Professional Development Days


Professional Development Days
Dear Colleagues,
It is a pleasure to welcome you to Professional Development Days for the spring 2015 semester.
We have a great variety of outstanding programming and I invite your participation.
Workshops begin on Wednesday, January 14 with technology sessions and more. You will learn about the
fantastic work that is being done with the Math League in Building Community for Students in Precalculus
and Beyond, have an opportunity to learn to use the Heartmath Stress Reduction technique and hear about
the exciting possibilities that internship programs offer our students.
On Thursday, January 15 please plan to join me for Convocation. You will hear about the challenges and
opportunities of the coming year including an update on college building projects and the impact of Tesla.
Ron Marston, Dr. Jane Nichols, Estela Gutierrez, Dr. Rachel Solemsaas, Dr. Kyle Dalpe and Elena Bubnova will
all be part of the Convocation program.
TMCC is dedicated to providing our faculty and staff with financial education and information.
In response to the fall, 2014 Financial Literacy Committee survey, several sessions will be offered on
January 15 regarding NSHE benefits and estate planning. I hope you will take advantage of
these special events.
Our part-time faculty are invited to participate in the open house and evening of professional development
workshops on Wednesday, January 21. These sessions are designed especially to help them know about
using our campus resources for student success.
As you know, our students are more diverse than ever. We have several sessions on Thursday, January 22
addressing maximizing on the diversity in the classroom, communication skills and reaching all students
including those who may be challenging. The information you will receive in the January 22 sessions is
powerful and helpful, please mark your calendar and plan to attend.
Thanks to the Professional Development Office and the Center for Teaching and Learning Advisory
Committee, a group of faculty members committed to offering quality professional development to the
college, for putting together this outstanding program.
Best wishes to everyone for a productive spring 2015 semester.
María C. Sheehan
Professional Development Days reflects the vision,
mission and values and core themes of TMCC.
Truckee Meadows Community College creates the future by changing lives.
Truckee Meadows Community College promotes student success, academic excellence and access to lifelong
learning by supporting high-quality education and services within our diverse community.
The values upon which Truckee Meadows Community College bases its mission and vision statements are
the principles, standards and qualities the college considers worthwhile and desirable. Truckee Meadows
Community College is committed to:
Student access and success
Excellence in teaching and learning
Evidence of student progress through assessment of student outcomes
Nurturing a climate of innovative and creative thought
Collaborative decision making
Community development through partnerships and services
Ethical practices and integrity
Respect, compassion, and equality for all persons
Responsible and sustainable use of resources
Fostering attitudes that exemplify responsible participation in a democratic society
Core Themes
Core Theme I:
Student Success
Core Theme II:
Academic Excellence
Core Theme III:
Access to Lifelong Learning
For easy access to pre-registration, check out our QR code below:
Friday, January 9
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Canvas I, II, III
SIER 101
This session will cover all Canvas topics for those who would like to learn the entire system in one day.
It is geared toward faculty who teach online or use Canvas Assist. In this session you will learn the
basic features of Canvas including: global navigation, preferences, and general course navigation.
We will then move on to creating assignments, including quizzes, discussion, and incorporating rubrics.
Finally we will end with other resources, test bank information and any additional questions.
Pre-registration required so an account can be set up for you.
Brandy Scarnati, WebCollege coordinator
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Wednesday, January 14
9 – 10 a.m.
Best Practices in Online Teaching and Learning
SIER 100
Plan to attend and get an overview of a collection of best practices for online teaching and learning from
WebCollege faculty at TMCC. If you currently teach online or plan to start teaching online, this session will
provide some great tips to help faculty support student success and improve their effectiveness in teaching
online. This workshop will be streamed via interactive video to Western Nevada College as part of their
Professional Development Days.
Crystal Swank, professor, early childhood education
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
9 – 11 a.m.
Preventing Death by Lecture©
SIER 117
Preventing Death by Lecture© is the workshop of fast-paced, shorter is better, high-energy teach it quick
and make it stick teaching! Learn a dozen ways to teach information to others so that they LEARN it, not
just LISTEN to it. You’ll leave with a copy of a resource book of great teaching tips and activities.
Space limited, pre-registration required.
Sue Turbow, professor, early childhood education; Cathy Brewster, professional development manager
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
10:15 – 11:45 a.m.
Introduction to LinkedIn
RDMT 333
Learn the benefits of LinkedIn for professionals. This session will include what professionals should include in
their profile, information to leave out and how to connect with students, faculty, alumni, and other industry
professionals. You will learn the importance of continually building a personal network of professionals as
a way to connect students with resources in and out of the community. We will also discuss the benefits of
joining professional groups and how you can use LinkedIn to keep current on industry trends.
Donuts and coffee will be provided.
Kelley Wong, job preparation specialist
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Annotation Assignments for Student Success and Instructor Sanity
SIER 100
This presentation is on Dr. Cardoza’s time-tested Annotation Assignment for getting students to read before
class and to do it closely and effectively. He will present the assignment, talk about how and why it works,
give a brief history of the problems it solves, and then have participants annotate and discuss a test.
Dr. Thomas Cardoza, chair, professor, humanities
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Interacting with Students in the Classroom with Nearpod
SIER 101
Learn how Nearpod can allow you to interact with your students using their mobile devices like iPads,
Android devices, and more. Using Nearpod and a mobile device or web browser, instructors can launch
interactive presentations that will capture students’ attention. Students can respond to polls, answer
questions, and more during your Nearpod Presentations.
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for this workshop.
Adine Stormoen, tutoring and learning center coordinator, math and science
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
RDMT 256
Do you want to learn how your students can participate in a valuable method of gaining work experience in
a particular field while earning a degree? TMCC Internships are typically one-time, semester-long experiences
related to a student’s field of study and provide a useful understanding of the field of study/work. Students
are able to explore career options while still in college and are typically given a competitive edge over other
candidates in the subsequent hiring process. Internships help to reinforce classroom learning with real world
applications. If you are a faculty member, department or program interested in learning how to have your
students involved in a successful internship program then plan to join us! A light lunch will be served.
Dr. Jane Nichols, vice president of academic affairs; Marcie Iannacchione, internship coordinator;
Sidney Sullivan, manager, re-entry center
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
What Does a Quality Course Look Like?
SIER 100
Are you getting started in online teaching or interested in revising an existing online/hybrid course?
Then join Cathy House for an overview of Quality Matters where you will be introduced to online best
practices and will receive a template that provides a starting structure for your online and hybrid classes.
You’ll come away with a model for organizing your course content as well as giving TMCC students a
consistent online experience from course to course.
Cathy House, professor, computer technologies
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Increasing Student Participation and Buy-in
RDMT 333
Are you interested in unlocking the secrets of student participation in your classes? Kelly will share her tips
and tools for increasing student participation that were developed in her teaching experience in math
classes. You’ll hear how to get your students to “buy into” their education, increase involvement, note-taking,
retention and even make better grades while increasing your satisfaction as an instructor.
Kelly Hamon, part-time instructor, WDCE/ABE program
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Learn How to Present with Prezi
SIER 101
Ready to move beyond PowerPoint? Prezi is a zooming presentation editor that will help you create
astonishing visuals, far beyond a simple slideshow. Visit to view a demonstration of
what you will be learning in the workshop.
Adine Stormoen, tutoring and learning center coordinator, math and science
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
Building a Community for Students in Precalculus and Beyond
RDMT 333
Find out about the success of the TMCC Math League! Learn how we have created a welcoming environment
where all students are welcome! Typically 20-40 students meet weekly to learn about math topics outside of
the usual calculus-bound courses. How do we do we do it? What topics do we cover that entice students from
a variety of levels of math to come? How do we keep them interested? We would like to present our story.
Dr. Kurt Ehlers, professor, mathematics; Anne Flesher, instructor, mathematics
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
1:45 – 3:15 p.m.
Heartmath Resiliency Training for Stress Reduction
RDMT 256
Research into the interaction between the heart and the brain has discovered that we possess two
very distinct and very important heartbeat patterns that can be easily evident through biofeedback.
For example, the variability of one’s heartbeat predicts congestive heart failure better than blood pressure.
The heartbeat pattern itself is highly correlated with the level of the brain’s analytical functioning.
The Institute of Heartmath has identified some simple psychological techniques that effectively change one’s
heartbeat to the higher brain processing pattern. These procedures are a breakthrough in the areas
of anxiety and anger management, as well. The workshop leader John Coles, Ph.D. has personally lowered
his hypertension medication by 50% for a period of 7 years using these easily learned techniques.
Learn how you might be able to do the same.
Dr. John Coles, professor, psychology
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
2:30 – 5:00 p.m.
safeTALK Suicide Alertness Workshop
SIER 100
TMCC is one of seventeen colleges and universities throughout the US to receive a Garrett Lee Smith Campus
Suicide Prevention Grant. The purpose of the grant is to create a “Zero Suicide Culture” where faculty, staff
and students are able to recognize and respond to people in distress. safeTALK is a suicide alertness training
for everyone. In only a few hours, you will learn how to provide practical help to persons with thoughts of
suicide. Expect to leave safeTALK more willing and able to perform an important helping role
for persons with thoughts of suicide. Space limited, pre-registration required.
Misty Vaughan Allen, suicide prevention coordinator, State of Nevada, division of public and behavioral
health; Janett Massolo, youth suicide prevention program assistant, State of Nevada, division of public
and behavioral health
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Thursday, January 15
9 – 9:30 a.m.
Networking/Continental Breakfast
SIER 108 hallway
Coffee, juice, muffins, fruit
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
SIER 108
This session will begin with the remembrance of a special colleague. President Sheehan will focus on the
challenges and opportunities of the coming year including an update on college building projects and the
impact of Tesla.
Ron Marston will present the Faculty Senate agenda for spring 2015. Updates on new program exploration
and other updates in Academic Affairs will be discussed by Dr. Jane Nichols and a Student Services update
will be provided by Estela Gutierrez. Dr. Rachel Solemsaas will review the college budget and opportunities
through June 30, 2015. Dr. Kyle Dalpe and Elena Bubnova will close the program with the Enrollment Report
and Strategies to improve service to students.
Dr. Maria C. Sheehan, president, Truckee Meadows Community College
» Pre-registration not required
12:30 – 2 p.m.
Tegrity Lecture Capture for the Classroom
SIER 101
Are you interested in how you can use the Tegrity feature to record class lectures for your classes so that your
students can watch and review on-demand? Maybe you have seen the Tegrity link on the Canvas website and
have been curious. Learn how this innovative tool can be installed free by any faculty who wishes to make
searchable video recordings available to students to assist them in reviewing the course content or even test
monitoring. Learn about the campus-wide initiatives to expand this tool and use it within Quality Matters.
Phil Smilinack, professor, accounting; Brandy Scarnati, WebCollege coordinator
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Plan Ahead with Your Benefit Plans
RDMT 256
Learn all you need to know about the benefits you are receiving or could receive as an employee of NSHE.
This presentation will cover retirement planning, saving strategies and voluntary benefits. The speaker will
help you learn how you can take full advantage of your benefit plans!
Migle Valunte, benefits manager, NSHE business center north
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
2:15 – 3:15 p.m.
School Spirit and Student Success: Creating a Mascot for TMCC
SIER 100
Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment with the introduction of our new lizard mascot supports
student retention and leads to student success and academic excellence. This fun session will feature all your
mascot-related questions: how can I get the new mascot to attend my event? Can I use the lizard artwork on
my communications? What is the lizard’s name? BONUS: get a free lizard-branded goodie to take home!
Kate Kirkpatrick, director, marketing and communications; Nicole Shimabuku, coordinator, student activities leadership
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Curriculum, Assessment, Program (CAP) Information for Beginners
(and those wanting to learn more about how to submit MCO’s, DEC’s and the new system coming in!)
SIER 101
This is a working session where individuals will learn to access Master Course Outlines (MCO’s),
Degrees, Emphasis, Certificates (DEC’s), and other important documents associated with curriculum.
Hands-on activities will focus on creating powerful learning objectives, outcomes and measures.
There will also be an introduction to the new academics/curriculum database.
Dr. Melanie Purdy, counselor, chair, faculty senate curriculum, assessment, program committee
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Integrating Library Resources into Your Canvas Course: Quick, Easy and Beneficial
LIB 106
If you would love to escape the textbook that narrowly addresses your curriculum needs, this is the avenue
of opportunity! TMCC librarians will illustrate how to effectively and effortlessly integrate journal articles,
ebooks and contemporary issue reports into Canvas to benefit student research and readings success.
In just a few minutes you will witness the magic that is the 21st century library and librarian. In less than
one hour you’ll augment your course content delivery while placing you in the curriculum driver’s seat.
John Fitzsimmons, Maureen Leshendok, Sherry McGee; reference librarians
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
I Hope You Die Laughing: A Guide to Nevada Estate Planning
RDMT 256
Protect your personal and family treasures! Individuals put off estate planning because
they think they don’t own enough, they’re not old enough, they’re busy, they think
have plenty of time, they’re confused and don’t know who can help them, or they just don’t
want to think about it. Then, when something happens to them, their families have to pick up
the pieces. Knowing you have a properly prepared plan in place to protect your treasures,
one that contains your instructions and will protect your family, will give you and your family
peace of mind.
No matter how large or how modest your estate might be, it is important to make your own
decisions regarding your end-of-life care and to develop strategies. Estate planning is not
just for those who are retired or wealthy, it is for everyone. This session will answer questions,
provide information, and allow you the opportunity to talk with a local,
established professional with years of experience.
Nicole M. Harvey, Esq. attorney and counselor at law
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Friday, January 16
8:45 – 1 p.m.
New Employee Orientation
RDMT 256
By invitation for new full time employees. R.S.V.P. on the January calendar at
or by calling 674-7663 by Wednesday, January 14.
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Required Steps no More! Get Students Through the Door! Vital Information Forum
SIER 108
Learn about the new Application Enrollment Process and get the latest info on department
resources/new programs, so that you can best guide students to the help they need!
Dr. Jane Nichols, vice president of academic affairs; Estela Gutierrez, dean of student services
» Pre-registration not required for this session.
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Canvas Drop-in Session
RDMT 211
Have specific Canvas questions? Stop by and get one on one help!
Brandy Scarnati, WebCollege coordinator
» Pre-registration not required for this drop-in session.
Monday, January 19
Martin Luther King Holiday
Tuesday, January 20
Division and departmental meetings
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Building a Faculty Webpage Using Google Sites - A
RDMT 204
Faculty Webpage sessions A and B are the same workshop, offered at different times for your convenience.
Learn to build and maintain a faculty website quickly, without knowing HTML or installing software!
This workshop will introduce you to Google Sites, an online website publishing tool that allows you to
create a template-driven website from scratch for classroom purposes.
Cal Anderson, webmaster; Beverly Bavaro, web support assistant
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
1- 2:30 p.m.
Google Applications for Education - A
SIER 101
Google Applications sessions A and B are the same workshop, offered at different times for your convenience.
Your Google account can be a one stop place for all your office needs by using mail, contacts, calendar, drive,
documents, spreadsheets, presentations, chat, and more. Google is always changing; stay up to date with
this workshop!
Thomas Dobbert, interim chief technology officer
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Canvas Assist - A
SIER 103
Canvas Assist sessions A and B are the same workshop, offered at different times for your convenience.
Find out how to use the Canvas Learning Management System as an assist to your traditional face-to-face
course. In this session you will learn how to upload files, create announcements, and post grades.
This training is only intended for those who are NOT teaching online. (If you are teaching online you must
complete all three Canvas trainings). Pre-registration required so an account can be created for you.
Brandy Scarnati, WebCollege coordinator
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
5:30 – 7 p.m.
Spanish Instructors’ Meeting
SIER 101
Reunión de coordinación de las clases de español (SPAN 111, 112, 211, 212): programas, contenidos y
herramientas pedagógicas. Evaluación de los resultados del Assessment.
If you plan to attend, please RSVP to Ellie Wilkins, 674-7935, RDMT 334, or
Wednesday, January 21
Division and departmental meetings
10 - 11:30 a.m.
Building a Faculty Webpage Using Google Sites - B
RDMT 204
Faculty Webpage workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Learn to build and maintain a faculty website quickly, without knowing HTML or installing software!
This workshop will introduce you to Google Sites, an online website publishing tool that allows you
to create a template-driven website from scratch for classroom purposes.
Cal Anderson, webmaster; Beverly Bavaro, web support assistant
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
1-2:30 p.m.
Google Applications for Education - B
SIER 101
Google Applications workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Your Google account can be a one stop place for all your office needs by using mail, contacts, calendar, drive,
documents, spreadsheets, presentations, chat, and more. Google is always changing; stay up to date with
this workshop!
Thomas Dobbert, interim chief technology officer
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
4:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Part-time Faculty Open House and Training
A special invitation is extended to part-time faculty to join us in the Part-Time Faculty Center (RDMT 315D) for
our Part-Time Faculty Open House. The Part-Time Faculty Center is here to help you get your semester off to a
great start! For more information contact John Frederick at or call 775-674-7932
• Refreshments served from 4:30 – 6 p.m.
• Get your mailbox
• Set up voicemail
• Put in a Network Application for Security Access (NASA) request for email,
Canvas, Peoplesoft)
• Help with key requests
• Tour the PT Faculty Center
• Help with any questions that you may have about the upcoming semester
» Open House Workshops
All faculty – full and part-time – are welcome to the evening sessions
5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Canvas Assist - B
SIER 101
Canvas Assist workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Learn how to use the Canvas Learning Management System as an assist to your traditional face-to-face
course. In this session you will learn how to upload files, create announcements, and post grades.
This training is only intended for those who are NOT teaching online. If you are teaching online you must
complete all three Canvas trainings. Pre-registration required so an account can be created for you.
Brandy Scarnati, WebCollege coordinator
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
5:30 – 6 p.m.
Smartclassroom Training - A
SIER 105
Smartclassroom workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Want to learn how to use your classroom more effectively? Our TMCC Smartclassrooms allow you to access
the internet, play music, show a dvd and use the document camera for projection. This workshop will orient
you to using the rooms or refresh your memory about the features that the rooms offer.
Tammy Johnson, media services technician
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Classroom Management and Dealing with Difficult Students - A
SIER 108
Classroom Management workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Have you ever had an annoying student? Have you ever felt you spend too much time managing behavior
instead of teaching? Learn strategies for how to assert and maintain control in your classroom and learn about
TMCC resources that are available to assist you.
Dr. Joan Steinman, director, disability resource center
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
What Can I Do with Peoplesoft? - A
SIER 103
PeopleSoft workshops A, B and C are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
This session is a brief introduction and review of the Faculty Center for new and returning part-time faculty
(or full-time faculty who need a refresher). Discover how to access instructor forms and your class roster. Find
out how to use the email notification function in PeopleSoft to contact your students and look up contact
information. Learn how to submit administrative withdrawal requests for non-attendance during the first
week of class and early alert intervention requests after the 3rd week of class. Finish up with where and how
to enter your grades (grade roster) and how to make sure they get posted.
Michelle Turner, program officer, admissions and records
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Engaging Student Participation - A
SIER 100
Engaging Student Participation workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Learn some new tips and tools for increasing student participation and buy-in for your classes.
Kelly will share some strategies in this 30 min session that don’t require a magic wand but will get results!
Kelly Hamon, part-time instructor, WDCE/ABE program
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
6:15 – 6:45 p.m.
Smartclassroom Training - B
SIER 105
Smartclassroom Training workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Want to learn how to use your classroom more effectively? Our TMCC Smartclassrooms allow you to access
the Internet, play music, show a DVD and use the document camera for projection. This workshop session
will orient you to using the rooms or refresh your memory about the features that the rooms offer.
Tammy Johnson, media services technician
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Classroom Management and Dealing with Difficult Students - B
SIER 108
Classroom Management workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Have you ever had an annoying student? Have you ever felt you spend too much time managing behavior
instead of teaching? Learn strategies for how to assert and maintain control in your classroom and learn
about TMCC resources that are available to assist you.
Dr. Joan Steinman, director, disability resource center
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
What Can I Do with Peoplesoft? - B
SIER 103
PeopleSoft workshops A, B and C are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
This session is a brief introduction and review of the Faculty Center for new and returning part-time faculty
(or full-time faculty who need a refresher). Discover how to access instructor forms and your class roster and
look up contact information. Find out how to use the email notification function in PeopleSoft to contact your
students. Learn how to submit administrative withdrawal requests for non-attendance during the first week
of class and early alert intervention requests after the 3rd week of class. Finish up with where and how to
enter your grades (grade roster) and how to make sure they get posted.
Michelle Turner, program officer, admissions and records
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
7 – 7:30 p.m.
Engaging Student Participation - B
SIER 100
Engaging Student Participation workshops A and B are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
Learn some new tips and tools for increasing student participation and buy-in for your classes.
Kelly will share some strategies in this 30 min session that don’t require a magic wand but will get results!
Kelly Hamon, part-time instructor, WDCE/ABE program
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
What Can I Do with PeopleSoft? - C
SIER 103
PeopleSoft workshops A, B and C are the same session, offered at different times for your convenience.
This session is a brief introduction and review of the Faculty Center for new and returning part-time faculty
(or full-time faculty who need a refresher). Discover how to access instructor forms and your class roster and
look up contact information. Find out how to use the email notification function in PeopleSoft to contact
your students. Learn how to submit administrative withdrawal requests for non-attendance during the first
week of class and early alert intervention requests after the 3rd week of class. Finish up with where and how
to enter your grades (grade roster) and how to make sure they get posted.
Michelle Turner, program officer, admissions and records
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Thursday, January 22
9 – 10 a.m.
Sustainable Assessment Made Easy
SIER 101
The anthropology program has been collecting assessment data from every section of every class for
over a decade. Every instructor evaluates their own individual and course related goals, while together we
have collected longitudinal data for evaluating our program’s academic progress. Over the years we have
established a simple, straight forward instrument for collecting course assessment data and several online
tools for archiving data and changes to the program. These tools will be shared in this workshop so plan to
attend and learn how you can adapt them to your program.
Dr. Julia Hammett, professor, anthropology
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Moral Injury - What Is It and How Might It Impact Student Performance in Your Class
SIER 100
The session will introduce the topic of Moral Injury, a mental, emotional and spiritual state that may impact
individuals who have experienced trauma. There will be discussion regarding the differences in moral injury
and PTSD, how it may impact student learning, and how instructors may provide assignments and activities
that can help these students connect with course content.
Dr. Melanie Purdy, Erin Frock, Kristen DeMay; counselors
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
10:15 – 11:45 a.m.
Maximizing on the Diversity of Your Classroom
RDMT 333
Are you maximizing on the diversity of the students in your class today? When teaching, are you considering
the different learning styles, communication styles and cultural differences of your students? This workshop
is designed to bring mindfulness into your classroom and maximize the benefits of having a diverse
classroom of learners. One of the main challenges for many instructors is finding methods and tools to help
develop culturally competent students. Learn how to actively engage with your students in topics of diversity
and culture. We’ll cover concepts such as learning styles, communication styles, dimensions of culture and
addressing difficult topics. We’ll discuss approaches to teaching that will equip you with creative methods for
teaching and inspire your students to recognize that discomfort is an opportunity for growth.
Cheryl Woehr, TMCC international services program coordinator and counselor
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Communication in Conflict
RDMT 256
Whether in the classroom or outside of the classroom, students get mad. They can become verbally
aggressive and characterize us in ways that don’t adhere to our helping self-concepts. This workshop focuses
on identifying what is happening in the communication and on what to say, and do, to handle the situation.
Bring your scenarios from your negative experiences and be prepared to construct an optimal verbal
response in the event similar scenarios arise for you in your future.
Dr. John Coles, professor, psychology
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Millennials, Vets, Moms and Ex-Cons: They Ain’t Us ­— Expectation Realignment and
Engagement in the Classroom
SIER 100
Who are they? Where are they from? How do we manage let alone educate them? Pick up pointers on
managing Millenials, Vets, “non-traditional” students, etc. in the classroom. Explore concepts like “First feed
them milk, then add steak later.” Learn how to create lines in the academic sand that students will enjoy
not crossing. Come and unlock the big secret of engagement via currency: syllabus suggestions, class
conversation starters, relevant assignments — all centered on sharpening critical thinking skills.
Henry Sosnowski, professor, English
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Formative Assessment Online – Are Your Students Getting It?
RDMT 333
Are your students getting it? This workshop is designed to help faculty enhance the delivery of their online
courses using a proactive course management approach. Formative assessment is especially important
online and promotes a more successful learning environment. This session will focus on a variety of formative
assessment strategies to ensure students grasp intended concepts and ideas. Participants will learn how and
when to use formative assessments with online students and will practice select strategies in an active web
course. Participants will need an active course or a clone of a future course in which to implement
new strategies.
Julie Armbrecht, instructor, reading
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
What is Competency-Based Education?
SIER 105
Fred Lokken will review lessons learned from a recently attended workshop on competency-based education.
He will discuss how CBE differs from the prevalent model of instruction and outline advantages and
disadvantages to this approach to learning. The session will include a Q&A to include perspectives
from attendees.
Fred Lokken, dean, WebCollege
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
1:45 – 3:15 p.m.
Difficult Student? Mental Health Issue? Student Conduct Issue? Strategies for
Understanding and Addressing Behavioral Concerns
Have you ever had an annoying, difficult or concerning student? Have you ever wondered what you could
do to help the student and yourself? This session will provide a framework to understand factors that may
contribute to difficult classroom encounters with students. Learn strategies for how to assert and maintain
control in your classroom. Learn how and when to bring in other campus resources such as counseling,
the DRC or student conduct. This session will focus on real examples provided by participants.
Dr. Joan Steinman, director, disability resource center; Anthony Futia, deputy director, public safety and police
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Friday, January 23
10- 11:30 a.m.
Managing Contentious Meetings
Have you ever attended a meeting that was unnecessarily contentious? If you are running the meeting,
taking the minutes, or even just handling the arrangements, this workshop will assist you. Use planning and
preparation to keep the participants focused, while insuring that individuals are heard regardless of if they
win or lose. This workshop will help you to identify common meeting mistakes and how to overcome them,
so that your meetings will do what they are intended to do, get business done. This session is sponsored by
TMCC Faculty Senate. Refreshments will be served.
Ralph McMullan, president, first Nevada, unit, national association of parliamentarians; TMCC SGA specialist,
part-time instructor, business
» Pre-register for this session on the January calendar at
Monday January 12
Tuesday January 13
Integrating Library Resources
Into Your Canvas Course
LIB 106
What Does a Quality
Course Look Like?
SIER 100
safeTALK Suicide
Alertness Workshop
SIER 100
2:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Heartmath Training
RDMT 256
1:45 – 3:15 p.m.
Building a Community for
Students in Precalculus
and Beyond
RDMT 333
1:45 – 2:45 p.m.
Learn Prezi
SIER 101
Increasing Student Participation
RDMT 333
I Hope You Die Laughing:
A Guide to Estate Planning
RDMT 256
CAP Information for Beginners
SIER 101
RDMT 256
12:30 – 1:30 p. m.
2:15 – 3:15 p.m.
School Spirit and Student
Success: Creating a Mascot
for TMCC
SIER 100
Plan Ahead with
Your Benefit Plans
RDMT 256
12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Tegrity Lecture Capture
SIER 101
9:30 – 11:30 a.m.
SIER 108
9 – 9:30 a.m.
SIER 108 hallway
Thursday January 15
Interacting with Nearpod
SIER 101
Annotation Assignments
for Student Success and
Instructor Sanity
SIER 100
Introduction to LinkedIn
RDMT 333
10:15 – 11:45 a.m.
Preventing Death
by Lecture
SIER 117
9 – 11 a.m.
Best Practices in Online
Teaching and Learning
SIER 100
9 – 10 a.m.
Wednesday January 14
Friday, January 9, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. — Canvas I, II, III, SIER 101
Friday January 16
11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Canvas Drop-in Session
RDMT 211
9:30 – 10:30 a.m.
Required Steps no More!
Get Students Through the Door!
Vital Information Forum
SIER 108
8:45 a.m . – 1:00 p.m.
New Employee Orientation
RDMT 256
Martin Luther King
Monday January 19
10 – 11:30 a.m.
Building Faculty Webpages with
Google Sites – B
RDMT 204
1 – 2:30 p.m.
Google Applications
for Education –B
SIER 101
4:30- 7:30 p.m.
Part-time Faculty Open House
RDMT 315
5:30 -7:30 p.m.
Canvas Assist – B
SIER 101
10 – 11:30 a.m.
Building Faculty Webpages with
Google Sites – A
RDMT 204
1 – 2:30 p.m.
Google Applications for
Education –A
SIER 101
2:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Canvas Assist- A
SIER 103
5:30 – 7:00 p.m.
Spanish Instructors’ Meeting
SIER 101
What Can I Do w/ PeopleSoft - C
SIER 103
7:00 – 7:30 p.m.
Engaging Students - B
SIER 100
What Can I Do w/ PeopleSoft - B
SIER 103
Classroom Management - B
SIER 108
6:15 – 6:45 p.m.
SmartClassroom Training - B
SIER 105
Engaging Students - A
SIER 100
What Can I Do w/ PeopleSoft - A
SIER 103
Classroom Management - A
SIER 108
5:30 – 6 p.m.
SmartClassroom Training - A
SIER 105
Division and Departmental
Wednesday January 21
Division and Departmental
Tuesday January 20
1:45 – 3:15 p.m.
Difficult Student? Mental Health
Issue? Student Conduct Issue?
Strategies for Understanding and
Address Behavioral Concerns
What is Competency-based
SIER 105
Formative Assessment
Online – Are Your
Students Getting it?
RDMT 333
12:30 – 1:30 p.m.
Millennials, Vets, Moms
and Ex-Cons:
They Ain’t Us – Expectation and
Engagement in the Classroom
SIER 100
Communication in Conflict
RDMT 256
10:15 – 11:45 a.m.
Maximizing on the Diversity
of Your Classroom
RDMT 333
Moral Injury – What It Is and How
It Impacts Student Performance
SIER 100
9 – 10 a.m.
Sustainable Assessment
Made Easy
SIER 101
Thursday January 22
Friday January 23
10 – 11:30 a.m.
Managing Contentious Meetings