current Bulletin - St. Stanislaus Kostka Church


current Bulletin - St. Stanislaus Kostka Church
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church
Rochester, New York
January 18, 2015
Vigil: Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 p. m.
Regina and Stanley Pollock (Jim and Sonja Stenclik)
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Begins
Ecumenical Sunday
9:00 a. m.
Edward Urbanic (Family)
11:00 a.m. Polish Mass Bronis aw and Maria Warchol
(Loving Beresniewicz family)
Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday
8:00 a.m.
Zygmunt Ostromecki (Stanislawa Urbaniuk)
Saint Fabian, Pope and Martyr
Saint Sebastian, Martyr
5:30 p.m.
Stella Pawlak (Carol and Frank Wardynski)
Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr
8:00 a.m.
Mac Sanger and Grace Vanderkamp (Mary Ann Ballou)
Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children
8:00 a.m.
5:30 p.m.
John A. Hayes (Jeanne Marie and Al Bello)
Henry Cudzilo (Alfred Cavellaro)
Saint Vincent, Deacon and Martyr
Saint Marianne Copie, Virgin
Gertrude Wierzbicki (Joseph, Martha, Elizabeth
and Amanda Capozzi)
5:30 p. m. - Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament
6:00 p.m. - Zofia Szostak (Mr. and Mrs. Frank Brychcy)
Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop and Doctor of the Church
Lillian Bolalek (Stenclik family)
Vigil: Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
4:00 p. m.
Midget Schward (Tony and Peggy Leib)
Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
9:00 a. m.
11:00 a.m.
Theresa and Stanislaw Kierecki (Daughter and Grandsons)
Polish Mass
Intention of Saint Stanislaus Parishioners
After Polish Mass: PNA meeting (Parish Hall)
After Polish Mass: Ladies Society meeting
(Religious Education Center)
8:00 a. m.
8:00 a. m.
A very warm welcome is extended
to all who have come
to St. Stanislaus Church
to worship.
We are grateful to our parishioners
and we welcome
our guests who visit us
this weekend!
Parish Office Closed in observance of Martin
Luther King Jr. Birthday
No Religious Education Classes - Martin
Luther King Jr. Birthday
6:30 p.m. Polonia Civic Center meeting
(Parish Hall)
7:30 p. m. - Northeast Freedom AA Group
Diocesan Mass for Life
Today, the Week of Prayer for Christian
Unity invites the whole Christian
community throughout the world to pray
in communion with the prayer of Jesus
that they all may be one (John 17:21
The Most Reverend
Bishop Salvatore Matano will be
celebrating Mass this Sunday,
January 18 at 2:00 p.m. at Sacred
Heart Cathedral in support of all
human life, especially the
unborn. This Mass for Life is a
local celebration to give thanks
to God for the gift of human life
and to pray for the legal
protection of unborn children.
1:00 p.m. Golden Age Club
5:30 p.m. Polish Choir practice
7:00 p.m. Polyphonic Choir practice
6:30 p.m. Parish Council meeting (Religious
Education Center)
8:45 a.m. 10:00 a.m. First Confession/
First Communion classes (Religious Education
10:00 a.m. Polish School
No Parish activities
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church
Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
In the light of the Bible readings of today let s reflect on the
theme Here I am Lord I come to do your will.
It is an invitation to respond generously to God s call. It is
an invitation to a life of holiness. Like Jesus in the Gospel stories,
which came completely not to do his will but the will of the Father who sent him, it is a call to imitate Jesus.
Today in the first Book of Samuel we hear the familiar story
of the call that the Lord called Samuel who answered Here I
am . The Lord called Samuel and instructed him next time the
call came to say, Speak Lord, for your servant is listening
The participle here, Listening is the readiness to hear , the
readiness to receive divine message, the readiness to do the
will of God. It is an important participle.
Following Christ, It means giving Christ our heart and
being. It means living a life of holiness. We are called to be like
Samuel, ready to listen to the voice and impulses of the Holy
Spirit speaking to us through our parents, through the words of
the Holy Scriptures, through our priests, through our neighbors,
through creations, the sea, the moon, the stars, the mountains,
oceans, trees, snow, through the Church, songs at Liturgy, the
poor and the needy and through our lives of holiness and acts of
May the Lord bless us with grace to always say, Here I
am Lord, I come to do your will.
The Smaller Beatitudes
Blessed are those who can laugh at themselves; they will have no
end of fun.
Blessed are those who know when to be quiet and listen; they will
learn a lot of new things.
Blessed are those who can tell a mountain from a molehill; they
will be saved a lot of bother.
Blessed are those who are sane enough not to take themselves too
seriously; they will be valued by those around them.
Happy are you if you can appreciate a smile and forget a frown;
you will walk on the sunny side of the street.
Happy are you if you know when to hold your tongue and smile;
the Gospel has begun to seep into your heart.
Blessed are they who think before acting and pray before thinking; they will avoid many blunders.
Above all . . . Blessed are those who recognize the Lord in all
whom they meet; the light of truth shines in their lives. They
have found true wisdom.
Before Us Lies Another Year...
Before us lies another year which seems a long away
Of all the seasons and the months and weeks that pass away.
But the years are made of days, you know,
And the days are made of hours;
The longest walk is made of steps
As raindrops make the showers.
And great things come from little things,
From seeds the forests grow.
For drops of water come the brooks
And then great river flow.
And God can take our little tasks
And multiply the seeds
Of loving kindness and of toil
To great and mighty deeds.
Rochester, New York
January 18, 2015
Last Sunday we were blessed to have Bishop
Salvatore Matano celebrate the 10:00 a.m. Mass at
our Church.
We are thankful to the Social Concerns
Committee and all the volunteers for organizing welcoming
luncheon for the Bishop Matano and all our parishioners and
guests who came to welcome Bishop within our Parish family.
Thank you to all who made the Mass with Bishop and the
reception afterward such a blessing event.
Please Pray for
Please pray for all those in hospitals, who are ill
or recovering from surgery, and all those ailing at
home, in hospice or in nursing homes.
Please keep in your prayers: Marilyn Adams,
Phillip Michael Adams, Phyllis Adamski, Marylu
Balacki, Arlene Bialaszewski, Dolores Biddle,
Marjorie Boeker, Peter Bonenfant, Leonard Brozak,
Ian Joseph Bruckhaus, Janice Bubb, Wayne Bubb,
Joseph Camptone, Carol Capidone, Norma Coleman, Carl Conde,
Elaine Costello, Linda Cranston, Nolan Cybulski, John Flannery,
Hania Ferenc, Eleanore Golomb, David Hawn, Eliodora
Hernandez, Florence Hoy, Debbie Husted, Paul Iezzi. Kathy
Jedrzejek, Carl Juda, Connie Kawka, Joseph Kociuba, Danuta
Kolacz, Chester A. Krol Sr., Norma Leblanc, Irene Lichwiarz,
Ruth Mance, Joseph Mattioli, Anne May, Kathleen McHugh, Jim
Mills, Justina Montanez, Iwona Muszak, Emily Nakas, Maria
Nawrocki-Dzyban, Cheryl Neilson, Kathy Nielson, Stella Noga,
Susan Oberle, Thomas I. Orczyk, John Ozminkowski, Cristine
Paradowski, Vincent Parks Jr., Bernie Pensek, Mary Pogrow,
Geenevieve Rodgers, Bob Quist, Ann Reeder, Zofia Robaczynski,
Shirley Rojek, Tom Schramil, Genevieve Skiba, Stephen Skura,
Sharon Smith, Trudy Swol, Nancy Tychoniewicz, Gary Walczak,
Barbara Webster, Bernard Weeg and Józef Zawitkowski.
To add a loved one s name to this prayer list or to take
someone off the prayer list, please call the parish office at 4673068.
Altar Flowers and Vigil Lights
There are many ways to remember our dear departed. We
have Mass in their honor and we pray. Another way is to make a
donation for the altar flowers in their memory to commemorate
their anniversary, some special happening in their lives or just in
remembrance or monthly vigil lights. At the same time we add a
special beauty to the Eucharist. Please contact the Parish office
(467-3068) if you would like to make a donation of altar flowers
or monthly vigil lights.
Hope After Abortion
The Church is aware of the many factors
which may have influenced your decision [to
have an abortion]...
The wound in your heart may not yet have not give in to discouragement and do not lose hope
~Pope John Paul II
If you or someone you know is is need of healing from an
abortion, please have them contact: Project Rachel at 1-888-9722435 Help is free, confidential, and loving, offered to anyone
affected by an abortion in any way.
God s gift of peace is waiting for you.
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church
Druga Niedziela Zwyk a
Dzisiejsza liturgia s owa mówi o powo aniu
cz owieka. W pierwszym czytaniu us yszymy
wezwanie skierowane do Samuela, który
odpowiedzia Bogu pe nym pos usze stwem i
gotowo ci : Mów, Panie, bo s uga Twój s ucha".
W Ewangelii Jezus powo uje pierwszych
uczniów, którzy znale li Mesjasza, zobaczyli,
gdzie mieszka i tego dnia pozostali u Niego.
wi ty Pawe w Pierwszym Li cie do Koryntian
przestrzega nas przed rozpust , która jest
grzechem przeciw w asnemu cia u, a ono jest
wi tyni Ducha wi tego.
Podczas ka dej liturgii s owa, zwraca si
Chrystus osobi cie do ka dego z nas, wzywa nas
po imieniu i czeka na odpowied .
Bóg, cho
powo uje pojedynczego
cz owieka, to od jego otwarto ci, dyspozycyjno ci
i wierno ci poniek d uzale nia niejednokrotnie
losy innych, których w momencie udzielania Panu
odpowiedzi powo any nawet nie zna. Powo anie
zatem to nie sprawa prywatna, ale z gruntu
spo eczna, to s uchanie g osu Pana, na który
odpowiedzi b dzie pó niejsze ycie i troska, by
nie pozwoli upa
adnemu s owu Pana.
Dajmy Mu j nie tylko ustami, ale przede
wszystkim czynem, postaw codziennego ycia.
Rochester, New York
Wiadomo ci z Polskiej
Szko y
Polish School News
Drugi semestr zaj
doros ych Szko y Polskiej
b dzie pocz wszy od 24
stycznia . Wszystkie poziomy
j zyka polskiego s
widziane. Koszt semestru
wynosi 80 dolarów. Je li masz
jakiekolwiek pytania , prosimy
o kontakt : S awka Wojdak w .
Wykaz Donacji dla
Ko cio a
W yka z don ac j i dl a
ko ciola za rok 2014, mo na
otrzyma w biurze parafialnym.
Zainteresowani s proszeni o
skontaktowaniem si z biurem
parafialnym w godzinach
urz dowych @ 467-3068.
Wykaz b dzie wys any przez
poczt albo mo na go odebra
osobi cie przy ko cu miesi ca.
Kwiaty na O tarze i
Podzi kowanie
Dzi kujemy wszystkim obecnym na Mszy
w. w Niedziel , 11-go Stycznia, kiedy nasz
Biskup Salvatore Matano celebrowa Msz w. w
naszym ko ciele.
Dzi kujemy bardzo Social Concerns
Committee za przygotowanie obiadu i spotkania
dla powitania Biskupa Matano w naszej parafialnej
Druga Taca na Ogrzewanie Ko cio a
zmar ych w ró ny sposób,
przez Msze
w. w ich
p ami ci, zapalamy
m o d limy si , i
donacje kwiatów na o tarze.
Ofiary na kwiaty, na Msze
wi te i miesi czne
The 2nd semester of the adult classes of
Polish School will be starting January 24th. All
levels of Polish Language are welcomed. The
cost of the semester is $80. If you have any
questions, please contact Slawka Wojdak at . We look forward to
seeing you!
St. Stanislaus Memorial Fund
We would like to thank for the following
donations to St. Stanislaus Memorial Fund in
loving memory of William Pospula:
Conrad and Frances Woloszyn
Contribution Statements
Your contributions to our parish are tax
deductible. If you would like a copy of your
offering record for the year 2014 please call
the parish office during business hours (4673068). We will mail the statement to you at
the end of the month or let you know when
you can pick it up.
An attitude of gratitude is a neverending prayer. Gratitude and faith are
brothers, and their children - optimism and
enthusiasm are first cousins. Gratitude can
transform common days into Thanksgiving,
turn routine jobs into joy, and change
ordinary opportunities into blessings.
Druga taca w czasie wszystkich Mszach w
przyszlym tygodniu jest przeznaczona na
ogrzewanie ko cio a.
Extraordinary Ministers - Lectors - Commentators
Schedule for Saturday and Sunday: January 24-25, 2015
Mass Time
Extraordinary Ministers
of the Holy Communion
4:00 p.m.
Pam Bialaszewski
Elaine Bialaszewski
Bonnie Schoenheit
Bonnie Schoenheit
9:00 a.m.
Veronica Schoenheit,
Sister Francella
Bob/Andria Mikiciuk
Kate Robson
Kristina Batt
Cecylia Warzecha
Cecylia Tryt
Ania Jurkowski
Jurek Jurkowski
Polish Mass
11:00 a.m.
January 18, 2015
Vocation Prayer
Lord, let me know
clearly the work which you
are calling me do to in life.
Grant me the grace and generosity I need to answer
your call with courage and
love and lasting dedication
to your will. Amen
Dear Lord,
Help me
to live the new year
quietly, easily;
to lean upon Thy strength
trustfully, restfully;
to wait for the unfolding
of Thy will patiently,
to meet others peacefully,
to face each tomorrow
St. Stanislaus Kostka Church
Rochester, New York
Ladies Society Meeting
Ladies Society meeting will be this Sunday,
January 18th after the 11:00 a.m. Mass in the
Religious Education Center. Sister Karlien is going to
be a speaker at this meeting Sister Karlien teaches Theology at
Mercy High School. Refreshments will be provided. New ladies
are welcome to come and join the Ladies Society!
In your Christian charity you are asked to
remember in your prayers Rosa Ciaramaglia,
whom God has called to eternal life. May she rest in
peace, and may the risen Lord strengthen her family
at their time of loss.
Fuel Collection
Second collection during next weekend Masses will be a
collection for the fuel to heat our church. Please be generous.
Thank you.
January 18, 2015
Our Gifts to God
for the weekend of January 10-11, 2015
Offering: Attendance:
4:00 p.m.
$ 1,057.00
10:00 a.m. $ 2,075.00
Additional Christmas
Flower Donations
$ 1,078.00
May God abundantly bless all
who show love for St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish
by their regular loyal and dedicated support
of the parish
and its apostolate throughout the year.
We thank you for that support.
Thank You Very Much!
Parish Office Closed!
We would like to thank all who came last
Sunday to help with taking down the Christmas
decorations and lights, putting away the manger
and cleaning the church. It is as always very
uplifting and heartening to see all of you for this
annual ritual.
Parish office will be closed on Monday, January 19,
2015, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. B-Day.