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Printable Worksheet
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Text Structure
Raisins are dried grapes. The sun dries the grapes and turns them into raisins. The drying process makes them sweeter. As the
amount of water in the grapes decreases, the concentration of sugar increases. The sun dries out the grapes to a moisture level of
15% or less, and they become raisins.
1. How is the passage organized?
A. cause and effect
B. chronological order
C. compare and contrast
D. problem and solution
First, take the freeway to Dorman. When you reach Dorman, take the Ronaldine Exit. As you exit, take an immediate right onto Big
Sur. Go down two blocks. Then, take a right on Coleman. My house, #3097, will be on the left.
2. What is this passage's organizational structure?
A. cause and effect
B. problem and solution
C. compare and contrast
D. chronological order
When I first started school, I was lonely. I had just moved into a new neighborhood, and I didn't know anyone at the new school. All
of my friends were still at my old school, and I was so scared that I wouldn't like anyone at my new school. Here, they all wore
uniforms, and my old school didn't. They ate lunch earlier. Their recess period was shorter. Their hallways were smaller. I never had a
locker at my old school, and now, I had one at my new school. My old school had televisions in the classroom. This new school didn't
even have chalk boards in the classroom.
Then, after my first day, I had made friends with a kid named Mary. She and I ate lunch together. By the second day, the hallways
didn't seem so small. Recess felt like it lasted all day, and lunch seemed perfect.
adapted from "First Day School Blues" by c.safos
3. How is the passage organized?
A. compare and contrast
B. chronological order
C. cause and effect
D. problem and solution
Football and fútbol sound like they could be the same game. They are both sports, and they are watched by millions of fans. The
players playing both sports play on teams on a set field.
This is where the similarities end though. Fútbol is a sport that in the United States is referred to as soccer. The rules are similar.
You must use your feet to kick a ball and score. Each goal counts as one point. And there are eleven players on the field for a team.
In American football, there are eleven players from a team on the field too. However, players are allowed to use their hands. Also,
each touchdown counts as six points. American football players also wear much more protective equipment than soccer players.
4. How does this author organize this passage?
A. problem and solution
B. cause and effect
C. chronological order
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D. compare and contrast
Many people have been subject to unsafe drivers. Bad drivers are responsible for more accidents. Car insurance companies
can raise their rates due to the increase of wrecks. New traffic laws are passed because of the behavior of dangerous drivers. Drivers
who break these laws show a lack of respect for us all.
This passage is organized using
A. chronological order.
B. compare and contrast.
C. cause and effect.
D. problem and solution.
A bruise is also called a contusion, and it forms after a hard enough bump to the soft tissues under your skin. When these
tissues are injured, small veins and capillaries (the tiniest blood vessels) under the skin sometimes break. These blood vessels then
leak out red blood cells.
Imagine you're hit with a baseball in the leg. Ouch! Your body will go through the phases of a bruise. First, you'll probably have a
bump that will probably look red or purplish and tender. The bump might swell from the blood collecting under the tissue. After a
couple of days, the bruise will look blue (or even blackish). After 5 to 10 days, it may look greenish or even yellow. After 10 to 14 days,
the bruise will most likely be a light brown and then get lighter and lighter as it fades away. Most bruises will disappear after 2 weeks,
and some go away even sooner.
What is this passage's organizational structure?
A. compare and contrast
B. cause and effect
C. problem and solution
D. chronological order
Here's how the Pony Express worked. A young rider would grab a mailbag. Then, he would jump on a horse and ride for ten
miles at top speed. Next, he would jump on a fresh horse and keep going. He would change horses seven times. Finally, he would
pass the mailbag to another rider, who would complete the same process.
This passage is organized using
A. cause and effect.
B. compare and contrast.
C. problem and solution.
D. chronological order.
A Difficult Conversation
Sometimes, you may need to have a difficult talk with a friend. Telling a friend about the problems that are bothering
you can relieve a lot of stress. Before you talk to your friend, you should consider some of these steps. First, think
about what you will say to him or her. You want to bring up the reasons why you are having the conversation. Next,
figure out where and when you want to speak with your friend. Try to have the conversation in a place where he or she
will not be distracted. After that, address your concerns calmly. Listen to your friend's point of view as well. Finally, try
to reach an agreement by the end of the conversation.
How is the passage organized?
A. chronological order
B. cause and effect
C. question and answer
D. compare and contrast
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The behavior of the atmosphere, which we experience as weather and climate, affects our lives in many important ways. It is the
reason no one lives on the South Pole. It controls when a farmer plants the food we will eat, which crops will be planted, and also
whether those crops will grow. The weather tells you what clothes to wear and how you will play after school. It may even affect your
emotions. For example, many people say they feel happier on sunny days.
How is the passage organized?
A. cause and effect
B. compare and contrast
C. chronological order
D. problem and solution
While Italy has many rivers, they tend to be short. At four-hundred miles, the Po is the longest. South America, on the other
hand, has many long rivers. The Amazon is the longest river in South America. It is 3,500 miles longer than the Po.
This passage is organized using
A. compare and contrast.
B. cause and effect.
C. problem and solution.
D. chronological order.
The Chiang family drove to Florida. They were going to spend spring vacation at Disney World. They spent over six hours in
the car driving. Travel was slow because many cars and trucks crowded the highway. Spring Break traffic always interferes with
making a quick trip to the theme parks in the Orlando area at this time of year. This traffic was heavy. A car had stalled in the freeway.
Its tires had become flat when it ran over a bed of nails. The family's reservation at the hotel was for 8:00 p.m., but the traffic had
slowed them down.
How does this author organize this passage?
A. chronological order
B. compare and contrast
C. cause and effect
D. problem and solution
Many things must be done before a shuttle can launch. The shuttle has many parts. They are made in different places in the
United States. The finished parts are sent to NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The pieces of the shuttle go to the Vehicle
Assembly Building. NASA workers connect all the parts. NASA calls it "stacking."
After all of the parts are put together, the whole vehicle is called the Space Transportation System. Now, it's time to move to the
launch pad.
The Space Transportation System rides on a crawler. The top of the crawler is as big as a baseball diamond. The crawler has
tracks of wheels like a tank. It is very, very slow. It moves about one mile per hour on a road called the crawlerway.
When the shuttle gets to the launch pad, NASA has more work to do before countdown. The shuttle may sit on the launch pad for
weeks. This is the countdown clock. It tracks the amount of time until launch.
The astronauts get into the orbiter about 3 hours before launch. Finally, everyone waits for the words, "3 . . . 2 . . . 1 . . . Liftoff!"
What is this passage's organizational structure?
A. problem and solution
B. chronological order
C. cause and effect
D. compare and contrast
13. Put warm water in the bottom of a jar. Hold a lighted match over the jar so there will be smoke particles for condensation. Next,
hold ice cubes over the jar. Use tongs or a small strainer. Try the same thing with cold water in the jar. What happens each time?
How does this author organize this passage?
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A. compare and contrast
B. cause and effect
C. problem and solution
D. chronological order
Many people get bacteria and viruses confused. Bacteria are germs that multiply by splitting into two cells. Those cells keep
dividing. While our body contains many good bacteria, there are some that make you sick. They release poisons and cause the body
to react to them.
Viruses are simpler in structure than bacteria. They multiply by invading cells. They take over to make copies of themselves.
Viruses make you sick by messing with how those cells work.
14. What is this passage's organizational structure?
A. cause and effect
B. compare and contrast
C. chronological order
D. problem and solution
Sharks and dolphins look very similar. They have fins, mouths with teeth, and their skin feels the same. They both live in the
ocean. They both also eat smaller fish.
However, they are different in many, many ways. For instance, a dolphin is a mammal (like a human). It breathes air through its
blowhole and can drown if it doesn't surface to breathe. A shark doesn't have to surface. It has gills that turn water into oxygen. Also,
sharks are not mammals. They are fish. What other differences can you think of between sharks and dolphins?
15. How does this author organize this passage?
A. compare and contrast
B. chronological order
C. cause and effect
D. problem and solution
Gary and Terry have always been mistaken for one another. They are both the same age. They share the same birthday. They both
grew up in Maryland.
Terry is slightly older than Gary. He practices martial arts and used to play football in school. He has longer hair and likes movies.
Gary, on the other hand, is a music guy. He loves music and plays the saxophone constantly. In school, he ran track but never
made the football team.
Even though they are twins, Gary and Terry do not feel they are alike at all.
16. The structure of the selection above can best be described as
A. compare and contrast.
B. cause and effect.
C. problem and solution.
D. chronological order.
A glacier is a moving river of ice. Glaciers are made high in the mountain areas. The weather there is so extreme that the snow
doesn't melt all the way. In the mountains it can snow even in the summer. As the snow settles, the ends of the snowflakes get
pressed together, just like when you make a snowball. Every winter, the ice grows into millions of interlocking ice crystals. The shapes
create a mass of solid ice. The melting and refreezing ice and the chipping away of the rocks make a large area. As the ice grows it
gets fatter and weighs more.
As glaciers move, the front makes a giant wall of ice. It moves forward because it has a great, heavy weight. The front of the wall
can be a mile high. Nothing can stop a glacier, not mountains, forests, lakes, plains, or people!
adapted from
17. This text is an example of what type of structure?
A. chronological order
B. cause and effect
C. compare and contrast
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D. problem and solution
To make guacamole, cut the avocados in half lengthwise. Remove the pits, and scoop the flesh out of the skin. Next, add all the
solid ingredients: cilantro leaves, finely chopped scallions, finely cut tomatoes. Then, add the spices: 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed
lime juice, 1/4 teaspoon salt, and 1/2 teaspoon of ground black pepper. Finally, blend with a fork until the mix is just a little lumpy.
18. How does this author organize this passage?
A. problem and solution
B. compare and contrast
C. chronological order
D. cause and effect
Many lakes and forests are being hurt by acid rain. New research shows that air pollution is also affecting human health.
In the last 15 years, sulfur dioxide has been reduced. It is one of the main parts of acid rain. The newest studies show that it won't
be enough to protect our weakest lakes and forests.
Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides are the biggest reasons for acid rain. These pollutants are found in coal-fired power plants,
nickel and copper smelters, and cars. When they are released into the air, they react with water vapor. It creates sulfuric acid.
adapted from
19. This passage is organized using
A. cause and effect.
B. chronological order.
C. compare and contrast.
D. problem and solution.
20. Passage 1
Online Schools
In recent years, children have begun to use computers to learn at earlier ages. In fact, toddlers as young as 2 years
old can learn shapes and colors on their own using the Internet. In some middle schools and high schools, computers
have completely replaced textbooks. This trend has continued to expand. As a result, online learning has begun to
replace classroom instruction for some students. In many states, students in 3rd through 12th grades can attend school
online for free. Online educators teach and grade work using the Internet. Their students never have to attend class at a
school building. Computers have created a new generation of learners.
Passage 2
Free Tutoring
Some cities offer free tutoring to youth. One-on-one learning is important for some students. However, tutors can
be expensive and hard to find. Free tutoring is the perfect fix. It can be offered at schools, community centers,
churches, or libraries. Sometimes, volunteers will tutor for free. Other times, the tutoring program can raise money to
pay the tutors. Either way, parents and their children can receive a valuable service at no cost.
How are the overall structures of the two passages different?
A. Passage 1 has a cause/effect structure. Passage 2 has a problem/solution structure.
B. Passage 1 has a comparison structure. Passage 2 has a chronological structure.
C. Passage 1 has a chronological structure. Passage 2 has a problem/solution structure.
D. Passage 1 has a cause/effect structure. Passage 2 has a comparison structure.
21. Passage 1
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There are several types of wetlands. Marshes and swamps are both considered wetlands. A marsh is an area of low,
wet land. It is usually treeless and has different kinds of grasses growing in it. There are saltwater marshes in Georgia.
Similar to a marsh, a swamp is also a low and wet area. A swamp, however, often has trees growing in it. It is
sometimes covered by a slow-moving body of water. The Florida Everglades is one example of a large swamp.
Passage 2
A tornado is a type of severe weather known for its funnel-shaped cloud and high winds. Funnel clouds form when
winds traveling in two different directions come together and begin to rotate in a circle. Very powerful tornadoes can
reach wind speeds of up to 300 mph. Tornadoes can harm people and things. In order to protect themselves, people
must follow safety rules. During a tornado, a person should find a place to hide that does not have any windows. If one
cannot find a safe place inside a building to hide, that person should lie flat in a ditch or other dry, low place. No one
should stay in a car or mobile home because these items can be picked up by the tornado.
How are the overall structures of the two passages different?
A. Passage 1 has a chronological structure. Passage 2 has a cause/effect structure.
B. Passage 1 has a problem/solution structure. Passage 2 has a comparison structure.
C. Passage 1 has a cause/effect structure. Passage 2 has a chronological structure.
D. Passage 1 has a comparison structure. Passage 2 has a problem/solution structure.
22. Passage 1
Long-Term Leader
Mary McLeod Bethune was born in 1875. Her parents were former slaves. She grew up in South Carolina with her 16
brothers and sisters. Bethune always thought education was important. She was the only one in her home to attend
school. She later went to college and worked as a teacher for 10 years.
In 1904, she used her own money to open a high school in Florida. She started out with just a few girls. Later, the
school joined with the Cookman Institute, and Bethune served as president. The new school grew to include several
hundred students and then became a college. It is now known as Bethune-Cookman University.
Bethune also worked for equal rights. In 1935, she started a national women's leadership club that still exists today.
Bethune also worked with four U.S. presidents to provide schooling and work for youth and young adults.
Mary McLeod Bethune died in 1955. The work that she started for youth and women continues today.
Passage 2
Windshield wipers help drivers see in heavy rain. Thanks to Robert Kearns, they are also helpful in light rain.
Kearns was born in 1927. He grew up near many car factories in Detroit. Kearns studied engineering in college and
then worked as a college professor. He used his education and experience to create windshield wipers that used a
motor to pause in between swipes. Until then, wipers moved constantly.
In 1964, Kearns tried to team up with several carmakers. He wanted them to pay him to use his wipers on their new
cars. In 1967, Kearns patented his idea with the government. This step prevented others from copying his invention.
The carmakers decided not to team up with Kearns. However, they used his idea to put in the new type of wipers on
their cars beginning in 1969.
Kearns spent the next two decades taking carmakers to court for copying his invention. He even served as his own
lawyer sometimes. Kearns won about $30 million from Ford Motor Company and Chrysler Corporation. The other cases
didn't go in his favor. He died in 2005. The 2008 film Flash of Genius tells his story.
What overall structure do these two passages share?
A. description
B. chronological
C. question/answer
D. comparison
23. Passage 1
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A Real Playground
Our neighborhood must address the growing issue of car traffic. Another child narrowly avoided being hit by a car
last week. Children no longer feel safe riding their bikes, skate boards, and scooters in our neighborhood. In the past,
there were fewer cars driving through our streets. When the new grocery store opened in the neighborhood next to
ours, things changed. Cars began to drive past our homes very quickly all day long. Our neighborhood soon became a
shortcut through town. These cars are now cutting into the only playground the children have. The only way to fix this
issue is to build a park. This park should have a real playground with a bike path around it. Then, children could play
there instead of in the dangerous streets.
Passage 2
Earthquake Alley
Oklahoma is in Tornado Alley, an area known for its tornadoes. Now, some Oklahoma families are worried about
another threat. Earthquakes have been growing in number in the state. About 50 small earthquakes a year occurred in
Oklahoma from the 1970s to the 2000s. In 2011, the largest earthquake to ever hit the state occurred in the town of
Prague. It caused highway damage but no serious injuries. Then the state had about 3,000 small earthquakes in 2013.
Researchers continue to try and find the reasons for the change to share with concerned families.
How are the overall structures of the two passages different?
A. Passage 1 uses a comparison structure. Passage 2 uses a problem/solution structure.
B. Passage 1 uses a comparison structure. Passage 2 uses a cause/effect structure.
C. Passage 1 uses a problem/solution structure. Passage 2 uses a cause/effect structure.
D. Passage 1 uses a cause/effect structure. Passage 2 uses a description structure.
24. Passage 1
Major Morning Decisions
Every school year, many parents have to make tough decisions. They must decide if they will drive their children to
school or let them ride buses. Parents of bus riders may be able to start work or other responsibilities earlier in the day.
Many times, school buses come through neighborhoods before families would normally leave to drive to school. This
early schedule also helps to make sure that children arrive at school on time. Children who are late to school are usually
car riders, not bus riders. At some schools, bus riders arrive at school in time to eat a healthy breakfast. This meal puts
children on the right track for learning. Allowing children to ride the bus would also save gas for parents and create less
traffic on the roads.
Unlike bus riders, car riders don't have to leave at a specific time. This option might allow for more family time in the
mornings. Young children might find it difficult to be quiet and still on a bus, especially without seatbelts. Bus riders are
also forced to follow more rules for longer periods of time. Bus rules are just as important as school rules, and students
are punished for breaking them. Also, parents who drive their children to school do not have to wonder if their children
arrive at school safely each day. Parents of bus riders do not have this instant peace of mind. The type of transportation
used can affect entire families for the entire school year.
Passage 2
Getting Around
Kids have been quickly getting around their neighborhoods for hundreds of years. Bikes are old and common forms
of travel. Some cities even have bike paths to keep riders safe on the roads. Skateboarding is another way to get
around. Skateboards were invented in the 1950s and have been popular on and off over the years. Skateboarders travel
faster than walkers and can easily store or carry their boards when indoors. Bikes are difficult to store away. They
usually must be safely locked to bike racks when riders go indoors. Scooters are another way to travel. Some scooters
can be folded to store or carry like a skateboard. They provide a more stable ride than skateboards, but are not as fast
as bikes. Bikes, skateboards, and scooters get kids to their destination faster than their feet.
The overall structure of these two passages is
A. cause/effect.
B. chronological.
C. problem/solution.
D. comparison.
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25. Passage 1
Online Schools
In recent years, children have begun to use computers to learn at earlier ages. In fact, toddlers as young as 2 years
old can learn shapes and colors on their own using the Internet. In some middle schools and high schools, computers
have completely replaced textbooks. This trend has continued to expand. As a result, online learning has begun to
replace classroom instruction for some students. In many states, students in 3rd through 12th grades can attend school
online for free. Online educators teach and grade work using the Internet. Their students never have to attend class at a
school building. Computers have created a new generation of learners.
Passage 2
Free Tutoring
Some cities offer free tutoring to youth. One-on-one learning is important for some students. However, tutors can
be expensive and hard to find. Free tutoring is the perfect fix. It can be offered at schools, community centers,
churches, or libraries. Sometimes, volunteers will tutor for free. Other times, the tutoring program can raise money to
pay the tutors. Either way, parents and their children can receive a valuable service at no cost.
How are the overall structures of the two passages different?
A. Passage 1 has a comparison structure. Passage 2 has a chronological structure.
B. Passage 1 has a cause/effect structure. Passage 2 has a problem/solution structure.
C. Passage 1 has a chronological structure. Passage 2 has a problem/solution structure.
D. Passage 1 has a cause/effect structure. Passage 2 has a comparison structure.
1. A
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. C
12. B
13. D
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. A
20. A
21. D
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. B
1. The passage explains that drying grapes in the sun (cause) makes them become sweeter (effect) and turns them
into raisins (effect). The passage is organized by cause and effect.
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2. This passage gives directions for getting to a house. The steps are in chronological order—that is, they are in order
according to when each step should be done Some clues in the passage are the words "first," "when," and "then."
These words show the order of events.
3. This passage discusses the similarities and differences of a new school and an old school. The author repeats the
words "old school" and "new school" as he or she compares and contrasts the different items.
4. When you write about how two things are the same you compare them. When you write about how these things
are different, you contrast them. This passage talks about what makes fútbol and American football unique, but it
also talks about how they are similar.
5. According to the author of this essay, unsafe drivers cause more accidents. Their behavior also leads to the effect
of the insurance rates going up and new traffic laws being passed.
6. This passage tells about the phases of a bruise in the order that they happen. The phases are in chronological
order. Some clues in the passage are the words "first" and "after." These words show order of events.
7. This passage tells about the steps of working on the Pony Express. The steps are in chronological order. Some
clues in the passage are the words "then," "next," and "finally." These words show order of events.
8. The passage provides the reader with steps on how to have a difficult conversation. The steps are in chronological
order. Some clues in the passage include "first," "next," "after that," and "finally."
9. This selection names several causes and effects, including cold weather causing nobody to live on the South Pole,
and a sunny day causing the effect of making you happy.
10. This passage discusses the similarities and differences of rivers in Italy and South America. In the paragraph, the
words "while" and "on the other hand" show that the author compares and contrasts the two.
11. A cause is the reason something happened. Traffic caused the Chiang family to take a long time in getting to
Orlando. This is an example of cause and effect.
12. This passage tells about the steps of a shuttle launch in the order that they happen. The steps are in
chronological order. Some clues in the passage are the words "after," "now," and "finally." These words show order
of events.
13. This passage tells about the steps of process. The steps are in chronological order. One clue in the passage is the
word "next." This word shows order of events.
14. This passage discusses the similarities and differences of bacteria and viruses. In the second paragraph, the
phrase "than bacteria" shows that the author compares and contrasts the two.
15. This passage discusses the similarities and differences between sharks and dolphins. The first paragraph talks
about how they are similar. In the second paragraph, the word "however" shows that the author is about to contrast
the two animals.
16. The selection compares and contrasts two brothers. They are twins and share only some of the same qualities.
They are mostly different though.
17. The passage shows how glaciers (the result) are created when temperatures get cold (the cause).
18. This passage tells about the steps of making food. The steps are in chronological order. Some clues in the
passage are the words "next," "then," and "finally." These words show order of events.
19. Acid rain is the effect. The cause is sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides being mixed into the air.
20. Cause/effect structures provide details about a specific event or idea and the effect resulting from it. Passage 1
details how the early use of computers for learning has caused changes in the way students are taught.
Problem/solution structures provide details about a specific problem and a solution to solve it. In Passage 2, the
problem is the time and money required to find and hire personal tutors. The solution is free tutoring.
21. Comparison structures explore the similarities and differences of two or more things or ideas. Passage 1
compares two wetlands: marshes and swamps. Problem/solution structures provide details about a specific problem
and a solution to solve it. In Passage 2, the problem is the danger of tornadoes. The solution is to follow safety rules.
22. Chronological passages tell events in time order. Passage 1 tells events of Bethune's life in the order they
happened. Passage 2 also tells the events of Kearns' life in the order they happened.
23. Problem/solution structures provide details about a specific problem and a solution to solve it. Passage 1 details
how a neighborhood traffic problem has made it unsafe for children to play near roads. The solution is to build a park
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for children to play in. Cause/effect structures provide details about a specific event or idea and the effect resulting
from it. Passage 2 tells about the increase of earthquakes in Oklahoma. The effect is that some Oklahoma families are
24. Comparison passages explore the similarities and differences of two or more things or ideas. Passage 1 compares
the benefits of bus riders and car riders. Passage 2 compares travel using bikes, scooters, and skateboards.
25. Cause/effect structures provide details about a specific event or idea and the effect resulting from it. Passage 1
details how the early use of computers for learning has caused changes in the way students are taught.
Problem/solution structures provide details about a specific problem and a solution to solve it. In Passage 2, the
problem is the time and money required to find and hire personal tutors. The solution is free tutoring.
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