The New Consumer Law in Poland


The New Consumer Law in Poland
Expanding knowledge
The New Consumer Law –
Implications For Enterprises
Warsaw, 5 February 2015
09:00 – 09:15 Registration, welcome coffee
09:15 – 10:30 Main amendments to the Civil Code effective from 25/12/2014
Changes to the complaint procedure
Modified rules of liability for the quality of sold goods (statutory
warranty for defects)
Changes to the provisions on warranties provided in sales transactions
Modified rules governing the seller's claims due to the defects in sold
10:30 – 10:45 Coffee break
10:45 – 12:00 The new Consumer Rights Act
Sales contracts concluded with consumers:
in the seller's premises (information obligations)
outside the seller's premises (information obligations, formal
requirements, consumer's right
to rescind the contract) and
at a distance, i.e. online (information obligations, formal requirements,
consumer's right to rescind the contract)
12:00 – 13:00 Get-together and cold buffet
The New Consumer Law –
Implications For Enterprises
Warsaw, 5 February 2015
Jarosław Kamiński
Attorney at Law (PL)
Direct line.:
+ 48 22 244 00 27
Vanina Prokop-Sawicka
Senior Associate, Attorney at Law (PL)
Direct line:
+ 48 22 244 00 79
Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration and
the Foreign Language College at Adam Mickiewcz
University in Poznan and a holder of scholarship from
the University of Rennes, France. Expert in mergers and
acquisitions, commercial and corporate law, real estate
law, contract law and intellectual property law. In 2014,
he was admitted to the Bar in Warsaw. Since the same
year, he has also been with Rödl & Partner. He speaks
English and French and has authored numerous
Ms Prokop-Sawicka has worked with the Rödl & Partner
office in Warsaw for over ten years. She specialises in
civil, commercial and labour law. She is a graduate of the
Faculty of Law and Administration and of the Faculty of
Modern Languages at the University of Warsaw and
completed the study programme organised in
collaboration with the Faculty of State and Law Sciences
of the University of Bonn. Ms Prokop-Sawicka has
authored and co-authored numerous publications.
The training will be held in the Polish language on 5 February 2015 between 9:00 and 13:00 in the
Rödl & Partner office at ul. Sienna 73 in Warsaw.
To register for the training please contact:
Joanna Dzieł
+ 48 22 696 28 01
The deadline for applications is 2 February 2015.
The participation fee is PLN 200 + 23% VAT per person. The participation fee for Rödl & Partner
clients is PLN 100 + 23% VAT. The fee includes coffee service during breaks and cold buffet.
Please note that the number of participants is limited and you are not registered until you receive an email confirmation.
The New Consumer Law – Implications For Enterprises
Warsaw, 5 February 2015, 9:00 am–13:00 pm
Name and Family Name
Street, No.
ZIP code
Please send the register form:
via e-mail:
via facsimile: +48 22 696 28 01
The participation fee is PLN 200 + 23% VAT per person. The participation fee for Rödl & Partner
clients is PLN 100 + 23% VAT. The fee includes coffee service during breaks and cold buffet.
Please note that the number of participants is limited and you are not registered until
you receive an e-mail confirmation.
By submitting the application you agree to the processing of your personal and contact details
for the training purposes and for promotion of Rödl & Partner services.