Variations Newsletter - Vestavia Hills Baptist Church


Variations Newsletter - Vestavia Hills Baptist Church
a biweekly publication of Vestavia Hills Baptist Church
1 Corinthians 12:4-6
Volume 22, Number 1 January 6, 2015
2015 Wednesday
Sessions Begin
Faith Alive: January 7th
As individuals and as a church, our faith is evidenced in our actions. Among the most
vibrant expressions of our church life is the work we do and the relationships we have
through our primary mission engagements. On January 7th we will have hear from our
members who serve in these various settings. They will share about their experience
and how others can join them in living out faith with our mission partners. FELLOWSHIP
Bible Study: January 14th & 21st
We welcome Dr. James Strange, Associate Professor in Religion at Samford and
Director of Excavations at Shikhin in Israel, to share from his expertise in the field of
archaeology and Biblical scholarship. Our session topics of Epiphany and Jesus’
Childhood Nazareth are both timely, given our place in the church year, and are well
suited for someone with Dr. Strange’s background. FELLOWSHIP HALL
Practicing Prayer: January 14th - February 11th
In this four-week session we will spend most of our time praying. Week one will
involve several prayer stations through which participants will make their way. For our
second week we will explore Praying in Color, a visual form of intercessory prayer. On
week three Rev. Jack Hinnen, chaplain at Birmingham Southern College, will bring
some encouragement for the practice of our prayer disciplines. For our final session we
will use the practice of scriptural reading, meditation and prayer known as Lectio
Divina. Room assignment to be determined
The Shepherd’s e-Ncourager — Dr. Gary A. Furr
other. But it is Jesus Himself where we find the greatest
richness of that life. Few Christians fail to resolve
regularly that “I want to be closer to Jesus.”
2015 Spiritual
Another new year. Another batch of resolutions. We
resolve to fix, renew, rejuvenate. This year will be a
better one than last, we promise ourselves.
Sometimes it comes to pass. The year unfolds with
undreamed-of success and achievement. Sometimes we
find that the path of promise becomes a steep valley full
of falling rocks and unexpected disasters.
So, how to go at it? We walk together, for one thing.
So many of the things Jesus taught us were about
community—staying in it, opening it up, engaging each
Phone 979-5920
As we begin 2015, let’s work out together. On the
last Sunday of January, the 25th, Sunday School teachers
will be provided material and asked to lead class
members in a 5- to 15-minute special time of prayer for
one another and our life together as God’s church
(leaving the remaining time for the regularly scheduled
lesson material). If you do not have a class now, I will be
offering a gathering for you during that time. The
worship that morning will be a special spiritual renewal
emphasis for us. Mark that day and plan to be here! You
won’t want to miss it.
Broadcast live, Sundays at 10 a.m. on WVSU, 91.1 FM
Pastor’s article, continued from page 1
Lent this year will bring us some special experiences,
too. On Sunday, February 22, Dr. Mark Biddle, Professor of
Old Testament at Baptist Theological Seminary of
Richmond, Virginia will be leading us in a Lenten Bible study
on “Missing the Mark: The Biblical Doctrine of Sin and Its
Remedy.” This will follow the format of the winter Bible
study we normally have. Dr. Biddle was with us for “time at
the table” a few years ago and was well-received. How do we
find healing for the brokenness of sin in our faith?
Dr. Fisher Humphreys will be
leading us in a weekly Tuesday
luncheon series on Jesus during Lent, a
new offering.
How do we find
healing for the
brokenness of
sin in our faith?
As we kick all this off, I will bring a series of messages on
“Being in Jesus: The I AM sayings of the gospel of
John.” This could be a wonderful year together. All that is
required is showing up. I promise, I will. Join me?
John 6:35
John 8:12
John 10:7
John 10:11
John 11:25
John 14:6
John 15:1
“I Am the Bread of Life”
“I Am the Light of the World”
“I Am the Door of the Sheep”
“I Am the Good Shepherd”
“I Am the Resurrection and the Life”
“I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life”
“I Am the True Vine”
Terre Johnson Celebrates
Ten-Year Anniversary
This month, we celebrate Terre Johnson’s ten-year
anniversary as our Minister of Music. In the ten years
Terre has been with us, our music ministry has grown
in numbers and in talent. Each week, our church
members experience meaningful worship guided by
Terre’s thoughtful and prayerful approach. Every
season brings us another marvelous musical
event. Even visitors and casual observers can witness,
and often comment about the growth our church has
experienced in all areas of the church music
organization. He also impacts our larger community
through his leadership and participation in city, state,
and national organizations and events. He has partnered
our church with other musical organizations which
have exposed us to quality and variety beyond our daily
walk. Terre’s unique gifts and skills have contributed
to improvements, innovations, and enrichment in
every area of our church. He is a gifted musician, a
committed minister, and a creative composer of sacred
music. We are truly blessed to have him on our
ministerial team.
At the Sunday morning worship service, January
18, we will recognize Terre for his faithful service and
this career milestone.
Take time this week to express your appreciation
to him.
Winter Bible Study:
The Family of Jesus
by Karen Kingsbury
6-week study begins in late January
& concludes the week of March 1.
Sign up in the Fellowship Hall foyer
starting in January. Choose one of 3
sessions: Sundays at 4 p.m., Mondays
at 9:30 a.m. (child care available by
reservation); Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Quarterly Business Meeting
Wednesday, January 28, 6:00 PM
Fellowship Hall
Agenda will include:
 2014 Year-end Financial Report
 Reports from other committees, Pastor and staff
 Election of the 2015 Nominating Committee:
Jennifer Binet, chair
Brandon Bates
Dan Caldwell
Clark Cameron
Nancy Scruggs
Laura Tadlock
Kim Virciglio
Our Church Family
Members in the Hospital
*Milton Fullman, Brookwood, CCU 238
*Ardath Grizzell, St. Vincent’s
Members at Home
Jan Buckner
Grace Barnes
Vicki Briggs
Zelle Buckner
Milligan Burroughs
Irene Burton
Von Caufield
Sybil Cox
*Barbara Davis
Virginia Deaton
*Don Ehrett
*LaWayne Fleming
Agnes Fuchs
*Janice Fulks
Ouida Hamilton
Emily Jones
Charlotte Kyser
Tommie Liles
Elizabeth Lindsey
Al Lowery
Johnnie McCracken
Fred McCrory
Wes Nastiuk (at Golden
Lee & Nora Ousley
Madie Phillips
Jo Powell
Bob Sanders
Smitty Smith
Tootsie Strozier
*Iva Jewel Tucker
June Turner
Lynn Walker
Margaret Walker
Maxine Womble
What’s Happening?
Christian Sympathy to:
Family of Dot Cook Grove in her
death on January 3. Visitation will
be Wednesday, January 7, at 1:00
p.m. with service to follow at
2:00 p.m., at Elmwood.
Family and friends of former
member Carolyn Weatherford
Crumpler in her death on
January 2.
Gary Furr and family in the death
of his aunt, Katherine Kilpatrick.
Thank You
Thank you for the prayers, cards, and
kindnesses offered upon the death of
my mother, Bama Lee Wilson. We
particularly appreciate the Fellowship
Sunday School class for their ministry
to us at this time.
-Michael and Del Wilson
New 8:15AM Boot Camp Class
for 2015
Classes will be located in the park or
gym at Vestavia Hills Baptist Church,
depending on the weather.
Cost: $150 for 6 weeks/3 days(MWF).
Contact Melody Folmar to register or get
more details.
5 p.m.
 Youth Winter Summit,
Jan. 16-18
 Special prayer emphasis in
morning Bible study and
worship, Jan. 25
 Quarterly Business Meeting,
Jan. 28, 6 p.m.
 Mom’s Retreat, Jan. 30-31
Margaret Walker in the death of
her brother, Charles Jenkins, on
December 25 in Florida and her
brother-in-law, Bill Napier, on
December 30.
*added this Variations
New Year’s resolution to get in
shape or stay in shape?
 Deacons Meeting, Jan. 11,
In February 1988, several adult Bible
study classes ate lunch with the
college department after church. The
classes were called Winsome, Fern
Russell, Pauline Rose, ______ and
Squires. What class name goes in the
A. Temple
B. Mustard Seed
C. Lighthouse
If reading in print, email your answer
to If reading online,
click your answer to submit it.
UMO Goal Met
Total gifts to the Unified
Missions Offering (UMO) for the
year just ended have met the
$38,000 goal. Thank you for
your generous support of this
important fund.
Ministry Budget Offering
Budget Needs This Year $32,330
Budget Given This Year $12,650
Unified Missions Offering
2014 Goal
Given To Date
January 14
Beef tips, egg noodles,
English peas, carrot cake
Marilyn Tinnermon, Bob
Eskew, Judy Schlegel,
Mindy Bodenhamer
January 21
Barbecued pork or chicken,
baked beans, slaw, potato
chips, brownies
Bob Eskew, Christina Elliott
Week of January 8-14
Thursday, January 8
5:40 Weekly Communion
7:00 Young Adult Bible Study (Cox)
Sunday, January 11
8:45 Bible Study
10:00 Worship Service/Communion
5:00 Deacons Meeting
5:00 YOSE—Youth
Monday, January 12
10:30 Bible Study at Lovelady Center
Tuesday, January 13
9:30 International Friends
Wednesday, January 14
6:30 Prayer Breakfast
10:30 Pastor’s Bible Study
4:30 Supper line & Library open
5:00 Handbells
TBA Budget Planning Committee
5:30 Music for PS3-Kindergarten
6:00 4th—6th Grade RAs to
Firehouse Shelter
6:00 Adult Sessions
6:00 Wednesday Retreat—Youth
6:15 Mission Friends, RAs, GA
7:00 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
Week of January 15-21
Thursday, January 15
5:40 Weekly Communion
7:00 Young Adult Bible Study (Cox)
Friday, January 16
Youth Winter Summit begins
Sunday, January 18
8:45 Bible Study
10:00 Worship Service, Recognition
of anniversary of Terre Johnson
Youth Winter Summit concludes
Monday, January 19
CDC closed—teacher workday
8:00 Church of the Reconciler
10:30 Bible Study at Lovelady Center
Tuesday, January 20
9:30 International Friends
Wednesday, January 21
6:30 Prayer Breakfast
10:30 Pastor’s Bible Study
4:30 Supper line & Library open
5:00 Handbells
5:30 Music for PS3-Kindergarten
6:00 Adult Sessions
6:00 Wednesday Retreat—Youth
6:15 Mission Friends, RAs, GA
7:00 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal
The next issue of Variations will be
dated January 20. Please email by 1/16 to request
Volunteers in Service for the Week of January 11
Deacons of the Week: Kevin Jaquess SUN., Todd Jordan WED.
Counting Team: Taylor Burton, Steve White
Flower Committee: Mindy Bodenhamer and Becky White
Library: Ann Steppe (11), Melanie Medley (14)
Shuttle Service: Mike Oatts, John Wood, Sharon Hartzog
Sound Technology: Youth Girls
Worship Care
Preschool 2
Preschool 3-4
Sharon Hartzog, Jane Helms
Jan Dulin, Nancy Scruggs
Pat Cooper, Kevin Jaquess
Todd & Rachel Jordan
Ann Bush, Prissy Sumners
Bob & Mavis Hardy
Don Baker
Volunteers in Service for the Week of January 18
Deacons of the Week: Alynn LeBerte SUN., Marty Mullins WED.
Counting Team: David McPherson, Steve Thackerson
Flower Committee: Ashley Bates and Jennifer Jaquess
Library: Rosemary Bamberg (18), Liz Wells (21)
Shuttle Service: Jeff Baker, Kevin Studinka, Milton Fullman
Sound Technology: Dan McMurray, Pete LeBerte
Worship Care
Preschool 2
Preschool 3-4
Robin Cameron, Melissa McMurray
Dan & Gay Caldwell
Alexa Brooks, Emily Key
Jeff & Monica Graveline
Kim Brindley, Sharon Maddox
Hannah Bowers,
Louise Burton
Variations is published biweekly by
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Birmingham, AL
Andy Farmer, Minister to Students
Gary A. Furr, Pastor
Terre Johnson, Minister of Music
K. Dennis Anderson, Administrator
Mike McBrayer, Minister of Missions and Discipleship
Nancy E. Akins, Minister to Preschool/Children
Beth McGinnis, Organist
Inside this issue
√ Women’s Bible Study: “The
Family of Jesus”
√ Quarterly Business Meeting
Jan. 28
√ Terre Johnson Celebrates
Tenth Anniversary
√ Exercise class offered