The NAIOP Advantage
The NAIOP Advantage
The NAIOP Advantage Do You Have It? OUR DIVERSE NETWORK, FROM JUNIOR EXECUTIVES TO SEASONED INDUSTRY VETERANS, ENSURES YOU HAVE THE CONNECTIONS AND RESOURCES TO YOU NEED TO SUCCEED. THEY ALREADY HAVE THE NAIOP ADVANTAGE WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Type of Members - NAIOP SoCal Members Firms 1027 460 Developer / Investor / Owner Asset Manager / Property Manager Accountant / Consulting Builders / Construction / Contractor Architect / Engineer / Environmental Finance Attorney Brokerage Communications / Media Service Provider / Vendor Title Company Public Official / Utility Firm Corporate Executive Other Total NAIOP SoCal 714.979.9131 Membership in NAIOP SoCal is the best return on investment you can make in your commercial real estate career. Education at the Highest Level: From Executive Leadership to Young Professionals Mentoring and Training Preventing the loss of jobs. Saving thousands in fees. Protecting the interests of real estate. Leadership Symposium | Workshops | Young Professionals Group | Fall Forum Fighting the Threat of Split Roll Tax sPreventing the loss of 152,000 jobs and a tax increase of up to $6 billion on employers 10 FREE NAIOP U “members only” seminars covering issues impacting real estate right now “This information is invaluable to the success of our business.” Steve Layton, Principal, LBA Realty Defeating Bad Legislation sDefeated legislation that would have mandated that employers with a new contract for property services (building maintenance, licensed security, landscapers, window cleaners, etc.) must hire all of the prior contractor’s employees. “NAIOP’s legislative activities provide a coordinated effort that results in true benefits to our company.” Gerald O. Yahr, Managing Principal for Development The Koll Company More than 4,000 professionals network at NAIOP events each year. Night at the Fights | USC vs UCLA Real Estate Challenge | Annual Golf Tournaments More than 30 events for members held throughout the year “It’s unparalleled networking with industry decision makers.” Kurt Strasmann, Managing DirectorOrange County Region, CBRE NAIOP 2015 OFFICERS AND BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT Thomas W. Wulf, Lowe Enterprises Real Estate Group * * FACT SHEET * * Our Focus NAIOP, the Commercial Real Estate Development Association, is the leading organization for developers, owners and related professionals in office, industrial and mixed-use real estate. NAIOP unites more than 15,000 members in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, and advocates for responsible commercial real estate development and effective public policy. NAIOP is a leading commercial real estate industry provider of unparalleled networking opportunities, educational programs, research on trends and innovations and strong legislative representation. The NAIOP SoCal Chapter, serving Orange and Los Angeles Counties, encompasses over 1,000 members. It is one of the largest NAIOP chapters in the United States and is the leading commercial real estate trade organization in Southern California. PRESIDENT-ELECT Kevin Jennings, Bank of America Merrill Lynch VICE PRESIDENT Lance Ryan, Watson Land Company TREASURER James V. Camp, Starwood CPG Operations, LLC SECRETARY Jeff Moore, CBRE PROGRAMS AND EDUCATION LIAISON Pamela L. Westhoff, Sheppard Mullin PAST PRESIDENT Jim Proehl, PM Realty Group Chapter Mission Statement The Chapter’s mission is to provide a unified voice to protect and enhance the commercial real estate industry and quality of life in Southern California. This is accomplished through proactive involvement in public policy, superior educational programs, and interactive business relationship opportunities. Rob Antrobius, Prologis Angela Azizian, GE Capital Real Estate Kevin Burkhalter, Walker & Dunlop John Casasante, Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Ronda Clark, JLL Drew Emmel, Allen Matkins Darren Foster, NAIOP SoCal Chapter Objectives x Leadership Growth and Influence: To utilize the Chapter’s leadership resources in dealing with current and emerging challenges and opportunities, setting the SoCal Chapter apart as a leader in the commercial real estate industry. Kevin Hayes, Lincoln Property Company Aaron Hill, Bixby Land Company x Membership Growth and Participation: To include as members a significant number of commercial property owners and developers, along with related real estate service providers and appropriate government representatives, to assure leadership in producing valuable member products and services, networking opportunities, and influence in local, state and national issues. x Legislation and Regulation: To shape and influence public policy that impacts the commercial real estate industry in our region and the state, supporting that which contributes to a growing, strong and vigorous economy. x Education, Professional Development and Information Resources: To serve as a high-value education, professional development and information resource to members pursuing knowledge and ideas that will enable them to grow as professionals and improve their ability to be successful. x Programs and Events: To provide members and other key partners with exceptional opportunities to meet, network and develop both professionally and personally in an environment that is positive, supportive and effective. x Public Relations and Image: To establish and promote our image as a leadership organization; a key provider of high value programs, products and services for our members; a strategic partner for those public and private sector organizations that might join with us in the positive growth and development of our region’s economy. John Hollingsworth, Colliers International Fran Inman, Majestic Realty Co. Kevin Ivey, KPRS Construction Services, Inc. Ryan Jones, Goodman Birtcher Lillian Kuo, Shea Properties Ray Lawler, Hines Kevin MacKenzie, HFF Patrick Maloney, Circle Industrial Gregory May, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank Justin McCusker, C.J. Segerstrom & Sons James McFadden, Cushman & Wakefield Scott McPherson, U.S. Bank Stephen J. Muller, The Muller Company Susan Orloff, Ryan Russ Parker, Parker Properties John Premac, Chicago Title Company Scott San Filippo, Greenlaw Partners Alison Vukovich, LBA Realty Stephane M. Wandel, The Boeing Company Clark Welton, Ernst & Young x Eric Hinkelman, Voit Real Estate Services Mike Hodges, Irvine Company Office Properties David Wensley, Cox, Castle & Nicholson LLP NAIOP SoCAL EXECUTIVE STAFF Cynthia G. Fusco, Executive Director Vickie Talley, Director of Legislative Affairs Community Service: To be recognized as a leading organization that contributes to the enhancement and improvement of the lives of current and future generations within the communities of Southern California. Chapter Office: 2900 Bristol St., Ste. G-105, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Tel: (714) 979-9131 Legislative Office: 25241 Paseo de Alicia, Ste. 120, Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Fax: (714) 979-0403 Tel: (949) 380-3300 Fax: (949) 380-3310 Member Companies The Abbey Company Able Services AEW Capital Management LP AIG Global Real Estate Albert A. Webb Associates Alere Property Group Alexandria Real Estate Equities Alison Company Allegion Allen Matkins Leck Gamble Mallory & Natsis, LLP Alliant Insurance Services AlvaradoSmith Alvarez & Marsal Capital Real Estate LLC American Realty Advisors Andell Holdings LLC Aon Risk Services Appraisal Institute Arizona Commerce Authority Arnel & Affiliates Arthur J. Gallagher Risk Management Services Asset Avenue Attentus Advisors Commercial Avistone LLC Baker Nelson Banc of California Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of the West Bay Alarm Company BBVA Compass Beecher Carlson Bentall Kennedy BFC – SBA Lending Bixby Land Company BlackRock Realty Advisors Blue Sky Basin Realty Advisors Bolour Associates The Boeing Company Brookfield Properties The Brookhollow Group Buchanan Street Partners C. J. Segerstrom & Sons Cal Poly Pomona Caliber Construction Inc. California Bank & Trust California State University-Fullerton Cantor Fitzgerald/Cantor Commercial Real Estate CapRock Partners Casco Contractors, Inc. The Carson Companies Cash Mach Inc. CBRE CDG Builders, Inc. CenterPoint Properties CenterSquare Investment Management Champion Real Estate Company Chapman University Chicago Title Company CIBC CIP Real Estate Citybank City National Bank City of Murrieta Clark Construction Group Coastal Pacific Construction Inc. Cohen Financial Cohn Reznick Coldwell Banker Commercial Alliance Colliers International Colony Realty Partners Comerica Bank-California Commonwealth Land Title Insurance Company/ Partners ConAm Inc. Concordia University Conor Commercial Real Estate Cornerstone Real Estate Advisers CoStar Group Inc. County of San Bernardino Cox Castle & Nicholson LLP Crew Builders Crown Realty & Development CS Capital Management, Inc. CT Realty Investors Cumming LLC Cushman & Wakefield DAUM Commercial Real Estate Services Davis Partners LLC DCI Engineers DCT Industrial Dedeaux Properties Deutsche Asset & Wealth Management Diamond Realty Investments, Inc. Donohue Schriber Realty Group DPR Construction Inc DTZ Americas Duke Realty Corporation Eastdil Secured Equity Office Ernst & Young LLP EVOQ Properties Inc. Farmers & Merchants Bank Fidelity National Title Fifth Third Bank First American Title Insurance National Commercial Services First Bank FOCUS Real Estate LP Fritz Duda Company Fulcrum Resources Environmental Fullmer Construction G & J Construction Management LP Gannett Fleming Garwood Development LLC GE Capital Real Estate Gensler George Smith Partners, Inc. Gibbs Giden Gillian Executive Search Inc. Gladstone Commercial The Goetzman Group Goodman Birtcher Gordon Kemper LLP Grandbridge Real Estate Capital Gray-I.C.E. Builders Green Street Advisors Greenberg Traurig LLP Greenlaw Partners LLC Gresham Savage Nolan & Tilden Griffin Capital Guthrie Development Hagar Pacific Properties Hall & Foreman, Inc. Haney LaBriola LLP Haskell & White LLP HBI Construction Inc. Healthcare Trust of America Heger Industrial Herdman Architecture & Design HFF LP Highland Commercial Roofing Company Hillwood Development Company Hillwood Investment Properties Hines Howard Building Corporation Hudson Pacific Properties Hunsaker Development Co. LLC Idea Hall IDS Real Estate Group Industrial Income Trust Interior Office Solutions Interstate Land Company Invesco Real Estate Irvine Company Apartment Communities Irvine Company Office Properties J.P. Morgan - Real Estate Banking Jackson DeMarco Tidus & Peckenpaugh JLL JMG Security Systems JMS Management Services JOA Group John Hancock Financial Services John Saunders Company JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. JSB Development Inc KB Home KBS Realty Advisors Inc. Keystone Mortgage Corporation KFG Investment Company Kilroy Realty Corporation Kimley-Horn and As Inc. The Koll Company Kitchell Koss Resource KOTRA KPMG LLP KPRS Construction Services Inc. KTR Capital Partners L. A. Realty Partners Langan Engineering & Environmental Services LBA Realty Lee & Associates Legacy Partners Commercial Lincoln Property Company Lockton Insurance Brokers LLC Member Companies Lone Oak Fund LLC Lowe Enterprises Real Estate Group Lucescu Realty Lyon Communities Magellan Group Majestic Realty Co. Manatt Phelps Phillips Marcum Acountants & Advisors Marcus & Millichap Mariners Escrow Corporation Mark IV Capital Inc. Marsh Marvin F. Poer and Company mbl properties co McCarthy Building Companies, Inc. McCarthy Cook & Co. McDonald Property Group McShane Companies (The) Mesa West Capital MetLife Real Estate Investors Metzger Development Services LLC MFC Office Wholesalers Inc Middlebury College MIG Real Estate LLC Miller Starr Regalia Millie and Severson, Inc. Mission Capital Advisors LLC Miyamoto International Inc. Moss Adams Capital LLC The Muller Company NAI Capital Inc Nebo Capital Nevell Group Inc New City Advisors LLC Newmark Grubb Knight Frank Norm Wilson & Sons NorthMarq Capital Inc. Northwestern Mutual Real Estate Nossaman LLP NPV Advisors Oaktree Capital Management Group The O’Donnell Group Old Republic Title Company Oltmans Construction Co. OneWest Bank N. A. Opus Bank Orange Coast College ORION Property Partners Inc. Overton Moore Properties Oxbow Partners P3 Consulting Pacific Coast Banking School Pacific Life Insurance Company Pacific Newport Properties Pacific West Certified Development Corp Panttoni Development Company Parkcrest Construction Parker Properties Paul Merage School of Business PCCP LLC PCL Construction Services, Inc. Pdm Consulting Inc. Penta Pepperdine University Peregrine Realty Partners Perkins+Will Inc Piedmont Office Realty Trust Pioneer Realty of Michigan Plaza Bank Ploutus Advisors PM Realty Group PNC Bank Prism Realty Corporation Proficiency Capital LLC Prologis Public Storage Quantum Capital Partners Inc. Real Estate Development Association REAP Los Angeles Program Reit Management & Research LLC RETS Associates Rexford Industrial RGA Environmental Rialto Capital Rising Realty Partners The Ritz Companies The Rockefeller Group Rockwood Capital LLC Roll Global LLC Rosenow Spevacek Group Rudolph and Sletten Inc. Rutan & Tucker LLP Ryan Sabal Financial Group SARES•REGIS Group Saunders Construction Inc. Savills Studley Scardenas Enterprises Scienergy Security Bank of California Sentinel Development Servco Inc. Seventh Street Development Shea Properties Sheppard Mullin Shorenstein Properties LLC Signal Hill Petroleum LLC Sitex Group SITUS Development & Trischler Associates Skanska USA Building Inc. The Sliding Door Company Snell & Wilmer LLP Snyder Langston Space Center Inc. Spectrum Group Real Estate Sperry Commercial Squar Milner Peterson Miranda & Williamson LLP Starpointe Ventures Starwood CPG Operations LLC Stewart Title of California Stillwater Investment Group Stirling Development LLC Storm Properties Inc. Stream Realty Partners LP Stuart Kane LLP Summit Development Corporation Sunwest Bank Surf Management Inc. SVN Capital Swinerton Builders Taco Obsession Talley & Associates Talonvest Capital Inc. TIAA-CREF Tiarna Real Estate Services Inc. Ticor Title National Commercial TMC Financing Trader Boys Trammell Crow Company TransAmerican Escrow Transwestern Troutman Sanders LLP True Investments LLC Turner Real Estate Investments Twining Consulting U.S. Bank UC Irvine Medical Center UCLA Anderson School of Management Union Bank Unire Real Estate Group Universal Building Maintenance Universal Protection Service Universal Services of America University of Arizona University of California at Irvine University of California at Los Angeles University of Southern California USAA Real Estate Company USC Marshall Business School ValueRock Realty Partners Vantage Property Investors Vantage Real Estate Solutions Voit Real Estate Services W.L. Butler Construction Inc. W.M. Klorman Construction Wachter Inc Walker & Dunlop Ware Malcomb Warland Investments Company Warmington Properties The Waterford Group Watson Land Company Waypoint Real Estate Group WCL Consulting Wells Fargo Real Estate Group Wembleton Enterprises Westbrook Partners WESTCAP CORP Westcore Properties Western Realco Westgroup Designs Westport Properties Inc. Wheaton College Wind Water Realty Advisers Withee Malcolm Architects LLP Wright Finley & Zak LLP Xebec Realty Partners NAIOP SoCal Membership Committee – 2015 Lillian Kuo, Chair Shea Properties 130 Vantis, Suite 200 Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 949.389.7115 y FAX 949.389.7350 Steven Pearson, Vice Chair DAUM Commercial Real Estate Services 4400 MacArthur Blvd. Suite 950 Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.242.1703 • FAX 949.242.1063 Jeff Moore, Advisor CBRE 3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.725.8500 • FAX 949.725.8545 Natalie Bazarevitsch CBRE 111 Universal Hollywood Drive, 27th Floor Universal City, CA 91608-1054 818.502.6723 y FAX 818.907.4647 Barbie Hendon Lawyers Title Insurance Company 4100 Newport Place, Ste 120 Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.724.3161 x FAX 949.930.9392 Alex Blecksmith Colliers International 5801 East Slauson Avenue, Suite 160 Commerce, CA 90040-3050 323.278.3132 x FAX 323.278.3032 Mike Hodges The Irvine Company Office Properties 111 Innovation Irvine, CA 92617 949.720.2230 Adam Cleary Ticor Title 18302 Irvine Blvd., Suite 100 Tustin, CA 92780 949.836.3055 Jay Hunter Bank of America Merrill Lynch 3200 Park Center Drive, Suite 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 949.722.2698 x FAX 714.316.3878 Jennifer Davis TMC Financing 575 Anton Boulevard, Suite 300 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.432.6491 y FAX 866.401.4305 Ed Matevosian CBRE 111 Universal Hollywood Dr., 27th Floor Universal City, CA 91608 818.502.6700 Dirk Geiger Bank of America 5 Park Plaza Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 949.794.7116 Jennifer McCarthy Swinerton Builders 16798 West Bernardo Drive San Diego, CA 92717-1094 760.707.2582 Diana Hallal Union Bank of California 18300 Von Karman Avenue, Suite 400 Irvine, CA 92612-105 949.553.4348 y FAX 949. 553.4343 Cheyenne Hawks CBRE 3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.725.8671 • FAX 949.725.8545 Maurice Nieman CBRE 3501 Jamboree Road, Suite 100 Newport Beach, CA 92660-2940 949.725.8626 Cynthia Pettyjohn First American Exchange Company 777 S. Figueroa Los Angeles, CA 90017 310.405.3198 NAIOP SoCal Membership Committee – 2015 – Page Two Eric Ruehle Sitex Group 1500 Rosecrans Ave., Suite 500 Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 310.499.2820 Jennine Gilmer TMC Financing 575 Anton Blvd., Suite 300 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714.335.1802 Brad Schmitt Studley 19100 Von Karman Ave., 10th Floor Irvine, CA 92612 949.660.3546 Blake Wettengel Miller Star Regalia 2695 MacArthur Court 11th Floor Newport Beach, CA92660 949.719.2960 Standing Invitations to Attend and Staff Liaisons Brian Baker CIBC - World Markets Corp. 4695 MacArthur Court, Suite 1100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 949.798.5534 Kevin Jennings Bank of America Merrill Lynch 5 Park Plaza, Suite 500 Irvine, CA 92614 949.794.7139 Cynthia Fusco & Denise Chan NAIOP SoCal 2900 Bristol Street, Suite G-105 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-979-9131 y FAX 714-979-0403 y Another Benefit Exclusively for NAIOP SoCal Members! Our Best Year Yet! 2014 Curriculum - Year In Review Thurs., February 27 7:30-9:00 AM Newport Beach Thurs., March 13 11:30 AM-1:00 PM Downtown LA Thurs., March 13 7:30-9:00 AM Newport Beach Adaptive Reuse, Creative Office & Ground-Up Development in OC Greg May, Newmark Grubb Knight Frank (moderator) Robert F. Duncan, Caribou Industries Lonnie P. Nadal, Shubin Nadal Realty Karen L. Thomas, LPA, Inc. Adaptive Reuse for Commercial & Office in LA Jim Kruse, CBRE (moderator) Christopher Barton, Hudson Pacific Properties, Inc. David Jordon, SSV Properties Christopher Rising, Rising Realty Partners David Simon, Kilroy Realty Corporation Will Smith, Greenlaw Partners (moderator) John Davenport, Davenport Partners Jerome A. Fink, The Bascom Group, LLC Tom Simmons, HFF Open House & Tour: Hyundai Headquarters Michael Fox, Hyundai Motor America (welcome) Philippe Pare, Gensler Thurs., July 17 7:30-9:00 AM Newport Beach Apartment Development in OC Jeff Larsen, AIA, MVE & Partners, Inc. (moderator) Scott Lanni, Lyon Communities Robert McCullough, UDR, Inc. Sam Simone, Mill Creek Residential Trust Thurs., September 18 Apartment Development in LA 11:30 AM-1:00 PM Daniel Gehman, Harley Ellis Devereaux (moderator) Los Angeles J.J. Abraham, Lennar Multifamily Communities Jim Anderson, Trammell Crow Company Neils Cotter, Carmel Partners, Inc. Tom Wulf, Lowe Enterprises Real Estate Group Wed, November 5 7:30-9:00 AM Newport Beach Thurs, December 4 11:30 AM-1:00 PM Los Angeles Each NAIOP-U features: Esteemed Industry Leaders Intimate, Engaging Discussions Question & Answer Session The Spectrum of Real Estate Investing: A Primer for the Young Professional; A Refresher for the Seasoned Pro Wed., June 25 5:30-7:30 PM Fountain Valley Tues, October 14 7:30-9:00 AM Newport Beach The topics change. The quality doesn’t. Developing in Today’s Marketplace What You Need to Know to be Successful David Wensley, Cox, Castle & Nicholson (moderator) Brian DeRevere, CBRE Stephen Jones, Snyder Langston Ward Mace, Goodman Birtcher Year-End Review And 2015 Forecast SoCal Office, Industrial and Retail Ian Brown, Newmark Grubb Night Frank Robert Caudill, Colliers International Kurt Strasmann, CBRE LA Industrial Development Alex Filler, Dedeaux Properties Ryan McClean, First Industrial Realty Trust, Inc. William Messori, Mar Ventures, Inc. Gerald Singh, Oltmans Construction Co. There’s more. A Members-Only Benefit Relevant, Tangible Industry Insight Enhances Knowledge & Underscores Emerging Trends Platform for Sharing Ideas 10 Sessions Per Year Are you a Developing Leader Leader?? Get the best return on your investment by joining us for high high--quality, cutting cutting--edge industry education at NAIOP NAIOP--U! Brought to you only by Another Benefit Exclusively Need more industry education? Come to class with NAIOP SoCal! Highlights of our 2013 curriculum included: Intellectual Capital: Private Equity Trends in 2013 featuring Robert Brunswick, Chairman & CEO, Buchanan Street Partners Billy Butcher, Director, Real Estate, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts Brian Laibow, Managing Director, Distressed Debt, Oaktree Capital Management Todd Sammann, Principal, Colony Capital, LLC Bringing Back Broadway to LA Historic District featuring Eric Metz, Partner, Urban One Jessica Wethington McLean, Director, Downtown Economic Development Jonathan Schley, Acquisitions Associate, Tungsten Partners Patrick D. Spillane, Senior Vice President, IDS Real Estate Group Health Care Reform and Its Impact on Real Estate featuring Rick Needham, Attorney, Sheppard Mullin Craig Beam, Managing Director, CBRE Health Care Services Darci Hernandez, Principal, Boulder Associates Architects Karen Torres, Director, Real Estate, Hoag Hospital Inland Empire Industrial Development featuring Jeffrey W. Cole, Executive Director, Capital Markets, Cushman & Wakefield Stephen M. Batchellor, Partner, Panattoni Development Company, Inc. Alan Carmichael, Vice President of Investments, Alere Property Group Brian Wilson, Vice President, Hillwood Investment Properties for NAIOP SoCal Members! The topics change. The quality doesn’t. Each NAIOP-U features: Esteemed Industry Leaders Intimate, Engaging Discussions Question & Answer Session There’s more. A Members-Only Benefit Relevant, Tangible Industry Insight Enhances Knowledge & Underscores Emerging Trends Platform for Sharing Ideas 10 Sessions Per Year Are you a Developing Leader Leader?? Get the best return on your investment by joining us for high high--quality, cutting cutting--edge industry education at NAIOP NAIOP--U! Brought to you only by NAIOP SoCal Chapter 2014 Calendar of Events As of 10/16/2014 NAIOP Corporate Dates: February 10th – 12th March 27th – 28th May 5th – 7th June 5th – 6th October 27th – 29th Chapter Leadership/Legislative Retreat Capital Hilton, Washington, DC E.CON – The E-Commerce Conference Hyatt Regency, Phoenix, Arizona National Forums Symposium Sheraton, Seattle, Washington I.CON – The National Industrial Conference Hyatt Regency, Jersey City, New Jersey Development Conference: Annual Meeting Sheraton, Denver, Colorado Dates and topics subject to change. Visit for weekly updates. Date Time Topic/Event Wednesday, January 22nd 9:30 a.m. UCI - CRE Breakfast – Pacific Club, Newport Beach Transforming How We Live, Work and Play: Improving our Cities through Creative Redevelopment Thursday, January 30th 5:30 p.m. Kick-Off Program – Big Newport Theatre, Fashion Island Tuesday, March 25th 9:30 a.m. UCI - CRE Breakfast – Pacific Club, Newport Beach Real Estate Cycles: Are They Changing? Thursday, March 27th 5:30 p.m. March Madness Mixer – Yard House, Orange County Wednesday, April 23rd 5:30 p.m. Anatomy of a Deal: Wilshire Grand Center–Los Angeles Thursday, May 15th 5:30 p.m. Night at the Fights – The Hotel Irvine Wednesday, June 18th 5:30 p.m. OC BBQ Bash – Balboa Bay Club, Newport Beach Monday, June 16th 10:00 a.m. Los Angeles Golf Tournament – Virginia County Club Thursday, July 10th 5:30 p.m. Aloha Summer BBQ – Jonathan Beach Club, Los Angeles Tuesday, Sept. 23rd 10:00 a.m. Orange County Golf Tournament – Oak Creek & Strawberry Farms Tuesday, October 7th 9:30 a.m. UCI - CRE Breakfast – Pacific Club, Newport Beach Crowdfunding Commercial Real Estate Thursday, October 16th 5:30 p.m. Fall Forum Capital Markets Power Panel – Los Angeles Tuesday, October 30th 11:30 a.m. UCI - Real Estate Awards Celebration & Luncheon – Island Hotel Newport Beach Thursday, November 20th 5:30 p.m. UCLA / USC Real Estate Challenge – Covel Commons, Los Angeles See also NAIOP-University curriculum at Registration available to MEMBERS ONLY. Complete this application and return it to NAIOP via fax at 7. You may also complete an application at Have questions? Call 2015 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION SoCal Chapter Mr Ms Mrs Dr Prof Nickname Name (First, MI, Last) Company Title Website Business Address City/State Phone Fax Zip/Postal Code Email YES, please send Development magazine to my home. Home Address (Street address, Apt. #, City, State, & Zip) Company Profile Number of employees at my location: Area of Operations: 1-10 11-40 Local Business Structure: (based on Federal tax purposes) 41-75 Regional 76-100 National 101-150 International Corporation Limited Liability Corporation Limited Liability Partnership Non-Profit Private REIT Public REIT Sole Proprietorship Sub Chapter Areas of Involvement (select all that apply): Industrial Medical/Life Sciences Mixed-Use Multi-Family Partnership Office My company is involved in the development of green (environmentally sustainable) properties or provides green products/services: Yes Square feet owned or managed: Less than 1 Million 1-2.5 Million Greater than 151 2.6-5 Million 5.1-7.5 Million 7.6-10 Million Retail No 10.1 Million or more Corporate Scope of Business (select one): Associate Member Principal Member Academician Communications Environmental Landscape Architect Supplier Accountant Consultant Financier Property Manager Telecomm Architect Contractor Insurance Public Official Title Company Attorney Economic Dev Interior Design Publisher Utility Broker Engineer Land Planner Service Provider Asset Manager Developer Corporate Real Estate Executive Investor Owner (Property) Member Profile Specific areas in which I am primarily involved (select all that apply): Industrial Medical/Life Sciences Mixed-Use Multi-Family Office Retail I’m involved in the development of green (environmentally sustainable) properties, products, or services: Yes Industry topics of interest (select all that apply): Advocacy Business Mgmt. Development No Finance Marketing/Leasing Personal Scope of Business (select one): Associate Member Principal Member Academician Communications Environmental Landscape Architect Supplier Accountant Consultant Financier Property Manager Telecomm Architect Contractor Insurance Public Official Title Company Attorney Economic Dev Interior Design Publisher Utility Broker Engineer Land Planner Service Provider Are you a partner or a member of an LLC or LLP? Yes No Asset Manager Developer Corporate Real Estate Executive Investor Owner (Property) NAIOP 6R&DOMEMBERSHIP APPLICATION—Page 2 Name Membership Category Demographic Profile (Please select one) Principal Full Member: $845 business expense: $213.95) The following questions are optional and your responses will be held in strict confidentiality. The information will only be used to assist NAIOP in the development of new products and services. NAIOP uses this information to track trends and ensure that the needs of our diverse membership are being met. Principal Affiliate Member: $460 Year of Birth: The first individual employed by an organization whose primary business is development, ownership, asset management or investment. (Dues that may not be deducted as a You must be the second or subsequent person from the principal member firm, within the same chapter (Dues that may not be deducted as a business expense: $126.12) Associate Full Member: $845 The first individual employed by an organization providing products and services. (Dues that may not be deducted as a business expense: $213.95) Ethnic Background: African American Hispanic Caucasian Gender: Male Female Asian, Pacific Islander or Native Hawaiian American Indian or Native Alaskan Other Associate Affiliate Member: $460 You must be the second or subsequent person from the associate member firm, within the same chapter. (Dues that may not be deducted as a business expense: $126.12) Membership Agreement Chapter-Based Corporate Membership (First 4 members): $2,040 Please select one: Principal Associate NAIOP memberships are individual, not by company. However, your company may choose to transfer the membership to another individual at any time if the company paid for or reimbursed you for the membership. Four or more individuals within the same company and same chapter qualify for this discount. Primary contact should be listed above; list others on a separate sheet. Add’l members: $275 (Dues that may not be deducted as a business expense: $558.58) Developing Leader Member: $275 To qualify, you must be 35 years of age or less. ¾Proof of age must accompany Developing this application or your membership cannot be fully activated.¾ Leader membership is excluded from qualifying for a chapter-based corporate membership. (Dues that may not be deducted as a business expense:$87.75) Student Member: $19 Signature By signing above, I acknowledge that I will accept emails, faxes, and other communications from NAIOP. Payment Information ( from selected Membership Category) NAIOP Dues New Member Processing Fee (one-time) $ deducted as a business expense: $3.52) Total Payment Authorized $ Academician Member: $400 VISA MasterCard AMEX Any full-time student, not employed full-time, is eligible. ¾A copy of your Student ID and your most recent class schedule are required and must accompany this application before your membership can be fully activated.¾ (Dues that may not be Any full-time professor who is not otherwise employed in the commercial real estate industry. (Dues that may not be deducted as a business expense: $90.12) Public Official Member: $450 Any individual employed by a local, state, or federal government or non-profit organization. (Dues that may not be deducted as a business expense: $120.12) Public Official Affiliate Member: $435 + $20 Credit Card Number Exp. Date Name of Cardholder (please print) You must be the second or subsequent person from the organization joining the same chapter as the Public Official member. (Dues that may not be deducted as a business expense: $111.12) How Did You Hear About Us? Local Chapter NAIOP Conference (event _________________________________) NAIOP Website Member Referral (name ___________________________________) Direct Mail Phone Call Media Personal Research Social Media Other (_________________________________________________) Billing Address (if different from main contact information) Check Enclosed (payable to NAIOP) Please include application with check. Do not fax application and/or copy of check as it will not be processed without actual payment. Invoice me for my membership Your membership will become active when payment is received and processed. ¾ NAIOP dues are for 12 months of membership, except for corporate affiliates. (Please call for details). For Federal income taxes, NAIOP dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution. However, most of the dues amount may be deducted as a business expense. ¾ The $20 processing fee is a one-time fee and will not appear on renewal notices. ¾ Questions about NAIOP’s Refund Policy? Please call the Membership Department at 800-456-4144. Please fax both pages of your completed application (and any accompanying documentation) to: 7 Mail application with payment (and any accompanying documentation) to: NAIOP6R&DO%ULVWRO6W6WH*&RVWD0HVD&$