Herbaceous Liners
Herbaceous Liners
Liners Catalogue 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering scolopendrium trichomanes ATHYRIUM Hart's tongue fern, evergreen Maidenhair Spleenwort, evergreen 60cm 30cm ***** ***** 108p 108p 105p 105p felix-femina niponicum Metallicum nip. pictum oto. okanum BLECHNUM Bright green Lady Fern, filigree leaves Japanese painted fern Unique metallic colour on its fronds, deciduous Auriculate Lady Fern, shade only, deciduous 1.2m 70cm 50cm 45cm ***** ***** ***** ***** 108p 108p 108p 108p 105p 105p 105p 105p spicant CYRTOMIUM Deer Fern, tough leathery, evergreen leaves 45cm ***** 108p 105p for. clivicola fortunei DRYOPTERIS Japanese Holly Fern, evergreen Holly fern, semi-evergreen 30cm 60cm ***** ***** 108p 108p 105p 105p affinis Crispa crassirhizoma erythrosora felix-mas Cristata filix-mas wallichiana MATTEUCCIA An elegant fern with narrow crested fronds Beautifully cut fronds, deciduous Red colour on lush fronds, evergreen Dwarf, crested fronds, semi evergreen Common fern, semi-evergreen Large shuttle-cock like leaves.Semi evergreen 90cm 1.0m 60cm 90cm 1.5m 90cm ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p struthiopteris OSMUNDA Ostrich Fern, short stem, deciduous 1.3m ***** 108p 105p Cinnamomea regalis PHYLLITIS Large fern with dramatically different fronds Royal Fern, exquisite fronds, deciduous 1.3m 1.2m ***** ***** 108p 108p 105p 105p scolopendrium POLYPODIUM Hart's Tongue Fern, simple undivided fronds 30cm ***** 108p 105p vulgare POLYSTICHUM Evergreen fern, triangular-shaped fronds 30cm ***** 108p 105p Shield Fern. Hardy evergreen, native to the UK Western sword fern, evergreen Dark green fronds covered in golden hairs Dark green fronds, evergreen Dense upright fronds, evergreen Spreading lance shaped fronds, evergreen 60cm 90cm 80cm 1.2m 30cm 60cm ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p Rosy maroon plumes 1.2m E. Autumn 84p 81p buchananii Comans Bronze elata Aurea Frosted Curls oshimensis Evergold testacea trifida FESTUCA Bronze foliage Matt brown drooping foliage Bright yellow, narrowly green edged Green with white curling tips Green/cream variegated Arching copper/ bronze foliage, clump forming Chubby, bullrush-like spikes, broad leaves 50cm 30cm 60cm 30cm 30cm 50cm 90cm ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** L. Sum/Aut 84p 84p 108p 84p 108p 84p 84p 81p 81p 105p 81p 105p 81p 81p glauca Blue Select glauca Elijah Blue HAKONECHLOA Balanced blue clumps Silver-blue needle-like leaves, evergreen 25cm 20cm E. Summer E. Summer 84p 108p 81p 105p macra macra Albo Striata macra Aureola IMPERATA Cascading thin stems A low mound of arching stems Green striped yellow arching leaves 60cm 45cm 30cm ***** Autumn ***** 160p 160p 160p 155p 155p 155p Rich ruby red leaves, rarely flowers 30cm ***** 134p 131p Ferns ASPLENIUM Aculeatum munitum polyblepharum setiferum setiferum Congestum setiferum Herrenhausen Grasses CALAMAGROSTIS brachytricha CAREX cylindrica Red Baron Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 1 Colour and Description Height Flowering 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Grasses LIBERTIA Formosa LIBERTIA gold stripe 1.0m Summer 108p 105p 35cm E. Summer 84p 81p 30cm L. Summer 84p 81p MILIUM effusum Aureum MISCANTHUS Ghana Gold Bar sinensis sin. Morning Light sin. Silberfeder sin. Strictus Variegata Zebrinus Flat, golden arching leaves An upright, clump-forming deciduous grass, with narrow, arching 1.8m foliage.Summer Bright green leaves 134pturning 131pto orange/red Green leaves with cream bars 60cm L. Sum/Aut 134p 131p Green foliage, brown/cream flowers 1.3m L. Summer 84p 81p Light green leaves with white centre and margin 1.5m L. Summer 134p 131p Long overarching leaf blades, white plumes 2.0m L. Summer 160p 155p Green foliage with yellow bands 2.0m L. Summer 160p 155p Narrow, arching, green leaves, striped white 2.1m L. Summer 160p 155p Lemon/green stripes 1.2m L. Summer 160p 155p MOLINIA cae. Variegata PENNISETUM Cream and green variegated leaves 30cm ***** 108p 105p alop. Hameln SCHOENOXIPHIUM Brownish grey flower spikes 1.2m Sum/Aut 108p 105p Golden Caterpillars Green spears, changing to golden tassels 60cm L. Sum/Aut 84p 81p Cernuus Bright green stems and cream flowers 3m Summer 84p 81p arundinacea gigantea tenuissima tenuissima Pony Tails Straw coloured, copper tints. Feathery plumes Large oat-like plumes, dark evergreen leaves Splay-like feathery bristles on shaving brush Soft, wispy pony-tails 60cm 60cm 60cm 60cm Summer Summer Summer Summer 108p 160p 84p 84p 105p 155p 81p 81p egmontiana rubra Crimson bronze leaves, compact Rich red/bronze coarse foliage, evergreen 30cm 45cm ***** ***** 108p 108p 105p 105p Mauve/white spikes, large cut leaf Golden leaved form Mauve spikes, dark divided leaves 1.2m 1.2m 1.2m L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer 108p 134p 108p 105p 131p 105p Light yellow flowers Deep yellow flowers Purple flower heads, very long season Large flat heads of pink flowers, deep green leaf Large clusters of rosy red flowers Apricot flowers, fade to creamy/yellow Clusters of small white flowers Short fiery orange red flowers, grey foliage 80cm 1.0m 55cm 60cm 70cm 80cm 75cm 30cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 108p 84p 108p 84p 84p 108p 84p 84p 105p 81p 105p 81p 81p 105p 81p 81p Dark purple, almost black feathery foliage 80cm L. Summer 160p 156p White trumpet shaped flowers Very dark blue trumpet shaped flowers Blue, black flowers Large blue heads Tall, rich blue flowers in neat heads Large white and blue trumpet shaped flowers Various shades of blue, hardy Clusters of dark blue bells Mid blue variety, dwarf plant Rich violet blue, very tall Deep blue flowerheads on tall stems Compact dense dark blue flowers White variety Large heads of deep white flowers 45cm 60cm 60cm 90cm 75cm 50cm 1.0m 60cm 45cm 1.0m 80cm 1.0m 45cm 1.2m L. Summer Summer Sum/Aut L. Summer L. Summer Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer Summer Summer L. Summer L. Summer 134p 84p 160p 134p 134p 160p 134p 160p 134p 160p 160p 160p 134p 185p 131p 81p 156p 131p 131p 156p 131p 156p 131p 156p 156p 156p 131p 182p SCIRPUS STIPA UNCINIA Herbaceous ACANTHUS mollis mollis Hollard's Gold spinosus ACHILLEA Anthea Cloth of Gold Lilac Beauty Love Parade Red Velvet Terracotta The Pearl Walter Funcke ACTAEA Chocoholic AGAPANTHUS africanus Albus Black Beauty Black Pantha Blue Triumphator Castle of Mey Enigma Headbourne hybrids Navy Blue Peter Pan Purple Cloud Sandringham Sofie umbellatus alba White Heaven Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 2 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering After Eight Black Adder Blue Fortune Dark blue flowers Smoky, violet bottle brush flowers on long spikes Blue flowers 40cm 80cm 1.2m Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Summer 108p 84p 84p 105p 81p 81p Black Scallop rep. Braunherz rep. Burgundy Glow rep. Catlins Giant rep. Chocolate Chip Dark foliage, blue flowers Blue flowers, dark purple shiny leaves Vivid pink flower, variegated foliage Rich blue flowers with purple foliage Lacy blue spikes, chocolate colour foliage 12cm 10cm 10cm 30cm 8cm L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring Summer L. Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p 81p 82p Purple/violet double hollyhock Pink double hollyhock Scarlet double hollyhock White double hollyhock Yellow double hollyhock Single apricot flowers Pink/white toned flowers Cream colured flower spikes Pink flower spikes Single red flowers White flowers with yellow centre Unique dark maroon, single hollyhock 2.5m 2.5m 2.5m 2.5m 2.5m 2.0m 1.5m 1.5m 1.5m 1.2m 2.0m 1.5m Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 81p alpina erythropoda mollis Shiny green leaf, silver underside Yellow-green, hairy leaves Feathery sprays of greeny-yellow 15cm 15cm 45cm Summer Summer Summer 108p 108p 84p 105p 105p 81p cernum Nodding rose pink blooms 35cm Summer 84p 81p Spring/Sum 84p 82p L. Spr/Sum 84p 82p Herbaceous AGASTACHE AJUGA ALCEA Chaters Double Purple Chaters Double Rose Chaters Double Scarlet Chaters Double White Chaters Double Yellow Halo Apricot Halo Blush Halo Cream Halo Pink Halo Red Halo White rosea Nigra ALCHEMILLA ALLIUM ALLIUM Schoenoprasum ANACYCLUS pyr. depressus ANEMONE White daisy-like flowers with red underside hup. Praecox hup. Splendens hyb. Andrea Atkinson hyb. Andrea Atkinson hyb. Honorine Jobert hyb. Loreley hyb. Pamina hyb. Queen Charlotte hyb. Richard Ahrens hyb. September Charm hyb. Whirlwind jap. Prinz Heinrich nemorosa sylvestris Wild Swan ANGELICA Deep pink flowers, single 75cm E. Autumn 108p 105p Pale pink flowers 70cm E. Autumn 108p 105p Single white flowers 75cm E. Autumn 108p 105p Single white flowers 75cm E. Autumn 275p 275p Single white flower with yellow stamens 1.5m E. Autumn 108p 105p Soft pink flowers 1.5m E. Autumn 108p 105p Dark pink double flower with narrow petals 60cm E. Autumn 108p 105p Large pink, semi-double, frilly edged flowers 1.0m E. Autumn 108p 105p Deep pink, semi double flowers 90cm E. Autumn 108p 105p Medium sized pink flowers, semi double 1.3m E. Autumn 108p 105p Semi double white flower 1.5m E. Autumn 108p 105p Large pink flowers 1.3m E. Autumn 108p 105p Wood anemone with white flower 15cm Spring 84p 82p White cup-shaped flowers 25cm E. Summer 84p 81p Tall white flowers with blue markings to the reverse of flower. An 75cm early flowering L. Summer variety of160p this popular 156p garden plan archangelica ANTHEMIS Greenish white to cream umbels 2.0m Summer 84p 81p punc. cupaniana Tetworth tin. E. C. Buxton tin. Sauce Hollandaise ANTHRISCUS White daisy-like flowers, silver foliage Creamy yellow, grey green foliage Lemon yellow daisies Creamy white daisies 30cm 90cm 90cm 90cm Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p Ravenswing sylvestris AQUILEGIA * Cream/white umbels, brown/purple leaf, biennial White umbels, biennial 45cm 2.0m Spr/E. Aut L. Spring 84p 84p 81p 81p Pale blue flowers Bright violet blue, spurless flowers Greenish white, clematis style flowers Large flowers of mixed colours Compact, long spurred, pink and white flowers Compact, long spurred, white flowers 45cm 45cm 60cm 85cm 30cm 9cm L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p Blue Star Clementine Blue Green Apples McKana Hybrids Spring Magic Rose Spring Magic White Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant 15cm * Hazardous Plant Page 3 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering Compact, long spurred, yellow flowers Double purple black flowers Fully double violet blue flower Violet blue flowers Snow white flowers Pink flowers edged with white Rich ruby red flowers Blue flowers, yellow/green variegated foliage Black and white flowers Pale yellow, double flowers 30cm 80cm 75cm 90cm 70cm 75cm 80cm 75cm 45cm 60cm L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p caucasica Snowfix f.c. old gold ARENARIA Cushions small snow-white flowers, fragrant White flowers, green/gold creeping mat 12cm 5cm Spring Spring 84p 84p 82p 82p purpurascens ARMERIA Star like pink flowers 15cm L. Spr/Sum 84p 82p maritima Dusseldorf Pride ARTEMISIA Bright red flowers, dark green hummocks 20cm Summer 84p 82p discolor Powis Castle Valerie Finnis Sweet scent, rusty/orange flowers, silver leaf Beautiful silver filigree foliage Silver grey foliage 45cm 60cm 45cm Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p italicum Marmoratum Red fruits,marbled colour, dark green leaf 30cm Spring 108p 105p frikartii Monch lat. Prince Little Carlow n.a. Alma Potschke n.b. Alice Haslam n.b. Audrey n.b. Blue Lagoon n.b. Jenny n.b. Lady in Blue n.b. Little Pink Beauty thomsonii Nanus Lavender flowers, long season Dark purple leaf and stem, small white flowers Pale blue flowers with yellow centres Bright neon rose/pink daisy-like flowers Single cerise flowerhead, neat bushy habit Mauve/blue flowers Violet/blue daisy-like flowers Double, rose/red daisy-like flowers Masses of lavender-blue flowers in Autumn Semi-double pink flowers Blue flowers 90cm 60cm 90cm 50cm 40cm 60cm 75cm 30cm 30cm 40cm 30cm L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut L. Sum/Aut Summer 108p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 105p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p are. Fanal Europa jap. Washington Spinell Weisse Gloria ASTRANTIA Crimson-red plumes, dark leaves Pale pink fragrant flowers Early white flowering Carmine red flowers One of the best whites 90cm 60cm 60cm 80cm 60cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p Buckland major major Superstar Ruby Star AUBRIETA Dusky pink flowers, silvery green bracts Pink/white flowers with divided foliage Large green tipped, white flowers Dark red flowers with black tips 60cm 90cm 60cm 60cm Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Spring/Sum Summer 160p 108p 160p 134p 156p 105p 156p 131p Bressingham Red Dr Mules Variegata Hamburger Stadtpark Kitte Blue BALLOTA Single red flower, clump forming Single violet flower, variegated foliage Large single purple flower Large blue flowers, compact plant 8cm 8cm 8cm 8cm L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring L. Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p 82p Pseudodictamnus BAPTISIA Silver, Grey, foliage. 60cm ***** 84p 81p australis BERGENIA Bright indigo flowers, blue/green foliage 1.2m Summer 108p 105p Semi-double magenta flowers, evergreen leaves Large sugar-pink flowers fade to white Glossy strong red foliage, red flowers White flowers Pink flowers, leathery round leaves Evergreen ground cover with pink blooms Glossy evergreen with red flowers Red flowers, red autumn and winter foliage 30cm 40cm 50cm 30cm 45cm 45cm 30cm 45cm Spring Spr/E. Sum Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 134p 134p 134p 134p 84p 84p 84p 84p 131p 131p 131p 131p 81p 81p 81p 81p Herbaceous AQUILEGIA * Spring Magic Yellow vul. Black Barlow vul. Blue Barlow vulgaris vul. Nivea vul. Nora Barlow vul. Ruby Port vul. Variegated vul. William Guiness x caerulea Sunshine ARABIS ARUM * ASTER ASTILBE Abendglut Bach Bartok Bressingham White cordifolia cordifolia Rose cordifolia Rotblum cordifolia Winterglut Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 4 Colour and Description Height Flowering Ice Queen Morgenrote Overture Silberlicht Spring Fling Wintermarchen BRUNNERA Posies of greenish cream and green flowers Deep pink, flowers early Magenta flowers, glossy red winter foliage White flowers, turning pink Prolific flowering variety with gorgeous shell pink flowers Rose-red flowers, red autumn/winter foliage 30cm 40cm 30cm 30cm 45cm 30cm Alexanders Great BRUNNERA 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Herbaceous BERGENIA E. Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p Giant version of Jack Frost. Large silver leaves with blue flowers 60cm Spring 160p 156p Silver foliage, blue flowers Blue flowers, leaves splashed with cream Sprays of light blue flowers, silvered leaves Silver leaf, sky blue flowers Blue forget-me-not type flower White forget-me-not type flowers Blue flowers, cream variegated leaves 30cm 50cm 50cm 40cm 45cm 40cm 45cm Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 185p 134p 185p 160p 108p 160p 160p 160p 182p 131p 182p 156p 105p 156p 156p 156p Sempervirens CALTHA * Traditional box hedging 1.2m ***** 108p 105p palustris CAMPANULA Deep yellow cup flowers, fleshy green leaves 50cm Spring 108p 105p alliariifolia Bonne Amie carpatica Blue Clips carpatica White Clips coch. White Baby gar. Dickson's Gold glomerata alba glomerata Superba Haylodgensis Kent Belle lac. Loddon Anna lac. Prichard's Variety lac. White Pouffe latifolia Alba per. Cornish Mist persicifolia persicifolia alba per. Telham Beauty poscharskyana pos. Hirsch Blue pos. Stella pulla Resholdts Variety Ringsabell Indigo Blue Sarastro takesimana Elizabeth thyrsoides trac. Bernice CARYOPTERIS Large creamy white bell-like flowers Double white flowers Open blue bell-shaped flowers, strong tufts Open white bell-shaped flower, strong tufts Half nodding white bells Blue flower with golden foliage, likes shade White bell flowers Deep purple bell-shaped flowers, erect stems Dwarf plant, small lavender blue double flowers Large shiny violet blue bells Lilac-pink bells, tall stems Large heads of rich purple/blue bells White bells, compact variety White flowers Large pale blue bells on tall stems Nodding lilac-blue blooms, evergreen White bell shaped flowers Large nodding sky blue flowers Lavender blue flowers Star-shaped blue flowers, compact Violet blue star-like flower, fast creeper Long purple flower, spreading mats Deep blue flowers, leafy mats Large dangling tubular deep blue flowers Dwarf glossy black/blue bell flowers Large pink bells White orchid like flower Double purple bells with serrated leaves 45cm 35cm 20cm 20cm 8cm 10cm 50cm 60cm 15cm 1.0m 1.2m 1.3m 40cm 90cm 60cm 90cm 90cm 1.0m 5cm 20cm 10cm 8cm 8cm 45cm 60cm 50cm 50cm 55cm Summer Summer L. Summer L. Summer Summer L. Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 160p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 108p 84p 84p 84p 84p 160p 84p 84p 108p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 134p 108p 108p 84p 134p 81p 156p 82p 82p 82p 82p 81p 81p 82p 105p 81p 81p 81p 81p 156p 81p 81p 105p 81p 82p 82p 82p 82p 131p 105p 105p 81p 131p cland.Dark Knight cland. Grand Blue CATANANCHE Clusters of dark blue flowers in late summer 60cm E. Autumn 160p 156p Caryopteris cland. Grand Blue. Deep Violet blue flowers. Blooms 80cm prolifically E. Autumn from late summer. 160p 156p Prefers sheltered caerulea caerulea Alba CENTAUREA Lavender/blue cornflowers, arching wiry stalks White cornflowers, branching wiry stalks 60cm 60cm Summer Summer 84p 84p 81p 81p atropurpurea montana Nigra CENTRANTHUS Tight deep ruby flower heads Blue thistle like flowers Purple thistle like flowers 1.2m 50cm Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p Pure white flowers Fragrant, deep cherry-red flowers 60cm 1.0m Summer Summer 84p 84p 81p 81p Emerald Mist Hadspen Cream Jack Frost (PBR) Looking Glass(PBR) macrophylla macrophylla Marley's White mac. Variegata Silver Spear BUXUS rub. Albus rub. coccineus Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 5 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering gigantea CERATOSTIGMA Primrose yellow scabious blooms 1.8m E. Summer 84p 81p plumbaginoides CERINTHE Brilliant blue flower, leaves with red tints 40cm L. Summer 84p 81p major Purpurascens CHELONE Violet blue flowers, steel blue bracts 45cm E. Summer 84p 81p glabra obliqua CIMICIFUGA White snap dragon-like blooms Deep carmine pink snap dragon-like blooms 60cm 60cm Autumn Autumn 84p 84p 81p 81p sim. Atropurpurea Fragrant ivory white spikes, purple foliage 2.0m L. Summer 160p 156p diacantha Purple flower spike in grey/green leaf rosette 70cm Summer 84p 81p 1.5m Summer 134p 131p Herbaceous CEPHALARIA CIRSIUM CIRSIUM Mount Etna CIRSIUM riv. Atropurpurea Trevor Blue Wonder COREOPSIS Deep crimson flowers, shiny dark green leaves Striking purple/blue pinchusion-like flowerheads 1.2m 9cm Summer Summer 134p 160p 131p 156p Presto rosea Sunray vert. Moonbeam vert. Zagreb CORYDALIS Golden yellow flowers Double golden flowers Lemon star-shaped flowers, filigree foliage Golden yellow flowers, filigree foliage 15cm 60cm 50cm 35cm Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Sum/Aut 84p 84p 108p 84p 81p 81p 105p 81p flex. China Blue flex. Purple Leaf lutea Long blue spikes with lacy foliage Pale blue spurs, dark foliage Yellow flowers, soft green foliage 30cm 20cm 20cm Spring/Sum Spring/Sum L. Spr/Aut 108p 108p 84p 105p 105p 82p atrosanguineus Chocamocha Burgundy, chocolate scented blooms Improved form of atrosanguineus 30cm 25cm Summer Summer 134p 134p 131p 131p Tiny clouds of white flowers with large leaves Sea Kale, cream flowers, blue green leaf 1.8m 75cm E. Summer E. Summer 134p 108p 131p 105p Babylon Carmin Brilliant Emily McKenzie George Davidson Lucifer Paul's Best Yellow Star of the East Superb vibrant orange flowers Red/orange flowers Large orange/brown blooms on tall stems Soft apricot/yellow flowers Striking scarlet flower on tall pleated stem Very vigorous. Huge golden-yellow flowers Very large star-shaped pure orange blooms 60cm 60cm 90cm 70cm 90cm 90cm 1.0m Sum/Aut L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer Summer L. Summer 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 160p 134p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 156p 131p cardunculus scolymus Tall blue, thistle-like cardoons Large purple edible Artichoke 1.7m 1.0m Summer Summer 108p 108p 105p 105p Black Star Cornish Ruby DELPHINIUM * Very dark crimson flowers, very dark foliage Delicate, single violet/pink flowers 75cm 60cm Sum/Aut Sum/Aut 108p 108p 105p 105p Highlander Moonlight Highlander Sweet Sensation Pac. Astolat Pac. Black knight Pac. Blue Bird Pac. Galahad Pac. Guinevere Pac. King Arthur Pac. Summer skies DIANTHUS Soft lilac double flowers Frilly bright mauve/purple flowers Pink flowers with black eye Deep violet flowers with black eye Pale blue flowers with white eye Pure white flowers Lavender rose flowers with white eye Dark blue flowers with white eye Pale blue flowers with white eye 1.0m 1.0m 80cm 90cm 90cm 90cm 90cm 90cm 90cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 160p 160p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 156p 156p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p Double frilly white scented flowers 30cm Non flowering form of sweet william.Vibrant green pompom heads 45cm Small, single, magenta flowers 40cm Double red carnation 30cm Double cream/white carnation, magenta centre 30cm Purple flowers, ruby red centre. Very fragrant 30cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 160p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 156p 81p 81p 81p 81p COSMOS CRAMBE cordifolia maritima CROCOSMIA CYNARA DAHLIA Alan Titchmarsh barbatus Green Trick Carthusianorum Pink Cheryl Cranmere Pool Devon Wizard Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 6 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering Double rose/pink carnation with deep centre Bright red double flower, compact Double red/purple carnation, white background Double flowered, pale pink blooms Very fragrant repeat flowering white flowers Darkest maroon with white edges Double white carnation Bright pink flowers Blush pink with a raspberry red eye Double rosy pink carnation Compact plants, large, rosy-red fragrant flowers Deep lavender blooms Scented purple flower on compact plant Double, pink scented flower 30cm 10cm 30cm 40cm 30cm 15cm 40cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 20cm 8cm 10cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 82p 81p 81p 81p 82p 81p 82p 82p 81p 81p 82p 82p 82p fetcaniensis personata vigilis DICENTRA * Pink flowers Bright pink flowers, hardy pale pink flowers, mat forming pale green leaf 30cm 1.0m 50cm Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p form. Adrian Bloom form. aurora form. Bacchanal form. Boothmans formosa King of Hearts Luxuriant spectabilis spectabilis alba DIGITALIS * Deep red large blooms White blooms, filigree foliage Soft crimson red blooms Dusty pink flowers, fine cut, steel blue leaves Pink flower, filligree foliage Deep pink flowers Large, bright pink blooms, filigree foliage Bleeding heart, rosy red blooms White flowering form 30cm 30cm 30cm 25cm 30cm 45cm 30cm 60cm 60cm E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 134p 108p 84p 84p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 131p 105p 81p 81p Dalmatian Cream Dalmatian Peach Dalmatian Peach Dalmatian Purple Dalmatian Rose Dalmatian White Glory Of Roundway grandiflora carillion mertonensis ner. Pam's Choice ner. Snow Thimble parviflora purp. Alba purp. Albiflora purp. excelsior hybrid purp. Sutton's Apricot purpurea purpurea Summer King DORONICUM Cream flowers with spotted throats Striking peach flowered foxglove with dark spots Striking peach flowered foxglove with dark spots Purple flowers with dark spots Rose flowered foxglove with dark spots White flowered foxglove with dark spots Apricot pink flowers Soft yellow flowers Unique strawberry colour trumpets Large white bells, burgundy throat Pure white, pendulous bells Tiny chocolate brown & white flowers White foxglove Traditional foxglove, white flowers White, cream, pink or purple flowers Apricot coloured foxglove Traditional foxglove, purple pink flowers Traditional foxglove, purple pink flowers Compact foxglove with strawberry rose flowers 50cm 45cm 45cm 45cm 45cm 45cm 1.0m 35cm 80cm 1.2m 1.0m 60cm 1.0m 1.2m 1.5m 90cm 1.2m 1.2m 90cm Summer Spring Spring Summer Summer E. Summer L. Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 275p 84p 84p 84p 160p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 160p 84p 81p 81p 275p 81p 81p 81p 156p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 160p 81p Little Leo Magnificum ECHINACEA Yellow flowers Large yellow flower heads on long stems 35cm 50cm Spring Spring 84p 84p 81p 81p Green Envy (PVR) ECHINACEA Green flowers, red centre 90cm Sum/Aut 185p 182p Kims Knee High (PBR) ECHINACEA Unusual clear bright pure pink flowers 55cm Summer 160p 156p Pinkish purple flowers, short growing Pink flowers, red cones White flowers, short in height Large open purple flowers, lovely stately plant Purple-pink flowers surrounding a brown cone Larger soft purple blooms, red centre White daisy-like flowers with yellow centres Large, double bright pink flowers Rich orange blooms with a darker cone Bright red flowers 45cm 60cm 55cm 1.2m 80cm 1.2m 70cm 60cm 50cm 70cm Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Summer L. Summer Summer Summer Summer L. Summer Sum/Aut 160p 160p 108p 84p 160p 84p 84p 185p 160p 160p 156p 156p 105p 81p 156p 81p 81p 182p 156p 156p Herbaceous DIANTHUS Doris Fusilier Gran's Favourite Haytor Rock Memories Mendlesham Minx Mrs Sinkins Pink Jewel Raspberry Sundae Rose Joy Rupert's Pink Tickled Pink Warden Hybrids Whatfield Can Can DIASCIA Little Magnus Pica Bella Pow Wow White purpurea purpurea Fatal Attraction purpurea Magnus purpurea White Swan Secret Romance Tangerine Dream Tomato Soup Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 7 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering White Meditation ECHINOPS Large white flowers 50cm Summer 134p 131p ban. Taplow Blue ritro ritro Veitch's Blue ERIGERON Large blue ball flowers, striking blue-grey plant Spherical dark blue blooms, prickly leaves Steel blue flower clusters, blue grey foliage 1.5m 1.2m 1.2m L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer 108p 84p 108p 105p 81p 105p com. Darkest of All karvinskianus (Profusion) pink jewel ERODIUM Deep violet flowers Masses of white and pink daisy-like flowers Lilac/rose, yellow centre, daisy-like flower 60cm 10cm 75cm Summer Summer Summer 108p 84p 84p 105p 81p 81p manescavii ERYNGIUM Pink/purple flower, darker blotches on leaf 50cm Summer 84p 81p agavifolium bourgatii giganteum Miss Wilmotts Ghost Pen Blue planum planum Blue Hobbit variifolium Yuccifolium Zabelii Big Blue ERYNGIUM X ZABELII Green-white thistle, spiny leaves 90cm Summer Blue/green, thistle-like, silver veined foliage 60cm Summer Blue heads, robust biennial 1.2m Summer Robust biennial has blue flower heads in summer and silvery spriny 1.2mbracts Summer Blue bracts over silver foliage 60cm Summer Pale blue teasel like flowers 90cm Summer Deep blue flowers, compact 30cm Summer Grey/blue heads,silver veined foliage, evergreen 45cm Summer Sea Holly, white flowers 1.5m Summer Electric blue sea holly, blue extends down stem 90cm Summer 84p 134p 108p 108p 160p 84p 84p 84p 84p 160p 81p 131p 105p 105p 156p 81p 81p 81p 81p 156p Violetta ERYSIMUM Stunningly good cultivar with large heads of violet-blue stems 60cm Summer 160p 156p Bowles Mauve Sweet Sorbet Winter Joy EUPATORIUM Scented mauve flowers, grey-green leaves Purple, yellow flowers Large purple, mauve flowers 60cm 60cm 50cm Spring/Sum Spring/Sum Spring/Sum 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p Atropurpureum Chocolate EUPHORBIA * Large deep purple-red flowers, mottled stems White flowers, bushy, chocolate-brown leaves 1.5m 60cm L. Summer L. Summer 84p 84p 81p 81p Lime green bracts, good reddish winter foliage Green/yellow bracts with evergreen foliage Yellow-green flowers, spectacular blue leaves Yellow/green flowers, short dense, evergreen Yellow bracts, good winter foliage Green/yellow bracts. Red foliage Vivid brick red bracts, red tinged foliage Variegated foliage turning red in cold weather Cross between Amygdaloides/Characias Green/yellow/purple-eyed flowers, evergreen Green/yellow/purple-eyed flowers, evergreen Bronze coloured, honey scented flowers Yellow flowers, blue green leaves Yellow bracts, green leaf, white stripe 45cm 60cm 60cm 60cm 1.2m 40cm 90cm 60cm 60cm 60cm 60cm 2.0m 30cm 60cm Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 275p 108p 84p 134p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 275p 105p 81p 131p Common FOENICULUM Fern-like leaves, dark green foliage, aniseed 30cm Summer 84p 81p vul. Purpureum FRAGARIA Yellow umbels, bronze leaved fennel 50cm Summer 84p 81p Vesca Vesca FRANCOA Wild strawberry, white flowers turn to red fruits Wild strawberry, white flowers turn to red fruits 30cm 30cm Summer Summer 84p 160p 81p 160p Pink bell shaped flowers with darker markings 60cm E. Summer 108p 105p Wonderful splash of pink and purple 1.5m Summer 84p 81p Red/yellow daisy like flowers 35cm Summer 84p 81p Herbaceous ECHINACEA amy. Purpurea amy. robbiae cha. Blue Wonder cha. Humpty Dumpty cha. Wulfenii cypariassis fens ruby gri. Fireglow mart. Ascot Rainbow (PBR) martinii martinii Tiny Tim martinii Tiny Tim Mellifera myrsinites wallichii FENNEL sonchifolia FUCHSIA Riccartonii GAILLARDIA gra. kobold Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 8 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering officinalis officinalis Alba Mauve globular flowers, vetch-like leaves White flowering form 1.0m 1.0m Summer Summer 84p 84p 81p 81p odoratum Sweetly scented white flowers 25cm L. Spring 108p 105p White flowers with pink picotee edge over cream,/green/purple variegated 75cm Summer foliage White flowers 90cm Summer Upright and bushy, pink flowers 70cm Summer Upright and bushy, pink flowers 70cm Summer Upright and bushy, white flowers 70cm Summer Upright and bushy, white flowers 70cm Summer Masses of white star-shaped flowers 90cm Summer White butterfly flowers in abundance 1.0m Summer White flower with a pink picotee edge 75cm Summer 108p 84p 275p 84p 275p 84p 84p 84p 84p 105p 81p 275p 81p 275p 81p 81p 81p 81p Anne Thompson Ann Folkard Blue Sunrise Blushing Turtle Brookside Catherine Deneuve cla. Kashmir White him. Plenum Johnsons Blue Joy Katherine Adele Lilac Ice macr. Album macr. Bevans Variety macr. Ingwersen's Variety macr. spessart macr. White Ness macu. Chatto macu. Espresso magnificum Orion oxo. Wargrave Pink phaeum Album phaeum Samobor Phillipe Vapelle pra. Galactic pra. Hocus Pocus pra. Marshmallow pra. Mrs Kendall Clark pra. Summer Skies psilostemon pyr. Bill Wallis renardii riv. Mavis Simpson riv. Russell Pritchard san. Album san. Elke san. Glenluce san. Max Frei san. striatum syl. Amy Doncaster wal. Azure Rush wal. Rozanne (PBR) Intense magenta flowers Bright purple flower with gold/green leaf Gold leaves, blue flowers Soft shell pink flowers Dark blue flowers Narrow magenta petals Large white pink veined flower, bushy plant Double violet/blue flowers, creeper Mauvy/blue flowers in abundance Pale pink flowers, rose centres, felty, grey/green leaves Large light pink flowers, striking foliage Sport of Geranium Rozanne with lilac flowers White with aromatic leaf, ground cover Pale crimson/purple with aromatic leaf Soft rose/pink with aromatic leaf White flowers with aromatic leaf White flowers with long yellow stamens Soft lilac flowers Coffee coloured foliage with pink flowers Large blue flowers, good autumn colour Blue flowers with violet/red veins Clear pink flowers White flowers Purple-black flower, striking leaf Double blue flowers with crimped grey leaves Clear white flowers throughout summer Large lavender flowers, bronze/purple foliage Soft pale pink single flowers with darker veins Blue flowers with soft silver veining Double, light mauve/pink blooms Carmine flowers with a black eye Abundant tiny violet purple flowers White and lilac veined flowers, grey-green leaf Pale pink with silver sheen Intense carmine red, creeper Long flowering white Pink flowers with white centres and edges Pink flowers, low growing Deep pink flowers Attractive clear pink blooms Clear blue flowers with a white eye Sky-blue flowers with a white eye Large violet-blue blooms, very long flowering 45cm 60cm 25cm 60cm 60cm 60cm 45cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 35cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 50cm 40cm 60cm 45cm 60cm 60cm 60cm 40cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Sum/Aut Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer L. Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer L. Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 40cm Summer 50cm 1.2m 80cm 60cm 30cm 45cm 15cm 30cm 20cm 30cm 25cm 30cm 90cm 50cm 50cm Summer Summer Summer L. Spring Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 134p 134p 160p 160p 108p 134p 108p 108p 108p 134p 134p 160p 108p 108p 108p 108p 84p 108p 108p 108p 134p 108p 108p 108p 134p 160p 134p 160p 84p 134p 134p 108p 134p 134p 134p 84p 134p 84p 84p 84p 108p 134p 185p 131p 131p 156p 156p 105p 131p 105p 105p 105p 131p 131p 156p 105p 105p 105p 105p 81p 105p 105p 105p 131p 105p 105p 105p 131p 156p 131p 156p 81p 131p 131p 105p 131p 131p 131p 81p 131p 81p 81p 81p 105p 131p 182p coccineum Koi Flames of Passion Lady Stratheden Lady Stratheden Mai Tai Mrs Bradshaw Bright orange flowers Double red flowers Yellow flowers Yellow flowers Apricot orange flowers on wiry stems Scarlet semi-double flowers 20cm 40cm 60cm 60cm 45cm 40cm Summer L. Spr/Sum Summer Summer Spring/Sum Summer 84p 160p 275p 84p 160p 84p 81p 156p 275p 81p 156p 81p Herbaceous GALEGA GALIUM GAURA Freefolk Rosy Karalee White lind.Geyser Pink lind.Geyser Pink lind.Geyser White lind.Geyser White lindheimeri lind. Whirling Butterflies Rosy Jane GERANIUM GEUM Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 9 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering trif.Pink Profusion HELENIUM Pink starry flowers, reddish leaves, deep red stems 50cm L. Spring 160p 156p Double Trouble Helena Red Kanaria Moerheim Beauty Ruby Tuesday sahins HELIANTHEMUM Double yellow flowers carried on tall stems Daisy like flowers in different shades of red Abundant yellow daisy like flowers Bronze to crimson flowers, sturdy plant Masses of rich ruby red flowers Long lasting orange/yellow flowers 60cm 1.2m 1.2m 75cm 50cm 90cm Summer Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Sum/Aut 134p 84p 108p 108p 108p 84p 131p 81p 105p 105p 105p 81p Ben Fhada Ben Hope Cerise Queen Gold Queen Lawrenson's Pink The Bride Wisley Pink Wisley Primrose HELLEBORUS * Deep yellow with red eye Carmine red flowers, orange centre Intense cerise double flowers, dark leaves Single yellow flowers, dark green leaves Pink flowers White with yellow centre, silver-green foliage Soft pink flowers, large yellow centres Lovely pale yellow, silver-green foliage 10cm 15cm 15cm 25cm 20cm 15cm 15cm 15cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p argutifolius Lime yellow cup-shaped flowers, bushy foetidus Pale green flowers rimmed with purple Lividus Cream pink flowers, attractive foliage orientalis Various colours, prostrate, evergreen orientalis Burgundy Burgundy flowers orientalis clear white Clusters of cup-shaped, white flowers orientalis Slatey Blue Shades of blue/grey flowers orient. Anemone centred YellowSemi doulbe yellow flowers orient. Anemone pink spotted Semi double pink spotted flowers orient.double mixed Semi double flowers, mixed colours orient.double pink Spotted Double pink flowers with dark pink spots. orient.double purple Double purple flowers orient double white spotted Double white, pink spotted flowers orient.double yellow spotted Double yellow flowers with white spots orient.pink spotted Pink spotted flowers orient.Single gold red star Single flowers, red spots in star shape at centre orient.Single red Cup shaped, single red flowers orient.white spotted Creamy white flowers flecked with maroon spots. orient.yellow spotted Pale, lemon/yellow flowers, small purple spots x nigercors Emma White flowers with red spotting. HEMEROCALLIS 60cm 45cm 35cm 45cm 45cm 45cm 45cm 30cm 45cm 30cm 45cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 45cm 30cm 30cm 45cm 45cm 45cm Winter/Spr Winter/Spr Winter/Spr Winter/Spr Winter/Spr Winter/Spr Winter/Spr Spring Winter/Spr Spring Winter/Spr Spring Spring Spring Winter/Spr Spring Spring Winter/Spr Winter/Spr Spring 84p 84p 134p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 185p 81p 81p 131p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 182p Golden Chimes Stella D'Oro HESPERIS Yellow trumpets/brown reverse Yellow trumpets, long flowering 75cm 55cm Summer Summer 108p 108p 105p 105p matronalis violet matronalis white HEUCHERA Large spikes of double lilac flowers Tall profusion of white flowers 90cm 60cm Summer Summer 84p 84p 81p 81p Cherry red leaves in summer Ruffled, deep purple/black, thick leaves Large rose pink coloured leaves Dark leaves with white flowers Near black foliage with excellent texture. Cream flower sprays Honey apricot leaves, white blooms Lovely rusty red foliage White bells, chocolate/maroon ruffled leaf Peachy orange leaves Dark red foliage Violet/pink foliage and ruffled leaves Rose purple leaves, pink to silver overlay Ginger coloured, silver veiled foliage Orange ruffled foliage Silvery green leaves Silvery green leaves with dark green veining Lime coloured foliage, strong grower Amber to peachy bronze foliage Dark, almost black leaves Sprays of white bells, purple leaf Rich peach foliage Pink leaves, underside bright pink with dark veins 30cm 45cm 45cm 45cm 30cm 25cm 40cm 40cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 20cm 30cm 25cm 20cm 30cm 45cm 40cm 60cm 60cm 40cm 30cm Summer Summer Summer Spring Summer Summer Spring Summer Summer Spring/Sum Summer L. Spr/Aut Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer L. Spr/Sum 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 84p 160p 160p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 81p 156p 156p Herbaceous GILLENIA Autumn Leaves Berry Marmalade Berry Smoothie Binoche Black Sea Caramel (PBR) Cherry Cola Chocolate Ruffles (PBR) Creme Brulee Fire Chief Frosted Violet Georgia Plum Ginger Ale Ginger Peach Green Spice Jade Gloss Lime Marmalade Marmalade Obsidian Palace Purple Peach Flambe Peneloppe Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 10 Colour and Description Height Flowering Ginger leaves with silver overlay Tiny maroon/green bells, ruffled deep red leaf Dark veining over a pewter background Silver/purple foliage, white flowers on dark stems Metallic silver purple leaves Creamy mottled foliage, bright pink flowers Dark foliage, white flowers A large heuchera with ruffled purple foliage Strawberry pink flowers Colours range from chartreuse to red with silver edges Colours range from chartreuse to red with silver edges 25cm 50cm 30cm 30cm 55cm 35cm 35cm 45cm 60cm 45cm 45cm 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Herbaceous HEUCHERA Pinot Gris Plum Pudding (PBR) Saturn Shanghai Silver Scrolls (PBR) Snow Angel Sparkling Burgundy Spellbound Strawberry Swirl Tiramisu Tiramisu HEUCHERELLA Summer Summer Summer E. Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 295p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 295p Vigourous with green to yellow leaves with darker markings. White 50cm flowers Summer Brassy orange leaves 40cm Summer Yellow leaves, marked red 45cm Summer Yellow to lime green leaves, red splashes 30cm L. Summer Large bright yellow leaves, red central blotch 30cm Summer Cinnamon coloured palmate leaves 60cm Summer Multicoloured veiled foliage 40cm Summer 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 160p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p 156p Grey/white flowers, puckered grey blue leaves Miniature Hosta, blue foliage and liac flowers Shiny dark green leaves The biggest Hosta. Needs a moist soil. Lavender flowers, yellow margins on leaves Large heart-shaped leaves with a white edge Blue leaves with yellow centre Blue lance shaped leaves, lavender flowers White to lavender flowers, silver blue leaf Lavender flowers, white centres on leaves Blue grey foliage, lavender flowers Yellow/orange centered leaves with green edge Lavender flowers, white/green leaves Blue-green leaves with pale lavender flowers Dark olive/green, heart-shaped leaves Puckered heart/shaped bluish grey/green leaves Giant heart shaped lime green leaves Dark green centered leaves, creamy margins Golden foliage Lavender blue flowers, cream-edged leaves 50cm 20cm 50cm 1.2m 75cm 45cm 75cm 40cm 50cm 35cm 75cm 50cm 40cm 50cm 40cm 60cm 75cm 45cm 60cm 45cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 160p 134p 134p 160p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 156p 131p 131p 156p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p Limelight Merveille Sanguine Deep red flowers and dark reddish foliage 30cm Autumn 160p 185p 156p 182p Common Slightly bitter minty flavour used in soups etc. 60cm Summer 84p 81p semp. Appen Etz semp. Appen Etz Early flowering big white flowers, compact Early flowering big white flowers, compact 15cm 15cm Spring Spring 84p 0p 82p 0p Lilac flower, rich green leaves, orange berries Fragrant pale blue flowers Fleshy rosettes with multi-flowered stems Violet blue flower Ruffled flowers of vivid blue Pale blue flowers White flowers Pink flowers Rich velvety blue flowers 45cm 85cm 50cm 90cm 60cm 90cm 90cm 90cm 85cm E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer 108p 160p 84p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 84p 105p 156p 82p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 81p Palmata Creamy-yellow shuttlecock flowers 1.2m L. Summer 108p 105p Jardin en Face macedonica mac. Mars Midget mac. Melton Pastels mac. Red Knight Lilac/pink pincushion flowers, branching stem Crimson pin cushions on many branching stems Ruby red pin cushion flowers, compact Pincushion flowers in soft shades of rose pink Red pin-cushion flowers 80cm 60cm 40cm 1.2m 60cm L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer 108p 108p 108p 84p 108p 105p 105p 105p 81p 105p Art Nouveau Brass Lanterns Golden Zebra (PPAF,PVR) Solar Power Stoplight Sweet Tea Tapestry HOSTA Big Daddy Blue Mouse Ears Devon Green Empress Wu Frances Williams Frosted Jade Great Expectations Hadspen Blue halycon June (PBR) Krossa Regal Orange Marmalade Patriot Prince of Wales Reversed sieboldiana elegans Sum & Substance Twilight und. August Moon Widebrim HYDRANGEA HYSSOP IBERIS IRIS * foetidissima Jane Phillips setosa sibirica Blue King sibirica Ego sibirica Perry's Blue sibirica Snow Queen sibirica Sparkling Rose sibirica Teal Velvet KIRENGOSHOMA KNAUTIA Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 11 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering Red pin-cushion flowers Magenta flowers, cream & green foliage 60cm 40cm L. Summer Summer 275p 134p 275p 131p Greenish yellow flowers. Slender soft coral-apricot to cream pokers Cream/yellow flowers Large plentiful heads of cream flowers Coral red flower spikes Vibrant red/orange flowers. Long flowering Red/orange and soft gold flowers Burnt orange flower spikes soften to pale yellow Orange, yellow spires Brownish cream flowers Various shades of poker flowers 85cm 75cm 90cm 60cm 80cm 60cm 60cm 85cm 75cm 90cm 90cm 80cm Sum/Aut Summer L. Summer Sum/Aut Summer L. Summer Summer L. Summer L. Sum/Aut Summer Summer L. Summer 134p 134p 134p 134p 160p 134p 160p 108p 134p 134p 134p 84p 131p 131p 131p 131p 156p 131p 156p 105p 131p 131p 131p 81p mac. Beacon Silver mac. Red Nancy mac. White Nancy Orvala LATHYRUS Purple flowers, silver and green foliage Rose pink flowers, silver/green leaves Silver variegated leaves Central silver marking on leaves 10cm 20cm 15cm 40cm Spring Spring Spring Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p latifolius Pink Pearl latifolius Red Pearl latifolius White Pearl LAVANDULA Perennial sweet pea, clear pink, climber Perennial sweet pea, red flowers, climber Perennial sweet pea, white flower, climber 2.0m 2.0m 2.0m L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p ang. Edelweiss ang. Hidcote Blue Munstead LEUCANTHEMUM * White flowering variety Blue flowers, grey foliage Blue/purple flowers 50cm 30cm 45cm Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p Large semi-double white flower over dark leaves Creamy yellow flowers Double white ruffled flowers, yellow centre Fully double creamy-white pompom flowers Vigourous, fluffy white flowers with yellow centres. Attractive yellow flowers Single white flower, finely cut petals White flowers with yellow centres Creamy yellow single flowers A knee-high,compact little daisy Double centre Double white Large single to double white flowers Large single to double white flowers 50cm 50cm 60cm 60cm 45cm 40cm 90cm 60cm 30cm 35cm 90cm 90cm 75cm 75cm Summer Summer L. Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 108p 108p 185p 134p 160p 134p 108p 84p 84p 134p 108p 134p 108p 275p 105p 105p 182p 131p 156p 131p 105p 81p 82p 131p 105p 131p 105p 275p spicata kobald LIBERTIA Long lasting magenta flower spikes 50cm Sum/Aut 84p 81p grandiflora LIGULARIA Wiry stems white flowers 90cm L. Spr/Sum 108p 105p den. Desdemona Przewalskii Orange flowers with dark brown leaves Yellow flowers 1.2m 80cm Summer Summer 84p 84p 81p 81p formosanum pricei Large cream trumpets with dark mottling, dwarf 15cm Summer 84p 82p perenne Erect stems of bright blue flowers 40cm Summer 84p 81p Moneymaker Monroe White muscari muscari Big Blue Okina spicata Blue/purple flower spikes White flowers Candle-like violet/blue flowers Large violet flowers White and green variegation, purple flower spikes Dark green leaves, violet flowers 20cm 30cm 45cm 50cm 25cm 35cm Sum/Aut L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Sum/Aut L. Summer 134p 134p 134p 134p 160p 134p 131p 131p 131p 131p 156p 131p Herbaceous KNAUTIA mac. Red Knight mac. Thunder & Lightning KNIPHOFIA Bees Lemon Brimstone Jenny Bloom little maid Moonstone Nancy's Red Papaya Popsicle Royal Standard Tawny King Tetbury Torch Toffee Nose uva. Royal Castle LAMIUM aglaia Broadway Lights Engelina Fiona Coghill Freak Gold Rush Phyllis Smith silver princess Sunshine Peach Victorian Secret Wirral Pride Wirral Supreme x superbum Thomas Killen x superbum Thomas Killen LIATRIS LILIUM LINUM LIRIOPE Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 12 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering dif. Heavenly Blue LOBELIA * Deep blue flower, woody trailing evergreen 20cm Summer 84p 82p Compton Pink Hadspen Purple (PBR) Queen Victoria Sparkling Ruby (PBR) spe. Russian Princess Tania tupa Vedrariensis x gerardii LUPINUS * Spikes of pale pink flowers,with dark pink edge Deep velvet purple flowers, dark foliage Red flowers with dark plum foliage Striking ruby red flowers Red/pink flowers with dark foliage Rose purple flowers Long spikes of brick red flowers Violet/blue spikes in summer Violet-purple flowers above dark green leaves 70cm 1.0m 90cm 1.0m 80cm 70cm 1.5m 1.0m 80cm Sum/Aut Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 134p 134p 84p 134p 108p 108p 108p 84p 84p 131p 131p 81p 131p 105p 105p 105p 81p 81p Pure golden yellow spikes Pink and white spikes Brick red spikes White spikes Deep blue and white spikes Carmine flower spikes. 1.0m 1.0m 1.0m 1.0m 1.0m 45cm E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer E. Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p coronaria alba coronaria atrosanguinea flos-cuculi White Robin flos jovis nana Peggy Gardener's World Jenny LYSIMACHIA Pure white flowers, white felt-like foliage Bright magenta flowers, white felt-like foliage White flowers, red stems Rosy red flowers, grey felt-like foliage Deep rich red-pink double flowers Double pink flowers 70cm 90cm 40cm 25cm 90cm 70cm Summer Summer Summer Summer E. Summer Sum/Aut 84p 84p 84p 84p 275p 160p 81p 81p 81p 81p 275p 156p atropurpurea clethroides ephemerum nummularia Aurea punctata alexander LYTHRUM Burgundy flower spikes, crinkled leaves Star shaped white flowers on long stems Small white flowers veined mauve, silver foliage Yellow flowers with trailing golden leaves Yellow flowers, cream/green leaf flushed pink 1.2m 60cm 1.2m 5cm 75cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 82p 81p Carmine red 70cm Intense purple-red flowers on tall flower spikes from early summer 1.0m Summer Summer 84p 84p 81p 81p moschata alba moschata rosea Primley Blue MATHIASELLA Musk mallow, white flowers Musk mallow, pink flowers Broad plant with powder blue veined flowers 90cm 90cm 1.2m Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p bupleuroides Green Dream MATTHIOLA Light yellow flowers, soft silvery foliage 1.0m Sum/Aut 160p 156p incana Pillow Talk perennis alba MECONOPSIS Pure white flowers Pure white flowers, grey leaves, fragrant 45cm 50cm Spring/Sum Spr/E. Sum 84p 84p 81p 81p betonicifolia betonicifolia alba Hensol Violet napaulensis sheldonii MELIANTHUS Himalayan blue poppy Himalayan white poppy Violet blue flowers. Pink/yellow poppy Himalayan poppy. Stunning royal blue flowers 1.2m 1.2m 90cm 90cm 1.2m E. Summer E. Summer Summer E. Summer E. Summer 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p major MISCANTHUS Large serrated grey foliage 2.1m L. Spr/Sum 134p 131p Variegata MONARDA Narrow, arching, green leaves, striped white 2.1m L. Summer 275p 275p Pale pink/purple flowers, purplish green foliage Scarlet flowers Clear pink flowers Cerise pink flowers Red flowers, mildew resistant Purple/red flowers Deep purple flowers White flowers, aromatic foliage 90cm 90cm 90cm 60cm 1.0m 90cm 90cm 90cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p Herbaceous LITHODORA Russ. Chandelier Russ. La Chatelaine Russ. My Castle Russ. Noble Maiden Russ.The Governor The Pages LYCHNIS sal. Robert (PBR) virg. Dropmore purple MALVA Beauty of Cobham Cambridge Scarlet Croftway Pink didyma Pink Supreme Gardenview Scarlet Loddon Crown Prairie Night Snow Maiden Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 13 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering Broad yellow petals, rounded yellow cup White petals, pale lemon centres, dwarf 20cm 30cm Spring Spring 80p 80p 80p 80p Dawn to Dusk gra. Bramdean gra. Summer Magic mussinii racemosa Amelia Six Hills Giant subsessilis sub. Sweet Dreams Walkers Low NICOTIANA * Pink flowers, compact plant Spikes of lavender blue flowers, blue stems Large blue-lilac flowers Lavender flowered catmint Pink flowers Dark lavender above silvery foliage Large bright blue flowers Large pink flowers in summer Blue/mauve flowers, good ground cover 45cm 75cm 35cm 45cm 55cm 90cm 60cm 30cm 90cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Sum/Aut Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p sylvestris OMPHALODES Fragrant white flowers, very tall tobacco plant 1.5m Summer 84p 81p Cherry Ingram verna OPHIOPOGON Deep blue sprays Bright blue sprays with heart shaped leaf 30cm 25cm Spring Spring 134p 108p 131p 105p jaburan variegatus nigrescens ORIGANUM Strap-like variegated leaves Dark purple, almost black leaves 40cm 20cm Summer Summer 185p 134p 182p 131p Deep purple heads, purple-green foliage Sprays of purple flowers, bushy, hairy leaf 45cm 60cm Summer Summer 108p 108p 105p 105p Grandiflora OSTEOSPERMUM Flat umbels white flowers, hardy annual 75cm Sum/Aut 84p 81p Cannington Roy Dwarf Pink ecklonis compacta Lady Leitrim Nairobi Purple Superba Tresco Purple Weetwood PACHYSANDRA Mauve flowers Pink flowers White flowers with a dark blue centre White flushed pink, buff reverse, spreading Purple/pink hardy Large white flowers with blue centre Pinky purple flowers White daisy-like flowers with a darker centre 30cm 30cm 60cm 30cm 50cm 40cm 30cm 35cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer E. Spr/Sum Summer Summer 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 108p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p 105p Tiny white flowers 15cm E. Summer 84p 81p delavayi ludlowii PAPAVER Tree paeony with rich red flower Tree paeony with yellow flower 1.6m 2.0m Summer Summer 185p 185p 182p 182p ori. Beauty of Livermere ori. Mrs Perry ori. Patty's Plum ori. Perry's White ori. Royal Wedding PARAHEBE Tall sturdy large red flowers, striking plant Clear pink flowers Dusky purple-pink flowers White flowers Large white petals with purple-black hearts 60cm 60cm 50cm 90cm 1.0m Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 108p 108p 134p 108p 84p 105p 105p 131p 105p 81p Snow Clouds PENSTEMON White flowers with pink eye 15cm Spring/Sum 84p 82p Masses of small pink flowers, white streak Deep purplish trumpet flowers White trumpets, bronze foliage Crimson red flowers with white throat Garnet coloured trumpets Blue-mauve trumpet Delicate pink flowers Mid red flowers with a white throat Handsome crimson flower with white throat Pastel pink to mauve shading trumpets Large clear pink flowers with white throat Red flowers with white throat Purple flowers with a white throat White flowers with pink edge Purple/plum coloured flowers with a white throat White flowers 80cm 1.0m 1.0m 60cm 75cm 30cm 70cm 80cm 75cm 60cm 90cm 90cm 70cm 70cm 1.0m 80cm Summer Summer Summer Sum/Aut Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Sum/Aut Sum/Aut 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p Herbaceous NARCISSUS * Tete a Tete Thalia NEPETA lae. Herrenhausen lae. Hopleys ORLAYA terminalis PAEONIA Apple Blossom Blackbird digitalis Huskers Red Etna fru. Garnet hetro. Heavenly Blue Hewells Pink Kilimanjaro King George V montanus Mother of Pearl Osprey Pensham Amelia Jayne Pensham Czar Pensham Laura Pensham Plum Jerkin Pensham Wedding Day Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 14 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering Rich Ruby Snowstorm Sour Grapes White Bedder Windsor Red PEROVSKIA Dark ruby flowers, compact The whitest Penstemon, starting as pink buds Lilac/grey trumpets White trumpets Red trumpets, brighter than Garnet 45cm 75cm 75cm 75cm 45cm Summer Sum/Aut Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p Blue Spire Little Spire PERSICARIA Violet blue flowers spikes Lavender blue flowers, aromatic grey foliage 1.2m 60cm Summer Summer 108p 108p 105p 105p affinis Donald Lowndes affinis superba amplex.High Society amplex J.S.Delgado Macho bistorta superba JS Caliente Salmon pink flowers darkening with age Rose pink flowers, dark green foliage Slim spikes of bright salmon pink flowers Compact plant with large red flowers Fat pink spikes Bell shaped red flowers 60cm 25cm 1.0m 45cm 55cm 70cm Summer Summer L. Sum/Aut Autumn Summer Autumn 108p 108p 134p 134p 108p 134p 105p 105p 131p 131p 105p 131p tuberosa amazone Lavender pink flowers 1.2m Summer 160p 156p Chattahoochee sub. Amazing Grace sub. Bavaria sub. Emerald Cushion sub. McDaniels Cushion sub. Purple Beauty sub. Temiskaming sub. White Delight PHYGELIUS Loose clumps with pale blue/dark-eyed flowers White flower with red eye Unique white petals with blue eye Spreading mats with soft mauve flowers Pink flower Masses of deep-purple flowers Vivid rose-red flower White flower 20cm 8cm 15cm 8cm 8cm 10cm 8cm 8cm Spring Spring Summer Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p Funfair Wine Funfair Yellow PLATYCODON Wine red flowers Yellow tubular flowers 60cm 60cm Summer Summer 108p 108p 105p 105p grandiflorous White grandiflorus grandiflorus POLEMONIUM White flowers Pale blue, bell shaped flowers Pale blue, bell shaped flowers 20cm 45cm 45cm Summer L. Summer L. Summer 84p 275p 84p 81p 275p 81p Bressingham Purple cae. Purple Rain caeruleum Heaven Scent Lambrook Mauve Northern lights Stairway to Heaven POLYGONATUM * Dark purple leaves, violet/blue flowers Bright blue flowers above purple foliage Abundance of lavender blue flowers Beautiful fragrant pale blue flowers in late spring Mauve flowers Deep blue fragrant flowers Blue flowers, green/yellow variegated foliage 70cm 45cm 60cm 50cm 45cm 30cm 50cm Summer L. Spring Summer L. Spring L. Spr/Sum Summer Summer 134p 108p 84p 160p 134p 160p 134p 131p 105p 81p 156p 131p 156p 131p multiflorum POTENTILLA Double white bells 60cm L. Spring 134p 131p atrosanguinea Etna Monarchs Velvet nep. Miss Willmott Recta Bold, scarlet flowers, silver/green leaves. Dark crimson flowers, almost burgundy Raspberry red flowers with velvet red centre Cherry pink flowers, serrated edged leaves Rose-like, yellow flowers 45cm 60cm 60cm 60cm 50cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p auricula auricula Hyacinth beesiana bulleesiana bulleyana capitata denticulata alba denticulata lilac denticulata ruby Elatior Mixed Gold Laced japonica Millers Crimson Lady Greer Postford White pub. Boothman's Variety Rosettes of fleshy leaves, mixed colours Mauve/blue flowers Candelabra - magenta/lilac Candelabra - mixed colours Candelabra - orange tinted Rosettes with globose heads of tubular mauve White drumstick flower heads Lilac drumstick flowers Ruby red drumstick flowers Yellow/orange flowers Polyanthus type, maroon/yellow eye, gold edged Good deep red flower Pale yellow flower White flowers Evergreen rosettes with single purple flower 15cm 20cm 40cm 40cm 40cm 25cm 30cm 30cm 30cm 25cm 20cm 60cm 15cm 60cm 15cm Spring Summer Summer Summer E. Summer L. Spr/E. Aut Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Spring Summer Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 81p 81p 82p 82p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 82p 81p 82p Herbaceous PENSTEMON PHLOMIS PHLOX PRIMULA Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 15 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering rosea Grandiflora Snow Cushion Strong Beer veris vialii vulgaris vulgaris Heritage Cream Wanda Tomato Red PULMONARIA Rose-red flowers appearing before leaves White flowers, compact habit Deep violet/purple double polyanthus type flower Native Cowslip Small deep lavender flowers from scarlet buds Primrose yellow flower Cream primrose type flower Brilliant red flowers 10cm 12cm 20cm 25cm 40cm 10cm 15cm 12cm Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Spring Spring Spring 84p 84p 160p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 156p 81p 81p 81p 81p 82p Blue Ensign Diana Clare Ice Ballet Majestee off. Opal off. Sissinghurst White sac. Leopard PULSATILLA Large blue flowers, dusky dark green leaves Large purple/blue flowers, long silver leaves White flowers with mottled green leaves Pink and violet flowers, silver/grey leaves Glassy pale blue flowers, good spotted leaf White flowers and mottled leaf Reddish-pink flower, blotched leaf 35cm 30cm 30cm 25cm 25cm 30cm 30cm Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring Spring 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 134p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p 131p vulgaris vulgaris Alba vulgaris rubra RANUNCULUS Nodding bell-shaped mauve flowers, pale leaf White bell-shaped flower Shades of red bell-shaped flower 9cm 9cm 9cm Spring Spring Spring 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 81p Brazen Hussy ficaria Flora Pleno ficaria Randalls White RHODANTHEMUM Yellow flowers, dark purple foliage Waxy double yellow flowers White/creamy flowers 15cm 20cm 20cm Spring Spring Spring 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p hosmariense RODGERSIA White daisy, long flowering, silvery-grey foliage 15cm L. Spr/Aut 84p 82p pinnata ROSMARINUS White plumes, flushed pink 80cm Summer 84p 81p Miss Jessop Officinalis RUDBECKIA Purple blue flowers Rosemary, aromatic leaves 2.0m 1.5m Spring/Sum Spring/Sum 84p 84p 81p 81p Yellow flowers with brown cone Yellow flowers with brown cone Early flowering form, yellow/brown flowers Vivid yellow daisy, black eye Short flowering, yellow/black flowers Green flowers, brown centre 50cm 50cm 60cm 60cm 40cm 60cm Sum/Aut Sum/Aut Summer Summer Sum/Aut Summer 84p 275p 185p 84p 160p 84p 81p 275p 182p 81p 156p 81p Very hardy salvia with sky blue flowers Spikes of scented, deep purple flowers White flowers with woolly white leaves Deep purple/blue flowers. Upright Violet flowers with white speckled lower lip Two-tone cerise pink flowers Bright red flower spikes in summer and autumn Bright red flower spikes in summer and autumn Stunning pink flowers, semi-hardy Violet/blue flowers Intense violet/blue flowers, purple/black stems Violet/purple flowers Dense upright spikes of purple flowers Compact, vigorous grower, deep blue flowers Blue flowers with purple foliage Lilac/white flower heads, self seeding biennial Blue flower spikes Violet-blue flowers, bushy plant Large indigo/blue flowers Pale blue flowers Long arching spikes of lilac flowers Red and white flowers 80cm 1.2m 90cm 60cm 50cm 90cm 60cm 60cm 50cm 70cm 90cm 25cm 45cm 45cm 60cm 90cm 80cm 40cm 50cm 2.0m 60cm 50cm E. Summer Spring/Sum Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Spring Summer Sum/Aut Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 108p 84p 84p 84p 84p 275p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 108p 84p 81p 105p 81p 81p 81p 81p 275p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 81p 105p 81p Black/red flower spikes, blue/grey leaves Pink rounded flowers, glossy green foliage 75cm 60cm Summer Summer 84p 108p 81p 105p Herbaceous PRIMULA deamii deamii Early Bird Gold ful. sul. goldsturm Little Gold Star occ. Green Wizard SALVIA African Skies Amistad argentea Blue Note forskaolii greggii Icing Sugar greggii Royal Bumble greggii Royal Bumble mic. Pink Blush nem. Amethyst nem. Caradonna nem. Marcus nem. Ostfriesland nem. Sensation Deep Blue off. purpurascens scl. turkestanica syl. Blauhugel syl. Blue Queen syl. Mainacht uliginosa ver. Purple Rain x jamensis Hot lips SANGUISORBA menziesii off. Pink Tanna Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 16 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering cha. Edward Bowles chamaecyparissus Pretty Carol Virens SAPONARIA Cream flowers, grey/green foliage Bright yellow button-like flowers Bright yellow flowers, silver foliage Dissected green leaves, yellow button flowers 50cm 60cm 30cm 45cm Summer Summer Summer E. Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 81p 81p 82p 81p ocymoides SAXIFRAGA Myriads of small pink flowers 25cm E. Summer 84p 82p Rose red flower, compact, mound-forming 8cm Dainty red flowers with yellow centre London Pride, clusters of pinkish white flowers London Pride, pale pink flowers Rich, yellow blotches decorate the rosettes White flowers, neat and dwarf 15cm 25cm 20cm 25cm 8cm E. Spring Spring Spring Spring Summer Summer Summer Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 81p 81p 82p Ace of Spades atro. Snowmaiden Burgundy Bonnets Butterfly Blue caucasica Fama caucasica perfecta caucasica perfecta alba farinosa Cambridge Blue jap. alpina SCHIZOSTYLIS Maroon/black flowerheads White flowers Blackberry purple pincushion flowers Pale blue pincushions Intense dark blue Lavender blue pincushion White pincushion flowers Pale blue flowers, rosettes, evergreen leaves Lilac/blue pincushion 60cm 50cm 60cm 30cm 50cm 50cm 60cm 25cm 25cm Summer Sum/Aut Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 108p 84p 108p 108p 84p 84p 84p 108p 84p 105p 81p 105p 105p 81p 81p 81p 105p 82p coc. Fenland Daybreak coc. Major coc. Pink Princess SCUTELLARIA Reddish/pink flowers Huge glossy red flowers White flushed with pink 60cm 60cm 60cm E. Autumn E. Autumn E. Autumn 134p 134p 134p 131p 131p 131p Rose pink flowers 20cm Spring/Sum 84p 82p album Coral Carpet Bertram Anderson Coca Cola erythrostictum Frosty Morn Herbstfreude (Autumn Joy) Jose Aubergine Purple Emperor Red Cauli reflexum Chocolate Ball spa. purpureum spe. Brilliant spu. Fuldaglut spu. Variegatum Stewed Rhubarb Mountain tel. Arthur Branch telephium 'Lajos' tel. Matrona SIDALCEA Small beady leaves Rose pink flowers Starry pink flowers, blue grey leaves Pink flowers, variegated foliage Flat heads of rich pink flowers Pink flowers, very dark foliage Pink flowers, mauve/purple foliage Compact, red flowers, blue grey foliage Dark foliage, yellow flowers Star-shaped, yellow flowers Vivid red flower heads Delicate pink flowers. Red foliage Green, pink and white foliage. Pink flowers Pale pink buds, white flowers Red flowers, purple black stems Variegated leaves, pink flowers aging to red Pink flowers with dark foliage, fragrant 15cm 35cm 15cm 40cm 60cm 50cm 40cm 30cm 10cm 30cm 45cm 15cm 10cm 30cm 25cm 60cm 60cm L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer Summer L. Summer 84p 84p 84p 108p 84p 108p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 108p 108p 134p 108p 82p 82p 82p 105p 81p 105p 81p 81p 82p 82p 81p 82p 82p 105p 105p 131p 105p Elsie Heugh Party Girl Purpetta SISYRINCHIUM Shell pink flowers Rose pink flowers, slender spikes Purple/red saucer flowers 75cm 90cm 1.1m Summer Summer Summer 108p 84p 84p 105p 81p 81p Biscutella E. K. Balls striatum SOLIDAGO Beige/pink flowers on grassy tufts Bright purple flowers, iris-like foliage Cream/pale yellow flowers, grey/green leaves 20cm 8cm 60cm Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 81p glomerata goldkind STACHYS Long golden spikes of flower 75cm Sum/Aut 84p 81p Whorls of claret coloured flowers Mauve-pink flowers, large woolly grey leaf Magenta flower, woolly grey carpeter Silver ground cover, rarely flowers Lilac flowers 30cm 60cm 45cm 30cm 50cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 108p 84p 108p 108p 81p 105p 81p 105p 105p Herbaceous SANTOLINA Harder Zwerg Peter Pan Red Cap Saxony Red urbium urbium Miss Chambers urbium Variegata White Pixie SCABIOSA Texas Rose SEDUM aet. Danielle byzantina Big Ears byzantina (lanata) byzantina Silver Carpet monieri Hummelo Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 17 1 - 89 90+ Price Price Colour and Description Height Flowering cocc. Robinson Red TELLIMA * Pinkish-red daisies with yellow centre 45cm L. Spr/Sum 84p 81p grandiflora grandiflora Purpurea TEUCRIUM Knotty-green leaves turn pink with age Cream flower, purple leaf clumps 80cm 30cm Spring Spring 84p 84p 81p 81p Chamaedrys hir. Purple Tails x lucidrys THALICTRUM Evergreen topped with pink flowers Abundance of purple flower spikes Hedge germander, pinky-purple flower spikes 30cm 60cm 45cm Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 108p 81p 81p 105p Lilac flower, coarsely divided grey/green leaf Mauve flowers, grey green leaves Fluffy sprays of white flowers, fern-like leaves Airy sprays of small double lilac flowers Pale lemon fluffy heads, blue-grey foliage 1.0m 1.2m 1.2m 1.0m 1.8m Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 160p 134p 108p 81p 81p 156p 131p 105p cit. Silver Queen doe. Doone Valley Golden King Mystic Lemon pug. E. B. Anderson ser. coccineus ser. Pink Chintz vulgaris Silver Posie TIARELLA Pink flowers, silver/green variegation Lavender flower, green/gold leaf, edged red Deep Pink flowers, green/gold leaves 20cm 5cm 30cm Lavender flowers, golden during winter Crimson flower, green/red foliage, carpeter Clear pink flower, carpeter Pink flower, tall, erect, silver/green foliage 8cm 5cm 5cm 10cm Summer Summer Summer E. Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p Braveheart (PBR) cordifolia Spring Symphony Wherryi TRADESCANTIA Deeply lobed leaves, central maroon patch 25cm L. Spring 134p 131p Spires of white blooms with distinctive foliage 30cm L. Spring 84p 81p A mass of dainty flower spikes of white stars opening below a apple-blossom-pink Summer spire of 160p buds.156p Vivid green leave Starry white flowers tinged pink 15cm L. Spring 84p 81p and. Concord Grape TRICYRTIS Violet purple flower, bluish grey leaf 55cm Spring/Aut 108p 105p Empress TRIFOLIUM Large purple spotted flowers, glossy leaves 30cm Autumn 134p 131p rep. Purpurascens rubens TROLLIUS Four leaved, clover like foliage Mauve brush-like flowers 10cm 60cm Summer Summer 84p 84p 82p 81p Attractive golden orange globeflower Creamy yellow globe flower Pale yellow flowers 90cm 60cm 60cm L. Spring E. Summer L. Spring 108p 84p 160p 105p 81p 156p Angelique VERBASCUM Double pale pink flowers. 40cm Spring 125p 125p cha. Album ele. Helen Johnson olympicum Temptress Purple Temptress White VERBENA Slender spires of white flowers, mauve centres Coppery/pink flower with grey/green leaf Bright gold 'candelabra' flowers Small purple flowers above dark green foliage Small white flowers above dark green foliage 90cm 90cm 1.8m 60cm 60cm Summer Summer Summer E. Summer E. Summer 84p 134p 84p 84p 84p 81p 131p 81p 81p 81p bonariensis bonariensis Lollipop Claret Polaris rigida VERBENA Lavender blue flower clusters on wiry stems Miniature form for the front of the border Low growing, deep claret flowers Dense pale lilac flower heads Tight clusters purple or pink flowers, very erect 1.8m 60cm 25cm 30cm 60cm Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 84p 108p 84p 84p 84p 81p 105p 81p 81p 81p Seabrook's Lavender VERBENA Lavender pink flowers 40cm Summer 84p 81p 30cm Summer 84p 81p 30cm 10cm 15cm 40cm 30cm Summer Summer L. Spr/Sum Summer Summer 84p 84p 84p 84p 108p 81p 82p 82p 81p 105p Herbaceous TANACETUM aquilegifolium delavayi Delavayi Album Hewitts Double sphaerostachyum THYMUS chinensis Golden Queen New Moon x cultorum Cheddar TULIP * Superbena Coral Star VERONICA gentianoides Georgia Blue prostrata blue sheen spic. alba spic. Blue Candles Premium Labels Powder blue flower spires, glossy green leaves Creeping mat of blue flowers with a white eye Deep blue flowers flushed white White flowers on narrow spikes Bold blue flowers Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 18 Herbaceous VERONICA spic. Rotfuchs spic. Royal Candles (PBR) VERONICASTRUM Red candlelike flowers Violet flowers 25cm 30cm Summer Summer 84p 84p 81p 81p vir. Alba vir. Fascination vir. Pink Glow vir. Roseum Delightful white flowers Rose pink flowers Pink flowers, whorls of dark green leaves Tall spikes of pale pink 1.1m 1.5m 1.1m 1.2m L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer L. Summer 108p 84p 108p 108p 105p 81p 105p 105p major Variegata minor minor alba minor La Grave (Bowles) Pale blue flowers, gold variegated leaves Blue flowers, evergreen foliage White flowers Blue flowers 25cm 15cm 15cm 15cm Spring Spring Spring Spring 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p 82p Bowles Black Columbine cornuta alba minor cornuta minor blue Grovemount Blue Irish Molly labradorica Molly Sanderson Mrs Lancaster Queen Charlotte Rebecca Reine de Neige sor. Emperor Magenta Red Tiger Eye Zoe WALDSTEINIA Deep purple/black velvet with a yellow eye Mauve with cream stripes Pure white, prostrate habit Light blue evergreen viola Pale blue flowers Old gold flower with brown centres Violet flower, dark green/purple foliage Very dark violet flower White flowers. Dark blue sweetly scented flowers White background, purple splashes White flowers Ruby-red with contrasting white stamens Golden yellow and black flowers. Blue flowers with yellow centres 10cm 10cm 8cm 15cm 15cm 15cm 10cm 10cm 5cm 20cm 10cm 15cm 15cm 15cm 15cm Spring/Sum Spring/Sum Spring/Sum L. Spr/Sum Spring/Sum Spring/Sum Spring/Sum Spring/Aut Spring/Sum Spring Sum/Aut Spring Spring Spring/Sum Spring/Aut 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 84p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p 82p ternata ZANTEDESCHIA * Bright yellow flowers 10cm L. Spr/Sum 84p 81p Dwarf form of Aethiopica White spathes heavily marked with green Creamy white spathe surrounds a yellow spadix 75cm 1.2m 1.2m Summer Summer Summer 108p 108p 108p 105p 105p 105p VINCA VIOLA aet. Crowborough aet. Green Goddess aethiopica Premium Labels Award of Garden Merit New Plant * Hazardous Plant Page 19