Worship Folder - First Baptist Church


Worship Folder - First Baptist Church
Assisted Hearing Systems are available for your use. Please ask an usher
for a receiver. (For those of you that are using a receiver each week, you will find that in
your mail box.)
We are so glad that you are here!
If you are visiting with us today, please fill out a visitor’s card, which you will find in
the rack in front of you, and place it in the offering plate. Thank you.
Sunday, January 18, 2015
Greeters this Morning
Worship in Giving*
Worship in Music
Children’s Feature
Worship in the Word
Bruce & Janet Boldt
Next Week: Brian & Diane Burmeister
Ruth Marks
How Deep the Father’s Love for Us
Joann Classen & MK Franz
Nearer My God to Thee
Diane Bennett
Pastor Gary Wiens
“Where Does God Live?”
I John 4
Nursery this Morning
Janet Boldt & Tina Baerg
Symantha Faggart
Next Week: Gary & Mary Onken
Morgan Hockel
*Children please remain with their parent’s for this morning’s service.
Please pray for these this week:
Missions Emphasis:
Church Emphasis:
THE ANNUAL MEETING is next Sunday, January 25 immediately following our
morning service. Please join us in the Fellowship Hall for a lunch of pizza & subs,
with the Business Meeting following that. We will be celebrating Pastor Gary &
Susan’s birthdays with cake & ice cream. Whether you are a member, have been
attending for a long time or are just looking us over, please come to the lunch and
meeting. The 2015 Proposed Budget is posted on the bulletin board in the foyer.
The Annual Report is on the table in the foyer with your name on it. Please take
your copy and look through it before the Annual Meeting next week. If you do not
have one on the table, but would like one, please see Sharon in the office. Remember to bring your report with you next Sunday.
Ladies: As you know, Aaron Wiens and his wife Yajaira are expecting a baby next
month. We would like to give them a shower gift of a portable baby crib. If you would
like to be a part of this gift, please give the money to Mary Alice Nickel or Lori
Johnson as soon as possible. Any left over money above the value of the crib will be
put into their account to be used for the baby. You can give cash or make the check
out to Aaron Wiens and Pastor Gary will put it into their bank account. Make sure to
stop in the office and sign the shower card we will send to them. Thank you.
Game Night will be Saturday, January 31 starting at 6:00 p.m. Please bring your
favorite game to play and an appetizer, snack or dessert to share. Lemonade and
water will be provided. Everyone is invited!
Ladies! There will be a Beth Moore Bible Study, Children of the Day: 1 & 2 Thessalonians, beginning in February. This is a 9 week study. Diane Bennett will begin her
study on Thursday, February 5 beginning at 9:00 a.m. and Loretta Jackson will beth
gin her study on Monday, February 9 at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in being a
part of one of these studies, please let Diane or Loretta know TODAY, so that we can
get the materials ordered this week!
LADIES! We are revamping our Secret Sisters ministry to run from April to April. The
Secret Sister ministry is a chance for you to pray for another lady throughout the year.
You can send notes of encouragement and if you would like, this is optional, give a
little gift to them for their birthday, anniversary, Christmas, etc. If you need a form,
contact Loretta. Please have your form into Loretta Jackson by March 1 . We will be
revealing our secret sister in April 2016.
Alan & Melody Pieratt
WorldVenture Relief Ministries
Our Country:
-President Obama
-Our Military Personnel
-Those in Government positions
Nursing Care or Homebound:
Evalyn Johnson
Veva Stevens
Marie McRunnel
Bernece Sykora
Marlyn & Jan
Bob & Maxine
Church Body Needs:
Deb Byam – recovering from hip surgery
Joshua Onken – seizures
Bill Larson – health needs
Julie Crowell – recovering from surgery
Willa Muir – cancer
Ann Marie Bennett
Bud Florine
Mary Lou Peterson
Bill Larson
Bob & Maxine Bauer
Dorothy Carlblom
Jack & Nancy Steinke
Goldie Grant
11 Annual Youth In Harmony Festival, sponsored by the Windom Chordhustler
Chorus will be held on Saturday, January 24 at the BARC Center. The students will
be attending the clinic and rehearsing for the concert at 4:00 p.m. Clinicians for the
day are Medallion and Grand Design. Everyone is invited to attend the Concert at
4:00 p.m. Tickets are $5.00 at the door. Come and see what the students have learned and enjoy a great concert! If you have questions, contact Jerry Bauer-822-3700.
On Thursday, January 22 , join thousands of Minnesotans at the State Capitol in
St. Paul at 12:00 noon for the 41 annual MCCL March for Life. The March
commemorates the deaths of more than 57 million unborn babies killed by abortion
since the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court’s decisions legalized abortion on demand for all
nine months of pregnancy. Your presence will help show elected officials and the
public the depth of support for pro-life legislation protecting women and unborn
babies. If you are unable to attend, please be in prayer. For more information, visit
2 Buck Tuesdays at Windom Senior Dining. Tuesday, February 3 , Pork Loin
Dinner! Adults 60+, get your meal for $2. RSVP your meal by Monday, January 26
to guarantee your $2 meal to Margie French at 831-6161.
First Baptist Church
Jan 25 Lana Tibodeau
Offertory: Diane Bennett
Feb 1 Ellie & Rachel Wright
Offertory: Mia Hockel
Feb 8 Emily Hormig
Offertory: Diane Bennett
Feb 15 Harlan Glenn
Offertory: Faith Willard
Jan 18 Brittany Bennett
Jan 25 Ruth Marks
Please contact the church office if we don’t already have your dates.
“Loving God
Schedule for the Week
Awana Clubs “Surfs Up, Dude!”
Youth Group
6:15 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Sunday School
Worship Service
Lunch & Annual Meeting
9:15 a.m.
10:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
Through the Bible Reading
Genesis 46-48; Matthew 13:1-30
Genesis 49-50; Matthew 13:31-58
Exodus 1-3; Matthew 14:1-21
Exodus 4-6; Matthew 14:22-36
Exodus 7-8; Matthew 15:1-20
Exodus 9-11; Matthew 15:21-39
Exodus 12-13; Matthew 16
Loving People”
P.O. Box 158
450 Third Avenue South
Windom, Minnesota 56101
Phone (507) 831-3811
Email: fbcwindom@windomnet.com – Pastor
Email: secfbcwindom@windomnet.com – Secretary