Prog Jan to Jun (half
Prog Jan to Jun (half
Spiritual Direction Kingsmead Centre has a team of priests and trained lay spiritual directors who are available to offer spiritual direction during your retreat, or for ongoing/ regular spiritual direction. Retreatants will be assigned to available spiritual directors on a first-come-first-served basis, unless there are exceptional reasons. A stipend of $30 per session is recommended for your Spiritual Director. Spiritual Directors: Fr Christopher Soh, SJ, Fr Leslie Raj, SJ, Ms Celina Lin, Ms Diana Koh, Ms Diana Tan, Ms Joy Toh, Mr Lance Ng, Ms Roselie Chia. (For more information on the Spiritual Directors, please visit the Kingsmead Centre’s website at Other retreats 1. Subject to prior bookings and availability of Retreat Directors, individually directed residential retreats can be accepted at any time of the year provided the person makes a request at least 10 days in advance. Retreats can be from 2 to 8 days or more, depending on your needs and preference. 2. Regular individual spiritual direction sessions can be arranged by appointment. Contact the Centre and a spiritual director will call you to fix an appointment. 3. A Day of Recollection for groups can also be arranged on weekdays or weekends. 4. Groups with special requirements for retreats can contact the Centre, e.g. ecclesial movements, renewal groups, parish groups, catechumens, neophytes. Notes 1. A deposit of $10 per day is required for room reservation at least 5 days prior to the retreat. 2. Registration for retreats and workshops must include full payment prior to the date of the retreat or workshop. Cheques should be made payable to: Jesuit Spirituality Centre. 3. It is our policy that no one be excluded from a retreat due to cost. We would be happy to accept an affordable donation. 4. For most group retreats, there is an orientation at 7.30pm on the first evening, followed by a meeting with your Spiritual Director. The retreat ends at 5pm on the last day. 5. Check in and check out time for individually directed residential retreats are between 10AM to 5:30PM. Counselling Services The Centre offers counselling and psychotherapy services to promote psychological health and well-being. The Centre has a team of trained counsellors who provide counselling inspired by Ignatian Spirituality to individuals, couples and families. Counselling sessions are by appointment and can be made through the office. Counsellors: Mr Clement Ong, Bro. Collin Wee, Mrs Sue Richmond, Ms Rose Boon (for enquiries). PROGRAMME JANUARY TO JUNE 2015 Kingsmead Centre 8 Victoria Park Road Singapore 266492 (behind the Catholic Church of St. Ignatius) Tel: 6467 6072 Fax: 6468 7584 Email: Website: Director: Fr Christopher Soh, S.J. Secretary: Ms Sally Yap JANUARY 2015 WALKING A SACRED PATH ON THE LABYRINTH As we begin the new year, come and experience a spiritual journey on foot. This walking meditation along the twists and turns of the sacred path will help you to reflect on your relationship with God, what He is doing in your life, and where He may be leading you to. As you will be walking on a canvas labyrinth, socks are recommended. Facilitators : Roselie Chia and Joy Toh Date : Saturday 10 January 2015 Time : 10am - 1pm Venue* : Sacred Heart Hall Annexe (behind St Ignatius Church) Closing date for registration : 5 January Contribution : $30 A PERSONAL CALL … VOCATIONS IN LIFE A stay-in retreat Ever wondered about your vocation in life? What does vocation really mean? In a Married, Single, Priestly or Religious state? Or is it something more? Come for a weekend retreat to explore and discover God’s invitation to you, as we listen to a panel who will share on how they discovered and live their vocations in these contemporary times. Facilitators : Celina Lin, Lance Ng, Diana Koh Dates : 26 June (7pm) – 28 June (4pm) 2015 Venue : Kingsmead Centre Closing date for registration : 17 June Contribution : $180 (non-aircon), $220 (aircon), inclusive of SD stipend. Notes: 1. VENUE for all programmes, unless otherwise stated, will be at the Hall of INTRODUCTION TO AUTHENTIC CONVERSATIONS How to engage in and facilitate one? The dire lack of authentic conversation spaces has reduced many conversations into gossip, slander and the vulgar. How does one facilitate and nurture safe spaces for authentic conversation that is so critically needed in the church and the world today? Listen to your call through the needs of the many who thirst for real conversation. Facilitators : Lance Ng and Diana Koh Date : Saturday 24 January 2015 Time : 9.30am – 5pm Venue* : Sacred Heart Hall Annex, #02-02 (behind St Ignatius Church) Closing date for registration : 14 January Contribution : $50 (includes lunch & refreshments) Page 2 the Pilgrim, Kingsmead Centre. 2. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for all our programmes. 3. REGISTRATION IS CONFIRMED only on receipt of payment. 4. ONLINE REGISTRATION for our programmes is now available at our new website 5. For SEMINARS AND TALKS, registrants are requested to arrive 30 minutes before start time of programme. Page 11 FORGIVENESS FEBRUARY 2015 A 4-day stay-in retreat Forgiveness is more than saying ‘Sorry’. It is the ongoing work of re-creating something new from what had been broken or destroyed. How do we forgive ourselves, others, God, and how do we allow ourselves to be forgiven? This silent retreat will comprise of presentations, times for prayer, small group sharing, Spiritual Direction and daily Eucharist. FINDING GOD IN MOVIES Stories in movies allow for reflective moments. It often invites us to question something about ourselves, our faith or in a greater sense, humanity. Facilitators Join us to watch an animated movie, “Frozen” and engage in conversation thereafter. Water and munchies will be provided. : Fr Monty Williams, SJ, assisted by Spiritual Directors from Kingsmead Centre Dates : 21 May (10am) – 24 May (5pm) 2015 Venue : Kingsmead Centre Closing date for registration : 13 May Contribution : $ 420 (non-aircon); $500 (aircon), inclusive of SD stipend. Facilitators : Diana Koh and Joy Toh Date : 7 February 2015 Time : 2pm – 5pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 28 January Contribution : $10 JUNE 2015 FINDING GOD IN YOUR WRITING A full-day writing workshop designed to help you write your sacred story. Through writing exercises and other activities you will explore and express your inmost thoughts and feelings and gain a deeper understanding of self and your relationship with others and with God. No prior writing experience is required. Living with Illness A talk on ‘Living with Illness’ by Fr Leslie Raj SJ, followed by the celebration of the Eucharist . Facilitator : Roselie Chia Date : Saturday 6 June 2015 Time : 9.30am - 5pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 1 June Contribution : $100 (including lunch and refreshments) Facilitator : Fr Leslie Raj, SJ Date : 11 February 2015 Time : 9.30am – 12pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 4 February Contribution : Love Offering Page 10 WORLD DAY OF THE SICK Page 3 READING WITH THE PILGRIM: IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY & SOCIETY In his book, The Call to Discernment in Troubled Times, the late Fr. Dean Brackley, SJ (1946-2011) explores the social implications of The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. These 10 evening gatherings will be devoted to reading, praying, and sharing questions and insights on this insightful, inspiring and important book. How to Join: 1. Contact Kingsmead Centre and register by 19 Jan 2015. 2. Obtain a copy of The Call to Discernment in Troubled Times (limited copies available from the secretary). 3. Do assigned reading before each meeting. 4. Note own experiences, insights and questions. 5. Participate actively at each meeting. Tentative Reading Schedule: 1. 9 February: Introduction + Foreword 2. 16 February: Chapters 1-2 (Freedom) 3. 23 February: Chapters 3-6 (Conversion) 4. 2 March: Chapters 7-9 (Call) — 9 March: Break (No Session) 5. 16 March: Chapters 10-13 (Choice) 6. 23 March: Chapters 14-17 (Decision) 7. 30 March: Chapters 18-20 (Passion) 8. 6 April: Chapters 21-23 (Resurrection) 9. 13 April: Chapters 24-26 + Epilogue (Prayer) 10. 20 April: Review + Eucharist A LOVER’S DIALOGUE WITH GOD: A 3-day non stay-in retreat for Spiritual Directors A 3-day non stay-in retreat for Spiritual Directors, the theme centering around Spiritual Discernment: A Lover’s Dialogue with God. A film will be shown: the 2013 Cannes Jury Award winning film: Like Father Like Son. There will be presentations, time for private prayer, small group sharings, and daily Eucharist. Retreat Director : Fr Monty Williams, SJ Date : Friday 15 May - Sunday 17 May 2015 Time: : 9.30am—5pm daily Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 6 May Contribution : $ 300 ‘NOT SEVEN TIMES, BUT SEVENTY-SEVEN TIMES’ An evening seminar Join us for an evening session to discover how we are invited into Forgiveness … Speaker : Fr Monty Williams, SJ Date : 19 May 2015 Time : 7.30pm – 9.30pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 13 May Contribution : $30 Facilitator Dates : Fr. Chris Soh, SJ : Monday evenings, 9 February to 2 March 2015, and 16 March to 20 April 2015 inclusive. Time : 8pm – 10pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Contribution : $100 Page 4 Page 9 Monty Williams, SJ, in Singapore! Fr Monty Williams, SJ, is an English Canadian Jesuit currently teaching courses on spirituality at Regis College at the University of Toronto. He was ordained a priest in 1977, and completed his doctoral studies in 1985. He gives retreats and workshops throughout Europe, Australia, Asia, and North America and is the author of several books, including the award-winning Finding God in the Dark, The Gift of Spiritual Intimacy, and Stepping into Mystery. MARCH 2015 A PRAYER WALK WITH JESUS ON THE LABYRINTH CALLING ALL YOUNG ADULTS! During this Lenten season, come and walk a spiritual journey with Jesus on the labyrinth. On this walking meditation, experience the companionship of Jesus as you make a pilgrimage to the Cross. As you will be walking on a canvas labyrinth, socks are recommended. Facilitators : Diana Tan & Roselie Chia Date : Saturday 7 March 2015 Time : 10am - 1pm Venue* : Sacred Heart Hall Annexe (behind St Ignatius Church) Closing date for registration : 2 March Contribution : $30 A SPECIAL NIGHT OF WAITING Why is this night different from all other nights? THE GIFT OF CARING … What does it mean to care for oneself, for others, for those we encounter. It is caring which makes us human. This one-day retreat with time for quiet prayer, small group sharing, and presentations will centre around the film The Intouchables. We have been preparing for Easter through forty days of Lent, culminating in the Easter Triduum: Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Vigil of Easter on Saturday night. All that waiting and preparation peaks when we gather on Saturday night for a solemn vigil. Facilitator : Fr Monty Williams, SJ Date : 13 May 2015 Time : 9.30am - 5pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 6 May Contribution : $100 (including lunch and refreshments) In this talk, the speaker will explain in detail the “greatest and most noble of all solemnities” ...on this night (which is different from all other nights), the Church keeps watch, celebrating the resurrection of Christ. The Easter Vigil does not correspond to the usual Saturday evening mass and its character is UNIQUE in the cycle of the liturgical year. Speaker : Br Collin Wee, fsc Date : 28 March 2015 Time : 10am – 12.30pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 18 March Contribution : $30 Page 8 Page 5 THE SPIRITUAL EXERCISES OF ST IGNATIUS AND THE SEASON OF LENT Three mornings to explore the Lenten themes of • Prayer (3 Mar 2015) • Fasting (10 Mar 2015) • Almsgiving (17 Mar 2015) Facilitator : Fr Leslie Raj, SJ Date : 3, 10 & 17 March 2015 Time : 9.30am – 12pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 25 February Contribution : $30 BEAUTIFUL YET PRICKLY A Lenten Retreat The Easter Palm is both beautiful and prickly. It also lends itself to being bent into graceful shapes in our decorations for the season. We are like these palms … will we allow the Lord to tame our prickles and bend us into His image so that we radiate both His Passion and His Resurrection? Facilitators : Celina Lin, Diana Koh, Diana Tan, Joy Toh, Lance Ng, Roselie Chia Date : 20 March (7pm) – 22 March (5pm) 2015 Venue : Kingsmead Centre Closing date for registration : 11 March Contribution : $180 (non-aircon); $220 (aircon), inclusive of SD stipend. Page 6 APRIL 2015 WHO ARE MY SISTERS & BROTHERS? Walking with Jesus How are we living the horizontal dimensions of our faith? Is the social mission of the church for a select few? This retreat provides encounters with the poor around us, and invites us to reflect on our own poverty. Facilitators Dates : Team from Caritas Singapore & Kingsmead Centre : 10 April (7pm) – 12 April (5pm) 2015 [stay-in] and a follow-up on 17 April 2015 (7pm—10pm) Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 2 April Contribution : $180 (non-aircon); $220 (aircon) MAY 2015 THERE IS A SEASON FOR EVERYTHING ... A TIME FOR MOURNING Reflections by Fr Leslie Raj, SJ. This morning session is for those experiencing the loss of someone or something in their lives. Facilitator : Fr Leslie Raj, SJ Date : 2 May 2015 Time : 9.30am – 12pm Venue : Kingsmead Centre, Hall of the Pilgrim Closing date for registration : 25 February Contribution : Love Offering Page 7