Newsletter - Friendship Lutheran Church
Newsletter - Friendship Lutheran Church
Friendship Focus January 2015 A Newsletter for members and friends of Friendship Lutheran Church It’s January — among the wide variety of gods Romans could choose from, Janus, or rather, the IDEA of Janus remains fascinating. Janus was god of thresholds, doors and gateways. They named this month after this two-faced deity, one face looking forward, one backwards. We’ve a number of proverbs that illustrate Janus’ message: “A nation that cannot learn from the past is doomed to repeat it.” “You can’t know where you’re going unless you know where you came from.” “You can’t think ‘Outside the Box’ until you’re sure of what’s IN the box!” “You cannot innovate with integrity without being deeply rooted in tradition.” There is also Master Oogway’s sage advice: “Yesterday is history, the tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift: That is why it is called the present.” (actually from the poet Alice Morse Earle in 1902, but more people know Kung Fu Panda than Earle’s book). Psalm 77 riffs on this theme: In a really bad place, the poet wonders: “Will the Lord spurn forever, and never again be favorable? Has his steadfast love ceased forever? Are his promises at an end for all time? Has God forgotten to be gracious, has he in anger shut up his compasion?” (vv.7-9) The poet’s answer follows later: PASTOR’S PAGE CONTINUED “I will call to mind the deeds of the Lord, I will remember your wonders of old, I will meditate on all your work, and muse on your mighty deeds.” (11-12). So we take the time in the dark of winter to consider the past, envision the future, and so order our steps to, in the words of the Westminster shorter catechism, “To glorify and enjoy God forever.”* If you HAVEN’T yet got a copy of our Friendship Lutheran Church history, (available in the Family Life Center and Parish Hall), please do so, read it, and consider how long we’ve been here, how much we’ve accomplished, how great the legacy of our forbears, and what an example we’ve got to live up to. It’s a wonderful gift, our past. And the future? It’s not quite the mystery some think. The Lord Jesus beckons to us from the future. He will meet us again in the breaking of the bread, in his Word proclaimed every time we gather. The Holy Spirit will join us, unite us, and strengthen us to advance the Kingdom of God. We WILL glorify God and ENJOY God this coming year. And right now? Well, right now let’s dream big. Let’s look around at the community we live in - where is God already at work? Can we join in? Is there someplace needing grace and steadfast love? Is there someone lonely, heartbroken, discouraged, or just lost without purpose? Where can we bring the enormous energy and resources of this congregation to bear, to bless and serve our people? Dream big, people, Jesus is WITH US! Our work is limited ONLY by our VISION! So consider the works of the Lord, in this place, over so many years past. So consider the promise of the Lord, to walk with us and work with us in 2015. So consider the present, the gift, God’s holy right now, and make the most of it. God be with y’all, God make his face shine on y’all, and God SHOW all of us what’s next. Pastor Greg 2 *The first question in the Westminster Shorter Catechism (which our Presbyterian friends cherish in the same way we cherish Dr. Luther’s Small Catechism) reads famously: “What is the chief end of humanity? - To glorify and enjoy God forever.” The Westminster SC is way longer than Luther’s SC (thank God I’m Lutheran!), but this eloquent statement is admired by all Christians, Lutheran, Presbyterian, and what not. MISSION/OUTREACH SERVANT EVENT at HICKORY SOUP KITCHEN On Sunday, January 4 the FLY’s and interested adults & FROG’s will be serving a meal at the Salvation Army Soup Kitchen on LR Blvd. We will meet at the church at 3:30 pm. Contact Michelle Bowman for more information. CRISIS CENTER FOOD Current food needs at the Christian Crisis Center are crackers, soup, brown beans, and cereal. Two grocery carts are in the hallway near the chapel to receive donations. RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE The American Red Cross will hold a Blood Drive in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, January 18, from 12:30 pm until 5:00 pm. Please make an appointment to come by the church that day and give the gift of life. To reserve your spot, contact Judy Henderson at (704) 585-9580 3 MISCELLANEOUS SAVE THE DATE!! Friendship, St Luke and Reformation Lutheran Churches have received an $800 grant from Thrivent Financial to have some fun and fellowship together! So we will be going snow tubing on January 25th in the afternoon after church. The normal cost is $20 per person but this will be reduced depending on how many people go. Please sign up by January 11th so we can reserve tickets and a time. More details will be coming as we get closer to the date. Sign up sheets will be available at both worship services. CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER THANK YOU God has blessed my family in many ways. Thank you so much for the breakfast fundraiser you had for me. This year has been very hard. Thank you and your congregation. I know I have angels watching over me. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas, Linda Fincannon Thank you to the members of Friendship for their generosity during this Christmas season. Denny Teague 4 Dear Friendship Family, What a joy and privilege it has been working with you at Friendship over the past few years. I have enjoyed getting to know you better. You are a special group of people. Thanks also for the holiday gifts and treats this Christmas season. I pray God’s blessings on you all. Best Wishes, Teena Stewart Thank you to Friendship Lutheran Church for your generosity this Christmas! We are so blessed to serve as your pastors and to be a part of this community! May 2015 continue to bless our congregation and our life together! In Christ, Pastor Greg and Pastor Carol and family 5 MISCELLANEOUS NEWSLETTER DEADLINE Any items for the February issue of Friendship’s Focus Newsletter should be submitted to the parish secretary no later than Tuesday, January 27th. Email submissions to or call (828) 632-4482. PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Due to the New Year’s holiday, the parish office will be closed on Thursday, January 1st. In case of emergency contact (828) 632-2310. HOME BOUND & EXTENDED CARE MEMBERS: Ruth Hefner—Springs of Catawba Kathleen Jolly— Valley Nursing Willie Icenhour—Trinity Village Charlotte and Wade Sweet—Conover Nursing & Rehab Center Lucille Icenhour Darlene Stafford Alice Icenhour Novella Fox Alice Bowman Ray Bowman Maxine Mays 6 OUR SHARING OFFERINGS NOVEMBER, 2014 CURRENT BENEVOLENCE BLDG/IMPROVEMENT DISASTER RELIEF FAMILY LIFE CENTER HELPING HANDS PRESCHOOL WORLD HUNGER YOUTH MISSION BACKPACK MINISTRY ADULT MISSION CHRISTIAN CRISIS CTR LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE S.S CLASS JEREMIAH JOLLY LOVE OFFERING HOSPICE OF ALEX. CO CRUISE-IN EBOLA LINDA FINCANNON BENEFIT YTD $28,780.82 $1,505.00 $2,707.00 $0.00 $6,760.00 $80.00 $450.00 $180.00 $483.00 $420.00 $70.00 $540.00 $269,918.41 $14,690.00 $10,162.80 $65.00 $52,943.00 $1,702.00 $3,500.00 $1,845.00 $1,983.00 $3,257.00 $124.00 $1,893.00 $0.00 $852.21 $0.00 $0.00 $9,034.00 $10.00 $4,666.00 $20.00 $20.00 $9,034.00 $10.00 $4,666.00 SPENDING CURRENT SEPTEMBER 2014 $19,602.58 YTD * $284,353.91 *INCLUDES ROOF AND PIPE ORGAN REPAIRS 7 COUNCIL CORNER From time to time some council matters require more explanation than can be given in the official minutes. For that reason, we have reinstituted an old Focus feature known as “Council Corner.” New Constitution: Friendship has always been at the forefront of organization in church matters. In 1857, prior to the building of the old octagonal shaped church, Friendship adopted a set of rules even when synod said that the commandments were enough to guide the operation of the church. In today’s ever-changing world, the need for more defined guidance is even more important. Our detailed direction comes from our church constitution. Upon investigation, your council noticed there are some parts of our old document that need to be brought up to date to more clearly define who we are, where are we going, and how do we purpose to get there. For this reason your council will begin work in January on amending and adopting a new constitution. Some things we will consider are: terms of council members, time between terms, voting rights of pastors, and more appropriately defined membership. Membership structure and definition will be added to our current by-laws which are very scant to say the least. If you have other cares and concerns regarding the laws and rules that govern our congregation, please take the time to speak to a member of the Constitution Task Force: Guy Kerley, Randy Bowman, Jane Nichols, Payton Boyles or Gary Icenhour. Your input is vital and very important to us. Church Maintenance/Updates: Our current church building was opened in 1960 and since that time we have added to that original plan with roof changes, organ additions, paved parking lots, Sunday school additions, and finally a Family Life Center. During that period we have at times overlooked the obvious tasks of maintaining our church home in a way any good steward would. Our church building is now approaching 55 years in age and is in need of significant updates to reduce current and future 8 energy costs and future maintenance costs. Our recent Love Friendship Day produced some good results and started the ball rolling to bring our building back to its former beauty and glory. We will continue to move this initiative forward especially when the warm days of spring return. Your volunteering is essential but I know that many of you work long hours away from home already. For this reason we will be forced to hire some of the work to be done by others. If you cannot volunteer, please consider extra giving to the Building and Improvement Fund or perhaps adopting and/or paying for a task that needs to be done to improve our church building. A list of required update tasks is being prepared and will be ready in January. Please take time to review the list and see if God is calling you to share your time and/or talents to make Friendship a church home you can be proud of. WE CONTINUE TO REMEMBER Linda Fincannon (B. Cline) (12/7) Margie Markam (J. Gant) Kenneth Bowman Erinn Hollo (B. Hollo) Ginny Elder Katie Hollo (B. Hollo) The family and friends of Dennis Spivey Eric Watts Mia Blochaviak (A. Palmer) Jon Hayes Danny Sells Fred & Jane Sipe (R. Deal-Lackey) (12/14) The family and friends of Addy Call The family and loved ones of Elena Walker Clark Andrew Hollo (B. Hollo) Loretta Chapman (12/28) Sharon Goble (J. Lackey) Cindy Hefner (L. Harrington) (12/21) Kyler Bebber (E. Bebber) Ray Bowman (K. Bowman) 9 10 JANUARY BIRTHDAYS Payne, Terry Watts, Wendy Elder, Woody Goble, Sharon Hefner, Ruth Robitschek, Andrew Cook, Terri Rader, Megan Stafford, Raylie 01/10 Birchfield, Sam Deal, Debbie Hefner, Ellen Long, Alissa Nichols, Jane Bowman, Donna Ford, Kindola Locklear, Deidra Hefner, Paulette Smith, Angie Windsor, Amy 01/02 01/03 01/06 01/06 01/08 01/08 01/10 01/10 01/11 01/12 01/14 01/14 01/15 01/16 01/16 01/16 01/17 01/18 01/18 Icenhour, Ben Christopher, Tamala Hollar, Barry Smith, Stasya Windsor, Ethan Hefner, Ryan Sweat, Mabel Bowman, Madison Pearson, Wendelynne Bowman, Brenda Icenhour, Mary Ann Icenhour, Marcella Shealy, Dawn Bowman, Christopher Fox, Kendra Mooney, Jared Harrington, Tamara Kerley, Colby Gantt, Rickie Pantovich, Nathaniel Hefner, Jeffery 11 01/19 01/20 01/21 01/22 01/22 01/23 01/23 01/24 01/24 01/25 01/26 01/27 01/27 01/28 01/28 01/28 01/29 01/29 01/30 01/30 01/31 CouncilandStaffServingYou Council & Officers Staff Gary Icenhour, President Danny Price, Vice-President-Finance Sandra Icenhour, Treasurer Dana Frye, Secretary Marty Buff Eric Frye Robert Gant Jeff James Julia Rhyne Chris Jolly Jimmy Watts Daphne Payne Phyllis Little Brian Chapman Guy Kerley-Financial Secretary Rev Carol & Gregory Yeager Lori Branch Silsa Moore Cindy Wiles Denny Teague Teena Stewart FRIENDSHIP LUTHERAN CHURCH 5300 Church Road Taylorsville, NC 28681 Phone: 828-632-4482 Emergency Line: 828-632-2310 Co-Pastors Preschool Dir Church Keyboardist Preschool Asst. Dir Sexton Parish Secretary NONNON-PROFIT POSTAGE PAID PERMIT 106 Taylorsville, NC 28681 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 12