Wesley Word January 2015 - Wesley United Methodist Church
Wesley Word January 2015 - Wesley United Methodist Church
The Wesley Word Wesley United Methodist Church 21 E. Franklin Avenue, Naperville IL 60540 (630) 355-1834 ~ www.wesleynaperville.org God, as known to us in Jesus Christ, welcomes all. So do we. January 2015 "CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN" The new year is associated with change, second chances and new beginnings, new hopes and dreams. Let us talk about the reality of change and what should our response be. President John F. Kennedy said, "There is nothing more certain and unchanging than uncertainty and change." You and I and all people are changing everyday. The world is changing. Here in America we just had our mid-term elections last November, which made the Republican Party the majority in both houses of Congress. President Obama issued an Executive order on immigration that changes the lives of 5 million people in America. And most recently he also made an announcement on a new US-Cuba relations. Statistics show that America will soon become a nation of “minorities” – where there will be no majority group of people either by race, ethnicity or culture. The unfortunate confrontation between police and black Americans especially children and youth that resulted in several killings in recent months and no grand jury indictment of police officers involved may potentially bring change in our race relations in America. Hopefully these tragic events may become turning points in improving our racial divide as a nation once and for all. President Lincoln’s words, “A house divided against itself cannot stand,” I believe, are also very relevant to our race relations today. Allow me to share with you my two-cents worth of understanding about change and some suggestions that you might consider as we begin a new year and continue to envision and dream our future as a community of faith established by God since 1832 here at the corner of Franklin Avenue and Center Street: Change is the reality of life and there is no future without change. All of life is change. The moment we are born, change is part of us. We change in body, attitude, values and perspectives. Alvin Toffler was right when he said, "Change is not merely necessary - it is life." Change is the only thing that is constant and if we choose correctly, change is the only thing that brings us a better future. There are only two choices before us, we either change or die. The Bible tells that we must choose between life or death. "See, I have set before you today life and prosperity, death and adversity ...life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live..." (Deuteronomy 31:15, 19) If we dare to change, let us aim for the better. Prince Phillip said, "Change does not change tradition, it strengthens it. Change is a challenge and an opportunity, not a threat." But even if the desired change is not attained, there is still a benefit from change. "There is a certain relief in change, even though it be from bad to worse! As I have often found in traveling in a stagecoach, that; it is often a comfort to shift one’s position, and be bruised in a new place," said the American author Washington Irving. How are we going to effect change? First of all, I suggest that we must acknowledge that change and renewal comes from God. God is the creator not only of the past and present but also of the future. God is the one who designs and brings the new heaven and the new earth. Let the change that we desire be consistent with the very vision of God because life in God is the best life there is. Second of all, we must change our minds. St. Paul wrote, "Transform the world by the renewal of your mind ... Have the mind of Christ." George Bernard Shaw also said, "Progress is impossible without change; and those who cannot change their minds, cannot change anything." We cannot continue to think of the "good old days" or about the past, we must move on and embrace the challenge and needs of the future. There is wisdom in the words of Eric Hoffer, "In times of profound change, the learners inherit the earth, and then the learners find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists." Third of all, we must build a new model. Somebody has said, "You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." This is what we would like to do: create a new reality, a new model of doing ministry, of being the church of Jesus Christ in the 21st century. Fourth of all, we must inspire each other and work together. If we want change, we must be the change that we seek for. If we want progress, we must work together to build our future beginning today. What we only have is ourselves. We should not wait for someone to do the work for us because there is no one coming. We can do this, because we are not alone. God is with us and God is faithful to bring into fruition what he started in us and with us. May you have a healthy and happy changed life in all of 2015. With all my love, Pastor Juancho WORSHIP IN JANUARY 2015 Chapel Service - Sunday at 8:30 a.m. Worship Service - Sunday at 10:30 a.m. Communion – First Sunday of the Month in both services January 4 EPIPHANY SUNDAY Lessons: Isaiah 60:1-6; Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14; Ephesians 3:1-12; Matthew 2:1-12 Sermon: How About the Gifts January 11 - BAPTISM OF THE LORD SUNDAY Lessons: Genesis 1:1-5; Psalm 29; Acts 19:1-7; Mark 1:4-11 Sermon: Swimming in Grace January 18 - HUMAN RELATIONS SUNDAY One Service at 10:30 AM (Round Table Talk with Bishop Dyck at 9:00 AM) Lessons: 1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-120); Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20; John 1:43-51 Bishop Sally Dyck, Preaching January 25 - ECUMENICAL SUNDAY Lessons: Jonah 3:1-5, 10; Psalm 62:5-12; 1 Corinthians 7:29-31; Mark 1:14-20 Sermon: “The Greatest Fish Story” +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remember in Prayer You are requested to lift up in your personal and family prayers those listed below. If you would like somebody to be included in the list just let the Church office or the pastor know. And please note, to keep this prayer list up-to-date, every request will run 6 consecutive Sundays and then be removed. If the originator of the request and/or the party concerned wishes to remain on the prayer list for a longer time just let us know. ~We pray for those in mourning~ The family and friends of Harvey Berghuis The family and friends of Sue Bromley Fred Eichhorst and Family on the passing of his grandfather. Patti Roberts, in hospice care Fred Eichhorst, recovering from a herniated disc; Grandparents need prayer, as well. Dennis Burke, recovering from surgery. Pearl Thoman, for healing. June Messer, for healing Carl Bergstedt, for progress in recovery Pat Beal, recovering from a fall at home. Jason and Katie Ewing, for healing and successful treatment.. Donna Lindell, recovering from surgery. Bill and Doug Rauch, receiving treatment. Don and Norma Dagenais, continuing treatment. Prayers for Myrtle Hicks, Arline Martin, and Sandra Chabot. Food Donaons Benefit Loaves & Fishes Pantry Sunday, January 4 Bring your donaons of nonperishable food, laundry supplies & paper goods, and place in the containers on the lower level by the elevator. Your contribuons will be taken to the Loaves & Fishes Pantry in Naperville. Volunteer at Loaves & Fishes This Month Tuesday, January 6, Wednesday, January 14 Wednesday, January 28 12:30– 3:15 pm Volunteers over 18 years of age help families get the proper groceries and other items to support their needs at Loaves & Fishes Community Pantry (1871 High Grove Lane, Naperville). If you would like to be- come more familiar with Loaves and Fishes and perhaps volunteer, please contact Phyllis Dixon at 630-357-1996. Winter Warming 2015 Saturday, January 17, 2015 2:15—8:00 pm At First UMC, Elmhurst 232 S. York Road, Elmhurst Join us for this annual celebration and educational event, highlighting issues facing the LGBTQ Community locally and nationally. Speakers include our Bishop, Rev. Sally Dyck, and Dr. Pamela Lightsey, who will make the connection between events in Ferguson, Mo. and LGBTQ issues. For more information or to register, please visit www.winterwarming2015.eventbrite.com Or call (630) 834-2440. Manna Cards .for those after-holiday sales! Groceries: We have Whole Foods, Meijer, Sam's/ WalMart, Jewel, Dominick's, GFS, and Casey's. Valentine’s Day Shopping. Plan ahead! We have Kohl's, WalMart, JC Penny, Best Buy, Sears, Macy's, and Michaels just to name a few. If you need Manna cards, please contact Kristin Meadows 718-1878 or Lynn Trygstad 778-7443. Cards are also available during Kid's Day Out hours in the KDO office. Card requests? Email Kristin at kemeadows@gmail.com Pizza and a Movie, “The King’s Speech” starring Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush Sunday, January 25, 12:15 pm In Fellowship Hall Join us for this award-winning film, the powerful story of King George VI of England’s private battle with a speech disability as impending war looms in Europe. End the Occupation Coalition Jan. 16 Potluck & Program, 7 pm Jan. 17 Vigil @ 12 noon End the Occupation (ETO) will come together on Friday, January17 for a 7 pm potluck dinner, followed by a film & discussion at 8 pm. Join us and bring a friend. Saturday, January 18, we host a silent vigil on the Washington Street bridge in Naperville from noon until 1 pm. UMW Winter Event Our Special Offerings this month go to Church World Service Blankets + Program Church World Service responds immediately after a disaster, but also stands with people through the long process of recovery and rehabilitation. Your gift can help Church World Service serve in partnership in more than 80 countries. Please mark your check (payable to Wesley UMC) as Blanket Program in the memo, and leave it in the offering plate on Sunday or in the Church Office. Thanks to All Who Donated Blood! On December 29, so many came out to support our United Methodist Blood Drive. We wound up with a RECORD 50 units of blood, a terrific showing. Watch the Bullen for informaon about our next drive! ...and, Thank You from United Methodist Women! The Wesley United Methodist Women wish to thank all who participated in our Christmas Cheer Luncheon on December 6. Our appreciation goes to all who prepared the delicious luncheon, cleaned up afterwards, baked cookies and to all who came to enjoy the food. It is anticipated we will have funds for our Mission Distribution in February.. Again, Thank You one and all for your support of United Methodist Women. Northern Illinois Conference United Methodist Women’s School of Christian Mission Winter Event will be held at Camp Reynoldswood in Dixon, January 16—18, 2014 You may choose one of three 8-hour classes: How Is It With Your Soul? The Roma of Europe The Church and People with Disabilities Registration starts at 4 pm, Events at 6:45. Weekend student: $125 (linens not included) Friday dinner served at 5:30 -Bring linens, or add $7 per linen set. Commuter student: $90 (includes all meals) Concludes after Sunday Lunch, and program resources will be available. Women, men, and youth over 14 are welcome. Questions? Contact Rita Smith, Dean, 773-237-4470 or email her at RitaLS1430@aol.com Monthly Breakfast, Jan. 4 at 7:30 in Fellowship Hall Join us for the usual great food and fellowship! For more information, please contact Ray Trygstad, 778-7443 New 2015 Flower and Cake Charts are Posted If you would like to give the altar flower arrangement in celebration of a special occasion or in memory of a loved one choose the date and sign up. The cost of the flowers is $35. You may write a check payable to Wesley UMC and write “altar flowers” in the memo and on the envelope. The Cake Chart is up in the Kitchen as well! For more information call the Church Office @ 355-1834. Public Action to Deliver Shelter Taking Care of our Neighbors January 25 & 26 We will be serving food & fellowship beginning at the evening meal through breakfast on Sunday & Monday, Jan. 25 & 26 for the homeless persons at the Community UMC PADS site across the street. Wesley and Alleluia Lutheran Church members will work together by sharing in shiB mes and share with food. Edward Hospital will provide the sheets & do the laundry. Alleluia Lutheran will provide the complete dinner meal items and Wesley will provide the breakfast items. Dona ons of money are always needed; mark your offering envelope “PADS” and leave it in the offering plate or the church office) Please call Mary Lou Miller, if you have quesons. Workers are needed on the following shiBs ~ with a spirit of generous hospitality: 1st Shi" , 6– 9 pm: setup, registraon (Brandon & Brad Ross, leader); prepare and serve supper (Linda Osanka, leader) 2nd Shi", 11 pm– 3 am: security (Doug Seifried, leader) 3rd Shi", 5– 7 am: Make breakfast & cleanup (Mary Lou Miller, leader). Please call shiB leaders or Mary Lou Miller (226-9767) to help as a worker. We’re Collecng Socks for PADS We collect new or slightly-worn socks for those who parcipate in the PADS program. Just put them in the sock bin in our recycling area, and someone will bring them over to the Community UMC site where they will be distributed to those who need them. Tuesday, January 20 2:30-4:30 pm Join Us for our first food-packing trip of 2015 to Feed My Starving Children in Aurora. This great organization delivers scientifically-formulated food to those around the world who are in immediate danger of starvation- and, volunteers make it all happen! You can sign up with Phil in the office, or visit www.fmsc.org , and use the code 612781 to join our group. It’s a fast-paced two hours; it flies by, and when you’re done, you really get a feeling of accomplishment. Please sign up as soon as possible, so that we can either use the spots they have reserved for us in advance, or release them to others. Mental Health Alliance Drop-In Jan. 21 @ 6 pm We will meet on our regular third Wednesday of the month on January 21 at 6pm at the Rubin Community Center to serve a meal and spend some time with the folks who come . The Western DuPage Special Recreation Association plans the activities and provides bus transportation for those visiting this mental health alliance support program. If you would like to make a casserole, salad, or dessert, please contact Linda Osanka at 8816745 There are about 40 guests that enjoy coming to visit & enjoy a home-cooked meal. January 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 11 am Duplicate Bridge The Church Office is Closed 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 9 am Kids Day Out 9am Monday Morning Crew 6:10pm Bells 6:45 pm Troop 100 Boy Scouts, FH 7 pm T’ai Chi, 25 11 am Duplicate Bridge 12:30 pm Loaves and Fishes at Pantry 2:00 pm Circle of Caring at Lindell’s 7 pm Worship CommiMee, Room 4 9 am Kids Day Out Noon, Staff Meeng, Pastor’s Study 7 Firefighters Highland Guard of Naperville 9:00 am Disciple, CE Office 5:15 pm Good News Singers, Room 2 7:15 pm Chancel Choir, Room 2 9 am- 2 pm Kids Day Out 11 am Duplicate Bridge 6:00 pm Setup for Eagle Scout Ceremony 12:00 pm Troop 100 Eagle Scout Ceremony, FH 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 8:30 am Chapel Service 9 am Adult Sunday School, Room 1 10:30 Worship, Sunday School 11:45 Communications Task Force, CE Office 7pm Foxhall AA 9 am Kids Day Out 9am Monday Morning Crew 6:10pm Bells 6:45 pm Troop 100 Boy Scouts, FH 7 pm T’ai Chi, 25 11 am Duplicate Bridge 7:15 pm Trustees, CE Office 9 am Kids Day Out Noon, Staff Meeng, Pastor’s Study 12:30 pm Loaves and Fishes at Pantry 7 Firefighters Highland Guard of Naperville 7:30 Finance 9:00 am Disciple, CE Office 5:15 pm Good News Singers, Room 2 7:15 pm Chancel Choir, Room 2 9 am- 2 pm Kids Day Out 11 am Duplicate Bridge 7 pm ETO Potluck and Program—FH UMW Mission U Winter School 12 noon– ETO Vigil, Washington Street Bridge UMW Mission U Winter School through Sunday Noon 2:00 pm Winter Warming Event, First UMC Elmhurst 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 no Kids Day Out 9am Monday Morning Crew 6:10pm Bells 6:45 pm Troop 100 Boy Scouts, FH 7 pm T’ai Chi, 25 11 am Duplicate Bridge 2:00 pm Circle of Caring, at Lindell’s 2:30 pm Feed My Starving Children, Aurora 7:30 pm Staff-Parish CommiMee, Library 9 am- 2 pm Kids Day Out Noon, Staff Meeng, Pastor’s Study 6:00 pm Mental Health Alliance 7 Firefighters Highland Guard of Naperville 9:00 am Disciple, CE Office 5:15 pm Good News Singers, Room 2 3:00 pm NIC Trustees, Room 4 7:15 pm Chancel Choir, Room 2 9 am- 2 pm Kids Day Out 11 am Duplicate Bridge 25 26 27 28 29 30 8:30 am Chapel Service 9 am Adult Sunday School Classes 10:30 Worship and Sunday School 12:15 pm Pizza and a Movie, “The King’s Speech, FH 5pm Foxhall AA 9 am Kids Day Out 9am Monday Morning Crew 6:10pm Bells 6:45 pm Troop 100 Boy Scouts, FH 7 pm T’ai Chi, 25 11am Duplicate Bridge 7:30 pm Church Council, Room 2 9 am- 2 pm Kids Day Out Noon, Staff Meeng, Pastor’s Study 12:30 pm Loaves and Fishes at Pantry 7 Firefighters Highland Guard of Naperville 9:00 am Disciple, CE Office 5:15 pm Good News Singers, Room 2 7:15 pm Chancel Choir, Room 2 9 am- 2 pm Kids Day Out 11 am Duplicate Bridge Pantry Sunday 7:30 am UMM Breakfast, FH 8:30 am Chapel Service 9 am Adult Sunday School, Room 1 10:30 Worship 7pm Foxhall AA Human Relations Sunday, Rev. Dyck preaching today No 8:30 am Chapel Service 9 am Adult Sunday School, Room 1 10:30 Worship and Sunday School 7pm Foxhall AA 31 Welcome to Wesley United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation God, as known to us in Jesus Christ, welcomes all. So do we. All people of any race, ethnic identy, gender, sexual orientaon, age, ability, economic status, or life situaon are welcome here. (630) 355-1834 • wesleynaperville.org Wesley Members and Friends ...........................................................................................Ministers Juancho C. Campañano (jcampanano@gmail.com) ................................................................. Pastor Duane Mevis (dcmevis@gmail.com.).....................................................................Pastor Emeritus Phil Courington (philcourington@gmail.com) ...... Director of Christian Education and Office Pam Whittles (Nov111967@wowway.com) ........................................................... Director of Music Belinda Cheek (mmandbc@gmail.com) ............................................................ Bell Choir Director Barry Riskedal (briskedal@sbcglobal.net) ........................................................................... Organist Denise Deitz (ddeitz6@juno.com) .............................................................................. Kid’s Day Out Articles for the February 2015 issue of the Wesley Word are due on January 26. Wesley United Methodist Church A Reconciling Congregation 21 E. Franklin Avenue Naperville, IL 60540 Address Service Requested January 2015 Join us on Sundays! 8:30 am Chapel Service 9 am Adult Sunday School classes 10:30 am Worship Service 10:30 am Children’s Sunday School 10:45 Youth, in our Loft