Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department


Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department
Non-Profit Published Tri–Annually Issue No. 46
Cudahy Community Education and
Recreation Department
Your Local Resource for Quality Programs and Activities for
Youth, Teens, Adults and Families
With over 20 new classes this season, what
will you try in the new year?
Winter and Spring 1
2015 Recreation Guide
Cudahy School District
2915 East Ramsey Avenue
Cudahy, WI 53110
(414) 294-7435
Letter from the Director
Happy holidays from your Community Education and Recreation
Department! While you have been busy taking lots of new classes
with the rec department, we have been on a whirlwind this past
year finding new program ideas that we hope will resonate with
our community members. We hope you enjoy all of the new
offerings in this guide, and remember, if you have program
suggestions, please let us know and we will do our best to get it!
Contact Information
Recreation Office
Administration Building
2915 E Ramsey Ave
Cudahy, WI 53110
One exciting announcement we would like to share with everyone
is that your Cudahy Community Education and Recreation
Department is the very proud recipient of 3 Silver Stars for 2014,
awarded by the Wisconsin Park and Rec Association, for program
excellence. We received Silver Stars for our Reading Camp Out,
the Yeti Dash and our Youth Leagues Dog Tag Club! This is a
tremendous accomplishment and a point worth noting is that there
were only a total of 15 Silver Stars awarded this year in the entire
state, and yes, we received 3 of those!
8:30 - 4:30 pm
(414) 294-7435
(414) 294-7433
I know I say this with every publication of the new guide, but we
truly cannot thank you enough for all of your support. While we
can plan fun, exciting new programs, it is up to the community to
participate in them—and we would not have received those Silver
Stars if it were not for you and your support! Thank you again,
and Happy New Year!
Yours in Service,
Tina Kreitlow
(414) 769-2319
Please go to the Community Tab
Community Education and Recreation Staff
Tina Kreitlow, Director
Dana Paul, Admin. Assistant
Sam Sujecki, Program Coordinator 294-7402
District Administrators
Dr. Jim Heiden, Superintendent
Karen Ebbers, Dir. of Instructional Services
Dennis Banach, Dir. of Student Services
Jim Papala, Director of Financial Services
Winter, 2015
January 5 - February 21
Spring I, 2015
February 23 - April 18
Spring 2, 2015
April 20 - June 6
Summer, 2015
June 22 - August 29
Fall 1 and 2
2014-15 Board of Education Members
Joan Haske
Scott Mulqueen
Gail Schacht
Frank Stanaszek
Linda Kutka
Megan O’Keefe
Crystal Silkwood
To ensure participation of each registrant in the activity.
To teach fundamental skills of the sport / activity in a fun and safe environment.
To develop a strong sense of sportsmanship and fair play in each participant.
To develop programs with a strong recreational format.
While all participants are encouraged to do their best, it must be emphasized that
competition is of secondary importance in recreation programs.
The development of skills and sportsmanship are of primary importance. The main
goals of recreation programs stress participation for all and assure that each
Table of Contents
Letter from the Director ......................................... 3
School Directory .................................................... 4
Ways to Register .................................................... 5
Know Before You Enroll ........................................ 5
General Policy Information ................................... 6
Family and Preschool Programs ..................... 7 - 9
Reading Camp Out
Cooking Up A Story
Wee Wiggles
Take Home Crafty Creations
Wiggles and Giggles
Sporties for Shorties
Ants in your Pants
Move and Groove
Shake and Sing Your Sillies Out
Laugh and Learn
FREE Family Nights
Parents Math Class
Community Clothing Exchange
Three to Get Ready, Four to Go
Youth Activities ............................................. 10 - 12
Tae Kwon Do
Design Squad: Build, Construct, and Engineer
Intro to Guitar
Painting Picasso
Specialty Art
Camp (School’s Out Break and Summer Camp)
Jazz Dance
Hip Hop Dance
Dance and Cheer
A Look Ahead….Rugby
Pre-School & Youth Sports .......................... 13 - 15
New Youth Sports Program Model
Indoor Tennis
Just for Kicks Soccer
Bump, Set, Spike Volleyball
Basketball Leagues
Biddy Basketball
Girls Sports Conditioning
Pre-School & Youth Sports .......................... 13 - 15
Futsal - Indoor Soccer League
Girls Volleyball League
Middle School Dodgeball League
Adult Enrichment and Fitness...................... 16 - 20
Just Once Piano
Snowshoeing Adventures
Yeti Dash
Languages of the World
A New Year and a New, Healthier You
Boosting your Immune System
Easy, No Cook Recipes for a Busy Lifestyle
Cardio Kickboxing
Boot Camp
Kettlebell Core
Totally Toning
Butts ‘N Guts
Groove ‘N Tone
Easy and Continuing Tai Chi/Yoga
Easy Yoga
Beginner Zumba
Aqua Zumba
Walking Badges
Basketball Open Gym
Cudahy TriClub, Powered by Moxie Fitness
Personal Training
Aquatic Opportunities .......................................... 21
Aqua Zumba
Adult Lap Swim
Youth Swim Lessons
Registration Form ................................................. 22
School / Program Site Directory
Administration Office
2915 E Ramsey Avenue
High School
4950 S Lake Drive
Middle School
5530 S Barland Avenue
General Mitchell
5950 S Illinois Avenue
J.E. Jones
5845 S Swift Avenue
5252 S Kirkwood Avenue
4416 S Packard Avenue
5555 S Nicholson Avenue
4 Easy Ways To Register
Drop Boxes are located at the Cudahy Recreation Main Office as well
as at each elementary school in Cudahy. You can, conveniently, deposit
your registration form and payment safely in our drop boxes.
Rec Office Drop Box is available 24/7, directly outside of main entrance.
You can mail your completed registration and payment to:
Cudahy Recreation Department
Administration Building
2915 East Ramsey Avenue
Cudahy, WI 53110
Recreation Office Hours:
Monday - Friday from 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Credit cards are now accepted, as well as cash, and checks.
Checks should be made payable to:
Cudahy Recreation Department
To register on-line please go to:
View the recreation guide to find the classes that you are interested in
and click on the link On-Line Registration. When using a credit card a
convenience fee will apply.
Details You Should Know . . . BEFORE You Enroll!
Children must be the age indicated or
entering the grade indicated for each
In classes where caregivers are
not required, children must be able
to provide self-care in a group setting
(i.e., able to wash hands and use
the restroom facilities without
Most schools have an area where
parents may wait during classes.
Please help us keep the privilege of
using these school by not wandering
the buildings, no food and drink, and
please keep siblings under adult
In an effort to provide your child with
a fun and positive learning opportunity with their peers, especially in the
ages where they are developing their
separation and independence skills,
we ask that parents and guardians
utilize the waiting areas. Please feel
free to discuss your child's progress
before and/or after class with the
Instructors are asked to arrive 15
minutes prior to the start of class to
set up and ensure a prompt start
time. If you drop your child off prior
to the start of class, please note that
you will need to provide supervision
until the start of class begins.
Classes will end as scheduled and
we ask for your promptness in
picking up your child.
While the Community Education and
Recreation Department aims to be as
flexible and user-friendly as possible,
please understand that it is not our
policy to provide refunds should you
become unable to attend the class.
We will gladly provide a program
credit. Should the Rec Department
cancel a class, a full refund will be
The Cudahy Community Education
and Recreation Department asks that
you register in advance of the class
start date. Knowing the enrollment
one week prior to the start is helpful
when considering cancelling or
combining classes. Also, many
classes are now reaching capacity
and we don’t want you to miss out on
that favorite class!
General Information
Register First
Registrations are accepted on a first
come, first served basis. Persons must
register PRIOR to participation in any
program. Registration forms must be
signed to be valid. No phone registrations
will be accepted. Registration forms and
fees cannot be collected by instructors.
Class rosters will be given to instructors to
verify enrollment.
Credit / Refund Policy
In the event a participant can not attend a
program they are registered for the rec
department will, gladly, issue a credit for a
future program. Credits may also be
issued in the following cases:
1. Program is cancelled, for any reason,
by the department. You will have the
option to accept a refund or transfer
into another activity with availability.
2. Participant is moving and cannot
Deadline To Register
continue in the activity, request made
Persons should register prior to the start of
prior to the first meeting of the activity.
the program. Registrations received after 3. Cancellation by applicant, due to
this date will only be accepted if openings
medical reasons, no refunds will be
still exist. Programs that do not meet
made after the third meeting of the
minimum enrollment requirements by the
program start date, may be cancelled
The Director must approve all refunds,
or combined. Registered participants will and if a refund is deemed appropriate, the
be contacted if a class is cancelled.
refund will follow the School District of
Please help us serve you better by
Cudahy Accounts Payable bill paying
registering early!
schedule. There are no cash refunds
given. All refunds are by check and
The department reserves the right to make mailed to the payee indicated on the
changes to any program as needed, and
original registration form.
to cancel any program based on limited
Weather Cancellations
If you have a question concerning the
status of an activity due to inclement
Confirmations are not issued, mark your
weather, etc. call the department for
calendar. Payments made in-person with information (294-7435). If school is closed
cash will receive a written receipt, or your due to weather conditions, all Recreation
check or credit card will be your receipt.
Department programs are cancelled.
Listen to AM 620 (WTMJ), AM 920
Non-resident Policy
A non-resident is defined as a person who (WOKY), AM 1130 (WISN), FM 99.1
(WMYX), or FM 106 (WMIL). Every
does not reside or own property within the
attempt will be made to reschedule a
city limits of the City of Cudahy. Persons
cancelled activity. Notice will be given to
defined as a non-resident of the City of
Cudahy are required to pay an additional program participants concerning the
rescheduled activity.
fee to offset their non-tax status.
Exceptions: If a child is enrolled as a
student in a Cudahy Public School, no
The School District of Cudahy (which
matter where they live, they also qualify
includes the Recreation Department) does
to pay the lesser Resident Fee rate.
not provide hospital/medical insurance
coverage for persons participating in
Fee Waiver for Youth
If your child/children receive free/reduced sponsored activities, and cannot assume
lunch, you may qualify for a fee reduction responsibility for injury to any participants
in recreation programs. Participants
on league sports only, including flag
should have their own insurance
football, basketball, soccer or volleyball
coverage prior to and for the duration
leagues. You must have a current lunch
of the activity which they participate.
application form on file with the Cudahy
Consult with a physician before
School District Office and contact the
participating in strenuous activity.
Rec. Office to request a fee reduction.
For program promotional purposes, from
time to time, photographs will be taken of
participants. If you do not wish to have
your photo taken, please tell the
photographer and/or class instructor.
Program Fees
The School District of Cudahy charges a
$12 fee for checks that are returned for
insufficient funds by our bank. Program
fees are not pro-rated. Please plan to
register prior to indicated first session
New Program Ideas
The department is always receptive to
suggestions for the development of “new”
program offerings. Please feel free to
contact us with your ideas, or if you have
an expertise that you would like to share
via a class or program.
Building Scheduling
School athletic and education programs
may require some recreation programs to
be cancelled or rescheduled. The
community’s understanding during these
times is appreciated.
Volunteer Assistance
If assistance is needed for an activity and
a volunteer is qualified, the department will
accept volunteer assistance. Persons
interested in serving as volunteers are
encouraged to register at the department.
Employment Opportunities
Persons interested in part-time seasonal
employment with the Rec. Dept. should
complete an employment application form
at the Rec Office. Openings for coaches,
instructors, officials are usually filled from
current applications on file. Qualified
applicants will be contacted as openings
become available.
Nondiscrimination Policy
The School District of Cudahy does not
discriminate on the basis of sex, race,
religion, national origin, ancestry, creed,
pregnancy, marital or parental status,
sexual orientation or physical, mental,
emotional, or learning disability.
Typing Errors?
Occasionally there may be an error in
days, times, registration requirements,
locations or fees. When such errors
occur, we will do everything possible to
correct the error promptly. Updates will
be made to the Recreation Guide online.
Family and Preschool Activities
Ages 2 through 5 with parent/caregiver
$5 resident / $10 non-resident per class
Ages 2 through 4 with parent/caregiver
$12 resident / $18 non-resident
Calling all little aspiring cooks! Bring your favorite adult for
a great morning of cooking and a story. We bring the book
and the food, you bring your listening ears and creativity for
All programs are held at the Middle School, Room 6-111
Having a hard time carving out time with your little one to
do some fun arts and crafts projects? Do you always see
these great ideas on Pintrest that you want to do but don’t
want the mess at home? This is the class for you and your
little creative minded child.
Instructor: Byranna Jackson
Saturday, January 24
If You Give A Mouse a Cookie by Laura Numeroff
2 - 5 yrs
10:00 - 11:15 am
Saturday, February 21
The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big
Hungry Bear by Don and Audrey Wood
2 - 5 yrs
10:00 - 11:15 am
Saturday, March 21
The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson
2 - 5 yrs
10:00 - 11:15 am
Ages walking up to 18 months with
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
Wednesdays 1/21 - 2/11 (4 weeks)
4:00 - 4:45 pm
JE Jones Café
Spring 1
Wednesdays 3/11 - 4/1 (4 weeks)
4:00 - 4:45 pm
JE Jones Café
Ages 18 months through 2 with
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
You and your little one will get the opportunity each week to
have fun as you work toward accomplishing challenging
new activities using a variety of age appropriate equipment
and toys. The focus in this class is on building gross motor
An age appropriate movement class based off the popular skills as well as social development. Your child will
Wiggles and Giggles, this class will use similar movement
definitely wiggle and giggle the whole class!
activities to help build the child’s gross motor skills. And, of Instructor: Janice Rozga
course, both the adults and kids get to work on their social
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
9:00 - 9:45 am
Instructor: Janice Rozga
JE Jones Gym
Tuesdays 1/6 - 2/17
4:00 - 4:45 pm
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
JE Jones Gym
9:00 - 9:45 am
Spring 1
Tuesdays 2/24 - 4/14, no 4/7
JE Jones Gym
4:00 - 4:45 pm
JE Jones Gym
3:00 - 4:30 pm
If you were at this event last year you know how great it was! Come and celebrate Read Across
America Day by participating in a fun afternoon of reading, making s’mores trail mix and picking out
your favorite book to take home!
Tents will be set up throughout the fieldhouse and sponsored by local businesses. Each tent will
pick a fun book for kids they will read. The kids will rotate from tent to tent and once they are
finished, it is time to make s’mores and pick out a book to take home.
While this is a FREE event, pre-registration is required. Please call the rec office to secure your
child’s spot. This event did reach capacity last year and is a first come, first serve registration.
Please call (414) 294-7435 to register no later than Tuesday, February 24th.
Family and Preschool Activities
Ages 3 through 4
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
Along with learning the basics, the kids will help further
their gross motor skills and social development with their
peers...not to mention getting out some early morning
energy! Basketball, football, soccer, and tennis will be
explored, as well as some non-traditional games.
Instructor: Matt Dralle
Spring 1
Fridays 1/9 - 2/20
9:00 - 9:45 am
JE Jones Gym
Fridays 2/27 - 4/17, no 4/3 or 4/10
9:00 - 9:45 am
JE Jones Gym
Ages 3 through 4
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
Fun-filled class that gets your kids moving to a variety of
music and games. There will be lots of singing, dancing
and variety as this class will get all of the kids on their feet
and shaking their sillies out. This is a skill building class
in the areas of gross and fine motor as well as social
development. Instructor: Janice Rozga
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
10:00 - 10:45 am
JE Jones Gym
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
10:00 - 10:45 am
JE Jones Gym
Ages 3 through 5
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
Come and explore all of the benefits that a
music class can offer for children:
Social and Emotional: Build rituals, practice sharing,
express emotions, imitate and play with others and participate in circle games;
Language and Literacy: Verbal exploration, sing and
vocal play, storytime and finger plays, imitate sounds,
learn simple rhymes;
Cognitive: Develop routines, engage curiosity and imagination, identify pictures and sounds, clap and tap in
time to music;
Physical: Hold and shake instruments, run, jump, stop
and go!
Ages 1 through 2 with parent/caregiver
$15 resident / $20 non-resident
This music class is deigned for toddlers to get moving to
music and will include learning experiences involving
instrument exploration, movement to the sounds, musical
activities and together time.
Instructor: Catherine Wettengale
Mondays 1/5 - 2/16
4:00 - 4:30 pm
JE Jones Music Room
Spring 1
Mondays 2/23 - 4/13, no 4/6
4:00 - 4:30 pm
JE Jones Music Room
Ages 2 through 3 with parent/caregiver
$15 resident / $20 non-resident
This kids music class is designed for learning stories and
chants, basic instrument play, singing and moving, creative
movement, and musical concepts.
Instructor: Catherine Wettengale
This toddler music class is designed to take learning to
the next level by learning songs and rhymes, instrumental exploration and play, and active movement with your
Instructor: Catherine Wettengale
Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19
4:00 - 4:45 pm
JE Jones Music Room
Mondays 1/5 - 2/16
4:40 - 5:15 pm
JE Jones Music Room
Spring 1
Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
4:00 - 4:45 pm
JE Jones Music Room
Spring 1
Mondays 2/23 - 4/13, no 4/6
4:40 - 5:15 pm
JE Jones Music Room
Please see page 14 for preschool sports
Family and Preschool Activities
All ages are welcome
January - April
Location: Middle School
Every 1st and 3rd Friday night of each month will be filled
with something new and exciting from swimming to movie
nights, and recreational play. Everyone in the family is encouraged to attend and participate. Family Nights are not a
“drop off ” program, rather they are meant for the family to
spend quality time together, having fun. These programs
are fully staffed and they are ready to bring on the fun.
Please see schedule below for a list of family fun!
Friday, January 16
Movie Night
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Middle School
Friday, February 20
Beach Ball Volleyball
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Middle School Gym
Friday, March 6
Swim Party
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Middle School
Friday, March 20
Crafts, Crafts and
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Middle School Cafeteria
Friday, April 3
Movie Night
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Middle School Auditorium
Friday, April 17
Tennis Games and
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Middle School Gym
Stop by and meet some of our fabulous early childhood
education staff and kindergarten teachers for the School
District of Cudahy and see what you and your child can
do to be prepared to start 4K with a step ahead!
Saturday, March 7th
9:00 am - 2:00 pm
Lincoln Elementary School
You may call (414) 294-7412 starting January 22nd at
1:00 pm to schedule a time to meet with a member of
the Early childhood team to discuss your child’s developmental readiness for a successful entry into school.
FIVE YEAR OLD Kindergarten Registration is
from January 5th - February 6th 2015!
Saturday, April 18th
10:00 - 3:00 pm
General Mitchell Cafeteria
Now in our second year of the clothing exchange, we
know how much our families appreciated this event. So,
we are back for another year to help make getting
clothes for your kids a little easier and a lot less expensive….and to help those who are wanting to clear their
closets a little more convenient!
The process for the exchange is very simple:
1. Bring your child/ren’s outgrown clothes to the rec
department no later than Friday, April 10th. The
clothes should be clean and in good condition.
2. We will be accepting all sizes for infants, toddlers,
school-age, middle and high school kids.
3. Everyone in Cudahy is welcome to participate in the
CLOTHES TO COME ON THE 18th. If you need
clothes for your child/ren, please come.
We know new clothes can be expensive and that our
children grow out of items all too quickly. This is a way
to know that your children’s outgrown clothes will be going to someone who could really use it in our own community.
This is a completely FREE event. This is a way to know
your clothes are going to someone else in our community who will use them!
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Please call the rec office to
sign up.
Don’t worry, we aren’t either! But, don’t be ashamed, help
has arrived! This course will transform the way you experience math and will focus on fluency of facts in a way that
will lead to a deeper understanding of numbers to 20. We
will then apply that fluency to conceptual place value
understanding to work with larger numbers. The main
focus is on addition and subtraction and place value. This
course is for parents who are good at math, for those who
struggle and anyone in between who simply wants to be
able to help their child in kindergarten through 4th grade.
Three-Part Series - FREE
Wednesdays - January 28, February 11, and February 18
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Kosciuszko Library
Although this is free, pre-registration is required.
Limited free child care is also available.
Youth Activities
Ages 5 through Adult
$25 resident / $40 non-resident
$30 resident / $45 non-resident
15 +
$35 resident / $50 non-resident
Tae Kwon Do (TKD) is a martial art form of self defense,
that evolved by combining many different styles of martial
arts, that existed in Korea over the last 2,000 years.
A strong foundational program for both kids and adults.
TKD teaches discipline, respect, team building, and self
defense techniques. Classes are taught using safe and
fun instructional methods. As participants develop in
achievement level they gain a feeling of tremendous
accomplishment by testing and advancing belt colors.
Instructors: Shannon Clark and Dean Nowalis
Tiger purple belts will transition with the instructor’s
There is a $40 uniform fee that you can purchase
directly from the instructor.
Additional fee’s apply to test and promotion in belt
Mon/Thur 1/5 - 2/19
Lincoln Cafeteria
Spring 1
Mon/Thur 2/23 - 4/23, no 4/6, 4/9
Lincoln Cafeteria
Ages 5-7
4:45 - 5:15 pm
5:15 - 5:45 pm
White & Blue Star Orange & Yellow
Ages 8-14
6:15 - 7:00 pm
7:00 - 7:45 pm
White, Orange,
Yellow Belts
Camo Belt and
Ages 9 through 17
$35 resident / $50 non-resident
In this 3 week workshop you will learn to play several
chords, guitar structure, and read tablature. You will also
grasp the essentials needed to begin playing an acoustic
or electric guitar - it is an easy approach that will get you
playing this great instrument quickly. You will need to bring
your own guitar.
Instructor: Katrina Johansson
Tuesdays 1/6, 1/13, and 1/20
JE Jones Music Room
9 - 12 yr olds
6:45 - 7:45 pm
13 - 17 yr olds 7:45 - 8:45 pm
Ages 5 through 9
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
In this class, youth will learn the fundamentals of painting
using different subjects while learning an appreciation of
the various forms of art. The end of the session there will
be an art show for the little Picasso’s to show off their masterpieces to family and friends.
Instructor: Byranna Jackson
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
5:00 - 6:00 pm
JE Jones Café
5:45 - 6:15 pm
Camo & Green
All Levels
7:45 - 8:30 pm
DESIGN SQUAD: Build, Construct,
and Engineer
Ages 7 through 12
$25 resident / $30 non-resident
Ages 7 through 9
$25 resident / $30 non-resident
This class takes art to a whole new level using a variety of
textures, including corn meal, vegetables, and melted crayons to create works of art. We will make edible paint, use
our shoes and other non-traditional creativity.
Instructor: Byranna Jackson
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
5:00 - 6:00 pm
JE Jones Café
If you liked Drip, Bubble, Ooze and Erupt than you will love
this class! Taking your mind to the next level, using curriculum from PBS Kids on how to make a Robo Wheel, Indoor
Slingshot, Zip Line, Catapult, and much more.
Instructor: Matt Dralle
Spring 1
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
6:00 - 7:00 pm
JE Jones Café
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
6:00 - 7:00 pm
JE Jones Café
DNR Boater Safety Training
Saturdays May 2 and May 9th
1:00 - 5:00 pm
More details in the Spring/Summer Guide
The fabulous rec department staff will provide
activities and fun on the
following half days and
will provide a full camp
experience during the holiday break weeks. Please
see below for locations and dates:
Early Release Day Program
February 13
March 20
May 22
Per Day
Early release schedule is from 11:30 - 4:00 pm Fee: $10
Late pick up is available from 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Fee: $5
LOCATIONS: General Mitchell and Kosciuszko
Full Day Program
February 16
April 6 - 10
Early drop off is available from 7:30 - 9:00 am
Break camp hours are from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Late pick up is available from 4:00 - 6:00 pm
LOCATION: Kosciuszko
Per Day
Fee: $3
Fee: $15
Fee: $5
June 15 - August 21
Ages 5 - 12
$99 per week resident
$119 per week non-resident
Summer Day Camp is one of those experiences that a
child has fond memories of for a lifetime. The friendships
they form, the experiences they have, the challenges they
conquer, and the skills they learn are all a part of what
helps develop and shape a child to have an appreciation
for others, the environment, and themselves.
The camp experience will follow the same format as last
year with lots of new improvements to make the camp
even better!
Day Camp will run Monday - Friday from 9:00 - 4:00 pm.
Early drop off is available beginning at 7:30 am and late
pick up no later than 6:00 pm.
Join the Rec Department for a parent orientation to meet
the staff and have an opportunity to ask questions about a
“day in the life of a camper.”
Meeting at Cudahy Middle School Auditorium
Wednesday, May 13 from 6:00 - 7:00 pm, or
Saturday, May 30 from 10:00 - 11:00 am
June 16 - August 6
Ages 3 - 4
$25 per child weekly resident
$35 per child weekly non-resident
Tuesday and Thursday
9:00 - 11:00 am
Our Peewee Camp is developed for our
littlest campers to enjoy their first day camp
experience with adjusted hours and activities
tailored to meet their needs.
This camp will be 2 days per week for 2 hours each
day. Activities will include:
Arts and Crafts
Team Games
Sports and Active Games
Outdoor Education
Reading Readiness
Music and Dance
Science Discovery
And Much More….
The capacity for each week is 12 campers and will
follow a ratio of 1:6 child to counselor ratio.
All Pee Wee Campers must be potty trained.
Choosing Cudahy Rec for your child’s camp experience is
an easy decision:
With a 1:10 (7-12 yrs) and a 1:6 (5-6 yrs) ratio of
camper to staff your child will get the attention they
Affordable camp that includes early drop off and late
pick at no additional cost
Well trained staff with 30 hours of training prior to the
start of camp
There is a 10% second child discount
Field trips are included in the camp price
Swimming is included
Camp t-shirt is included
Tons of fun with large group games, weekly tournaments, and challenges as well as a variety of sports,
arts and crafts and opening/
closing ceremonies
More information will be available
on-line and at the rec department
beginning January 19, including
registration and weekly themes.
Youth Activities
Ages 7 through 9
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
Ages 5 through 10
$25 resident / $30 non-resident
Jazz dance is a fun and energetic style gaining popularity
among young dancers. This class includes a warm-up with
stretching, isolations, strengthening exercises and then
moves across the floor to work on turns, leaps, jumps and
runs. Each class ends with a fast-paced combination.
Instructor: Eli Starr
This class is designed for youth who love to cheer and will
teach motions, basic jumps, as well as cheer dance where
they use pom poms in a more dance related cheer routine.
This is a great all around class that will expose the kids to
all facets of cheer.
Instructors: Laura Ozbolt and Sarah Molloy
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18, no 1/21
4:00 - 4:50 pm
Kosciuszko Gym
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
4:00 - 4:50 pm
Kosciuszko Gym
Mondays 1/5 - 2/16
Ages 5 - 7 4:30 - 5:15 pm
Ages 8 - 10 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Kosciuszko Gym
Spring 1
Mondays 2/23 - 4/13, no 4/6
Ages 5 - 7 4:30 - 5:15 pm
Ages 8 - 10 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Kosciuszko Gym
Ages 5 through 8
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
Calling all jumpers, tumblers, stunt, and cheer folks! This
is a great class for those looking to enhance their current
abilities or those looking to learn new techniques in
tumbling, jumping, stunts and even learning new cheers.
Instructor: Eli Starr
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18, no 1/21
5:00 - 5:50 pm
Kosciuszko Gym
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
5:00 - 5:50 pm
Kosciuszko Gym
Ages 7 through 9
$20 resident / $25 non-resident
This class will teach the fundamentals of hip hop
movement. Each class is upbeat and high energy and will
focus on stretching, isolations, rhythms, musicality, upper
body strength and funky footwork. Students will learn to
memorize choreography by working on a combination in
each class.
Instructor: Eli Starr
Rugby is truly a global game currently being played in over
115 countries worldwide with over 3 million players. The
Rugby World Cup is the 3rd largest sporting event in the
world, behind the Soccer World Cup and the Olympics and
rugby will be making its debut in the 2016 Olympics!
Flag Rugby will be coming to the South Shore this Spring
with an instructional league for youth in the 3rd - 8th
grade. In the summer, we will organize a South Shore travelling team to play against other youth teams from across
the state!
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18, no 1/21
6:00 - 6:50 pm
Kosciuszko Gym
This is a great opportunity to get introduced to one of the
fastest growing sports in America. It is an awesome sport
for all involved.
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
6:00 - 6:50 pm
Kosciuszko Gym
SATURDAY, APRIL 18th from 1:00 - 3:00 pm
General Mitchell Field
Grades 3 through 8 are welcome to attend
The Rec Department Instructional League will begin the
week of April 27th.
Preschool and Youth Sports
Good Sportsmanship
We want you and your children to enjoy and benefit from Cudahy’s recreation activities, so please engage in positive
and healthy behaviors that help us teach kids the joy and benefits of the sport/activity. Good sportsmanship for the
Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department is defined as:
Showing respect for participants, coaches, staff and spectators at all times
Do not engage in verbal or physical aggression or intimidation of another person, nor use profane or
vulgar language. Show the willingness to accept and abide by the decisions of the officials and/or coaches.
Maintain self-control at all times
Good sportsmanship is concerned with the behavior of all involved in the activity (coaches, participants, staff, parents,
and all other spectators).
Recognize and appreciate the skill in performance of all participants
The ability to recognize quality in performance and the willingness to acknowledge it without regard to team
membership is one of the most highly commendable gestures of good sportsmanship.
NEW IN 2015
In an effort to offer sports programs that are developmentally appropriate for all ages, the rec department
has designed a new progressive sports program model that we will work off of this upcoming year. We
welcome your feedback and suggestions on how to improve upon our programs and hope you enjoy this
new program structure.
Ages 3 - K5
Grades 1 - 2
Grades 3 - 4
Grades 5 - 6
# of Meetings
Per Week
Program will meet one
time per week for 45
minutes each class.
Program will meet one
time per week for 1 hour
- skill development for
first half, followed by a
Program will meet two
times per week. Weeks
1 and 2 there are two
practices. Week 3 begins
practice 1 time per week
with 1 game per week.
Program will meet three
times per week after the
skill assessment and
draft week. Week 3
begins 2 practices per
week with 1 game per
Length of Session
7 weeks
7 weeks
9 weeks
9 weeks
Progressive Play
Skill and social develop- Skill development and
ment as primary goals. understanding of application of skill in game play
are the goals at this level.
Week 1 is skill assessment and team draft.
Skill development and
understanding of skill in
game play is still the
Week 1 is skill assessment and team draft.
At this level teams will
focus on team play,
sport rules and quality
team play at a more
competitive level.
Level of
Instructional using
“games approach” for
skill development.
Instructional League
Level 2
Score is kept each week
Competitive League
Score and Standings
will be kept each week
Other Notes
No t-shirt
Team t-shirt
Not eligible for Dog Tag Not eligible for Dog Tag
Team t-shirt
Eligible for Dog Tag
Team t-shirt
Eligible for Dog Tag
Instructional League
Level 1
Score kept last 2 weeks
Preschool and Youth Sports
Ages 6 through 10
$20 resident / $30 non-resident
In collaboration with the United States Tennis Association,
this class offers the highest quality of curriculum to insure
your child learns the game of tennis in a fun and positive
manner. We supply all of the equipment, you bring the
energy to play! Instructor: Keith Henschel
Spring 1
Tuesdays 1/6 - 2/17
6 - 7 yr olds
4:30 - 5:20 pm
8 - 10 yr olds 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Kozy Gym
Tuesdays 2/24 - 4/14, no 4/7
6 - 7 yr olds
4:30 - 5:20 pm
8 - 10 yr olds 5:30 - 6:30 pm
Kozy Gym
Ages 3 through 7
$20 resident / $30 non-resident
Soccer is America’s fastest growing sport and there is
no better time for your child to learn the fundamentals of
the game that in their early years. Register your little
developing athlete for this program that will teach the
basics of the sport and will focus on the skills necessary
to enjoy the sport.
Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19
3-4 yrs 4:00 - 4:45 pm
5-7 yrs 5:00 - 6:00 pm
JE Jones Gym
Ages 7 through 12
$20 resident / $30 non-resident
This is an instructional program designed to introduce or
sharpen those skills that will focus on teaching teamwork,
coordination, and a love for being active. Come and have
fun as you learn the 3-step offense and rules of the game.
Instructor: Lauren Blunt
Mondays 1/5 - 2/16
7 - 9 yrs
4:30 - 5:25 pm
10 - 12 yrs 5:30 - 6:25 pm
Lincoln Gym
Grades 1 through 6
January 12 through March 21
This program includes a team shirt
Please see the description of league play on page 13 for
each age group. The schedules are as follows:
1st - 2nd grade
$25 resident / $35 non-resident
TUESDAYS FROM 5:00 - 7:30 pm
Week 1 , all players practice from 5:00 - 6:30 pm
Weeks 2 - 7 there will be a rotating time schedule of either
5:00 or 6:30 pm for each team
3rd - 4th grade
$30 resident / $40 non-resident
Boys Basketball League
Week 1 is skills assessment and DRAFT WEEK - All players from PV and GM will practice at PV on Mon/Wed from
5:00 - 6:30 pm and all players from JO, KZ, and LN will
practice at LN on Mon/Wed from 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Practice times will vary based on coach and gym availability—schedule will be given during DRAFT WEEK based on
which team you are drafted to and games will be on Saturday mornings
5th - 6th grade
$30 resident / $40 non-resident
Boys Basketball League
Week 1 is skills assessment and DRAFT WEEK - All players from PV and GM will practice at PV on Tue/Thur from
5:00 - 6:30 pm and all players from JO, KZ, and LN will
practice at LN on Tue/Thur from 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Practice times will vary based on coach and gym availability—schedule will be given during DRAFT WEEK based on
which team you are drafted to and games will be on Saturday afternoons
Since this is a new format with having a draft of all players,
we encourage you to register by January 9th. There will be
no guarantees after the draft has occurred that space will
be available on a team for your child to play.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED as coaches and scorekeepers!
Please contact Sam Sujecki for more information at
(414) 294-7402.
Preschool and Youth Sports
Ages 3 through 7
$20 resident / $30 non-resident
Children will be taught the fundamentals of the game of
basketball in this fun, upbeat class that is designed to get
kids moving. The focus on this skill development class is
on ball control, dribbling, passing, shooting and teamwork.
Spring 1
Saturdays 2/28 - 4/18, no 4/4 or 4/11
3-4 yrs 9:00 - 9:45 am
5-7 yrs 10:00 - 11:00 am
Park View Gym
Grades 5 through 8
$20 resident / $30 non-resident
If your child is involved in any type of sport or just wants to
keep active in exercise, this is the perfect program for her!
Based on the season, this program will keep your daughter
conditioned for her sport of choice. In the winter session,
the group will train for extra conditioning in basketball and
gearing up for the spring sports seasons of track and softball. This program will offer diverse activities for strength
and cardio conditioning.
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
4:30 - 5:30 pm
General Mitchell Gym
Grades 1 through 6
January 26 through March 28
This program includes a team shirt
Please see the description of league play on page 13 for
each age group.
A flyer will be available in schools the week of January
5th with all of the practice schedules in full.
1st - 2nd grade
$25 resident / $35 non-resident
Mondays: the first 2 weeks will be practice only, and in the
3rd week the players will have a half hour of practice and
then play a game. Schedule will rotate times between a
5:00 or 6:30 start time. Full practice schedule will be available on flyer the week of January 5th.
3rd - 4th grade
$30 resident / $40 non-resident
The first 2 weeks there will be two practices each week. In
the 3rd week 9week of February 9th), there will be one
practice and one game per week. Games will be held on
Saturdays, beginning February 14th. Practice schedule will
be on flyer available the week of January 5th.
5th - 6th grade
$30 resident / $40 non-resident
There will be two practices per week in this age group for
the entire season. Games will be held on Saturdays and
begin on February 14th. Full practice schedule will be on
flyer available the week of January 5th.
Grades 6 through 8
$100 per team
Grades 3 through 8
$30 resident / $40 non-resident
This 5 versus 5 league has been created to get our middle
schoolers active and having fun together with a spirited
league of dodgeball. Players will register as a team, with
their own team name and will get to pick their color of shirt.
We will follow all of the rules of the National Amateur
Dodgeball Association for Youth play. There will be a free
agent team for players who choose to register individually
and not a part of a team. Free agent fee is $20 per player.
March 23 through May 30
This program includes a team shirt
This league will not have practice days, and will play one
game per week for an 8 week league. All teams must
have a team captain with a minimum of 5 players and a
maximum of 8 players.
Registration deadline for
teams and free agents is
Friday, January 23rd.
Team Captains will receive the
schedule on January 28th and
games begin Wednesday,
February 4th. Last game is
Wednesday, March 25. Game
times are 6:00 - 8:00 pm and will
be played at the middle school.
Please see the description of league play on page 13 for
each age group.
A flyer will be available in schools the week of
February 23rd 5th with all of the practice schedules in
full for all grades.
3rd - 4th grade
The first 2 weeks there will be two practices each week. In
week 3, there will be one practice and one game per week.
5th - 6th grade
There will be two practices per week for the entire season
with one game per week.
7th - 8th grade
There will be two practices per week for the entire season
with one game per week.
Adult Enrichment
for hopelessly busy adults
$60 resident / $65 non-resident,
Ages 14 and older
$30 resident / $40 non-resident
price includes $29 materials fee for workbook
and practice CD
Always wanted to learn another language? Planning a trip
in the future that you would just like to be able to know
some of the words? Rusty from taking a language in high
A one-time workshop designed for busy people who want
to learn to play the piano, for you own personal enjoyment, school and you just want to polish up on a few words? In
but simply don’t have the time or money for private lessons. these classes you will learn basic words and common
phrases and greetings. Learning materials are supplied—
While regular piano lessons teach note reading, piano
just come ready to learn!
professionals use chords. You will learn the chords you
would need to play any song, in this one session. All the
LOCATION: Administration Building, P-100
material covered in class
Instructor: Roman Blenski
Thursday, February 19
6:30 - 9:00 pm
Administration Building, P-100
Ages 12 and older
$7 per outing or pick three for $18
Nuevo A Spanish?
This is a beginner Spanish class geared for a novice in the
language. Instructor: Batya Silva
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
6:15 - 7:15 pm
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
6:15 - 7:15 pm
If you would like to get outdoors more and enjoy the
Wisconsin weather instead of being cooped up indoors,
than this is the best program offered this season! During
each snowshoeing adventure, you will be led on a scenic
tour through one of our beautiful parks by an outdoor education professional who brings so much more than a hike
outdoors. She is a true outdoor enthusiast and there is no
doubt you will enjoy her company! Your reservation
includes snowshoes, if needed. Limited availability of
snowshoes. Instructor: Cassie Bauer
Habla Espanol
January 10th
10:00 am
Snowshoeing Basics/Mini Hike
Admin Building
January 24th
10:00 am
Sheridan Park
South Bound Hike
This is a beginner class in German geared for the novice.
Instructor, Lisa Dziadosz
Tuesdays 1/6 - 2/17
6:30 - 7:30 pm
January 30th
5:00 pm
February 7th
9:30 am
Grant Park
Moonlight Hike
Yeti Dash
Warnimont Park
February 15th
10:00 am
February 28th
9:00 am
Whitnall Park
Post Valentine Snowshoe
Sheridan Park
North Bound Hike
March 8th
10:00 am
Falk Park
Hike to Remember
March 14th
9:00 am
Cousins Center
Peaceful and Serene
Class is designed for someone who knows the basics and
is looking to learn more phrases and become a bit more
conversational in the language. Instructor: Batya Silva
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
7:30 - 8:30 pm
Spring 1
Sprechen Sie Deutsch!
Spring 1
Tuesdays 2/24 - 4/14, no 4/7
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Apprendre Le Francais
This is learning how to speak French at its best! You now
have 2 levels to choose from, from the complete novice to
the semi experienced, this is the place to brush up and
hone your language. C’est la vie!
Instructor, Lisa Dziadosz
Level 1 Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19
6:15 - 7:15 pm
Level 2 Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
7:30 - 8:30 pm
Level 1 Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
6:15 - 7:15 pm
Level 2 Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Adult Enrichment and Fitness
If you are interested in living a healthier lifestyle with more
natural products than take a look at these offerings.
Pat Molter is joining the Cudahy Rec Department team of
professionals and bringing her expertise in the area of
aromatherapy and raw foods. Pat became a certified
Aromatherapist and is published in NAHA and Aromascents. Pat was also introduced to a raw foods diet in
2005 when she quit chemotherapy due to the side effects.
She is now cancer free and attributes it to using essential
oils and raw foods. We welcome Pat to the Cudahy Rec
$30 resident / $35 non-resident
Cardio kickboxing is a combination of aerobics, boxing and
martial arts and is one of the most popular fitness trends to
hit gyms in recent years. This is an intense total body
workout that will improve strength, aerobic fitness, flexibility, coordination and balance. Kickboxing is a great alternative for people who are new to exercise or who have become bored with weight room and general cardio activities.
Instructor: Marilyn Garlie
The following workshops are being taught by Pat Molter:
FEE: $30 each or $80 for all three
Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19
6:15 - 7:00 am
Lincoln Gym
Thursday, January 8th
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Administration Building, Room P-108
Have you made New Years resolutions in the past only to
find them hard to keep? Struggling with a lack of energy,
Spring 1
want to loose weight, etc? Learn how essential oils and
healthy eating can help you detox for a healthier you. We
will explore dry skin brushing and Epsom salts baths and
their benefits. We will also make and sample a yummy
smoothie from the many recipes you will find in your materials. Last but not least you will make bath salts to take
Thursday, January 22nd
6:00 - 8:00 pm
Administration Building, Room P-108
Mondays 1/5 - 2/16
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Kozy Cafeteria
Saturdays 1/10 - 2/21
9:00 - 10:00 am
Kozy Gym
Mondays 2/23 - 4/13, no 4/6
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Kozy Cafeteria
Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
6:15 - 7:00 am
Lincoln Gym
Saturdays 2/28 - 4/18, no4/11
9:00 - 10:00 am
Kozy Gym
Do you struggle with getting sick every winter? Want to
$30 resident / $35 non-resident
learn what foods help boost our immune system? Let’s
Crossfit is a fitness program that is designed to be broad,
discover how easy it is to use essential oils to make our
general and inclusive. It is intentional in scalability, making
home safe from germs and smell heavenly at the same
time. You will make an Immune Tonic Blend to take home. it the perfect class for anyone, regardless of past fitness
experience to novices. Here you will be challenged to furEASY, NO COOK RECIPES FOR A BUSY
ther develop in strength and conditioning. If you are lookLIFESTYLE
ing for something out of the ordinary, this is a great class to
Thursday, February 12th 6:00 - 8:00 pm
break the mold!
Instructor: Marilyn Garlie
Administration Building, Room P-108
Do you find yourself turning to drive through meals and
frozen dinners all too often? In this class we will explore
some easy breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack options that
require no cooking. You will sample “oatmeal,” banana
logs, not tuna pate, non-dairy ice cream and more.
At registration please alert us to any allergies.
Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Kozy Gym
Spring 1
Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Kozy Gym
Register for all 3 Pat Molter workshops and receive
50% off of any adult fitness class for the winter
session. Must register for everything at once.
Excludes Cudahy TriClub Classes.
Adult Fitness
$75 resident / $80 non-resident
Monday/Wednesday/Friday Class
This military-inspired workout burns some serious calories
and is built on the fundamentals of cardio, strength and
agility training. More intense than other fitness classes and
way more fun than traditional gym workouts! Class may
use outdoors, weather dependent.
Instructor: Sarah Emerson
Spring 1
Mon/Wed/Fri 1/5 - 2/20
6:15 - 7:00 am
Lincoln Gym
Mon/Wed/Fri 2/23 - 4/17, no 4/6-10
6:15 - 7:00 am
Lincoln Gym
$50 resident / $55 non-resident
Tuesday and Thursday Class
Kettlebell is one of the fastest growing classes because
of the versatility it provides to a strength and conditioning
workout. Kettlebells will give you an effective total body
workout and you will see results in less time than a traditional class. It is more than just strength - you will see
improvement in your core, greater balance and increased
aerobic capacity.
Instructor: Sarah Emerson
Tue / Thurs 1/6 - 2/19
5:30 - 6:30 pm
General Mitchell Gym
Spring 1
Tue / Thurs 2/24 - 4/16, no 4/7-9
5:30 - 6:30 pm
General Mitchell Gym
Some days you feel like you need an intense boot
camp workout, some days you feel like cardio,
and other days you just may want to relax with
yoga. We get it! And, we want to give you more
flexibility with your class options. Starting in
2015, the rec department will be selling adult
fitness passes, which means you can take as
many classes as you want a week and of whichever type you want. Just bring your punch card to
class and try something new or diversify your
workout….whatever works for you!
5 class card = $25
10 class card = $45
15 class card = $65
$30 resident / $35 non-resident
This class is the ultimate sculpting experience designed to
challenge both your muscular endurance and strength.
Every muscle group is targeted, leaving you with a totally
toned and defined body. If you love Butts ‘n Guts, just wait
until you try this class! Please bring hand weights and a
Instructor: Sarah Lampe
Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19
6:15 - 7:00 pm
Park View Gym
Spring 1
Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
6:00 - 6:45 pm
Park View Gym
$30 resident / $35 non-resident
This class is designed as a muscular fitness workout guaranteed to target your core; abs, lower back, hips, gluts and
legs. Please bring a mat and small hand weights.
Instructor: Sarah Lampe
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
6:00 - 6:45 pm
Park View Gym
Spring 1
Wednesdays 2/25 - 4/15, no 4/8
7:15 - 8:00 pm
Park View Gym
$30 resident / $35 non-resident
Looking for a way to spice up your typical aerobics class?
Using a variety of low and medium impact dance moves,
routines are designed to be challenging enough to keep
your interest but easy enough for the novice dancer to
catch on. The class also incorporates toning and core work
to provide you with a total body workout. Please bring mat
and hand weights.
Instructor: Sarah Lampe
Wednesdays 1/7 - 2/18
7:00 - 7:45 pm
Park View Gym
Spring 1
Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
7:00 - 7:45 pm
Adult Fitness
$40 resident / $45 non-resident
7 weeks
$35 resident / $40 non-resident
6 weeks
Explore the art of relaxation with gentle Tai Chi/Qi Gong
movement and breathing. Tai Chi enhances relaxation,
mental focus, coordination and balance. QiGong explores
energy and breath. This class also includes standing and
seated yoga stretches, hand/wrist exercises, plus a short
relaxation meditation. No floor mat required. Instructor,
Catherine Stocker
Learn poses (asanas) to relax your body, quiet your mind
and soothe your spirit. Great class to ease the stresses of
the day and relax before bedtime. Please bring a yoga mat
and a blanket to sit on. Wear comfortable clothing.
Certified Yoga Instructor, Sharon Brud
Mondays 1/5 - 2/16
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Park View Café
Spring 1
Mondays 2/23 - 4/13, no no 4/6
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Park View Café
$40 resident / $45 non-resident
7 weeks
Tuesdays 1/6 - 2/24
Thursdays 1/15 - 2/26
7:00 - 8:00 pm
General Mitchell Café
Spring 1
Tuesdays 3/3 - 4/14, no 4/7
Thursdays 3/5 - 4/16, no 4/9
7:00 - 8:00 pm
General Mitchell Café
$30 resident / $35 non-resident
This class is geared for people interested in learning more
of the Tai Chi Fundamentals Form while continuing with
flexibility and Qigong movement. Floor mat is needed.
Instructor, Catherine Stocker
This Latin-inspired dance-fitness program blends music
and dance steps to give you a workout with lots of fun!
No dancing ability is needed, just wear comfortable shoes
and bring a water bottle.
Instructor: Amy Braun-Gross
Mondays 1/5 - 2/16
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Park View Café
Mondays 1/5 - 2/16
6:00 - 7:00 pm
General Mitchell Café
Spring 1
Mondays 2/23 - 4/13, no no 4/6
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Park View Café
Spring 1
Mondays 2/23 - 4/13, no 4/6
6:00 - 7:00 pm
General Mitchell Café
$40 resident / $45 non-resident
7 weeks
Come and explore the art of relaxation with gentle stretching using chairs, standing poses and simple mat poses.
Class also includes some beginning QiGong (flowing)
movement and breathing. Please bring pillow and/or blanket and a yoga mat for support and comfort. This is an
adult class suitable for any age or stage. Instructor, Catherine Stocker
Spring 1
Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Park View Library
Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
6:00 - 7:00 pm
Park View Library
Adult Class
$30 resident / $35 non-resident
DANCING - It’s not just for the floor anymore! If you like
Zumba on land, than you will LOVE it in the water! This
fun, upbeat, high energy class will allow you to control the
intensity of your exercise. Using the resistance of the
water you will get a great workout and enjoy some
Thursday evening social time with fabulous water
exercise music.
Instructor: Jackie Smith
Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19, no 2/12
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Middle School Pool
Spring 1
Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Middle School Pool
Adult Fitness
One Time Purchase of $10
Would you like to walk indoors at our beautiful high school?
Purchase a walking badge with the Rec Office and it will allow you
to walk the hallways while school is in session, after Labor Day
through June 1st. You may purchase your badge during regular
business hours and the badge must be worn while in the building.
If you need a replacement badge, it will require a $10 payment.
5K begins at 9:15 am
3K begins at 9:45 am
Fat Bike Relay Race
begins at 11:30 am
Monday - Friday
6:15 - 7:15 am and 3:30 - 8:30 pm
Cudahy High School
Warnimont Park
Kelly Senior Center
Now available in Cudahy, adult open basketball. This is a supervised open pick up gym time and all participants are asked to adhere to the rules of the game and follow all gym rules. Violation of
open gym rules will result in player suspension/termination from
open gym play, and forfeiture of punch card with no refund.
Adult open gym is a school year program and will be open
Wednesdays throughout the year, except holidays or school closings.
6:30 - 8:30 pm
JE Jones Gym
5 Visit Punch Card
10 Visit Punch Card
15 Visit Punch Card
CUDAHY TRI-CLUB, Powered by Moxie
This is a new program for anyone interested in completing a triathlon and the rec department has partnered with Moxie, one of
the best in the business in triathlon training! In this program, you
will find new people to train with and attend races with. This program is lead by USAT Certified Coach, Tori Oman who is a multisport coach for 8 years and has lead many athletes to successful
races from the first-timer to the Ironman!
Informational Meet and Greet and Tri 101 Talk
Sunday, December 28th at 1:00 pm
Moxie Fitness
1234 Milwaukee Avenue, South Milwaukee
Planning your Tri Journey and Goal Setting 1/25 at 1:00
Strength and Core for Triathletes 2/22 at 1:00
Run/Walk Circuits
$50 for 11 weeks
(interval training where you control the intensity)
Saturdays 1/10 - 3/28
8:15 - 9:00 am at Cudahy High School
Triathlon Swim Techniques
$75 for 12 weeks, one day
(works on head/body position, breathing, hand entry and kicking)
Tuesdays 1/13 - 3/31 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm or
Saturdays 1/17 - 4/4 from 9:30 - 10:30 am
Cudahy Middle School
$65 for 12 weeks
(controlled environment of an indoor trainer that allows you to
isolate and concentrate on specific areas of cycling/fitness)
Saturdays 1/17 - 4/4 from 11:00 - 12:00 pm
Moxie Fitness
This year promises to be better then
last with an amazing new route through
Warnimont Park’s scenic and wooded
bluff trails. This is easily the premier
snowshoeing event in the region! Snow
shoes are available on a limited basis at
no additional charge. Pre-registration is
For more details and registration please visit:
Marilyn Garlie is a certified personal trainer making her
debut with the Cudahy Recreation Department! She will
be offering private, semi-private, and family personal
training to help folks set motivational goals, and provide
tools and information to live a stronger, healthier life.
Personal Training Session Details:
Cudahy High School (will utilize the weight room)
Weekday evenings from 6:00 - 9:00 pm
Saturdays from 11:00 - 4:00 pm
$35 for an individual 45 minute session
$45 for semi-private or family for a 45 minute session
3 Session Package
5 Session Package
To schedule an appointment, please call
(414) 294-7435
Aquatic Opportunities
Ages 3 - 11
$30 resident / $60 non-resident
Adult Class
$30 resident / $35 non-resident
Spring 1
DANCING - It’s not just for the floor anymore! If you like
Zumba on land, than you will LOVE it in the water! This
fun, upbeat, high energy class will allow you to control the
intensity of your exercise. Using the resistance of the water you will get a great workout and enjoy some Thursday
evening social time with fabulous water exercise music.
Instructor: Jackie Smith
Saturdays 1/17 - 2/21
Saturdays 2/28 - 4/4
AGES 3 through 5
11:00 - 11:30 am
Cudahy Middle School Pool
Pike with Parent - Parents will be in the water with their
child for the first 3 lessons. We work with you and your
child on water adjustment and enjoyment.
Thursdays 1/8 - 2/19, no 2/12
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Middle School Pool
Pike - Children work towards becoming comfortable in the
water while learning how to be safe around water.
Spring 1
Thursdays 2/26 - 4/16, no 4/9
7:00 - 8:00 pm
Middle School Pool
Eel - Children will begin to work on basic stroke development, including the front, back and side strokes which will
aid with overall endurance.
Ray - Children will work on front and back paddle, breast
stroke and rhythmic breathing. Elementary backstroke will
be introduced at this level.
Adult Only
Punch Card Required
Lifeguard on Duty
Starfish - Children will refine front crawl with rotary breath- To participate in Adult Open Swim, please purchase a
ing while continuing development of other strokes, resulting punch card at the Rec Department office located at 2915 E.
Ramsey Avenue. Adult lap swim is a school year program
in substantial endurance building.
and will be open all Tuesday and Thursdays throughout the
year, except holidays or school closings.
AGES 6 through 11
Tuesdays and Thursdays - no lap swim on 2/12
11:35 - 12:20 pm
6:30 - 8:30 pm
Cudahy Middle School Pool
Middle School Pool
Polliwog - Children will become acquainted with the pool
and comfortable in the water. Skills will include submerg9:00 - 11:00 am
ing while blowing bubbles, front and back floats, flutter
Middle School Pool
kicking on their front, back, and side, as well as paddling.
Guppy - Children will continue to build endurance while
working on basic stroke components for front crawl (with
rhythmic breathing), back crawl, and sidestroke as well as
receiving an introduction to elementary backstroke, breaststroke, diving, and reinforcement of basic water practices.
10 Visit Punch Card
20 Visit Punch Card
30 Visit Punch Card
Minnow - Children work on refinement of strokes with
proper breathing techniques and building endurance.
Fish - Children will continue to refine their strokes and
will be introduced to surface dives, butterfly stroke, and
synchronized swimming skills.
Flying Fish/Shark - These advanced swimmers will
continue to work on stroke refinement along with
endurance (up to 100 yards for each stroke).
Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department—Program Registration Form
Registrant First / Last Name
Program Title (Level, Session, Time)
T-Shirt (if applicable to program)
Youth: 6-8 10-12 14-16
Adult: S M L XL
Parent/Guardian Name
Home Phone
Alternate #
Size ____
Size ____
Size ____
Email __________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department Waiver of Liability
Indemnity Agreement / Photo Release
I the above signed or parent/legal guardian of the individual(s) named above do hereby understand that I have
registered the individual(s) named herein to participate in the aforementioned activity(ies) and I further agree to
indemnify and hold harmless the Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department and the Cudahy School
District along with all its employees, officers and agents from and against any and all liability. I understand that neither
the Cudahy School Board nor the Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department assumes liability for
payment of medical-hospital expenses which may be incurred by myself or the person on this form while participating
in this activity, but said liability will be assumed by myself for the duration of the activity. In addition, I understand that
the requested programs indicated above, like any activity, have some inherent risk involved. Furthermore, the
individuals named herein are in good physical condition appropriate for the stated activity(ies) and that participants
must assume full responsibility for injuries incurred while taking part in an activity. No accident insurance is provided
by the Cudahy School District nor the Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department. Participants who do
not have medical-hospital insurance coverage are encouraged to purchase this coverage from their own insurance
source. I further understand that the Cudahy Community Education and Recreation Department is not responsible for
lost or stolen articles. I have read and fully understand this agreement, and furthermore agree to the registration and
related department policies, including the right to use my or my child’s photograph or image with or without my or my
child’s name, both single and in conjunction with other persons or objects for any and all purposes including, but not
limited to, private or public presentation, advertising, publicity, promotion and social media relating thereto. If under 18
years of age, this form must be signed by a parent or legal guardian. All Adult Participants Must Sign.
Please make checks payable to:
Cudahy Rec. Dept.
2915 E. Ramsey Ave.
Cudahy, WI 53110
Credit Card (circle): VISA
Card # _____________________________________
Exp Date: ____________
V-Code: ____________
Card Holder Name: ___________________________
Signature: __________________________________
No confirmations are sent so please mark your
You will be contacted if the class is full.
PHONE: 414-294-7435
FAX: 414-769-2319
Check ______________________
Total $ ______________________
Come and join the Schroeder South Swim Team at the new site in Cudahy!
Tryouts and Parent Meeting:
 Tuesday, January 6th
6:30 pm at Cudahy Middle
School Pool
Swimmers must complete one
length of the 25 yard pool
front/back crawl
Winter Session: January 6 - March 15, 2015
Swimmers new to Schroeder Swim Team only pay
a $65 session training fee, swim meet entry of
$25, and US Swimming annual registration of $52
(8 and under) or $60 (9 and over). Payment due
for qualified swimmers at try-out date.
Pool location: Cudahy Middle School, 5530 South Barland Avenue, Cudahy WI 53110
For more information contact: Bob White at (414) 897-8932 or
Visit Schroeder Website:
Cudahy Bulldog Football 2015 Registration Dates:
Early Bird Registration: Saturday, January 17th, 2015 from
12:00 - 4:00 pm
Light Palace, 5880 S. Packard Ave, Cudahy
Alternate Registration:
Saturday, March 21st and Sunday, March 22nd, 2015
12:00 - 4:00 pm both days
Light Palace, 5880 S. Packard Ave, Cudahy
More information available at:
Recreation Department
2915 East Ramsey Avenue
Cudahy, WI 53110
(414) 294-7435
Cudahy, WI
Permit No. 115
CUDAHY, WI 53110
Like Us on Facebook at
Cudahy Recreation
Cudahy Recreation Guide
Winter and Spring 1, 2015
fun and affordable programs for youth, teens, adults & seniors
Check-In Begins at 8:00 am
5K Begins at 9:15 am
3K Begins at 9:45 am
South Shore Cyclery Frosty Hog Fat Bike
Race Begins at 11:30 am
See page 20 for more details