arish Bulletins - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Greater


arish Bulletins - Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Greater
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America * Holy Sacred Metropolis of Atlanta
1 2 1 7 Tr i n i t y Wo o d s L a n e M a i t l a n d F L 3 2 7 5 1
Church phone: 407-331-4687 • Fax: 407-331-4898
m a i l @ h t g o c o r l a n d o . o rg • w w w. h t g o c o r l a n d o . o rg
R e v e r e n d P r o t o p r e s b y t e r C o n s t a n t i n e S i m e o n i d i s , P r o i s t a m e n o s ~ f r c @ h t g o c o r l a n d o . o rg
R e v e r e n d P r o t o p r e s b y t e r D e m e t r i o s S i m e o n i d i s , L i t u rg i c a l A s s i s t a n t ~ f r d @ h t g o c o r l a n d o . o rg
Vo l u m e 2 0 1 5 N u m b e r 1
January 2015
Tables Extraordinaire .......................2
Ministry Contacts ............................3
Message ........................................4-5
House Blessings................................6
Our Ministries...................................7
Stewardship .............................11-14
St. Photios Shrine ..........................15
Tables Extraordinaire.....................16
Our 2015 Sponsors....................17-18
Calendar ........................................19
Lord, when You were baptized in the Jordan, the
veneration of the Trinity was revealed. For the voice of the
Father gave witness to You, calling You Beloved,
and the Spirit, in the guise of a dove, confirmed the
certainty of His words. Glory to You, Christ our
God, who appeared and enlightened the world.
6th Annual
Orlando’s Premier Event
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church
February 4, 5 ,6 & 7, 2015
Reverend Protopresbyter Constantine Simeonidis, Proistamenos
Reverend Protopresbyter Demetrios Simeonidis, Liturgical Assistant
Proto Psalti: Pantelis Xikis
Choir Director: Stacey Norton
Sexton: Fotios Fotakidis
Accountant: Eileen Dodd
Assistant Bookkeeper: Joyce Yarbrough
Church & Office Administration: Flora Milios
Conference & Reception Center Rentals: Elaine Simeonidis
Monday - Friday: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sunday Services: Weekday Services:
Orthros: 8:15 am
Orthros: 9:30 am Liturgy 9:30 am
Liturgy 10:00 am
Protopresbyter: Rev. Father Constantine Simeonidis
President: TBD
Vice President: TBD Secretary: TBD
Treasurer: TBD
Assistant Treasurer: TBD
Dr. Sophia Cordoba, Mr. Alex Vastardis, Dr. Andy Tringas,
Mr. George Kassianides,Mr. Michael Sorich,Mr. Alex Vidas,
Mrs. Maria Haun, Mr. Mike Hughes, Mr. Nick Panagakis,
Mr. Sebastian Filutowski, Mrs. Lisa Elliott, Mrs.Gina Gjurich &
Mrs. Aris Harrelson
Bible Study: Father Demetrios Simeonidis
Bereavement Group: Chris Rothenberger
Building and Grounds Chairs: Mike Pampoukis & Dean Bolaris
CBC: Flora Milios & Katerina Papaioanou
Members: Joe Territo, Pantelis Xikis & John Richtmyer
Gift Shop & Bookstore: Peter Pullman
Architectural Review Board: John Dragash
Philoptochos: Mary Mantzaris
Finance Committee: Alex Vastardis & Dimitri Katsihtis
Meals for Moms: Niki Tringas
Greek Fest: Spiro Kokolis, Lynn Taylor & John Masterjohn
Prayer Armada: Melissa Georgiadis & Linda Martin
Hall Rental: Gina Gjurich, Aris Harrelson & Andy Tringas
Society of Wisdom:Mary Mantzaris & Matina Pullman
Stewardship Committee: AVAILABLE
Tables Extraordinaire: Catherine Kassianides, Joyce Yarbrough & Chef George Paterakis
Welcoming Committee: AVAILABLE
Chairman: Dora Francis
Advisor: Jeana Dragash
Members: Anna Bolaris, Georgette Khoury, Eve Montero, Alex Vastardis & Andy Tringas
Adult Spiritual Enrichment: Deacon Chris Burdette, Jeana Dragash & Pamela Filutowski
Altar Servers: Timmy Johnson
Catechetical School: Presbytera Elaine Simeonidis, Maria Haun & Irene Sorich
Children’s Play Group: AVAILABLE
GOYA Advisors: Katerina Papaioanou & Sebastian Filutowski
Hellenic Dance Troupe: Staci Lagoutaris
HOPE/JOY Advisor: Aspacia Lindstrom
Jr. Hellenic Dance Troupe: Venetta Jones
Little Aegean Dance Troupe: Gina Avgeropoulos, George Saad & Katerina Tsolakis
Mission Ministry: AVAILABLE
St. John Oratorical Festival: Harry & Viviana Kypraios
Youth Choir: Stacey Norton
Hellenic Academy Principal: Tina Stoumbos & Nicholas Kontaridis
Auxiliary Groups
Orthodox Christian Fellowship at UCF
Daughters of Penelope
"What do you mean by this service?”
This was the question that little Israelite children were taught to ask at the Passover seder ritual
(Exodus 12:26). This same question we, too, should ask in the month of January as we celebrate
the Baptism of Christ. Through the liturgies of Epiphany and the blessings of homes, we also recelebrate our own Baptisms, which are simply reenactments of His Baptism.
In the early Church the feast of Epiphany (also called Theophany) was THE big holy day apart
from Pascha: Christmas as we know it was not celebrated at first. But the commemoration of
Christ's Baptism was observed, and with grand festivities. Nowadays we hang up our lights for
December 25, but in the early centuries January 6 was the Feast of Lights, when candles and
lamps were hung aloft in joyous remembrance. Christ's Baptism was a theological goldmine,
and one of the ~ few events that all four Gospels recount (whereas the birth of Christ is found in
only two, Matthew and Luke).
The Gospels paint a fairly simple picture of the scene: Jesus enters the Jordan River with John
the Baptist; is immersed in its flow; as He comes out of the waters, the heavens open, a dove
descends, and a voice of approval resounds from the skies. The significance of these details is
not apparent at first reading. It might seem perhaps like just another extraordinary day in an
extraordinary life.
But to comprehend the deeper meaning, you must cast your mind back to the book of Genesis.
There we read of how God made all things, drawing forth the Creation from a dark and watery
Chaos. We read then of how the Spirit of God moved over the face of the waters. Here the verb
in Hebrew connotes the behavior of a mother bird brooding over her nest, protecting and
nurturing her offspring. The Spirit of God at the Creation was caring for the young world like a
hen over her chicks.
Day by day the Lord shaped and developed His world, forming the light, the heavens, the
oceans, and the dry land, as homes respectively for the stars, the birds, the fish, and the animals.
And finally, as the crown of His creation, He formed man. "Let us make man in our image, after
our likeness," speaks the Triune Godhead. And resting from His work, the Lord pronounces His
approval on the brand-new heaven and earth: "And behold, it was very good."
But this world fell into brokenness and disharmony through the sin of our first parents. The
Lord could have destroyed humanity and all His creation with them. He could have let it all
slip back into the dark watery chaos from which it came back in the time of Noah's flood. But
this was not His will. His desire is to redeem His world, to transform this universe into a new
heaven and a new earth. And this He would do by joining His imperishable nature to our
broken and perishable nature, so that we might live with Him in harmony forever. What we see
on Epiphany, then, is a restaging of the Creation: the Spirit hovering like a mother bird, in the
form of a dove; the approval of the Father thundering from the open heavens; and out of the
dark waters emerges the new creation--but this time God starts from the end and works
backward! The first being to emerge from the waters is a man-the incarnate God, Jesus Christ.
And so it begins-the healing of our nature, the re-harmonization of all creatures, the
reconciliation of all living things to God. In time the New Creation will embrace the whole
Universe (or the whole Multi-verse, if your physics so dictate). "For in [Christ] all the fullness of
God was pleased to dwell, and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether on earth
or in heaven, making peace by the blood of His Cross" (Colossians 1:19-20).
This is the meaning of the Baptism of Christ. And this is the meaning of our baptisms as well.
For God chooses to populate His New World one person at a time, by drawing us out of the
waters together with Christ, and citizens of the new creation with Him. But just as Baptism is
first step and not the last in God's plan of re-creation, so to for our spiritual lives.
Think of your parents or grandparents on Ellis Island. They were people betwixt and between.
They were in America-but not yet Americans. They had a choice. They could press on through
hardship to win their citizenship in the New World, or they could turn around and get back on
the ship that brought them.
Baptism is our Ellis Island. It brings us into the Kingdom of God, but much, much is required
for us to become real citizens there. In the wake of the feast of Epiphany, when you receive the
waters of Agiasmo, the waters of chaos turned into the waters of life, the waters of the new
creation-when you bring it into your houses and businesses and offices, for drinking and for
sprinkling, you declare your intention to become a part of the new creation yourself, and to
bring your family and your home and your work into the Kingdom of God, which makes all
things new. It is an ongoing commitment that is to be renewed yearly, and even daily.
When you receive the spray of divine presence that comes from the River Jordan upon you
through the Holy Water, you declare your intention to live no longer as a citizen of this world,
according to its customs and habits, according to the laws of survival and self-advancement and
pride. You declare your desire to live as a citizen of the New World, according to the rule of
love, of mercy and justice and humility before God and man.
This is the meaning of the service we do at Epiphany and in the house blessings of January. It is
our Christian Fourth of July, our Declaration of Independence, our acceptance of Christ as our
way of life and our commitment to following our leader and king into the new creation of God.
lease submit this form to the Front Office or drop this form in the offering box.
ιὰ τὸν φωτισμὸ τοῦ οἴκου σας, νὰ συμπληρώσετε τὸ σχετικὸ χαρτὶ ποὺ
βρίσκεται στὸν νάρθηκα τοῦ ναοῦ!
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
City: _________________________________________ Zip: __________________
Phone: ____________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________
There will be a second tray passed each Sunday for
the Church’s Air Conditioning Fund. Please give
generously. As of October 30, 2014 we have collected
$54, 544.91.
The Adult Spiritual Enrichment classes will resume
on Sunday, January 4, 2015. We will be learning
about the Major Feasts of the Church. All adults are
welcome. Please join us in the Aegean Hall directly
after Holy Communion.
The 2015 Ecclesiastical calendars and pocket
calendars are in the narthex. Please pick ONE up for
your family.
Classes resume on January 4, 2015. Parents, please
remember to bring healthy individual snacks for our
Holy Trinity continues to provide coffee for
the Sunday Coffee Fellowship. Please consider
sponsoring a coffee hour to commemorate an
anniversary, memorial, birthday, etc. Please
understand that the coffee social does not begin
until after Divine Liturgy. The Agape Ballroom will
be unlocked after the final dismissal prayer is given
by the Priest.
Our Asteria, Jr. Hellenic, and Hellenic Dance Troupes
are heading to Charlotte, NC for the Hellenic Dance
Festival on January 16-19, 2015. Dance classes will
resume in February for all dance troupes. Please
check February’s bulletin for exact starting date.
The Raftopoulos Scholarship applications will be
due by January 31, 2015. Please contact Mrs. Dora
Francis for an application at dorafrancis10@gmail.
There will be a GOYA meeting on January 25, 2015.
Please meet in the GOYA room after catechism class.
Our next class will be held on Wednesday, January 7,
The monthly pan-Orthodox feeding of the homeless
will take place on Friday, January 23rd, at St. George
Orthodox Church. Those planning to cook should
arrive at noon, and those planning to set-up or serve
should arrive at 4 pm and stay until 6 pm.
Our next luncheon is on January 15th, at 11:30
am. Join us for an informative session and good
fellowship. For further information, contact Mrs.
Mary Mantzaris @ 407-322-6958 and Mrs. Matina
Pullman @ 407-695-6942.
The Oratorical Festival is coming up in February &
March! Your children in grades 4 through 12 have
been introduced to the 2015 topics in their division
(Elementary, Junior and Senior, depending on their
grade). After meeting with them in Sunday School,
we can see how excited they are about participating
and sharing their love for their Orthodox Faith. Now
we need YOUR help (the parents) in helping your
children as they begin researching their chosen topic
and writing their speeches. We are encouraging ALL
children to prepare a written response to a chosen
topic as the Oratorical Festival is a great way to learn
more about the Orthodox Church and allows them
to share their thoughts with all of us. If you have any
further questions, please feel free to contact Tina or
Elena Scuro at
Save the date! Stewardship Sunday is January 25,
2015. The Parish Council cordially invites you to a
free breakfast for Stewardship Sunday. Stewardship
cards have been sent in the mail and are available
in the narthex. Please remember to return your
Stewardship cards on or before January 25th.
Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a way of life,
which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and
responsibility before God. Becoming a Steward
begins when we believe in God, to whom we give
our love, loyalty and trust and act on those beliefs.
As Stewards, we affirm that every aspect of our lives
comes as a gift from Him.
Orlando AHEPA, Chapter #161, is planning a cruise
for 2015. Everyone is welcome. For more information,
please go to our web site at
January ~ 4th Sunday- Cutting of the Vasilopita
7th Wednesday – Remove Christmas Decorations following Divine Liturgy
- Philoptochos Meeting – 7:00 p.m. Board Room
17th Saturday – “Heart to Heart” Pillows, Crafting Session ~ 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
25th Sunday – Narthex Duty – If you would like to volunteer to serve in the Narthex,
please see Dena Holt or Mary Mantzaris
The Christmas Trees and decorations in the Church and Agape Ballroom were so beautiful. A special and sincere thank
you to Aris Harrelson, Elena Kirastoulis, Sandy Logos, Julia Nikitas, Bea Pond, Matina Pullman, Pat Reardon, Tina
Stoumbos, Chryssie Tavrides, Lula Vastardis and Joyce Yarbrough for the beautiful decorations. A joyful time of fun and
good fellowship was enjoyed by all.
Philoptochos Membership – Through Philoptochos, we fully exercise our Christianity. Whether our time, talents and
treasure allow us to give as active members, or as supporting members, we can each play our part in providing the good
works that benefit those whom Philoptochos serves. It is through this love, support and dedication of our members that
allows Philoptochos to continue our important mission of commitments to Holy Trinity, our community and the many
outreach programs. “Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do”. James 2:18. Now is
the time to renew your membership. If you have not joined Philoptochos, please do so. Dues are $30.00.
Philoptochos has taken on a new charity ”Sports 4 the Kids” which provides homeless and disadvantaged kids in Central
Florida an opportunity to participate in sports. This organization will accept useable sports equipment such as cleats &
shoes, helmets & apparel. Shin guards & pads, bats & gloves, Lacrosse sticks, tennis rackets, golf clubs and balls. Please
let a Philoptochos Board member know if you have any of this equipment.
St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church – Recently you were sent a letter regarding the St. Nicholas Greek Orthodox Church
destroyed in the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. The Church is being resurrected on hallowed ground bearing
witness to the victory of Christ over evil, death and destruction. An appeal has been made to each of us in our Chapter
to consider an offering to this campaign. Please make checks payable to Holy Trinity Philoptochos. Thank you for your
Crafting Session – On September 17th, we plan to get together to start crafting the heart pillows to be given to the
hospital heart patients. Please make an effort to join us. If you have a portable sewing machine, bring it. If not, come
to help close and stuff the pillows. Not only is this an important part of giving to our community, we get together for fun
and good fellowship. If you have any questions, contact Julia Nikitas.
Sunshine Committee – This is a major part of our ministry. We knit healing shawls to present to those who are ill with
prayers for a quick recovery. If you like to knit, we can use your expertise. Contact any Board member if you are
interested in participating in this ministry.
“It’s All Greek to Me” – The third reprint of our cookbook is now available for sale. The cookbooks are $16.00. We also
have aprons with the “It’s Greek to Me” logo at $16.00. Purchase both items at $30.00. Please see any Board member
to purchase these items. Cookbooks and aprons are also available for sale in the Gift shop. Remember,
cookbook/aprons make great gifts.
“It’s All Greek to Me, Two” We are preparing a sequel to our cookbook. This is an important fundraiser for Philoptochos
and we hope you will contribute your favorite recipes, including Lenten recipes. Recipe forms are available in the
Narthex. Submit your recipes to Luz Xikis, Mary Mantzaris or any Board member. Help us ensure our community
cookbook will be a success.
Baptismal Items - Planning a baptism, Philoptochos is selling the items needed for your baptism. We have decorated
candles and the necessary items such as sheet, towels, oil, soap, etc., all in one package or sold separately. Interested,
please see Luz Xikis or any Board member.
USO Phone Home Project – We are still collecting old cell phones to benefit our soldiers. The funds received from the
phones is turned over to the USO for our soldiers to “phone home”. Bring your phones to Church and deposit them in
the container located just outside the Gift Shop.
Hunger Knows No Holiday – While you are grocery shopping, continue to remember those less fortunate. Show your
appreciation for the good things in your life by picking up one item per week for someone in need and deposit it into the
collection baskets located in the Narthex. Thank you for your generosity.
Ephraim Project Feeding – Volunteers are needed to help with the Pan Orthodox feedings of the homeless at St. George
Church. Help is needed to serve food.
2 0 1 5 S T E WA R D S H I P
“You are a Member of the Body of Christ”
2015 Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church Confidential Stewardship Commitment Card – Side A
Family Name: ___________________________________
Existing stewards need only indicate changes to the following information:
Address: ___________________________ City: ___________________________State: FL Zip: _____________
Home Telephone: _________________ E-mail Address: ______________________________________________
In gratitude for God’s blessings I/we make the following commitment to the ministries of Holy Trinity:
£ $75 monthly £ $100 monthly £ $150 monthly £ $200 monthly £ Weekly Come and see God work through your talents, skills and experience, as well as your financial support. Your offering to Christ and His Church can do as much
as you empower it to do. We give to Christ and His Church not according to our means but according to our love for Him.
CONFIDENTIAL: May not be Distributed or Reproduced / For Authorized Parish Personnel Only
I/We would like to offer my/our time & talents to the ministries of Holy Trinity Church in the following areas:
Please check 
 Bible Study
 Youth Work Real Estate Management
 Teaching Catechetical School  Medical
 Greek Language School
 Church Choir
 Church Camp
 Visitation of Elderly/Infirm
 Cooking - Events or Outreach
 Youth Ministry
 Scouting Finance Nursery
 Computer - general
 Legal Ushering - Welcome
 Computer - Web Site Mgt
 Mechanical - Plumbing
 Reader (in liturgy)
 Parish Newsletter
 Construction Other  Gardening Office Work
The Holy Trinity operating budget for the calendar year 2015 will be $803,705. Our Stewardship giving
should support all the Parish Ministries and the entire operating budget.
That would mean each family gives ONLY $36 per week
We should not depend on special affairs to meet our budget, for this is our direct responsibility. Stewardship places the responsibility
on us, for we are the recipients of God’s gifts and play an active role in perpetuating His work of salvation. The expenses of our Parish
are vital to our Church for: •Keeping in Touch With You •Maintaining our Buildings •Those Who Serve Us •Worship and Education
•National Ministries Commitment.
The quality of our service as a Parish, Metropolis, and Archdiocese depends directly on the level of your generous giving.
Pledged Stewards
Pledges Collected
Amount Pledged
$356,589 Year
2 0 1 4 S T E WA R D S H I P
Demetrios and Penelope Abatsas
Stephanos and Kathy Anamisis
Gregory and Haritini Andre
Gustavo and Joanne Anibarro
Sophie and Vivian Argeros
Theodore Argeros
John and Lana Argyrakis
Jason and Kathryn Ashford
Eleni Aspras
Amy Asteriades
James and Beatrice Athanas
James and Angela Athanasiou
Stacey Atsides
George Avgeropoulos
George and Ifigenia Avgeropoulos
Nicholas and Effie Avgeropoulos
Gina Avgeropoulos
Julia Baba
Katerina Backus
Georgios and Marion Bakamitsos
John and Jeanine Ballinger
Dean Bartzokis
Diana Basil
Jose and Simone Behar
Jane Bennett
Craig and Meghan Beverly
Jamey Binneveld
Demetra Blevins
Victor Bokas
Dean and Anna Bolaris
Michael and Keti Booker
Albert and Enkeleda Bua
Deacon Chris & Deaconesa Amy Burdette
Joseph and Photenie Burnett
Patrick and Anais Butler
Jim and Barbara Caldwell
Yoit Callaghan
Theodore and Patricia Capsanes
Ted Caras
Joan Caras
Peter and Elizabeth Carellas
Alan and Vasiliki Chaddon
George and Lynda Cheros
Angela Chick
Irene Christ
Elias and Amber Christ
Chris and Helen Christakos
Vasilios Christidis
Peter and April Christie
Stella Cokias
Tom and Viola Connelly
John-Paul and Marion Conners
Kenneth Conners
Mike and Anastasia Constantine
Mr. and Mrs. Dinos Constantine
Nicholas and Elena Constantinidis
John and Sophia Cordoba
John and Agapoula Cosmopoulos
Vassilios and Katerina Coumbaros
Amanda Cranias
Aristotle and Helen Cranias
Theodore and Jacqueline Cranias
John Cranias
Van Cranias
Evangelos and Carolyn Crikis
Michael Crikis
Frank and Nicole Culmone
Brian and Litsa Cummings
Cara Curts
Claire Cyprien
Thomas and Ermelinda Daka
Chris and Pauline Daskalakis
Nicholas and Svetlana Davatelis
Emanuel and Helen Davatelis
Ari and Rebecca Davatelis
Joanne Davis
Peter and Sylvia Deftos
Spiros and Theodora Delis
John and Iris Dellis
Michael and Sandra Demetriades
James and Eleni Demetriades
Denise Demos
Danae Dewitt
Paul Diakoumis
Teddy and Julie Dimas
Thomas and Laura Dimitriadis
Elias and Stella Dimopoulos
Eleftheria Douvalis
John and Jeana Dragash
Marisa Dragash
Nuha Dubbaneh
William and Wassiliki Dunstone
Gloria Economou
Denise Eid
Sondra Eid
Georges and Monica El-Gharib
Lisa Elliott
Emanuel and Callie Elliott
John and Athena Elliott
Marc and Suzanne Elliott
Michael and Nancy English
Maro Eslick
Asa and Venetia Evans
Ann Farmakis
Peny Farmakis
Michael and Leslie Ferderigos
Sebastian V. Filutowski
Oliver Filutowski
Konrad and Pamela Filutowski
Joseph and Maria Flood
Fotios and Georgia Fotakidis
George and Vivian Fotieo
Vivian Fotieo
Gary and Dora Francis
William and Ashley Francis
John and Kathleen Francisco
Crist Francisco
Nicholas Francisco
Bess Francisco
Peter and Maha Gadah
Harry M. Gayes
Cornelia Georgantas
Paul Georgelos
John and Catherine Georgelos
Theodore Georges
Ioannis and Melissa Georgiadis
Antonios and Georgia Georgiadis
Xrisanthi Giannas
Paul and Mary Gianoukos
George and Sandra Gionis
Dean Gionis
George and Mary Girmis
John and Debbie Givoglu
Bob and Wendy Givoglu
Andrew and Gina Gjurich
Vivian Gjurich
Demetrios and Kathleen Glinos
Athena Glynos
Kevin and Keiko Gowen II
Theodoros and Ourania Grammenos
Kent and Maria Gritton
Tiffany Gritton
James and Jamie Halkis
Gus and Mia Halkis
Gus and Hollis Halvatzis
Ramy and Catherine Hanna
John and Penny Harbilas
Nick and Callie Harbilas
Elaine Harbilas
2 0 1 4 S T E WA R D S H I P
Ken and Aris Harrelson
Casey Harrelson
Maria Haun
Tom and Lola Haynes
Clifton Haynes
Marcos and Faye Hazday
Joyce Heitman
Maria Hemke
Raymond and Amalia Henderer
Louie and May Hilal
Iman Hilal
Eric and Effie Hill
Darren and Maria Hinshaw
Laura Hodgman
David and Ninette Holbrook
Jonathan and Harriet Holder
Thomas and Kostantina Holt
Mike and Dawn Hughes
Barbara Hughes
Angela Hughes
Michael Ibrahim
Dimitri and Anna Ioannidis
Dean and Caryl Iracleanos
Paul and Olga Jakubowski
Aleks and Verdhiqi Jani
Denny and Fay Johnson
Timmy Johnson
Rob and Garifalia Jones
Edward and Venetta Jones
Pothiti and Ana Jusakos
Callie Kachmar
Nicholas and Mary Kanelos
Tony Kapothanasis
Theodoros and Drosoula Karamanis
Esther Karras
Theresa Kashlak
Jean Kasotakis
Takis and Evridiki Kasparis
Christina Kassianides
George and Catherine Kassianides
Issa and Rouada Kassis
Vasilis and Kathryn Katsafanas
Demetri and Maren Katsihtis
George and Elina Katzaras
Llazar and Viviane Kauri
Akrivoula Kavadas
John and Maria Kevgas
Joseph and Georgette Khoury
Peter and Poppy Kincaid
Elena Kirastoulis
Sadie Klotz
George and Tara Knecht
Nicholas Kontaridis
Sotirios and Christine Kontogiannis
Nicholas and Sharon Kotopoulis
George and Christina Kotsonis
Deno & Sophia Kotsonis
James and Connie Kouchalakos
Costa and Cecilia Kourtis
George Kousiry
Christina Kousiry
Melanie Koutsoulieris
Jason and Candace Koutsoulieris
Dionysis Koutsoulieris
Anna Kypraios
Leonardo and Amanda LaCommare
John and Anastasia Lagoutaris
Diane Lait
George and Carole Lamonettin
Damon and Elaina Lavdas
Robert and Roula Law
Liudmila Laxague-Renteria
John and Linda Leloudis
John and Christa Levesque
Michael and Diane Levine
Joshua and Maria Lieberman
Eric and Aspacia Lindstrom
Stephen and Jennifer Lipofsky
Alex Livanos
Louis and Alexandra Logas
Jennie Logas
Evelyn Logas
Philip and Anne Logas
Constantinos Logus
Jenny Logus
Robert and Eleni Longwell
Aristides and Mary Lucos
Sotiria MacDonald
Stephen and Katrina Mackrides
Shawn Majzlik
Mark and Victoria Malias
James and Anna Mallous
William and Alicia Maloof
Pete and Tula Maniatis
Emanuel and Millicent Manos
Mary Mantzaris
George and Kelley Maris
John and Linda Martin
John and Lydia Masterjohn
Evangelia Mastorides
Leonard and Julia Maurice
Emmanuel and Tiffani Mavrakis
Irene Mavres
Buck and Jennifer Cokias McCloud
Randy and Erenee McLam
David and Florence McMahon
Eric and Artemis Mellen
Panagiotis Mendoros and Melissa Hall
Koko Mihilas
Marina Milios
Peter Milios
Stasia Milios
Steve and Flora Milios
Chris and Elaine Miliotes
George and Leanne Miliotes
Dan and Kara Miller
Anastasia Milner
Diana Maria Milonas
Dawn Mina
Anastasio and Nubia Mitrogogos
Irene Monioudis
Joey Montero
Jose and Eve Montero
Mary Moraitis
Aseal Morghem
Robert and Tina Morrell
Ted and Diane Moshos
Spiros and Sofia Moumouris
Wayne and Mary Mulcahy
Megan Mullen
Andria and Margarette Mushahwar
Mary Ann Myers
Angela Nicholson
Christine Niezgodzki
Tom and Julia Nikitas
Cletus and Anastasia Norton
Gordon and Soula Oakley
Anthony and Nancy Paitaris
Vasiliki Pampoukis
Gerasimos and Elisavet Pampoukis
Nicholas and Heather Panagakis
Helen Panagakis
George and Angeliki Pantazis
2 0 1 4 S T E WA R D S H I P
Katrina Pantazis
Maria Papadimitriou
Nicole Papageorge
Nick and Rosie Papagiannakis
George and Katerina Papaioanou
Pete and Effie Paroussis
George and Irene Paterakis
William and Joyce Patsio
Demetrios and Diana Pavgouzas
Georgia Pelteki
Pandelis Perdikes
George and Tessie Peros
John Petrakis
Susan Pfeil
Ngha Phan
George & Gwenn Pjevach
Eustasia Pjevach
Debbie Efremidis Plevin
Kostas and Marika Polygalaktos
Gary and Bea Pond
Irene Prezioso
Catherine Psarakis
Mark and Effie Psarakis
Kiki Psilos
Peter and Matina Pullman
John and Nancy Rallis
John and Hester Rallis
John and Stephanie Raptis
Patricia Reardon
George and Melanie Ressopoulos
John and Elizabeth Richtmyer
David and Katherine Rinkacs
George and Amy Rippis
Nicole Rizkallah
Amal and Kameel Rizkallash
Julie Rodis
Arte and Krisa Roman
Jay and Tina Rooth
Larry and Christine Rothenberger
George Saad
Daniel J. and Mary Samitas
James and Patricia Sanders
Mrs. Doris T. Sanidas
Michael and Kelly Sanidas
Anthony and Christina Schimenti
Helen Schizas
Stephen and Elizabeth Scivally
Vincent and Tina Scuro
Elena Scuro
Evgeniy and Oksana Sharapov
Father Demetrios & Presbytera Olympia
Father Constantine and Presbytera Elaine
Roger Simmermaker
Todd Sirks
James and Stella Sirks
Rocky and Constance Sisson
Louis Skenderis
Harry and Christina Smith
Anthony and Chris Sofianos
William and Michele Somes
Michael and Irene Sorich
Sue Southerland
William and Amy Speros
Ryan and Alexandra Starling
Mary Stavros
Helen Stefanos
Barry Sterner
Luke and Kate Stevens
James and Pyllis Strates
Louis and Tina Stoumbos
Sophia Stratis
Ricardo and Anthoula Suescum
Chryssie Tavrides
Matthew and Julie Tavrides
Lynn Taylor and Doina Magda
Nicholas and Despina Tenekedes
Joseph and Angela Territo
Stephen & Loucenda Teter
Spiro and Giota Thanos
Katherine Theo
Linda Theodorakis
Anne Thomas
Randy and Tonya Thomas
Alvin and Theodora Thomas
Dolores F. Thomas
Dionysia Thompson
Cameron Thorp
Mike and Dru Tiliakos
Mrs. Nicholas J. Toscas
Dionysios and Kathylene Travlos
Andrew and Niki Tringas
Jimmy and Theoni Tsafonias
Nicholas Tsales
George and Despina Tsavides
Paul and Antoinette Tsiotis
Chris and Vera Tsipouras
Steve & Katerina Tsolakis
Emmanuel and Marina Tzeneurakis
Sam and Anastasia Vallas
John and Virginia Varley
John Varley
Catherine Varvarikos
Paul and Elaine Vassiliadis
William and Lula Vastardis
Alex and Amy Vastardis
George and Nancy Vavalides
Peter and Peggy Vergos
Alex and Tonya Vidas
Anastasios Vidas
Frank and Kathy Viola
Christos and Barbara Vlahos
Dean and Mary Ann Vonetes
Dr. Alfred Dean Vonetes
Polly Vonetes
Bea Wagner
Christian Waugh
Brad and Paula Wells
Richard and Lillian Wemple
Richard and Judith Wirnowski
Rick and Michele Wirnowski
Kenneth and Madalina Wood
Pantelis and Luz Xikis
William and Joyce Yarbrough
Katherine Yianilos
Joann Yuskaitis
Mario and Leidy Zendeli
Heidi Zuppas
Arian and Ana Zuppas
Foto and Mariana Zuppas
S T. P H O T I O S S H R I N E
Have a Happy
Blessed New Year
30 Tables of
Creative Wonder
Dates & Times
February 4, 5, 6: 10:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.
February 7: 10:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Agape Ballroom and the Aegean Hall
Tablescapes Admission: $10
Silent Auction and Gala Banquet
Saturday, February 7: 6:00 p.m.
Tickets are $125 per guest
Enjoy fresh Greek lunches and dinners in the cafe,
take home packaged frozen or prepared appetizers & meals,
or visit our bakery for our delicious pastries.
Takeout menus are available at
To pick up lunch or dinner orders, fax ahead at 407.331.4898
Location &Contact Information
Holy Trinity Reception & Conference Center
1217 Trinity Woods Lane, Maitland, FL 32751
407.331.4687 -
For sponsorship opportunities
& additional information, please contact
Catherine Kassianides 407.333.3895
Joyce Yarbrough 407.774.2744
Sponsored By
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of Greater Orlando
Our signature meals are prepared by our own
Chef George Paterakis and his Team Culinaire
A portion of the proceeds will benefit
the Ronald McDonald House Charities of Central Florida, Inc.
and the Florida Hospital Transplant Institute
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Ladies Philoptochos Society
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of the Church”
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Practicing at the Walt Disney Pavilion at Florida Hospital for Children.
of Luke
Stewardship Sunday
Adult Catechism
† 15th Sunday
Parish Council Meeting
6:30 pm
Vespers 6 pm
Divine Liturgy: 6:30 pm
Blessing of Waters
† Eve of the Epiphany
Hellenic Dance Festival, Charlotte, NC
of Luke
Adult Catechism
† 12th Sunday
Hellenic Dance
Practice (HDF only)
Youth Sunday
Adult Catechism
Adult Catechism
Hellenic Dance
Practice (HDF only)
AHEPA and Daughters
of Penelope Meeting
7:00 pm
Orthros 9:30 am &
Divine Liturgy 10 am
Orthros 9:30 am Divine Liturgy 10:00 am
Orthros 8:30 am Divine Liturgy 9:30 am
† Weekday and Weekend Liturgy
Hellenic Academy
4:30-6:30 pm
CBC Meeting 10:30 am
Hellenic Academy
4:30-6:30 pm
TE FINAL Meeting
7 pm
Hellenic Academy
4:30-6:30 pm
the Baptist
Orthros 9:30 am &
Divine Liturgy 10 am
Hellenic Academy
4:30-6:30 pm
Philoptochos Meeting
7 pm
† Synaxis of St. John
Wednesday [Τετ]
Tuesday [Τρ]
† Sunday before
† Sunday after
Liturgy Schedule
Monday [Δευτ]
† Sunday Liturgy
Sunday [Kυρ]
Society of Wisdom
11:30 am
New Year’s Day
Thursday [Πεμ]
Orthros 9:30 am &
Divine Liturgy 10 am
† Three Hierarchs
Feeding of the
Homeless at 4-6 pm
GOYA Fun Night
Saturday [Σαβ]
Hellenic Dance Festival, Charlotte, NC
Friday [Παρ]
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church of
Greater Orlando
1217 Trinity Woods Lane
Maitland, FL 32751
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