Undergraduate Prospectus 2012-2013


Undergraduate Prospectus 2012-2013
University of Essex Online
Undergraduate Prospectus 2014
About us
University of Essex
Online courses are
available to both UK and
international students and
enable you to benefit from
a flexible approach to
study, while maintaining
the quality and support
you would expect from a
top UK university.
University of Essex Online courses are
delivered by Kaplan Open Learning, an
experienced online learning provider. The
University of Essex and Kaplan Open
Learning have developed a partnership
over the last five years to offer high quality
online courses.
Our structured online programmes allow
you to study for your degree in a unique
virtual learning environment and still have
access to all the support and facilities you
would expect to receive on campus.
Whether you’re a student looking to
enhance your professional career, or are a
school leaver who has opted for an income
and valuable work experience whilst
studying for a degree, online study is a
cost-effective, convenient and flexible way
to do it.
Why study with us?
Student support
Business courses
Marketing courses
Criminology courses
Professional qualifications
Frequently asked questions
How to apply
Studying for a degree
online is more affordable
than going to university and
the flexibility of our courses
means you can continue to
work while you study.
Why study with us?
If you are looking to enhance your
professional career, studying online is
one of the most cost-effective,
convenient and flexible ways to gain a
graduate qualification, regardless of
your geographical location, work or
personal commitments.
Study at your own pace from anywhere;
at work, at home or on the move.
Government-backed student loans
are now available to part-time students
living in England, so there is no need to
pay tuition fees up front. You only start
repaying once you are earning over
£21,000 and any remaining loan is
written off after 30 years.
With a University of Essex Online
course, you receive your degree from a
top UK university and get all the support
and facilities you would expect on
No travel
Save time and money; there is no need
to travel to attend face-to-face lectures
or tutorials. Everything is done online.
Our online tutors have vast experience
of delivering traditional campus and
online tuition.
No exams
We operate an assignment-based
approach for each module instead of
Learning and support
A dedicated Student Adviser will
support you from admission through
to graduation.
University of Essex Online | Undergraduate prospectus
Entry requirements
Our entry requirements recognise
previous experience.
I would encourage
anybody to study for their
degree with University of
Essex Online as they make
it so accessible and their
help and support is
Donna Daly
BA (Hons) Business and Management
Student support
If you study with us, you’ll receive your
undergraduate qualification from a
top-ranked UK university and be able to
access all the support and facilities you
would expect to receive from a
campus-based university.
What support will I receive?
We pride ourselves on student support
and satisfaction. Whatever your question
or problem, we will work with you to find
a solution.
We have a range of support facilities in
place to guide you through your studies.
Student Advisers
You will be assigned a personal Student
Adviser who will be your first point of
contact with you throughout your studies
and will serve as your mentor. The role of
our Student Advisers is to support you
throughout the course and provide
guidance on your progress.
Tutor support
Your module tutor will be in regular
contact with you throughout the course
via our online virtual learning platform
which closely replicates a traditional
campus classroom.
Enhanced Learning Credits (ELC)
The Ministry of Defence’s Enhanced
Learning Credits scheme (ELC) is an
initiative to encourage lifelong learning
for members of the Armed Forces. The
ELC scheme provides financial support
for higher level courses. We are an
approved course provider for the MoD
through the ELC scheme and can offer
advice and help you to apply for any
financial support available.
Additional resources
If you study with us you will have
access to a number of resources to
complement your studies via our virtual
learning platform, such as online
libraries, which will enable you to
access on-line journals, databases and
e-books. You can also apply to become
a member of the University of Essex
Students’ Union.
Support for students with disabilities
You should make us aware of any
disability, long-term medical condition,
Your module tutor will lead the class by
delivering seminars, posting lessons and mental health difficulty or specific
learning difficulty such as dyslexia
assignments, answering questions and
during the application and interview
interacting with you on a regular basis.
The virtual learning environment will also process as we find that early
be used to mark assignments and we aim awareness of these issues improves
our level of support. We can also give
to provide feedback on any coursework
advice on funding that may be available
submitted within seven days.
for students with disabilities.
There is also the opportunity to have
regular contact with your tutor by
telephone and e-mail as you progress
through your course and to interact
with other students on the programme
through online forums.
Undergraduate prospectus | University of Essex Online
Our innovative, virtual
learning platform replicates a
real classroom environment
using the latest internet
software technology.
Business courses
University of Essex Online | Undergraduate prospectus
Our business degrees give you the
opportunity to improve your career
with a mix of key skills that are
directly transferable to the workplace;
from finance, marketing and human
resources to business strategy and
project planning.
Undergraduate Certificates online
Bachelors degrees online
Our Certificate of Continuing Education
courses can be achieved as a standalone qualification or used as a stepping
stone to Foundation and Bachelors study.
Earning a Bachelors degree may help
you achieve a higher paying career
opportunity in your field of interest and
bring you closer to achieving your
career goals. We offer the following
Bachelors level degrees in business:
Cert CE Business Studies
This course, at first year undergraduate
level, will introduce you to key and
practical skills that can form the basis for
both ongoing career development and
further academic study. The course
structure will introduce you to the
business environment and management
skills and provide an option to focus on
finance, marketing or human resources.
Upon completion of your CertCE, we
offer the opportunity to study towards
a Foundation degree or Bachelors
degree in Business and Management.
Foundation degrees online
Foundation degrees are higher education
qualifications which are equivalent to the
first two years of a Bachelors degree and
provide a means of integrating study and
work-based learning. We offer the
following Foundation level degree online
in business:
FdA Business and Management
This course will enable you to acquire
essential knowledge, vital skills and
critical awareness necessary for
managing teams and creating value
for a business, whilst preparing you
for a future management role.
Upon completion of your Foundation
degree, if you decide that you would
like to continue with your studies, we
offer the opportunity to study towards
a Bachelors degree via our BA (Hons)
Business and Management progression
route course.
For more details on course content and specific modules visit:
BA (Hons) Business and Management
This degree will enable you to develop
your knowledge and understanding of
the strategic and international
dimensions of business and
management. It will also provide you
with the necessary expertise to
critically evaluate business models
and concepts and apply them to realworld situations.
BA (Hons) Business and Management
progression route
If you have previously completed a
business-related Foundation degree,
or an equivalent level 5 qualification,
this course allows you to continue
your studies and gain a Bachelors
degree in Business and Management.
ILM Professional Qualifications
We have partnered with the Institute
of Leadership and Management (ILM)
to offer you the unique opportunity to
earn a professional qualification (The
ILM Award in Management) whilst you
study for your business degree.
The ILM is the UK's largest awarding
body for leadership and management
qualifications. Study content is
integrated into our degree courses
meaning that you get your
qualification without doing any
additional academic work
Undergraduate Prospectus | University of Essex Online
Study where and when it
suits you. Learn at home,
during your lunch hour and
anywhere where you have
internet access.
Marketing courses
University of Essex Online | Undergraduate prospectus
Our marketing degrees will contribute
to your career development as you
explore concepts such as consumer
analysis and the planning and
implementation of marketing
Undergraduate Certificates online
Our Certificate of Continuing Education
courses can be achieved as a standalone qualification or used as a stepping
stone to Diploma and Bachelors study.
Cert CE Business Studies
This course, at first year undergraduate
level, will introduce you to key and
practical skills that can form the basis for
both ongoing career development and
further academic study. The course
structure will introduce you to the
business environment and management
skills and provide an option to focus on
finance, marketing or human resources.
Upon completion of your CertCE, we
offer the opportunity to study towards
a DipHE or Bachelors degree in Business
and Marketing.
Undergraduate Diplomas online
A Diploma of Higher Education is a
qualification which is usually awarded
after two years of full-time study at a
university or other higher education
institution. We offer the following
Diplomas of Higher Education online in
DipHE Business and Marketing
This course will provide you with the
fundamental skills and knowledge to
pursue career ambitions in the fields
of management, marketing, sales,
advertising, and market research.
Upon completion of your DipHE, if you
decide that you would like to continue
with your undergraduate studies, we offer
the opportunity to continue towards a full
Bachelors degree.
Bachelors degrees online
Earning a Bachelors degree may help
you achieve a higher paying career
opportunity in your field of interest and
bring you closer to achieving your
career goals. We offer the following
Bachelors level degrees in marketing:
BA (Hons) Business and Marketing
Marketing is one of the fastestgrowing creative industries and at the
centre of what many businesses do.
This degree will contribute to your
career development as you explore
concepts such as consumer analysis
and the planning and implementation
of marketing programmes.
The business modules on the course
will introduce you to increasingly
complex problems and encourage you
to apply your knowledge and
understanding to develop innovative
solutions. The marketing modules will
not only further your understanding of
the role of the marketing function in
organisations but can also allow you
to study specialist topics such as emarketing and business-to-business
ILM Professional Qualifications
We have partnered with the Institute
of Leadership and Management (ILM)
to offer you the unique opportunity to
earn a professional qualification whilst
you study for your business and
marketing degree.
The ILM is the UK's largest awarding
body for leadership and management
qualifications. Study content is
integrated into our degree courses
meaning that you get your
qualification without doing any
additional academic work
The DipHE Business and Marketing and
the BA (Hons) Business and Marketing
courses are subject to Student Finance
England designation.
For more details on course content and specific modules visit:
Undergraduate Prospectus | University of Essex Online
We have flexible entry
requirements that look at
both your academic and
work-based experience.
Criminology courses
University of Essex Online | Undergraduate prospectus
Our criminology and criminal justice
courses give you the opportunity to gain
a thorough understanding of how the
UK criminal justice system works,
examining crime and criminal behaviour
as well as policing and imprisonment.
Undergraduate Certificates online Bachelors degrees online
Our Certificate of Continuing Education
courses can be achieved as a standalone qualification or used as a stepping
stone to Diploma and Bachelors study.
Cert CE Criminal Justice
Our certificate in criminal justice
programme is a nationally recognised
qualification. It is the equivalent of half of
a first-year of undergraduate study (60
credits) and is open to anyone with an
interest in criminal justice.
The programme is broad-based and
aims to equip students with an
understanding of the rapidly changing
criminal justice environment.
Earning a Bachelors degree may help
you achieve a higher paying career
opportunity in your field of interest and
bring you closer to achieving your
career goals. We offer the following
Bachelors level degrees in
BA (Hons) Criminology and
Criminal Justice
This course is a broad-based
programme of study that explores
both the social and personal aspects
of crime.
It examines some of the most serious
concerns we face as a society, such
as: What causes crime and criminal
behaviour? Can crime be prevented?
The course focuses on national, legal
How and why should we punish
and policy issues facing the criminal
justice system and it introduces students offenders? How does criminal justice
to the problems facing policy-makers and link to social justice?
practitioners. Students explore broad
The course requires a critical
criminological issues such as theory,
research, crime prevention, punishment engagement with criminology theory,
research methods and the history of
and rehabilitation.
crime and punishment.
This course provides you with the
underpinning knowledge for a career in
the criminal justice sector and may also
confirm your competence if you are
already working within the sector as part
of your continuing professional
Upon completion of your CertCE, we
offer the opportunity to study towards a
Bachelors degree in Criminology and
Criminal Justice.
For more details on course content and specific modules visit:
Gaining a bachelors degree in
Criminology and Criminal Justice will
provide you with a range of skills and
knowledge useful for a career within
the criminal justice system or in other
areas such as public policy, social
work or local government.
BA (Hons) Criminal Justice
progression route
If you have previously completed a
criminal justice related Foundation
degree, or an equivalent level 5
qualification, this course allows you to
continue your studies and gain a
Bachelors degree in criminal justice.
Undergraduate Prospectus | University of Essex Online
Earn a professional
qualification from the
Institute of Leadership
and Management (ILM)
while you study for your
Professional qualifications
University of Essex Online | Undergraduate prospectus
When you study for a business degree
How does it work?
What are the benefits?
with us you can choose to simultaneously You have the option to register for
The Institute of Leadership and
Management is the UK’s largest
study towards a professional qualification a professional qualification from the
awarding body for leadership and
in management from the Institute of
(ILM) when you enrol on to one of our
management qualifications. The
Leadership and Management (ILM)
undergraduate degrees in business.
benefits of studying for an ILM
qualification include:
without taking on any additional work.
Does this mean extra work?
The ILM study content is already
integrated into our degree programmes;
this means that you gain your
qualification without undertaking any
additional academic work.
earn a professional qualification
without any additional academic work;
earn your first ILM qualification within
the first 60 credits of study;
develop as an effective management
practitioner; and
gain ILM membership and access to
online books and study guides.
ILM professional qualifications
Students on the following degrees
with University of Essex Online are
offered the opportunity to claim the ILM
qualifications listed below as part of their
studies, subject to an additional fee.
Degree course
ILM qualification available
CertCE Business Studies
FdA Business and Management
BA (Hons) Business and Management
L4 Award in Management
L4 Award in Management
L5 Award in Management
CertCE Business Studies
DipHE Business and Marketing
BA (Hons) Business and Marketing
L4 Award in Management
L4 Award in Management
L5 Award in Management
Undergraduate Prospectus | University of Essex Online
In 2009, I had been working for
three years within the Police as
a civilian Radio Dispatcher and
999 Call Taker; forced to watch
the work of Constables from
the sidelines. I had always
dreamed of becoming a Police
Officer but could never
compete with graduates each
time recruitment opened. I had
always regretted missing
University at eighteen, and felt
it was “too late” for me.
I became a Police Constable
in March 2014 and have
scored very well in all my
exams, which I credit to my
education with the University
of Essex Online. With their
help I was able to open the
door to my future. Achieving a
degree online has helped me
realise a dream I had thought I
needed to let go of.
Victoria Swift
FdA Criminal Justice (Police)
I have always wanted to have a
University education as a result
of my childhood and growing
up in Nigeria. When possible, I
would sometimes go to school
walking several miles with no
food, which affected my
education. Upon coming to the
UK I tried several times to gain
a University education but
failed due to my lack of
I graduated in 2014 and
achieving a degree is a dream
come true; my mother is
extremely proud as I’m the first
member of my family to
achieve a degree. The
Business and Management
course has inspired me to
become an entrepreneur and
I’ve started developing my
own products. What I’ve
learned ftom the course will
come in very useful when
building my own company.
Oluwole Okanlawon
BA (Hons) Business and
Starting my studies was a
daunting prospect but with the
help of some very
knowledgeable tutors and kind
Student Support Advisers, I
was navigating my way through
the Foundation degree (FdA)
and had the confidence to do
two modules at a time. I
finished the FdA in just over
two years. By this time my
appetite for learning and
knowledge was increasing and
the University of Essex
Online made the transition from
FdA to BA so easy that I moved
straight onto the Top-up
programme. I am now pursing
an MSc in Business and
Studying online is not without
its challenges, but I would have
it no other way. I’ve learned to
be more disciplined, which in I
believe is the main ingredient
for success.
Winsome Barrett
BA (Hons) Business and
I completed my degree whilst
working full time and raising
three teenagers. It ‘s amazing
what’s achievable when you
put your mind to it.
The studying paid off for both
my employer and myself when
in July 2012 I was appointed
to head up the Confederation
of British Metalforming (first
female its 110 year history). I
was particularly pleased that
they acknowledged how proud
they were that I had
completed my degree.
For me personally, trying to
juggle a busy home and work
life, online learning enough
was ideal. It fits around your
life and enables you to
manage your studying time
effectively. Where else could
you attend economics lecture
sitting in your pyjamas!
Geraldine Bolton
FdA Business and
Frequently asked questions
How does online learning
Online learning is a flexible method of studying that is designed to fit
around your existing work and personal commitments. You can choose
how and when you study, using our innovative virtual classroom
Do I need a computer?
You will need regular access to a computer with internet access. While it
may be possible to study from a variety of venues such as at work, from a
library or at a family member's house, we recommend that you use a
computer based in your own home.
How much of my time will it
take to study a module?
The number of hours required each week will vary during the length of
your module. For example, if you are preparing an assignment, the
number of hours required in that week may be higher than other weeks
where you are studying the module materials or interacting online. You
should be prepared to spend a minimum of 10 to 15 hours per week
What happens if my
circumstances change during
my studies?
University of Essex Online courses are different to traditional degree
courses. Our approach is based on choice and flexibility. If your personal
situation changes during your studies, we will work with you to make the
necessary adjustments to your course load.
Will I have to sit any exams?
There are no exams to sit. All assessments are based on discussion
contributions, written assignments and work-based learning projects.
Every piece of work that you submit is uploaded via our virtual online
platform and your tutor has direct access to assess it.
Am I eligible for a student
If you are a UK or EU citizen and live in England or Wales and haven't
completed a degree before you may be eligible for a student loan which
will pay for the full cost of your undergraduate studies. If you are not
eligible, or you decide to fund your course yourself, we offer a simple
monthly payment plan to enable you to spread the cost of your tuition
over the duration of your studies.
How do I apply and when can I
Call us on +44 (0) 800 0527 526 or complete our online application form.
We have monthly start dates so you can begin your studies as soon as
you’ve been accepted onto one of our courses and your student loan
application has been received or you and have paid your course
tuition fee.
Will my degree say online
There is no mention of online study on the University of Essex degree
certificate. The mode of study is mentioned on the transcripts that
accompany your final grades.
What is Accredited Prior
Learning (APL)?
APL is a process which enables you to gain recognition, formal credit and
exemptions for learning you have previously completed prior to enrolling
on a University of Essex Online course. This certificated learning could
have been through study at another Higher Education Institution, distance
learning, in-house company training or professional or vocational
Do I get a graduation
Yes, you will be invited to attend a graduation ceremony at the University
of Essex campus in Colchester after the successful completion of your
degree course.
Undergraduate Prospectus | University of Essex Online
Tuition fees and student loans
Student loans
Many UK or EU students living in England are eligible for a government-backed student loan. As one of them, you won’t have to pay any
tuition fees up front as the loan will cover the full cost of your course.
If you are not eligible for a tuition fee loan, or you decide to fund your course yourself, we offer a simple monthly payment plan to enable
you to spread the cost of your tuition over the duration of your studies. A 10% discount is available for full payment of undergraduate tuition
fees up front.
Call us on +44 (0) 800 0527 526 and our specialist student finance advisers will advise you on the student loan process and guide you
through your application.
All of our tuition fees are the same whether you are a UK, EU or international student.
Standard study duration
Tuition fee per month
Full course fee*
Certificate of
Continuing Education
8 months
Diploma of Higher
32 months
Foundation degree
32 months
BA (Hons) degree
48 months
BA (Hons)
Progression Route
16 months
*10 per cent discount available for full course fee payment up front. All fees are subject to change without notice.
Undergraduate tuition fees and length of study
All of our undergraduate courses cost £375 per month payable over the standard course duration. If you study faster than the
standard course duration, your tuition fees will be reduced.
For example, the total tuition fees for a full Bachelors degree are £375 per month, payable for the standard course duration of 48
months, up to a total of £18,000. This is equivalent to £4,500 per year, which is half of the annual tuition fee of £9,000 charged by
most UK universities.
All of our courses can be completed faster than the standard course duration. For example, a full Bachelors degree can be
completed in a minimum of 36 months, saving you £4,500.
If you take longer than the standard study duration to complete your course you won't be charged more than the full course fee for
doing so.
University of Essex Online | Undergraduate Prospectus
Entry requirements
We have flexible entry requirements that take both your academic and work-based
experience into account. All applications will be considered on their individual merits
and assessed by the academic team, taking into account professional status and work
experience as well as prior academic achievements. If English is not your first
language, then your English ability should be equivalent to IELTS 6.0.
For more detailed information on the specific entry requirements for our postgraduate
courses please visit the relevant course page on our website.
How to apply
Contact one of our experienced Admissions Advisers today on + 44 (0) 800 0527 526.
It is important that you fully understand the commitment involved and choose the right
We will discuss your previous education, relevant work experience, time available to
study and your career aspirations.
Contact details
T +44 (0) 800 0527 526
E enquiries@online.essex.ac.uk
For more details on course content and specific modules visit:
University of Essex Online courses are delivered by Kaplan Open Learning (Essex) Limited. Every effort has been made to ensure the information within this publication is correct.
However, Kaplan Open Learning (Essex) Limited reserves the right to change or amend, at any time, any of the course details including content, dates, fees payable, terms and
conditions. Kaplan Open Learning (Essex) Limited also reserves the right to close or not start any published course.
University of Essex Online
West Gate
6 Grace Street
Leeds LS1 2RP
T +44 (0) 800 0527 526
E enquiries@online.essex.ac.uk
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