Best approximation by upward sets
Best approximation by upward sets
Journal of mathematics and computer science 14 (2015), 345-353 Best approximation by upward sets Zeinab Soltani*, Hamid Reza Goudarzi** Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Scinence, Yasouj University, Yasouj, Iran. * ** Article history: Received November 2014 Accepted January 2015 Available online January 2015 Abstract In this paper we prove some results on upward subsets of a Banach lattice with a strong unit. Also we study the best approximation in by elements of upward sets, and we give the necessary and sufficient conditions for any element of best approximation, by a closed subset of Keywords: Banach lattice, Best approximation, Proximinal set, Upward set. 1. Introduction The theory of best approximations is an important subject in Functional Analysis. It is a very extensive field which has various applications ([2], [5], [7] and [10] ). Also the problems of best approximation by elements of convex sets are welldeveloped and have many applications in different areas of Mathematics ( [3], [4], [6], [8] and [12]). Downward and upward sets are not necessarily convex and since, convexity is sometimes a very restrictive assumption, so we can use the so-called downward and upward sets as good tools in the study of best approximation by closed and not necessarily convex sets. Best approximation by downward sets and their properties have been studied by several authors (for example see [1]). Z. Soltani, H.R. Goudarzi / J. Math. Computer Sci. 14 (2015), 345-353 The approximation properties of upward sets play a crucial role in this paper. We study some aspects of best approximation by elements of closed upward sets, in a Banach lattice with a strong unit. We show that a closed upward set is proximinal, and we derive the necessary and su cient conditions for the uniqueness of best approximation. As we reminded, an upward set is not necessarily convex. We show that this set is abstract convex with respect to a certain set of elementary functions (for the definition of abstract convexity, see [11]). This fact allows us to examine the separation properties of upward sets and gives the necessary and sufficient conditions for best approximations. 2. Preliminaries In this section, we introduce some basic definitions for the next sections. Let be a non empty subset of a normed linear space . An element is called a best approximation to from if for every , On the other hand, recall that (see e.g. [13]) a point if is called a best approximation to Where The set of all such elements Thus (called best approximations to (x) = { G: x- = d( x,G) }. ) is denoted by (x). (1) Hence defines a mapping from into the power set of , called metric projection onto ( other names are nearest point mapping and proximity map). If ( contains at least one element, then the subset is call a proximinal set. In other words, if ( , then is called a proximinal set. Also if each element has a unique best approximation in , then is called a Chebyshev subset of . It is well-known that the boundary of . ( is a closed and bounded subset of . If then. ( is located in Definition 2.1 ( [14]) A vector space which is ordered by a relation ≤ , is called a vector lattice if any two elements have a least upper bound denoted by , a greatest lower bound denoted by and the following properties are satisfied: (1) implies that (2 implies that If a vector lattice (3) , for all , for all is equipped with a norm . implies and . for which , for , 643 Z. Soltani, H.R. Goudarzi / J. Math. Computer Sci. 14 (2015), 345-353 then (equipped with and lattice is called a Banach lattice. ) is called a normed vector lattice. A complete normed vector Example 2.2 Let be a set, equipped with a sigma-field . The space of all bounded, measurable real functions on is a vector lattice for the pointwise ordering means . The supremum norm, defined by satisfies in 2.1(3) and the space ( ) is a normed vector lattice. The space ( ) is also complete by supremum norm, in the sense that Cauchy sequences converge to bounded, measurable limit functions. If is a vector lattice, an element R such that . is called a strong unit if for each Using a strong unit 1, we can define a norm on , there exists by (2) Then – . (3) Also we have (4) (S, ,µ) denotes the lattice of all essentially bounded functions defined on the space with a algebra of measurable sets, , and a measure µ. Also th lattice of all bounded functions defined on is an example of Banach lattices with the strong units. Recall that a subset of an ordered set is said to be upward if If is a normed linear space and G is a subset of , we shall denote by and the interior, the closure and the boundary of , respectively. If is a lattice and there exists the greatest elements of , we shall denote it by . 3. Upward sets and their approximation properties Let be a Banach lattice with a strong unit 1. In this section we investigate the best approximations in by elements of upward sets. In particular, we show that the greatest element, in the set of best approximations, exists. Proposition 3.1 Let (1) If , then be an upward subset of and , (2) 643 . Then the following statements are true: Z. Soltani, H.R. Goudarzi / J. Math. Computer Sci. 14 (2015), 345-353 Proof: (1) Let be given and . suppose that be an open neighborhood of (x + ε1). Then, by (3), Since is an upward set and (2) Let , it follows that . . Then there exists such that the closed ball Conversely, suppose that there exists such that , which completes the proof. □ saw Corollary 3.2 Let G be a closed upward subset of , for each Lemma 3.3 Let be a closed upward subset of Proof: Let that for each Let , and so = be arbitrary and , there exists and Then . In view of (3) , Then, as we . Then if and only if is proximinal in . . This implies . Then, by (3), we have such + r1. Then, we have and hence . Since G is upward and it follows that , for each ε > 0. Since G is closed, we have G and then ( ). Thus the result follows. □ Remark 3.4 We proved that for each with . If then Proposition 3.5 Let element Proof: If , the set ( ) contain the element and ( ) = { }. be a closed upward subset of and ( ) of the set ( ), namely , then the result holds. Assume that . Then there exists the greatest , where and ( ). , we get for all This implies that is the greatest element of the closed ball arbitrary. Then , and so . Therefore greatest element of ( ). □ Corollary 3.6 Let be a closed upward subset of , Corollary 3.7 Let be a closed upward subset of and 643 Now, let and hence, and be arbitrary. Then be is the ( ). Then, Z. Soltani, H.R. Goudarzi / J. Math. Computer Sci. 14 (2015), 345-353 Proof : Let . If Suppose that . Thus, we have then then Since, by proposition 3.5, completes the proof. □ . Let , it follows that , and so be arbitrary such that Hence, which 4. Characterization of best approximation by upward sets In this section, we present the characterization of upward sets in terms of separation from outside points. Throughout this section, X is a Banach lattice. Let be a function defined by Since 1 is a strong unit, it follows that the set } is non empty and bounded from above ( by the number ). Clearly this set is closed. It follows from the aforesaid and the definition of that the function enjoys the following properties. For each define the function by The function is called topical if this function is increasing ( )) and plus-homogeneous for all X and λ R). The definition of topical function in finite dimensional case can be found in [11]. Lemma 4.1 The function defined by (13) is topical. Proof: we try to check the conditions. Let Hence, with 643 . Then Z. Soltani, H.R. Goudarzi / J. Math. Computer Sci. 14 (2015), 345-353 Let and be arbitrary. Then Proposition 4.2 The function Proof: Let is Lipschitz continuous. be arbitrary. Since , it follows that In view of lemma 4.1, we have and hence Therefore, is Lipschitz continuous. □ As a direct result of (14), we have: Corollary 4.3 The function Lemma 4.4 Let (5). Then, defined by (5) is continuous. be a closed upward subset of for all and let be the function defined by Proof: Assume that there exists such that . Then So there exists such that This means that . Therefore . Since is upward and , it follows that . So, by proposition 3.1 (2), we have . This is a contradiction, which completes the proof. □ Now, we give the characterization of upward sets in terms of separation from outside points. For an easy reference we present the following theorem. Theorem 4.5 Let be a subset of statements are equivalent: (1) and be the coupling function of (5). Then the following is an upward set, (2) For each , we have (3) For each , there exists such that 653 Z. Soltani, H.R. Goudarzi / J. Math. Computer Sci. 14 (2015), 345-353 Proof:(1 (2). Suppose that is an upward set and that exists , that . Then, by (7) we have and so upward set and , it follows that . This is a contradiction. (2) (3). Assume that (2) holds and Now, let is arbitrary. Then by hypothesis, we have , using (9), for each , we have : (3) 1). Suppose that (3) holds and is not an upward set. Then there exists \G with . It follows, by hypothesis, that there exists such that Since such . Since G is an and is increasing, we have This contradicts (15) . □ Theorem 4.6 Let are equivalent: be the function defined by (5). Then for a subset (1 is a closed upward subset of (2) is upward, and for each of the following statements the set is closed in , (3) For each , there exists such that (4) For each there exists such that Proof: (1) Since Hence, (2). Assume that and α is a closed upward subset of R. Then, we have and and let is closed, it follows that , and so is a closed subset of . (2) (3). Suppose that (2) holds and is arbitrary. We claim that there exists that . Indeed, if , for all , then due to the closedness of H, we have . This implies that . This is a contradiction. Now, let show that , for all . Assume that there exists such that 653 such . We Z. Soltani, H.R. Goudarzi / J. Math. Computer Sci. 14 (2015), 345-353 Then by (7) we have upward set and , it follows that contradiction. Hence, , for all , and so and consequently On the other hand, we have ( – { ) Since is an . This is a } (3) (4) is abvious. (4) (1). Suppose that (4) holds and that is not an upward set. Then there exists with . By hypothesis, there exists such that Since and is increasing, it followes that This is a contradiction. Hence, is an upward set. Finally, assume that is not closed. Then there exists a sequence and such that , as Since , by hypothesis, there exists such that Thus, we have By continuity of , it follows that which completes the proof. □ Lemma 4.7 Let (5). Then Proof: Since . This is a contradiction, be a closed upward subset of and , it follows, by lemma 4.4, that Also, we have 653 Let be defined by Z. Soltani, H.R. Goudarzi / J. Math. Computer Sci. 14 (2015), 345-353 References [1] H. Alizadeh Nazarkandi, Downward sets and their topological propertices, World Applied Sciences journal. 18(11) (2012), 1630 – 1634. [2] H. Asnashari, Two continvity concepts in Approximation Theory, J. Tjmcs, 4 (2012), 32-36. [3] C. K. Chui, F. Deutsch and J. D. Ward, Constrained best approximation in Hilbert spaces, Conster. Approx., 6 (1990), 35-64. [4] C. K. Chui, F. Deutsch and J. D. Ward, Constrained best approximation in Hilbert spaces II, J. Approx. Theory, 71 (1992), 213-238. [5] F. Deutsch, Best approximation in inner product spaces, Springer - Velage, New York, 2000. [6] F. Deutsch, W. Li and J. D. Ward, A dual approach to constrained in- terpolation from a convex subset of Hilbert spaces, J. Approx. Theory, 90(1997), 385-414. [7] R. A. 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