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PDF of all Community Development
ArtPlace America Community Development Investments
ArtPlace America is accepting applications from place-based non-governmental organizations
(NGOs) with a primary mission of community planning and development for its Community
Development Investments program. ArtPlace will select one NGO in each of six geographical
regions that is interested in sustainably incorporating arts and cultural strategies into the
organization’s work.
This one-time grant program will provide up to $3 million in funding per organization. Each
selected organization will also work with national creative placemaking experts, a Financial
Capital Consortium, a Federal Grants Advisory Team, and a Community Documentation and
Research Team.
The Call for Applications is open to place-based NGOs that:
• have a defined geographical area of focus (neighborhood, town, city, region, etc)
• are working to achieve a variety of social, economic, and physical outcomes in that
geographical area
• regularly partner and work across sectors to achieve these community outcomes
• have long-term vision and presence in a community
• do not have a significant history of working with the arts and cultural sector
ArtPlace is interested in investing in organizations in a variety of regions of the country that are
working in communities of different sizes. Combining that interest with the geographical
priorities of our funding partners, ArtPlace is inviting applications from organizations working
within the following six regions:
1) a community of any size in Alaska
2) a community of any size in California
3) a nonmetropolitan area community in Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas
4) a nonmetropolitan area community in Minnesota
5) one or more neighborhoods of Philadelphia, PA
6) a metropolitan community in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North
Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia
Applications are due by 5pm ET, March 12, 2015. Additional information and guidelines are
provided below or at www.artplaceamerica.org/cdi/.
Program Vision
ArtPlace America (ArtPlace) is a ten-year collaboration that exists to position art and culture as
a core sector of comprehensive community planning and development in order to help
strengthen the social, physical, and economic fabric of communities.
Sustainable comprehensive community development requires both strong local government
leadership and an embedded community development infrastructure that can support long-term
vision. There are many different types of place-based non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
that comprise this critical infrastructure including, but not limited to: community development
corporations, downtown partnerships, economic growth corporations, main street organizations,
regional planning organizations, tribal development organizations, and faith-based organizations.
All of these entities serve as anchors and fulcrums in their communities, helping to negotiate
between a variety of cross-sector partners, residents, and decision-makers in the planning and
execution of a community’s vision. Among these stakeholders in every community are artists,
arts organizations, and cultural assets that have the ability to contribute creative processes,
thinking, interventions, and activation that can support community agendas. However, many
planning and development NGOs do not formally recognize or regularly bring these partners
into their ongoing activities in a sustainable way.
The ArtPlace America Community Development Investments (CDI) program is designed as a
learning opportunity. Combining grant funds with access to experts in the long-standing field of
arts and community development practice will provide recipients with the resources and
knowledge to investigate the unique value that art and culture can add to their work. Selected
NGOs will also be in regular communication with ArtPlace’s staff and can leverage the
experience gained from grantmaking and field building work to-date.
ArtPlace also views the CDI as an opportunity to better understand the knowledge, structural
shifts, and policy changes necessary to sustainably incorporate arts and cultural practice within
a community development infrastructure over time. In addition, the program provides
perspective on the value of specific arts and cultural strategies in achieving intended
community outcomes and the types of public and private investment tools that can facilitate this
Program Details
Grant Period & Ongoing Activities:
The CDI grant period will begin September 1, 2015 and involve three years of funding and
activities, including:
An initial six-month cultural asset mapping endeavor to identify existing arts and
cultural assets in the community (people, organizations, events, and real estate) as well
as potential arts & cultural partners and resources throughout the community.
A high-touch relationship with ArtPlace staff, advisors, grantees, and partners who can
provide technical advice around strategies, interventions, funding sources, and capacitybuilding activities.
Guidance from a Financial Capital Consortium to explore a variety of working capital,
business, and real estate financing opportunities.
Guidance from a Federal Grants Advisory Team to identify and navigate relevant federal
grant opportunities.
Collaboration with a Community Documentation and Research Team to document and
learn from the implementation process and ongoing work.
Grant Funds:
Applicants are not required to submit a budget as a part of the application. Selected grant
recipients will receive up to $3m over a three-year period that can be used for both capacity
investments in the organization as well as expenses related to community engagement, cultural
asset mapping, implementation of projects, and partnership contracts with the arts and cultural
sector and other relevant entities. Over the course of the grant period, the NGOs will work with
ArtPlace to develop project management plans and budgets for how funds will be allocated.
ArtPlace will disburse grant funds on the following schedule:
Initial Disbursement
Selection as official grant recipient
Year 1 Disbursement
Up to $750,000 (any
remainder to be
held for subsequent
Completion of Cultural Asset Map
Completion of initial Technical Adviser
Submission/approval of budget and
annual management plan
Submission/approval of budget and
partnership plans for Year 1 projects
Submission/approval of budget and
annual management plan
Submission/approval of budget and
partnership plans for individual projects
disbursements to be
made based on work
plans and available
Please review all Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for more information on eligibility.
The Call for Applications is open to non-governmental organizations that:
o have a defined geographical area of focus (neighborhood, town, city, region, etc)
o are working to achieve a variety of social, economic, and physical outcomes in
that geographical area
o regularly partner and work across sectors to achieve these community outcomes
o have long-term vision and presence in a community
o do not have a significant history of working with the arts and cultural sector
Applicants must have a programmatic focus in one of the following six geographical
1) a community of any size in Alaska
2) a community of any size in California
3) a nonmetropolitan area community in Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas
4) a nonmetropolitan area community in Minnesota
5) one or more neighborhoods of Philadelphia, PA
6) a metropolitan community in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia
Metropolitan community: A central city inside of an Urbanized Area (urban
areas with 50,000 or more people)
Nonmetropolitan area community: Communities located outside of
Urbanized Areas
Review Process & Criteria:
Phase 1: Applications
ArtPlace staff and external reviewers (national and local professionals with deep experience in
community development and creative placemaking) will review applications and make
recommendations as to which projects will be invited to Phase 2.
Applications will be reviewed with the following in mind:
• the timeliness and fit of this program with overall organizational and community
• the overall organizational track record, capacity, and relationships of applicants
• the potential for success in implementing new ways of working
• the opportunities present in ongoing and upcoming projects that could benefit from the
incorporation of arts and cultural strategies
In reviewing applications, ArtPlace will also look to build a diverse portfolio of organizations
across the six geographical areas that represent a variety of:
• Regions and community sizes
• Organization types
• Social, economic, and political conditions
• Demographics
• Community challenges
• Current and future planning and development projects
• Alignment opportunities with other existing and potential federal and philanthropic
place-based initiatives
Phase 2: Finalists
ArtPlace will select a small number of finalists in each geography to move on to Phase 2.
Representatives from each finalist organization will be asked to attend ArtPlace’s annual
convening for grantees and partners to learn more about the field of creative placemaking and
goals for the CDI program. Finalists will also have the opportunity to meet ArtPlace staff and
share more about their organizations and priorities.
Applicants to the CDI program are requested to hold the dates of May 4-6, 2015 for participation
in this event.
Following the convening, each finalist will receive a site visit from ArtPlace staff and reviewers
in May or June. The site visit will inform the final grant decisions. Finalists will be notified of all
decisions in early August.
How to Apply:
All applications for the Community Development Investments program must be submitted
through our online application system, which can be accessed at artplaceamerica.fluxx.io.
To submit an application:
1. Register yourself as a representative of your organization on artplaceamerica.fluxx.io
2. ArtPlace will approve your registration within 2 business days and you will receive a
confirmation email with login information. All registrations on the Fluxx system must be
completed by 12pm ET on March 11, 2015 to be allowed to submit an application.
3. Once you are in the Fluxx system, please follow all instructions to access the CDI
4. All applications must be submitted by 5pm ET on March 12, 2015 to be eligible.
Important Dates (2015):
January 15:
March 11, 12pm ET:
March 12, 5pm ET:
May 4-6:
August 1:
September 1:
Application portal opens
Deadline for applicants to register in ArtPlace’s Fluxx system
Deadline for all application submissions through ArtPlace’s Fluxx system
Finalists notified
Finalists from all 6 regions attend the annual ArtPlace convening
Finalists receive site visits
Finalists notified of grant status
Program start date
Grant Workshops & More Information:
During the period the application is open, ArtPlace representatives will travel to each
geographical region to host grants workshops. These workshops will provide an overview of the
program and an opportunity to ask questions.
Each workshops will be conducted both in-person (for those organizations able to attend) and
via webinar (for those that are not able to attend). Dates for these events are listed below.
Anyone is welcome to attend any webinar, although staff will set aside some time to address
geographically specific questions at each individual event.
If you wish to sign up to receive additional information on time and location for these events as it
becomes available, please visit the following form:
Sign up for more information: http://www.artplaceamerica.org/cdi/grant-workshops/
Region 1: Alaska
February 5:
Juneau, AK
Region 2: California
February 4:
Sacramento, CA
Region 3: Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas
February 4:
Phoenix, AZ
February 9:
Austin, TX
February 10:
Albuquerque, NM
Region 4: Minnesota
February 12:
Grand Rapids, MN
February 13:
Fergus Falls, MN
Region 5: Philadelphia, PA
January 28:
Philadelphia, PA
Region 6: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia
January 28:
Richmond, VA
February 24:
Charlotte, NC
February 25:
Montgomery, AL
February 26:
Nashville, TN
If you have additional questions that are not answered by this document or the grant workshops,
please email ArtPlace staff at cdi@artplaceamerica.org. Staff will either answer your query by
email or set up an opportunity for you to speak via phone.
Frequently Asked Questions
These FAQs are intended to answer as many of your questions as possible. Please read all
questions and answers before sending an inquiry to the ArtPlace staff, who have limited
resources to respond to individual queries.
If you do not see your question posted here, please send an email to cdi@artplaceamerica.org.
Introduction to the Application
Are applicants required to propose specific projects or activities?
The goal of the application process is to identify organizations with the capacity and
interest to participate in this program. Applicants are not required to propose any
specific projects or activities. Upon being selected, ArtPlace and technical advisors will
work with grant recipients to identify opportunities and activities relevant to the place,
organization, and community goals.
What is the grant period for this program? Is this a recurring opportunity?
This is a one-time grant program. The application for this program will open on January
15, 2015 and close March 12, 2015 for a grant start date of September 1, 2015. Grant
recipients will be a part of the program for three years from the grant start date.
How many organizations will be selected to be a part of the program?
ArtPlace will select one organization in each of the six geographical regions.
How much funding will grant recipients receive throughout the program?
Grant recipients will receive $250,000 initially to cover certain administrative costs,
planning, and creative asset mapping in their communities. Each organization will then
have access to up to an additional $2,750,000 to execute projects during the three year
period. The ability to access all of these funds will be dependent on plans submitted to
ArtPlace staff and technical advisors.
What are the expectations of organizations that receive a grant?
Grant recipients will be expected to work with ArtPlace staff to develop project
management plans and budgets, execute creative placemaking projects, and participate
in learning and documentation activities.
Does my organization need to be a 501(c)(3)?
Application organizations must qualify for charitable contributions as described in
Section 170(c)(2)(B) of the Code but are not required to have 501(c)(3) status. No part of
the net earnings of the organization may inure to the benefit of any private shareholder
or individual. If you have questions about the eligibility of your organization’s tax status,
please contact cdi@artplaceamerica.org.
Why is ArtPlace interested in organizations that have not had a significant
history of working with the arts and cultural sector?
One of the core goals of the program is to learn more about the challenges and
opportunities that arise in integrating arts and cultural strategies across many different
aspects of a place-based NGOs work. To date, there are a small number of these types
of organizations that have incorporated arts and cultural strategies into their regular
practice. To increase the overall potential learning opportunities, the CDI will focus
financial and expert investments into organizations that have not yet experimented with
a broad range of arts and cultural strategies, or have only done so on a limited,
individual project basis.
Are quasi-governmental organizations eligible to apply for this program?
This program is designed for non-governmental organizations. However, certain quasigovernmental organizations may be eligible to apply. To be eligible, organizations must
at a minimum have a non-governmental governing body and be able to independently
execute contracts, manage debt, and hire and fire staff. If you have questions about your
organization’s eligibility, please contact cdi@artplaceamerica.org.
Are tribal entities eligible to apply to apply for this program?
This program is designed for non-governmental organizations. However, certain
political subdivisions of tribal entities may be eligible to apply. Eligible subdivisions
must have a separate governing body from the Tribe and its governing body. If you have
questions about your organization’s eligibility, please contact cdi@artplaceamerica.org.
Are community foundations or other types of organizations that provide grants
or intermediary services eligible to apply for this program?
ArtPlace is interested in supporting organizations that execute programs and projects
with a direct impact on the social, economic, and/or physical fabric of a community.
Operating foundations that execute projects outside of grantmaking processes are
eligible to apply. Organizations that primarily provide intermediary services or whose
primary method of executing projects is through the provision grants or funds to other
organizations may not be eligible. If you have questions about your organization’s
eligibility, please contact cdi@artplaceamerica.org.
Are previous ArtPlace grant recipients eligible to apply for this program?
ArtPlace will consider applications from previous grant recipients as long as the
applicants can meet all stated eligibility requirements. Previous grant recipients are
encouraged to talk to ArtPlace staff to determine eligibility.
Does this program require matching funds?
No. There is no outside funding required to participate in this program. However,
ArtPlace anticipates that organizational activities and projects may generate and align
with other forms of capital, government, and philanthropic investments in the
Technical Issues
How can we see the application questions before filling out the online form?
The Application Worksheet includes all of the questions in the online form. Please use
this as a guide for completing your application. ArtPlace America will not provide copies
of submitted applications. We encourage you to print your application or save it on a
local server before you submit through artplaceamerica.fluxx.io. The Application
Worksheet is available at http://www.artplaceamerica.org/ cdi/application-worksheet/
How long will I have to wait to receive login credentials after registering in the
Fluxx system?
We strongly encourage all potential applicants to register in the system as soon as
possible. ArtPlace staff must approve all registrations in the system. Following
registration, please allow up to 2 business days to receive your login credentials. All
registrations must be received by 12pm ET on March 11, 2015 to be eligible to apply for
the program. If you have not received your login credentials after 2 full business days
have passed, please check your spam folder first and then email staff at
Can I save my online application prior to submission?
Yes, the online application has an option to save a draft prior to submission; however, we
strongly encourage all applicants to save a copy of their work on a local server.
I have more questions. Whom do I contact?
You can direct questions not answered by this FAQ document to
ArtPlace America: Community Development Investments
All applications for the Community Development Investments program must be submitted
through our online application system, which can be accessed at artplaceamerica.fluxx.io
To submit an application:
1. Register yourself as a representative of your organization on artplaceamerica.fluxx.io
2. ArtPlace will approve your registration within 2 business days and you will receive a
confirmation email with login information. All registrations on the Fluxx system must be
completed by 12pm ET on March 11, 2015 to be allowed to submit an application.
3. Once you are in the Fluxx system, please follow all instructions to access the CDI
4. All applications must be submitted by 5pm ET on March 12, 2015 to be eligible.
Please note: ArtPlace has an explicit interest in expanding opportunities for the creative
placemaking field. By submitting an application to ArtPlace you are authorizing us to share your
application and submitted materials with other funders interested in supporting creative
placemaking projects across the country. ArtPlace will not share any submitted materials with
individuals or entities outside of the philanthropic sector.
Region (select one):
REGION 1: a community of any size in Alaska
REGION 2: a community of any size in California
REGION 3: a nonmetropolitan area community in Arizona, New Mexico, or Texas
REGION 4: a nonmetropolitan area community in Minnesota
REGION 5: one or more neighborhoods of Philadelphia, PA
REGION 6: a metropolitan community in Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, or West Virginia
The following fields are pre-populated based on the information you provided at registration:
Primary Contact:
If you have registered your Executive Director in our system, you may select that person (or
yourself) from the drop-down menu. If you have not, please check the box and provide contact
information in the fields below.
Executive Director/CEO/President:
Have you previously applied to ArtPlace America (Select one)? [Previous grantee, Previous
finalist, Previously completed a National Grants Program LOI, First time applicant]
Please describe the geographical area for which your organization is responsible (use
political or geographical boundaries as relevant).
Please describe your organization’s tax status and that of all related subsidiary or parent
Please note: We have provided suggested maximum word lengths for each section, which can
be split between the questions as needed. While the system will allow you to provide longer
answers, we strongly encourage you to adhere to these maximums, as concise, concrete
answers will fare better in the process. We do not expect nor require you to use the entire
space provided.
Tell us why you are interested in participating in this initiative, including how you learned
about it and why now is the right time for your organization and/or community to take
advantage of this opportunity. (suggested maximum length: 200 words)
ArtPlace is interested in understanding more about your geographical area of focus.
(suggested maximum length: 150 words)
Please provide a short history and overview of the current social, economic, political,
and/or physical landscape of your geographical area of focus, including demographics,
community challenges, development patterns, population shifts, major industry
investments, major philanthropic investments, and federal designation zones.
ArtPlace is interested in learning more about your organization and work. (suggested maximum
combined length of this section: 500 words)
Please provide a short description of your organization, including mission/vision, size
of staff, and major programmatic areas of work.
Please provide a history of your organization, including evolution of priorities,
leadership transitions, and growth over time.
Please describe your organization’s current leadership. How long have key leaders
been in their positions? What diverse experience and expertise do they bring to the
organization? What is their history and relationship within your geography of focus?
Please describe any major place-based initiatives that the organization has led or
participated in over the last 10 years through fiscal year 2015. Please separate
initiatives by bullets. (Examples: a community master planning process, a Promise
Zone designation, participation in a philanthropic place-based initiative, participation in a
collective impact partnership, etc)
ArtPlace is interested in understanding your relationship with governmental stakeholders in the
community. (suggested maximum combined length of this section: 300 words)
What are the primary ways in which you have worked in the past with local and state
elected officials?
With which local and state government departments do you have the strongest
relationships? How do you engage departments in your projects and planning?
Do you regularly or have you received either federal formula grant funds,
discretionary grant funds, and/or tax credits (LIHTC, New Markets, Historic, etc)? If
yes, what local or state governmental departments or organizations have you worked
with to secure these funds?
ArtPlace recognizes that there are many points of view in every community and is interested in
understanding how you work with various community voices. (suggested maximum combined
length of this section: 200 words)
How does your organization seek out and involve community voices in your and your
community’s planning and decision-making?
Who in your community is not currently being engaged through your regular
processes? What are some of the barriers to their engagement?
ArtPlace is interested in understanding the projects and priorities of your organization and
community. (suggested maximum combined length of this section: 400 words)
Please describe your organization and community’s current planning and
development priorities. What projects and programs are underway or plan to be
started in the next year?
Please describe any projects/programs that may be priorities for your organization
and community to undertake over the next 5-10 years.
ArtPlace is seeking organizations that are interested in working with the arts and cultural
sector, but have not yet done so across a broad range of organizational activities. (suggested
maximum combined length of this section: 200 words)
Please describe, if any, past projects you have executed or relationships that you have
with your local arts and cultural sector.
Please tell us if there are any specific barriers or challenges that you think have
prevented you from working with the sector in the past (knowledge, funding, time,
other priorities, etc).
Please submit the following information and financial statements as separate PDF documents.
When you have added a file through the system, please identify which type of document it is
using the tags noted below:
Community Map: A map that delineates the geographical area for which your
organization is responsible
Board/Governing List: A list of all members of your organization’s board or governing
Budget FY 2015: Operational budget for fiscal year 2015
Budget/Audit FY 2014: Operational budget for fiscal year 2014 (or audited financials if
Audited Financial Statements: Audited financial statements for the three most recent
fiscal years they are available
Please submit the following information in one excel document with multiple tabs. When
uploading, please tag this document as "CDI Excel Attachment" in the menu:
A list of your ten largest financial supporters for the fiscal years 2012-2014 (suggested
format: year(s) – amount – source – project/use)
A list of (up to) your ten largest committed and/or pending sources of financial support
for fiscal years 2015-2017 (suggested format: year(s) – amount – source – project/use –
{committed/pending })
A list of any or all major current or pending sources of debt (suggested format: year(s)
–project/use – debt type – interest rate – principal – outstanding balance – source. If you
do not currently have debt, please leave blank.)
A list of any significant federal grants that your organization and/or community has
applied to in the past 3 years and the status of those grants (suggested format: year(s)
– amount – project/use – department – grant name – {committed/pending/denied}. If you
or your community has not applied to or received any significant federal grants in the
past 3 years, please leave blank.)
About ArtPlace America
ArtPlace America (ArtPlace) is a ten-year collaboration that exists to position art and culture as
a core sector of comprehensive community planning and development in order to help
strengthen the social, physical, and economic fabric of communities.
ArtPlace focuses its work on creative placemaking, the set of practices in which art and culture
work intentionally to help to transform a place. ArtPlace has four core areas of activity: it
manages a national grants program that supports creative placemaking projects in
communities of all sizes; it will extend this work by investing more deeply through multi-year
investments in 5 communities; it seeks to understand, document, and disseminate successful
creative placemaking practices through its research strategies; and it works to connect
practitioners, organizations, and communities with one another.
ArtPlace is a collaboration among the Barr Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, The Ford
Foundation, The James Irvine Foundation, The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, The
Kresge Foundation, The McKnight Foundation, The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, William Penn
Foundation, The Rockefeller Foundation, Rasmuson Foundation, The Surdna Foundation, and
two anonymous donors.
ArtPlace seeks advice and counsel from its close working relationships with the following
federal agencies: the National Endowment for the Arts, the US Departments of Housing and
Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Agriculture, Education, and Transportation,
along with leadership from the White House Office of Management and Budget and the
Domestic Policy Council.
ArtPlace also partners with six major financial institutions: Bank of America, Citi, Deutsche
Bank, Chase, MetLife, and Morgan Stanley. Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. (RPA)
provides ArtPlace with financial, grants management, and administrative support.