Workshop-cum-Brainstorming programme
Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB), New Delhi January 17, 2015 A two day workshop-cum-brainstorming programme “optimizing talent search for the national agricultural research & education system” organized by ASRB was concluded at ICAR-NDRI, Karnal on January 17, 2015 with a recommendation to improve the efficiency of Agriculture Research Services and national eligibility test systems, so that best talent could be attracted right at the entry level. More than 70 experts of different specialization from all over India participated in the discussion in presence of Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Chairman, ASRB and Dr. A.K. Srivastava, Director and Vice chancellor, ICAR-NDRI. On this occasion, a cultural program was also organized in the evening that was inaugurated by Chief Guest Mr. Amrinder Singh, OSD to Haryana Chief Minister. He appreciated the artists’ performance and presented the awards to them. He also said that NDRI is playing a lead role in dairy development in the country. Mr. Sudhir, president of All India Agricultural Students Association also put forth the concerns of prospective young students, so that they could preferably enter the ARS service. It was also suggested that to make it more prestigious the service should be renamed as “All India Agriculture Research Service”, like UPSC. In addition, the guidelines should be chalked out filling up the forms and also for the evaluators. Another important issue discussed was that the scorecard for the evaluation of te scientists for the next post should be very objective and the deficiencies, if any be removed regularly in order to make it a perfect one so that there is complete clarity and no ambiguity. Dr. J.C. Katyal former DDG and Dr. M.L. Madan also former DDG made elaborative presentations on score card issues that were well appreciated. It was concluded that new changes would make the Agriculture Scientific Research more vibrant and help the nation achieve 2nd revolution in agriculture. Dr. Gurbachan Singh, Chairman, ASRB, New Delhi said that we constantly endeavors to upgrade and improvise its selection processes, procedures and merit appraisal parameters including the codified score card systems. Dr. A.K. Srivastava, Director and Vice chancellor, ICAR-NDRI, Karnal suggested to involve basic science students in agricultural system in order to make agricultural researches more interdisciplinary in nature. He also thanked all the experts for choosing ICAR-NDRI, a venue for this brainstorming. A number of dignitaries were present during the 2 day workshop at ICAR-NDRI.
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