If you are undocumented, DACAmented, or
If you are undocumented, DACAmented, or
If you are undocumented, DACAmented, or documented, use this scholarship list to look for opportunities to help you pay for college. Please share with other students. Best of luck! SCHOLARSHIP 2014-2015 This list was prepared by the generous assistance of Isaias López y Sonia Merchan, NAVIGATE volunteers. THANK YOU! Please email us any information that need to be corrected at team@navigatemn.org Due Date Can DACA Students Apply? Can Undocument ed Students Apply? 1/31/2015 yes yes http://www.orau.gov /dhseducation/intern ships/acceptabledocs.html 1/6/2014 no no up to $10,000online application, current seniors who plan to enroll full-time https://www.scholar renewable for all four in an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in sapply.org/geyears of the US, have minimum of 3.0 GPA reagan/ undergraduate career 1/8/2015 no no Amount up to $15,000 per year Requirements Contact Info full-time graduate students embarking on liberty-advancing https://www.theihs. careers in ideas. Moreover, the fellowships support study in a org/humane-studiesvariety of fields, including economics, philosophy, law, political fellowships science, history, and sociology Stipend of $500 per week for 10 weekds during the internship online application, transcript, proof of enrollment, period and limited travel reinbursement NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN Varies $15,000 ($3,500 per year) http://hsf.net/en/sch mimimum GPA of 3.3, US citizen, permanent resident or foreign olarships/programs/t national, high school senior....only application required he-gates-millenniumscholarship Applicant must be admitted or enrolled in a accredited undergraduate program in a four-year college or university in the US Applicant must be enrolled full-time The Center for Education Solutions P.O. Box 208 San Francisco, CA 94107-0208 Phone #: (925) 9347304 E-Mail: scholarship@cesreso urces.org 1/14/2015 no no 3/31/2015 Yes Yes http://www.up.edu /showimage/show.as px?file=16350 NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $1000 per year 20 scholarships of $2,500 each $2,000 graduating senior athletes of Duluth public high schools who http://www.dsacom reside in the geographic area traditionally served by Duluth munityfoundation.co Central High School. The award is to be used for full-time, post m/duluth-centralsecondary education at accredited two-year or four-year sports-associationcolleges and universities....must complete online application legacy-scholarshipand have minimum of 2.5 gpa fund 1/15/2015 yes yes http://www.surveygi zmo.com/s3/675488 /CommunityInvolvementScholarship-Program 1/15/2015 yes yes Applicants must be students of Duluth Central High School, the Marshall School, Lakeview Christian Academy and alternative schools (including Unity School and the Harbor City International School) in the central areas of Duluth; or, https://www.cappex. graduates residing within the Central Hillside or Park Point com/scholarship/listi areas who have a grade point average of 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) or ngs/Dale-and-Bettyhigher....Recipients will be selected based on the following George-Solacriteria: (1) demonstrated leadership; (2) hard-working Scholarship/-s-dbehavior; (3) financial need; (4) good work ethic; (5) 6293 involvement in community and school activities; and (6) academic performance. Preference will be given to students who are not in the top ten percent of the graduating class 1/15/2015 yes yes must be high school senior, have at least 3.0 GPA, and must reside in one of the following territories: International Falls, Silver Bay, Aurora, Chisholm, Eveleth, Cohasset, Park Rapids, Pine River, Crosby, Duluth, Cloquet, Superior, Sandstone, Hinckley, Little falls, Long Prairie NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN one time $15,000 scholarship for the hispanic heritge, must be a US citizen or a legal permanent top recipient; one resident, mimimum gpa of 3.0, must be enrolled as a high http://hsf.net/en/sch time $2500 school senior in the fall of 2013, must plant to enrol in college olarships/programs/ scholarship awards for for 2014-2015, must be 16 years by Sept 1, 2013, application 20 additional available online recipients 3/30/2015 no no ranges from $1000 to $5000 hispanic heritge, must be a US citizen or a legal permanent http://hsf.net/en/sch resident, mimimum gpa of 3.0, must be enrolled as a high olarships/programs/ school senior in the fall of 2013, must plant to enrol in college hsf-wells-fargofor 2014-2015, must be 16 years by Sept 1, 2013, application scholarship available online 1/20/2014 no no $2,500 hispanic heritge, must be a US citizen or a legal permanent resident, mimimum gpa of 3.0, must be enrolled as a high http://hsf.net/en/sch school senior in the fall of 2013, must plant to enrol in college olarships/programs/ for 2014-2015, must be 16 years by Sept 1, 2013, application available online...must also be major in selected list of majors 3/30/2015 no no yes yes yes no unlisted Academic achievement, personal merit, leadership, involvement in the LGBTQ community, professional experiences, financial need, marginalization, personal and future goals are all taken into consideration two part application deadlines. http://pointfoundati January 26 for on.org/eligibility part 1, and February 2 for part two be a new student enrolled at Walden Univeristy; be fully up to 100% of all admitted into an undergraduate program wihin the college of http://www.waldenu tuition for the management and technology; be reserved for March 2, .edu/financialduration of the 2015...essay, resume, high school transcript, and letter of aid/types/scholarshi recipient’s recommendation are required. Must demonstrate a potential ps/benson undergraduate career. to be a business leader. 1/30/2015 NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN active participation in struggles for civil rights, economic justice, http://www.davisput international solidarity or other progressive issues...more ter.org/apply/applyinformation will be available when scholarship opens for-scholarships/ 4/1/2015 yes yes https://www.affinity plus.org/foundation/ scholarships 1/31/2015 yes yes Full and partial scholarship Must be enrolled in four year college by time application is due. http://careers.micros Must also have at least a 3.0 GPA. Application requires resume, oft.com/careers/en/ transcript, financial information, short-essay, application to us/internshipssummer internship at Microsoft, and letter of recommendation. scholarships.aspx#ta Full details available on website b_urscholarship-2 1/30/2015 yes yes varies essays will be based primarily on an interview with a woman currently working in a mathematical sciences career. This contest is open to students in the following categories: Grades https://sites.google.c 6-8, Grades 9-12, and College Undergraduate. At least one om/site/awmmath/p winning submission will be chosen from each category. Winners rograms/essaywill receive a prize, and their essays will be published online at contest the AWM web site. Additionally, a grand prize winner will have his or her submission published in the AWM Newsletter. 1/31/2015 yes yes up to $10,000 $5,000 -Must be an affinity plus primary member NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $5,000 per year scholarship per year for four years $650 $2,500 must be a participant in one of the following Junior Achievement (JA) programs: JA Company Program or JA Economics, JA Banks in Action, JA Be Entrepreneurial, JA https://www.juniora Business Ethics, JA Careers with a Purpose, JA Exploring chievement.org/web Economics, JA Personal Finance, JA Success Skills, JA /ja-usa/joeTitan....must answer essay question in 250 words or less: How francomanodoes free enterprise create prosperity? must also demonstrate scholarship leadership and excellent extracurricular and community activiites and finanical need. must be nursing student, more information available through contacting adminstrators...minimum GPA of 3.0 Kathy Loyd; ESA foundation endowments and scholarships; P.O. Box 270517; Fort Collins, AZ 80527; 970-223-4456; Fax: 970-223-4456 Must be current high school seniors who plan to enroll full-time http://www.axain an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in equitable.com/axathe United States. And must demonstrate ambition and selffoundation/communi drive as evidenced by outstanding achievement in school, ty-scholarships.html community or work-related activities. 2/1/2015 yes yes 2/2/2015 tbd tbd 2/1/2015 no no NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $5,000 Student enrolled at a college or university located in the United States or Puerto Rico http://bmifoundatio Between the ages of 16 and 24 as of time of submission n.org/programs/info/ Must have never had any musical work commercially recorded peermusic_latin_sch or distributed olarship Is not a prior peermusic Latin Scholarship winner (excluding Honorable Mentions) 2/13/2015 yes yes $1,000 Teaching as a career goal, scholastic achievement, financial http://www.migrant. need, child of a migrant wokrer or a migrant worker. net/migrant/scholars Application process which includes 2 letters of hips/kazmierczak.ht recommendation, offical school transcript, and personal essay m required 2/1/2015 yes yes no no yes yes up to $30,000 $1000 and free classes from the playwrights' center At the time I apply, I will be a full-time student pursuing a bachelor's degree with junior-level academic standing; I have senior-level standing in my third year of college enrollment; or I am a senior and a resident of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or a Pacific Island. Note: Students who are already attending graduate school are not eligible for the Truman Scholarship. I am a U.S. citizen (or a U.S. national from a Pacific Island) or I expect to receive my citizenship by the date the Scholarship will be awarded. 2/3/2015 however students must obtain a log-in credential http://www.truman. prior to this gov/candidates/2015date from competition their Institution's Faculty Representative . student of color; must maintain residency in Minnesota, within https://pwcenter.org 75 miles of the Twin Cities; must be an undergraduate or /programs/manygraduate student; application form, resume, artistic statement, voices-program and writing sample required 2/5/2015 NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $5000 scholarship to the winner; $2500 and $1000 scholarships to the first and second runners-up; seven $500 scholarships will be awarded for honorable mention $24,000 per year for four years $7,000 $6,000 must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident and must also enter a four-year accredited college or university within 12 months of the application deadline. http://www.youngle adersofafa.org/about _new.html 2/15/2015 no no be a graduating, minority high school senior; show leadership http://www.jackiero potential; demonstrate a dedication to community service; binson.org/apply/gen present evidence of financial need; be a us citizen; online eral-applicants.php application. 2/15/2015 no no http://www.gfoa.org /sites/default/files/2 015ProfessionalDeve lopmentapp.pdf 2/20/2015 no no http://www.gfoa.org /sites/default/files/2 015MinoritiesScholar shipappTyler.pdf 2/20/2015 no no employed at least two years by one or more state or local governments; recommendation by an academic advisor or dean of the graduate program; recommendation by an employer; currently a part-time student in a graduate program in public administration, governmental accounting, finance, economics, or business administration preparing for a career in state and local government finance; student must expect to be enrolled in the spring 2014 semester; citizen or permanent resident of the US or Canada Currently a full- or part-time upper-division undergraduate or graduate student in public adminstration, governmental accounting, finance, political science, economics, or business adminstration (with a specific focus on government or nonprofit management); belong to one of the following groups: black or african american, american indian or alaska native, asian, native hawaiian or other pacific islander, hispanic or latino; citizen or permanent resident of the united states or canada; recommendation by student's academic advisor, department chair, or dean of the graduate program (graduate students) NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $12,000 currently a full-time student in a graduate program that prepares students for careers in state and local government http://www.gfoa.org finance and expecting to be enrolled in the spring 2014 /sites/default/files/2 semester; baacalaureate degree or its equivalent; citizen or 015Goldbergapp.pdf permanent resident of the US or canada; recommendation from student's academic advisor or dean of the graduate program 2/20/2015 no no $2,500 must be a US citizen or permanent resident; minority; be a full- http://www.lagrantf time student at a four-year, accredited institution; must have a oundation.org/Under minimum of 2.75 GPA; must major in a field of study that has an graduate%20Scholars emphasis on public relations, marketing or advertising hips 2/27/2015 no no not listed http://www.unitedag Essay, resume, three letters of recommendation, minimum of .org/wp2.5 gpa enrolled in college, and transcript.....applicants must be content/uploads/201 affiliated with United Ag, either as child/grandchild of a 4/10/UnitedAgmember or an employee of a member. If you are UABT Scholarship-Appaffiliated, you must be a particpant of the UnitedAg health plan. 2015_web.pdf 2/28/2015 yes yes 3/1/2015 yes Yes $500- $14,000 SEG Scholarships are based on merit. To qualify, you must be: A student who is either: a. Attending high school and planning to enter college next fall; b. An undergraduate or graduate college student whose grades are above average. Intending to pursue a college curriculum directed toward a career in applied geophysics or a closely related field, such as geosciences, physics, geology, or earth and environmental sciences. http://www.seg.org/ web/foundation/pro grams/scholarship/sc holarshipprocess#tip s NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $250-$500 $250 for high school seniors and $500 for college freshmen $5,000 -You are a high school senior or college freshman at time of application, http://www.peacesc -You can provide evidence of leadership and/or personal holarships.org/ initiative in activities or in an organization relating to peace and social justice, nuclear disarment, and/or conflict resolution. -Must be a high school senior and college freshmen. -Must demonstrate leadership and personal initiative in activities involving: Peace and Social Justice, Nuclear Disarmament, and/or Conflict Resolution http://peacescholars hips.org/ http://www.nspe.org must be a high school senior; has been accepted into an ABET- /resources/students/ accredited engineering program at a four year college or scholarships/mauree university; is a US citizen; complete application, transcript, n-l-howard-n-blitmanACT/SAT scores, resume, recommendation letters pe-scholarshippromote-diversity March 1st, Anually Yes Yes 3/1/2015 yes yes 3/1/2015 no no 3/2/2015 no no tbd tbd $20000 per academic year....renewable for 4 years for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science health-related research; us citizen or usa permanent resident; enrolled or accepted for enrollment as a full-time student at an accredited 4-year undergraduate institution located in the USA; undergraduate university gpa of 3.3 or higher; online application https://www.training .nih.gov/programs/u gsp varies For High School students. The rules and requirements for the 2015 contest will appear on the website when the contest dates are announced. Entrys for contest start in http://www.hennet. January and org/contest Closes in March NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $2,500 FIRST PRIZE: $2,000, 5 second prizes: $500, 10 third prizes: $200, 45 finalists: $50, 175 semifinalists: $30 http://www.umcom. must be a united methodist ethnic minority student enrolled at org/about/leonard-mthe junior or senior level in the journalism or communications 3/15/2015 perrymandepartment of an accredited college or university in the US. scholarship yes yes http://essaycontest.a ynrandnovels.org/An them.aspx?theme=bl ue 3/20/2015 yes yes have parents or guardians engage in migrant or seasonal farm Assists students in work for at least 75 days within the last 24 months; have http://www.hepcam their first year of particapted or been eligible to particpate in the Title 1C Migrant passociation.org/sum college with Education Program; has qualified for the Workforce Investment mer-2015academic, personal, Act 167 program...online application, recommendation, essay, internship.html and financial support. and proof of registration 2/13/2015 yes yes http://www.fredlaw. The scholarship is awarded based on law school performance, com/our_firm/divers professional references, work and other activities, writing ity/minority_scholars samples and personal interviews. hip/ 3/31/2015 tbd tbd female high school seniors in Minnesota. To be eligible you must show interest or involvement in golf and must plan to enroll full-time in an accredited college or university the year you submit the application. A minimum 3.2 GPA is also required. 3/31/2015 no no $15,000 $3000 renewable for 4 years must be in grades 8-10. Must write on one of three topic. Topics can be found on website http://www.mwgaonline.org/new/foun dation_application.cf m NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN be an underrepresented minority in the accounting profession, enrolled as a full-time undergraduate for scholarship year, http://www.aicpa.or pursuing an undergraduate degree in an "accouting-related" g/BecomeACPA/Scho up to $5,000 per year major, planning to pursue the CPA licensure but not presently larships/Pages/defau be a CPA, copmleted at least 30 semester hours of college lt.aspx coursework, maintained an overall and major GPA of at least 3.0, a US citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) 4/1/2015 no no $2,000 Read the "Fire Sprinkler Essay" about automatic fire sprinklers; http://www.afsascho complete registration page with all requested information; take larship.org/hsinform a ten-question mulitiple-choice test; online application. ation.html 12:pm, 4/1/2015 no no $1,500 http://www.dekalbm edical.org/foundatio n/~/media/Files/Fou High School Senior, who is accepted into an approved program ndation/Dr%20Harje in the field of healthcare. e%20Scholarship%20 Application%20DRAF T%202014.pdf 4/30/2015 yes yes $ 1000 up to $ 5000 full time enrollment in higher education, demonstrate finanical http://www.chci.org/ aid, consistent and active participation in public and/or scholarships/ community service activities and strong writing skills. 4/16/2015 yes no NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN Scholarships vary in applicants must demonstrate leadership through academic amount from $500 to achievements and campus/community activities; applicants http://www.greatmi application $10,000...will also must be science, technology, engineering or math related ndsinstem.org/colleg opens January receive transportation majors; applicants must have an overall gpa of 3.0 or higher; e/henaac-scholarship2015...due support to the recipients must be enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate applicationApril 30, 2015 HENAAC Conference program for the preceding fall semester; applicants must be of guidelines in New Orleans Hispanic origin; online application. First prize: $10,000; 5 second prizes: $2000; 10 third prizes: $1000; 45 finalists: $100; 175 semifinalists: $50 contingent on scholarship contingent on scholarship http://essaycontest.a ynrandnovels.com/T heFountainhead.aspx ?theme=blue 4/26/2015 yes yes $2,000 on average. a background in California or Arizona agriculture, financial need, http://www.sunkist.c Renewable, mus be GPA and extracurricular activities indicative of potential om/about/scholarshi full time. scucess, online application p_application.pdf 4/30/2015 yes no $1000 to $2500 student of color, graduate of minnesota high school, enrolled full-time in a post-secondary institution in Minnesota, willing to complete a minimum of 50 hours for a service-to-children project http://www.pageed.org/apply 5/1/2015 yes yes $1,000 For High School Seniors and Undergraduate College Students. Take a nine-question survey; complete an essay in 500 words or fewer on one of the listed essay topics on website. http://www.aweber. com/emailmarketingscholarship.htm 1/31/2015 yes yes Must be in grades 11-12. Must write on one of three topic. Topics can be found on website. NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN http://www.studenta For High School Juniors, Seniors, and for college students. Write wardsearch.com/sch a 1000 words essay on three leadership characterics you value. olarships.htm 5/25/2015 yes yes Graduating high school seniors, who plan to attend a college, and for full time college undergraduate students accepted to or contingent value each currently enrolled at accredited institutions in the fields of: of http://www.ltna.org/ year (usually between transportation logistics, supply-chain management, traffic scholarshipapplicatio $5,000 and $10,000 management, transportation safety and/or related ns.html transportation industry operations and services; must have a minimum gpa of 3.0. 5/31/2015 yes yes Up to $ 25,000 a year Be high school seniors or graduates or be current for four years. cycle undergraduate students. Be interested in pursuing a career in will start sometime in the automotive or related industries. Plan to enroll in full-time http://www.buickach January...more undergraduate study at an accredited four-year college or ievers.com information will be university based in the U.S. or Puerto Rico for the entire available at that time 2015–16 academic year. 2/27/2015 no no http://www.caApplicants must be or will be a high school/GED graduate who core.org/que_llueva_ Between $1500-2500 will enroll for the first time in an accredited college or university cafe_scholarship_pro in the U.S. or Puerto Rico. gram 2/27/2015 yes yes Yes Yes $1,000 $2,000 Sculpture Offered for students of figurative, realist, or representational Celebration http://www.national sculpture. Send a letter of Conference, sculpture.org/nssN/i application, two letters of recommendation, 8-10 photographs June 26-27, ndex.cfm/fa/cProg.sc of your work, and proof of 2015 in holarships financial need. Philadelphia, PA. NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN Grants up to $2500 $1,000 adults $1000; youth (13-18) $200; youth under 12 $200 Up to $2000 a year for a maximum of 3 years Covers Several disciplines. A portfolio or samples of work are required, i.e. photos, tapes, video, etc. Letter of Recommendation is very important and should address the quality of both the applicant and the intended project. A history of movement to obtain work in agriculture is REQUIRED. Applicant need not be enrolled in school. To apply for this scholarship you will need to write an essay on the topic below. Describe your educational career and life goals. Explain your plan for achieving these goals. Include your degree/major, why you selected it, and how this degree/major will help you achieve your goals. The essay should be between 500 and 1000 words. send 2 copies of up to 3 typed unpublished poems to:Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry Award, PMB 121, 1187 Coast Village Road, Suite 1, Santa Barbara, CA 93108. Maximum of 30 lines per poem; more details on website. Note there is a $15 fee for each submission. Awards are given once per year. recent history of movement for agricultural employment, scholastic achievement, financial need, succesful completion of at least one year at an accredited post-secondary institution...3 letters of recommendation, personal essay, copy of college transcript, financial need documentation, copy of the applicant's current or most recent migrant education certificate of eligibility http://www.migrant. Annually on net/migrant/scholars June 1 and hips/thorn.htm November 1 yes yes http://www.abbotta ndfenner.com/schola rships.htm 6/15/2015 yes yes http://www.wagingp eace.org 7/1/2015 yes yes http://www.migrant. net/migrant/scholars hips/mfb.htm July 1st Annualy yes yes NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $1,000 Applicants must be pursuing education in planning or planning related fields in a degree program; must be residents of the State of Minnesota or attending a university or college within the State of Minnesota in a planning related program...Applicants must submit a proof of enrollment; a recent transcript; letter of recommendation from a professor or job supervisor; a current resume including education, work experience, organizations, school activities, and professional skills; and a cover letter stating anticipated graduation date and professional goals. http://www.careerin fonet.org/scholarship search/scholarshipde tail.asp?Accession=9 995373&printer=&no deid=22&recordNum =1&keyword=GUNN AR%20ISBERG&keyS Opens in earchType=All&count March 2015, =1&awardtype=&Stu due 7/11/2015 dylevel=&RequiredAf filiations=&Georestri ction=&searchtype=k eyword Note that there are two links. http://www.mnapa.c om/ NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN yes yes 11/05/ 2015. However the science project should have High School grades 9-12 interestedin a career in science, math, https://student.socie been $1,000; $5,000; engineering, or medicine. A Science, any, project should begin tyforscience.org/appl completed at $20,000 to $150,000 early in the year. please visit website for more indepth y-intel-science-talentthis time. instructions search Proof of science project must be submitted. yes yes Must be a US citizen or permanent resident, must be at least 24 years old at the time of the application deadline, must have http://www.bushfou September up to $100,000 to be lived for one continuous ear immediately prior to the ndation.org/leadersh 2015 for the used over a period of application deadline in MN, ND, SD, or one of the 23 soverign ip/bush_fellowship/e 2016 12-24 month nations that shares the same geographic areas with these ligibility-criteria Fellowship. states....requires online application. no no yes yes varies from $1000$2500 must be a current member of the American Health Information Management Association; actively enrolled in a minimum of six http://www.ahimafo credit hours towards pursuing a degree; completed 24 credit undation.org/educati hours towards a degree; have at least six credit hours remaining on/meritscholarships after the award date (December 30,2015); achieved a minimum .aspx cumulative GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0; submit a completed online application and all of its components. 9/30/2015 NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN up to $7,000 enrolled full time as a high school senior in Minnesota; exhibit a strong commitment to pursue and complete a bachelor's https://www.horatio degree; demonstrate critical financial need ($55,000 or lower); October 2015 alger.org/scholarship be involved in co-curricular and community service activities; for the 2016 s/program_minnesot display integrity and perserverance in overcoming adversity; Scholarship. a.cfm maintain a minimum gpa of 2.0; be a us citizen; 3 years of residency in MN required Minority, enrolled as a full-time undergraduate student, 2 $2,500 at the pursuing an actuarial or mathematics-related degree-with the begging of each goal of pursuing an actuarial career, minimum of 3.0 GPA, semester, August and passed at least one acturial exam, must be willing to complete January. one summer internship at Mutual of Omaha's Home office in Omaha, Nebraska no no http://www.mutualo fomaha.com/about/c ompany/diversity/int ernshipsscholarships.php#sec tion2 October of each year no no $500 Students are not required to be enrolled in engineering classes. Students must submit an essay of between 500 and 1000 words http://www.aesengin in answer to the following question: "When you look back on eers.com/scholarship your life in 30 years, what would it take for you to consider your s.htm life successful? What relationships or accomplishments will be important on this journey?" 10/7/2015 yes yes $1,000 Open to anyone currently attending or aspiring to attend a http://www.outlawst university, college, trade school, technical institute, vocational udent.com/collegetraining or other post-secondary education program. Visit the scholarships/dalewebsite for more available scholarships. fridell-scholarship/ 1/14/2015 Yes Yes NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $1,000 and a trip to Washington DC between $500 and $5000 High school seniors who are members in good standing of an affiliated National Honor Society chapter are eligible to be selected by their local chapter to apply for the scholarship. tow part http://spirit.prudenti application al.com/media/manag part 1 is due ed/Instruction%20Sh 1/26/2015 eet_2014_Web%20V part 2 is due ersion.final.pdf 2/2/2015 Graduating high school seniors, community college students, http://hsf.net/en/sch graduate students...must be of hispanic heritage, be a US citizen olarships/programs/g or have legal permanent residence, minimum gpa of 3.0, letter eneral-collegeof recommendation and essay. scholarships 3/30/2015 State winner receives opens in $10,000; top ten are https://www.scholar online application, current seniors who plan to enroll full-time September selected as national shipamerica.org/axain an accredited two-year or four-year college or university in and closes in winners and earn an achievement/inform the US mid December additional one-time ation.php 2015. scholarshp of $15,000 $2,500 For High school Seniors. Online aplication. Must be a U.S. citizen https://us.axa.com/a or permanet resident. Demonstrate ambition and self-drive as xaevidenced by outstanding achievement in school, community or foundation/communi work-related activities. ty-scholarships.html 2/1/2015 NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN yes yes yes no no no no no $6,000 $850 $2,000 us citizen, us permanent resident, or foreign national; college freshman through senior; majoring in enviornmental https://scholarships. engineering, geotechnical, geology, construction, management, uncf.org/Program/De geoenviornmental, civil engineering, geography, mechanical tails/baf2908d-c73eengineering, geographic information systems, strucutral, 463b-babbhydrology/hydrogeology, electrical engineering, enviornmental 8b23c2d74176 sciences, or chemical engineering; minimum gpa of 3.0 11/1/2015 yes no conduct your own environmental stewardship project; take a http://www.wilderne few digital photos of your project in action; write an essay ssproject.org/volunte about your project and what it meant to you; register and 12/30/2015 er_apprentice_ecolo upload your favorite project photo along with your essay; more gist details online yes yes https://collegeprowl er.com/scholarship/a Available pply.aspx?source=dis every month cus no no yes yes lottery system used to determine winners no application deadile for this round has Submit a short essay describing a special skill, talent or interest been set and, that helps you standout from your peers. The essay should be http://www.collegep therefore, no award no longer than 100 words; minimum gpa of 2.0/4.0; meant for eas.com/money/ amount has been high school students determined no set date. However, applications are encouraged NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN $1,000 five $18,000 scholarships must be a high school senior applying for freshman year, must be a minority, minimum gpa of 3.0, must have a minimum ACT http://www.actuarial math score of 28 or SAT math score of 600, intent on pursuing a foundation.org/progr career in the actuarial profession, scholarship application, ams/actuarial/actpersonal statement, two letters of recommendation, AP score diversity.shtml report(s), SAT/ACT math score report, official school transcript 5/1/2015 be an underrepresented minority, be a US citizen/permanent resident or refugee or qualified immigrant, be a full-time student that is enrolled or accepted into an accredited doctrol http://www.aacn.nch 2015-2016 nursing program or clinically focused nursing master's program, e.edu/students/schol scholarship is sign a letter of commitment, agree to provide 6 month progress arships/minority due 5/1/2015 updates, agree to work with a mentor, attend a Faculty Development Scholarship yes yes yes no online application form, official transcript, ACT/SAT score http://www.acs.org/ report, two letters of recommendation, copy of student aid content/acs/en/fundi up to $5,000 per year report, be a minority, demonstrate high academic achievement ng-andin chemistry or science (GPA 3.0 or better), be planning a career awards/scholarships/ in the chemical sciences acsscholars.html 3/1/2015 no no a full-time undergraduate or graduate-level accounting student completed at least 30 semester hours (or equivalent) of college http://www.aicpa.or coursework, including at least 6 semester hours (or equivalent) $2,500 to $12,00 per g/BecomeACPA/Scho in accounting year larships/Pages/defau a major and overall GPA of 3.0. Note that the fellowship lt.aspx requires a student to apply for a doctoral program in accounting. 4/1/2015 Yes Yes NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN All US high school, college, and graduate students are eligible; Each month scholarships competitions consist of one or more quizzes with http://www.cksf.org/ has its own ranges from $250 to topics ranging from general "common knowledge" to specific index.cfm?Page=Sch topics...see $2500 academic subjects, books, websites, and even movies; students olarships website for with the highest scores at the end of each competition win. more details yes yes Students must create a free goennounce profile by applying and https://www.goenno Winners are filling out an online application; students have until the 30th of unce.com/static/sch picked every month to complete their student profiles and ennounce olarship1?r=DA#.Up1 monthly new activity for that month. lrJE8g_s yes yes $500 http://www.epsilonsi Scholarships vary in Complete online application which includes transcript, letters of gmaalpha.org/schola amount recommendation, and personal essay rships-and-grants 2/2/2015 yes yes Have a child 12 years of age or younger who is receiving or will The maximum award receive care on a regular basis from a licensed or legal nonfor a full-time student licensed care giver; meet the program's income elibigilty is $3,800 for each guideliens; are NOT receiving minnesota family investment eligible child per http://www.ohe.stat program benefits during the same term you receive academic year. e.mn.us/mPg.cfm?Pa postsecondary child care benefits; are enrolled at least half However It could be geID=140 time in an eligible instituion, have not earned a baccalaureate increased by %10 for degree; are pursuing a nonsectarian program or course of study higher market costs that applies to an undergraduate degree; are in good academic for infant care. standing; are not participating in tuition reciprocity; No set due date yes yes Grants are available to students with financial need who are attending Minnesota State Colleges, enrolled in A.A., A.S., http://www.mnscu.e $350-$1,100 per year. A.A.S., A.F.A., diplomas, certificates and MnTC courses designed du/admissions/alliss/ Renewable. to transfer to baccalaureate programs. Recipients do not have index.html to be Minnesota residents. 7/1/2015 yes no NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN The maximum award for 2014-2015 ranges FAFSA must be from about $6,927 at submitted to a public two-year the federal college to $10,745 at must be a minnesota resident who is at least 17 years old and http://www.ohe.stat processing a private four-year has graduated at a secondary school; must also be enrolled as e.mn.us/mPg.cfm?pa center within college. The average undergruate instituion for at least three credits geID=138 30 days of the award is school's term approximately $1,800. start date. The minimum award is $100 per year. Paid Multi-year internship Up to full tuition High School senior applying or admitted to accredited college or university, and full time college students. 3.0 GPA or above. Freshman with 0.0 GPA. Career Interest in Business, Finance, http://www.inroads. Accounting, Economics, Engineering (STEM), Supply Chain org/apply Management, Computer Science/MIS, Healthcare, Retail Management and Liberal Arts. 4/1/2015 Students must be admited at Harvard University. For families with incomes between $65,000 and $150,000 will contribute https://college.harva from 0-10% of their income, and those with incomes above rd.edu/financial$150,000 will be asked to pay proportionately more than 10%, aid/typesVisit website based on their individual circumstances. Families at all income aid/scholarshipslevels who have significant assets will continue to pay more grants than those in less fortunate circumstances. NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN yes no yes yes yes yes $500 http://www.fairview. org/Careers/Educatio nTraining/Scholarshi Graduating seniors from immediate surrounding high schools in ps/FairviewNorthlan Zimmerman, Princeton, Elk River and Milaca, Minnesota. For d/S_108287 students pursuing a career in the medical field. For application contact Deb Hardy, 763-389-6481 no set due date yes yes $250 Must be entering or enrolled in college or other types of post- http://www.migrant. secondary programs, high school dropouts or potential net/migrant/scholars dropouts. hips/mattera.htm 4/15/2015 yes yes no no amount depends on each individual Have a GED or HS Diploma Migrant or Seasonal Farmworking Background. Be U.S. Citizen http://www.migrants Varies with or U.S.Permanent Legal Residency tudents.org/scholars each Seeking 4-yr academic degree hips/campscholarshi individual's Be determined to need the services/support provided. p.html financial needs Scholarship only applies to college freshman year. NAVIGATE MN Scholarship List 2014 - 2015 www.navigatemn.org | www.facebook.com/NAVIGATE.MN | https://twitter.com/NavigateMN
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