I discover - Tourist and Convention Office Clermont


I discover - Tourist and Convention Office Clermont
I discover
The Romanesque church
of Notre-Dame-du-Port,
and the Gothic church
of Notre-Dame-de-l’Assomption,
silhouetted against the Chaîne des Puys,
and the dominant
Puy de Dôme,
are landmarks of the city.
On the Puy de Dôme,
a mythical volcano
reaching a height
of 1,465 m, we find
one of the great
Gallic shrines,
the Temple of Mercury.
At Vulcania, designed
by the architect
Hans Hollein,
you become explorers
in a fascinating world,
up to now reserved only
for vulcanologists.
This famous volcano, listed as a Grand Site
de France, features a cog railway
to convey visitors to the summit.
The Valley
of Chaudefour,
formed by a glacier,
is classified
as a nature reserve.
The Puy de Pariou
has a 100 m
deep crater;
this is a strombolian
type volcano.
Clermont-Ferrand has an exceptional setting
- born of fire, water and air, in the land
of the Auvergne volcanoes: a mere stone’s throw
away, eighty sleeping volcanoes are silhouetted
against the sky, dominated by their landmark,
the Puy de Dôme. At Vulcania,
the unique European Park of Volcanism,
your heart will beat to the rhythm
of the Universe. To the North, are the fertile
cereal plains of the Limagne; to the East,
the sun rises over the wooded mountains
of the Livradois-Forez, highlighting
their remarkable beauty;
nearer still is the Oppidum
on a volcano
Auvergne is a secret
rather than a province.
It torments you
with dreams.
It is when you have found
it that you will look for
it the most.
Alexandre Vialatte.
This golden
engraved with
the name of
Vercingétorix is
part of the coin
in the Museum
of Archaeology.
of Gergovie, where the young
chief of the Gauls, Vercingétorix,
defeated Caesar. ClermontFerrand is the natural gateway
to the vast territory of the Massif
Central, and has a strategic position
in the centre of France at the crossroads
of the main highways of Europe.
For each season the region changes
its mantle, offering visitors a new variety
of rich colours over the wide open spaces
The great clock
in the former
17th century
Jesuit college.
from a church which
is no longer
in existence,
this Romanesque
lintel can be seen
at the top of the Rue
des Gras. It shows
the biblical scene
of the Washing
of the Feet.
in the two regional Parks, the Auvergne
Volcanoes and the Livradois-Forez,
both very close to the city. Hidden away
within the magic of the panoramic
landscapes, we find lakes, castles,
and Romanesque art treasures.
Unsuspected curiosities can be
discovered in the flora and fauna.
Both man-made and natural historical
phenomena can be found
The church of Orcival
is one of the major Romanesque
constructions of the county.
Its silver-gilded statue
of the Virgin in Majesty
is visited by
many pilgrims.
A city on a volcano
along the winding paths leading
to the most beautiful sites.
It is a paradise for walkers,
but Auvergne can also be visited by bike
and for the more intrepid, by hang-glider,
by paraglider, or aboard a hot air balloon.
After invigorating activity in the pure air,
you will be tempted
by the local gastronomy,
steeped in tradition.
The vast network
of marked paths
is ideal for those
who fancy a gentle
stroll or for more
confirmed hikers.
The iridescent ballet
of the paragliders
takes your
breath away.
Fruit jellies
and crystallized
fruit are local
Auvergne cheeses
have an international
The hamlet
of La Godivelle
is surrounded
by two lakes;
the “top lake”
is in an old
If you are quiet
and patient,
you will perhaps
see a mouflon
on a mountain top.
In May 1996
Apollo caterpillars
were reintroduced
onto a sunny mountain
slope of
the Puy de Dôme.
Since then this majestic
butterfly flutters
the paragliders.
There are many
pavement cafés
where you can
spend time
chatting in the
sun or dreaming
under the stars.
This amazing
greyhound is one
of the gargoyles
on the Gothic
church of
is registered
on the Unesco
world heritage list,
under the theme
of Santiago
de Compostela.
on the cathedral
began in 1248
and finished
in the 19th century
under the supervision
of the architect
It was the first
and biggest
in Volvic stone.
This detail
of the Candlemas Virgin is
a marvellous example of
the Tender Virgins painted
in the Gothic period. It
can be seen
in the ambulatory
of the cathedral.
Detail of the Amboise
fountain erected
in the Renaissance
period for the bishop
Jacques d’Amboise.
N° 4 Rue Blaise-Pascal,
the Chazerat mansion
in neo-classical style.
thousand years
of history
What a wonderful
What a splendid
cathedral! …
The view of the Puy
de Dôme, only a stone’s
throw from the town,
the imagination.
In the Place
de la Victoire,
the statue of Pope
Urban II stands
watch over
a large fountain.
The city is bicephalous, two towns united over
the centuries, much to the delight of today’s
visitors: the old town of Clermont, and only
a league away the mediaeval town
of Montferrand, created by the Counts
of Auvergne. The two towns developed
simultaneously, the first under the control
of the bishop, the second
under the control of the counts.
Catherine de Medicis gained possession
of the bastion of Clermont and claimed
it for the Crown.
Then, two edicts pronounced
during the reigns of Louis XIII and Louis XV
sealed the union between the two towns.
Richness and diversity resulted from
this forgotten union of two historical towns.
In Clermont, the Middle Ages were prosperous.
This period began with the 1095 Council,
when Pope Urban II chose the town to make
In the Place de Jaude,
the statue
his blessing of the first crusade. Two prized
of Vercingétorix
examples of the period’s sacred architecture are:
on horseback
is the work
the Romanesque basilica of Notre-Dame-du-Port
of Bartholdi,
and the unusual Gothic cathedral made of lava stone,
who also
where a unique collection of stained-glass
the Statue
windows and murals can be found. History continued
of Liberty
in New
its way and produced the beautiful mansions
of the Renaissance period and the Age of Enlightenment;
fifty fountains spill their water over the ancient stone.
The workshop and home
of the Bernardin iron-work craftsmen, in
Rue Eugène-Gilbert, is an example
of elaborate Art Nouveau decor.
It is listed as a Historical Monument.
In Montferrand, one of the best historically
preserved towns in France, urban life is woven
from the town’s heritage and its foundation
in the 12th century. The heritage of the Middle
Ages and the Renaissance can be seen
throughout the town, timber houses, spiral
staircases, inner courtyards and fine sculpted
decors. You are invited to discover
these two ancient towns, with the help
of the “Parcours dans la ville” brochure
or with a professional guide.
The three museums contain a thousand
treasures: archæology, carpets and textile art
In 1997, the town invited eight
international artists to a conference
on sculpture. This batrachian made by
the Dutchman Mark Brusse is part of
a collection which is mysteriously
called Dans la mémoire des crapauds
(In memory of toads).
In Jardin Lecoq.
Two thousand
in the Bargoin museum, mineralogy and
natural history in the Henri-Lecoq museum,
and the fine arts collections
in the Roger-Quilliot museum.
Michelin’s Heritage Centre
opens its doors on
an industrial site,
under the name of
l’Aventure Michelin.
Wooden Gaul votive offering (ex-voto).
A must to see in the Bargoin Museum.
The structure
of the galleries
which are joined
to the main building
by a spiral staircase
is characteristic
of the rich mansions
in Montferrand.
The flourishing
medieval town
of Montferrand
then slumbered
for several
centuries, and
because of this,
its “fortified town”
layout has
perfectly intact.
The Tourist Office’s guided visit
takes you to the 17th century
fountain in the Place du Terrail.
A decor from the
recently restored
years of history
L’Aventure Michelin
begins with a Micheline
railcar and a Bréguet
airplane in a restored
workshop. The tour
consists of 9 spaces
with different contents
and styles.
This detail of a painting
by Donato Créti is
an invitation to discover
the Roger-Quilliot museum,
with its collections from
the early Middle Ages
to the 20th century.
Two examples of arithmetic machines
invented by Blaise Pascal, “Les Pascalines”,
are exhibited in Clermont-Ferrand museums.
This Pao Tao, a Chinese betrothal
rug, is part of the permanent collections
in the Bargoin museum. Plants and
animals were chosen because of their
symbolic importance.
The Place de Jaude
has been the heart
of the city since
Architectes : D.et L.Ameil et A.Jalicon.
One of the five
engineering schools,
the Institut Français
de Mécanique
Avancée (IFMA) is
on the Cézeaux campus.
The Fleur de Lave tram serves several stops on its 15-kilometer
drive through the city.
Clermont-Ferrand: rock capital!
More than 35,000 students
follow the various artistic,
scientific or arts university
Blaise Pascal was born
in Clermont in 1623.
This 17th century portrait is in
the Roger-Quilliot museum (MARQ).
When living in Clermont, Blaise Pascal discovered
the effects of air pressure, and since then the city
has lived up to its tradition of invention,
inspiring the composer
Jean-Philippe Rameau,
Bibendum was born.
the philosopher Henri Bergson
The jolly fat man,
mascot of the
and the film director Eric Rohmer.
Few people know
the delight of
collectors and visitors
that Fernand Forest,
from Clermont, invented the first of l’Aventure Michelin.
internal combustion engine.
of inventions
People from Auvergne and further afield
have together constructed the twenty-one
“communes” (districts) which make up
Clermont Communauté, which is today
one of the twenty leading urban
communities in France. Its pioneers,
Two extremes:
wishing to promote industry, founded
Michelin, the Bibendum multinational,
whose famous guides open up the world
only accept
to so many tourists. New generations come
to study in the two universities or in further
colleges. Researchers discover
Blaise Pascal.
new scientific horizons. The Polydome congress
centre hosts an increasing number of events
with a great variety of topics. The organisation
of these events is made easier by the international
airport of Clermont-Ferrand/Auvergne.
The airport is linked
to national and European
destinations every day.
a large multi-purpose centre
for all your receptions
and special events.
Architectes : P. Borderie, R. Kander, J. M. Louviaux.
is a melting pot
of researchers,
who work
in the universities
or in industry.
The Auvergne metropolis is strong
on imagination. Clermont-Ferrand has become
the world capital of the short film industry,
and hosts one of the four leading festivals
in France. It flourishes on live entertainment,
with its national theatre – the Comédie
de Clermont-Ferrand – , the Orchestre
d’Auvergne, which has built its reputation
on the performance of its string instruments,
its famous Lyrical Season and of course
the Coopérative de Mai, where visitors can
enjoy modern music. The Contre-Plongées
de l’Été (summer festival) is
an important event in the summer season
with a festive programme. Just as important
is the rugby ball, carried proudly
Architectes : Fabre et Speller.
In the inner
of the Roger-Quilliot
art museum,
the Orchestre
d’Auvergne holds
a musical event.
La Jetée houses the International
Short Film Centre. Its name
is a tribute to Chris Marker’s
symbolic film (1962),
which inspired the long gangway
which leads out from the tower,
the film library at the centre.
by the “yellow and blues” of the ASM club,
top of the sporting list in Clermont,
with many other sports hard on their heels…
Clermont-Ferrand excels in its performances, and
also has top quality sports complexes,
regularly hosting international sporting events.
Some prefer the pleasures to be found in the
pedestrian streets – antique shops, craftsmen’s
workshops, art galleries, markets –
or in the city park designed
by the botanist Lecoq. And to fix your image
of the city, lying in the cradle of the volcanoes,
you can go up to Montjuzet Park,
where time is known to stand still…
The Short Film Festival
is held every year
at the beginning
of February.
A metropolis
The jubilant supporters
of “the yellow and blues”
on the Place de Jaude.
During summer nights,
a large screen is erected
on the façade of the cathedral,
where visitors can see some
of the cinema’s best films.
The theatre, built
at the end of the
19th century
is one of the attractive
in Place de Jaude.
The programme
by the Comédie de
Nationale illustrates
the variety of today’s
creative works.
of inventions
This beautiful
shop window,
as a historical
is one
of the places
must visit.
Spending some time
on the refurbished
Place de Jaude is a very
pleasant experience.
In Montjuzet
the vegetation
resembles that
of Tuscany,
and the hill
is in perfect
with the two
Did you know that
people come from afar
to go bargain-hunting
in Clermont?
There is a wide choice
of antique-dealers,
bric-a-brac shops,
flea markets
and second-hand
Information Centre
The Tourist Centre is situated in the heart of the historical
centre facing the Gothic cathedral, and well worth a visit
for any tourist in search of a variety of information.
In the Romanesque Art Exhibition visitors can also see
many of the riches from the mediaeval period
in the Massif Central.
La Maison du Tourisme
Place de la Victoire
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
From September 1st to June 30th:
From Monday to Friday, 9am – 6pm
Saturday, Sunday
and Bank Holidays 10am – 1pm
and 2pm – 6pm
From July 1st to August 31th:
From Monday to Friday 9am – 7pm
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays
10am – 7pm
Tel: + 33 (0)4 73 98 65 00
Fax: + 33 (0)4 73 90 04 11
The Tourist and Congress Centre
To find out more about the city and its surrounding
area, a team of experts is available to help you.
Hotel vacancies are available on the internet website.
The Centre can also give you information
on tourist packages and tours with guided visits,
and help with arrangements for special events.
Tickets for Vulcania are also sold there.
Romanesque Art Centre
Romanesque treasures from the Massif central
are attractively exhibited for the general public.
You can find a large illuminated map of
the Massif Central showing more than 250 sites,
and discover the exceptional heritage of the area.
A kaleidoscope of images, Le jeu de la Pierre et de la Foi,
is a moment of pure emotion. (also available in French,
German, Spanish and Italian).
Victoire Space
Municipal space of exhibition and ticketing.
Useful addresses and information
Religious buildings
Admission to the museums is free
every first Sunday in the month.
Museums are closed on Mondays.
The Puy de Dôme
Please respect religious ceremonies
Open all year long
from 7.30 am to 12 noon and from
2 pm to 6 pm, except Sundays
+ Bank holidays, from 9.30 am to 12 noon
and from 3 pm to 7.30 pm.
Place de la Victoire.
Notre-Dame-du-Port Basilica
Open all year long from 8 am to 7 pm.
Rue du Port.
Winter: from Monday to Saturday
from 8 am to 12 noon, and from 2 pm to 6
pm and Sunday mornings.
Summer: from Monday to Saturday
from 8 am to 12 noon and from 2 pm to 7
pm and Sunday mornings.
Historical centre of Montferrand
Bargoin Museum
Archaeological Department
Carpet and Textile Art Department
45, rue Ballainvilliers
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 42 69 70
Fax: +33 (0)4 73 42 69 00
Henri-Lecoq Museum
15, rue Bardoux
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 42 32 00
Fax: +33 (0)4 73 42 32 01
Roger-Quilliot Art Museum
Place Louis-Deteix
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 40 87 40
Fax: +33 (0)4 73 40 87 39
The summit is accessible
by a cog railway
Tel: 0826 399 615
Route de Mazayes
63230 St-Ours-les-Roches
From abroad and France:
Tel: + 33 (0)4 73 19 70 00
Fax: +33 (0)4 73 19 70 99
L’Aventure Michelin
32, rue du Clos Four
63100 Clermont-Ferrand
Te­l: +33 (0)4 73 98 60 60
Fax : +33 (0)4 73 98 60 69
Car Parks
Blaise-Pascal (472 places)
Place Michel-de-l’Hospital
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 91 06 06
Centre Jaude (1180 places)
Entrances: place de Jaude,
rues Lagarlaye, Gonod
and Bonnabaud
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 34 46 51
(292 places)
Entrance: place de Jaude
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 93 76 71
Parking-relais Henri-Dunant
(550 places)
Place Henri-Dunant
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 44 93 52
(310 places)
Entrance: rue Saint-Hérem
Tel/Fax: +33 (0)4 73 92 60 01
Parking 1er mai (290 places)
Place du 1er mai
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 91 79 40
Parking-relais Les Pistes
(400 places)
Boulevard Léon-Jouhaux
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 24 99 88
Saint-Pierre (174 places)
Entrance: place Gaillard
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 31 24 03
For more information
Ask for our free documentation
Les Salins (485 places)
Place Gambetta
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 93 61 87
(train station)
(100 places)
Rue Pierre-Semard
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 90 22 90
Parking 17 (70 places)
17, rue Bonnabaud
Tel: +33 (0)4 73 29 32 94
all memory
Office du Tourisme
et des Congrès
Maison du Tourisme
Place de la Victoire
63000 Clermont-Ferrand
Tél. +33 (0)4 73 98 65 00
Fax +33 (0)4 73 90 04 11
of their
Sidoine Apollinaire
Once foreigners
have seen
they lose
Conception, réalisation : Vice Versa, Clermont-Ferrand, 04 73 90 94 05 - Imprimerie Drouin - Tél. 04 73 26 44 50 - Photos : Ville de Clermont-Ferrand / Service Communication, Rémi Boissau, Philippe De Paredes, Sandrine Chapuis,
Danyel Massacrier, Vulcania-J. Chabanne, Point G, Xavier Zwiller - Société Alcide d’Orbigny, F. Fournier - INRA - CCI-Aéroport - Myles Hyman, Sauve-qui-peut le court métrage, TC Dômes. Photo de couverture : www.lucasfalchero.com.
Textes : Office de Tourisme et des Congrès. Tous droits réservés. Aucun élément de cette brochure ne peut être reproduit sous quelque forme que ce soit sans l’autorisation de l’éditeur. Mars 2014.
425 km
360 km
170 km
By train
36 35
By plane
+33 (0)4 73 62 71 00
By road
A71 (North), A75 (South)
A72 (East), A89 (West)
350 km