Dec. '14-Jan. 15 REAL final - Barfield Elementary Homepage


Dec. '14-Jan. 15 REAL final - Barfield Elementary Homepage
B arfield Gaz ette
Our students will achieve academically & socially in order
to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
Dec. 2014 / Jan. 2015
From the Principal’s Pen
B arfield E lem entary Sc hool
Barfield Elementary School
Judy Goodwin, Principal
Chris Lafferty, Asst. Principal
Inside this issue:
Counselors’ Corner
PTO Post, Library
Dec. / Jan. Calendars 3
“Can-Do”, Magazines 3
All about me, ESL café 3
Art Dept. Needs
Recycle, Barfield
Nurse Jessica: Well
Dec. 19:
Abbrev. Day:
8:15 - 10:15
Dec. 22 Jan. 2:
Winter BreakNO SCHOOL!
Jan. 19:
MLK, Jr. DayNo School!
this category we also
earned all A’s except for
one B in Science! InterestIn November, the 2014
ingly, our student performTennessee Dept. of Educaance level increased in Scition Report Card for all pub- ence; however, our learnlic schools containing grades ing gains did not meet the
3-5 in Tennessee was redesired A grade. The 2014leased. Report cards for all
15 Barfield Elementary
schools in Tennessee can be School Improvement Plan
viewed by going to http://
(posted on our website) has already addressed ways in
report_card/index.shtml Se- which we can improve stulect “District” (Rutherford) dent learning gains in this
and then “School.” When
area. The high performcompared to other Rutherance of our students is only
ford County schools and
made possible through the
other Tennessee schools, our collaboration and teamschool report card gives us
work of all our Barfield
something to celebrate.
family members. So, congratulations to YOU!
Based on the results from
our state achievement test,
As 2014 comes to a
TCAP, in all subject areas,
close, no matter what beBarfield students, on averliefs that we may hold
age, scored straight A’s! This dear, this time of year is
represents how high students for most families a time of
scored on the end-of-year
thanksgiving and celebratests. Another very important tion. Because our students
piece of data measures how come from many different
much students learned from backgrounds, cultures and
one year to the next
beliefs, we hope that your
(TVAAS/Value-Added). In child will feel free to share
holidays and traditions
that are honored in your
family and your home.
A saying on a plaque
that I saw not long ago
read: “The best things in
Life . . . . aren’t things!
How true this statement
is. In whatever way you
and yours spend the special days ahead, enjoy
your time with loved
ones and friends; hold
them dear; and celebrate
how important they are
to you!
Happy Holidays!
]âwç ZÉÉwã|Ç
Inclement Weather
Line: 904-3883
Jan. 28: Early
8:15 - 11:30
When arriving to school by car in the mornings . . .
-have coats and hats on
-backpacks on and ready
-be prepared to get out of vehicle (not still eating breakfast or getting AGENDA signed!)
]âwç ZÉÉwã|Ç
Page 2
Barfield Gazette
As the holidays approach,
nurture a sense of gratitude by encouraging your
children to:
Shop, buy, and share - Encourage your children to help
shop for items to donate to a good cause. Help them
pick canned goods, small clothing items, or something
else a child their age might want.
De-clutter and donate - Without forcing it, suggest that
another child might enjoy a few things your children no
longer need.
Volunteer time - Show that giving time is another way of
giving. Volunteer as a family to serve food, prepare care
packages, or help an elderly relative or neighbor rake
leaves or cook a meal.
Showcase history - Talk about holidays and history that
your family celebrates, and imagine what your descendants were grateful for.
Write notes of appreciation - Teach your children to
value people in their lives who have touched them by
having them write notes or draw pictures for them.
Don’t Forget Family – Set an example by thanking your
children and spouse for being helpful.
Appreciate small moments – Encourage children to
contemplate and appreciate the blessings around them.
PTO Post
Barfield Parents,
Fall Festival was a smashing success for this year
with games, food, inflatables, sweets, and friends.
Thank you for attending, volunteering, and the donations that you sent in to the school. I want to thank the
staff for their time that evening and the planning of the
games. Also, a big thank you to the businesses that
donated and partnered with the school for the festival.
These would include: Rick’s BBQ, Camino Real,
Walgreen’s, Famous Dave’s, Sweet Spot Bakery,
Viv’s Jazzy Cupcakes, Jump Jump Bounce, Papa
John’s Pizza, Wendy’s, and Bob’s BBQ.
We have officially collected 99.12% of the
Boosterthon pledges for this year. What an outstanding
finish!! We once again raised approximately $25,000
for school-wide purchases and needs. Some of the
more recent purchases that we used this money for
have been the funding for Red Ribbon Week, Character Counts for last month, wall-mounted hand sanitizers, toner for RTI, and six instruction tables. At the
last PTO meeting, it was approved to purchase Twig
Carolina Science Material and also new Scholastic
readers for Kindergarten and 1st grade.
Upcoming dates to keep in mind are the next PTO
meeting on December 9th for 3rd grade Curriculum Fair
and Fine Arts night. Character Counts will be on the
same day report cards come home, which will be January 8th. Skate Night is planned for December 16th and
then again on January 20th.
If you ever have questions or concerns, please contact us at Hope you enjoy the
upcoming holidays!!
Erin Hamilton, PTO President
Mrs. Marylyn Caperton – Extension 4
Ms. JoAnn Graves–Extension 5
Our students will achieve academically & socially in order to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens.
December Calendar
4 Recycle cans - “Can-Do”
9 5:30 - 3rd grade Curriculum Fair
6:30 - PTO Meeting / 3rd grade emphasis
11 Winter Choir Concert: 6:30
16 Barfield Skate Night @ Skate Center West
19 End of 2nd 9-weeks grading period
19 Abbrev. Day: 8:15 - 10:15
22 - Jan. 2: Winter Break-NO SCHOOL!
Page 3
We want to remind everyone that we will be
having our Annual magazine sale in January. Please
save your subscriptions. This is a great way to support
our Related Arts program and order magazines at great
Art, Guidance, Music, & ESL teachers
January Calendar
5 Students return to school
8 Recycle cans - “Can-Do”
8 Character Counts / Report Cards go home
13 New-to-Barfield Orientation
19 MLK, Jr. Day - No School!
20 Barfield Skate Night @ Skate Center West
28 Early Dismissal: 8:15 - 11:30
"All about Me"
There is an "All about Me" Teacher questionnaire
in the main office, if one is looking for teacher gift ideas.
This questionnaire was generated by the Barfield PTO.
ESL Café
In November, we learned about Early Settlers
from Long Ago. In December our theme will be
Enchanted Story Land. We will study stories,
fairy tales, and folk tales from different lands. In
January our theme will be Extremely Snowy
Land. We will study arctic and subarctic biomes
and the people and animals that inhabit them.
Our November Can-Do winner
was Zachary in Mrs. Lane’s homeroom
with 800 cans!!!!! Our next two turn-in
dates for recycling cans will be Thursday, December 4th, and Thursday, January 8th. Please put cans in a trashbag
Feeling green this holiday season? I collect
and leave it outside the Kindergarten
new or gently used kids' meal toys for my treasPlayground. Kindergarten appreciates ure box. If you would like to participate, please
your support!!
send toys to room A07 or see me in the purple car
rider line. Thank you!
Sunita Watson, Barfield ESL Teacher
Sc hool
B arfield E lem entary
Barfield Elementary
350 Veterans Parkway
Murfreesboro, TN 37128
350 Veterans Parkway
Murfreesboro, TN 37128
Phone: 904-3810
Hours: 8:15-3:15
Office Hours:
Office Hours:
p.m. p.m.
"Learning for Life"
"Learning for Life"
We’re on the Web!
Recycle, Barfield!
The 2nd Grade team invites you to send in Box Tops
for Education! You can send Box Tops to your student’s homeroom teacher.
Ms. Robin Saupe’ recycles metal tabs from cans by
sending them to the Ronald McDonald House. Please send
can tabs to her room,
Send old ink cartridges and cell phones to Mary
Guimbellot for recycling so that Barfield can earn dollars
toward new technology! Mary Guimbellot, STS
Staying Well During the Winter
The cold weather has arrived! It's a common misconception that the cold temperatures cause illness, but
the reality is that we are simply more susceptible to illness during the fall and winter because we spend more
time indoors with other people. There are several things we can do to help fight off winter illnesses.
If you haven't gotten a flu shot already, it's not too late. The vaccine is the best way to prevent and control
the spread of the flu. A flu shot is recommended annually for anyone over the age of 6 months.
Limit your exposure to sick or infected people. Likewise, if you or your children are not well, stay home!
Wash your hands frequently. Cold and flu viruses are easily transmitted by coughing, sneezing, or touching contaminated surfaces. Wash your hands with warm water & soap. Scrub your hands for at least 20 secs.
Eat a well balanced diet. Fruits and vegetables are filled with vitamins and nutrients our bodies need to
stay well. Aim for 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables each day. And don't forget to drink plenty of water!
Sleep is your body's way of restoring and healing itself. Adults need an average of 8 hours of sleep a night
while elementary-aged children need closer to 10 hours of sleep.
Exercise actually helps to boost your immune system. If it's not too cold, bundle up and head outdoors for
a quick walk. When it is too cold, find ways to be active indoors. Running up and down the stairs or a game
of tag with your children in the bonus room are easy ways to get your heart pumping. Exercise doesn't have
to be hours at the gym.
Enjoy the winter weather and stay well! Jessica Floyd, RN BSN, Barfield Elementary School Nurse
904-3810 x 22521