Notice Sheet - North Blackwater Parishes


Notice Sheet - North Blackwater Parishes
NOTICESHEET 18th January 2015
If a friend is not receiving the electronic news sheet. Please ask them to email
Geoff as there have been some problems with the email system
Info for the notice sheet please send to
Welcome to those visiting! Do please make yourself known to the sidespersons and minister
Sunday 18 Jan 15 Week 3
Epiphany 2/White
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity:
1 Samuel 3.1–10 [11–20] Tols 274 D/M 191 Sal 167
John 1.43–end Tols 1064 D/M 749 Sal 167
Tollesbury CW (2) Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
Salcott CW Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
T. Major Worship Together
Isabel Adcock, Janet Barlow (preach)
Tollesbury Family Service with
Edward Bear Club
Revd Geoff Bayliss
Tollesbury Sung Evensong
Revd Geoff Bayliss, Janet Barlow (preach)
Wednesday 21 Jan 15 10 am: Tolleshunt D'Arcy
This Week
9.15 am Morning Prayer - Tolleshunt D’Arcy
10.00 am Edward Bear Club – Tollesbury
Tollesbury PCC meeting, Lighthouse
9.15 am
Tollesbury Prayers
10 am
See panel
12 Noon
Parish Lunch at the Vicarage
8.00 pm
Home fellowship Bible Study – Vicarage
7:30 pm
CCS Course
Prayers for the sick: Mike Gibson, Christine Drake,
Derek Drake, Les Carter, Bob Walklet, Paul Murray, Lily
Dewson, Daphne Gurton, Sarah Williams, Bryony, Ann
Parmenter, David Bunce, Alan Berry,
Marion Champkin, Persephone Ford.
Recent deaths: John Pearson. Derek Cutmore, Gwen
Year’s Mind : Reginald Stock, Edward Crees,
Tilly Chalk, Edward Bryant, Eric Bell, Jean Bryant,
Jack Farthing, Mary Seabrook, Susan Scarfe,
Edward Bond, Frederick Bull.
Sunday 25 Jan 15 Week 4
Epiphany 3/White
Genesis 14.17–20 Tols 15 D/M 11 Sal 169
John 2.1–11 Tols 1064 D/M 749 Sal 169
Tollesbury Communion
Revd Geoff Bayliss
Tollesbury Parish Communion
with Sunday School
Revd Christine Gorringe (preach)
Revd Geoff Bayliss (Preside)
Tolleshunt D'Arcy Worship Together
with Communion Revd Geoff Bayliss,
Isabel Adcock (preach)
The problems with transport have been solved. We
are now able to send aid to G.L.I.A. Centre of Hope
Charity. Gifts of clothes for any age group, shoes
boots and toiletries may be given for the pack that
will take place on Friday 23rd January.
Please give to Lynda Sully 33 Woodrolfe Road a few
days before hand or on the morning by 10 am to 24
North Road. Thank you.
The Bell pub in Tolleshunt Major have kindly offered
to host our ladies bible study, while there, we can
also indulge in a delicious cooked breakfast at a great
price. It is at 9.30am on a Friday morning and we are
studying ladies of the bible.
The dates are 16th and 30th January, 13 and 27th
February, 13th and 27th March, 17th and 1st May. If
you would like more details or would like to join us
please contact Laura on 860550 (this is child free
time, hope you understand)
To keep the Lighthouse functioning we need more
volunteers. Rusty is looking for at least four more
volunteers to be available 2 hrs every 4 weeks to enable
The Lighthouse to keep open during the hours advertised.
If you can help in anyway please ring her any evening on
868691. Thank you.
The Colchester Area Annual Conference
'Crossing Thresholds'- Seeing where God is
working and joining in..
7th February 2015, 930 am-330pm at St Johns Church, St Johns
Close, Colchester, C040HP
Our annual Area conferences, for lay and ordained people
together, have been running for over ten years now, and are a
great opportunity for us to explore different themes. We look
forward to hearing from Bishop Roger, and Canon Ann Easter
on the theme of mission.
Can you make
A little time and space?
Saturday 31st January
10.00am – 3.00pm
A day to pray
Time for God – a day of prayer
Taize Worship
Sunday 25 January 2015
St Lawrence, Rowhedge, Colchester CO5 7EB
3 pm Workshop
A workshop open to all, giving an opportunity to learn
some of the music of Taize, and to discover the
principles of putting together a Taize service. Followed
by a bring-and-share tea. Suggested donation £6.50 if
booked in advance. or £ 7 on the door. To book a
workshop place ring Eunice Broom on
01206 728596
or email
6 pm Service
Admission to the service is free (retiring offering).
Salcott Village Hall
10.00 am – 3.00 pm Saturday 31st January
The day will be structured around three of the offices of Daily
10.00 am
Morning Prayer
10.30 am
Coffee break
10.45 am -11.45
Our community and its spaces and
places - an opportunity to pause and
prayerfully reflect on spaces & places
around us in the North Blackwater
Parishes and the life and needs of
people who live in them.
12.00 am
Midday Prayer
12. 30 pm
1.30 pm -1.30
1.35 pm - 2.05
2.05 pm
2.30 pm
3.00 pm
Lunch – a simple bread & soup
lunch will be provided
Benedictine practice: balancing life
The Good Shepherd
Tea break
Evening Prayer
End of day & farewells
We have planned the day and the breaks in it to give you plenty
time and space. If you’d like to come for the whole day, or just
for the morning or afternoon session including lunch, (we will
try to accommodate dietary needs where possible if you can let
us know before the day)please book a place in advance by
contacting Janet Barlow by phone: 01 621 869538, or email:
If you’d just like to drop in for one of the services or for a short
time to be a part of the day, please do. There is no charge for the
day but you will be able to make a donation towards costs if you
would like to do so.
North Blackwater Parishes Ministry Team
Has your heart been
You might like to follow up the
celebration of Christmas by finding
out a little more about the Christian
faith and who is at the centre of it. If
so there is no better way than joining one of our
Pilgrim groups. There will be groups starting soon so let
us know if you are interested and we can let you know
when they are happening. Pilgrim comes in blocks of 6
sessions, each session lasts just over an hour. Going to
one session does not mean you are tied to going to the
others. If you stop coming for a while we will be
pleased to have you join us again at another time.
Colchester Area
Vocations Day
Sat March 21st
10 till 4 pm
‘My Soul my
Life my All’
John Own Barn
Fordham Church
Colchester CO6 3NL