Universitatea Politehnica Din Bucure{ti, România University
Universitatea Politehnica Din Bucure{ti, România University
UNIVERSITATEA POLITEHNICA DIN BUCURE{TI, ROMÂNIA UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST, ROMANIA BIROUL PENTRU PROGRAME COMUNITARE EDUCATIONALE EDUCATIONAL COMMUNITY PROGRAMMES OFFICE International Student Guide 2008 / 2009 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST innovation are elements that define the university distinctiveness. Welcome University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is the largest and the oldest technical university, among the most prestigious universities in Romania. The tradition of our institution, gained in more than 190 years through the efforts of the most important nation’s schoolmasters, as well as of student’s generations, is not the only convincing reason. Today, the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is undergoing a continuous modernization process, being involved in a permanent dialogue with great universities in Europe and all over the world. The mission of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has been thought over as a mingling of education, research and innovation, which represents a key towards knowledge based society and economy. Creating knowledge mainly by scientific research, giving it out by education and professional training, its dissemination by information technologies, and the use of technological 2 The University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest wants to be present among the universities in Europe able to design and optimize processes that lead to a knowledge based society, to reach the goals on the sustainable economic growth, to better jobs, to stronger economic and social cohesion, in comply with the provisions of the 2002 European Council in Lisbon and the 2002 European Council in Barcelona. Consistent to the fundamental role played by universities and student organizations in the Higher Education European Scene development, the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest commits itself to priorities such as the development of the higher education quality at European level, studies re-organization by adopting a system based on cycles, whose implementation has started in 2005, support of students and teaching staff mobility abroad, achievement of the partnership with students in view of decision making, and bringing the continuous education to reality. In order to face these complex challenges, the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is planning a sound educational and research – development policy with the participation of the entire community. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Our professors and students mobility to universities in the European Union, as well as the incoming staff, research programs involving our university, doctoral theses jointly supervised by our university professors and those from European universities, LLP/ERASMUS and “Leonardo da Vinci” programs that our institution takes part in, master’s studies organized together with universities, visiting professors invited to hold courses and give lectures represent some of the facts proving the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest integration in the European system of education. Nowadays, it is inconceivable, that a person should survive without all the things put near at hand by an engineer. A place to live, every day food, the goods in our home, medicines and cosmetics, water, electric and thermal power, machines and equipments, communication means, cars or airplanes, as a matter of fact the whole material conception is the work and result of an engineer’s thinking. Rector, Prof. univ. dr. ing. Ecaterina ANDRONESCU Seriously, the deepness of the approach and the quality of the academic programs have also led, year by year, to the acknowledgment of our professors and students performances abroad, in addition to the recognition of engineer diploma issued by the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest. The heritage left by our predecessors determine the present academic community to get involved in many scientific research programs and projects that confer it not only appreciation and professional reputation, but also the quality of its teaching steps and the premise of its participation in realizing an information society within the higher education European space through knowledge creation. 3 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Table of contents The Country . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 The city of Bucharest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 The International Cooperation Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 The Career Guidance and Counseling Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 The Public Relation Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Admission at University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Faculties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Student Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Travel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Health Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Going Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 4 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Museums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Cafeterias and Bars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Eating Out . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Banks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Embassies and Consulates in Romania . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Information for Foreign Citizens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46 Airports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Useful links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Currency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Useful Telephone Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Useful Romanian Vocabulary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 List of Partner Universities for the Academic Year 2008-2009 . . . . . 54 5 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST The Country White Sea Iceland Reykjavik Sweden Finland Faroe Islands (Denmark) Gulfof B othnia Romania is situated in the southeastern part of Central Europe at the contact with Eastern Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. It stretches between a latitude of 43 deg 37"07'N & 48 deg 15"06'N, and between longitude 20 deg 15"44' & 29 deg 41"24'E. It lies at the intersection of the 45N parallel and the 25E meridian. Norway Shetland Islands Atlantic Ocean Gu fF n inla d Tallinn Estonia Stockholm Moscow Skegerrak Gotland North Latvia Baltic Sea Lithuania Copenhagen Bornholm Vilnius Russia Minsk D Irish Sea Brussels Berlin Germany Elb Lux. Luxembourg ra Bern Austria Slovenia Ljubljana Moldova Kishinev Budapest Hungary Zagreb Romania Ad Croatia r Se a Bucharest Bos.& Herz. Sea Belgrade ia tic Serbia Sarajevo Bulgaria Sofia Mont. Italy Podgorica Rome Tiranë Mace. Turkey Alb. Madrid Lisbon Black u Po Portugal Ukraine Czech Rep. Slovakia Prague Bratislava France Spain Kiyev (Kiev) Od Vienna Switz. Bay of Biscay Warsaw Poland e Belgium Paris pr itula Amsterdam English Channel ne Neth. U.K. London Belarus Vis D Its frontier of 3,185 km separates it from Hungary and Republic of Serbia (W & SW), Bulgaria (S), Ukraine and Republic of Moldova (NE & E). Lying at the crossroads of the major links of communication between the Western and Eastern worlds, Romania has always been in an important geopolitical zone for the stability of the whole continent. Riga Öland Denmark Sea Dublin 6 lf o Oslo Orkney Islands Ireland With a surface area of 238,391 sq. km (4.8% of Europe), Romania ranks in position 11 for continental Europe and 82 in the World. Its population of 21.6 million (90 inhabitants / sq. km) is formed of Romanians (89.5%), Hungarians (6.6%), Germans (0.5%) and other nationalities (3.4%). The official language, Romanian, is Russia Helsinki Tyrrehenian Sea Balearic Islands Greece Ionian Sea Sicily Aegean Sea Athens INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE of Latin origin. Romania is a republic. The head of state the President - is elected by direct ballot. The capital city, Bucharest, has approximately 2 300 000 inhabitants. The relief is distributed almost equally between mountains (31%), hills and tablelands (36%) and the plains (31%). The mountain area is dominated by the Carpathian range (maximum altitude at the Moldoveanu Peak of 2,544 m) which is a southeastward extension of the Alps; it shelters the Transylvanian Depression in the center. The lower reaches of the Danube River to the South of Romania represent the border between the Romanian plain and the Balkans. Before running into the Black Sea, the river forms a large delta that has recently been declared a Biosphere Reserve. The Danube crosses eleven countries and is the main waterway to and from Western Europe. With the building of the Danube-to-Black Sea and the Danube-to-Rhine canals, the river has gained greatly in importance. Crossed by the 45th parallel north, Romania enjoys a temperate-continental climate with hot summers and fairly mild winters. The natural vegetation consists of alpine meadows on the Carpathian summits, coniferous, beech and oak forests (6.3 million hectares, or 27% of the country's surface area) in the mountains and hills, and steppe vegetation in the Southeast. The agricultural area covers 14,722 thousand hectares, of which 64% is arable land, 32% pasture and hay fields, and the final 4% is devoted to vineyards and orchards. There is an established network of nature protection, which comprises three Biosphere Reserves (Danube Delta, Retezat Mountains and Rodna Mountains), 13 national parks, 579 nature reserves, and 132 monuments of nature. The urban and rural populations (55% and 45% respectively) are concentrated in 262 towns and 13,000 villages. The transition from an over-centralized economy to the market system began in 1989. It has met with numerous difficulties, being associated with a slow-down of production, soaring inflation and corruption. Starting with January 1st, 2007, when Romania became member of the European Union, significant economy increases were recorded. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is $11,400 per capita at purchasing power ($7,697 by international comparison); average life expectancy is 70 years; infant mortality is 123 per 100,000 live births; and unemployment decreased from 12% in 2000 to 4.3% in 2008. 7 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Romania has varied natural resources - coal, petroleum and natural gas, ferrous and non-ferrous ores and building materials. Currently, the electrical power industry relies on thermal (61.6%), hydro (31.4%) and nuclear (7%) power plants as installed power. However, the average electrical energy generation may significantly differ. Several projects on wind generation are to be developed in the near future to promote renewable energy sources. 8 Major industrial activities include metallurgy, chemistry, building materials, textiles and foodstuffs. Romania also has important thermal and mineral springs, which, together with the beauty of the natural landscape and the wealth of ethnographic traditions, are significant tourist attractions. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Climate Romanian territory is situated in the southeastern part of the Central Europe. Reporting to its position on the globe, Romania benefits from a certain solar energy; therefore Romania can be located in the temperate zone, and its continental position adds the continental character of the clime. Under the influence of the principal action pressure centers, which determine the air masses movement, as well as under the influence of the major relief (especially of the Carpathians Mountains with their role as an orographic dam) the Romanian climate presents a specific character. The average annual temperatures swing between 22°C and 24°C during summer, and between -3°C and -5°C, during winter. While the average annual temperatures are about 11°C in southern part of Romania, in north are about 8°C, variations explainable caused by the distribution in latitude and altitude of the relief. The absolute maximum value recorded in Romania was 44.5°C, in August 1951. The absolute minimum value was –38.5°C, recorded in January 1942. The city of Bucharest A little history: there is a legend, loved by the people of Bucharest, which tells that a shepherd named Bucur who is said to have built a house here, or perhaps a church. The present Bucur church, which is somewhat rustic in appearance, actually dates from the late 18th century. But the mythical elements in the story of the city’s foundation support a hypothesis currently championed by several experts concerning the sacred character of the medieval structure of Bucharest. According to this theory, the city developed in a measured concentric progression, which followed the sitting of its churches and monasteries in a kind of celestial geometry. A surviving document dated 20 September 1459, issued by the Wallachian chancellery of Vlad the Impaler - the legendary Prince Dracula, does not mention the very birth of Bucharest, but it does allude to the existence of a citadel on the banks of the Dambovita river. Geographical situation: Bucharest is located in the southern part of the country, in the center of the Romanian 9 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST PIATRA NEAM} CLUJ-NAPOCA Plain, at an altitude of 70-80 m and at about 60 km from the Danube, 100 km from the Carpathians and 250 km from the Black Sea. The capital includes six districts; TÂRGU MURE{ SOVATA ALBA IULIA TIMI{OARA Neighbours: it is surrounded by Ilfov county; SIBIU DEVA CARANSEBE{ TÂRGU JIU DROBETATURNU SEVERIN POIANA BRA{OV BRAN BRA{OV Surface: 228 square km; PREDEAL SINAIA Population: cca. 2,300,000 inhabitants; CURTEA DE ARGE{ BUCURE{TI Relief: it is a plain fragmented by valleys, with local terraces covered with loess. The structure decreases slowly from north-west and south-east, the average altitude being of 60 m. The city is cut by rivers (not deep ones - Dambovita and Colentina); Climate: it is continental moderate sometimes with excessive influences; The dominant winds blow from east and west in the southern part of the capital and from north and north-east in the north of Bucharest; Watercourses: the Dambovita river (on a distance of 24 km) and its tributary, Colentina (which crosses the northern part of the city on a distance of 33 km, windling river), which have parallel courses from north-west to south-east. A lot of picturesque lakes have been formed, points of attraction and leisure, mostly of them arranged: Baneasa, Herastrau, Floreasca, Tei, Chitila, Mogosoaia. 10 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest (UPB) University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Universitatea POLITEHNICA din Bucure[ti (Name in Romanian) Instituted in 1818 Address: 313 Splaiul Independen]ei, sect.6 060042, Bucharest Website: www.pub.ro Rector's office: Phone: (+4) 021 318 1000 Fax: (+4) 021 318 1001 Email: rector@rectorat.pub.ro University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is the most important technical university in Romania. It is the founding of the first higher technical school in 1818 by Gheorghe Lazar. Born in Avrig, Gheorghe Lazar studied in Sibiu, Cluj and Vienna. In 1817-1818 he endeavored to convince the local noblemen of the need for supporting a modern national school in the Romanian language. Thus, on 24 March 1818, by a Royal Edict, the premises of Saint Sava Abbey were converted into the new school. Later, in 1832 this school was reorganized, including four cycles, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Ordinance. Among other faculties, the one dealing with exact sciences included courses such as applied trigonometry, geodesy, mineralogy, engineering graphics, descriptive geometry, mechanical elements applied to ordinary machines, principles of building roads and bridges, elements of architecture etc. The graduates were 11 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST obliged either to work for three years for the state, or to return the grant received. In 1862, the ruler Alexandru Ioan Cuza had established by another Royal Decree a set of rules for the organisation of civil engineers, the hierarchy of engineers or conductors, their salaries, the conditions for admission and promotion, were clearly defined. An important figure in the “School of Bridges, Roads and Mines” was Gheorghe Duca. As early as 1887, he analyzed the content of courses, finding the weaknesses of the school, as well as the best solutions to improve its academic level. In those times, a substantial condition was the severity imposed on the conduct of students, in addition to evaluation. Students obtaining insufficient results, or having an erratic course attendance, were quickly removed from the school. Indeed, at the beginning, the preparatory year had no admission tests. Starting with 1881, an admission test had been introduced; the top priority was the quality of candidates, the number of the selected ones being less important. Gheorghe Duca tried and succeeded to bring the best professors to the “National School of Bridges and Roads”; among them, we should mention David Emanuel (Elementary Mathematics), Spiru Haret (Higher Algebra and Analytical Geometry), C. M. Mironescu (Statistics and Engineering Graphics), Constantin Istrati (Physics), or Anghel Saligny (Bridges and Roads). Moreover, Gheorghe Duca himself was considered the greatest authority in railways at the end of 19-th century. This was perhaps a turning moment, when 12 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE it was clearly demonstrated that Romania was capable of achieving on its own what had been deemed likely to be obtained only abroad, namely the training of highly qualified science and engineering specialists. The year 1890 also represented a momentous point, when at the National School of Bridges and Roads a new commission was set up. Its main role was to issue equivalency certificates for the engineering diplomas obtained abroad, thus transforming this national school into a model for evaluating higher technical studies. Nicolae Vasilescu-Karpen was appointed director of the School in February 1920. As a direct result of his endeavors, the government approved the establishment of Polytechnic Schools in Romania, conceived as higher education institutions, similar to universities, having as their final aim engineering training under the Ministry of Public Works. No surprise, the first Polytechnic School was set up by transforming the “National School of Bridges and Roads” into the “Polytechnic School of Bucharest”. In its initial stage it consisted in four sections: Civil Engineering; Mechanics and Electricity; Mines and Metallurgy; The Industrial Section. In this period, in addition to the Polytechnic School, there were Institutes for Engineers within Universities. For 13 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST instance, the University of Bucharest hosted an institute for electrical engineering, an institute for industrial chemistry and another one for agricultural and food chemistry. Another important cornerstone was the decree 3799 of 1938 stating that only Universities, Polytechnic Schools, or Academies for Commercial Studies could provide higher education. As a direct result, the Academy of Higher Agricultural Studies, The Academy of Architecture, The Institute of Industrial Chemistry and Agricultural and Food Chemistry, respectively, were introduced in the frame of “Bucharest POLITEHNICA”. The change of name from “Polytechnic School of Bucharest” into “POLITEHNICA of Bucharest” was accompanied by other changes as well. Thus, POLITEHNICA depended on the Ministry of National Education (instead of the Ministry for Public Works), the former director became Rector of POLITEHNICA, the different sections became Faculties, their presidents in turn, became Deans etc. Between 1938 and 1948 POLITEHNICA of Bucharest had seven faculties: Civil Engineering, Electro-mechanics, Metallurgy, Industrial Chemistry, Silviculture, Agronomy, and Architecture. Another important transformation took place in 1948, when several faculties or even specialties became independent, or even moved to other towns. So, a lot of universities, institutes or faculties have their roots in the 14 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE old “POLITEHNICA of Bucharest”. Thus, the following establishments, were initially faculties or departments at “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest: The University for Civil Engineering - Bucharest; Silviculture Faculty - Brasov; The Agronomy Institute - Bucharest; The School of Mines Petrosani; The University for Gas and Oil - Ploiesti; The Architecture Institute - Bucharest; Faculty for Food Chemistry - Galatzi; Faculty for Textile Industry - Iassy. The name for our school was “The Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest”. Today, on the resolution of the Senate (November 1992), The Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest turned into University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, preserving the name “POLITEHNICA”, proudly used by generations of students. With more than 190 years of existence, UPB represents one of the fundamental and prestigious institutions of Romanian higher education, being the main source for the technical specialists of Romania. Illustrious personalities such as Gogu Constantinescu, Elie Carafoli, Costin D. Nenitescu, known world-wide by the scientific community, were professors at the “POLITEHNICA”. 15 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST The Map of the Campus POLITEHNICA Station Buses, Trams, Troleybuses: 9, 12, 35, 37, 71, 93, 105, 305 M P olitehnica Metro Station Access point Faculty of Transports (Building JE) Iuliu Maniu Blvd. Access Automatic Control and point Computer Science Faculty (Building ED) Automobile Access EI . lvd aB point sil et scu Stre BN Univers itary Church ” Bridg “Regie depend Dâmbo en]ei viţa R egie Complex 16 Biotechnical Systems Engineering Faculty (Building D) Engineering and Management of Technological Systems Faculty (Building CD) l Libra ry Applied Sciences Faculty (Building BN) e Splaiul In Energetics Faculty (Building EI) Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics Faculty (Building CG) CD Centra ”Grozavesti” Metro Station Power Engineering Faculty (Building EG) CG Cez\re Auto m Acc obile ess ile eM av Bu esti” s 37 es, Stati , 1 Tra on 05 ms G,3 : ral 05 Va D JE JA Econom ,3 5, roz ”G 12 9, Groz\ve[ti Bridge R Sports Hall Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering (Building JA) M EA EG Building of Rectorate (Building R) Faculty of Engineering Taught in Modern Languages (Building JA) Access Electrical Engineering Faculty (Building EA) ED M Access point Dâmbo viţa INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE The Map of the "Leu" Complex Building F Building A Park Building E Park Building C Building B Vasile Milea Blvd. Building D University Canteen HOSTEL A Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology Iuliu Maniu Blvd. ”Politehnica” Metro Station M ”Politehnica” Bus Station: 136, 336 180, 61, 62, 93, 71, 11, 12, 35, 37 17 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST The Map of the "Regie" Campus Bridge Police Hostel Basarab Railway Station Canteen C\min C\min C\min C\min C\min R2 R3 Canteen C\min C\min C\min R1 Regie Bridge Dimbovita River Splaiul Independen]ei 18 HYPERMARKET CARREFOUR Bus Stations (601) INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE International Cooperation Department International Cooperation Office Adress: 313 Splaiul Independentei, AN 001, 060042 Bucharest e-mail: dci@rectorat.pub.ro Educational Community Programmes Office (Former name: SOCRATES Office) Adress: 313 Splaiul Independentei, R401, 060042 Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 402 9284 Fax: (+4) 021 318 1028 Website: www.pub.ro Romania is one of the associated countries among the 31 participating countries in the framework of the European Community action programme in the field of education, Lifelong Learning Programme (LLP). The Educational Community Programs Office of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest is part of the International Cooperation Department. The Office is located in the main building of the university, the Rectorat building. You can find us at the fourth floor, room R401 (R from Rectorat, 4 from the number of the floor and 01 is the number of the room). Inquires about admission and application procedure as an international student can be addressed to the International Cooperation Department. Inquires about LLP/ERASMUS Programme can be addressed to our office. In any issue you feel like asking advice, please do not hesitate to contact our offices. The offices are opened from Monday to Friday 8:00-16:00. 19 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST The Career Guidance and Counseling Center Adress: Phone: Fax: E-mail: Website: Campus Regie, Building H (+4) 021 402 8302 (+4) 021 402 8303 centru_consiliere@rectorat.pub.ro www.pub.ro The Career Guidance and Counseling Center of University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest provides specialized counseling services to students and graduates, initiating career guidance programs in institution of higher education focused on a decision/making approach, and work-experience models. The mission statement of the Career Guidance and Counseling Center of UPB is to provide consultancy and counseling services to the university’s candidates, students and graduates in order to help them to choose the appropriate educational stream according to the individual psychological profile, interests, abilities, and labor market’s requirements. 20 Understanding the relationships between career choice and educational requirements is essential. University’s students need to learn adapting their personal skills to the occupational requirements. In this way, career planning and decision-making skills play an important role, and students need assistance in choosing between career opportunities. So, dear students visit us to the Counseling Center and we help you to discover yourselves and make a decision according to your skills, performance and aptitudes. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE The Public Relations Department 313 Spaiul Independentei, RO-060042 AN 001, Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 402 9465 (+4) 021 402 9465 Fax: E-mail: relatii.publice@upb.ro Website: www.upb.ro Adress: The Public Relations Department is the first point of contact for the media and general enquiries. In relation with the media, the Department establish and maintain permanent links: Public relations help to establish limits and maintain mutual communication between the university and the public, they can be at the conduct of congresses, symposia, international meetings in which, in addition to conjuring and the transmission of information, and track contacts between specialists and representatives Press. • receive and settle claims journalists; • ensure the participation of journalists to the university events; The Public Relations Department also maintains a close connection with ALUMNI. • send press releases. 21 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Addmission at University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest Foreign citizens are welcome to study at the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest with the condition that they are part of interuniversity and/or interfaculty agreements of cooperation concluded as a result of mutual treaties between Romania and the partner country, for scholars according to specific conditions mentioned in the corresponding agreement. Foreign citizens, outside the frame of the aforementioned agreement, may also study at University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest on their own expenses. According to the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, all universities are allowed to admit as undergraduates and doctoral students paying a fee foreign citizens, on condition that they should submit a file containing the following documents: photocopy or authenticated copy of the certificate of studies (translated in an international language and recognized by the Romanian Embassy from the native country of the candidate), authenticated copy of the birth certificate 22 (translated in an international language), medical certificate (including the HIV test), authenticated copy of the passport, four passport-size photos and the list of the results of the completed study years (Academic Transcripts) for post-graduate studies applications or for those whishing to continue studies begun in other countries. According to the same Order, the Rector of the University (Department for Student Mobilities within the General Office for International Relations) may ask for the approval of recognition and/or equalization of the study documents brought by the candidate. After receiving the approval, the undergraduate or the doctoral student will be enrolled. For some citizens outside European Union, there is a request for a specific visa of studies on the passport. In order to get this visa, candidates must receive from the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation a "Letter of Acceptance". This type of document is the only one that INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE the Embassies of Romania recognize in favor of those who candidate for a visa of studies in Romania. The procedure is simple: candidates submit the abovementioned documents (legally recognized copies) to the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation. After the evaluation of the documents and taking into account the number of places approved for the respective academic year, the Ministry will send to the candidate either a "Letter of Acceptance", or a negative answer. The next step is that the Romanian Embassy from the native country of the candidate may grant the visa for studies in Romania if the candidate has the proof of having paid the first ten months' fees in advance, and the proof that he/she has enough money to live in Romania for ten months, and last but not least to possess a health insurance. More information can be found at the Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation: MINISTERUL EDUCA}IEI, CERCET|RII {I INOV|RII COMPARTIMENTUL RELA}II BILATERALE {I {COLARIZAREA CET|}ENILOR STR|INI ÎN ROMÂNIA Str. General Berthelot, Nr. 28-30 Sector 1, Bucure[ti, ROMANIA tel/fax (+ 4) 021 315 5099 23 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Faculties Faculty of Electrical Engineering www.electro.pub.ro Dean Prof. Claudia POPESCU Phone: (+4) 021 402 95 57 E-mail: claudia@apar.pub.ro Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei Phone: (+4) 021 402 9129 Fax: (+4) 021 410 4355 E-mail: lth@decanat.electro.pub.ro Faculty of Power Engineering www.energ.pub.ro Dean Prof. George DARIE Phone: (+4) 021 402 9433 E-mail: george.darie@energy.pub.ro Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei Phone: (+4) 021 402 9322 Fax: (+4) 021 318 1015 Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science www.cs.pub.ro Dean Prof. Dumitru POPESCU Phone: (+4) 021 318 1014 E-mail: dpopescu@indinf.pub.ro Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei Phone: (+4) 021 402 9494 Fax: (+4) 021 318 1014 24 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology www.electronica.pub.ro Dean Prof. Teodor POPESCU Phone: (+4) 021 402 4618 E-mail: teodor.petrescu@munde.pub.ro Address: 1-3 Iuliu Maniu Blvd. Phone: (+4) 021 402 4618 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics www.mecanica.home.ro Dean Prof. Tudor PRISECARU Phone: (+4) 021 318 1019 E-mail: tpris@caz.mecen.pub.ro Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei Phone: (+4) 021 318 1019 Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems www.imst.pub.ro Dean: Prof. Gheorghe AMZA Phone: (+4) 021 402 9457 E-mail: amza@camis.pub.ro Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei Phone: (+4) 021 402 9302 25 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering www.isb.pub.ro Dean: Prof. Gigel PARASCHIV Phone: (+4) 021 402 9649 E-mail: paraschiv2005@yahoo.com Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei Phone: (+4) 021 402 9648 Faculty of Transports http://transport.pub.ro Dean: Prof. Mihail ALEXANDRESCU Phone: (+4) 021 402 9568 E-mail: cma@eltrans.pub.ro Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei Phone: (+4) 021 402 9568; Fax: (+4) 021 318 1012 Faculty of Aerospace Engineering www.aero.pub.ro Dean: Prof. Virgil STANCIU Phone: (+4) 021 402 3812 E-mail: vvirgilstanciu@yahoo.com Address: 1 Gh. Polizu Str. Phone: (+4) 021 318 1007 Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering www.sim.pub.ro Dean: Prof. Rami SABAN Phone: (+4) 021 318 1017 E-mail: decanat@sim.pub.ro Address: Splaiul Independentei 313 Phone: (+4) 021 318 1017 26 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science www.chim.upb.ro Dean: Prof. Horia IOVU Phone: (+4) 021 402 3922 E-mail: iovu@tsocm.pub.ro Address: 1 Gh Polizu Str. Phone: (+4) 021 402 3934 Faculty of Engineering Taught in Modern Languages www.ing.pub.ro Dean: Prof. Adrian VOLCEANOV Phone: (+4) 021 402 9590 Email: avolceanov@ing.pub.ro Address: Splaiul Independentei 313 Phone: (+4) 021 402 9889 Faculty of Applied Sciences http://fsa.pub.ro Dean: Prof. Constantin UDRISTE Phone: (+4) 021 402 9150 Email: udriste@mathem.pub.ro Address: 313 Splaiul Independentei Phone: (+4) 021 402 9489 27 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Student Life Facilities for foreign students A foreign student, having the necessary educational background (baccalaureate) may be enrolled immediately at the Faculty of Engineering Taught in Modern Languages, providing he/she possesses the required language skills in English, French or German, respectively. If you would prefer to study in Romanian and you wish to learn the Romanian language, you could attend Romanian language courses at University of Bucharest or University "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" of Iasi. If you need assistance in this regard do not hesitate to ask our help. University hostels and canteens University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has in its administration 29 hostels, of varying degrees of comfort, in the two complexes, “Regie” and “Leu”, situated within walking distance from the university. 28 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE The Regie campus is located on the banks of the Dambovita River, at 290 Splaiul Independenţei, Sector 6, RO-060042, while the Leu Campus is located at 1-3 Iuliu Maniu Blvd., Sector 6, RO-061071. There are 27 hostels and one canteen (R3) in Regie, and 2 hostels and 2 canteens in Leu. Meals can also be served in lunch bars, inside the canteen buildings or other buildings in the campus. The cost of accommodation depends on monthly expenses and the degree of comfort of each room. Foreign students are accomodated in the P19 building located in the Regie campus. The student flats include the entrance hall, the room and the bathroom; the rooms are equipped with basic furniture (including two beds, desk, chairs, a double wardrobe), laundry, refrigerator, air conditioning, TV set, TV cable and Internet connection. You may choose to share or not the room with another student. The students can look for a room/flat on the private market, as well. Erasmus students may ask for assistance from the Educational Community Progremmes Office. The Office provides also assistance during the official arrival dates and during the orientation period. We advise foreign students to establish the contact in due time with the receiving institution (University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest). Social Service UPB’s Social Service is in charge of the hostels and canteens administration. The Service is located in Regie, hostel P6, groundfloor. Sport and Recreation UPB has several sports grounds: • “Central Complex” with basketball, volleyball, handball, football, aerobics, body-building facilities; • “Leu” with a gym having basketball and volleyball facilities, and a football pitch (grass); • “Sportul Studentesc”, a private location, with a football pitch (cinders), handball ground (cinders), tennis court (cinders). Job fairs for graduates Each year UPB organizes a Job Fair for graduates. Representatives from commercial companies, both from the state-owned and the private sector are invited to meet the graduates. The research and design institutes also try to find the most suitable candidates for specific jobs. 29 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST On such occasions graduates are interviewed for jobs, which gives a great number of graduates the opportunity of obtaining their first job. scanners and printers; the access to Internet and to the local area network is easy and the transfer rates are high. Wireless Internet service is also available for free in the Rectorate and various faculties. Library Facilities The university campus has its own network; the 27 buildings from “Regie” and that from “Leu” are inter-connected as well as connected to the Internet. All students enrolled in the University and all visiting students are entitled to use various libraries. In order to borrow a book or magazine from any library, one needs a library pass that can be obtained at the loan desk of Central Library, where the provisional student identification card will be required. The university has fifteen departmental libraries and reading-rooms that hold an extensive collection of dictionaries, standards, indexing journals, and scientific and technical books. The loan period is about two weeks and may be renewed if there is no reservation for the particular time. Opening hours are (usually) Monday-Friday: 8:00-20:00. Once you have arrived in the faculty, your academic advisor and your Romanian colleagues will guide you in order to facilitate the access to the university’s services. University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest has excellent IT facilities available for all the students. All the offices and laboratories are appropriately equipped with computers, 30 University domain University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest owns three locations, i.e. the Central Complex (Regie-Groz\ve[ti), Leu Complex, and Polizu Complex. The teaching areas cover 300,000 square metres, while the administrative areas (workshops, canteens, and technical facilities) cover 103,000 square metres. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE The Central Complex also known as the “New Site” (Regie-Groz\ve[ti) houses the University management (Building R), as well as the following: • Faculty of Electrical Engineering, • Faculty of Power Engineering, • Faculty of Automatic Control and Computer Science, • Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Mechatronics, • Faculty of Engineering and Management of Technological Systems, • Faculty of Biotechnical Systems Engineering, • Faculty of Transports, • Faculty of Material Science and Engineering, • Faculty of Engineering taught in Foreign Languages, • Faculty of Applied Sciences. In Leu Complex we may find: Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology. In Polizu Complex there are two more faculties, namely: Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Faculty of Applied Chemistry and Materials Science. 31 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Travel Moscow Bucharest can be reached by several means of transport: by air, by train, and by car. Copenhagen pr ne D Warsaw Amsterdam By air London Frankfurt Brussels Prague Paris There are two major international airports in Bucharest. München Verona Bucharest u 32 Budapest D Milan HENRI COANDA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (OTP): The Henri Coanda Airport (former name: Otopeni) is located 16 km north of the Bucharest City Centre, being well linked with the major European hubs. Currently the airport has one terminal divided into three halls (sometimes referred as distinct terminals) (International Departures Hall, International Arrivals Hall and the Domestic Flights Hall - at the ground level of the Arrivals Hall). Kishinev Vienna Zürch Bologna Sofia Florence Istambul Ancona Rome Madrid Bari Athens INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE The International Departures Hall consists of 36 check-in desks, one finger with 10 gates (5 equipped with jetways), while the Domestic Hall has an extra four busgates. Bus 783 travels regularly to the City Centre (approximate travel time 40 minutes), via Victoriei Square, Romana Square, Universitate and finally Unirii Square. The 783 bus timetable is: Monday to Friday 5:30 - 23:40 (every 15 minutes); Saturday, Sunday and legal holydays: 5:30 - 23:30 (every 30 minutes). If you take the bus, get off at Piata Victoriei station then take the subway train. From Piata Victoriei take the train to Republica direction. Get off at Semanatoarea, which is the fourth station after Piata Victoriei. At Semanatoarea there are two exits. To get out to the correct exit you have to go in the direction of the train. The Regie campus is about 300 meters far, on the left side of the Dambovita River. LAROMET AUREL VLAICU M2 PIPERA PAJURA For the bus travel, only round trip tickets can be purchased; there are no singles. You may not be able to buy from the driver, and need to get them before boarding from the sales booth. Tickets have a magnetic stripe, which is read by a machine on entering the bus. These tickets are different from and not compatible with the cheaper ones for City buses – but they are still cheap (5 Lei - 1.5 Euro, for one return ticket). AUREL VLAICU INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (BBU) is located in B\neasa district. Starting January 2007 many other European low fare airlines (Sky Europe, Wizz Air, M4 1 MAI PIA}A VICTORIEI GRIVI}A CRÂNGA{I OBOR BASARAB M4 GARA DE NORD SEM|N|TOAREA GROZ|VE{TI M3 EROILOR GORJULUI P|CII ARMATA POPORULUI AVIATORILOR {TEFAN CEL MARE POLITEHNICA IZVOR M3 INDUSTRIILOR PIA}A ROMAN| PIA}A MUNCIII PIA}A UNIRII TIMPURI NOI TINERETULUI EROII REVOLU}IEI BUCHAREST SUBWAY MAP IANCULUI UNIVERSIT|}II COSTIN GEORGIAN TITAN PANTELIMON M1 REPUBLICA M1 DRISTOR DRISTOR NICOLAE GRIGORESCU MIHAI BRAVU CONSTANTIN BRÂNCOVEANU PIA}A SUDULUI AP|R|TORII PATRIEI IMGB M2 DEPOU IMGB 33 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Germanwings) have started new routes from Bucharest BBU to popular European destinations. The Aurel Vlaicu International Airport (former name: Baneasa) is located 8 km north of the Bucharest City Centre, with exit to the same road as for the Henry Coanda Airport. From Aurel Vlaicu airport, the 131 and 335 buses travel to Piata Romana – and might not go further. Piata Romana station is the bus line end. Just few meters from the bus station you may find the subway metro station. Take the metro to Pipera direction and get off at Piata Victoriei station (only one station). At Piata Victoriei, change the line (do not get out) and take the subway train to Republica direction. Now, you are on the same way as for the travel from the Henry Coanda airport. For the bus travel, you may purchase one travel, two travels or one-day travel tickets. You may not be able to buy from the driver, and need to get them before boarding from the sales booth. Tickets are paper stripe and are punched in appropriate boxes. One-way ticket costs 1,3 Lei. For the subway train travel you have to buy a magnetic card from the entrace. You may find cards for 2 travels, 10 travels and one-day travel. The cost depents on the number of travels. However, it is cheaper than the bus ticket. 34 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE By train Bucharest is the major hub of CFR (Caile Ferate Romane), Romania national rail carrier. The main central station is Gara de Nord (North Station in translation), which serves Bucharest with connections to every part of Romania as well as international connections with Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Sofia, Belgrade, Chisinau etc. On-line timetable: http://www.infofer.ro By car The city is a major road hub as well. It is the starting point of many of Romanian highways (well, right now - summer of 2008 - it is the starting point of both the Romanian highways, A1 and A2) and other European and national roads linking the city with every Romanian region as well as with the neighbouring countries. 35 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST PHARMACIES There are many pharmacies in Bucharest. Some of them are opened daily, non-stop program, while others are opened Monday-Friday: 8:00-20:00 (21:00). You can pay the medicines cash or using electronically system (usually Visa cards are accepted). The currency used in the pharmaceutical system is the Romanian currency, RON. Health Care The nearest Student Health Care Center is located in the Regie campus, building P7; it is opened Monday-Friday: 8:00-19:00. The foreign students who study at POLITEHNICA (the international students or Erasmus students) and are registered within the university programme benefit of health care services, provided by the university’s health care centers. The consultations are for free, but the students must pay themselves the prescriptions. If the situation requires more investigations, or another specialist opinion, the students are guided to appeal to a different health care center. For any emergencies please contact the Student Health Care Center; for the emergencies in the evenings or in the weekends please contact the Emergency University Hospital: www.suub.ro 36 The following pharmacies are situated in the neighborhood of the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest: FARMACIA NR. 56 44 Taberei Road, sect. 6; Phone: 021 413 4930 FARMACIA NR. 75 6 Cotroceni Str., sect. 6; Phone: 021 638 3915 FARMACIA NR. 48 10 Splaiul Unirii, sect. 3; Phone: 021 335 1312 FILDAS TRADING 7 Splaiul Independentei, sect. 1; Phone: 021 221 1773 FULBOG 169 Splaiul Independentei, sect. 1; Phone: 021 637 2190 CENTROFARM 210-10B Splaiul Independentei (Orhideea Mall) Phone: 021 316 1266 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE CASSANDRA STUDIO 1 Franceza Str.; Phone: 021 310 3574 ACT THEATRE 126 Victoriei Avenue; Phone: 021 310 3103 Going Out Concert halls and theaters BULANDRA THEATRE Toma Caragiu House: 76 A J.L.Calderon Str. Phone: 021 221 3441 Izvor House: 1 Schitu Magureanu Str. Phone: 021 313 9750 ODEON THEATRE 40-42 Victoriei Avenue; Phone: 021 314 7234 MONDAY, GREEN HOURS THEATRE 120 Victoriei Avenue; Phone: 0788 452 485 During the year various types of concerts are organized in the inner city; the halls and the teathers buildings are historical buildings. NOTTARA THEATRE 20 Magheru Blvd.; Phone: 021 659 3260 I.L. CARAGIALE NATIONAL THEATRE 2 Nicolae Balcescu Blvd; Phone: 021 314 7171 ION CREANGA THEATRE 13 Amzei Square; Phone: 021 659 3260 ROMANIAN OPERA HOUSE 70-72 Mihail Kogalniceanu Blvd; Phone: 021 314 6980 THE BUCHAREST JEWISH THEATRE 15 Iuliu Barasch Str.; Phone: 021 323 4539 ROMANIAN ATHENEUM 1 Franklin Str.; Phone: 021 315 6875 HANUL CU TEI THEATRE 63-65 Lipscani Str.; Phone: 021 315 5663 37 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST There are many cinemas in Bucharest. All films are screened in their original version with one (Romanian) subtitle. CinemaPro: 6 I.C.Bratianu Blvd; Phone: 021 315 8767 BUCHAREST: 6 Elisabeta Blvd; Phone: 021 315 6154 PATRIA: 12-14 Magheru Blvd; Phone: 021 211 8625 CORSO: 6 Elisabeta Blvd; Phone: 021 315 1334 SCALA: 2-4 Magheru Blvd; Phone: 021 211 0372 CULTURAL: 20 Alexandru Obregia Blvd Phone: 021 461 1013 Jimusho: 41 Iancu de Hunedoara Blvd Phone: 021 230 3243 EUROPE: 127 Mosilor Avenue; Phone: 021 314 2714 EXCELSIOR: 174 Ion Mihalache Blvd Phone: 021 665 4945 FAVORIT: 28 Drumul Taberei Str.; Phone: 021 745 3170 FESTIVAL: 34 Elisabeta Blvd; Phone: 021 315 6384 GLENDALE STUDIO: 9 Cotroceni Str. Phone: 021 316 3286 GLORIA: 6 Bucovina Str.; Phone: 021 324 4675 HOLLYWOOD MULTIPLEX: 55-59 Vitan Avenue Phone: 021 3277020/21/22/23 LIRA: 196, 13 Septembrie Avenue; Phone: 021 410 2171 38 LUMINA: 32 Elisabeta Blvd; Phone: 021 314 7416 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE and of the economic power of native Romanian collectors. European as well as Oriental art works are also present Address: 111 Victoriei Avenue Phone: 021 314 8119 THE THEODOR PALLADY MUSEUM Museums THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART OF ROMANIA Romania’s leading art museum was founded in 1948 to house the former Royal Collection along with those of various other museums in the country's capital. The aim of the museum is to provide a comprehensive view on Romanian art from the early Middle Ages to the present, in as broad an European context as possible. Address: 49-53 Victoriei Avenue Phone: 021 615 5193 Open to the public: 10:00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. daily except Monday and Tuesday when closed Web page: www.mnar.arts.ro THE ART COLLECTIONS MUSEUM Founded in 1978, the Art Collections Museum houses previously private collections that have been donated to the State in the course of time. They mirror accurately the development of Romanian art in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries giving a fair view of the history of taste Located in one of the earliest surviving merchant houses in Bucharest the collection gathered by the Raut family includes many prints and drawings by Theodor Pallady along with a variety of European and Oriental collectibles and furniture pieces. Address: 22 Spatarului Str. Phone: 021 211 4979 THE K.H. ZAMBACCIAN MUSEUM The K.H. Zambaccian Museum houses the collection gathered by the important Armenian businessman and patron of the arts, Krikor Zambaccian (1889 - 1962). The Romanian art collection - donated to the state in 1946includes works by representative artists such as: Andreescu, Grigorescu, Luchian, Pallady, Paciurea, Ressu, Horia Damian, Samuel Mutzner. Several art works by famous painters as Delacroix, Corot, Derain, Matisse, Pissaro, Bonnard, Utrillo and Picasso were added in 1962. The museum preserves the initial display, as it was concieved by the art collector himself thus giving the visitor the opportunity to discover the atmosphere and taste typical of the first half of the 20th century. Address: 21A Muzeul Zambaccian Str. Phone: 021 230 1920 39 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST GRIGORE ANTIPA National Museum of Natural History Phone: 021 312 8863; 021 312 8826; Fax: 021 312 8863 Web page: www.antipa.ro ROMANIAN LITERATURE MUSEUM Address: 12 Dacia Blvd., sector 1, HEADQUARTER/BUILDING: Scarlat Kretzulescu House monument of architecture, 1839 Phone: 021 212 5845; 021 212 5846; 021 212 9652 Fax: 021 212 5846; 021 212 9651; 021 212 9652 E-mail: General information: info@mlr.ro; The Exhibitions Department: expo@mlr.ro; The Public Relations Department: relatii@mlr.ro; Web page: www.mlr.ro THE MUSEUM OF THE ROMANIAN PEASANT is part of the large family of European Museums for Folk Arts and Traditions. It is a National Museum, functioning under patronage of the Ministry of Culture. Owner of an impressive collection of objects, placed in a historical monument building (new Romanian style),the original poetics developed in relation to the object was certain one of the reasons why in 1996 the Museum was awarded the EMYA - European Museum of the Year Award. Open to the public: 10:00-18:00, except Monday Address: 3 Kisseleff Road Phone: 021 650 5360; Fax: 021 312 9875 E-mail: muztar@rnc.ro Web page: www.muzeultaranuluiroman.ro 40 ROMANIAN NATIONAL MUSEUM OF HISTORY The National Museum of History as a representative institution for Romanian culture and a storing place for the most valuable objects of the historical patrimony was inaugurated in 1972 and was the result of the efforts made by famous university professors, researchers and museum custodians. Address: 12 Victoriei Avenue Phone: 021 315 8207; Fax: 021 311 3356 E-mail: direct@mnir.ro; Web page: www.mnir.ro VILLAGE MUSEUM The Village Museum (Muzeul Satului in Romanian) is an open-air ethnographic museum located in the Her\str\u Park (Bucharest, Romania), showcasing traditional Romanian village life. The museum extends to over 100,000 m2, and contains 272 authentic peasant farms and houses from all over Romania. It was created in 1936 by Dimitrie Gusti, Victor Ion Popa, and Henri H. Stahl. Phone: 021 317 9103; 021 317 9106; Mobile: 0720 220 132; Fax: 021 317 90 68 E-mail: contact@muzeul-satului.ro Web page: www.muzeul-satului.ro INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Cafeterias & Bars There are many cafeterias, bars and fast-foods where you can eat at a very reasonable prices. There are two Student restaurants (one is situated at the last floor of the Rectorat building and one is part of the Student Campus, Regie). In Regie you can find a lot of shops, fast-foods and cafeterias. It is not the cheapest choice, please notice that! You can find some of the most appreciated (by the students) clubs: American Beer House: 92 Drumul Taberei Str. Phone: 021 444 1777 Amigos: 27 Povernei Str., Phone: 0722353403 Backstage: 14 Gabroveni Str., Phone: 021 3123943 Basilicum II: 16 Schitu Magureanu Str., Phone: 0213154793 Hanul Piratilor: 19 Orhideelor Str., Phone: 0762161109 Belvedere: 4 Nicolae Balcescu Blvd., Phone: 0213102020 Black Wolf: 116 Lacul Tei Blvd., Phone: 0724786258 Blue Night: 290 Splaiul Independentei, Regie Complex, R3 Phone: 0212228821 Blues Cafe: 16-20 Victoriei Avenue, Phone: 0723520643 Cafe de la Joie: 4 Ion Nistor Str.; Phone: 021 315 09 37 Club A: 14 Blanari Str., Phone: 021 315 68 53 Club Maxx: 290 Splaiul Independentei Str., Regie Complex, R1 Phone: 0722647337 End Zone: 290 Splaiul Independentei, Regie Complex Phone: 021 3162739 Laptaria lui Enache: 2 Nicolae Balcescu Blvd, Phone: 021 315 85 08 Eating Out There are many restaurants and fast foods in Bucharest where you can have lunch and coffee. You may try the Romanian culinary specific or you can have a lunch as you are used to have in your own country. The following restaurants are the most appreciated by the Romanian students. Please notice that not all of them have low prices. BLANDUZIEI: 2 Academiei Str., Phone: 021 315 2812 DUNKIN DONUTS: 6 Radu Beller Str., Phone: 021 2119596 MADO&HISTORY: 32-34 Magheru Blvd, Phone: 021 653 6543, Program: non-stop SHERIFF’S: 40 I.C.Bratianu Blvd., Phone: 021 313 9880 59 Iuliu Maniu Blvd., Phone: 021 430 4602 SPRING TIME: 6 Titulescu Blvd, Phone: 021 212 5826 41 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Banks National Bank of Romania (BNR): www.bnr.ro ABN Ambro Bank-Romania: www.abnamro.ro Alpha Bank Romania: www.alphabank.ro Banc Post: www.bancpost.ro Citibank Romania: www.citibank.com/romania Commercial Bank of Greece (Romania): www.cbg.ro Export-Import Bank of Romania: www.eximbank.ro ING Bank Romania: www.ing.ro Banca Romaneasca: www.brom.ro Romanian Bank for Development - Societe Generale (BRD): www.brd.ro Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR): www.bcr.ro CEC Bank (CEC): www.cec.ro Transilvania Bank: www.bancatransilvania.ro UniCredit Tiriac Bank: www.unicredit-tiriac.ro 42 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Embassies and Consulates in ROMANIA Embassy of the Kingdom of Belgium in Romania Chancery: 58 Dacia Blvd., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 210 2969; (+4) 021 210 2970 Fax: (+4) 210 2803 E-mail: ambabuc@clicknet.ro, Bucharest@diplobel.org Working hours: Monday-Thursday 9.00-13.00; 14.00-17.30; Friday 9.00-13.00; 14.00-16.00 Consular Section: 58 Dacia Blvd., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 210 2968; (+4) 021 212 3680; Working hours: Monday - Friday 9.30-11.00 Phone program: Monday - Thursday 14.30-16.30 Embassy of the Kingdom of Denmark in Romania Chancery: 3 Dr. Burghelea Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 312 0352, (+4) 021 312 0353, (+4) 021 312 0354, (+4) 021 312 0355, (+4) 312 0356 Fax: (+4) 021 312 0358 E-mail: buhamb@um.dk Working hours: Monday - Friday 9.00-16.00 Consular Section: Monday - Thursday 9.30-10.30 Embassy of the Republic of Finland in Romania Chancery: 2 bis Atena Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 230 7504, (+4) 021 230 7545 (+4) 021 230 7526; Fax: (+4) 021 230 7505 E-mail: sanomat.buk@formin.fi Website: http://www.finlandia.ro Working hours: Monday - Friday 8.00-12.00; 13.00-16.15 Consular Section: Monday - Friday 9.00-11.00 Trade Office - Phone/Fax: (+4) 021 230 5486 E-mail: mtunea@mail.dnt.ro Embassy of the French Republic in Romania Chancery: 13-15 Biserica Amzei Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 303 1000 Fax: (+4) 021 303 1090 E-mail: chancellerie.bucarest-amba@diplomatie.gouv.fr Website: http://www.ambafrance.ro Working hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-13.00; 15.00-19.00 Counsellor for Economic Affairs: 11 Nicolae Iorga Str. Phone: (+4) 021 312 0287; (+4) 021 312 0257 Fax: (+4) 021 312 0256 Opening hours: Monday-Friday 8.30-18.30 Working hours: 9.00-13.00; 15.00-17.30 Thursday: 10.00-13.00; 15.00-17.30 Consular Section: 6 Intrarea Cristian Tell Phone: (+4) 021 312 0217-21 Opening hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-12.30; 15.00-18.00 43 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Romania Chancery: 6-8 Gheorghe Demetriade Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 202 98 30, (+4) 021 202 9853 Fax: (+4) 021 230 5846 E-mail: botschaft@deutschebotschaft-bucharest.ro Website: www.bukarest.diplo.de www.Embassygermaniei-bucuresti.ro Opening hours: Monday-Thursday 8.00-13.00; 13.30-17.00 Friday 8.00-14.00 Consular Section: Phone: (+4) 021 202 9869 Fax: (+4) 021 230 2155 Opening hours: Monday-Friday 08.30-11.30 44 Embassy of the Hellenic Republic in Romania Chancery: 1-3 Pache Protopopescu Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 209 4170-4; Fax: (+4) 021 209 4175 Website: http://www.grembassy.ro E-mail: grembassy@grembassy.ro Working hours: Monday - Friday 9.00-16.00 Military attache: 1-3 Pache Protopopescu Str., Bucharest Phone/Fax: (+4) 021 256 8020 Counsellor for Economic Affairs: 124 Mihai Eminescu Str., sc. B, ap. 5, Bucharest, Phone/Fax: (+4) 021 210 0748 Press attache: 50-54 Str. Mihai Eminescu, et. 1, ap. 3 Phone: (+4) 021 210 0499, Fax: (+4) 021 210 0500 Consular Section: 4-6 Ferdinand Blvd., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 209 41 90/91/92 Fax: (+4) 021 209 4193 Opening hours:Monday-Friday 9.00-13.00 (Wed.for businessmen) Embassy of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland in Romania Embassy of the Italian Republic in Romania Chancery: 24 Jules Michelet Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 201 7200 Fax: (+4) 021 201 7299 E-mail: Press@bucharest.mail.fco.gov.uk Website: www.britishembassy.gov.uk/romania Consular Section: Phone: (+4) 021 201 7300 Fax: (+4) 021 201 7317 E-mail: Consular.Bucharest@fco.gov.uk Working hours: Monday-Thursday 8.30-13.00; 14.00-17.00; Friday 8.30-13.30 Chancery: 9 Henri Coanda Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 311 3465, (+4) 021 311 3470 Fax: (+4) 021 312 0422 E-mail: ambasciata.bucarest@esteri.it Website: http://www.ambitalia.ro Consular Section: 12 Arh. Ion Mincu Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 223 2424, (+4) 021 222 1915 Fax: (+4) 021 223 4550 E-mail: info@ambitalia.ro Opening hours: Monday-Friday 09.00-13.00 Military attache: 9 Henri Coanda Str. Phone: (+4) 021 312 0423 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Cultural Affairs: 41 Aleea Alexandru Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 231 0880, (+4) 021 231 0885, (+4) 021 231 0887; Fax: (+4) 021 323 4841 E-mail: segreteria@itcult.ro Counsellor for Economic Affairs: I.C.E.P. Bucuresti, 24 Gh. Magheru Blvd., et. 1, ap. 16 Phone: (+4) 021 315 3773 Fax: (+4) 021 315 3793 Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Romania Embassy of Spain in Romania Chancery: 20 Aleea Alexandru, Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 208 6030 Fax. (+4) 021 230 7620 E-mail: bkr@minbuza.nl Website: http://www.olanda.ro Working hours: Monday-Friday 8.30-13.00, 13.30-17.30 Friday: 8.30-13.00, 13.30-15.00 Consular Section: 20 Aleea Alexandru, Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 208 6030 Fax: (+4) 021 231 6279 E-mail: bkr-ca@minbuza.nl Working hours: Monday-Thursday 9.00-13.00 Chancery: 1 Tirana Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 233 9190; Fax: (+4) 021 230 7626 Consular section: 1 Tirana Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 230 1730, (+4) 021 231 0877 Fax: (+4) 021 231 0274 Economic Affairs: 16 Dacia Blvd. Phone: (+4) 021 210 0740, (+4) 021 210 0741 Fax: (+4) 021 210 0497 "Cervantes" Spanish Cultural Center: 34 Paris Str. Phone: (+4) 021 212 1354, (+4) 021 212 1781 Fax: (+4) 021 212 1567 Working hours: Monday-Thursday 8.00-14.00; 15.00-17.00 Friday 8.00-14.00 Embassy of the Portuguese Republic in Romania Embassy of the Kingdom of Sweden in Romania Chancery: 55 Paris Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 230 4136; Fax: (+4) 021 230 4130 E-mail: emporrom@fx.ro Working hours: Monday-Friday 9.00-13.00; 15.00-18.00 Consular Section: 55 Paris Str., Bucharest Phone: (+4) 021 230 4118 Working hours: 9.30-13.00 Chancery: 5 Sofia Str., Bucharest, P.O. box 63-11 Phone: (+4) 021 406 7100 Fax: (+4) 021 406 7124 E-mail: ambassaden.Bukarest@foreign.ministry.se Working hours: Monday - Friday 8.30-17.00 Consular Section: Monday - Thursday 10.00-12.00 45 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST No Visa Fee is required for: • representatives of International Organizations of which Romania is a member; Information for Foreign Citizens General Information As a general rule, foreign citizens are travelling in Romania are prior obliged to apply for a visa at a diplomatic mission or consular office, except those citizens of the European Union countries or countries with which Romania concluded agreements on abolition of visa requirements or has renounced unilaterally at the visa requirement. The diplomatic missions or consular offices of Romania grant the Romanian visa at demand, for the aliens holding travel documents recognized by Romania, valid at least 6 months over the validity of the requested visa which was issued by the authorities of the receiving country. 46 • members of foreign diplomatic missions and consular offices, who are accredited in Romania, persons who travel together with the Head of States, Prime Ministers; • members of parliamentary delegations and other officials, as well their family members, on the basis of reciprocity; • organized tourist groups, which provide evidences of prior payment of the services (voucher). INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES Airports BELGIUM BRUSSELS-TAROM Office OP 44, 1930 Zaventem Phone: (322) 2186382 Fax: (322) 2198046 e-mail: financial@tarom.be SITA: BRUTORO SITA: BRUAPRO DENMARK BANEASA AIRPORT Address: Bucuresti – Ploiesti highroad, no. 40 Phone: (+4) 021 232 0020 Fax: (+4) 021 232 3687 COPENHAGEN-TAROM Office 3 Vesternfarimagsgade 1606 V Phone: (4533) 915155 Fax: (4533) 918155 SITA: CPHTORO FRANCE BUCHAREST “HENRI COANDA” INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT Address: Bucuresti – Ploiesti highroad, km.16.5 Phone: (+4) 021 204 1000 Fax: (+4) 021 2014990 PARIS-TAROM Office Str. Des Pyramides, no. 12 75001 Phone: (331) 47422542, (331) 42654366 Fax: (331) 42654367 Phone A/P: (331) 74372981 SITA: PARTORO 47 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST 48 GERMANY GREECE BERLIN-TAROM Office Budapester Strasse 26, 10787 Phone: (4930) 2478586 Fax (4930) 2478587 Phone A/P: (4930) 6338070 SITA: BERTORO Email: berlin@tarom-online.de FRANKFURT-TAROM Office 13 Zeil St., 60313 Frankfurt/Main Phone: (4969) 295270 Fax: (4969) 292947 Phone A/P: (4969) 69025231 SITA: FRATORO E-mail: frankfurt@tarom.de MUNICH-TAROM Office Munich Airport, Terminal 1, Module C, Zimmer C5 311 85336 München, P.O. Box 241531 Phone: (4989) 97591140 Fax: (4989) 9759141 Tel A/P: (49) 89 975 91140 / 97591142 SITA: MUCAPRO E-Mail: munich@tarom.de ATHENS-Plotin Air S.A. 24 Lagoumitzi Street, Kallithea 176 71 Athens 24, Greece Phones: (3010) 9299719, (3010) 9299724 (3010) 9299600 Fax: (3010) 9237989 e-mail: tarom@plotin.gr Venizelos Athens Airport Eleftherios Airport Phone: (30) 210 3531242 Fax: (30) 210 3532940 e-mail: plotinair@athensairport.gr THESSALONIKI-Thessaloniki Town Office 85 Timiski St., 546 22 Thessaloniki Phone: (30) 2310 250598 Fax: (30) 2310 223417 e-mail: tarom-skg@plotin.gr AIRPORT (Thessaloniki) - MAKEDONIA Phone: (30) 2310 473376 Fax: (30) 2310 475069 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE ITALY SPAIN MILAN-Valsole Viaggi Via Dogana 3, 20123 Phone: (3902)801581 Fax: (3902)867010 ROME-TAROM Office 76 Via Bissolati Phones: (3906) 42014095, (3906) 42014032 Fax: (3906) 42004103 Phone A/P: (3906) 65954033 MADRID-TAROM Office 108/1G Calle General Pardinas, MAD 28006 Phone: (3491)5641883 Fax: (3491)5641901 Phone A/P: (3460)9056791, (3460)9688657 ROMANIA BUCHAREST-TAROM Head Office Bucharest-Ploiesti Rd. 16.5 km Otopeni International Airport Phones: (4021) 2014000, (4021) 2041000 Fax: (4021) 2014761 TAROM Office at Otopeni International Airport Phones: (4021) 2011355, (4021) 2041220 (4021) 2041224 TAROM Sales Offices: • 17 Splaiul Independentei, Phones: (4021) 3034400, (4021) 3372037 (4021) 3370400 Fax: (4021) 3360416 • Victoria Sq., 59 Buzesti Street Phone: (4021)2046464 Fax: (4021)2046424; (4021) 2046427 UNITED KINGDOM LONDON-TAROM London Office 27 New Cavendish St., W1G 9TX Phone: (44207) 2243693 Fax: (44207) 4872913 TAROM Heathrow Airport Office Terminal 2, Office Block, Room 223, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW6 1JW Phone: (44208) 7455542 Fax: (44208) 8974071 49 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Currency Useful Links Bucharest Info: www.salutbucuresti.ro Cultura in Romania: www.culture.ro, www.cimec.ro Mass media: www.ziare.com Welcome to Romania: www.ici.ro/romania Tourism in Romania: www.turism.ro RoTravel your web guide to Romania: www.rotravel.com Romanian Tourism: www.romaniantourism.ro InfoTourism: www.infoturism.ro Kappa.ro: www.kappa.ro Welcome to Romania on-line: www.romania-on-line.net Romania Online: www.rol.ro Address.ro: www.adresa.ro By the way: www.apropo.ro Start page: www.startpage.ro Home.ro: www.home.ro Index 2000: www.index2000.ro Search: www.resurse.com/motor Home.ro: www.acasa.ro LaStart: www.la-start.ro 50 The Romanian currency is Leu (Lei for multiple). One Leu is divided into 100 Bani. A symbol for the currency is RON. All Romanian bank notes use polymer (not paper). Note that the Romanian currency was divided by 10000 a few years ago, but prices may still be quoted in the old Lei in some cases. The exchange rate for Romanian currency can be found on the National Bank of Romania website (http://www.bnr.ro/def_en.htm) at Financial Info section. INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Useful Telephone Numbers POLICE / EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICE / FIRE BRIGADE: 112 “FLOREASCA” EMERGENCY HOSPITAL: 962 INTERNATIONAL TELEPHONE CALLS: 971 CONSUMER’S PROTECTION: 980 METEO: 9591 51 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE Bere Beer Deschis Open Biciclet\ Bicycle Piper Pepper B\iat Boy Ro[ie Tomato Pâine Bread Cartof Potato Autobuz Bus Pre] Price Sta]ie de autobuz Bus station A trage Pull Brânz\ Cheese A împinge Push Închis Closed Sta]ie de tren Railway station Cafea Coffee Restaurant Restaurant Mâncare Food Camer\ Room Gratuit / liber Free Sos Sauce {unc\ Ham Magazin Shop Fat\ Girl {tampil\ Stamp Înghe]at\ Ice-cream Tichet / bilet Ticket Bibliotec\ Library Tren Train B\rbat Man Universitate University Lapte Milk Facultate Faculty Bani Money Ap\ Water Nu No Ploaie Rain Da Yes Weekend /sf\r[it de s\pt\mân\ Weekend 53 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST Useful Romanian Vocabulary Pronountion rule: all the words are pronounced exactly as they are written 52 Patru Four Cinci Five {ase Six ROMANIAN ENGLISH {apte Seven Bun\ ziua Good afternoon Opt Eight Salut, salutare, bun\ Hello Nou\ Nine Ce faci? How are you? Zece Ten Bine, mul]umesc! Fine, thanks! O sut\ One hundred La revedere! Good-bye! O mie One thousand Pa! Bye! Luni Monday Mul]umesc Thank you Mar]i Tuesday Pe curând See you later Miercuri Wednesday M-am r\t\cit I am lost Joi Thursday Nu în]eleg I don’t understand Vineri Friday În]eleg I understand Sâmbat\ Saturday Unu One Duminic\ Sunday Doi Two A ajunge, a sosi To arrive Trei Three M\r Apple UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest LLP-ERASMUS PROGRAMME BILATERAL AGREEMENTS – ACADEMIC YEAR 2008-2009 AUSTRIA TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITÄT WIEN BELGIUM KAREL DE GROTE HOGESCHOOL, KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL ANTWERPEN VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT BRUSSEL UNIVERSITE LIBRE DE BRUXELLES UNIVERSITEIT GENT KATHOLIEKE HOGESCHOOL SINT-LIEVEN UNIVERSITE DE LIEGE FACULTE POLYTECHNIQUE DE MONS 54 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE CYPRUS PANEPISTIMIO KYPROU ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS EN ELECTROTECHNIQUE ET ELECTRONIQUE AMIENS UNIVERSITE D'ANGERS UNIVERSITE DE BORDEAUX I DENMARK ENSEA - ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE L'ELECTRONIQUE ET DE SES APPLICATIONS – CERGY KOBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET UNIVERSITE DE SAVOIE INGENIØRHØJSKOLEN I KØBENHAVN UNIVERSITE BLAISE PASCAL CLERMONT-FERRAND II UNIVERSITE DE TECHNOLOGIE DE COMPIEGNE FINLAND UNIVERSITE DE CORSE PASCAL PAOLI UNIVERSITE DE BOURGOGNE – DIJON TEKNILLINEN KORKEAKOULU MIKKELIN AMMATTIKORKEAKOULU ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES DE DOUAI OULUN YLIOPISTO ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'ELECTRICITE TAMPEREEN TEKNILLINEN KORKEAKOULU UNIVERSITE JOSEPH FOURIER GRENOBLE I INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE GRENOBLE UNIVERSITE DE LA ROCHELLE FRANCE UNIVERSITE DES SCIENCES ET TECHNOLOGIES DE LILLE ECOLE CENTRALE DE LILLE ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES D'ALBI-CARMAUX ECOLE ENSEA NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TECHNIQUES INDUSTRIELLES ET DES MINES D'ALES INSTITUT SUPERIEUR D'ELECTRONIQUE DU NORD UNIVERSITE DE LIMOGES UNIVERSITE CLAUDE BERNARD (LYON I) 55 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST INSTITUT NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE LYON ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES TELECOMMUNICATIONS ECOLE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE PHYSIQUE ELECTRONIQUE DE LYON UNIVERSITE DE PAU ET DES PAYS DE L'ADOUR UNIVERSITE DE METZ UNIVERSITE DE REIMS CHAMPAGNE-ARDENNE ECOLE NATIONALE D'INGENIEURS DE METZ ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE RENNES UNIVERSITE DE MONTPELLIER II INSTITUTE NATIONAL DES SCIENCES APPLIQUEES DE ROUEN ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE CHIMIE DE MONTPELLIER UNIVERSITE JEAN MONNET DE SAINT- ETIENNE UNIVERSITE HENRI POINCARE - NANCY 1 UNIVERSITE DE STRASBOURG III ROBERT SCHUMAN INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE LORRAINE ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DES ARTS ET INDUSTRIES DE UNIVERSITE DE NANTES ECOLE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS EN ELECTROTECHNIQUE – NOISY STRASBOURG ECOLE POLYTECHNIQUE DE PALAISEAU UNIVERSITE PAUL SABATIER - TOULOUSE III UNIVERSITE PIERRE ET MARIE CURIE (PARIS VI) ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D’INGENIEURS DE CONSTRUCTION AERO UNIVERSITE DE PARIS VII ECOLE NATIONALE D’INGENIEURS DE TARBES UNIVERSITE PARIS NORD - PARIS 13 ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE D'INGENIEURS DE TOULOUSE ECOLE NATIONAL DES ARTS ET METIERS – PARIS INSTITUT NATIONAL POLYTECHNIQUE DE TOULOUSE ECOLE NATIONALE SUPERIEURE DE TECHNIQUES AVANCEES – PARIS UNIVERSITE FRANCOIS RABELAIS (TOURS) UNIVERSITE DE PARIS-VAL DE MARNE (PARIS XII) 56 UNIVERSITE DE POITIERS INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE UNIVERSITE DE VALENCIENNES ET DU HAINAUTCAMBRESIS MEDIZINISCHE UNIVERSITAT ZU LUBECK UNIVERSITE DE VERSAILLES SAINT-QUENTIN-ENYVELINES FACHHOCHSCHULE REGENSBURG UNIVERSITAT DER BUNDESWEHR MUNCHEN UNIVERSITAT-GESAMTHOCHSCHULE SIEGEN GERMANY FREIE UNIVERSITÄT BERLIN TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT BERLIN RUHR-UNIVERSITÄT BOCHUM TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT CAROLO-WILHELMINA ZU BRAUNSCHWEIG TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT CHEMNITZ- ZWICKAU TECHNISCHE HOCHSCHULE DARMSTADT TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAT DRESDEN - TU DRESDEN GERHARD MERCATOR UNIVERSITÄT DUISBURG FACHHOCHSCHULE FRANKFURT AM MAIN RUPRECHT-KARLS-UNIVERSITÄT HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITÄT KARLSRUHE (TH) DANMARKS TEKNISKE UNIVERSITET 57 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST GREECE HUNGARY POLITECHNIO KRITIS SZÉCHENYI ISTVÁN FÖISKOLA ETHNIKO METSOVIO POLYTECHNIO TECHNOLOGIKO EKPEDEFTIKO IDRIMA - KOZANIS PANEPISTIMIO PATRON IRELAND ARISTOTELIO PANEPISTIMIO THESSALONIKIS NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF IRELAND - GALWAY GALWAY MAYO INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, SLIGO ITALY UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI BRESCIA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CASSINO UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI CATANIA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI FIRENZE UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI GENOVA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI L'AQUILA POLITECNICO DI MILANO UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI MODENA E REGGIO EMILIA 58 INTERNATIONAL STUDENT GUIDE UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI PAVIA PORTUGAL UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI PERUGIA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DELLA BASILICATA UNIVERSIDADE DE COIMBRA UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI ROMA 'LA SAPIENZA' UNIVERSIDADE NOVA DE LISBOA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI SALERNO UNIVERSIDADE TECNICA DE LISBOA UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO UNIVERSIDADE ABERTA POLITECNICO DI TORINO UNIVERSIDADE DO PORTO UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TRENTO INSTITUTO POLITECNICO DO PORTO UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI TRIESTE UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI UDINE NETHERLAND TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT DELFT TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITEIT EINDHOVEN KATHOLIEKE UNIVERSITEIT NIJMEGEN ERASMUS UNIVERSITEIT ROTTERDAM 59 UNIVERSITY POLITEHNICA OF BUCHAREST SPAIN UNITED KINGDOM UNIVERSIDAD DE BARCELONA BRUNEL UNIVERSITY UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE CATALUNA UNIVERSIDAD DEL PAIS VASCO UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY UNIVERSIDAD DE GRANADA CITY UNIVERSITY UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA DE MADRID UNIVERSIDAD POLITECNICA DE MADRID UNIVERSIDAD DE MALAGA UNIVERSIDAD DE MURCIA UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA UNIVERSITAT ROVIRA I VIRGILI UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE VALENCIA UNIVERSIDAD DE VIGO SWEDEN SÖDERTÖRNS HÖGSKOLA KUNGLIGA TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLAN UPPSALA UNIVERSITET 60