Current Bulletin - Canton Baptist Temple
Current Bulletin - Canton Baptist Temple
A WORD FROM OUR STAFF 1Corinthians 3:6-9: (6) “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. (7) So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase. (8) Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour. (9) For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry...” At Canton Baptist Temple we know exactly why our church exists and what we are here to accomplish. The Truth of the Scripture about this is expressed every week in our bulletin. “We exist for the purpose of leading people to Christ, helping them mature in Christ, and involving them in ministry for Christ.” We want people to be saved, to be discipled, and to serve in ministry. That is who we are and what we do. When it comes to ministering to people, the scripture reveals a profound truth in 1 Corinthians 3:6-9. God’s people must be faithful to plant God’s Word into the lives of others, but it is God who gives the increase. We must do our part and believe that God will do the part that only He can do! We plant and we water, but it is God who brings growth! Last Sunday Pastor Frazier announced a Rev. Ben Jennings new and exEducation Pastor citing outreach ministry called G.R.O.W. G.R.O.W. stands for - God Rewards Our Work. Everyone can participate in some form of outreach through writing letters, making phone calls, watching the children of those who are coming to do ministry, or visiting prospects for our church on a once a month basis. The commitment is 1 hour and 15 minutes a month and there are 3 opportunities a week to participate: • Tuesday Morning -10:00 am • Tuesday Evening - 6:30 pm • Saturday Morning -10:00 am The first week of G.R.O.W. outreach begins on February 3, 2015. Please fill out a green G.R.O.W. commitment card in the pew in front of you and give it to a deacon at one of the doors at the end of the service. LEADERSHIP ON CALL January 18 - 24 MR. JEREMY DIBARTOLO will be on call this week. He is available to respond to any emergency that requires Pastoral Care by calling the church at 330.477.6267 during office hours (8 am-4:30 pm) or by calling 330.353.3332 after hours. ABF, 9 AM January 25 GENESIS 2 A Compendium On Creation CANTON BAPTIST TEMPLE Now on Sale! Visit the table in the North or South Hall today thru February 4 to order items to send to that “Special Someone” for Valentine’s Day! Items WEDNESDAY LINEUP will be delivered during the Sunday thru FEBRUARY 18 School/ABF hour February 8. Proceeds will help towards sponsoring under- ADULTS - 7PM privileged kids to Camp CHOF. • WAR OF THE WORLD VIEWS Rev. Neal Wheeler..............Rm 190 ME... THE PEOPLE CA BAPTISM FOR SALVATION & Jason Hamilton MISSIONS FULL-TIME SERVICE IN son Bret & Katie Ander BY LETTER BY STATEMENT Jim Howell Cathy Preusser Karen Howell • A NEW VIEW OF YOU Rev. Jake Tovissi..................Rm 180 • THE BIBLE’S BIGGEST LOSERS Rev. Ben Jennings..............Rm 130 YOUNG ADULTS, 7PM • “ELEVATE” (grades 6-8)....... Rm 220 • “VELOCITY” (grades 9-12)...Rm 240 • “TURNING POINT” (college).Rm 260 YOUTH 6:45 PM • CHILD CARE (to 24 mos.)......Rm 140 • PUGGLES (age 2)................... Rm 120 • CUBBIES (ages 3-4)................Rm 150 Michelle Gardner & Kim Coates • SPARKS (grades K-2)............. Rm 210 were united in marriage Saturday, January 17, • TRUTH (grades 3-5).................Rm 200 2:00 pm in the church Worship Center. • CHOIR PRACTICE. ..............Rm 100 INCLEMENT WEATHER NOTICE The following sources will give up-todate information regarding any cancellations at CBT 1. WCRF 103-.3 FM Radio 2. WNPQ 95.9 FM Radio 3. WKYC-TV Channel 3 4. Website: HOSPITAL VISITS If you or a loved one ar e in the hospital, please be sure to contact the Pastora l Care Department at extension 118, so that we may make a visit. EVENTS Welcome! F “Early Bird” Discount ends March 29! Camp Desk open Sunday Mornings, beginning March 1! G This card is designed for everyone who attends Canton Baptist Temple. It’s a way for us to know whom we are serving and how we’re doing. Please fill out both sides where appropriate, tear off and drop in the offering plate or at the Welcome Center. Camp sign up has begun online @ www. or you can complete a registration packet from the Camp Desk and return it to the Bookstore! RESIDENT CAMP: $225 (discounts apply) Today’s Date_____________________ er Children’s Suomgrmam Camping Pr CAMP IGNITE 1: June 7-12 (grades 6-8) DISCOVERY CAMP 1: June 14-19 (grades 3-5) COLLISION CAMP: June 21-26 (grades 9-12) DISCOVERY CAMP 2: Jun 28-Jul 3 (grades 3-5) CAMP IGNITE 2: July 5-10 (grades 6-8) DISCOVERY CAMP 3: July 12-17 (grades 3-5) SUMMER BIBLE CONFERENCE: July 19-22 DAY CAMP: $125 (discounts apply) (grades K-2) Runs Monday thru Friday, 9 am 4 pm, same weeks as Resident Camp. MILITARY INVITATION (restrictions apply) Military families' children (ages 5-18) can attend camp FREE the week of their choice. For questions or further information, contact Brenda at or ext. 126. “We exist for the purpose of leading people to Christ, helping them mature in Christ, and involving them in ministry for Christ.” We’re glad you’re here! I am a: f First-time Visitor f Return Visitor f CBT Member f Regular Attender Worship Service Attended: f 9 am f 10:15 am f 5:00 pm f Other: _________________________ fMr. fMrs. fMiss Name(s)_______________________ Address_______________________ City__________________________ State___________ Zip___________ f (Check if new address) Home Phone____________________ Work Phone____________________ Cell Phone _____________________ E-Mail_________________________ Birthdate ______/_______/_______ Anniversary ______/______/______ Children? How many?_____________ Your Age: f Under 18 f 18-24 f 25-34 f 35-44 f 45-54 f 55-64 f 65+ Are You: f Spouse also present f Married_____________________ (Spouse’s Name) f Single f Single Again f Widowed CONNECTION CARD CONNECTION CARD How did you learn about us? _____________________________ I would like information on: f How to become a Christian f How to join the church f Baptism f New Member Classes f Please issue me Tithing Envelopes f Other:______________________ Ministries that I might want to serve in: f Children’s Ministries f Middle/High School Ministries f College & Career Ministries f Adult Bible Fellowships f Adult Elective Classes f Senior Adult Ministries f Women’s Ministries f Reformers Addiction Program f Music Ministries f Camp/Family Life Ministries f Deaf Ministry f Life Groups f Support Groups f Mentally/Physically Challenged Ministry f Other:______________________ Other Requests: I would like a pastor to: f Visit me f Call me f Other:______________________ Prayer Requests:________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ Comments:_____________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ FOCUS ON MISSIONS BOB & LEE DODSON (Tanzania) We praise the Lord for a great 2014! We were blessed to see 945 young people respond to the Gospel at the Highlands Camp. We also praise God for a new outreach attempt. Working with AWANA missionaries we reached out to younger children in the area and saw 20 come to Christ. We are pressing forward with our pilot group of pastors in the Biblical Training Center for Pastors Program. During our last session, Dr. David Kemp of Tennessee Temple University taught for 2 weeks (over 60 hours of class time) on the theology of Christ. In January we will have a two-week course in Church History. We are praying for new students to attend. We are currently in the midst of our January camp season and ask that you pray God will be glorified and souls saved. Our target for 2015 is to see 1,200 come to Christ. READING THE BIBLE THROUGH calendar taken from...the ONE YEAR bible, copyright by tyndale house publishers, inc. wheaton, il. all rights reserved. printed by permission JAN. 19: Gen. 39:1-41:16; Matt. 12:46-13:23; Psalm 17:1-15; Prov. 3:33-35 JAN. 20: Gen. 41:17-42:17; Matt. 13:24-46; Psalm 18:1-15; Prov. 4:1-6 JAN. 21: Gen. 42:18-43:34; Matt. 13:4714:13; Psalm 18:16-34; Prov. 4:7-10 JAN. 22: Gen. 44:1-45:28; Matt. 14:14-36; Psalm 18:35-50; Prov. 4:11-13 JAN. 23: Gen. 46:1-47:31; Matt. 15:1-28; Psalm 19:1-14; Prov. 4:14-19 JAN. 24: Gen. 48:1-49:33; Matt. 15:29-16:12; Psalm 20:1-9; Prov. 4:20-27 JAN. 25: Gen. 50:1-Exo. 2:10; Matt. 16:1317:9; Psalm 21:1-13; Prov. 5:1-6 A LITTLE ABOUT US LEADERSHIP STAFF Senior Pastor Dr. Mike Frazier Camp Co-Director Mr. Steve Lytle Mike & Rachel Camp Director Mr. Trent Dibell Children’s Ministries Director Mrs. Rachel Frazier College Director Mr. Jeremy DiBartolo Director of Operations Mr. Robert Hagy Education Pastor Rev. Ben Jennings High School/Sports Director Mr. Mike Schulze Outreach/Public Relations Pastor Rev. Neal Wheeler Pastoral Care Pastor Rev. Jake Tovissi BROADCAST SCHEDULES TV ON SUNDAYS: 10:30-11:00 am on WUAB-MyTV: ~ Direct TV Channel 43 ~ Dish Network Channel 43 ~ AT&T U-Verse Channel 43 ~ Massillon Cable Channel 6 ~ Time Warner Cable Channel 6 RADIO SUNDAYS, 8:30 am on WHBC-1480 AM SUNDAYS on WNPQ-95.9 FM ~ 10:15-11:30 am & 5:00-6:15 pm MONDAY-FRIDAY on WNPQ-95.9 FM ~ 11:30 am - 12:00 noon INTERNET ON SUNDAYS: 10:15 am & 5 pm - live streaming of entire service - Home of the CANTON BAPTIST TEMPLE Sunday, January 18, 2015 Home of the Christian Hall of Fame Saturday Service: 6 pm - henniger ministry center (enter at door j) Sunday Services: 9 am - Children’s Sunday School & Adult Bible Fellowships 10:15 am & 5 pm - Worship Service & Children’s Program Wednesday Events: 6:45 pm - Children’s Awana Program Choir Rehearsal 7 pm - Student Bible Studies Adult Elective Classes Contact Information: Phone..............................330.477.6267 Fax..................................330.477.2389 Mailing Address.......515 whipple ave nw canton, oh 44708-3699 Download the FREE App for Canton Baptist Temple on your iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch or Android. Search for Canton Baptist Temple in the Android Market or App Store. Please be aware that all public worship services and functions at Canton Baptist Temple may be photographed, video-taped and/or audio recorded for possible broadcast on television, radio, internet or other media. Your cooperation is deeply appreciated. CHRISTIAN HALL OF FAME r S u e O r v o i T c e e s m To d a y o c l e W We’re Glad You Came!