Bethesda Weekly Notices - Bethesda Methodist Church


Bethesda Weekly Notices - Bethesda Methodist Church
Sunday 18 January
All friends, family and visitors are welcome to
Bethesda Methodist Church
Today’s Services
10.00 am United Service at St Philip and St James
The Lectionary Readings for today are: I Sam. 3:1-10,
Psalm 139:1-6, 13-18, I Cor. 6:12-20 & John 1:43-51
Sunday, 25th January
10.30 am All Age Worship
Rev’d Diane Daymond
6.00 pm Covenant Service and Holy Communion
Rev’d James Tebbutt
Prepare for Worship
Sunday Morning Prayer Meeting, every Sunday 10.00 – 10.20am,
in the New Room – open to all
Bethesda Methodist Church
Rev’d Naomi Cooke
Rev’d Diane Daymond
(Church Office: 269803)
19-23 January
Monday 19th January
10.00 am Bethesda Bears
5.15 pm Beavers
6.30 pm Cubs
Thursday 22nd January
9.30 am Toddlers
10.00 am Holy Communion
2.00 pm V.I.P.s group
5.15 pm Beavers
6.30 pm Cubs
7:30 pm Bethesda Singers
Tuesday 20th January
12:30 pm Luncheon Club
2:30 pm Welcome Club
6.00 pm Brownies
Friday 23rd January
10.00 am Pop in for prayer
session, (10.00 – 10.45)
7.00 pm Guides
Wednesday 21st January
10.30 am Bible study group,
New room
2.15 pm Country Dancing
Saturday 24th January
9.30 am Backpackers, Hales
10.30 am Coffee Shop,
Fairtrade goods available
(Val Gage and Angela Baldwin)
Next Sunday’s Duty Rota
Kathy and Stuart Tierney and Graham Bolt
Brian Berry
Barbara and Ted Furber
Karin Cox (10.30), Wendy Berry (6.00)
Catherine Gibb, Sally Williams, Rachel Bolt and Bernard Stradling
Ros and David Terry
Stephen Marlow
Keith Norman
Large Print
If you would prefer to use a large print hymn book or service book
we have some available. Also if you cannot read the screen and
would like to have a printed copy of the service please speak to a
steward to see if we can make a copy.
We ask you to remember in your prayers this week the worship, work and
witness of the congregation at Randwick.
---------------------------------Where’s Naomi?
Naomi is on District Probationers leave this week (19th to 23rd). In her
absence, please contact Diane or one of the stewards. Many thanks.
Thank You
Chris and Helen Lammiman are very grateful for your prayers and would
be grateful if people could still hold the family in prayer. There is little
change in their daughter's fiancé's condition.
Next week’s Backpackers walk on Saturday 24th is 5 miles starting at
9.30am from the car park at Hailes Abbey with lunch at the pub on the
Toddington roundabout. Please let Peter Boait know if you wish to walk.
Conflict in the Holy Land: what should Britain do?
There will be a meeting to discuss this subject with local politicians on
Tuesday 20th January at 7pm for refreshments with the meeting starting
at 7.30pm prompt, with a 9pm finish scheduled, at the Performing Arts
Centre, The Cheltenham Ladies’ College, Bayshill Road. The meeting
has been inspired by our Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Nick and
Roger. Although the event is free, please would you contact Pip and Jim
( if you’re interested, so they have some idea of
Soul Spark: A short course exploring prayer and spiritual growth
Please see the poster on the notice board regarding Soul Spark, a short
course exploring prayer and spiritual growth, a programme for Lent.
There is an introductory event on January 24th. More details can be
found on the poster and an application form for anyone interested in the
day or the whole course.
Bethesda Church Council
The next meeting of Church Council is on Monday, 26th January at
Scouts’ Annual Quiz, Friday 30th January
Advance notice. Bethesda Scout Group are holding their annual 100
question quiz on Friday January 30th at 7.00pm. Teams of up to 4 are
invited. The cost is £2.50 per entrant. It would be a help if entries were
received by Sunday 25th January.
Table Top Sale, Saturday 31st January
Table Top Sale in the Hall. Joe Hingley who has been a beaver, cub and
scout at Bethesda has been successful in obtaining a place at the Scout
World Jamboree in Japan later this year. Each participant has to raise
£3,000 to enable them to attend. This sale is one of Joe’s projects. If you
would like more details please contact Noel.
Pastoral Visitors – save the date
On Saturday 7th February there will be a morning refresher course at
Bethesda run by Rev’d Diane Daymond for all pastoral visitors and open
to anyone who is interested in pastoral care. The content will include
listening skills along with an update on other useful skills. More details to
Auction of Promises, Saturday 28th February
Forms are now available for your "Promise" for the auction of promises on
Feb 28th. There is a box in the foyer to put it in. What can you offer?
Items for Notices:
Items for the notices should be sent to Adrian Pawley by 7pm on the preceding
Telephone numbers are Cheltenham area (01242-) unless otherwise indicated.
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