Pew News NW - Teynham Parish Council Website


Pew News NW - Teynham Parish Council Website
 Pew News
Sunday 18th January 2015 Vol. 8, No.3 Second Sunday of Epiphany Welcom e to t his Service
If you are new to this church or a visitor please do
make yourself known to us.
Toda y’s readin gs: Proverbs 13:6-9 and Rev ela tio ns 2:8- 1 1,
3:14 - 22
Toda ys Servic e Theme – Let ters to S my ma a nd t o La od icea
Smyrna, a proud and beautiful Asian city (modern Izmir) closely aligned with Rome and eager to meet its demands for emperor worship plus a hostile Jewish population made it extremely difficult to live there as a Christian. Laodicea, near modern Denizli was the wealthiest city in Phrygia during Roman times, it was widely known for its banking establishments. The Christians at Smyrna are not wealthy at all in human terms, in fat they are poor, yet they are rich in Jesus. This is a letter of encouragement for them as they face hardships, encouragement to keep going. Yet in Laodecia they see themselves as rich but are poor in spirit and don’t realise it -­‐ they are lukewarm in their faith (Matthew 5:3). We often use Revelation 3:20 as a verse to encourage people investigating the Christian faith to make that stow of faith, but this is written to a church, to Christians, so believers need to be awake to Jesus’ knocking and be ready to open the door. Age UK Service
Belle Friday Centre
Wednesday 21st January at 2pm
More Info from Mary Gollop
Kingsdown & Creekside Core Values v
Jesus as the centre of all we are. Relationship with God, each other and those not yet part of the church family. Mission – the spreading of the good news of Jesus Christ. Diocese Lent Course This year we are looking at ‘Food for the Journey’. We will be running two courses during Lent on a Tuesday morning (10-­‐11:30am) and a Wednesday evening (8-­‐9:30pm), these will start on the 24th/25th February. Sign of sheets will be at the back of Church. Quiet Times of Bible Reading and Prayer
Monday 12 Noon Norton
Tuesday 8:30 a.m. Lynsted
Tuesday 12 Noon Oare
Thursday 2:30 p.m. Newnham
Friday 9:00 a.m. Doddington
Saturday 9:30 a.m. Teynham
Items for inclusion in Pew News email by Wednesday 9am Fam ily Food B ank
January Meetings th
Monday 19 January – 8pm Norton Steering Group Norton Village Hall th
Tuesday 20 January – 7:45pm Lynsted Steering Group 1 Lynsted Lane th
8 -­‐13 August 2015 There is an opportunity to go and celebrate God on a fun camping Holiday. The cheapest rate has been st
extended until the 31 January and if there are plenty of people wishing to attend we can place a group booking. For more information and to book talk to Steve. th
Sunday 25 January, 3 Sunday of Epiphany 9:00 a.m. Doddington, Holy Communion BCP
9:00 a.m. Lynsted, Holy Communion CW
10:30 a.m. Newnham, Family Service
10:30 a.m. Oare, Morning Worship
10:30 a.m. Teynham, Family Communion
3:30 p.m. Teynham, Evensong
6:00 p.m. Lynsted, Breakthrough
Support for the Family Food Bank is
now in your church…help families in
distress by donating….there is a box
in your church…Go to the website to
see how you might help…donate
food…money ..or time! The box has
details on it too! Non food items such
as nappies and wipes are also
Steve and Richard now have
vouchers and boxes available to
those in need.
Detling Summer Celebration 2015 st
Wednesday 21 January – 8pm MLT Martha ** 10 Waterside Close, Faversham ** VENUE CHANGE Date for your Diary
Friday 15 and Saturday 16 May 2015
The Gathering at Canterbury Cathedral this
year’s theme is Food for the Journey
The Ministry Leadership Team would be pleased to pray for you or someone close to you
Steve Lillicrap on 522510
Richard Birch on 886265 John Huggins on 01227 752027
Please note their days off which are Richard Mondays, Steve Thursdays and John Thursday
Lis Bayford
on 886392
Pauline Duncan
on 520129
Nicky Lord
on 886473
Mary Gollop
on 522165
Les & Barbara Roberts
on 886332
Jo Sidney
on 521714
Bob Sutton
on 522255
Janice Wright
on 521287
David Wood
on 521581
Steve & Emma Sivyer
on 536136
Sue Baldry
on 522975
Bob Kinnear
on 521125
Parish Administrator: Charlotte Lillicrap is available on
Item to appear on the Parish website should be sent to