here - St Andrew's


here - St Andrew's
Contacts Page:
Minister Contact
Methodist Minister:
Rev’d Helen Penfold
Shirland Park Farm
DE55 6AX
Tel ; 01773 833242
Email ;
Anglican Vicar:
Vacant :
All enquiries via the Church Wardens;
Andrew Whysall ; 07973 759885
Eddie Sweet ; 07973 855583
If you have anything for Contact, please let
Andrew know by Friday morning each week on
any of the following:- Email:
Dates for the diary
January 2015
11th Church New Year Sunday Lunch in hall
26th Circuit Leaders of worship training evening in
29th Worship team meeting at the Watsons
16th Deanery Synod
17th Shrove Tuesday
4th Church Council meets at the Lesley & Davids
8th Clocks forward 1 hour
9th Circuit Leaders of Worship meeting
15th Mothering Sunday
18th Circuit meeting
22nd Annual Church meeting in church
29th Palm Sunday
2nd Maundy Thursday meal in church
3rd Good Friday service
5th Easter Day
 07973 759885 Mobile
Church Website:
If you have an
IPhone, scan
this code and it
will take you to
the church
Contact by Email:
Want Contact by email each week?
please send an email to
This week
Sunday 18th January 2015
10.30am Morning Worship led by Jean and
we welcome Paul Strange from Tanlsey to
speak this morning
7.30pm House Group at Mike & Karen's home
9.15am –11.15am Messy Tots in the hall
1.30pm Foodbank open
Next Sunday
10.30am Morning Worship and the speaker is
Rev’d Helen
REGULAR WEEKLY HALL EVENTS ;History group - Monday 10am
Messy Tots—Tuesday 9.15am
Guides—Monday 6.30pm
Rainbows—Tuesday 6pm
Scouts—Wednesday 7pm
Karate group - Thursday 7pm
Zumba fitness group—Tuesday 7.45pm
Brownies—Friday 6pm
Kick Boxing—Sunday 3pm
Forthcoming Meetings/Events/News/Prayers
Thanks to Lesley and the team for the hard work
last Sunday for the Church New year lunch—
mmmmmmmm lovely !
The work in the church hall is almost completed.
There is some floor covering to go down in one of
the side rooms and we are almost there !
Page 3 Prayers
Read them and pray !
Pray for Rev’d Helen and family on the
death of her sister
Pray for Dennis and Audrey Smith &
the whole family on the death of
Audrey’s sister Margaret.
Our Worship team meets next on Thursday 29th
at Jack & Jaynes home.
Pray for the family of Sheila Hancock
of Bailey Brook Drive, whose funeral is
on Monday 26th at 12.15pm
The Foodbank has been successful with a funding
application for £1800 to extend the work. We are
praying as to how to best use this money……..some thoughts are:
that we can help the folk cook better for
Run a lunch club for the elderly in the area
For Roy Moult from St Johns Church
Aldercar, on the death of his wife Jean
The Circuit Leaders of Worship training evening
on technology on 26th January will be held in
church. Please note in your diaries. Coffee from
7pm and the fun starts at 7.30pm
If you feel God is saying something to you on this,
please pray about it and talk to Jean or Andrew.
If you have a prayer request, text or
ring Andrew 07973 759885
Sadly we report that Sarah Hill passed
away on Thursday 15th January.
Please pray for Janet Wilkins and family
Loop system; put your
hearing aid to the T position