Unit 7 Extension worksheet


Unit 7 Extension worksheet
Unit 7 Extension worksheet
Przeczytaj tekst. O czym on opowiada?
To: Amy
From: Jenny
Jenny has dinner.
Jenny gets up.
Jenny reads a book.
Jenny meets her
Dear Amy,
Thanks for your email. I’m happy today because
it’s Saturday! I love Saturday. I never get up
early. I get up at nine o’clock. I always have
breakfast in the living room and I watch TV. I
have a shower at ten o’clock and I get dressed.
Then I meet my friends. We often play in the
park or go for a walk, but we sometimes go
into town and buy CDs or magazines.
I always help my mum with the dinner in the
evening. We have dinner at seven o’clock. After
that, I play computer games or listen to music.
I go to bed at half past nine, but I often read a
book before I go to sleep.
I hope you have a great Saturday, too.
Then she has breakfast.
Przeczytaj tekst z ćw. 1 jeszcze raz. Następnie
uzupełnij poniższe zdania.
Ułóż zdania na temat Jenny, używając always,
never, often lub sometimes.
1 get up early / on Saturday
Pracujcie w parach. Pytajcie siebie nawzajem
o swój ulubiony dzień tygodnia i odpowiadajcie
na te pytania.
What’s your favourite day?
2 have breakfast / in the living room
3 play / in the park
4 buy / CDs
5 read a book / in bed
PHOTOCOPIABLE © Oxford University Press
Jenny goes to bed.
Jenny has breakfast.
Jenny gets dressed.
Jenny helps her
1 Jenny gets up at nine o’clock.
1 Jenny
at nine o’clock
on Saturday.
at ten o’clock.
2 She
3 Jenny and her friends often play in the park or
on Saturday.
4 Jenny and her family
at seven o’clock.
or listens
5 Jenny
to music after dinner.
at half
6 Jenny
past nine.
Ułóż poniższe czynności we właściwej
kolejności. Następnie popatrz na obrazki
i napisz po dwa zdania na temat każdego z nich,
używając Then lub After that.
It’s Sunday.
Extra writing
Napisz o swoim ulubionym dniu tygodnia. Co to
za dzień i dlaczego go lubisz?
Extension worksheet Unit 7 163