Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems
Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems
WEEK 1 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS Time/Date Monday, February 2 1. CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO RBC Production, Function, and Polycythemias Tuesday, February 3 1. CM HEME/ONC Clinical Approach to Anemia Wednesday, February 4 3.CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO Microcytic Anemia and Pathophysiology Dr. Bolin 2. CM HEME/ONC Macrocytic Anemia: DDX, Evaluation and Treatment Dr. Bolin 3. CM HEME/ONC Clinical Approach to the Child with Anemia Dr. Reilly 4.CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO Normocytic Anemia Dr. M Thomas 8:30 a.m. CLASS SUBJECT 9:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Reilly 2. CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO Macrocytic Anemia and Pathophysiology Dr. Reilly 1. PATHOLOGY Histology of the Blood 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Hill 2. PATHOLOGY LAB: Histology of the Blood Dr. Hill COMLEX prep L. Robinson LUNCH 1:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 2:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 3. PATHOLOGY SDL: Iron Deficiency Anemia Dr. Rosenzweig 4. PATHOLOGY SDL: Megaloblastic Anemia Dr. Rosenzweig LUNCH 1. PPC OMM Integrated Cervical Exam Dr. Harden PPC OMM LAB: Integrated Cervical Exam Group B PPC OMM LAB Group B PPC OMM LAB Group A PPC OMM LAB Group A Dr. Reilly 4. CM HEME/ONC Hemolytic Anemia: Red Cell Enzymopathies and Membrane Disorders Dr. Hardee 5. CM HEME/ONC Hemolytic Anemia: Autoimmune and Extrinsic Nonimmune Disorders Dr. Hardee LUNCH 5. PATHOLOGY SDL: Immunohemolytic Anemia Dr. Rosenzweig 6. PATHOLOGY SDL: Aplastic Anemia, and Anemia of Chronic Disease Dr. Rosenzweig Thursday, February 5 6. CM HEME/ONC Microcytic Anemia: Differential Diagnosis, Evaluation and Treatment Dr. Williams 7. CM HEME/ONC Normocytic Anemia: DDX, Evaluation and Treatment Dr. Bolin 8. CM HEME/ONC Hemolytic Anemia: Hemoglobinopathies 2015 Friday, February 6 ECE Neonatal/OB SIM Dr. Bolin LUNCH 2. PPC OMM Integrated Low Back Exam Dr. Rogers PPC OMM LAB: Integrated Low Back Exam Group A PPC OMM LAB Group A PPC OMM LAB Group B PPC OMM LAB Group B All calendars are subject to change due to unanticipated emergencies or illness. The student will be notified via email any time the schedule is changed and with as much notice as possible. In general however, students should not plan events during the 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. hours during the weeks the blocks are in session, as those are considered the hours of duty for a student. 1/14/15 WEEK 2 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS Time/Date CLASS SUBJECT Monday, February 9 5. CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation I Tuesday, February 10 7. CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation III 5. EPIDEMIOLOGY Biostats III INSTRUCTOR Dr. Johansen Dr. Johansen Dr. Meisha CLASS 6. CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO Hemostasis and Blood Coagulation II 11. CM HEME/ONC Nutrition and Anemias 6. EPIDEMIOLOGY SGL: Applied Biostats Case Study: Racial/Ethnic Disparity in Low Birth Weight in Wayne Co NC I Ms. Stoner 7. EPIDEMIOLOGY SGL: Applied Biostats Case Study as above, continued II 8:30 a.m. 9:30 a.m. SUBJECT 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Johansen 9. CM HEME/ONC Infectious Diseases of the Hematopoietic System Dr. Meacham 1. PHARMACOLOGY Antimalarials 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Drs. M Thomas, T Johnson 10. CM HEME/ONC Hemorrhagic Fever Viruses Dr. Kidd 2. PHARMACOLOGY Iron Therapy, B12, Folate, Drugs that Stimulate Erythrocyte, WBC Production Drs.Thomas/Johnson/Powers Seminar with Dr. Peña LUNCH Dr. Kidd 1:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 1. EPIDEMIOLOGY Biostats I 2:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Meisha 2. EPIDEMIOLOGY Biostats II Dr. Meisha 3:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 3. EPIDEMIOLOGY Essentials of Environmental Health Ms. Stoner 4. EPIDEMIOLOGY Essentials of Global Community Health and Comm. Oriented Primary Care Ms. Stoner 12:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 1/14/15 Med School Jeopardy optional LUNCH Wednesday, February 11 Ms. Stoner 8. EPIDEMIOLOGY SDL: Case Study of Global Health Care: Developing Community Oriented Primary Care in Rural South Africa Ms. Stoner LUNCH Med School Jeopardy optional 7. PATHOLOGY SDL: Hereditary Spherocytosis and Sickle Cell Disease Dr. Rosenzweig 8. PATHOLOGY SDL: Thalassemia and Glucose-6Phosphate Deficiency Dr. Rosenzweig 2015 Thursday, February 12 Friday, Feb 13 CLINICAL MEDICINE HEME/ONC EXAM 1 #1-10 through 2.9.2015 ECE Neonatal/OB SIM and Procedural Skills Lab 12. CM HEME/ONC Abnormal CBC: Thrombocytosis, Erythrocytosis, Leukocytosis: Reactive or Primary Disorder (Myeloproliferative) Dr. Dickens LUNCH 3. PPC OMM Cervical Direct Techniques Dr. Harden PPC OMM LAB: Cervical Direct Techniques Group A PPC OMM LAB Group A PPC OMM LAB Group B PPC OMM LAB Group B VCOM GALA WEEK 3 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS 2015 Time/Date Monday, February 16 CLASS 8:30 a.m. SUBJECT EPIDEMOLOGY EXAM 1 #1-8 through 2.11.2015 INSTRUCTOR 9:30 a.m. CLASS SUBJECT 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 1:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 2:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 1/14/15 9. EPIDEMIOLOGY Occupational Medicine Essentials Ms. Stoner 10. EPIDEMIOLOGY SDL: Occupational Lung Disease Ms. Stoner Tuesday, February 17 13. CM HEME/ONC Thrombocytopenia: Differential Diagnosis, Evaluation and Management Dr. M Thomas 14. CM HEME/ONC Clinical Approach to the Bleeding Patient: DDX, Eval of Common Bleeding Disorders (Hered/ Acq) Dr. M Thomas 11. EPIDEMIOLOGY Environmental Toxicology Ms. Stoner 12. EPIDEMIOLOGY APTR Module 7: Outbreak Investigation Ms. Stoner LUNCH LUNCH 9. PATHOLOGY SDL: Hemorrhagic Diatheses 13. EPIDEMIOLOGY SDL: CDC Epi Case Study: Gastroenteritis at University in Texas 1 Dr. Rosenzweig 10. PATHOLOGY SDL: Hypercoagulable Diseases Dr. Rosenzweig Ms. Stoner 15. EPIDEMIOLOGY SDL: CDC Epi Case Study, II Ms. Stoner Wednesday, February 18 PATHOLOGY EXAM 1 #1-8 through 2.11.2015 15. EPIDEMIOLOGY Counseling Skills for Behavioral Change Dr. Magalhaes 11. PATHOLOGY SDL: Leukopenia and Leukocytosis Dr. Rosenzweig LUNCH CLINICAL PROCEDURAL SKILLS SUTURE LAB CHECKOFF 1:30-3:30 for 2.13.15 group 12. PATHOLOGY SDL: Peripheral T Cell and NK Cell Neoplasms Dr. Rosenzweig Thursday, February 19 15. CM HEME/ONC Hypercoagulable States: DDX, Clinical and Laboratory Evaluation of Inherited & Acquired Disorders Dr. Dickens Friday,Feb 20 16. CM HEME/ONC Management of Blood Loss/Hypovolemic Shock Neonatal/OB SIM and Dr. Powers 8. CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO Molecular Basis of Cancer I Dr. Mahaney 9. CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO Molecular Basis of Cancer II Dr. Mahaney LUNCH PPC OMM LAB: AA and OA Articulatory Techniques Group B PPC OMM LAB Group B PPC OMM LAB Group A PPC OMM LAB Group A ECE Procedural Skills Lab WEEK 4 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS 2015 Time/Date Monday, February 23 CLASS SUBJECT 8:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CELL BIOLOGY/PHYSIO EXAM #1-9 through 2.19.2015 CLASS 9:30 a.m. SUBJECT 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 12:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 1:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 2:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 1/14/15 16. EPIDEMIOLOGY Occupational Exposure History Ms. Stoner 17. EPIDEMIOLOGY SDL: Lead Exposure and Side Effects Ms. Stoner Tuesday, February 24 17. CM HEME/ONC Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 21. CM HEME/ONC Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Dr. Goldschmidt Dr. Brooks 18. CM HEME/ONC Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma 22. CM HEME/ONC Chronic Leukemias: CML, CLL, Hairy Cell Leukemia Dr. Brooks 14. PATHOLOGY SDL: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma Dr. Rosenzweig 15. PATHOLOGY SDL: Follicular Lymphoma and Burkitt Lymphoma Dr. Rosenzweig Dr. Goldschmidt 19. CM HEME/ONC Lymphadenopathy: Differential Diagnosis Dr. Williams 20. CM HEME/ONC Tumor Immunology Dr. T Johnson LUNCH STANDARDIZED PATIENT TESTING 1-5 13. PATHOLOGY SDL: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia/Lymphoma Dr. Rosenzweig Wednesday, February 25 LUNCH 18. EPIDEMIOLOGY Zoonosis LUNCH STANDARDIZED PATIENT TESTING 1-5 Ms. Stoner 19. EPIDEMIOLOGY SDL: Zoonosis in the Bedroom 16. PATHOLOGY SDL: Plasma Cell Neoplasms Ms. Stoner Dr. Rosenzweig Thursday, February 26 Friday, February 27 CLINICAL MEDICINE HEME/ONC EXAM 2 RESEARCH DAY (attendance optional) #11-20 through 2.24.2015 Test-taking Skills – Dr. Johansen (tent) 17. PATHOLOGY SDL: Polycythemia Vera Dr. Rosenzweig 23. CM HEME/ONC Nutrition and Cancer Prevention Dr. Meacham 1. CM PSYCHIATRY Overview of Psychiatry and Psychiatric History Dr. Wood 2. CM PSYCHIATRY Exam of the Patient with Psychiatric Complaints Dr. Wood WEEK 5 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS 2015 Time/Date 8:30 a.m. CLASS SUBJECT Monday, March 2 24. CM HEME/ONC Oncologic Emergencies 9:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Dr. Goldschmidt 25. CM HEME/ONC HIV and AIDS I 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. M Thomas 26. CM HEME/ONC HIV and AIDS II 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. M Thomas 3. PHARMACOLOGY Immunosuppressive Drugs for Organ Transplantation Dr. Kidd 12:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 1:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 2:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 3:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 4:30 p.m. CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 1/14/15 LUNCH STANDARDIZED PATIENT TESTING 1-5 18. PATHOLOGY SDL: Acute Myeloid (Myelogenous) Leukemia Dr. Rosenzweig 19. PATHOLOGY SDL: Hodgkin Lymphoma Dr. Rosenzweig Tuesday, March 3 EPIDEMIOLOGY FINAL EXAM #9-19 through 2.24.2015 3. CM PSYCHIATRY Hallucinations, Illusions, Delusions, Loose Associations, & other Symptoms Dr. Magalhaes 4. CM PSYCHIATRY Primary Care, Group Medical Appointment, Behavioral Change Dr. Magalhaes LUNCH 5. CM PSYCHIATRY Mental Status Exam I and Diagnosis Dr. Wood 6. CM PSYCHIATRY Mental Status Exam II & Objective Cognitive Assessment Dr. Wood 4. PHARMACOLOGY SDL: Drugs for HIV I Dr. E Grace 5. PHARMACOLOGY SDL: Drugs for HIV II Dr. E Grace Wednesday, March 4 27. CM HEME/ONC Macrocytic Anemia: The Myelodysplastic Syndromes Thursday, March 5 31. CM HEME/ONC Transfusion Medicine Dr. Brooks 28. CM HEME/ONC Acute Myeloid Leukemia Dr. M Thomas 7. CM PSYCHIATRY Understanding Personality Disorders Dr. Wood 8. CM PSYCHIATRY Environmentally Mediated Disorders: Stress Disorders & Adjustment Disorders Dr. Wood Dr. Brooks 29. CM HEME/ONC Multiple Myeloma Dr. Brooks 30. CM HEME/ONC Palliative Medicine LUNCH Dr. Turski LUNCH CLINICAL PROCEDURAL SKILLS SUTURE LAB CHECKOFF 1:30-3:30 for 2.20.15 group 20. PATHOLOGY SDL: Thymus Disorders 4. PPC OMM Articulatory Techniques/HVLA of TSpine Dr. Harden PPC OMM LAB: Articulatory Techniques/HVLA of TSpine Group B PPC OMM LAB Group B Dr. Rosenzweig PPC OMM LAB Group A PPC OMM LAB, Group A DO DAY ON THE HILL Friday, March 6 ECE Neonatal/OB SIM and Procedural Skills Lab WEEK 6 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS 2015 TIme/Date CLASS SUBJECT 8:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS 9:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 12:30 p.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 10 CLINICAL MEDICINE HEME/ONC FINAL EXAM #21-31 thru 3.5.2015 PHARMACOLOGY EXAM 1 #1-5 through 3.3.2015 SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 1:30 p.m. Monday, March 9 INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 1/14/15 21. PATHOLOGY SDL: Splenic Disorders and Histiocytoses Dr. Rosenzweig 22. PATHOLOGY SDL: Chronic Myeloid (Myelogenous) Leukemia Dr. Rosenzweig LUNCH 9. CM PSYCHIATRY SDL: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry I Dr. Kowalski Wednesday, March 11 14. CM PSYCHIATRY Neurobiology of Addiction Friday, March 13 PATHOLOGY EXAM 2 #9-20 through 3.4.2015 ECE Procedural Dr. Olgun 10. CM PSYCHIATRY 15. CM PSYCHIATRY Infant Deprivation, Anaclitic Depression, Regression and Separation Anxiety in Infants Dr. Abraham-Hardee 11. CM PSYCHIATRY Somatoform Disorders, Factitious Disorders and Malingering Dr. Magalhaes 12. CM PSYCHIATRY Dissociative Disorders and Amnestic Disorders Dr. Magalhaes Addiction Screening using Motivational Interviewing Dr. Magalhaes 16. CM PSYCHIATRY Addiction Screening with Audit, NIAA and CRAFFT LUNCH LUNCH 13. CM PSYCHIATRY SDL: Child and Adolescent Psychiatry II Dr. Kowalski Thursday, March 12 Dr. Magalhaes Skills Lab 17. CM PSYCHIATRY Cognitive Disorders Dr. Wood 18. CM PSYCHIATRY Psychotic Disorders Dr. Wood CLINICAL PROCEDURAL SKILLS SUTURE LAB CHECKOFF 1:30-3:30 for 3.6.15 group CONVO LUNCH 19. CM PSYCHIATRY SDL: Case I: He’s Doing It Again Dr. Wood WEEK 7 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS 2015 Time/Date 8:30 a.m. CLASS SUBJECT Monday, March 16 20. CM PSYCHIATRY Mood Disorders I 9:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Walker 21. CM PSYCHIATRY Mood Disorders II 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Walker 22. CM PSYCHIATRY Anxiety Disorders and Phobias Dr. Walker 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 12:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 6. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs for Affective Disorders I 1:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Rzigalinski 7. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs for Affective Disorders II 2:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 3:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Rzigalinski 23. CM PSYCHIATRY SDL: Case II: I’m Tired all the Time and I just Don’t Seem to be Happy Dr. Wood 4:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 1/14/15 LUNCH Tuesday, March 17 CM PSYCH EXAM 1 #1-13 through 3.10.2015 24. CM PSYCHIATRY Tobacco Abuse and its Treatment Dr. Magalhaes 25. CM PSYCHIATRY Alcoholism, Diagnosis and Behavioral Change Dr. Magalhaes LUNCH 8. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs for Psychoses, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD I Dr. Rzigalinski 26. CM PSYCHIATRY SDL: Case III: I’ve Just Got a Headache, Doc Wednesday, March 18 27. CM PSYCHIATRY Amphetamines, Methamphetamine, Cocaine, PCP and LSD Thursday, March 19 29. CM PSYCHIATRY Chronic Effects of Alcohol and Medical Treatment of Withdrawal Dr. Walker 28. CM PSYCHIATRY Opiates, Heroin, Benzodiazepines, Barbiturates Dr. Walker 9. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs for Psychoses, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD II Dr. Rzigalinski 10. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs for Psychoses, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD III Dr. Rzigalinski Dr. Walker 30. CM PSYCHIATRY Prescription Drug Abuse, State Forensic Pathology LUNCH CLINICAL PROCEDURAL SKILLS SUTURE LAB CHECKOFF 1:30-3:30 for 3.13.15 group Dr. Walker 11. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs of Abuse Dr. Rzigalinski LUNCH 5. PPC OMM Articulatory Techniques/ HVLA of Ribs Dr. Harden PPC OMM LAB: Articulatory Techniques/HVLA of Ribs Group B PPC OMM LAB Group B Dr. Wood PPC OMM LAB Group A PPC OMM LAB Group A Friday, March 20 ECE Peds SIM and Procedural Skills Lab WEEK 8 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS 2015 Time/Date CLASS SUBJECT Monday, March 23 23. PATHOLOGY Histology of the Skin INSTRUCTOR Dr. Hill Dr. Lois 9:30 a.m. CLASS SUBJECT 24. PATHOLOGY LAB: Histology of the Skin Dr. Hill 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 1. CM DERM Basic Dermatology and Exam 3. CM DERM Dermatitis: Atopic, Contact, and Venous Stasis 6. CM DERM Insect Bites and Stings and Snake Bites Dr. Powers 12. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs for Common Skin Disorders INSTRUCTOR Dr. Lois Dr. M Thomas Dr. Kidd CLASS SUBJECT 2. CM DERM Inflammatory Dermatoses of the Skin Dr. Lois 4. CM DERM Burns/Blisters 26. PATHOLOGY SDL: Scleroderma Dr. F Rawlins Dr. Santo 8:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR 12:30 p.m. 1:30 p.m. CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS 2:30 p.m. SUBJECT 3:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 4:30 p.m. CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 1/14/15 LUNCH 31. CM PSYCHIATRY Psychiatry and the Law Dr. Tellian 25. PATHOLOGY SDL: Blistering (Bullous) Diseases Dr. Santo CLINICAL PROCEDURAL SKILLS SUTURE LAB CHECKOFF 3:00-5:00 for 3.20.15 group Tuesday, March 24 CM PSYCH EXAM 2 #14-26 through 3.17.2015 LUNCH 32. CM PSYCHIATRY Psychiatric Emergencies: Suicide and Violence in the Medical Setting Dr. Wood 33. CM PSYCHIATRY Deviant Sexual Functioning and Paraphilias Dr. Wood Wednesday, March 25 5. CM DERM Blistering Dermatoses of the Skin Thursday, March 26 Friday, March 27 PPC/OMM FINAL EXAM #1-5 through 3.19.2015 ECE PPC/OMM LAB PRACTICAL LUNCH 27. PATHOLOGY SDL: Acute Inflammatory Dermatoses Dr. Santo 28. PATHOLOGY SDL: Chronic Inflammatory Dermatoses Dr. Santo Peds SIM WEEK 9 Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS 2015 Time/Date Monday, March 30 CLASS SUBJECT 8:30 a.m. CM DERM EXAM #1-6 through 3.25.2015 INSTRUCTOR 9:30 a.m. CLASS SUBJECT 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 11:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 12:30 p.m INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 7. CM DERM Infectious Diseases of the Cutaneous System I Dr. Lois 8. CM DERM Cases of Infectious Dermatology I (fungal) Dr. Lois, Elswaifi 9. CM DERM Cases of Infectious Dermatology II (viral) Drs. Lois, Elswaifi Tuesday, March 31 12. CM DERM Common Pediatric Rashes Wednesday, April 1 29. PATHOLOGY SDL: Panniculitis Dr. Tobey Dr. Santo 13. CM DERM Immune-Mediated Dermatologic Disorders Dr. Prater 13. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs for Common Skin Infections Dr. Kidd 14. PHARMACOLOGY Drugs for Acne Vulgaris and Rosacea Dr. Kidd 37. CM PSYCHIATRY Psychotherapy: Basic School and Framework Dr. Magalhaes 14. CM DERM Benign and Pre-Malignant Tumors of the Skin Dr. Lois 15. CM DERM Malignant Tumors of the Skin Dr. Lois LUNCH LUNCH CLASS SUBJECT 34. CM PSYCHIATRY SDL: Case IV: The Noncompliant Patient 35. CM PSYCHIATRY Aging and Geriatric Psychiatry 30. PATHOLOGY SDL: Melanocytes and Skin Pigmentation 2:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Wood 36. CM PSYCHIATRY Capacity and Surrogate Decision-Making Dr. Santo 38. CM PSYCHIATRY SDL: Case V: Agitation and Confusion Dr. Wood Dr. Wood 3:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT Dr. Magalhaes 10. CM DERM SDL: Infectious Diseases of the Cutaneous System II (bacterial) Drs. Lois, Elswaifi 11. CM DERM SDL: Infectious Diseases of the Cutaneous System III (fungal and parasitic) Drs. Lois, Elswaifi 4:30 p.m. 1/14/15 Friday, April 3 PHARMACOLOGY FINAL EXAM #6-14 through 3.31.2015 ECE 31. PATHOLOGY SDL: Pigmentation Disorders Dr. Santo 32. PATHOLOGY SDL: Nevi and Malignant Melanoma Dr. Santo LUNCH 1:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR Thursday, April 2 39. CM PSYCHIATRY Non-Pharmacological Somatic Therapies in Psychiatry: ECT, TMS, VNS Dr. Wood 40. CM PSYCHIATRY Dual Diagnosis, Substance Abuse and Psychiatric CoMorbidity Dr. Wood Peds SIM WEEK 10Block 7 Integumentary, Hematologic, Lymphatic Systems VIRGINIA CAMPUS Time/Date Monday, April 6 CLASS SUBJECT 8:30 a.m. CM PSYCH FINAL EXAM #27-40 through 4.2.2015 INSTRUCTOR 9:30 a.m. CLASS SUBJECT 10:30 a.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR 12:30 p.m. CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 1:30 p.m. INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT 11:30 a.m. 2:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 8 Thursday, April 9 Friday April 10 PATHOLOGY FINAL EXAM #21-34 through 4.6.2015 CLINICAL MEDICINE DERM FINAL EXAM #7-17 through 4.6.2015 ECE Peds SIM 16. CM DERM Malignant Melanoma Dr. Lois 17. CM DERM Dermatologic Emergencies Dr. C Johnson LUNCH INSTRUCTOR 33. PATHOLOGY SDL: Tumors of Epidermis Dr. Santo CLASS SUBJECT 34. PATHOLOGY SDL: Tumors of the Dermis INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR CLASS SUBJECT INSTRUCTOR Dr. Santo 1/14/15 Tuesday, April 7 2015 ACLS Cognitive Training (SDL)