bulletins and announcements - Williamsville United Methodist Church
bulletins and announcements - Williamsville United Methodist Church
Prayer Concerns Acolyte: Katelyn Pasco The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears open to their prayer. – 1 Peter 3:12 Please pray for: Church family and friends may request special prayers through the Prayer Chain. Please call Bob or Irene Hayman at 688-1258 to place your prayer request For those who would find it helpful, large print bulletins, hymnals and Bibles are available in the back of the sanctuary. We also offer comfortable ear-sets that provide improved listening. An usher will be happy to assist with either. The Work of Christmas: Rebuilding Broken Walls and Lives 2. This Call Is for You Loving, consistent infant and toddler care is available in the nursery from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. We have a paging system so you can be quietly alerted if your child needs you presence. Parents wishing to use this service are welcome to take their children to the nursery at any time. If you need directions, please ask an usher. □ Please add this request to the weekly prayer list. □ This is a one-time request. □ This is an ongoing concern. I would like the pastor to know: The quiet activity clipboards for children to use during worship are in the small bookshelf at the back of the sanctuary. Please ask an usher if you need help. How to contact us: Church :: Phone: 716-634-4800 :: Email: wumc@williamsvilleumc.org Church website :: www.williamsvilleumc.org Church office hours :: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Pastor Rich :: Phone: 716-984-3541 :: Email: richneal@together.net Follow Pastor Rich’s blog at :: www.saunteringpilgrim.com Pastor: The Rev. Richard Neal, Pastor Directors of Music: Judith Stafford and Wendy Amuso Pastoral Assistant for Nurture and Visitation: Barbara Saltarella Director of Christian Education: Jennifer Stamm Church Administrator: Denise Barham Nursery Care: Kathleen Ciccone, Amanda Dickerman Custodial Services: ALG Enterprises Williamsville United Methodist Church 5681 Main Street, Williamsville, NY 14221 January 11, 2015, 9:00 a.m. Baptism of the Lord Morning Praise and Prayer January 11, 2015, 9:00 a.m. Ruminations, “This Call Is for You” At the cross (+), please stand if you are able. Invitation to Renew Our Covenant with God Hymn, “We Are the Body of Christ” Pastor Rich Neal FWS 2227 January 11, 2015, 9:00 Offering Offertory Music, “Treasure of You” Crosswinds Gathering Music, “Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord” Crosswinds Stephen Schwartz Steven Curtis Chapman Name Covenant Renewal Prayer and Thanksgiving + Song, “I Believe in Jesus” Welcome and Announcements Address Insert City + Call to Praise and Prayer In the beginning, God called out, “Light!” and there was light. The light appeared again in Jesus to illumine our way. That light lived among us as one of us, and it gives us life. Now by God’s grace we gather as the light of the world. May our lives give praise and glory to God. + Dismissal with Blessing Go forth to live as the light and love of Christ, to the glory of God. This we do by grace, thanks be to God. May God bless you and protect you. May God smile upon you and be gracious to you. May God show you favor and give you peace. Num. 6:24-26 Amen. Thanks be to God. + Praising God with Song + Postlude, “Jesus Loves Me” Crosswinds “I Will Call Upon the Lord” “More Precious than Silver” FWS 2002 FWS 2065 + Prayer of the Day Joys, Concerns, and Prayers of the People The Scriptures Are Read Mark 1:4-11 Ritual of Friendship: Joining Hands – Building on Love Pew Bible, N.T. p. 42 Time for the Children As the children come forward, please sing “Where Children Belong” FWS 2233 This, this is where children belong, welcomed as part of the worshiping throng. Water, God’s Word, bread and cup, prayer and song: This is where children belong. Hymnal numbers are found in dark blue hardcover hymnals. FWS numbers are in the black spiral-bound book, The Faith We Sing. State, Zip Email Telephone □ This is a new address □ I am a member of this congregation □ Nonmember who attends regularly □ Occasional visitor □ First-time visitor □ New resident □ Desire a call by pastor □ Wish to talk about becoming a member Detach and pass it to the center aisle during the offering. Prayer Concerns The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears open to their prayer. – 1 Peter 3:12 Please pray for: Acolyte: Bradley Pettis Head Usher: Ira Harbaugh January Usher Team: Jim Leopold, Jim Steimer The Work of Christmas: Rebuilding Broken Walls and Lives Church family and friends may request special prayers through the Prayer Chain. Please call Bob or Irene Hayman at 688-1258 to place your prayer request For those who would find it helpful, large print bulletins, hymnals and Bibles are available in the back of the sanctuary. We also offer comfortable ear-sets that provide improved listening. An usher will be happy to assist with either. 2. This Call Is for You Loving, consistent infant and toddler care is available in the nursery from 8:30 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. We have a paging system so you can be quietly alerted if your child needs you presence. Parents wishing to use this service are welcome to take their children to the nursery at any time. If you need directions, please ask an usher. □ Please add this request to the weekly prayer list. □ This is a one-time request. □ This is an ongoing concern. I would like the pastor to know: The quiet activity clipboards for children to use during worship are in the small bookshelf at the back of the sanctuary. Please ask an usher if you need help. How to contact us: Church :: Phone: 716-634-4800 :: Email: wumc@williamsvilleumc.org Church website :: www.williamsvilleumc.org Church office hours :: Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Pastor Rich :: Phone: 716-984-3541 :: Email: richneal@together.net Follow Pastor Rich’s blog at :: www.saunteringpilgrim.com Pastor: The Rev. Richard Neal, Pastor Directors of Music: Judith Stafford and Wendy Amuso Pastoral Assistant for Nurture and Visitation: Barbara Saltarella Director of Christian Education: Jennifer Stamm Church Administrator: Denise Barham Nursery Care: Kathleen Ciccone, Amanda Dickerman Custodial Services: ALG Enterprises Williamsville United Methodist Church 5681 Main Street, Williamsville, NY 14221 January 11, 2015, 11:00 a.m. Baptism of the Lord Ruminations, “This Call Is for You” Celebrating Worship :: January 11, 2015, 11:00 a.m. Pastor Rich Neal At the cross (+), please stand if you are able. :: We Respond with Gratitude :: :: We Gather :: + Hymn, “The Summons” Prelude, “Be Bold” by C. Hill + Gathering Litany In the beginning, God called out, “Light!” and there was light. The light appeared again in Jesus to illumine our way. That light lived among us as one of us, and it gives us life. Now by God’s grace we gather as the light of the world. May our lives give praise and glory to God. + Hymn, “When Jesus Came to Jordan” Hymnal 252 + Prayer of the Day Joys, Concerns, and Prayers of the People with the Lord’s Prayer After each petition the leader will say, “Lord, in your mercy,” and the people will respond, “hear our prayer.” Prayer for Illumination Response Lead me, Lord, lead me in your righteousness; make your way plain before my face. Time for the Children As the children come forward, please sing “Where Children Belong” Insert Offering from Hymn 473 Pew Bible, N.T. p. 234 Name Address by S. Pethel State, Zip + Doxology (Hymn 236, stanza 6) All glory be to God on high, and to the earth be peace; good will hence-forth from heaven to earth begin and never cease, begin and never cease! Email + Prayer of Thanksgiving □ This is a new address □ I am a member of this congregation □ Nonmember who attends regularly □ Occasional visitor □ First-time visitor □ New resident □ Desire a call by pastor □ Wish to talk about becoming a member Detach and pass it to the center aisle during the offering. :: We Are Sent to Serve :: Hymnal 338 + Dismissal with Blessing Go forth to live as the light and love of Christ, to the glory of God. This we do by grace, thanks be to God. May God bless you and protect you. May God smile upon you and be gracious to you. May God show you favor and give you peace. Amen. Alleluia! + Postlude, “Abiding Love” by R. W. Masters Pew Bible, N.T. p. 42 FWS 2233 January 11, 2015, 11:00 City Offertory Music, “Our Lord Reigns” The Chancel Choir + Hymn, “Where He Leads Me” :: We Hear God’s Word :: + The Gospel, Mark 1:4-11 Hymnal 606 + Covenant Prayer Welcome and Announcements First Lesson, Ephesians 1:17-19 + Invitation to Renew our Covenant with God + Hymn, “Come, Let Us Use the Grace Divine” The Advent Choir FWS 2130 Ritual of Friendship: Joining Hands – Building on Love Hymnal numbers are found in dark blue hardcover hymnals. FWS numbers are in the black spiral-bound book, The Faith We Sing. Telephone SUNDAY MESSENGER January 11, 2015 WILLIAMSVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 5681 Main Street, Williamsville NY 14221 (716) 634-4800 email: wumc@williamsvilleumc.org Web Site: www.williamsvilleumc.org ‘Like’ us on Facebook! - facebook.com/pages/WilliamsvilleUnited-Methodist-Church/420017971370009 WUMC WELCOME STATEMENT We welcome you to the Williamsville United Methodist Church in the name and sprit of Jesus Christ, offering openness, acceptance and support that enables all persons to participate in the life of the church. All are welcome. Please contact the church office for more information on any event listed here. Your birthday is important to us! If we missed it call the church office to update our records. THANK YOU FROM GATEWAY LONGVIEW Thank you for giving the gift of joy to a child in-need at Christmastime. On behalf of Gateway-Longview and the children and families we serve, we would like to thank the Williamsville United Methodist Church for your generous gift of $200.00. Please know that you did make wishes come true during this joyous season. Because you cared to join us in our mission, children and families were able to enjoy some holiday cheer. Thank you again, for your friendship, partnership, and support. We wish you and your family the peace, joy, and love of the season all year-round. You will be remembered in our prayers for your compassion and generosity. WILLIAMSVILLE IN MISSION HUMAN RELATIONS DAY OFFERING Turn on the news or drive around the outskirts of your town and you will find what Jesus called “the least of these.” Those living in the margins of society, struggling to survive. People like: ▪ an immigrant teenager in Texas’ poorest county, being recruited by a local gang; ▪ a father struggling for sobriety in Little Rock, Arkansas; ▪ an Oklahoma woman recently released from incarceration looking for work. Over and over Jesus served people like this, embracing them. And that’s what we want to model as the people of The United Methodist Church. To continue the ministry of Jesus we established Human Relations Day as a Special Sunday that calls all of our churches to participate in helping all God’s children to realize their potential. As a member of The United Methodist Church, your gift for Human Relations Day, Jan. 18, allows the work of folks like Bruce and Becky Ballou to build relationships with those teens in Texas. Your gift allows Montey Payne to lead recovering addicts towards healing. And your gift helps Rev. Steve Burr find work for ex-offenders. This work and hundreds of other ministries are possible because you give. Will you continue nurturing at-risk youth, strengthening communities’ self-improvement efforts, and advocating for the oppressed? SENECA STREET CHURCH’S AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAM NEEDS YOUR HELP! In conjunction with Daemen College, Seneca Street Church operates an after-school program for children to provide child care for its “working moms” congregation and also a place where all neighborhood children and do and get help with their homework. During Daemen’s winter recess (thru January 25), there is a critical need to get several adults and older youth to help with this 2:30-5:30 p.m. program. No special skills are required – just the desire to help a child. If help cannot be located, the program will have to be shut down during this time. Can you volunteer for one day a week, or for a few days during one week? Almost any time would be appreciated. If you can help, please contact Cheryl Bird (6896356) or Kristin Cook (462-0117) to let them know of your availability. WUMC FOOD PANTRY In response to last month’s paralyzing storm almost the entire contents of our food pantry was delivered to our UMCOR collection site at Harris Hill UMC for distribution to our neighbors in Lackawanna. The children from Open Door Nursery School and members of the cancer support group who meet at WUMC have very generously donated canned goods that have helped to restock our shelves. Our pantry continues to provide extra assistance to individuals and families who are experiencing hard times. There are some items that we are still in need of: cereal, peanut butter, jars of spaghetti sauce, crackers, boxed macaroni & cheese, canned fruit, oatmeal, coffee, juice. Please remember this important ministry when you are in the grocery stores. BOOK CLUB The Book Club will hold its first meeting of 2015 on Friday, January 16, 7:30 pm, at the home of Holly and Phil Reynolds. We will discuss "My Beloved World" by Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. This national best seller is her memory of growing up in a Puerto Rican immigrant family and her journey into a larger American world. RACHEL CIRCLE The next meeting of Rachel Circle will be January 15 at 12:30 p.m. in the church parlor. Bring a sandwich for lunch. Drinks and dessert will be provided. New comers are always welcome. If you have any questions please call Doris Orgek TANGENTS: AN OPPORTUNITY TO GROW In our conversations at the juncture of faith and life, we in the Tangents class are sometimes unsure where a current topic will take us. Every topic, however, is an opportunity to explore aspects of our faith and ourselves in a way that leads to discovery and growth. Currently we’re discovering things several of us did not know about the privileges we and other whites have in our society. For white Americans, racism and white privilege remain mostly hidden and easy to rationalize, ignore, or deny. We like to talk about opportunities we think are available to everyone rather than consider privileges we have because of our race. For people of color, the privileges of whites are seldom if ever hidden and are impossible to deny. Why is it so hard for white Americans to talk about those issues? That’s the question we’re wrestling with currently. Join us for the journey of discovery and growth. The adult discussion group meets from 9:50 to10:30 Sunday mornings in the parlor, at the rear of the sanctuary. All are welcome to attend and participate in one session or several, as your schedule and interest allow. DASH’S RECEIPTS FOR OPEN DOOR NURSERY SCHOOL Your children may have long outgrown Open Door, but you can still help our wonderful nursery school by saving your Dash’s Market receipts. For every $100 in collected receipts, Dash’s generously gives Open Door $2.50. It really adds up and helps our school replace worn items and make improvements. It’s an easy way to help and it makes a big difference to our little school. Look for collection boxes in the parlor, narthex, or outside classroom doors. 2015 GIVING ENVELOPES Offering envelopes for 2015 will be available for you to pick-up on a table in the Narthex beginning December 24. The envelopes help us to provide you with an accurate statement of your giving, so please be sure to take yours home. Remember that the packet of pre-addressed envelopes gives you the option of mailing your offering if you cannot make it to church on Sunday. If you cannot find your new envelopes, or if you have any other questions about your giving, please call the church office. In the meantime, use your 2014 envelopes through the end of this month and then discard any unused after the first of the year because the number on your 2015 set may be different than your number for 2014. HAVE YOU SEEN OUR GRIDDLE? We seem to have lost our electric griddle that was in the kitchen or it was put away somewhere and is hiding from us. If you have any idea where it might be please let the office know. Thank you DAYS AHEAD IN OUR CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 11 9:00 AM Praise and Prayer 9:45 AM Christian Education for children & adults 11:00 AM Worship 6:00 PM WUMC Youth Group Meeting MONDAY, JANUARY 12 7:00 PM Men’s Support Group 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM NFCM Board Meeting TUESDAY, JANUARY 13 6:30 PM Learning to Live Support Group 7:00 PM Finance Team Meeting WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14 6:30 PM Advent Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal THURSDAY, JANUARY 15 12:30 PM Rachel Circle 6:30 PM WNY Mito Group 7:00 PM Memorial Bells FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 February Messenger Deadline Church Office Closed 9:30 AM Central City Café SATURDAY, JANUARY 17 8:30 AM Habitat for Humanity 11:00 PM Bill Giesler Memorial Service SUNDAY, JANUARY 18 9:00 AM Praise and Prayer 9:45 AM Christian Education for children & adults 11:00 AM Worship 6:00 PM WUMC Youth Group Meeting MONDAY, JANUARY 19 7:00 PM Men’s Support Group 7:00 PM Boy Scouts 7:00 PM WOW Meeting TUESDAY, JANUARY 20 9:30 AM Bereavement Support Group 1:00 PM Women’s Cancer Support Group 7:00 PM ODNS Board Meeting WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 21 6:30 PM Advent Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal THURSDAY, JANUARY 22 10:00 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Memorial Bells SATURDAY, JANUARY 24 11:00 AM ODNS Open House SUNDAY, JANUARY 25 9:00 AM Praise and Prayer 9:45 AM Christian Education for children & adults 11:00 AM Worship 6:00 PM WUMC Youth Group Meeting