Year 4 Class Newsletter - St John's Church of England Primary School


Year 4 Class Newsletter - St John's Church of England Primary School
St John’s C of E Primary School
Hertford Road, Digswell, Welwyn, Herts AL6 0BX
Tel: 01438 714283 Fax 01438 712991
Headteacher: Mr R. A. Price, B.Ed.(Hons)
Class 4 Spring Term Newsletter
13th January 2015
Dear Parents,
A little late I know, but let me wish everyone a Happy New Year for 2015! I hope you have all had a
wonderful Christmas enjoying a very special time with your families. I would just like to take this
opportunity to thank you all for the lovely gifts and kind wishes, they are all very much appreciated.
I find it difficult to believe that we have already reached Spring Term in Class 4, the time has passed so
quickly. I would like to say a big thank you to all the children for all their hard work and effort and to all
of you for your support you have given your children during our first term together. I hope the children
have enjoyed the Autumn term in Class 4 and are now looking forward to a very exciting new Spring term.
It has been a really wonderful and enjoyable first term together which has been filled with your children’s
happiness, success and their own surprise as to what they can achieve through their own hard work, growing
confidence, enthusiasm and above all, having great fun whilst learning!
General Information
We have been very fortunate over the Christmas break to have had our classroom painted and decorated
and carpeted! The room is now looking an extremely smart and pleasing learning environment for the
children. During this term, Mrs Tann will continue to teach Spanish and Art to cover my PPA time on
Monday afternoons. I would just like to give a brief mention of thanks to our team of dedicated support
staff Mrs Tann, Mrs Budge, Mrs Vickers and Mrs Mistry all of whom provide a valuable and very special
contribution within class 4.
A planned outside educational visit will be arranged for Class 4 later in the year and I will provide further
information as and when I have confirmation.
Last Year I began a programme of outdoor learning for the previous Year 4 and would really like to continue
this with my present Class. I am hoping to develop a Forest Schools programme for the children in Class 4
during the second half of the spring term and continue during the summer term. The aim is to offer an
opportunity for the children to work in small groups of ten or twelve to learn outside the classroom and
discover more about their surrounding woodland environment at St John’s school. The plan will be to link
our curriculum topics within science and geography of; ‘Living things and their Habitats’ and ‘The
Environment’ with the wonderful resources available outside. Further information will be forwarded to you
nearer the time.
Thank your for your continued support with your child’s homework. I have been delighted by the children’s
positive attitude to their homework tasks. The presentation and standard of the children’s work has been
very impressive and they should be congratulated for their efforts, well done. Please do not hesitate to
come in or ring me if your child is finding homework tasks difficult to complete for whatever reason. (As a
parent, I am fully aware that the brief mention of the word ‘homework’ can send your child into ‘refusal
mode’ or a major crisis!) Don’t worry, I have been there! Please just continue to encourage and support.
We will be continuing a homework Club on Wednesday lunchtimes which the children can attend to help with
their work or take the opportunity to practice Sam Learning or any research they may need to do. I will
give homework out, including spellings on a Monday and would ask the children to complete and hand it in by
the following Monday.
A Lunch time art club organised by Mrs Budge and Mrs Mistry is also available for Class 4 on Thursday and
is open to all to attend. There are a number of Clubs now available to children at St John’s which I hope
Year 4 will take the opportunity to attend.
Reading and Spelling
I have been delighted with the enthusiasm Class 4 children have shown with their reading. They can all feel
extremely pleased with their efforts. It is expected that the children should aim to read for at least 20
minutes every day and they will also be expected to learn their weekly spellings ready for their spelling
test on Monday. I would therefore be most grateful for your continued support.
Curriculum Topics
Along with the National Literacy and
Subject R.E
2nd Half
- Term
Numeracy Strategy, we will be teaching the following topics this term.
‘Earning a Living’
Multi skills and
DT: A Sense of
things and Improving
the Place
Data bases
PE lessons will be on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. Please make sure your child has correct PE kit in
school these days (white or blue T – shirt, white or navy cotton shorts, plimsolls or trainers) - navy
tracksuit bottoms would also be very useful in the colder weather.
This will again be taught by Miss Li on Wednesday afternoons and will continue to develop strengthen and
enthuse the children’s interest in music. This term our focus will surround wider opportunities for the
children using different instruments and later in the term preparation for the Schools Easter Service.
I hope this brief insight into the forthcoming term for children in Class 4 is helpful. If you would like to
speak to me regarding your child’s education please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards,
Glenn Stead
Glenn Stead