Monroe A. Miller, Jr. January 8, 2015 Problems with Pat Carr and the


Monroe A. Miller, Jr. January 8, 2015 Problems with Pat Carr and the
Monroe A. Miller, Jr.
January 8, 2015
Problems with Pat Carr and the GOP Meetings.
Corrections to Past Minutes and Problems with Agenda
Ms. Carr (/Brian Strum),
Thank you for providing minutes from the 11/13/14 GOP meeting created by BFS (Secretary Brian Strum)
for review, so that they can be approved at the 1/8/2015 meeting. Thank you for also providing an agenda
for that meeting. So that we are all reading from the same sheet of music, I have translated both of these
documents from pdf files to something that can be attached to this document. It won’t be an exact
translation, but word content will remain intact.
Prior to reviewing these minutes, it should be noted that you (Ms. Carr) collaborated with Vicki Hyatt of the
Mountaineer to be interviewed (along with Lynda Bennett) for the article Haywood Republican bickering escalates, Two party loyalists rebuked, By Vicki Hyatt Jan 06, 2015
The article said: “While Pat Carr said she is reluctant to discuss the details of a closed executive
committee meeting, ...”, yet you did. You just opened Pandora’s Box. We are in a new era of airing your
dirty laundry. So here we go...
The Mountaineer article (on-line version) is also included in this document (word for word), for reference.
First - problems with the 11/13/2014 minutes.
Exhibit A. You/Brian reference an Exhibit A - “Monroe Miller, Jr. made a motion to add 14 items to
the Agenda for discussion. They are listed in Exhibit A .”, yet you failed to include them to whoever you
sent these minutes out for reviews.
Fortunately, since we are in this new open environment of “ ...discussing the details of a closed executive
committee meeting, ...”, I have posted Exhibit A on my website, at
Under the topic of Secretary’s Reports, you reference corrections that were to be made to prior minutes,
yet you failed to include those corrected copies of those two prior meetings for Executive Committee
Members to examine, so that they can be approved. Don’t be looking to get those approved during the
January meeting.
Under New Business, it says: “There was a call for suggestions as to where to hold the County
Convention. Chairman Carr suggested the Canton Armory at $300 due to its size, central location, and
previous satisfactory experience.” What? I had recommended the Fairgrounds facility, but no, you
wanted the Armory. I was sitting over at Jonnie Cure’s office yesterday when a call came in
confirming that the GOP had sent a check for $100 written to reserve the Armory for 3/14/2015
back on September 18, 2014! You knew about this, yet you went through a charade of asking executive
committee where the convention should be held. There is still a balance due, as of yesterday, of $299.50.
This is one more reason that Executive Committee members should have access to the check register and
bank statements, so that we can correct you in these moments of faulty memory.
Still under new business, “The fifth item for discussion was an ad hominem attack on Ted and Pat Carr,
alleging that Ted Carr told ‘her’ he could not support Denny King and that he was supporting Democrat
Michael Sorrells.” That sentence should be changed to:
“The fifth item for discussion required Ted Carr to explain his actions - He, Ted Carr [RINO], then told
her he, Ted Carr [RINO], could not support Denny King [R]. He, Ted Carr [RINO], told her that he was
supporting Michael Sorrells [D].
Where are the letters of Rebuke for Ted Carr and Lynda Bennett? Have they even been created? Why
were they not included with the minutes and new proposed agenda?
Other Executive Committee members will likely have other corrections / additions to these minutes. Don’t
look for these to get approved either.
Problems with the agenda for 1/8/2014.
“Exhibit A”, referenced in the minutes, should have been copied word for word into the agenda under
Unfinished Business. Instead, it has been heavily edited, and when that happens, you follow verbatim
of what is on the agenda. Replace the contents of Exhibit A
[ with what is currently there.
The last item of Exhibit A was completely omitted Motion to approve Lisa Womack to sign checks on HCGOP Account. 11/13/14. Put that back in.
The agenda item under new business - “Questions concerning Political Committee Disclosure Report,
NCBoE Civil Penalty, and balance on 10/31/14 Treasurer’s report” is again a little brief. See
immediately following these problems with the agenda, a more complete statement of the concern...
The announcement of the time and location of the GOP Republican Convention is pretty important, and
this is the first time Executive Committee members have seen this (although you knew about it on
9/18/2014 when you sent the deposit of $100). Move the Announcements to prior to the Adjournment.
Make the announcements, and then adjourn the meeting.
[Editors Note: E-mail to Pat Carr 11/17/2014]
[Editors Note: Reference made to “Brian’s Aunt Susan” is Susan Brown, Brian’s Aunt Susan,
also GOP Treasurer.]
More questions regarding HCGOP Executive Committee Meeting on 11/13/14.
Mon, 17 Nov 2014 10:06:46 -0500
Monroe Miller
Brian's Aunt Susan <>, Pat Carr <>,
Brian Strum <>, Lisa Womack Republican Party
Mr. Carr and Brian's Aunt Susan,
This brand new set of questions arose from an e-mail sent to me on 11/15/2014 by Eddie
Cabe, summarized below in blue:
Pat Carr
One more Question
Why are the treasures reports at the monthly meetings never the same as the North Carolina
State Board of Elections Political Committee disclose reports ?
Here look
And Pat I often find it hard to understand this NC SBE stuff Could you please explain
this Civil Penalty and Forfeiture Fund to me ?
Look here
Did that come from the Haywood County Republican Party? Nothing was said about this in
the GOP meetings.........
And Pat, we are still awaiting your E-mail from the Haywood GOP explaining the situation
, with our newly elected Haywood County Tax Collector, and invite everyone to the
Commissioners meeting where this will be discussed. Remember you promised to e-mail this
information out to the Data Base, time is running out the meeting is MONDAY....Please
don't wait till just a few minutes before the meeting to invite our people!
If you would share this Data Base with the Executive committee , we could do it our self
s ...
And lastly could you Bring the Check book So the Executive members could take a look at
Thanks again
Eddie Cabe
I have taken the time to extract all of these references from the Internet, converted them
(where necessary to a pdf format) and attach them in their respective order.
Additionally, I have scanned and converted Brian's Aunt Susan's October Treasurer Report
for October handed out at the last meeting.
Here go the questions Political Committee Disclosure Report
Why is the address for the HC Republican Party Pat Carr's home address?
Report from 7/1/2014 - 10/27/2014, Begin Balance $780.28, End Balance $0.00 !!!!!
What? This does not match the report Brian's Aunt Susan handed out.
Transactions for Pat Bennett and Paul Turner indicate these amounts were "returned to
contributor". What was that about?
Forfeiture Payment to NC Civil Penalty and Forfeiture Fund via State Board of Elections
$100 for "Prohibited Contributions"? Please explain.
Check #4261 written on what appears to be Pat Carr's personal account - PATRICIA P.
Check written on 10/7/2014.
Receipt dated 10/14/2014, reason - "Cash Contribution" ???
What the [expletive
Haywood County Republican Treasurer's Report, October 1, 2014 to October 31, 2014.
Checks cleared during October - did not contain Pat Carr's Check #4261, only check
numbers 429 through 435.
Account ending Balance of $545.05, not $0.00 as denoted in the Political Committee
Disclosure Report.
So Ms. Carr and Brian's Aunt Susan, are we running two sets of books here? Should our
request change from requesting to inspect the Haywood County GOP Bank Statements and Check
Register to both the Haywood County GOP Bank Statements and Check Register and Pat and
Ted Carr's Bank Statements and Check Register?
Please let me know.
Monroe Miller
Precinct Chair, Allens Creek
The following items / issues are of a nature of general concern, and are in no particular order, yet remain
unanswered by Chair Pat Carr.
Attempts to e-mail GOP Secretary Brian Strum and Brian’s mother are met with the following e-mail
error message by some Executive Committee Members:
A message (from <Monroe Miller>) was received at 20 Dec 2014 14:50:42 +0000.
The following addresses had delivery problems:
Permanent Failure: 550_Requested_action_not_taken:_mailbox_unavailable
Delivery last attempted at Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:50:47 -0000
Reporting-MTA: dns;
Arrival-Date: 20 Dec 2014 14:50:42 +0000
Final-Recipient: rfc822; <>
Action: failed
Status: 5.0.0
Diagnostic-Code: smtp; (Permanent Failure: Other undefined Status)
Last-Attempt-Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 14:50:47 -0000
Why is Brian Strum blocking e-mails. Is he taking hints from Haywood County Commissioner Kevin
Pig Pickin.
The following image was captured with a screen shot on the Haywood County GOP website on 12/21/2014,, and specifically at location
[Editors Note: As of this date, the link was still active.]
Why did this appear on the GOP website? When this matter was brought to the attention of Pat Carr, the
menu link to this page was disabled, but the content is still accessible using the above direct link.
Terry Ramey [D] and I put together the Pig Pickin as a unique political event, something no one had ever
done before. Many, many people contributed their time and money, including people within the GOP
Executive Committee, but the GOP did not contribute one (1) dime. Yet, here it is on their website, with no
credit given to either Terry Ramey or I, making it appear as though it was a GOP sponsored event.
Does anyone running this website know what plagiarism means?
The following is an e-mail I sent out the day after the Pig Pickin, of which I copied Ted and Pat Carr.
Subject: Pig Pickin
Sun, 26 Oct 2014 09:55:09 -0400
Monroe Miller
Ted Carr <>, Pat Carr <>
Thank You!
By any measure, the Pig Pickin was a success.
The main purpose was -
Invite and have candidates from all parties to meet and answer questions with plain
folks, and
Have Fun.
There were candidates from the Democrat, Republican and the Libertarian Party.
The best estimate was a turnout of about 250 people.
Special thanks to Chuck Rector of Blue Ridge BBQ for providing the gigantic pig cooker
(which was automatic and we did not have to stay all night to turn the pigs) and Freddie
Trull and Eddie Cabe who cooked and prepared the pigs for eating.
Also thanks to all the people who prepared and brought food, helped set up and serve the
food, and those that contributed hard cash for this event. The American Legion was a
gracious host.
Let's do this again sometime.
Monroe Miller
p.s. Terry Ramey is not on this copy list, as he does not have e-mail.
In one of the cherry picked questions Vicki Hyatt picked up from Eddie Cabe’s facebook page was written
as this exchange with Pat Carr in the Mountaineer article
“Cabe: The fake Haywood County GOP website is not controlled by the Haywood County Republican
Party Executive Committee.
Carr: It is under the control of the executive committee. We have a webmaste who puts on anything we
ask. From time to time, people will send pictures, and if they are appropriate, I put them on. It is not
available for anyone to post on the website.”
The website is not under the control of the Executive Committee! Pat Carr has as tight of control over this
as she does the check register and bank statements.
Go ahead, do a on this website and see what you come up with.
Status of certain GOP Executive Committee Members.
Attempting to ascertain the current membership at any given time is like pulling teeth.
K.G. Watson.
In the Mountaineer Article, it was said about KG Watson:
“Party member K.G. Watson was finance chairman at one point, but said he stopped going to the meetings
because of the actions of a few.”
Does that mean K.G. Watson is still finance chairman, and is he still a member of the voting Executive
Matthew Hebb and Savannah Tedesco.
Word on the street is that these two have moved to Greenville. What is their status as voting members of the
Executive Committee?
Summary - All Pat Carr has to do is respond and answer these questions one-by-one as they come up. But
no, she has taken the approach of our county commissioners, Ira Dove - county manager, David Francis Interim Tax Administrator, and dove into a bunker, dug their heals into the ground, and playing deaf.
11/13/14 MEETING
Chairman Carr welcomed everyone to the meeting. Guests Brittany Jones, Jeremy Davis, and Jeff Hunter were
K.G. Watson gave the invocation.
Andrew Jackson led the Pledge of Allegiance.
K.G. Watson, on behalf of the Bicentennial Council of the 13 Original States presented Barbara Buck an
official commemorative ingot cast 7/10/1980 in Newport Rhode Island in recognition of her patriotism.
Monroe Miller and Jonnie Cure’ had been scheduled to speak in Comments. Miller deferred his Comments
until the adoption of the Agenda. Cure’ presented no Comments.
Chairman Carr called the roll and then called the meeting to order. Committee members responding ‘present’
were Susan Brown, Barbara Buck, Eddie Cabe, Pat Carr, Ted Carr, Jonnie Cure’, Tomile Cure’, Andrew
Jackson, Monroe Miller, Jr., Brian Strum, Hannah Strum, KG Watson, and Lisa Womack. Debbie King
arrived later.
Monroe Miller, Jr. made a motion to add 14 items to the Agenda for discussion. They are listed in Exhibit A .
He did not provide prior notice of his intent nor did he provide copies of the 14 items for all the members.
While copies were being made for the members, the rules were suspended in order to discuss the Christmas
Dinner. Barbara Buck had researched sites. Chairman Carr reported that Barbara had suggested either the
Moonshine Grill or Jay Arthur’s, both of which were in Maggie Valley. Some other venues were suggested but
costs were not known. A motion was made and seconded to have the dinner at the Moonshine Grill if there is no
room fee. It was amended to select Jay Arthur’s if there is a room fee. Chairman Carr was to learn whether there
is a room fee and which dates the rooms would be available.
After the copies of Mr. Miller’s 14 items were distributed, a motion was made and seconded to add the 14
items to the Agenda for discussion. Motion carried. Motion was made, seconded and carried to adopt the
Agenda as amended.
Secretary Strum reported that the revised Minutes of the 9/11/14 meeting required a correction on page 3. The
last line of 7th paragraph should be stricken because the review occurred after the meeting. The Secretary’s
report of the 9/11/14 meeting was tabled to the January 2015 meeting.
Secretary Strum reported that there was an omission on the last line of page 1 of the Minutes of the 10/09/14
meeting. The disbursements for September should have been listed in the amount of $1,223.53. The
Secretary’s report of the 10/09/14 meeting were tabled to the January 2015 meeting. Those having issues with
the report agreed to provide the Secretary with their specific concerns.
The Treasurer reported a beginning balance of $1,291.12 as of 10/1/14, receipts of $595.00, checks of
$1,340.66 cleared and an ending balance of $545.46. Report was approved for filing.
Chairman Carr reported that in 2016 the NCGOP plans to set February as the month for County Conventions
and January as the month for annual Precinct meetings that don’t occur concurrently with the County
She reviewed certain election results, and reported that in the Cecil Precinct, Republicans won in every race,
and pointed out that in future elections we will need to focus on the Precincts which are heavily weighted with
A motion was made to send an email to the HCGOP data base encouraging them to attend the next County
Commissioners meeting in support of newly elected Republican Tax Collector Mike Matthews. Motion
Vice Chairman Lisa Womack thanked everyone for help with electioneering, which triggered a lengthy
discussion of the election process. A motion was made to enter into the record a Board of Elections Incident
Report concerning an attempted break-in at the Beaverdam 4 polling place early in the morning on Election
Day. Motion carried.
Social Media Committee Chairman Andrew Jackson reported that the Committee made a major push to publish
information on each candidate on Facebook. Tomile Cure’ reported that individuals are added to the Facebook
group page only after verifying that they are registered as Republicans. The Committee was asked to write an
explanation of the difference in the Group and Fan pages, and how to use them, for circulation to the HCGOP
data base. It was suggested a UTube link be included.
Local Issues Committee Chairman Jonnie Cure’ reported that the Committee had been spending it’s time on
helping get candidates elected.
There was no report from the Young Republicans.
Chairman Carr again requested that members review the list of email addresses which have no associated
names so that the data base could be updated.
She also reported requesting by email a vote concerning whether to renew the insurance policy because the
Minutes had not been available on the premium due date. Her recollection was that the vote that had been taken
was only a straw poll. In the straw poll a majority had voted to obtain the insurance but there had been
subsequent discussion of how much the premium would be for a two-month renewal, and an actual vote had
been taken to obtain coverage for two months. Therefore the email vote was null and void.
Chairman Carr asked Jonnie Cure’ to obtain venues for the January and February 2015 meetings. A motion
was made that we have the meetings at Fat Buddie’s. Motion carried. Jonnie Cure’ agreed to make
reservations for January and February meetings..
There was a call for suggestions as to where to hold the County Convention. Chairman Carr suggested the
Canton Armory at $300 due to its size, central location, and previous satisfactory experience.
There was a call for items for the January 2015 Agenda. Appointment of a Plan of Organization Committee
was suggested.
The first of 14 items for discussion was meeting start times. A motion was made, seconded and carried to call
meetings to order at 6:30. Additionally a motion was made, seconded and carried to reconvene the Agenda
Committee to reconsider the order of the original recommendations and to bring back its current
recommendations to the Executive Committee.
The second and third items for discussion, Minutes of the 9/11/14 and 10/09/14 meetings, were deemed moot
due to both sets of Minutes having been tabled.
The fourth item for discussion regarding an email vote for or against purchase of insurance had been previously
addressed. Monroe Miller raised a second question as to whether the Chairman planned to take further votes
by email. The response was in the negative.
The fifth item for discussion was an ad hominem attack on Ted and Pat Carr, alleging that Ted Carr told ‘her’
he could not support Denny King and that he was supporting Democrat Michael Sorrells. The identity of ‘her’
was not revealed. No first person testimony was given accusing Mr. Carr, only hearsay. Carr denied all such
The sixth item for discussion was a draft of a ‘spiel’ for Precinct Chairmen to give to their electioneers. The
draft had been provided to Precinct Chairmen by Lynda Bennett with the statement “Open the attachment to get
some good ideas”, in an effort to assist Vice Chairman Womack with her responsibilities to provide Precinct
Chairmen with information to give their electioneers. A motion was made and seconded for the HCGOP to
rebuke Lynda Bennett by sending her a letter stating she had no authority to send out the ‘spiel’, and suggesting
good ideas could be obtained from it for use with electioneers. Motion carried upon division.
Motion was made and seconded to rebuke Ted Carr for not supporting Denny King at the polls and other
events to voters and paid poll workers under his supervision. Mr. Carr and two other members had left at that
point. Motion carried upon division.
The seventh item for discussion was Monroe Miller’s request for a list of the names of the Executive
Committee members with their addresses, phone numbers, and email addresses. Chairman Carr reported that
no such current list existed, and that member names were kept on the Roll but that all other data was
maintained in the HCGOP data base and that numerous people had asked that their email addresses not be
shared. She also reported that she had sent him a copy of the Executive Committee Roll and a redacted copy of
the Sign In Sheet which showed Executive Committee Member email addresses.
The quorum was lost at 9:10 pm and no further business was conducted..
[Editors Note: Reprint from Mountaineer]
Haywood Republican bickering escalates
Two party loyalists rebuked
By Vicki Hyatt Jan 06, 2015
Haywood County Republican Party Chairman Pat Car and her husband, Ted, are shown at a meeting in April
where a group of 10 detractors called a special meeting with the purpose of ousting or censuring their
chairman. In November, the executive committee voted to rebuke Ted Carr, along with Lynda Bennett.
[Pat Carr is at the podium and Brian Strum, party secretary, calls the roll as Jonnie Cure watches. Monroe
Miller is seated behind Strum. Both Cure and Miller, who attempted to lead the meeting but was prevented
from doing by a state party representative, wanted Carr disciplined.]
Haywood Republicans are in the midst of an internal battle for control of the party, and all signs show the
struggle is growing more contentious by the week.
At the November executive committee meeting, the majority of those present voted to rebuke two party
members — Ted Carr and Lynda Bennett — for party disloyalty. Neither individual was present when the
vote to rebuke was taken, and GOP Party Chairman Pat Carr, Ted’s spouse, predicted the rebukes will be
rescinded at the January meeting when more committee members are present.
Eddie Cabe, the precinct chairman of Beaverdam 1, said a quorum was present at the meeting where the vote
to rebuke was approved.
The rebuke against the party chairman's husband, Ted Carr, Cabe said, stemmed from allegations that was
supporting a Democrat in the most recent election.
"We heard he was supporting a Democrat and we didn't like it, so we rebuked him," Cabe said. "He told that
to three people who made public statements about it."
To make matters worse, Cabe said, Ted Carr was in charge of hiring poll workers paid for by the Rep.
Michele Presnell campaign, and the $10 an hour jobs didn't all go to Republicans.
Cabe didn't mention the rebuke against Bennett, but when that information surfaced later, party members say
the action stemmed from a flier Bennett resurrected from the time she worked for the 9-12 group, one that
favored conservative candidates, regardless of party.
Party disloyalty as defined by the state Republican Party plan of organization, is any registered Republican
attempting to influence the outcome of an election against a Republican candidate except in a primary
Last year 10 members of the party executive committee, a group that includes the chairperson from each of
the 29 precincts in the county, called a special meeting and attempted to censure or oust Pat Carr.The motion
failed to garner the necessary two-thirds vote needed to pass.
Earlier efforts to censure Republican County Commissioner Kevin Ensley, who is regularly referred to as
a RINO (Republican In Name Only) by a faction of the party, also failed.
In recent weeks, Cabe has been sending e-mails and disseminating information through the Facebook page
Patriots of Haywood County criticizing Pat Carr for not providing acceptable minutes for the September and
October meetings, failing to provide an accounting of party finances and not disclosing donation information
about collections through a "fake Haywood County GOP website."
Accused respond
While Pat Carr said she is reluctant to discuss the details of a closed executive committee meeting, she did
confirm there was a quorum at the November meeting, which requires a 25 percent attendance. She said her
husband had to leave the meeting before 9 p.m. when the issue of a rebuke came up and was not able to
defend himself."
“There was not a single person there giving first-hand evidence, “ she said of the November meeting where
her husband was rebuked.”It was all based on hearsay. There would have been a tie vote that would have
failed had three of the members not had to leave early.”
Ted Carr said he did not support a Democrat and told no one else to do so, either.
“I simply told someone I was not going to support Denny King (one of the Republican county commissioner
candidates),” he said. “I never said to vote for someone else, and I never sent emails about it.”
Pat Carr defended Bennett, saying Bennett agreed to pull the electioneering and phone bank effort together
at the last minute after an executive committee member who was supposed to handle the task dropped the
ball. To expedite the process, Bennett recycled a script for election workers that had been used during her
time with the 9-12 and tea party efforts where voters were urged to support conservative candidates rather
than mentioning candidates by party. The email invited readers to suggest changes as needed.
Carr said that when Cabe saw the email, he went ballistic and it started a whole chain of emails. The
concerns were addressed after Carr revised the script and had the corrected scripts printed and sent to the
polling sites by the next day.
Bennett said she wasn’t present at the meeting where she was rebuked and consequently, knew little about
the matter. She indicated she wasn’t bitter about the party efforts against her.
“There are a lot more good people in the party,” Bennett wrote in an email. “The candidates and elected
representatives are the ones that do the hard work… I will continue to try to help them.”
Party member K.G. Watson was finance chairman at one point, but said he stopped going to the meetings
because of the actions of a few.
"In my opinion, these people don’t understand the realities of political activity which involve a minimum
amount of give and take," Watson said. "You can’t be effective in a political party without that, along with
a willingness to listen to the ideas of others."
Watson said before party members are disciplined, due process must be followed. That includes, at a
minimum, providing written notice of the charges and setting a date and time where the accused can defend
Watson said he believes rebuking fellow party members is counterproductive.
"Rebuking, that’s not progress," he said. "It's like wrestling around in the quicksand. You don’t get voters,
don’t collect money and don’t further the cause of the Republican Party that way. These are dissidents, for
lack of a better word. They like to think they are important, but raise issues for which there is no easy answer.
Then if someone makes a little mistake, they want to fry them over a slow fire."
Questions and answers
On the Patriots of Haywood County website, Eddie Cabe, Republican executive party member, includes
emails sent to Haywood County GOP Chairman Pat Carr.
Cabe declined to elaborate on his concerns during several instances when he requested a story be done. He
and others with similar concerns likewise declined to respond to Carr's explanations when asked during a
publicly advertised Patriots meeting.
Below is a list of questions Cabe raised and responses from Haywood County Republican Party Chairman
Pat Carr about the concerns.
Cabe: The fake Haywood County GOP website is not controlled by the Haywood County Republican Party
Executive Committee.
Carr: It is under the control of the executive committee. We have a webmaste who puts on anything we ask.
From time to time, people will send pictures, and if they are appropriate, I put them on. It is not available for
anyone to post on the website.
Cabe: Why is the Haywood County Republican Party refused access to the bank statements?
Carr: There is nothing in the plan of organization that authorizes bank statements to be released. The first
time somebody demanded bank statements, I sent an email to the state GOP legal counsel and was advised
to not divulge bank statements as it revealed the account number.
Cabe: We must demand accountability and we must find our where "Donation Options" on the fake
Haywood County GOP website are going.
Carr: The plan of organization says the treasurer shall give a financial report at every meeting and that has
been done without fail. What’s happened is there have been various periods when reports were due and we
didn’t have treasurer. The state advised I do the reports myself and sign off as acting treasurer. If you don’t
file reports, you get fined. At every meeting I ask if there is a candidate for treasurer and no one would step
forward. As for accountability, you must have an audit once a year. I appointed an audit committee and asked
Monroe Miller to serve. He refused. From my standpoint, he appears to be manipulating things from behind
the scenes. This was his chance to get answers. The appointed committee rendered a report basically saying
things were in excellent shape.
Cabe: Can anyone tell me how I can get a copy of the revised minutes from recent Haywood County
Republican Party Executive Committee meeting? (still unapproved by the executive committee) and unseen
by the executive committee. I have tried to ask the secretary of the Haywood Republican Party, but he has
blocked me and other executive members from his email.
Carr: The minutes of the meetings were provided in draft form, but were tabled. While the minutes didn't
contain the entire transcript of the meeting, Carr said they do contain a description of actions taken, which
is what's is required for minutes.
Roll Call
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Comments & Concerns
Adoption of Agenda
Secretary’s Report of 9/11/2014 Meeting
Secretary’s Report of 10/9/14 Meeting
Secretary’s Report of 11/13/14 Meeting
Treasurer's Report
Reports From Officers & Standing Committees
Chairman's Report Christmas Dinner, installation of Matthews, Welch, Tillis,
NCGOP Executive Committee
Vice Chairman's Report
Finance Committee
Agenda Committee
Letter Writing Committee
Local Issues Committee
Precinct Committee Reports
Social Media Committee
Young Republicans Report
Unfinished Business
Remainder of 14 items for discussion added to 11/13/14 agenda:
Agenda Requests from Eddie Cabe
Agenda Requests
Party Disloyalty - Ted Carr
HCGOP website
Show us the Money - Jonnie Cure’
Bank Statements and Check Register
Request for account information - Jonnie Cure
Bank Statements and Check Register
New Business
Announcement of Waynesville Board positions available
Location for Feb. 12, 2015 meeting
March 14, 2015 County Convention appointments
Clean up Committee
Credentials Committee
Plan of Organization Committee
Refreshments Committee
Set up Committee
Questions concerning Political Committee Disclosure Report, NCBoE Civil Penalty,
and balance on 10/31/14 Treasurer’s report
Call for items for February Agenda
2/12/15 HCGOP Executive Committee meeting, 6:30 pm site TBD
3/14/15 HCGOP Annual Precinct Meetings & County Convention, Canton Armory
4/09/15 HCGOP Executive Committee meeting, 6:30 pm site TBD