Minnesota City Attorneys Educational Conference


Minnesota City Attorneys Educational Conference
Minnesota City Attorneys
Educational Conference
February 6-7, 2015
Bloomington, Minnesota
Presented by: GTS Educational Events in cooperation with the League of Minnesota Cities
Plan now to start 2015 off right by attending the Minnesota Association
of City Attorneys Educational Conference to be held at the Sheraton
Bloomington (formerly Hotel Sofitel) on February 6-7. Once again, the
Planning Committee has selected a wide variety of timely topics to be covered
by experts in the field. This year’s informative sessions include:
Employment Hot Topics
 Data Download: Latest Developments in Data Practices
 “O Brave New World!”: A Review of Policy, Data Practices, and Technical
Considerations Accompanying the Growing Use of Police Body Cameras
 Smoky, Stinky and Loud: Trends in Nuisance Law
 Chronic Stress, Mental Health and Addiction (an Elimination of Bias
 Land Use Update
A new feature of this year’s conference is a choice of two Civil Law sessions
on Friday afternoon. One will consider legal questions related to the medical
cannabis law and also to ride services such as Lyft. The other session will cover
attorney-client privilege, the new responsible bidder law, and negotiating
technology agreements.
The Friday afternoon concurrent Criminal Law session will cover two major
topics: electronic prosecution and gun surrender with domestic violence
Saturday morning also offers something new: optional focused discussions
with small groups and conversation facilitators. Participants can start in any
of the three rooms and rotate to another every 15 minutes from 8:00-8:45.
Conversation topics are: Open Meeting Law; Retaining Walls/Real Estate
Issues; and Council Wars.
Conference Agenda
Friday, February 6, 2015
7:30 am Check-in and Refreshments
Welcome & Announcements
Susan Segal, President, MN City Attorneys Association;
Minneapolis City Attorney
Employment Hot Topics
 Sick Leave and Parenting Leave
 Age Discrimination and Reverse Discrimination
 Discipline and Discharge
 Employee Speech Rights
Pat Beety, LMCIT Defense Litigation Supervisor, PC
Litigation; Mary Tietjen, Attorney, Kennedy & Graven,
Chartered; Susan Tindal, Attorney, Iverson Reuvers
Refreshment Break
10:00 Data Download: Latest Developments in Data Practices
 When Enough Is Enough: Dealing with Burden some Data Requests
 When Curiosity Kills the Cat: Fallout From the
Drivers’ Privacy Claims (update on litigation,
legislation requiring security policies and disclosure of
security breaches)
 When You Need An Expert: The IT Perspective on
Complying with 13.055
 When No One Is Watching: IPAD Opinions and Court
Decisions You May Have Missed (Materials Only)
Terry Adkins, City Attorney, Rochester; Carol Bachun,
Assistant City Attorney, Minneapolis; Peter Ginder, Deputy
City Attorney, Minneapolis; Corrine Heine, City Attorney,
Minnetonka; Gary Van Wormer, Assistant Technology
Services Director, League of Minnesota Cities
Electronic Prosecution: eCharging, eFiling,
eDiscovery, Criminal and Juvenile Justice Task
Force (CriMNet)
Gun Surrender with Domestic Violence Convictions
 How to Implement
 Civil Liberty Exposure for Police
Mary Ellen Heng, Deputy City Attorney, Minneapolis;
Steve Holmgren, Chief Public Defender, 1st Judicial
District; Michelle Jacobson, Supervising Attorney—
Criminal Division, Minneapolis; Tammie Larsen, Asst.
City Attorney-Criminal Division, St. Paul; Daphne
Lundstrom, Asst. City Attorney-Civil Division, St. Paul;
Representative from Hennepin County Justice
Integration Program (HJIP)
Refreshment Break
Smoky, Stinky and Loud: Trends in Nuisance Law
Paula Callies, Attorney, Callies Law, PLLC; Kori Land,
Attorney, Levander, Gillen & Miller, P.A.; Charles
Ramstad, City Attorney, Detroit Lakes
Saturday, February 7, 2015
7:30 am Check-in and Refreshments
Focused Discussion Roundtables (optional)
 Open Meeting Law
Leader: Tom Grundhoefer, General Counsel, League of
Minnesota Cities
 Retaining Walls/Real Estate Issues
Leader: Charles Ramstad, City Attorney, Detroit Lakes
11:30 “O Brave New World!”: A Review of Policy, Data
 Council Wars
Practices, and Technical Considerations Accompanying Leaders: Terry Adkins, City Attorney, Rochester; Roger
the Growing Use of Police Body Cameras
Knutson, Attorney, Campbell Knutson; Timothy Kuntz,
Nate LaCoursiere & Terri Lehr, Assistant City Attorneys,
Attorney, Levander, Gillen & Miller, P.A.
Duluth; Michelle Jacobson, Supervising Attorney—Criminal Division, Minneapolis
Chronic Stress, Mental Health and Addiction
in the Legal Profession (Elimination of Bias session)
12:00 pm Luncheon and Annual Business Meeting
 Elimination of Bias-the Role of Stigma
 The Impact of Stress
 Pot Spot: Municipal Zoning/Licensing Considerations in  Chemical Health and Other Addictions
the Plume of Minnesota’s New Medical Cannabis Law
in the Legal Profession
 Need a Lyft?: How Technology and the Market are
 Mental Health in the Legal Profession
Breaking the Old Taxicab Mold
 Ethical Issues and Lawyer Impairment
David Gates, Faegre, Baker & Daniels LLP.; Nate LaCoursiere,  Your Lawyer Assistance Program
Assistant City Attorney, Duluth; Kori Land, Attorney,
Fritz Knaak, Attorney, Holstad & Knaak PLC,
Levander, Gillen & Miller, P.A.
representing Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers (LCL)
& Another Representative for LCL
 Minnesota Confidential: The Scope of the Attorney11:00 Refreshment Break
Client Privilege in a Non-Litigation Setting
11:15 Land Use Update
 “I’m Responsible, I Swear”: The New Responsible
 Conditional Use Permit Denials
Bidder Law
 RLUIPA Issues
From Aristotle to Groucho Marx: Negotiating
 First Amendment Land Use Issues
Technology Agreements
John Baker, Attorney, Greene Espel PLLP; George Hoff,
Michael Cohen, Attorney, Gray Plant Mooty; Dave Goslee,
Attorney, Hoff, Barry & Kozar, P.A.; Paul Reuvers,
Deputy City Attorney, Rochester; Kate Nilan, Attorney, Gray
Attorney, Iverson Reuvers Condon
Plant Mooty; Sarah Sonsalla, Attorney, Kennedy & Graven,
12:00 Wrap-Up & Questions/Comments
Susan Segal, President, MN City Attorneys Association;
Minneapolis City Attorney
12:15 pm Adjourn
Conference Information
This year’s conference will be held at the Sheraton Bloomington (formerly Sofitel
Hotel) in Bloomington (5601 West 78th Street — take the East Bush Lake Road
exit). This truly unique facility provides the perfect blend of elegance, style and
state-of-the art meeting space — all with a French accent! Amenities include free
parking, a 24-hour fitness center and an award-winning restaurant. The Sheraton is holding a block of sleeping rooms on Thursday and Friday at the
special rate of $122/night plus tax. Those needing overnight accommodations
should contact them directly at 952-656-5998 or 952-835-1900 by Thursday,
January 15, 2015. (Be sure to mention this event to obtain the reduced rate!)
An “Early Bird” fee of $235/person applies to registrations received no later than
Friday, January 9, 2015. Fee for registrations postmarked after that date is $265/
person. All registration fees include tuition, instructional materials notebook of
handout materials, Friday luncheon and reception, and refreshment breaks on
Friday and Saturday.
Online registration is available at www.mngts.org. Go to “Upcoming Events” and
look for the City Attorneys Conference. Our system allows group registrations from
the same organization. Payment options include use of credit cards, or invoicing
for future payment, and provides an immediate registration confirmation. All registrations must be received no later than January 23, 2015 (”Early Bird”
deadline is January 9, 2015) to ensure that on-site materials can be provided.
Approximately one week before the Conference you will receive an electronic
confirmation of your registration only if you provide an e-mail address!
Applications for credit have been made to the
Minnesota State Board of Continuing Legal
Education, the Minnesota State Bar Association
for Real Property Specialists, the Wisconsin
Board of Bar Examiners, and the State Bar
Association of North Dakota. Approvals are
If you require special services, or have special
dietary needs, every effort will be made to provide
such accommodations. Indicate the nature of
your needs when you register, but no later than
Friday, January 9, 2015.
Fees will be refunded (less a $20 service fee) if the registration is cancelled no
later than January 23, 2015. Alternates will be accepted at any time. Should
weather or other circumstances beyond our control necessitate program
cancellation, notification will be posted on the WCCO websites: www.wcco.com
and www.830wcco.com (under the School Closings tab).
Registration Questions
Kim Wielinski, kwielinski@mngts.org, 651-222-7409 extension 200
Program Questions
Carol Schoeneck, cschoeneck@mngts.org, 651-222-7409 extension 205
GTS Educational Events — www.mngts.org
2233 University Avenue West, Suite 150,
St. Paul, MN 55114
651-222-7409 or Minnesota Toll Free 651-500-8547
Mark Your Calendars Now!
The Minnesota City Attorneys Association will once again offer a Legislative
Update after the State Legislature completes its session. Plan now to
attend this June 11, 2015 event at the Minneapolis Marriott Northwest in
Brooklyn Park. Staff from the League of Minnesota Cities and other topic
experts will share information about legislative changes and court decisions
of importance to all Minnesota cities and their legal advisers. Complete
information will be available in late Spring, 2015.
knowledge to action
GTS is a non-profit organization dedicated to
helping those who provide services to Minnesota
citizens and communities meet current needs
for knowledge and skills, plus anticipate and
prepare for changes to come. We have worked
with policy makers, staff and appointed officials
from all levels of government and all types of
non-profit agencies—and their collaborators in
associations, business, higher education and
community groups—since 1976.
2233 University Avenue W., Suite 150
St. Paul, MN 55114
Twin Cities, MN
Permit No. 3137
Return Service Requested.
Register ONLINE before January 9, 2015 to get the EARLY BIRD rate!
Note: Due to the popularity of online registration, there is no paper form in this year’s brochure.
February 6-7, 2015
Bloomington, Minnesota
Minnesota City Attorneys
Educational Conference