTOR SHALL BRACE OR PROTECT ALL BUILDINGS AND PIT WALLS BELOW GRADE FROM LATERAL LOADS UNTIL ATTACHING FLOORS ARE COMPLETELY IN PLACE AND HAVE ATTAINED FULL DESIGN STRENGTH. CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE FOR DESIGN, PERMITS (AS REQ'D) AND INSTALLATION OF SUCH BRACING. 6. FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE PLACED ACCORDING TO THE DEPTHS SHOWN ON THE DRAWINGS. SHOULD SOIL ENCOUNTERED AT THESE DEPTHS NOT BE APPROVED BY THE INSPECTOR OR SOILS ENGINEER, FOUNDATION ELEVATIONS/DIMENSIONS MAY NEED TO BE MODIFIED BY THE ENGINEER. NOTIFY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD IF THIS IS THE CASE. TYP. T/ WALL 4' - 0" S2.1 TYP. 1 16' - 0" 5' - 0" S2.1 TYP. 15' - 0" TYP. 2 FOOTING AND PIER CENTERED ON PEMB COLUMN, TYP. 1 1' - 4" S2.1 1 TYP. 13 S2.1 T/ FTG T/ FTG -1' - 6" -2' - 0" 7 A1.1 7' - 0" 6' - 6" T/ SLAB = 2' - 0" 6' - 8" 3' - 0" 4' - 0" 11' - 4" 8" 10' - 0" 5' - 0" 11' - 4" 6' - 6" 7 14' - 4" 3 1'-0" CURB, TYP. S2.1 4' - 0" S2.1 CMU WALL, TYP. SLOPE ENDWALL BOND BEAM. 4' - 0" 4 TYP. @ OPENING S2.1 TYP. @ COL. SLOPE SAW CUT CONTROL JOINT AT GRIDLINES, TYP. SEE 11/S2.1 & 12/S2.1 FOR DETAILS. 8" 4' - 0" 6" Foundation Slab (KRAIBURG 8 RUBBER) 4' - 0" T/ FTG -1' - 6" FINISHED FLOOR EL = VARIES 10" 8" T/ WALL = 8' - 8" S2.1 T/ SLAB = 6" 7 1 S2.1 3' - 8 3/4" 2' - 6" T/ SLAB = 2' - 5" 3' - 3 1/4" 9' - 0" 5' - 3 1/4" 8 3/4" 8' - 3 1/4" 9' - 0" SLOPE SAW CUT CONTROL JOINT AT GRIDLINES, TYP. SEE 11/S2.1 & 12/S2.1 FOR DETAILS. FINISHED FLOOR EL = VARIES 6" CONCRETE SLAB W/ #4 BARS @ 18" OC EACH WAY OVER 6" STONE OVER PROPERLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR REQUIREMENTS. 2' - 3 1/4" 6' - 8 3/4" 9' - 0" 1' - 8 3/4" 7' - 3 1/4" 2' - 0" SAW CUT CONTROL JOINT AT GRIDLINES, TYP. SEE 11/S2.1 & 12/S2.1 FOR DETAILS. 1' - 3 1/4" 9' - 0" 4' - 3 1/4" 3 1/4" 9' - 0" 6" 7' - 0" 2' - 3 1/2" 8' - 11 3/4" 7' - 2 3/4" SLOPE T/ WALL = 8' - 0" R1 7 S2.1 3' - 8 3/4" 5' - 3" 800S200-54 CONT. ALONG OUTSIDE EDGE OF PERIMETER WALL. FASTEN TO CMU BOND BEAM W/ 3/8" Ø HILTI HUS-EZ @ 24" OC. EMBED 3 1/4" MIN. T/ SLAB = 0' 1' -- 11" 0" 10' - 9" END OF CONCRETE CURB T/ SLAB = 1' - 0" SAW CUT CONTROL JOINT AT GRIDLINES, TYP. SEE 11/S2.1 & 12/S2.1 FOR DETAILS. 7 1 S2.1 T/ FTG -1' - 6" S2.1 SLOPE 10 4 T/ FTG 2' - 2 1/4" 3 TYP. @ WATERER S2.1 8 6" CONCRETE SLAB W/ #4 BARS @ 18" OC EACH WAY OVER PROPERLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR REQUIREMENTS. 1' - 8 1/2" S2.1 -1' - 0" FINISHED FLOOR EL = VARIES 8 1 S2.1 SIM. T/ SLAB = 6" COOORDINATE SUPPORT POLE SPACING WITH OWNER PRIOR TO FABRICATION AND INSTALLATION, TYP. 7 4" 6" 14' - 4" T/ SLAB = 2' - 0" S2.1 1 SAW CUT CONTROL JOINT AT GRIDLINES, TYP. SEE 11/S2.1 & 12/S2.1 FOR DETAILS. 1' - 3 1/2" S2.1 T/ SLAB = 6" 2 2 A2.1 10" 5" 3" 8" X 16 GA. CHANNEL. FASTEN TO CMU BOND BEAM W/ 3/8" Ø HILTI HUS-EZ @ 24" OC. EMBED 3 1/4" MIN. 3 T/ SLAB = 2' - 0" T/ FTG -1' - 6" 45' - 4" 6' - 8" 11' - 4" 3' - 0" 5' - 0" 10' - 0" 8' - 4" 6' - 8" 3' - 0" 11' - 4" 8" 10' - 0" 5' - 0" 15' - 0" 11' - 4" 8" 3' - 0" 5' - 4" 7' - 0" A3.1 T/ FTG = -2' - 0" W 3'-0" X 3'-0" X 1'-0" FOOTING W/ 4) #4 EW, BOTTOM 5 ELECTRIC ROOM ROOF FRAMING PLAN SCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" 4" 14"X14" PIER. SEE 14/S2.1 FOR DETAILS T/ PIER = 3' - 8" 3' - 4" 8" 1 T/ FTG = -6" 3.5 7' - 0" WALL ELEVATIONS SYMETRIC ABOUT BUILDING CENTERLINE, U.N.O. 6X 2 BP 5 2 20' - 10" 17' - 4" T/ FTG -2' - 0" ENDWALL COLUMN PER PEMB SUPPLIER 1" EOD 4" Ø STD PIPE POST, TYP. SEE DETAIL 6/S2.1 FOR BASE CONNECTION. VERIFY SPACING WITH OWNER PRIOR TO FABRICATION & INSTALLATION. 6' - 10" 8" T/ SLAB = 2' - 6" 1' - 8 3/4" 2' - 3 1/4" 1 39' - 0" 4' - 8 3/4" 800S200-54 @ 2'-0" OC MAX. ATTACH TO CMU BOND BEAM W/ 2) 3/8" Ø HILTI HUS-EZ EA. WALL. EMBED 3 1/4" MIN. 6' - 5 1/2" SAW CUT CONTROL JOINT AT GRIDLINES, TYP. SEE 11/S2.1 & 12/S2.1 FOR DETAILS. 2' - 3 1/4" SLOPE 7' - 8 3/4" 10' - 0" T/ SLAB = 1' - 0" 1 SLOPE T/ SLAB = 2' - 6" 3" 1 8" S2.1 5" 10' - 0" T/ SLAB = 6" 7 6" CONCRETE SLAB W/ #4 BARS @ 18" OC EACH WAY OVER PROPERLY COMPACTED SUBGRADE. REFER TO GEOTECHNICAL REPORT FOR REQUIREMENTS. 10' - 0" 18' - 0" ENDWALL COLUMN PER PEMB SUPPLIER 1.5 18"X18" PIER. SEE 2/S2.1 FOR DETAILS. T/ PIER EL. = 4' - 0". -2' - 0" T/ FTG 4' - 0" T/ CONC. WALL 1' - 10" 4" 10" 4' - 0" 1' - 8 1/2" 2' - 2 1/4" 1 T/ SLAB = 2' - 0" 138' - 8" 141' - 4" OUTSIDE OF COLUMN TO OUTSIDE OF COLUMN 2.8 F 1" EOD 2 2.4 8" X 16 GA. CHANNEL. FASTEN TO CMU BOND BEAM W/ 3/8" Ø HILTI HUS-EZ @ 24" OC. EMBED 3 1/4" MIN. 4' - 4" 6' - 6" T/ FTG -2' - 0" 6' - 6" 8" TYP. 15' - 0" © 2010 1' - 4" 1 14"X14" PIER. SEE 14/S2.1 FOR DETAILS 3'-0" X 3'-0" X 1'-0" FOOTING W/ 4) #4 EW, BOTTOM T/ PIER = 3' - 8" ELECTRICAL ROOM ROOF FRAMING NOTES 1. REFERENCE ELEVATION (EL = 0' - 0") IS DEFINED AS TOP OF CLAY SUBBASE AT GRID "K". REFER TO CIVIL WORK FOR EXACT ELEVATION. 2. PROVIDE CONTINUOUS SUPPORT FOR DECK EDGES, WHETHER SHOWN OR NOT, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY & COORDINATE ALL ROOF OPENING LOCATIONS W/ ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, & PLUMBING WORK. 4. SEE DECK SCHEDULE BELOW FOR DECK FASTENING REQUIREMENTS. DECK ENDS SHALL BEAR A MINIMUM OF 2" AT SUPPORTS & SHALL HAVE LAP JOINTS. DAIRY HOUSING RESEARCH AND TEACHING FACILITY 10' - 0" S2.1 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT DAIRY COMPLEX 6' - 6" 8' - 0" 8" TYP. 4' - 0" 11' - 4" 9 1' - 8" 6' - 8" 3' - 4" 7' - 0" 2' - 9" 17' - 4" 8" 4' - 0" 2' - 4" -1' - 0" 8" -2' - 0", TYP. 3' - 4" 20' - 10" T/ FTG -1' - 6" T/ FTG S2.1 SM 5 NOTE: FOUNDATION SIZES, SECTIONS, AND ANCHOR ROD EMBEDMENT DEPTH SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE BASED ON ASSUMED BUILDING LOADS. CONTRACTOR MUST SUBMIT PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING DETAILS AND REACTIONS FOR ENGINEER'S APPROVAL PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OR SHOP DRAWING PREPARATION. ALLOW TWO WEEKS FOR FOUNDATION REVIEW AND REVISIONS IF REQUIRED. FINAL SIZES AND EMBEDMENT DEPTHS WILL BE PROVIDED AFTER EVALUATION. 4" SLAB ON GRADE ON ASTM E1745 VAPOR RETARDER. T/ SLAB ELEVATION = 0' - 0". SLOPE TOWARDS DOOR 1/8":1'-0" 6' - 8" 3'-0" X 3'-0" X 1'-0" FOOTING W/ 4) #4 EW, BOTTOM T/ CMU WALL 8' - 8" 0" [smart design] 8" 1' - 2" 10' - 0" T/ CMU WALL 8' 8"- 8" T/ PIER = 3' - 8" C E NS ED G IO NA L E N 18"X18" PIER. SEE 2/S2.1 FOR DETAILS. T/ PIER EL. = 3'-8" T/ CONCRETE WALL 8" , TYP. 14"X14" PIER. SEE 14/S2.1 FOR DETAILS 45' - 4" 1 1" EOD COMPACTED CLAY SUBBASE 1 T / FTG = -6" 1.5 SS -1' - 6" 12' - 4" 24' - 6" T/ FTG -1' - 0" T/ FTG -2' - 0" T/ FTG 23151 KYLE S. BEASLEY F 1853 E Design Build | Building Commissioning | Special Inspections D.5 FE PRO Master Planning | Architecture | Engineering | Interior Design D 502-585-4181 502-587-0488 Fax C.5 737 South Third Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202-2100 C LI U O F K E NT TE A B.5 ST B R A.5 EE A Y IN CK METAL DECK PROFILE, DEPTH x THICKNESS 4 PLAN NORTH FOUNDATION PLAN 1 2 2 TYP. A3.2 S2.1 TYP. 5' - 0" 10' - 0" 18"X18" PIER, TYP. MATCH T/ WALL2EL. S2.1 2 TYP. TYP. A3.2-AG 10' - 0" #12 TEK SCREWS AT 12" OC #10 TEK @ 12" OC 1 S2.1 S2.1 3-SPAN SUPPORT FASTENING SIDE LAP FASTENING 13 5' - 0" S2.1 T/ CLAY SUBBASE = 0' - 0" 8" TYP. WEST BAY TO BE DESIGNED TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE EXPANSION (30 FT BAYS) T/ CLAY SUBBASE = 1' - 6" T/ WALL 4' - 0" ANCHOR ROD EMBEDMENT SCHEDULE ANCHOR DIAMETER REQUIRED EMBEDMENT 1/2" Ø 10 INCHES 3/4" Ø 12 INCHES 1" Ø 16 INCHES 1 1/4" Ø 20 INCHES *NOTE: ANCHOR ROD SIZE AND LAYOUT TO BE PROVIDED BY PEMB SUPPLIER SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" 1 # 1/6/2015 3:02:27 PM C:\Users\jbeaudette\Documents\2014.081 Struct - VE PEMB_jbeaudette.rvt 1' - 4" TYP. SPAN CONDITION 1 1/4" PBR ROOF x 26 GA 1/6/2015 ROOF DECK 4' - 0" R1 Addendum 01 T/ FTG -1' - 0" ROOF DECK SCHEDULE PLAN MARK Description T/ FTG -1' - 6" REVISIONS T/ FTG -1' - 0" T/ WALL T/ FTG -2' - 0" T/ FTG -2' - 0" T/ FTG -1' - 6" Date 24' - 6" COMPACTED CLAY SUBBASE COMM. NO. 2014.081 MADE BY CHECKED JB KSB DATE 11/14/14 FOUNDATION PLAN 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 0 1/2" 1" SCALE SHOWN TO ENSURE REPRODUCTION ACCURACY DRAWING NO. S1.1 BID PKG. C ENS ED G IO NA L E N 23151 KYLE S. BEASLEY SS TE LI U O F K E NT R 2 1' - 4" Y EE OUTSIDE FACE OF PEMB COLUMN CK IN 1 FE ST PRO A PEMB COLUMN PER PEMB SUPPLIER 1 FINISH GRADE FINISH GRADE 1'VARIES - 1 3/8" 1' - 6" TOP OF CLAY SUBBASE 1/2" ISOLATION JOINT 3 RUNS, #5 HORINZONTAL BARS T/ SCRAPE ALLEY 1' - 9 1/4" CLAY SUBBASE RUBBER FLOORING (NIC) VARIES VARIES 11" CLAY SUBBASE 3 RUNS, #5 HORIZONTAL BARS, EA. FACE SLAB ON GRADE PER PLAN 1853 Design Build | Building Commissioning | Special Inspections #3 TIE SETS @ 8" OC CLAY SUBBASE #5 VERTICAL DOWELS @ 24" OC W/ STD HOOK SLAB ON GRADE PER PLAN T/ CURB 2'VARIES - 3 1/4" EMBED 12" MIN. T/ WALL 4' - 0" RUBBER FLOORING (NIC) Master Planning | Architecture | Engineering | Interior Design CONCRETE WALL BEYOND 18"X18" CONCRETE PIER 8" WALL 1/2" ISOLATION JOINT 4" 6" #3 TIE SETS @ 8" OC 4 RUNS, #5 HORIZONTAL BARS 4" #4 U-BAR W/ 24" LEG, MIN. @ EA. COLUMN 502-585-4181 502-587-0488 Fax 4" 8) #6 VERTICAL DOWELS W/ STD HOOK (3 EA. FACE) #5 VERTICAL DOWELS @ 24" OC W/ STD HOOK 1' - 0" MIN. EMBED. 2 3) #3 TIES SETS @ 2" OC 2" 2" 8" CONCRETE WALL 1' - 6" 4' - 0" 1' - 0" T/ PILASTER 4' - 0" T/ WALL 6" 8" BASEPLATE & ANCHOR ROD LAYOUT PER PEMB SUPPLIER 8) #6 VERTICAL 1' - 6" 1 1/2" CLR TYP. 737 South Third Street, Louisville, Kentucky 40202-2100 PEMB COLUMN PER PEMB SUPPLIER T/ SCRAPE ALLEY 1'VARIES - 4 7/8" 1' - 0" 7) #5 LONG WAY, TOP ATLERNATE HOOKS 1' - 2" #4 @ 12" OC SHORT WAY, TOP AND BOTTOM #5 @ 24" OC 3 RUNS, #5 HORINZONTAL BARS 6'-0" x 6'-0" FOOTING. T/ FTG TO MATCH TOP OF WALL FTG, TYP. 1' - 0" 2) #5 CONT. 10" T/ FOOTING SEE-1' PLAN - 0" 2" 3" CLR T/ FOOTING - 0" SEE-1'PLAN 1' - 0" #5 @ 12" OC 12'-0" x 7'-0" FOOTING. T/ FTG TO MATCH TOP OF WALL FTG, TYP. #5 @ 24" OC 6) #6 EW, BTM #4 @ 12" OC 3' - 0" T /FTG SEE-1' PLAN - 6" 4) #4 CONT. 1' - 0" 2' - 0" 1' - 6" 1' - 0" A2.1 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" TYP. COL. @ PERIMETER WALL 3 A2.1 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" SCRAPE ALLEY WALL @ OPENING 4 A2.1 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" TYP. COL. @ SCRAPE ALLEY WALL SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 3 PEMB COLUMN PER PEMB SUPPLIER 2.4 3/8" BASEPLATE POST 1/4 4" 6" 2' - 0" 8 A2.1 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" TYPICAL FEED ALLEY WALL 9 S1.1 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" #5 @ 12" OC POUR-THROUGH @ DOOR 10 TYPICAL WATERER SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" A2.1 SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0" FOR SLAB REINFORCING SEE PLAN CONTROL JOINT IN CONCRETE WALL TYP. @ EA. STEP CONDITION 1' - 2" 7" CONCRETE WALL FOOTING PER DETAIL 2' - 0" 11 TYPICAL SLAB ON GRADE CONTROL JOINT SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 12 TYPICAL SLAB ON GRADE CONSTRUCTION JOINT 13 STEPPED WALL FOOTING SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" S1.1 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 4) #6 VERTICAL 14 14" PIER SCALE: 1 1/2" = 1'-0" 1 Addendum 01 NOTE: CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY THE COMPOSITION OF THE SOIL SUBSTRATE AND ITS PREPARATION WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL REPORT. 1/6/2015 1' - 0" CRUSHED STONE SUBBASE SEE PLAN FOR THICKNESS Date 1' - 0" 6" 7" #3 TIES @ 8" OC. SEE 2/S2.1 FOR MORE INFORMATION 1 FOR SLAB REINFORCING SEE PLAN 7" # BARS TO MATCH SIZE AND SPACING OF WALL FOOTING REINFORCEMENT REVISIONS CONCRETE SLAB CRUSHED STONE SUB BASE SEE PLAN FOR THICKNESS 5) #5 CONT. 1/4"x t/4 CONTINUOUS SAW CUT AND FILL W/ SEALANT AFTER 28 DAY CURING PERIOD EQ EQ t 5' - 9" 3' - 0" #5 @ 12" OC TYPICAL TURNED-DOWN SLAB 1/4" x t/4 CONTINUOUS SAW-CUT AND FILL WITH SEALANTAFTER 28 DAY CURING PERIOD #4 CONT. @ 16" OC WEEP HOLE T/ FOOTING SEE-1'PLAN - 6" CONT. #4 @ 12" OC #4 x 2'-0" BAR W/ PLASTIC EXPANSION SLEEVE @ 1'-6" OC CONCRETE SLAB 1' - 0" NOTE: OMIT CONCRETE CURB AND VERTICAL DOWELS AT SIM. 4) #4 CONT. 8" 1' - 2" 7" S1.1 SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-0" 2' - 5" #5 VERTICAL DOWELS @ 18" OC W/ STD HOOK -2' - 0" #4 VERTICAL DOWEL @ 12" OC W/ STD. HOOK 8" 10" 1' - 2" 7 4" 6" SLAB ON GRADE W/ RUBBER FLOORING PER PLAN #5 VERTICAL DOWELS @ 16" OC W/ STD HOOK 3) #4 CONT. 6" CRUSHED STONE 1' - 0" #4 VERTICAL DOWEL @ 12" OC W/ 36" LONG LEG @ TOP 8" TYPICAL CMU STEM WALL VARIES 8" DAIRY HOUSING RESEARCH AND TEACHING FACILITY CLAY SUBBASE T/ FTG 4) #4 CONT. #5 @ 12" OC COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE FOOD AND ENVIRONMENT DAIRY COMPLEX FINISH GRADE SEE 1' - 8 PLAN 1/2" 4" 2' - 6" MIN. FINISH GRADE -2' - 0" 3" CLR 1' - 0" 3' - 0" 1/6/2015 3:02:29 PM C:\Users\jbeaudette\Documents\2014.081 Struct - VE PEMB_jbeaudette.rvt SLAB ON GRADE PER PLAN VARIES 2' - 6" 8" #57 GRAVEL FILL 6" SLAB ON GRADE PER PLAN SLAB ON GRADE PER PLAN #4 CONT. HORIZ. @ 12" OC MAX. 6" SLAB ON GRADE PER PLAN #5 VERTICAL DOWELS @ 18" OC W/ STD HOOK STOOP, SEE CIVIL 2) RUNS, #4 CONT. A LOCATE JOINT UNDER THRESHOLD 6" 0" SEE PLAN F 8" CONCRETE CURB 1 SCALE: 1" = 1'-0" SLAB ON GRADE PER PLAN CLAY SUBBASE POST BASEPLATE 1' - 2" T/ WALL = 8" #4 CONT. @ 16" OC MOUNT PIPE PER DETAIL 6/S2.1 3" CLR 6 1/2" ISOLATION JOINT 3" Ø STANDARD PIPE SUPPORT @ 15" OC. MAX 6" MIN. 5" 2' - 2" LAP 8" #4 VERTICAL DOWELS @ 32" OC W/ STD HOOK. 6' - 6" 2) 1/2" Ø ANCHOR RODS. ATTACH TO CONCRETE WALL W/ HILTI HIT-HY 200 ADHESIVE. (EMBED 4" MIN.) 3" CLR WALL 8" CMU WALL S1.1 8" T/ WALL #4 @ 32" OC 5 2' - 5" Description S1.1 2 3' - 0" © 2010 TYPICAL PERIMETER WALL 1 3' - 0" [smart design] 12' - 0" SM 3" CLR 7) #7 LONG WAY, BTM COMM. NO. 2014.081 MADE BY CHECKED JB KSB DATE 11/14/14 FOUNDATION SECTIONS & DETAILS 100% CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS 0 1/2" 1" SCALE SHOWN TO ENSURE REPRODUCTION ACCURACY DRAWING NO. S2.1 BID PKG.