Newsletter: Solvency 2 Update
Newsletter: Solvency 2 Update Newsletter Solvency 2 Update Clarity on reporting and disclosure – EIOPA publishes updated QRTs in its second consultation on ITS and Guidelines Summary FS Regulatory Centre of Excellence 15 January 2015 On 2 December 2014 EIOPA launched a public consultation on its second set of Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) and Guidelines for Solvency 2. The ITS and Guidelines respectively provide technical requirements applicable directly to insurers and supervisors across all three pillars, and guidance for regulators implementing Solvency 2. With this second set of ITS and Guidelines, EIOPA has released for consultation the final major outstanding piece of the Solvency 2 framework. Requirements relating to Pillar 3 (reporting and disclosure) form a major component of the second set of ITS and Guidelines, and insurers now have increased clarity on the disclosure requirements that will apply from 2016. In particular, the consultation provides a full updated set of quantitative reporting templates (QRTs). This will allow insurers to put their preparations for Solvency 2 Pillar 3 into the final phase as 2016 approaches. The ITS and Guidelines supplement requirements for narrative reporting that were previously published by the European Commission (EC) in its final version of the Delegated Acts, released in October 2014. Given that the previous full set of draft QRTs was released in 2012, it is unsurprising that there are changes throughout the templates. Notwithstanding this, the overall structure of the templates has remained broadly consistent, and additional specification is now available on the application of the templates and the contents of reporting. Insurers may now therefore be able to start answering some of their outstanding questions on the previous drafts of the templates. The consultation is open until 2 March 2015, with the exception of CP 14/062 on recovery plans, finance schemes and supervisory powers in deteriorating financial conditions, which has a deadline for comments on 18 February 2015. EIOPA is due to provide final versions of the ITS (including final templates) to the EC by the end of June 2015, and to publish the final Guidelines in July 2015. Contents of the ITS and Guidelines The second set of ITS and Guidelines contains six consultation papers and one call for advice relevant to Pillar 1, four consultation papers relevant to Pillar 2, and seven consultation papers covering different topics relevant to Pillar 3. The Pillar 3 consultation papers cover the following: CP-14-052 - ITS on regular supervisory reporting Requirements for reporting to regulators, including: QRTs to be completed for opening reporting and regular annual and quarterly reporting by solo insurers and groups, including full updated QRT spreadsheet and LOG files. QRTs to be completed for material ringfenced funds. Reporting thresholds, criteria and application of proportionality for different elements of reporting (for example, reporting by country). Reporting rules including units and foreign currency conversion. CP-14-055 - ITS on public disclosure: procedures, formats and templates Requirements for public disclosure, including: QRTs subject to public disclosure, approval of public disclosure by the administrative, management or supervisory body, cross references within public disclosure. Means of disclosure including publication online. intra-group coordination. Reporting rules including units and foreign currency conversion. CP-14-047 – Guidelines on reporting and disclosure Additional guidance on narrative reporting supplementing the requirements of the Delegated Acts, including: CP-14-045 – Guidelines on financial stability reporting Guidance on financial stability reporting, including: 2 identification of insurers within the scope of financial stability reporting and application of requirements, best efforts basis for preparation of data. QRTs to be submitted, submission deadlines, additional detailed guidance on items to be covered by insurers in specified sections of their narrative reporting (both SFCR and RSR), identification of pre-defined events and reporting, requirements for public disclosure and reporting policies, cross referencing within the RSR, data checks to be applied, approval of reported information by the administrative, management or supervisory body. CP-14-050 – Guidelines on exchange of information on a systematic basis within colleges Guidance on information exchange within colleges, including assessment of information to be exchanged and coordination arrangements. CP-14-048 – Guidelines on third country branches Detailed guidance on supervision of branches of third country insurers, including: CP-14-044 – Guidelines on methods to determine the market share for the purpose of exemptions to supervisory reporting Guidance on how supervisors should determine market share (including treatment of composite insurers) for the purpose of applying de-minimis limits. data plausibility checks to be applied. authorisation, supervisory powers and processes, accounting and valuation requirements, location of assets, branch capital requirements and solvency, and governance and risk management requirements, narrative and quantitative reporting requirements applicable to third country branches, including RSR, QRTs, ORSA supervisory report and coordination with home-country reporting, including with respect to public disclosure, means of reporting, frequency and deadlines, data checks to be applied to reporting, transitional arrangements. This consultation paper addresses only branches writing direct business, as branches writing only reinsurance business are not within the scope of authorisation for Solvency 2. Quantitative reporting templates Thresholds for completion of the QRTs The requirements for quantitative reporting through the QRTs are covered in several different consultation papers, with three sets of QRT spreadsheet templates released covering regular supervisory reporting, public disclosure and financial stability reporting, respectively. One of the most significant open questions in the previous versions of the QRTs has been whether thresholds or de-minimis limits will apply for completion of the QRTs. Completion of different templates is specified for annual, quarterly, group, solo, financial stability and ring-fenced fund reporting. A description of the individual templates and their application is provided in Appendix 1. The ITS and Guidelines on quantitative reporting specify a number of completion thresholds for various QRTs, limiting the level of detail that will be required in some cases. Thresholds that will apply for completion of specific templates include: Developments to the QRTs EIOPA last published a full set of QRTs in July 2012 when it released its final report on public consultations 11/009 and 11/011. It also released an updated sub-set of templates for preparatory phase reporting late in 2013, which were subsequently updated in August 2014 for errata purposes. The newly released full set of QRTs builds on the previous versions of the templates, covering consistent topic areas across a broadly similarly structured set of templates. However, EIOPA has made updates across the templates, which therefore vary in points of detail from the earlier drafts. This will present an immediate challenge to insurers preparing for Pillar 3, but should be quickly offset by the benefit of increased certainty on the templates that will be applicable, reporting items and formats. For those insurers which have not yet carried out an analysis of the reporting requirements to identify the new information or additional detail and granularity that will need to be reported for Solvency 2, the new templates should provide a good basis to start analysis, and to help catch up with others in the market. Data specifications and definitions Alongside the templates themselves, EIOPA has published updated sets of LOG files applicable to solo reporting, group reporting and public disclosure. The LOG files contain specifications and instructions for completing the templates, including definitions of data items, closed list or standardised coding formats, and treatment of specific items. The previous published versions of the LOG files were insufficiently clear in many areas to support consistent completion of the templates, and left many unanswered questions. The new LOG files have been updated, and should go some way to answering some of these questions. However, they are unlikely to address all potential issues and questions, and the consultation process provides an opportunity to raise specific issues to EIOPA for inclusion in the final draft LOG files that will be issued next year. 3 reporting of premiums, claims and expenses by country is only required to cover the five most significant countries in addition to the home country or 90% of gross written premiums, information on technical provisions by country is only required to achieve a 90% coverage, information on activity by country is required by non-EEA country only if needed to cover at least 90% of premiums, otherwise all nonEEA countries are reported aggregated. However, reporting is required for any nonEEA country where premiums exceeds 5% of total written premiums, reporting of assets and liabilities by currency is only required where more than 10% of assets and liabilities are held in foreign currencies. Reporting by country is only required to achieve a 90% coverage of total assets and liabilities, look-through reporting of collective investments is required on a quarterly basis only where such investments exceed 30% of total investments. Insurers qualifying for this exemption will still need to report lookthrough information on an annual basis, item-by-item structured products data and securities lending and repurchase agreement data are required only where such products exceed 5% of total investments, technical provision cash flows are required where simplified methods are used in the calculation of technical provisions that do not make use of cash flows, only where more than 10% of technical provisions have a settlement period longer than 24 months, reporting of split by currency for claims provisions relating to non-life lines of business or lines of business for annuities arising from non-life business is not required where discounted claims provisions for the relevant line of business are less than 3% of total discounted claims provisions. Where discounted claims provisions exceed 3%, currency reporting is required only for currencies exceeding 25% of the discounted best estimate for that line of business or exceeding 5% of the total best estimate (for all annuity claims provisions in the case of annuities arising from non-life business). In addition to the above quantitative limits which apply to all insurers, the Delegated Acts allow national supervisors to disapply overly burdensome reporting requirements (or reduce the frequency of required reporting) for insurers that collectively do not represent more than 20% of their country’s life market (based on gross technical provisions) and non-life market (based on gross written premiums). When granting these exemptions priority must be given to smaller insurers. The ITS also make specific reference to the application of proportionality in several areas, including: the use of simplified valuation methods or estimations for the quarterly balance sheet. Limitations on quarterly reporting for smaller or less complex insurers, best efforts basis for preparation of financial stability reporting, extrapolation of annual SCR results for nonvolatile risk modules for quarterly financial stability reporting of the SCR, reporting on accident or underwriting year basis, following the approach used by each insurer for each particular line of business, phasing in of historical information reporting for technical provisions over the first 15 years of Solvency 2, although the information may be completed earlier on a best efforts basis. Reporting frequency and deadlines Reporting deadlines for solo insurers and groups, including the transitional extensions to the deadlines in the first three years of Solvency 2, are specified in the Delegated Acts so are unchanged by the new ITS and Guidelines. However, the ITS and Guidelines specify the following deadlines applicable to financial stability reporting and reporting by branches of third country insurers: 4 Financial stability reporting will be required one week after the transitional deadlines for individual reporting, being nine weeks in 2016, eight weeks in 2017 and seven weeks in 2018. Thereafter, financial stability reporting will be required within six weeks of the end of the relevant reference period Consistent with the deadlines for insurers established in the European Union, branches of third country insurers will be required to submit an RSR (or summary of material changes where a full RSR is not required annually) and QRTs within 14 weeks of the financial year end, quarterly QRTs within 5 weeks, and the ORSA supervisory report two weeks after concluding the assessment. Submission deadlines are extended by 6 weeks in the first year of Solvency 2 reducing by 2 weeks a year for three years, and transitional reporting in the first year of Solvency 2 will be required within 20 weeks of the reference date. Governance and assurance The second set of ITS and Guidelines do not explicitly address audit or assurance requirements over Solvency 2 reported data, although EIOPA is expected to consult on guidelines on external audit of public reporting in 2015. Governance and internal control requirements Pillar 2 of Solvency 2 specifies requirements for governance and internal control, and the new Guidelines specify policies which insurers are expected to have in place to ensure adequate internal control over reporting: Reporting policy: covering responsibilities for preparing and reviewing reporting to the supervisor, and processes and controls to guarantee the reliability, completeness and consistency of the data provided. Public disclosure policy: covering responsibilities for preparing and reviewing public disclosures, review and approval by the administrative, management or supervisory body, information equivalent to the Solvency 2 disclosures already in the public domain, sensitive information that the insurer intends not to disclose, and additional information that the insurer is disclosing voluntarily. Many insurers are currently carrying out internal or external assurance reviews over draft Solvency 2 reporting and data, with key focus areas including: completeness and suitability of data, internal consistency and level of detail of planned reported information, effectiveness of reporting processes, systems and controls for Solvency 2 reporting, review and validation of Solvency 2 reporting output. What do I need to do? Preparation: 2015 will present a critical year for all insurers, and the new consultations provide a sound basis to finalise preparations. The majority of insurers have Pillar 3 workstreams under way, but most recognise the significant work that is still required before Solvency 2 information can be produced in a systematic and controlled way, within the required deadlines. Key factors to consider include: Data availability: whether key data is available, in the right format, in the right timescales, and with sufficient quality, and addressing data gaps if the answer is “no”. Workflow planning: mapping key processes and data flows in the reporting processes, identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks that may slow down or prevent reporting within the prescribed deadlines. Systems and technology: insurers are investing in systems and technology not just to enable Solvency 2 reporting, but to streamline and improve reporting processes and meet other internal and external reporting objectives. Dry run: Some insurers have already completed dry runs of quantitative and in some cases narrative reporting. Dry-running the Solvency 2 reporting on the new basis will be essential during 2015 to firm up responsibilities, identifiy issues with enough time to remediate, and to provide sufficient time for an appropriate level of governance and review. Assurance: All insurers will be subject to regular private and public reporting requirements when Solvency 2 enters into force. In addition, EIOPA’s preparatory guidelines indicate that larger insurers should be reporting to their supervisors on a Solvency 2 basis in 2015. Boards and audit committees will want to consider how they gain appropriate assurance (either internally or externally) over all the Solvency 2 information that they are required to report. In addition, EIOPA is expected to shortly consult on external audit requirements over public reporting and, once these proposals are know, firms will need to consider how they will prepare for them. Consultation response: Firms should consider responding to the Consultations. Key areas that may be subject to comment include the application of materiality and proportionality, guidelines on narrative reporting, and alignment with existing and future GAAP reporting. Contacts For more information, please contact us: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Marc Voncken Partner +352 49 48 48 2461 Sylvia Pucar Director +352 49 48 48 5663 François De Wouters Senior Manager +352 49 48 48 4125 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Appendix 1: Quantitative reporting templates The table below has been prepared using the following abbreviations: NA Provides a summary of templates included in the submission. O A Q O A Q S.01.02 Basic Information General BI (prep. phase) Provides general basic information about the insurer and its application of the Solvency 2 rules (e.g. transitionals). O A Q O A Q S.01.03 Basic Information RFF and matching adjustment portfolios NA Provides information on any ring-fenced funds and/or matching adjustment portfolios reported by the insurer. O A O A S.02.01 Balance Sheet BS-C1 Provides an overview of the balance sheet of the insurer on a Solvency 2 basis. The template includes a comparison to GAAP reporting annually, and a comparison to the current (Solvency I) regulatory balance sheet for opening reporting. O A Q O A Q S.02.02 Assets and liabilities by currency BS-C1D Provides an overview of assets and liabilities by category split into the insurer’s most important currencies. A A S.03.01 Off-balance sheet items general BS-C1B A A S.03.02 Off-balance sheet items List of unlimited guarantees received by the undertaking A A 6 Provides an overall view of the off-balance sheet items that could impact the financial position of the insurer. Financial Stability Elements? Content of the submission Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? S.01.01 Annual Public Disclosure? Data covered Completion Thresholds? Template code, name and previous template name Group S – Solo G - Group Solo O – Opening A – Annual Q – Quarterly H – Half-yearly/Semi-annually S G SA SQ GA GQ SA SQ GA GQ S G S G GQ Off-balance sheet items List of unlimited guarantees provided by the undertaking S.04.01 Activity by country S.04.02 Information on class 10 in Part A of Annex I of Solvency 2 Directive1, excluding carrier's liability S.05.01 Premiums, claims and expenses by line of business S.05.02 Premiums, claims and expenses by country S.06.01 Summary of assets S.06.02 Country-K1 A Q A Q A Q NA Provides a summary of assets by category and identifying nonlisted/non-exchange tradable assets, split between life, nonlife, RFF and internal funds. This template is only required where S.06.02 is not required at least annually. A List of assets AS-D1 D1 provides detailed information on all the individual investments held by the insurer (other than derivatives which are separately reported). Q Q S.06.03 Collective investment undertakings look-through approach AS-D4 This template provides information for each investment fund of the underlying main asset categories, country of issue and currency. Q Q S.07.01 Structured products AS-D1S This template applies to structured products, taking into account their specific characteristics. A A 7 Financial Stability Elements? A A Q Class 10 covers Motor Vehicle Liability as specified in the Solvency 2 Directive. Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? These templates give an analysis of written premiums, claims and expenses paid, by line of business and by country of localisation of risk. The annual template requires, in addition, a sub-analysis of expenses by type. 1 Annual Public Disclosure? A Completion Thresholds? A A These templates aim at describing activity carried out abroad by providing an analysis of activity by country. Cover-A1Q/ A1Q Group S.03.03 Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name S G GQ S G GQ SQ GQ AS-D2O This template provides detailed information on all derivatives contracts that existed during the reporting period and were not closed prior to the reporting reference date. Q Q S.08.02 Derivatives Transactions AS-D2T This template provides detailed information on all derivatives contracts that existed during the reporting period but were closed prior to the reporting reference date. Q Q S.09.01 Income/gains and losses in the period AS-D3 This template provides information about investment return by income category. A A S.10.01 Securities lending and repos AS-D5 This template integrates detailed information regarding exposures to repurchase agreements (repos) and securities lending operations. A A S.11.01 Assets held as collateral AS-D6 This template integrates detailed information regarding assets held as collateral. A A S.12.01 Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions TP-F1/ F1Q This template provides an analysis of life and health SLT technical provisions by type of contract (e.g. with-profits, linked, other). The information is split between the best estimate and the risk margin (with technical provision calculated as a whole separately reported). The annual template provides more detailed sub-analyses. A Q S.12.02 Life and Health SLT Technical Provisions - by country Provides further analysis of the best estimate and TPs as a whole by country for life and health SLT technical provisions. A S.12.03 Best estimate by country and currency - life NA Provides an analysis of best estimate by country and by currency for life technical provisions. A S.13.01 Projection of future gross cash flows TP-F2 Provides analysis of cash flows by line of business by year over the next 30 years, by decade up to 50 years and in total thereafter. A 8 Financial Stability Elements? Group Open derivatives Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? Solo S.08.01 Annual Public Disclosure? Data covered Completion Thresholds? Template code, name and previous template name GQ SQ GQ SQ GQ S S A S.15.01 Description of the guarantees of variable annuities TP-F3A This template aims at giving an overview of Variable Annuities (VA) with a description of guarantees by product. A A S.15.02 Hedging of guarantees of variable annuities TP-F3B This template aims at giving an overview of hedging techniques used for VA products. A A S.16.01 Information on annuities stemming from Non-Life Insurance obligations (old F4) TP-F4 This template provides an overview of non-life annuities stemming from non-life claims at a line of business level. A S.17.01 Non-life Technical Provisions TP-E1/E1Q This template provides an analysis of non-life technical provisions by line of business. The information is split between the best estimate and the risk margin (with technical provisions calculated as a whole separately reported). The annual template contains more detailed sub-analyses. A Q S.17.02 Non-Life Technical Provisions - By country TP-E1 Provides further analysis of the best estimate and TPs as a whole by country for non-life technical provisions. A S.17.03 Best estimate by country and currency - nonlife NA Provides an analysis of best estimate by country and by currency for non-life technical provisions. A S.18.01 Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate - Non Life) TP-E2 This template aims at giving an overview of the future cash flows by year expected to be required to settle the insurance obligations. A 9 Financial Stability Elements? This template aims at giving an understanding of life business characteristics at a product level and homogeneous risk groups. Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? TP-F3 Annual Public Disclosure? Life obligations analysis Completion Thresholds? S.14.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name SA GA S S TP-E3 A Undertakings are required to report run-off triangles with a default length of 15 years. S.20.01 Development of the distribution of the claims incurred TP-E4 This template provides for each line of business, an analysis of the year on year movement in the value and number of RBNS claims. A S.21.01 Loss distribution risk profile TP-E6 This template analyses the number and value of claims incurred at the end of the current and previous 14 accident or underwriting years in predefined brackets. A S.21.02 Non-life underwriting peak risks TP-E7A This template shows the 20 biggest underwriting risks, based on net retention, across all lines of business together with the two biggest underwriting risks for any lines of business if not covered through this methodology. A S.21.03 Non-life underwriting mass risks TP-E7B This template shows the underwriting risk profile being the distribution, in (predefined) brackets, of the number of risks, the sum insured and the total annual premium of all the underwriting risks which have been accepted by the undertaking (i.e. mass risks). Reporting is required for four lines of business specified for the template, and may be required by Member State regulators for a further eight specified lines of business. A 10 S Financial Stability Elements? Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? Annual Public Disclosure? This template provides development triangles for each line of business and material currency for claims paid, the undiscounted best estimate of claims outstanding and claims reported but not settled (RBNS). There is separate reporting of gross amounts; reinsurance recoveries and net amounts. Non-life Insurance Claims Information Completion Thresholds? S.19.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name S.22.02 Projection of future cash flows (Best Estimate Matching portfolios) NA Provides a projection of cash flows and analysis of mismatch during the reporting period for each matching adjustment portfolio. S S.22.03 Information on the matching adjustment calculation NA Provides information on the calculations supporting the matching adjustment, by matching adjustment portfolio. S S.22.04 Information on the transitional on interest rates calculation NA Provides information on the calculation of the transitional adjustment on interest rates, by currency for which the adjustment is calculated. A S.22.05 Overall calculation of the transitional on technical provisions NA Provides information on the calculation of the transitional adjustment on technical provisions. A S.23.01 Own funds OF-B1/B1Q This template provides an analysis of the structure of own funds by type of own funds item and by tier. O A Q O A Q S.23.02 Detailed information by tiers on own funds This template provides further detail on own funds items by tier. A A S.23.03 Annual movements on own funds VA-C2A This template provides details of the year-on-year movement in each item of basic own funds (BOF) and the sources of those movements. A A S.23.04 List of items on own funds OF-B1/B1Q This template provides further details on different own funds items, including mutual member accounts, preference shares, subordinated liabilities, ancillary own funds, capital items in the financial statements that do not satisfy the Solvency 2 criteria, and ring-fenced funds/Matching Adjustment portfolios A A 11 A A Financial Stability Elements? Analyses the impact of the long term guaranty and transitional measures on Technical provisions, basic own funds, own funds eligible to meet the SCR by tier, and the SCR. Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? NA Annual Public Disclosure? Impact of long term guarantees and transitional measures Completion Thresholds? S.22.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name S G S G GQ Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? Participatio ns This template provides a comprehensive list of participations held and an overview of the calculation for the deduction from own funds related to participations in financial and credit institutions. A S.25.01 Solvency Capital Requirement for undertakings on Standard Formula SCR-B2A This template summarises the output of the solvency capital requirement (SCR) calculation by module for entities on the standard formula. The reporting is required at module level of the standard formula on both a gross and net basis. O A O A S G S G S.25.02 Solvency Capital Requirement for undertakings using the standard formula and partial internal model SCR-B2A This template summarises the output of the solvency capital requirement (SCR) calculation for entities using a partial internal model. Undertakings should agree with their supervisors the identifiable component categories from their model to be reported on this template. O A O A S G S G S.25.03 Solvency Capital Requirement for undertakings on Full Internal Models SCR-B2C This template provides with an overview of the calculation of SCR using a full internal model. Undertakings should agree with their supervisors the identifiable component categories from their model to be reported on this template. O A O A S G S G S.25.04 Basic information on the SCR NA This template reports the net SCR. S.26.01 Solvency Capital Requirement Market risk SCR-B3A S.26.02 Solvency Capital Requirement Counterparty default risk SCR-B3B S.26.03 Solvency Capital Requirement Life underwriting risk SCR-B3C 12 These templates provide more detailed information on the calculation of the various modules of the standard formula SCR, including the use of simplifications. Financial Stability Elements? Annual Public Disclosure? Participations held Completion Thresholds? S.24.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name SQ GQ A A S G A A S G A A S G Solvency Capital Requirement Health underwriting risk SCR-B3D A A S G S.26.05 Solvency Capital Requirement Non-life underwriting risk SCR-B3E A A S G S.26.06 Solvency Capital Requirement Operational risk SCR-B3G A A S G S.26.07 Solvency Capital Requirement Simplifications NA A A S G S.27.01 Solvency Capital Requirement Non-life catastrophe risk SCR-B3F A A S G S.28.01 Minimum Capital Requirement Non-Composite MCR-B4A O A Q S S.28.02 Minimum capital Requirement Composite MCR-B4B O A Q S S.29.01 Excess of Assets over Liabilities VA-C2A This template summarises the year-on-year movement in each item of basic own funds (BOF) and summarises the sources of those movements. A S.29.02 Excess of Assets over Liabilities explained by investments and financial liabilities VA-C2B This template analyses the changes in own funds relating to investments and financial liabilities, with a breakdown into different sources. A 13 These templates provide an analysis of the Minimum Capital Requirement (MCR) calculation (both inputs and outputs). Financial Stability Elements? Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? Annual Public Disclosure? S.26.04 Completion Thresholds? Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name A S.29.04 Detailed analysis per period Technical flows versus Technical provisions VA-C2C This template provides further analysis of technical flows versus technical provisions, differentiating between risks accepted/covered during, prior and after (accident year only) the reporting period. A S.30.01 Facultative covers - Basic Re-J1_basic A S.30.02 Facultative covers - Shares ReJ1_shares These templates provide details of the insurer’s ten biggest facultative non-life and life risks for each line of business. S.30.03 Outgoing Reinsurance Program in the next reporting year - Basic ReJ2_basic S.30.04 Outgoing Reinsurance Program in the next reporting year - Shares ReJ2_shares S.31.01 Share of reinsurers (including Finite Reinsurance and SPV's) Re-J3 This template provides detailed information on individual reinsurers, including type, domicile, rating and rating agency, and an analysis of recoveries recognised and guarantees received. A A S.31.02 Special Purpose Vehicles Re-SPV This template is for insurers using insurance risk transfer through Special Purpose Vehicles (SPVs). It aims to provide details of the use of SPVs as a risk mitigation technique. A A 14 This template provides detailed information on the insurer’s outgoing reinsurance program for the coming year. Financial Stability Elements? This template analyses the changes in own funds relating to technical provisions. A detailed breakdown into different sources is required in respect of the gross best estimate, and analysis is required of technical flows affecting technical provisions (premiums, claims, etc) Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? VA-C2C Annual Public Disclosure? Excess of Assets over Liabilities explained by technical provisions Completion Thresholds? S.29.03 Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name A A SA GA A SA GA SQ GQ G01 O A Information covers the type of entity, its supervisory authority and ranking by balance sheet turnover, income and performance measures. The influence exercise is reported by various measures including % share capital and voting share. Information is also gathered on whether each entity is included for group solvency assessment. S.33.01 Insurance and Reinsurance individual requirements G03 This template provides an overview of solvency assessment at solo level for insurance entities. For insurers subject to Solvency 2’s requirements the information gathered covers solo SCR, MCR, own funds, method of SCR calculation (undertaking specific parameters, simplifications, partial internal model), level of model used (group / solo, initial approval date & latest major change), solo capital add-ons. For non-EEA entities information gathered covers local capital requirements and eligible own funds. O A S.34.01 Other regulated and nonregulated financial undertakings including insurance holding companies and mixed financial holding company individual requirements G04 This template provides an overview of the solvency assessment at solo level for non insurance entities. The template gathers financial information on non insurance entities; for each entity the type of its capital requirement, the notional SCR (or sectoral capital requirement), notional MCR (or sectoral equivalent) and eligible own funds. O A 15 G Financial Stability Elements? Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? Annual Public Disclosure? This template gathers information on each entity in the group to ascertain the scope of supervision, and the method by which the entity is included in group supervision. Undertakings in the scope of the group Completion Thresholds? S.32.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name A S.36.01 IGT involving equity-type transactions, debt and asset transfer IGT1 The template reports significant intra-group transactions relating to equity-type transactions, debt and asset transfers, and provides details on the counterparty and transaction details. A S S.36.02 IGT Derivatives IGT2 This template reports significant intra-group transactions in derivatives, and provides details on the counterparty and derivative transaction details. A S S.36.03 IGT Internal reinsurance IGT3 This template reports significant intra-group transactions on internal reinsurance between (re)insurance undertakings of a group, and provides details on the counterparty and reinsurance transaction details. A S S.36.04 IGT Internal Cost Sharing, Contingent Liabilities (other than derivatives) & Off Balance Sheet Items and Other Types of IGT IGT4 This template reports all other material IGT that are not reported in IGT1 to IGT3, including IGT on internal cost sharing, other contingent liabilities and off balance sheet items. The template provides details on the counterparty and transaction details. A S.37.01 Risk concentration RC This template provides information on the most important exposures by counterparty outside the scope of the group, including identifying information and details of the exposures. A S.38.01 Duration of liabilities Duration of liabilities This template provides information about the overall duration of life and non-life liabilities. 16 Financial Stability Elements? This template provides an overview of the technical provisions across the undertakings within the group split by non life, health (life and non life), life and unit linked. The template also reports TPs subject to transitional provisions, Volatility Adjustment and Matching Adjustment gross and net of IGT. Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? G14 Annual Public Disclosure? Contribution to group Technical Provisions Completion Thresholds? S.35.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name SA GA SH GH S.40.01 Profit (or loss) sharing Profit (or loss) sharing This template provides information on the average profit (or loss) sharing (i.e. own fund share of gain/loss) by entities in the group or solo entity. SA GA S.41.01 Lapses Lapses This template provides information about the overall evolution in lapse/surrender rates and volumes for life business. SQ GQ Financial Stability Elements? This template provides information on overall profit and loss on a GAAP basis. Ring Fenced Funds /MA (Annual)? Profit and loss Annual Public Disclosure? Profit and loss Completion Thresholds? S.39.01 Group Data covered Solo Template code, name and previous template name This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers Société coopérative, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. © 2015 PricewaterhouseCoopers Société coopérative. All rights reserved. In this document, “PwC” refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers Société coopérative, which is a member firm of 17 PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity.