to view the LAPA newsletter. - Los Angeles Paralegal Association


to view the LAPA newsletter. - Los Angeles Paralegal Association
L A PA 2014 H o liday Benefit G ala Review
1 LAPA 2014 Holiday
Benefit Gala Review:
Casino Night Was a Sure Bet
for Entertainment
1 Vice-President’s
Please Welcome the New
LAPA Board Members for 2015
2 Legislative Update:
UPDATE II: Limited License
Legal Technicians and the Civil
Justice Strategies Task Force
3 MCLE Seminar Preview:
A Great Way to Start the New
Year: The January 15th LAPA
MCLE Seminar
4 Travel Log:
The Sillars, Seeking Sooke
WestlawNext Legal
Research and Beyond
Thursday, January 15th
at the l.a. law Library
downtown L.a.
see ad on page 15
register online at
Also In This Issue:
Calendar of Events
Member News
LAPA Career Center Info.
LAPA Members Only Benefit Ad
LAPA Santa Clarita Section CLE Ethics Seminar Flyer 14
LAPA MCLE Seminar Flyer
LAPA Microsoft Word TOA/TOC Training Seminar Flyer 16
LAPA Probate/Estate Planning Section Flyer 17
Working Advantage LAPA Member Benefit18
New & Renewing Members
LAPA Member Benefit Health Insurance 18
Board of Directors Listings
Sections, Committees & Other LAPA Info. 19
LAPA Member Benefit Dental Insurance 19
Casino Night Was a Sure Bet for
This year’s Holiday Benefit Gala and Casino Night was the perfect party
at exactly the right moment and for a good cause. Held on December 3rd,
it was a great kick-off for the holidays with its own magical moments for
all. The good will started at the door where guests dropped off a mountain
of brand new warm winter blankets and thoughtfully packed goody bags
(otherwise known as hygiene kits) for distribution by People Assisting the
Homeless (“PATH”). We were overwhelmed by the generosity!
continued on page 7
Please Welcome the New
LAPA Board Members for 2015
by Donna Reznick-Goodich – LAPA Executive Vice-President
As a result of the November 21, 2014 deadline, LAPA’S
voting members have elected the following six candidates
to the 2015 Board: Maria Teresa Bravo, C. Bogdana
Koiso, ACP, Yvonne A. Kubicek, Bobby T. Rimas, Terry L. Wright, ACP, and
Ivan Zogovic, CP. Congratulations to all and for the three first-timers on
the Board, we would like everyone to learn a little more about them. The
following information is excerpted from the candidate statements attached
to the November ballot.
Starting alphabetically with Yvonne Kubicek and in her own words, “My
career has spanned across various types of law offices and legal practices.
continued on page 8
UPDATE II: Limited
License Legal
Technicians and
the Civil Justice
Strategies Task Force
by Alex Hoch – LAPA 2014 Volunteer of the Year
& 2014 Student Member Scholarship Recipient
Last month I left you all with a cliffhanger: What
form would a limited license legal technician (LLLT)
take in California? Well I have good news… The
result is in; the Civil Justice Strategies Task Force
(CJSTF) proposals have been drafted.
The funny thing about the issues that this new
classification is meant to tackle is that they are
Direct your inquiries to LAPA’s Administrative Manager, Tracey
Booth, at 866.626.LAPA: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon.
Join LAPA on...
The Reporter is published monthly by the Los Angeles Paralegal Association. The news and views presented express the authors’ views
and not necessarily those of LAPA. Publication of any article or advertisement does not imply endorsement of the opinions, products or
services offered. LAPA assumes no responsibility for verifying facts offered by contributing authors or in reprinted articles. Readers should
consider information contained in these articles as guidelines to be
independently confirmed as to timeliness.
©2015 Los Angeles Paralegal Association. All rights reserved.
Articles and news items should be directed to LAPA at
Inquiries about making a submission should be directed to LAPA at, or call Tracey Booth at (866) 626-LAPA.
Inquiries about advertising placement, applications, membership
materials and address changes should be directed to Tracey Booth,
LAPA Administrative Manager, at (866) 626-LAPA.
Articles will be published as space permits. The Newsletter Committee
reserves approval and edit rights on any article submitted.
The Los Angeles Paralegal Association is a non-profit, mutual benefit
corporation within the meaning of section 501(c)(6) of the Internal
Revenue Code. Membership dues and donations to LAPA are not tax
deductible as charitable gifts, but may be deductible as related business
expenses. LAPA suggests that you consult your tax advisor in this regard.
entirely pervasive. They permeate the entire market
for legal services and there is no single solution that
will eliminate the justice gap in California. This is
only echoed by the thousands of pages of documents
that Cal Bar was kind enough to overnight me at
no charge. Although I still have a massive amount
of reading to complete surrounding the individual
discussion points that took place in subcommittees,
I have managed to abstract the task force transcripts
from the hearings where the proposals were finalized.
The ‘New Group’ proposal includes a transition
from discussion to substantive design on the LLLT
issue. For now they suggest a single subject area
be used as a pilot program and only be launched
in select markets. The decision has not been made
on what area of law is initially included in the pilot,
but family law, consumer law and landlord-tenant
disputes are at the top of the list. Additionally, rather
than have years of costly educational requirements
that must be met through traditional law schools,
they are considering something along the lines of
a specialized training program through community
colleges, online institutions and other low cost
mediums that qualify you to practice in a specific
area without having to go through two full years of
education, as Washington requires of their version
of the LLLT. This, ultimately, was meant to mitigate
any costs incurred during the licensing process
being passed on to the end consumer.
Keep in mind that none of this is final and the task
force left the overall educational requirements to sit
for a licensing exam in each area to Cal Bar’s Board
of Trustees. Furthermore, they have recommended
that there be a period of public comment on the
meat of this proposal and that Cal Bar interface with
the California Supreme Court following that period
in order to handle some very heavy issues that are
necessary for this to become a reality. For instance,
there is substantial concern amongst some members
of the task force that there are antitrust issues
should Cal Bar oversee the program. That, in and of
itself, creates a wide range of issues surrounding the
administration of a program such as this.
All in all, I have to say that I was fairly impressed
with the manner in which the task force approached
these issues. There was a thoughtful and balanced
exchange during the final hearings that allowed for
continued on page 6
14 -LAPA Santa Clarita Section Seminar– Contact Emily Lanza
15 -LAPA WestLawNext Legal Research and Beyond Seminar–
The L.A. Law Library, Downtown L.A., Featuring Attorney
MacKenzie Hunt, 6:30 - 9:00 p.m., Contact Catherine
Peck at
29 -LAPA Microsoft Word TOA/TOC Training Seminar– 6:15 - 8:30
p.m., Contact Catherine Peck at
A Great Way to Start
the New Year: The
January 15th LAPA
MCLE Seminar
by Bobby T. Rimas – LAPA Executive Committee Member
10 -LAPA Probate & Estate Seminar– The Olympic Collection,
The Los Angeles Paralegal Association will kick off
2015 with one of its first MCLE seminar scheduled
for Thursday, January 15th at the L.A. Law Library
located in downtown Los Angeles. This seminar,
“WestlawNext Legal Research and Beyond,” will
cover legal research, public records and investigative
research, hosted practice management, and efficient
document drafting. Attendees will learn about how
to increase efficiency, productivity, and confidence
in their research results utilizing WestlawNext to gain
a competitive edge, locate hard to find information
on businesses and people, opposing counsel, and
expert witnesses. This seminar will also cover how
to perform global search capabilities, integration
with the tools many use most, and quickly ascertain
the status of yours and your opponents’ documents.
Additionally, attendees will learn about automatic
citation-checking and find known propositions of
law. The utilization of WestlawNext can give a legal
team a competitive edge along with mobile use and
iPad applications.
West L.A., 2015 California Legislative Roundup: A
Review of Laws Affecting Estate Planning, Probate and
Conservatorships, Featuring James R. Birnberg, Esq.,
Contact Michelle Tabb at
2015 LAPA Officers Elected
The December LAPA Board Meeting was attended
by the 2014 Board Members, several newly elected
Board members for 2015, and Nominations and
Elections Co-Chair, Kimberly Bradley, ACP. After
the official announcement of the 2015 Board
elections, Ms. Bradley kindly officiated at the 2015
Officer elections for the positions of Executive VicePresident, Donna Reznick-Goodich; Vice President
of Membership and Policy, Michelle Tabb; Vice
President of Marketing and Planning, Bobby Rimas
and the NALA Liaison, Kai Ellis. Additional elections
for officers will be held at the annual retreat on
January 10, 2015 to fill vacant seats.
LAPA’s New Year’s
Resolutions for 2015
1.Update the LAPA website making it more interactive and user friendly.
2.Launch a membership drive for all classes
of Membership.
3.Fill open Committee positions for “empty” Chairs and a minimum number of members.
4.Expand the use of social networks for
enhancing LAPA’s media profile.
5.Provide MCLE content for all levels
of career experience.
6.Find a permanent editor for the
LAPA Reporter! G
As many of us know, expert witnesses can make or
break a trial. A thorough search can tell you and your
law firm if an expert witness has prior experience
testifying in front of a jury and if their expertise
has been key to successes at trials or has been
discredited. More often than not, opposing counsel
may consider settling a case out of court when they
find out that a respectable expert witness has been
hired to testify on behalf of your law firms’ client.
That said, researching and identifying your key
expert witness can be crucial.
Many would like to settle their cases out of court
to avoid additional costs due to lengthy trials that
can drag on for years. But before your law firm
goes to trial, many would like to be prepared for a
particular judge. This seminar can show you how
continued on page 6
For your reading pleasure, a regularly recurring column on the fun of travel.
The Sillars, Seeking Sooke
by Elisabeth Patmore Sillars
There are almost 100 named islands which are part
of Washington State, not all of which are occupied;
I don’t know how many of them are located in
the Strait of Juan de Fuca, north of the Olympic
Peninsula. Probably most of them. Looking on the
map, it’s slightly complicated by the fact that there
are also some small Canadian islands in the Strait.
However, when Paul and I finally left the Peninsula
in June 2011, our destination wasn’t any of those. It
was Vancouver Island, the 800-lb. gorilla in the room.
With our passports current, I couldn’t imagine
being so close and not going home for a short visit.
Especially when we’re that close to either the city of
Vancouver, where I was born, or Vancouver Island,
where I spent more than half my childhood.
Now, just because we were on Canadian soil rather
than “Amurrican,” as LBJ used to pronounce
it, didn’t mean that we did any better at going
everywhere and/or doing everything on our itinerary.
For example, by the time we were approaching the
municipality of Sooke and where we were staying
on the lower southwest coast of the Island, looking
back towards the Olympic Peninsula, it was already
approximately 3pm -- and there were nine proposed
shopping locations on our list! In fact, we didn’t
do too badly, making about half of those stops,
including the Tugwell Creek Honey Farm (didn’t
care for the mead, but the honey was a treat).
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There was a practical excuse for some of it: we had
a full kitchen at our disposal for three days, and the
last thing we wanted to do on the first night was
dine out. My research had turned up two bakeries,
a fresh seafood vendor, a butcher, and a source for
the local cider. As it was, we stopped at none of
those, and did most of our shopping at the local food
market instead without any apparent loss of quality.
The pattern continued next day. By the time we’d
had breakfast and cleaned up, I was anxious to get
in the car and head north up the southwest coast of
the Island. The local lighthouse and beaches on the
itinerary were the first casualties of the day, requiring
continued on page 5
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T R A V E L L O G - continued from page 4
more time for proper investigation than our morning
would still allow. Tides were the problem at the
Botanical Beach in tiny Port Renfrew (you need low
tide to explore tide pools, eh?), and the two supertall evergreens supposedly located somewhere near
the road (the “world’s tallest standing fir” and the
“San Juan Sitka spruce”) were sufficiently well
hidden that we didn’t know how long it would take
to find them….
The primary plan for the day was to take the Pacific
Marine Circle Route and cross the Island along
the south shore of Lake Cowichan in the morning,
using former logging roads that are now paved for
us wimps, before making a loop south and west to
return to Sooke. I’d never made that drive before.
It’s only become possible in recent years, and
although the remnants of all the clear-cut logging
make for fairly depressing scenery (thanks again,
MacBlo), we did find it an interesting trip.
Remarkably, our timing was perfect for the late
lunch reservations I’d made at Steeples Bar & Grill
in nearby Shawnigan Lake, a “village” (so says
Wikipedia) on the other well known lake in the area.
Not brilliant, though lunch may not be their forte.
Hot Tip for Foodies: we were told by our waiter at
this restaurant that it was against the law in Canada
at that time for them to serve even “medium rare”
ground beef, let alone “rare,” and I believe it’s still
illegal to do so. So be warned! It’s my understanding
that some secret violators can be found through indepth research and planning, but one should likely
be prepared for disappointment. Further, I’d argue
that unless you like your burgers “well done,” you
may as well order something else entirely (ground
poultry isn’t included, or are steaks and other
unground cuts of beef, or fish – ground or not – and
I’m unclear about ground lamb and pork, etc.). We
hadn’t heard of the law before, so the whole thing
came as quite a shock to us.
Amazingly, our day’s journey actually followed our
itinerary from this point on. After a side trip to enjoy
the views from high up on Malahat mountain, just
off Trans-Canada Highway 1 and close to where I
lived for several years (until our house burned down,
which is another story altogether), we visited two
Sooke art galleries on the way back to our lodgings
on Orveas Bay, and made it to the unusual Point-nocontinued on page 6
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Paralegals may not provide legal services directly to the public, except as permitted by law.
LEGISL ATIV E U P DAT E- continued from page 2
additional development of the recommendations
made by each of the subcommittees. Ultimately,
the task force decided to take a fairly conservative
approach to the creation of a LLLT in California due
to the fact that Washington’s version of the LLLT
had only recently been implemented and there was
little hard data upon which they could base their
recommendations. That being said, at no point did
the task force dismiss the idea of an LLLT and they
expressly stated their support for the creation of
such a profession during the final hearings. All of
this seems to be sound judgment, yet I think it is
necessary for us to weigh in as often as possible
in order to ensure that the exploratory period isn’t
unnecessarily protracted.
Although there was not any definitive step taken
during this process it is important to note that
President Rodriguez, the first public defender to be
elected President of the State Bar, has previously
expressed his support of the LLLT as the chair of
the work group which resulted in the creation of the
CJSTF. Furthermore, he concluded the final hearing
of the CJSTF with a quote which provides me with
a measure of patience in the development of this
specific program. As Justice Lewis Powell, Jr. said,
T R A V E L L O G - continued from page 5
Point Resort, which we had passed on the morning
portion of our drive, in time for a wonderful sunset
dinner there.
The Resort has been around since 1952, and
the Soderbergs, its current owners, have so far
expanded the Resort’s lodging options to 25 unique,
handsomely appointed cabins with kitchen facilities
set at varying heights overlooking the Juan de Fuca
Strait, and several trails leading down to the shore.
I’ve never stayed overnight, but I’ve been curious
about the Resort since I first happened upon it
back in 1973, around the time the Soderbergs took
over. In fact, the first photographs I ever made that
interested me were taken on steps at the Resort
descending to the Pacific Ocean.
We had one more day in the Sooke area, which
included a few rather special experiences (to become
fodder for my next article), and several more days
afterwards which we spent “up-Island.” Naturally,
all of this resulted in a somewhat humorous hit-ormiss adherence to the vaunted itinerary! G
“Equal justice under the law is not merely a caption
on the facade of the Supreme Court building. It is,
perhaps, the most inspiring ideal of our society. It
is one of the ends for which our entire legal system
exists. It is a fundamental that justice should be the
same in substance and availability without regard to
economic status.”
It may take time but, if that is truly the sentiment
driving today’s Bar, I can wait…
Alex Hoch, LAPA’s 2014 Volunteer of the Year and 2014 Student Member Scholarship Recipient,
is in possession of a BA in Government from Sacramento State University where he interned
with the Schwarzenegger Administration’s Communications Department. Alex recently completed
a certificated paralegal studies program at West Los Angeles College and is the sitting Vice
President of the Student Senate for California Community Colleges, Region VII. If you would
like any additional information or complete copies of the hearing transcripts please feel free to
contact Alex Hoch via email at G
M C L E S E M I N A R P R E V I E W - cont. from page 3
to obtain information about judges that will preside
over certain trials. You can learn how to search and
locate relevant opinions that were issued by the
judges. These types of searches can also locate
many oral arguments that can possibly assist your
legal team.
The speaker for this seminar, MacKenzie Hunt,
graduated from UCLA School of Law in 2007. She
recently came out of private practice, where she
was a litigation associate at an AmLaw 50 firm for
6 years. There she represented a broad range of
clients, from individuals to Fortune 500 companies
like Chevron, BP and Chartis, in a wide variety of
contract, franchise, bankruptcy and other general
business disputes. She now works with small to
mid-sized law firms helping attorneys, paralegals
and legal assistants maximize their research and
workflow efficiency.
Several LAPA events in 2014 have sold-out, so
in the event that you are interested in registering
for this event – a word to the wise – the sooner,
the better! Registration for this MCLE seminar is
available now via LAPA’s website,
Mr. Bobby T. Rimas is a Paralegal at OneWest Bank where he assists its Corporate Legal
Department with intellectual property law, employment law, and immigration law matters. Mr.
Rimas is currently an Executive Committee Member of the Los Angeles Paralegal Association,
served as the 2014 LAPA October Conference Chair, and LAPA President from 2011 through 2013.
He is also an Adjunct Asst. Professor at West Los Angeles College, Paralegal Studies Program and
an Adjunct Associate Professor at California State University, Los Angeles, College of Professional
and Global Education. He co-presented NALA’s Intellectual Property Law Institute at NALA’s July
2014 Convention in Charleston, South Carolina. Mr. Rimas also serves as Scholarship Director
for the UCLA Pilipino Alumni Association and an Advisory Board Member for the University of La
Verne’s Legal Studies Department. He earned his Bachelor’s Degree in History from UCLA and his
Paralegal Certificate from the UCLA Extension Attorney Asst. Training Program. He can be reached
at G
L A PA 2014 H o liday Benefit G ala Review- continued from page 1
Special thanks to the organizations that sponsored
gaming tables: Blackjack - Legal Secretaries
Association and Parasec, Roulette - J Hill Staffing,
Poker - Jones McClure Publishing, and Craps –
Live And we can’t forget Harbor
Litigation’s support as well.
And thanks to the various parties that donated
items for the raffles and silent auction. The funds
donated to PATH helped them celebrate their 30th
birthday as a non-profit which they named “Making
it Home. “ Donations provide high quality support
services like housing assistance, free medical
clinics, employment assistance, substance abuse
counseling, mental health care, and assistance
with public benefits.
It’s not too late to make a donation. Contact Tammi
Loveland at Let’s start 2015 with
the spirit of giving. G
Mark Your Calendars
and Save the Date:
Thursday, January 15, 2015
6:30 p.m.
The charity was the choice of the Chair of this event,
Tamara “Tammi” Loveland, who, anticipating the
cold weather to come and observing the downtown
homeless, wanted to do something worthwhile.
Tammi brought her Christmas spirit into the party
and it touched us all.
Seasons 52, in the Century City Mall, was the site
of a successful mixer earlier in the year, then the
perfect venue for this event. The party room was
a spacious rectangle lined with gaming tables and
ended with an outdoor space for those that needed
the occasional breaks. The evening was punctuated
by joyful shouts as winners “hit” small and big at
the games.
Legal Research Seminar
presented by Westlaw at the
Los Angeles Law Library
301 West 1st Street
Los Angeles, California 90012
Enjoy a 3 course Italian dinner that
will be served before the seminar!
Check the LAPA website,, as
registration for this event will be available soon!
Any questions, please contact LAPA at
Be sure to check
for upcoming and new events!
V I C E - P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E - continued from page 1
I began my adventure as a paralegal with the Los
Angeles District Attorney’s Office, specifically
with the Major Crimes Division where I assisted
Deputy District Attorneys with high profile and high
publicity cases. I then jumped over to private law
firms, working on white collar crime and complex
civil litigation matters at Kirkland & Ellis LLP,
Howrey LLP and Ogletree Deakins. Currently, I am
a paralegal manager for The Walt Disney Company
in the Corporate Legal, Litigation Department. I
supervise paralegals in both the Burbank, California
and New York offices. In addition, I am a member
of the Disney Paralegal Development Committee
where I work with other paralegals throughout the
company in providing continuing legal education
opportunities as well as learning and development
enrichment. Finally, I am the current director of
Women in e-Discovery for the Los Angeles chapter.
I believe my legal background and commitment
to supporting the paralegal profession would be
beneficial as a Board Director for LAPA.”
Terry Wright has added to the Board’s number of
NALA certified paralegals. She describes her career
thus far, “I earned my Bachelors of Science degree
with honors in Business Management from The
University of Phoenix, Inc.; my paralegal certificate
from California State University, Bakersfield; and
attained a paralegal certification and an advanced
certification in contracts administration/contracts
management from NALA. I have had the opportunity
to serve in plaintiff and defense law firms, providing
assistance in areas of workers’ compensation, civil
litigation, medical malpractice, insurance defense,
and employment law. I am currently employed by
Dignity Health (over 16 years of service) as a Senior
Corporate Paralegal, working under the supervision
of Senior Counsel and reporting to VP & Associate
General Counsel, Operations. I assist in supporting
15 southern California hospitals and clinical
affiliates in negotiating and drafting contracts
relating to supplemental staffing, laboratory services,
transport, education affiliations, and other service
agreements to meet operational needs; provide
back-up with physician contracts and contract
administrative responsibilities; and provide services
at the system level in efforts to promote efficiency
and cost effectiveness. I served as Chairperson of
Dignity Health’s Employee Activity Committee for
approximately five years, spearheading multiple
employee events and fundraising activities. I am the
proud recipient of Dignity Health’s Values in Action
Award, demonstrating the core values in my everyday
life. I continue to collaborate and participate in local
philanthropy events such as Northridge Hospital
Medical Center’s annual Victim for Violence 5K run,
American Diabetes Association’s Step Out Walk,
and support a community shelter.”
Ivan Zogovic rounds out the new group and he,
too, is a NALA certified paralegal. “I joined LAPA
in 2012, during my studies at UCLA Extension’s
Paralegal Training Program. It was a matter of
professional pride to belong to my professional
association, but the main draw was LAPA’s long and
ongoing quest for professional excellence, and its
dedication to continuous professional and personal
improvement, something that I cherish the most.
Since I believe that we, the members of LAPA,
have responsibility to lead by example, I try to do
my part by volunteering as an instructor for our
CLA/CP Exam Review Course since November of
2013, and by mentoring new and less experienced
paralegals, and students. These shared values are
best confirmed by my academic and work history:
before earning my Certificate in Paralegal Studies,
I received a Bachelor of Laws degree from the
University of Belgrade, Serbia; most recently,
I earned a Certified Paralegal designation from
NALA, a Certification in eDiscovery from OLP, and a
Certificate in Litigation Support from DTI/LitWorks.
I am currently employed at Parsons Corporate Legal
department, volunteered with the Public Counsel
Law Center and ACLU, and held a litigation support
assignment before the International Tribunal in The
Maria Teresa Bravo, Bogdana Koiso and Bobby
Rimas are likely to be familiar to you all as they
have been past Board members and all active in the
organization in past years. But in fairness to them
and to all their hard work, here are excerpts from
their candidate statements as well.
Maria Teresa Bravo “received a Bachelor of
Law Degree from the University of San Marcos,
Lima, Peru. I worked as a legal secretary in the
personal injury field for 15 years until I received
continued on page 10
V I C E - P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E - continued from page 8
a Paralegal Certificate from UCLA. As a paralegal,
I worked for about ten years handling worker’s
compensation cases in the same law firm in
Beverly. The medical background that I acquired
while working in the personal injury field and my
knowledge of Spanish were very helpful. I still work
for the same law firm, Neil C. Newson & Associates,
but in personal injury litigation, medical malpractice
and dissolution cases. I am certified as a SpanishEnglish translator and interpreter. In July, 2007 I
received a Bachelor Degree in Paralegal Studies
from National University. If I am elected to serve
as Director for the 2015-2016 term, I would like
to continue serving as Co-Chair of the Pro-Bono
Committee as I am interested in being able to
give back to the community what I have learned
as a paralegal. In that capacity, I will continue
working with agencies that provide legal aid and
services to economically and socially disadvantaged
persons. I would also like to continue as Co-Chair
of the Legislative Committee as I am particularly
interested in the functions, scope; exclusions,
voluntary certifications of Paralegals, and in
reviewing United State Supreme Court decisions,
and State and Federal cases that may have an
impact on Paralegals. I am also in the Board of the
Beverly Hills-Century City Legal Secretaries (BH/
CCLSA), and a member of the National Association
of Parliamentarians (NAP).”
And of course, Bobby Rimas, “a certificated
paralegal specializing in intellectual property,
employment, and immigration matters for a bank
in Pasadena, California. Recently, Bobby chaired
the 2014 LAPA October Conference Committee
and was responsible for making this year’s annual
educational conference a sold-out success. He also
serves LAPA in the capacities of Board Advisor and
Pro Bono & Community Services Chair and served
as LAPA’s President from 2011 through 2013.
Bobby is an Adjunct Asst. Professor at West Los
Angeles College where he teaches within their
Paralegal Studies Program. In July 2014, he copresented an Intellectual Property Law Institute
at NALA’s 39th Annual Convention in Charleston,
South Carolina. Bobby received his Bachelor of
Arts Degree in History from UCLA and his Paralegal
Certificate in Litigation/Corporations from the UCLA
Extension Attorney Assistant Training Program. If
elected, Bobby plans to utilize his experience to
increase LAPA membership and further build on
LAPA’s accomplishments.”
With this much talent and commitment, the 2015
Board will undoubtedly be doing amazing work. You
can read about the Board’s plan in another article
that can be found in this edition of the Reporter,
“The LAPA Board Wishlist for 2015.” G
Bogdana Koiso “is currently a paralegal with
Litchfield Cavo LLP, a national law firm specializing
in litigation defense. Ms. Koiso has over four years
of experience as a paralegal supporting litigation
in Federal, State and Arbitration courts, holds a
Paralegal Certificate from the UCLA Extension
Paralegal Training Program. She earned an Advanced
Certified Paralegal certification in Discovery from the
National Association of Legal Assistants-Paralegals
(NALA) and is currently in the process of earning
a second Advanced Certified Paralegal certification
in Trial Practice. As a current Board Director, C.
Bogdana Koiso has held the position of Treasurer, is
an instructor for LAPA’s CLA/CP Review Course and
is a LAPA’s October Conference Committee member.
C. Bogdana Koiso is an avid learner who thinks that
education is the steppingstone for paralegals.”
Members Only Benefits
LAPA has many opportunities for meeting and
connecting with your paralegal colleagues and other
legal industry professionals. Such opportunities include
seminar and networking events based on geographical
locations such as Downtown (Los Angeles), South Bay,
West L.A., the San Fernando Valley, and more. LAPA
also provides educational seminars in various legal
specialties, including, but not limited to, Litigation,
Probate Law, Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Law,
Immigration Law, and Ethics. Additionally, with the
support of our legal industry partners, LAPA also hosts
other networking and charitable events and mixers. Your participation in LAPA is encouraged, so be sure to reach out to a LAPA
Section or Committee Chair, develop your leadership and networking skills, and make LAPA an even better association.
Vital Savings
This benefit provides LAPA members a discount program for dental and vision services, long term care, as well as many
pharmaceuticals. LAPA has been able to obtain special pricing of Vital Savings discount cards through Aetna. By using the discount
cards and Aetna approved providers, LAPA members can save dramatically on the services provided by these professionals. For
more information, please visit LAPA’s website,
Working Advantage
LAPA members may join a program that offers discounts up to 60% on tickets, travel, shopping, and more. LAPA helps you save
money on items from clothing to theater tickets to flowers. This benefit is available by logging onto the LAPA website “Members
Only” section.
United Insurance Partners
LAPA has teamed with UIP - United Insurance Partners - to bring LAPA members the opportunity to purchase health, dental, and/or
vision insurance. When you access UIP through the link provided on the Benefits webpage, you will find an array of insurance
products available for you to purchase with companies such as Blue Cross, Aetna, and many other top insurance companies. Please
visit LAPA’s website,, for more information.
NALA Affiliation
LAPA is an affiliated member of the National Association of Legal Assistants. NALA is the nation’s leading professional association
for paralegals. As a member of an affiliated association, the initiation fee for individual membership in NALA is waived for LAPA
members. NALA boasts some of its own benefits. Access its NALA Campus Live for online continuing legal education, self-study
courses, and preparation for the CLA/CP Exam. Its annual educational convention in July allows you to expand your network
beyond your state’s borders as you network with other paralegals from around the country, attend educational institutes and
member related activities.
Freelance/Contract Paralegal Listing
LAPA provides a “Freelance Paralegals” section on its website to assist LAPA members who are freelance, contract, or independent
paralegals, as defined by California Business and Professions Code Section 6450. For a nominal fee of $60, you can post your
contact information on LAPA’s website for six months. You can sign up online through the Members Only section of the website.
Membership Database
Available only to LAPA members, the Membership Database is a valuable tool in locating other paralegals or legal professionals with
whom you have worked or networked. The Membership Database also provides up-to-date contact information as well as members’
legal specialties and geographical areas.
Credit Union
LAPA members are eligible to join Southland Credit Union. Southland Credit Union, with over $435 million in assets, offers an online
presence, a new full-service branch in downtown Los Angeles, an upgraded ATM network and five new proprietary ATMs. Southland
Credit Union has expanded its product line by introducing a new high-yielding certificate of deposit, a Rewards Plus program and a
market-leading high interest yielding checking account. Southland Credit Union prides itself on outstanding service to its members
and has recently earned a 95 percent Member Service satisfaction rating.
Lorman Education
LAPA is dedicated to providing cost-effective continuing education opportunities that meet the needs of our members and enhance
their skills, knowledge, and competencies. LAPA has partnered with Lorman Education to provide continuing education in a variety
of topic areas. LAPA members receive a 20% discount on all orders.
JHill’s Staffing Services takes a unique approach to recruiting. We believe recruiting is about creating strategic partnerships that allow for long-­‐term relationships. We take the time to get to know each client and candidate so that we can effectively make a match that lasts. We specialize in supporting law firms and Fortune 500 companies with filling their direct hire and temporary positions. JHill’s Staffing Services 11400 W. Olympic Blvd. # 200 Los Angeles, CA 90064 310.914.0140 VOLUME 43 / ISSUE 01 / JANUARY 2015 LAPA 13
The Los Angeles Paralegal Association’s Santa Clarita
Section Presents 1.0 CLE Ethics
By: Dana M. Nasser, Esq.
LAPA is a State Bar Of California approved MCLE provider and certifies this seminar is
approved for 1.0 hour of MCLE Credit
The seminar will cover the ethical issues surrounding attorney and paralegal advertising. The
presentation will specifically focus on internet use and ethical issues specifically relating to internet
marketing. Some of the key points to be covered are: jurisdictional issues, developing the attorney
client-privilege and the prohibition against solicitation.
Dana Nasser, Esq. is an associate professor at College of the Canyons and Santa Monica College. As
well as an adjunct professor at Los Angeles Pierce College and Los Angeles Valley College. She teaches
legal ethics and business law. Ms. Nasser initiated College of the Canyon's online business law
program. She was nominated for outstanding instructor of the year by the International Students
Association at Santa Monica college. Prior to becoming a college professor, she practiced civil
January 14, 2015
El Torito – Cantina Auténtica
27510 The Old Rd
Valencia, CA 91355
Registration: $30 for LAPA Members (if registered by January, 5 2015)
$30 for students (students must show a current student ID)
$35 for All Others and Late Registration
No refunds or cancellations
6:00 to 6:30 p.m. – Registration/Networking
6:30 to 6:45 p.m. – Announcements/Introduction
6:45 to 7:45 p.m. – MCLE Presentation
To attend the January 14, 2015 Ethics MCLE seminar, please complete below and mail with your check or credit card information
to LAPA, P.O. Box 71708, Los Angeles, CA 90071; OR register online at For registration questions, contact the
LAPA Administrator ( or 866-626-LAPA). For additional information, contact Emily Lanza
Name: ___________________________________ Firm:_____________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: ________________________________ Email:____________________________________
Amount enclosed/to be charged:$______________ Credit Card No.:____________________________
Expiration Date: ____________________________ Visa:___ MasterCard:____ American Express:___
LAPA Member: Yes:____ No:____. To join LAPA today and attend this meeting and subsequent meetings at LAPA
Member rates, please enclose an additional check for one year’s dues and indicate the membership category: Voting
Member $77.00:____ Associate Member $77.00:____ Student Member $62.00:____ Benefactor Member $202:____
The Los Angeles Paralegal Association Presents:
WestlawNext Legal Research and Beyond
Presented by Attorney MacKenzie Hunt
This seminar will cover legal research, public records and investigative research, hosted
practice management, and efficient document drafting. You will learn how to increase
efficiency, productivity, and confidence in your research results utilizing WestlawNext to gain
a competitive edge, locate hard to find information on businesses and people, opposing
counsel, and expert witnesses. This seminar will also cover how to perform global search
capabilities, integration with the tools you use most, and quickly ascertain the status of yours
and your opponents’ documents. Additionally, attendees will learn about automatic citationchecking and more.
Speaker MacKenzie Hunt graduated from UCLA School of Law in 2007. She recently came out of
private practice, where she was a litigation associate at an AmLaw 50 firm for 6 years. There she
represented a broad range of clients, from individuals to Fortune 500 companies like Chevron, BP and
Chartis, in a wide variety of contract, franchise, bankruptcy and other general business disputes. She
now works with small to mid-sized law firms helping attorneys, paralegals and legal assistants maximize
their research and workflow efficiency.
LAPA is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider and certifies that this seminar is approved for 1.5 hours of credit.
Thursday, January 15, 2015
LA Law Library
301 West 1 Street, Los Angeles, California 90012
6:30-7:30 pm: Check-in and 3 course Italian Dinner
7:30 to 9:00 pm: Presentation
$35 registration fee for LAPA members (if registered by January 12, 2015)
$30 registration fee for LAPA student members (if registered by January 12, 2015)
$40 for non-members and late registration
For registration information, please call: 1-866-626-LAPA.
For all other questions, please e-mail Catherine Peck at
Register online at
To register by mail, please make checks payable to “LAPA” and mail to:
Los Angeles Paralegal Association, Post Office Box 71708, Los Angeles, California 90071
Self-parking is available at 108 North Hill Street on the corner of 1st Street and Hill Street for $10.
Handouts will be available via Hightail.
No refunds or cancellations.
Name: ________________________________
Firm Name: _______________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________
Facsimile: _____________________ E-mail: _______________________________
LAPA member? (Circle one) Yes No
Amount enclosed or to be charged: $______________________________
Credit Card No. (Visa/MC/AmEx): ____________________________ Expiration date: _____________________________
Name of Credit Card, if charging: _______________________________________________________________________
To join LAPA today and attend this meeting and subsequent meetings at member rates, enclose an additional check for one
year’s dues: Voting Member $77 __ Associate Member $77 __ Student Member $62 __ Benefactor Member $202 __
The Los Angeles Paralegal Association Presents:
MS Word Styles, TOC and TOA Tips & Tricks Seminar
Presented by Diana Baker of Afinety, Inc.
What every legal professional should know! Learn how to format a pleading using
Heading Styles and Multilevel Numbering and automatically generate a Table of
Contents. We will also cover how to properly mark citations and generate a Table of
Authorities, including revising the “selected text,” choosing the proper category, creating
proper short citations, and correcting the most commonly made mistakes. Your
instructor will be using MS Word 2010 but this information is translatable to Word 2007
and 2013.
Prior to joining Afinety, Diana worked in the legal field for 20 years - 13 years as a litigation secretary and
seven years as an Office Administrator. During her time as an Office Administrator, she was a member of
the Association of Legal Administrators and served on the Extended Board for the Orange County
Chapter. Diana also worked as the Director of Business Development & Training at a well-known legal
staffing company for 13 years where she created several added-value services, the most popular of
which was the MS Word "Tips & Tricks" series. She is pleased to be part of the Afinety team and has
developed new and exciting webinar programs. Diana has also stepped into the role of a programmer of
Afinety's macro packages.
Thursday, January 29, 2015
National University
5245 Pacific Concourse Dr., Room 301, Los Angeles, California 90045
6:15 to 7:00 pm: Check-in and Dinner
7:00 to 8:30 pm: Presentation
$30 registration fee for LAPA members (if registered by January 27, 2015)
$25 registration fee for LAPA student members (if registered by January 27, 2015)
$40 for non-members and late registration
For registration information, please call: 1-866-626-LAPA.
For all other questions, please e-mail Catherine Peck at
To register by mail, please make checks payable to “LAPA” and mail to:
Los Angeles Paralegal Association, Post Office Box 71708, Los Angeles, California 90071
Free parking behind the building after 6:00 p.m. / Free Wifi
No refunds or cancellations.
Name: ________________________________
Firm Name: _______________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________
Facsimile: _____________________ E-mail: _______________________________
LAPA member? (Circle one) Yes No
Amount enclosed or to be charged: $______________________________
Credit Card No. (Visa/MC/AmEx): ____________________________ Expiration date: _____________________________
Name of Credit Card, if charging: _______________________________________________________________________
To join LAPA today and attend this meeting and subsequent meetings at member rates, enclose an additional check for one
year’s dues: Voting Member $77 __ Associate Member $77 __ Student Member $62 __ Benefactor Member $202 __
2014 California Legislative Roundup: A Review
of Laws Affecting Estate Planning, Probate and
Featuring James R. Birnberg, Esq.
Mr. Birnberg will present his popular annual legislative update. Mr. Birmberg will discuss
new California legislation and its effects on estate planning, trusts, probate,
conservatorship and guardianship proceedings. He will also give his predictions for the
year 2015 and his recap of 2014.
James Birnberg, Esq. Mr. Birnberg is a partner of the firm of Oldman, Cooley, Sallus, Gold, Birnberg & Coleman, LLP, in
Encino, California. Mr. Birnberg received his undergraduate degree from Pomona College, a Master of Arts degree from
Stanford University and his law degree from the University of California, Berkeley. Mr. Birnberg has been an active member in
the California State Bar, the Los Angeles County Bar and the Beverly Hills Bar, having been the member of Trusts and Estates
Executive Committees for each in charge of state legislative matters. He is also a member of the Probate and Mental Health
Advisory Committee to the State Judicial Council, where he is the legislative chair. Mr. Birnberg has received awards for service
from the California State Bar Taxation Section (V. Judson Klein Honorary Award, 1986), the Los Angeles County Bar Estates
and Trusts Section (Arthur K. Marshall Award, 2000) and the Beverly Hills Bar Estates and Trusts Section (Timothy A.
Whitehouse Award, 2008). He is a member of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel and has been selected as a
Super Lawyer for each of the past several years. Mr. Birnberg is a frequent lecturer on legislative developments and estate, gift
and inheritance taxation. He has prepared legislative update materials for the California State Bar, local bars and other groups
for the past 20 years, has written articles for the U.S.C. Institute on Taxation, the U.S.C. Probate Institute, and has written a
chapter on estate taxes for the California Continuing Education of the Bar Estate Planning text.
LAPA is a State Bar of California approved MCLE provider and certifies that this seminar is approved for 1.0 hours of credit.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015
The Olympic Collection
11301 Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90064
6:00-7:30 PM: Registration and Dinner
7:30 to 8:30 pm: Presentation
$47 registration fee for LAPA members (if registered by February 3, 2015)
$62 non-members and late registration
For registration information, please call 1-866-626-LAPA.
To register by mail, please make checks payable to “LAPA” and mail to:
Probate/Estate Planning Section, Post Office Box 71708, Los Angeles, California 90071
No refunds or cancellations.
Name: ________________________________
Firm Name: ____________________________
Address: __________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: __________________
Facsimile: _____________________ E-mail: _______________________________
LAPA member? (Circle one) Yes No Amount enclosed or to be charged: $___________
Credit Card No. (Visa/MC/AmEx): ____________________________ Expiration date: __________
Name of Credit Card, if charging: ______________________________________________
To join LAPA today and attend this meeting and subsequent meetings at member rates, enclose an additional check for one year’s dues:
Voting Member $77 __ Associate Member $77 __ Student Member $62 __ Benefactor Member $202 __
The following is a listing of legal professionals and paralegal students who joined or renewed their
membership in Los Angeles Paralegal Association within the last 30 days. The employer and work
telephone number also are included when available. If any information is incorrect, please fax
corrections to 866-460-0506, call LAPA at 866-626-LAPA or e-mail updates to
Lois J. Broussard
Sharon M. Coryell
Wendy B. Gelzer
Donna Kleinman
Kristin Manning
Sharon Marlin
Madlen Monet
Renee Morgan-Hampton
Mila Perelman
Independent Legal Assistant
Goodson & Wachtel & Petrulis APC
Quinn Emanuel
Unocal Corporation
Greenberg & Bass LLP
Kane, Ballmer & Berkman
Reifman & Altman
(626) 676-3210
(310) 391-9401
(310) 208-8282
(310) 836-5310
(310) 622-1000
(310) 702-7748
(818) 382-6200
(213) 452-0114
(310) 477-1200
(805) 807-8123
A ss o ciate
Tyler Crowley
Timothy Aaron
Rachael H Biernat
Keri Ann Blanco
Fernando Enrique Garcia Mohammed Ali Hussain Heather Neidenbach
Kate Nichols
Christopher Allen Stephens
Rosa Maria Vaquera-Martinez
(818) 400-8919
(626) 383-0646
(626) 975-5531
(323) 807-9610
(847) 363-6372
(805) 807-9449
(818) 434-4665
(626) 221-9956
(818) 421-9589
Bryan Hance
National University
(310) 662-2115
L O S A N G E L E S P A R A L E G A L A S S O C I A T I O N - 2 0 1 3 B O A R D OF D I R E C T O R S
Donna Reznick-Goodich
Michelle Tabb, ACP
Bobby T. Rimas
Kai Ellis, ACP
Executive V.P.
V.P. Membership & Policy
V.P. Marketing & Planning
NALA Liasion
Maria Teresa Bravo
Bogdana Koiso, CP Yvonne Kubicek
Tammi Loveland
Catherine Peck
Tony Sipp
Terry Wright
Ivan Zogovic
Alston & Bird
United States Attorney’s Office
OneWest Bank
Barbanel & Treuer, P.C.
Office #
Law Offices of Neil Newsom & Assoc.
Litchfield Cavo LLP
The Walt Disney Company
Burke, Williams & Sorensen, LLP
Litchfield Cavo LLP
Dignity Health
Office #
S E C T I O N S , C O M M I T T E E S & O T H E R L A P A I N FO R M A T I O N
Administrative Manager
Tracey Booth
Tracey Booth
Advisory Board Members
Susan Oder, Esq.
Bobby T. Rimas
Bankruptcy Section Wayne Kiser
Mryna Richardson
Budget & Finance Committee Patricia Leedom
CAPA Web Site
Compliance Committee
Corporate/Real Estate Section
Terry Riggins
Corporate Sponsors
Downtown Section
Tammi Loveland
Editor of Reporter
Family Law Section
Sharon Fluxman
General Information
Holiday Benefit Gala Committee
Tammi Loveland
Immigration Law Section
Intellectual Property Section
Legislative Committee
Maria Teresa Bravo
Thomas Horlick
Litigation Section
Marketing Committee
MCLE Review Committee
Donna Reznick-Goodich
Membership Committee
Michelle Tabb, ACP
NALA Liaison
Kari S. Wenger
Newsletter Committee
Nominations & Elections Committee Andrea Mitchell
Kimberly Bradley, ACP
October Conference Committee
Bobby T. Rimas
Online Education Section
Tammi Loveland
PCC/CLA/ACP Committee Michelle Tabb, ACP
Kari S. Wenger
Probate & Estate Planning Section Shirley
Pro Bono Committee
Bobby T. Rimas
San Fernando Valley Section
Emily Lanza
David Faulkner
Santa Clarita Section
Emily Lanza
Scholarship Committee 866.626.LAPA
Schools Liaison
South Bay Section
Speakers Bureau Coordinator
Spring Career Conference
Student Advisory Committee
Website Committee
Westside Section
Bobby T. Rimas
Catherine Peck
Los Angeles
Paralegal Association
P.O. Box 71708
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Telephone (866)626-LAPA
Fax (866)460-0506

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