The Voice - Faith Lutheran Church
The Voice - Faith Lutheran Church
Welcome to Faith Lutheran Church. We are a group of flawed people, joining together to be part of God’s family. Join us as we serve God by “Feeding the Hungry in body and Soul.” January 2015 Faith Lutheran Church 12449 California St. Yucaipa, CA 92399 909-790-1816 Office Hours: Tuesday through Friday 8:30 am to 2:45 pm A note from Liz… As the New Year begins, it is the eighth day of Christmas. According to the traditional Christmas Carol, this is the day for eight maids-a-milking. The twelve days lead us to the Epiphany, the manifestation of Christ as represented by the magi who traveled from far away to bring gifts to the newborn King. The New Year is a time of beginnings for all of us as we consider how this year might provide new opportunities for service, for relationships, for changing habits, and for recommitting ourselves through the renewal of our Baptismal Covenant. On January 11, we celebrate the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ. Taking those words to heart, how will we nurture others in the Christian faith and confess the faith of the church? How will we serve all people and respect their dignity following the example of Jesus? These questions are not easy to answer and yet we are invited to consider how our answers will look and show up in our world. In January, new council members will be installed at Faith Lutheran and new Bishop’s Committee members will be elected at St. Alban’s Episcopal. We will hold the Semi-Annual Meeting for Faith and the Annual Meeting for St. Alban’s on January 25. Please be sure to be present as reports and budgets are presented. On January 4, Enoch and I will celebrate our marriage and embark on a new adventure learning how to live as a couple serving God and God’s people here in Yucaipa. We thank you for your love and support and look forward to the opportunities that will present themselves. With thanks for you and your ministries, Pastor Liz+ 2 Just A Reminder from Pastor Liz: If you have questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to call or email me. I look forward to hearing from you! My cell phone number is 760.559.3447 and my email is Call Pastor Liz: † When you are in need of prayer † When you are going in the hospital for surgery or illness † When you would like to schedule a Caring Servant for Holy Communion † When there is a birth in your family † When there is a death in your family † When you are in trouble or discouraged † When you need assistance † When you want to celebrate good news † When you need to share bad news † When you want to schedule an event † When you need information relating to the congregational life of Faith Lutheran We do our best to keep up with the lives of the people who attend, or are related to people who attend, Faith Lutheran Church. We can help best when we know about events before they are happening rather than after the fact. SICK AND SHUT-INS Can’t make it to church and would like to receive communion or have someone pray with you? Call for a Caring Servant at the church office, 790-1816 or Nelson Hall at 790-1603. 3 Deborah Circle, Hidden Valley Mobile Home Park, 12680 4th St., Yucaipa Mon., Jan. 12, 7:00 pm Naomi Circle, home of Diane Watson, 31461 Alta Vista Dr., Redlands Wed., Jan. 14, 9:30 am Quilting, Sewing Room Sun., Jan. 18, 10:00 am WELCA Board, Sewing Room Tues., Jan. 20, 1:30 pm Bible study leaders, Library Wed., Jan. 28, 9:30 am Quilting, Sewing Room Wed., Jan. 7, 9:30 am WOW!!! 2015 is just starting and the Quilters already have over 50 quilt tops finished. Why not join the group on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays to help finish and tie the tops into quilts for the world. Join a Circle for the January study: from the story of King David’s sins…and his eventual repentance and forgiveness, the study goes on to explore forgiveness in Luke and Acts. The passages will help us reflect on what it means.….to receive forgiveness and learn to forgive others (taken from the Gather Magazine). 2015 Needs Your Help: Social Concerns and Outreach Committees need members, especially chairpersons. Social Concerns guides the Faith family in serving the community and nation through the pantry, LWR, needy people, etc. Outreach/Evangelism reaches out to others about our congregation through dinners, service and awareness. Please pray for these two committees and their continued activities. Coffee Hour: For many individuals the coffee hour following the Sunday service is an important piece of joining other members to meet and greet. To continue this outreach to members and others, help is needed in setting up, providing a goody and cleaning up. See the signup sheet in the Narthex to volunteer for a Sunday or two. 4 g{tÇ~ çÉâ‹A We would like to thank you for the generosity shown at our wedding shower. To have so many surround us with their love and support brings us great joy. We will use the generous gift towards the purchase of lighting for our kitchen and dining room. Each time the lights are turned on, we will remember your light shining in our lives. Enoch and Liz+ jÉÜá{|Ñ tÇw `âá|v The Worship and Music committee would like to thank Norma Burwell for all the years she has chaired the Altar Guild. We will greatly miss her leadership. Since Norma is stepping down we will be looking for someone to chair this important committee. If you would like to nominate someone for this position please see Eloise Johnson. Respectfully Submitted, Eloise Johnson 2015 FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH COUNCIL President Vice President Recording Sec. Financial Sec. Treasurer Preschool Education Outreach/Evang. Social Concerns Property Mgmt. Stewardship/Fin. Youth Worship/Music 5 Steve Cady Bill Martin Sharon Cady Vicki Rollins Larry Ludwig Pat Kilday Richard and Jennifer Beal vacant vacant Fred Mazurier Carol Jensen vacant Eloise Johnson Restroom Project Thrivent Action has given permission for us to do a fundraiser to upgrade, repair and revitalize the downstairs bathroom used by our Day Care children. We are receiving $250.00 in funds from them towards the project. We also have seed money from a member. We plan to replace partitions with plastic partitions, replace both toilets and paint the walls. When that is completed we have a volunteer to scrub the floor with a floor machine at no cost. An additional hope is to purchase or make a bench along the wall for the children to sit on while waiting. We are asking for donations toward this project. No amount is too small. Please designate your gift as Restroom Project, and may God bless you. Project Leader, Jean Koger Children’s Sunday School takes place each Sunday. All ages are welcome. Following the Children's Sermon, children will meet in the narthex then walk over to the library. We will return to the sanctuary before Communion. We also need two volunteers each week to assist with Children’s Sunday School. Volunteers can sign up in the narthex or e-mail Jenny Beal ( or Richard Beal ( Sharon Cady January Cecilia Mazurier January Carol D. Jensen January Jacque Kottmeier January Altha Hedman January Brad Blue January Caroline Mkanza January Paul Whitt January 4 4 6 10 17 21 23 26 Dennis and Jacque Kottmeier January 23 6 Stewardship of Service January 4 January 11 January 18 January 25 ASST. MINISTER Michael Shea COMM. ASST. READER USHERS ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP ASST. MINISTER COMM. ASST. READER USHERS ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP ASST. MINISTER COMM. ASST READER USHERS ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP ASST. MINISTER COMM. ASST READER USHERS ACOLYTE SOUNDBOARD ALTAR CARE S. S. HELPER LOCKUP Michael Shea David Strack Jan Wheeler and Burrel Woodring Cami Kirker Alec Blue Norma Burwell and Pat Motschall Larry Ludwig Carol Jensen Carol Jensen Michael Shea Pat and George Motschall Stephen Botts Norma Burwell and Pat Motschall Larry Ludwig Michael Shea Michael Shea Ned Morgan Sharon and Steve Cady Richard Beal Norma Burwell and Pat Motschall Larry Ludwig Steve Cady Steve Cady Glenn Bradd Larry Ludwig and Dona Whitt John Shurson Norma Burwell and Pat Motschall Larry Ludwig Thank You 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 7:30pm N.A. 4 7:45am Worship Team prac. 8:10am Chancel Choir warm-up 8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Adult S.S. 11 7:45am Worship Team prac. 8:10am Chancel Choir warm-up 8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Adult S.S. 18 7:45am Worship Team prac. 8:10am Chancel Choir warm-up 8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Adult S.S. 10am WELCA Board Meeting 25 7:45am Worship Team prac. 8:10am Chancel Choir warm-up 8:30am Worship Service 9:45am Adult S.S. 5 7pm N.A. 12 7pm Naomi Circle 7pm N.A. 19 7pm N.A. 26 7pm N.A. 6 10am Alanon 7 8 9:30am Deborah/ Sarah Circle 6:30pm Faith Ringers prac. 7:15pm Chancel Choir prac. 7:30pm N.A. 13 14 10am Alanon 11am Preschool Chapel 2pm Finance meeting 6:30pm Social Concerns/ Outreach mtg. 7:30pm Worship/Music 9:30am Quilting 6:30pm Faith Ringers prac. 7:15pm Chancel Choir prac. 7:30pm N.A. 20 10am Alanon 11am Preschool Chapel 1:30pm Bible study leaders 6:30pm Council meeting 21 27 28 8 16 7:30pm N.A. 22 6:30pm Faith . Ringers prac. 7:15pm Chancel Choir prac. 7:30pm N.A. 9:30am Quilt10am Alanon 11am Preschool ing Chapel 6:30pm Faith Ringers prac. 7:15pm Chancel Choir prac. 7:30pm N.A. 9 7:30pm N.A. 15 23 7:30pm N.A. 29 30 7:30pm N.A. 3 7:30am O.A. 10am A.A. 10 7:30am O.A. 9:30am Food Pantry 10am A.A. 17 7:30am O.A. 10am A.A. 24 7:30am O.A. 9:30am Food Pantry 10am A.A. 31 7:30am O.A. 10am A.A.