Current Agenda - City of Miramar
Current Agenda - City of Miramar
REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING CITY OF MIRAMAR uAGENDAu Wednesday January 14, 2015 7:00 p.m. ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor Lori C. Moseley Vice Mayor Yvette Colbourne Commissioner Winston F. Barnes Commissioner Wayne M. Messam 2300 Civic Center Place 33025-6577 Phone: (954) 602-3000 Fax: (954) 602-3440 Web Site: CITY OF MIRAMAR WELCOME TO YOUR CITY COMMISSION MEETING We are pleased that you have demonstrated an interest in the City of Miramar by attending a City Commission meeting. We hope you will attend more of these meetings in the future. GENERAL INFORMATION: The City of Miramar is a municipality chartered by the State of Florida operating under the "City Council - City Manager Plan." The City Commission is comprised of four members and the Mayor selected by the residents of Miramar to serve as the City's governing body. It is responsible for adopting policies of the City, passing ordinances, adopting resolutions and approving budgets. A City Manager is appointed by the City Commission to serve as the administrative head of the municipal government and provides recommendations to the City Commission on policy issues. The City Commission meeting is a formal meeting of the members of the commission to transact City business. This business is conducted in a manner prescribed by resolution, laws and regulations which require certain formal actions and the following of specific procedures. The AGENDA is a printed document that lists the order of business for the Commission meeting. The public is encouraged to contact the Mayor or any City Commissioner prior to a Commission meeting to express their views on items appearing on the Agenda. * All beepers, cell phones and other electronic devices must be turned off prior to entering the Commission Chambers. The City Commission may consider and act upon such other business as may come before it in the event this agenda must be revised, such revised copies will be available to the public at the City Commission meeting. GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR PUBLIC PARTICIPATION AT CITY COMMISSION MEETINGS: Who May Speak - Any individual who wishes to address the City Commission may do so providing it is accomplished in an orderly manner and in accordance with the procedures outlined below. 1. Speaking on items on the Agenda - Individuals wishing to speak on matters that appear on the Agenda need only to raise their hand to be recognized by the Mayor. Discussion at Special Meetings is limited to the items referred to on the Agenda for such Special Meetings. 2. Other Business Items - These are items placed on the Agenda by the Mayor or a Commissioner and either are requests for the preparation of future legislation or are requests for possible direction to the Administration. 3. Speaking on items not on the Agenda - Public Participation - Any individual may speak on any subject pertinent to the City at the second regularly scheduled meeting of each month. Individuals must sign in with the City Clerk prior to the meeting. The Mayor will recognize those persons who signed in, under the agenda item "Public Participation." 4. Addressing Commission, Manner & Time - Public discussion during all items is limited to three minutes maximum per person, however, the Mayor at his/her discretion may allow more time. Each person who addresses the Commission shall step up to the speaker's podium and shall give his/her name and address. The above represents a summarization of the Commission Procedures Resolution. Copies of this resolution are available from the City Clerk's office. Any person requiring auxiliary aids and services at this meeting may call the City Clerk’s Office at 954-602-3011 at least two calendar days prior to the meeting. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he/she will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to insure that a verbatim recording of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. CITY OF MIRAMAR REGULAR COMMISSION MEETING Wednesday, January 14, 2015 CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL/ANNOUNCEMENTS: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: PRESENTATIONS: CONSENT AGENDA Items listed under Consent Agenda are viewed to be routine and the recommendation will be enacted by one motion in the form listed below. If discussion is desired, the item(s) will be removed from the Consent Agenda and will be considered separately. Anyone wishing to comment on any item on the consent agenda should approach the podium now. 1. Minutes of the Special City Commission Meeting of November 24, 2014. 2 Temp. Reso. #R5704 approving the purchase of Fire-Rescue supplies and equipment from the Broward Sheriff's Office in an amount not-to-exceed $100,000 for Fiscal Year 2015. (Fire-Rescue Division Chief Scott Rector) 3. Temp. Reso. #R5738 approving the purchase of security and surveillance equipment through Kratos Public Safety and Security Solutions, Inc., utilizing the National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance Contract, in an amount not-to-exceed $59,950. (Fire-Rescue Division Chief William Huff) 4. Temp. Reso. #R5707 approving the award of Request for Proposal No. 14-0749, entitled "Janitorial Services", to the highest ranked proposer, Cleaning Systems, Inc., in an annual amount of $404,220; authorizing the City Manager to execute an appropriate agreement with Cleaning Systems, Inc. for an initial term of two years with three optional one-year renewal periods. (Senior Procurement Analyst Alicia Ayum) January 14, 2015 1 CITY OF MIRAMAR, FLORIDA 5. Temp. Reso. #R5719 approving expenditures with Advanced Environmental Laboratories, Inc. for the services of sample collection and testing of water and wastewater, in an annual amount not-to-exceed $82,487; approving the one year renewal option for the period commencing on March 19, 2015. (Utilities Director Hong Guo and Procurement Director Randy Cross) 6. Temp. Reso. #R5724 authorizing the expenditure of $3,000 from the State Law Enforcement Trust Fund to Learning for Success Inc., in order to support the KAPOW Program, which introduces students to career awareness through professionally designed lessons taught by business volunteers in the classroom and visits to work sites. (Grants/Accreditation Manager Kim Morrow-Lopez) 7. Temp. Reso. #R5709 accepting an Absolute Bill of Sale and Easement from Shoppes at Silverisles, LLC for water system improvements serving the Starbucks at the Shoppes at Silver Isles; authorizing the release of Surety Bond No. 964119201 in the amount of $40,262 and accepting a one-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of $8,052 from Shoppes at Silverisles, LLC. (Construction and Facilities Management Director Luisa M. Millan) 8. Temp. Reso. #R5710 accepting an Absolute Bill of Sale and Easement from CIP II/MCRT Town Center, LLC for water, sewer and reuse system improvements serving Miramar Town Center Block 4A; authorizing the release of Surety Bond No. CMS0260215 in the amount of $92,925 and accepting a one-year Maintenance Bond in the amount of $13,400 from CIP II/MCRT Miramar Town Center, LLC. (Construction and Facilities Management Director Luisa M. Millan) 9. Temp. Reso. #R5712 approving a Traffic Signalization Agreement between the City of Miramar and Riviera Pointe Development Group, LLC for the design and installation of a traffic signal at the intersection of Southwest 145th Avenue and the entrance driveway leading to the Riviera Pointe Corporate Center. (Construction and Facilities Management Director Luisa M. Millan) 10. Temp. Reso. #R5725 approving the award of Request for Letters of Interest No. 15-10-03, entitled "Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering Services for Historic Downtown Revitalization", to Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.; authorizing the City Manager to execute a Project Authorization Agreement with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., in an amount not-to-exceed $106,215. (Construction & Facilities Management Director Luisa M. Millan and Procurement Director Randy Cross) January 14, 2015 2 CITY OF MIRAMAR, FLORIDA 11. Temp. Reso. #R5731 approving the award of Invitation for Bid No. 15-001, entitled "Vizcaya Park-Phase III", to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, Emerald Construction Corporation; authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Emerald Construction Corporation in an amount notto-exceed $1,312,802, and allocating a construction contingency of 5% in the amount of $65,640, for a total of $1,378,442 for construction of the project. (Construction & Facilities Management Director Luisa M. Millan and Procurement Director Randy Cross) 12. Temp. Reso. #R5730 awarding Request for Proposal No. 14-08-54, entitled "Grounds Full Maintenance Services" at City parks, to Valleycrest Landscape Maintenance, in an annual amount not-to-exceed $392,494; authorizing the City Manager to execute an appropriate agreement with Valleycrest Landscape Maintenance for an initial term of two years with three optional one-year renewal periods. (Parks and Recreation Director Terrence Griffin and Senior Procurement Analyst Alicia Ayum) 13. Temp. Reso. #R5679 approving the renewal of the landscaping, irrigation maintenance and litter control services agreements with Prestige Property Maintenance, Inc. in an annual amount not-to-exceed $424,948, and with Landscape Service Professionals, Inc. in an annual amount not-to-exceed $209,855, for a combined total annual amount of $634,803, for the first of three optional one-year renewal periods commencing February 28, 2015. (Public Works Director Thomas Good) 14. Temp. Reso. #R5732 considering Application No. 1405064, Temporary Use Permit approval for St. John XXIII Catholic Church 2015 Mardi Gras Carnival, to be located at 16800 Miramar Parkway, from February 12, 2015 through February 15, 2015. (Senior Planner Michael Alpert) 15. Temp. Reso. #R5742 considering Application No. 1405196, Temporary Use Permit approval for St. Stephen Church 2015 Mardi Gras Carnival, to be located at 2000 South State Road 7, from February 5, 2015 through February 8, 2015. (Senior Planner Michael Alpert) 16. Temp. Reso. #R5729 approving the settlement of the bodily injury claim of Carmen Perilla. (City Attorney Jamie A. Cole) End of Consent PUBLIC PARTICIPATION (7:30 – 8:00 P.M.) January 14, 2015 3 CITY OF MIRAMAR, FLORIDA RESOLUTIONS 17. Temp. Reso. #R5691 recommending to the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity that Project Swordfish be approved as a Qualified Target Industry Business pursuant to Section 288.106, Florida Statutes; providing for local financial support in the form of cash in an amount not-toexceed $25,600. (Community and Economic Development Director Gus Zambrano) 18. Temp. Reso. #R5692 approving an Economic Development Incentive Offer to Project Swordfish in an amount not-to-exceed $16,000 for local hiring as part of the company locating a regional headquarters facility in the City; providing for the terms of the Incentive Offer. (Community and Economic Development Director Gus Zambrano) 19. Temp. Reso. #R5720 recommending to the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity that Project Squadron be approved as a Qualified Target Industry Business pursuant to Section 288.106, Florida Statutes; providing for local financial support in the form of cash in an amount not-toexceed $9,000. (Community and Economic Development Director Gus Zambrano) 20. Temp. Reso. #R5721 approving an Economic Development Incentive Offer to Project Squadron in an amount not-to-exceed $15,000 for local hiring as part of the company locating its international headquarters facility in the City; providing for the terms of the Incentive Offer. (Community and Economic Development Director Gus Zambrano) 21. Temp. Reso. #R5722 recommending to the State of Florida Department of Economic Opportunity that Project Eagle be approved as a Qualified Target Industry Business pursuant to Section 288.106, Florida Statutes; providing for local financial support in the form of cash in an amount not-to-exceed $16,000. (Community and Economic Development Director Gus Zambrano) 22. Temp. Reso. #R5723 approving an Economic Development Incentive Offer to Project Eagle in an amount not-to-exceed $20,000 for local hiring as part of the company locating a regional headquarters facility in the City; providing for the terms of the Incentive Offer. (Community and Economic Development Gus Zambrano) 23. Temp. Reso. #R5711 approving the funding agreement between Broward County, the City of Pembroke Pines and the City of Miramar for the design and construction of the expansion of Pembroke Road from Dykes Road to Silver Shores Boulevard. (Construction and Facilities Management Director Luisa M. Millan) January 14, 2015 4 CITY OF MIRAMAR, FLORIDA ORDINANCES 24. FIRST READING of Temp. Ord. #O1617 adopting amendments to the Potable Water/Aquifer Recharge Sub-Element and the Sanitary Sewer Sub-Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, to be consistent with the City of Miramar's 10Year Water Supply Facilities Plan and to enhance coordination with the South Florida Water Management District; providing for the transmittal of the amendments to the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity; providing for severability; providing for conflicts; and providing for an effective date. (Utilities Director Hong Guo and Senior Planner Lorri Hall) SECOND READING SCHEDULED for March 25, 2015 25. FIRST READING of Temp. Ord. #O1618 amending Chapter 7 "Use Regulations" of the Land Development Code, Section 705 “Commercial Zoning Districts”, Section 706 “Industrial Zoning Districts”, and Section 715 "Transit Oriented Corridor District Code", Table 9A "Specific Function and Use" to include funeral homes and mortuaries among the uses permitted; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for inclusion in the Code; and providing for an effective date. (Senior Planner Michael Alpert) SECOND READING SCHEDULED for February 4, 2015 PUBLIC HEARING 26. SECOND READING of Temp. Ord. #O1572 considering Application No. 13CPA-01, amending the Future Land Use Plan Map of the adopted City of Miramar Comprehensive Plan by changing the Land Use Designation of approximately 485 acres from irregular (4.65) residential (477 acres) and commercial (8 acres) within a dashed line area to irregular (4.95) residential (485 acres) within a dashed line area, as legally described in Exhibit "A", located south of the C-9 Canal, west of Flamingo Road, north of Honey Hill Road and east of the Homestead Extension of the Florida Turnpike; and providing for an effective date. (Passed 1st Reading 08/21/13) (Senior Planner Lorri Hall) 27. SECOND READING of Temp. Ord. #O1610 providing for the annual update to the Capital Improvement Schedule of the Capital Improvement Element of the Comprehensive Plan; and providing for an effective date. (Passed 1st Reading 11/24/14) (Senior Planner Lorri Hall) January 14, 2015 5 CITY OF MIRAMAR, FLORIDA QUASI-JUDICIAL PUBLIC HEARING All who wish to speak shall be collectively sworn in. City Attorney will then read the title of the item to be considered. Staff shall present a brief synopsis of the application and make a recommendation. Next will be a presentation by the applicant. The Commission will then hear from participants in favor of and in opposition to the application. The applicant, staff and or any Commissioner may cross-examine the witnesses, and a participant may request that the board ask questions of a witness. The public hearing will conclude with final remarks by staff and the applicant. No further presentations or testimony shall be permitted. All decisions of the Commission must be based upon competent substantial evidence presented to it at the hearing. All backup materials provided to the City Commission, as a part of the agenda will automatically be made a part of the record of the hearing. All approvals will be subject to staff recommended conditions unless otherwise stated in the motion for approval. 28. SECOND READING of Temp. Ord. #O1612 considering Application No. 1300807, Miramar Central Plaza, for rezoning of 29 acres from the Rural (RL) Zoning District to the Community Business (B2) Zoning District, located at the northeast corner of Flamingo Road and Miramar Parkway; and providing for an effective date. (Passed 1st Reading on 10/15/14) (Planner II Tekisha Ivy Jordan) 29. Temp. Reso. #R5697 considering Application No. 1300549, Miramar Central Plaza Site Plan approval for a multi-tenant 210,099 square-foot commercial development consisting of eight buildings within two lots on a 29-acre site with retail space, restaurants, a daycare, a bank, and a fitness center, located at the northeast corner of Flamingo Road and Miramar Parkway. (Planner II Tekisha Ivy Jordan) 30. Temp. Reso. #R5699 considering Application No. 1400205, Miramar Central Plaza final plat approval, for a plat consisting of two parcels, parcel 1 (23.02 acres) and parcel 2 (5.98 acres), located at the northeast corner of Flamingo Road and Miramar Parkway. (Planner II Tekisha Ivy Jordan) 31. Temp. Reso. #R5698 considering Application No. 1400203, Miramar Central Plaza Community Appearance Board approval, for a 210.099 square-foot multi-tenant commercial development consisting of eight buildings within two lots of a 29-acre property, with retail space, restaurants, a daycare, a bank, and a fitness center, located at the northeast corner of Flamingo Road and Miramar Parkway. (Planner II Tekisha Ivy Jordan) 32. Temp. Reso. #R5733 considering an application for extension of Site Plan approval for Sunset Lakes Center, located at the northeast corner of Miramar Parkway and Southwest 186th Avenue. (Senior Planner Micheal Alpert) January 14, 2015 6 CITY OF MIRAMAR, FLORIDA 33. Temp. Reso. #R5734 considering an application for modification of a condition of Site Plan approval for Riviera Point Corporate Center, located north of Miramar Parkway and west of Southwest 145th Avenue. (Senior Planner Michael Alpert and City Engineer Bissy Vempala) OTHER BUSINESS 34. Reports and Comments: Commission Reports: City Attorney Reports: City Manager Reports: FUTURE WORKSHOPS Date Time 01/28/15 5:00 P.M. Subject Location Commission Conference Room Ethics Training ADJOURNMENT THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED CITY COMMISSION MEETING IS: February 4, 2015 at 7:00 P.M. January 14, 2015 7 CITY OF MIRAMAR, FLORIDA