K of C Council #8891 January 2015 Knight Edition
K of C Council #8891 January 2015 Knight Edition
New Freedom, PA January 2015 Vol 32 Issue 01 Grand Knights Message Brothers, Celebrating the New Year with a list of resolutions for the Council… x x x x x x x One new member per month can be done… Fill the bus for the Right to Life March… Be sure to Thank a Knight whenever he’s observed acting like a Catholic Gentleman… “MY GOSPELL” Make all 10 Free Throw attempts at the upcoming competition… Gear up for a super second half of 2015. Supreme Convention, Papal Visit, and State Golf Tourney hosted by 8891!!!! Don’t wait until December to announce Knight and Family of Year Awards… Learn tu spel Crimmens, Kornak, end Pinella, We had a great event on December 13th… the 13th annual Christmas Party for New Life. I counted 21 Knights along with wives and kids as well as our guests from new Life. Thanks to Brendan and Joy for doing all the hard work getting the event going. PGK Sam took a boatload of photos, Katie Christenson did the kids crafts, Vinnie, Will and Diane did the trains, soon to be a Knight Jerry Herbert (AKA Santa) really did an awesome job with all the kids, individual Knights anonymously provided all the gifts on our guests’ wish list, Joy painted 50 faces, sometimes several times, Kathy, Dee, Lisa, Patty worked the Secret Santa shop and got the party started with the electric slide, Ameli assisted Santa, plus a whole bunch more that cooked, brought food, helped sing carols. Thank you for making this year’s edition a fun party for our guests!!! January 17th Free Throw competition. Tim Schott reminds us that we need rebounders, score keepers, registration desk jobs, and victims for the Wall ’O’ Shame. We have one of the best events in state in terms of participation. Our strong relationship with the Warrior Youth basketball program makes this a great community event. We’ve got the Right to Life March on January 22nd. A great way to show our support for life!!! See Dan Beck to purchase a hat with the Pro Life logo. $15 bucks cheap! Thanks to Tom Evans. Still time to sign up for the bus. Continued on Page 2 In This Issue 1-2 2-3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 Grand Knights Message Deputy Grand Knights Message Faithful Navigator Message Food for Families Update Pro Life Report Breakfast With Santa - Wrap-Up Polish Fest – February 7th New Life Christmas Party – Wrap-Up Keep Christ in Christmas – Wrap-Up 5 6 6 7 7 – 7a 8 9 10 Basketball Free Throw Competition – January 17th Community Program Update PVK Scholarship Information Wife Appreciation Night Out- Saturday, January 24th Fourth Degree Assembly No. 944 2015 Calendar Polish Fest 2015 Flier Council & Assembly 2014 - 2015 Officers Calendar of January 2015 Events Knight Edition - Published by St. John The Baptist Knights of Columbus Council #8891, P.O. Box 219, New Freedom, Pennsylvania 17349. This publication is the instrument of Council #8891 and not of the order at large. Some articles included in this publication may reflect the views of individuals and not that of the Council as a whole. Although the information contained herein is deemed accurate and publication worthy, the Council and Editor(s) are not responsible for its content. Visit our Council web site kofc8891.com for up-to-date event information and to access to current and prior month Knight Editions. Articles are due via e-mail to Barry Price bapent@comcast.net by the Saturday prior to the Business Meeting. New Freedom, PA January 2015 Page 2 Grand Knights Message (continued from page 1) We met the $500 threshold for cash donations to Food for Families. We had a strong round of donations at the last meeting. $100. Thanks to Joe and DGK Don for getting the donations going!!! That $500 to the food pantry will be turned into another $100 later in the year as we meet Supremes’ criteria for the program. New member Gary Grant reminds us that the pantry serves thousands of people every year. Congratulations to Brendan Crimmins as the Knight of the Year!!!! He steps up whenever needed, works hard, and a strong supporter of the Pro Life movement. A no brainer choice. Way to go Brendan! Family of the Year, just as easy. The Gamache Family. Strong supporters of the faith and our council. Winner of the State Family of the Year award. Awesome!!! Quote of the Year,” It takes more than one monkey to run the circus….” Brendan Crimmins commenting on how the council would replace Chuck when he embraces retirement and moves south. Wives appreciation dinner. Mama’s in Loganville. Saturday, January 24th. Thanks to Joe Grohal for getting this going!! The Polish Fest is in high gear. All are encouraged to sign up to work, sell and buy raffle tickets, and donate to the cooler (gift cards for wine only). This is an important fund raiser and a good time too!!! Welcome our newest members Bob Hamilton and Mark Freidhoff. Communications: In an effort to improve communications we’ll be using a Gmail account to send messages for members, interested parishioners, and friends of our council. Thanks to PKG Sam for getting this started. More to follow as we tweak the process and learn how best to use the Gmail app. Finally… Happy New Year to All. May we experience peace, prosperity, and live our lives in the model of Jesus Christ.. Respectfully, Kevin Quinn, Grand Knight 5 Deputy Grand Knights Message Brothers Knights, WOW! It is time for me to get out a message again. I have been so busy that this didn’t sneak up on me. It hit me like a lightning jolt (not the first). Let me start with a very big THANK YOU to Brother Knight Brendan Crimmins and his lovely wife, Joy. They did a marvelous job at organizing and producing the wonderful Christmas Party for New Life. There was plenty of good food and all had a very good time. If you were in attendance and left a little early you missed the best part. The consummate social director, Dee Nycz, wife of Brother John Nycz, got all of our guests and some of our members’ wives on the floor to dance. They were having a great time. Too bad I was doing a little kitchen work or I may have gotten out myself (I have been known to get on the floor to dance every once in a while). Later there were Christmas songs playing and everyone joined in singing. It was a terrific evening and I thank all for attending. I also want to THANK all the Knights and their families who stepped-up and help fill the Christmas wishes for guests. Thanks are in order to all the brother Knights that assisted in making the food for Breakfast with Santa this year. They did a great job in not only cooking the food but getting it all out in a very timely manner. The event was a big success for the Home and School Association, and the fine ladies who organized the event were very pleased with not only how well the Knights worked but how joyful and helpful the Knights were during the entire event. Our helping other organizations in our Parish certainly is a very important part of our commitment to Charity. Now for the flip (down) side of events, or should I say areas which we must improve. There were four no-shows for the Breakfast with Santa event. There were a few reasons, all understandable, but the blunder was that no one let me know ahead of time. They all felt that the sign-up was sufficient and their absence could be absorbed. They were correct if it was only one person, but this was four empty slots. There were two unscheduled individuals who did show up after 10 AM that sure helped with the final clean-up activities. The bottom line was that we had four Brother Continued on Page 3 New Freedom, PA January 2015 Page 3 Deputy Grand Knights Message (continued from page 2) Brother Knights who had to pick up the slack. They started with prep at 0630 and worked straight through both shifts. It would have been nice to have a couple of guys to give them a little break. Sure is a good thing they don’t have a union, or I would have had to pay them triple time. OH, that’s ok it works out to the same figure. Seriously, my real concern is individuals getting burnt-out or feeling used or unappreciated for all they do in the kitchen. I know it is a kind of behind the scenes type of activity which is not appreciated as much as it should be. So in the future, if you have signed up for an event and are unable to attend, please call the person heading up that event as soon as possible to give them time to make some pre-event modifications. Thanks. Remember we are only as strong as our weakest member individually, but strong together; we must remember the valuable concept of unity. Oh, my first lightning bolt was about 30 years ago and it was real and it knocked me cold and really scared me. I just don’t know why God keeps saving me and granting me miracles. I guess he wants me to do something, I just don’t know what. God Bless, Vivat Jesus, Don Vosnick, Deputy Grand Knight Faithful Navigator Message Brother Sir Knights, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all Sr. Knights and their families a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and safe New Year. Please remember the greatest Christmas gift of all, and the reason for this Season, our” Savior Jesus Christ”. Please keep the spirit of Christmas in your hearts when travelling to be with family and friends for Christmas and when celebrating on New Year’s Eve. As 2014 comes to an end let us reflect on the support that we as Sir Knights have been blessed to give our Parishes and communities. I thank all of you for your dedication and support. During the 2015 year we will face many opportunities and I know that we are prepared to meet all challenges. The 2015 4th Degree Exemplification is on March 22nd in Grantville. Our Worthy Faithful Captain, Frank Blodgett will need your help in fulfilling our assemblies duties in the hospitality suite. Help will be needed selling Cherries for Cash Tickets and bartending the evening of Sat.21st and on Sunday the 22nd we are responsible for serving lunch before the Exemplification. Food donations are needed for Saturday evening. It is not too soon to offer Frank your support. Also remember to sign up if you need a hotel reservation for either night. Frank is your point of contact. Thank You McSherrystown Council #2551 for hosting our December meeting on Thursdays the 18th The Assembly next meets on Jan. 15th at the Bonneauville Council 15655 at 8:00 PM. Rosary 7:45 PM. Vivat Jesus, Bowen R. Gifford, Faithful Navigator Food for Families Update Food for Families is back on track. As of the last meeting we had approximately 335 pounds of food collected toward a goal of 1,000 pounds, and we received additional cash donations at the last meeting of $100 (WOW!) with cash total at that time of $314 toward the goal of $500. And since that meeting we now have met the $500 goal for cash donations to Food for Families. Great effort Gentlemen!! Please consider bringing non-perishable food items and/or cash to any of our council meetings to help support this effort, because this is an ongoing program. Thanks, Joe Grohal New Freedom, PA January 2015 January Pro Life Report Page 4 Brothers, I hope you had a Blessed Christmas. I have three very important items I want to mention this month; buses, house and party. JEOPARDY question: "What K of C activity by Council 8891 touches Community, Service, Family, Youth, Church and Pro Life activities?" ANSWER: What is the annual K of C Christmas Party for the ladies and children of New Life for Women. This year's party was terrific. A big tip of the hat to Brendan Crimmins for chairing it and to all the Knights and wives who cooked, donated presents, decorated and hosted the Christmas get-together. A whopping success. BUSES to the National Right to Life March. Reserve a seat on one of the two buses. Call me, email me or look for the sign-up table in the Atrium after Mass. We want to fill both buses. tomevans54@comcast.net 235-8833. The theme for this year's March is, "Every Life is a Gift". What's so special about the 'house on North 2nd Street, Harrisburg? 2704 N. 2nd backs up to the Hillcrest Abortion Clinic at 2709 Front St. The rear of each building shares a common service road between the two rows of houses. Clients of the clinic park in the rear and enter from there. Sidewalk counsellors are permitted to stand in this alley and ask prospective customers not to make the same mistake they made years ago. Sidewalk counsellors can now use 2704 as a base for their activities. 2704 has an upstairs room that overlooks the back of the abortion clinic. It has been blessed as a chapel by Bishop Gainer and is dedicated to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Mass will be offered on First Fridays. After Mass, the Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration in the Chapel for the rest of the day. 2704 came to be because a lady, very dedicated to the Pro-Life movement, heard that it was for rent and rented it. She asked for no help but surely could use some. She is willing to keep it going on her own and still maintain the home she and her husband and children live in. At a minimum, the home will be open on Wednesdays and Fridays and alternate Saturdays, the days abortions are performed. It's a place counsellors can take women to sit down with a cup of tea and talk to them about their experiences and expose them to alternatives to abortion. Does this work? I know that on Friday, Dec 11, a lady changed her mind about aborting after talking to one of the counsellors. While we were decorating for the New Life Christmas party on Sat, Dec 12, Joy Crimmins got a text from one of the counsellors informing her that another lady changed her mind. Brothers, it works. Keep everyone involved in this effort in your prayers. They are doing the very heavy lifting. Happy New Year, Tom Evans, Pro-Life Chair tomevans54@comcast.net, 717-235-8833 Breakfast with Santa – Wrap-Up Breakfast with Santa was a great success. Things went very smoothly and all had a good time. I must thank the many individuals who made this year’s breakfast event such an enjoyable success. I will start by thanking the Home and School chairperson, Mrs. Patty Mazziott. Patty did a very fine job of getting everything organized and set-up; and like a true leader she selected some very competent individuals to assist. Mary (sorry this old guy forgot her last name), the lovely young lady who purchased all of the food. Mary did an excellent job and was really close on the purchase of many items. Then there was the ultimate bookkeeper, the lovely gal with all the correct numbers, Nina David who was able to provide me with the number of children, infants, and adults attending each seating. Boy was that information ever helpful, it sure made life a lot better knowing how many pancake trees to make for each seating. Then there is the crew in the kitchen, I must start with Miriam Gamache, our lovely young lady on the grill, who made all of those adorable pancake trees. I sure hope she is home on Christmas break from college at this time next year. Doing double duty in the kitchen were Grand Knight Kevin Quinn, Lenny Casiero, Brendin Crimmins, David Gamache, and Barry Price. Actually, it was more like triple duty for Mr. Price and Mr. Crimmins who joined me by 0630 for prep. Great support was also provided by Tony Steinauer (PGK), Don Christensen, and Mark Phipps. Helping out after 10:00 AM were Dan Beck and Bill Casseday who were not initially signed up; boy was there appearance and help a welcomed sight. Again thanks to all this was a very rewarding event. Don Vosnick, 724-288-7225, dgvosnick@comcast.net New Freedom, PA January 2015 Page 5 Polish Fest – Raffle Prizes & Desserts – February 7th Brothers, The second annual Polish Fest will be Saturday, February 7th, 4-9pm. We are asking for gift cards to add to our Wine Cooler Raffle. No more than a $10 gift card from our local Wine & Spirits store is sufficient. We got the Wine Cooler on sale for $256 (actual value $385) and we would like to get the total value of the winning prize up to between $400-$500. If you are able to do so please leave cards inside an envelope in the K of C mailbox in the church office with my name on it. Also, we will need help with desserts. Donated homemade or store bought it doesn’t matter. We appreciate any and all donations. Hope I am not asking too much of all you with Christmas still in the rearview mirror. We have dates reserved in the church atrium for the raffle ticket sales. They are the weekends of January 10-11 & 1718. And please remember to purchase your tickets for this event early, because as you remember we sold out last year and had to send people away. Flier with more information included in this Knight Edition on page 8. God Bless, Chuck Carey New Life Christmas Party – Wrap-Up Thanks to everyone who participated in any way. There are too many people to name. Once again a great time was had by all who attended the party. Rachel the Director posted pictures on their Facebook page and thanked all the Knights and their wives for a beautiful evening. Rachel said that it’s groups like us that keep this program running and they can’t continue to run the program without the help of people like us This was truly a group effort from the purchasing of the gifts to the cooking of the meal Santa’s visit, Santa’s secret gift shop, Crafts, Dancing, Games and Trains and of course the Face Painting and I couldn’t have done this without the support of my partner and Loving wife Joy THANK YOU ALL Some photos on Page 10. Joy and I would also like to extend a very special THANK YOU to Chuck and Lisa Carey for doing this for the past eleven years and the great support and help they provided to us the rookies in making this a success once again this year You both will be missed but we will carry on the good works you started with this program. All of us wish you the very best in your next phase of your retirement in Myrtle Beach. Keep Christ in Christmas Drawing Content Winners Christmas is a blessed time of year but it can also be fun. Our grade schoolers here at St. John’s really got into the Christmas spirit and showed that they know where our focus should lie during Advent, Jesus. Grades K - Third did an excellent job of recreating the Nativity. Many of our students put forth an exceptional effort into their drawings and it was difficult for our guys to decide on the winners. Congratulations to our 2014 winners. Pictured from left to right are Kindergartener Kate Benesch, Second Grader Madeline Murphy, Third Grader Allie Petera, and First Grader Morgan Campbell. I truly enjoy my interaction with the kids, they are wonderful to work with. Merry Christmas to all my Brother Knights and their families, Chuck Carey Basketball Free Throw Competition – January 17th Our local Basketball Freethrow Championship is set for Saturday, January 17, 2014 from 9am-2pm at Southern Elementary School. This nationwide event is open to Boys and Girls age 9-14. K of C #8891 sponsors one of the largest events in the state. It is one of our important community outreach events. We still need help to make the event run smoothly. The need is for Scorers, Rebounders, Sign-in and Issuing Participant Certificates; from 9am-noon or noon-2pm. Please contact me if you can help. It is a fun event for all who participate! Thank you in advance for your support and to those that already signed up at December's meeting.. Tim Schott – Youth Coordinator, timschott@hotmail.com or 235-0437 New Freedom, PA January 2015 Page 6 Community Program Update In the upcoming months I will be presenting articles of what the council can do to contribute to the welfare of the community. We know, as a council, we do a great job for the church and school because we see it every day in front of us. But I know there are brother knights and their families that are doing work in the community. If you are doing some of the things listed below, or know of a council member, please tell us about it. Send an email to newfreedomkoc8891@gmail.com. Tell us a little about the activity, who is involved, when it took place and how many hours you and your family contributed. HUMAN NEEDS Housing, food and health all have two things in common, they represent human needs and they offer a fertile field for community service projects. Among ways to address those needs are: • Donating council services to food banks and soup kitchens that rely on volunteers not only to collect food but also to prepare and deliver it. • Conducting food drives in your council and community or starting a community garden with all the produce grown to be donated to local community groups or agencies helping the needy. • Supporting groups that deliver meals to homebound people such as Meals on Wheels programs (for more information contact the group providing the service in your local community). Remember, people are hungry every day of the year; not only at Thanksgiving and Christmas • Helping meet the psychological and recreational needs of the aged by visiting and offering encouragement to residents of homes for the elderly. Get commitments from your council members to make regular visits to elderly people in rest and long-term care centers or sponsor recreational, social or religious events for older people at your council home; • Working with groups that give people with disabilities the ability to live independently. • Helping groups that assist senior citizens, the frail and homebound, people with Alzheimer’s disease and the people who care for them. • Providing transportation for the elderly for Mass, shopping, visiting relatives or doctor appointments, helping senior citizens who live alone in performing routine household tasks. • Lending a hand to people with intellectual disabilities (read and inform yourself about the facts by contacting the local chapter of ARC (thearc.org) and tying your projects and activities with them so that there can be coordinated involvement in working out the problems which face citizens with intellectual disabilities). • “Adopting” students at a special learning class or school for children with intellectual disabilities, taking the young people on field trips, hosting parties for them, giving them gifts on their birthdays, and sponsoring other activities to brighten their days and boost their self-confidence. • Supporting community programs that enhance the quality of life for people with disabilities by promoting greater opportunities in education, housing, employment, transportation and recreation. • Battling adult illiteracy by providing volunteer tutors, raising money for adult basic reading material, urging local businesses to institute workplace reading programs, and spreading the word that assistance is available to nonreaders. If no literacy programs are available locally, work to develop one. Sam Bongiovano, PGK Community Chairperson Paul V. King Scholarship Council 8891 is providing a scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 to a graduating senior or home-school equivalent. Applications are available now in the Parish Office or through the guidance office of local high schools, and must be submitted no later than January 31, 2015. Parents of the applicant must be registered parishioners. The winner will be announced at the breakfast for graduating seniors in the spring. Rick Corriveau, 717-227-2728, rickkorivo@verizon.net New Freedom, PA January 2015 Page 7 Wife Appreciation Night Out- Saturday, January 24, 2015 Brothers, We are actively involved in our daily activities including work, family, sporting activities, hobbies and supporting our council in its endeavors. Our wives stand by us in support of those activities. It is again the perfect time to take our wives out to dinner as a small thank you for their support of us in everything that we do. This opportunity gives us a chance to socialize as couples and give our wives a chance to meet other wives and our brother knights and put faces to the names. Please consider joining your brother knights and their spouses at Mama's Pizza Italian Ristorante for dinner at 6:30pm. Mama's Pizza Italian Ristorante is located at 215 North Main Street in Loganville (just west of the I-83 Loganville exit 10 at the Susquehanna Trail and Route 214). Mamma's Pizza is an Italian themed restaurant and they have reserved a banquet space for us for this event. They will offer us a special event menu (below) made up of favorite dishes from their larger menu to accommodate our large group. x x x x x x x x x Fettuccine Alfredo, with or without Shrimp Cheese Ravioli Spaghetti with meatballs Veal Parmesan with spaghetti Chicken Marsala Veal Piccata Linguine with Clams (red or white sauce) Shrimp Fra Diavolo- Shimp sauteed with garlic and spicy herbs in marinara sauce over linguine Dessert: Cannoli The restaurant is BYOB so bring your favorite bottle of wine or brew and they will provide the glasses. Please RSVP to me by January 15th with entree' selections to aide Mama's in preparation and also that I can coordinate final numbers for the event expected around 60 persons. Everyone seemed to have a wonderful time last year. I can be reached at 717-993-6693 or by email (preferred) at jegrohal@zoominternet.net. Hope that you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Joe Grohal Knights of Columbus - Fourth Degree FATHER CYRIL J. ALLWEIN ASSEMBLY NO. 944 218 Carlisle Street, Hanover, Pennsylvania 17331-2409 2015 Calendar of Activities (Tentative) January 1 January 15 January 22 February 14 February 19 February 18 M arch 6 March 17 March 17 March 19 March 21 March 22 March 29 Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Holy Day) Assembly meets at the Bonneauville Council 15655 at 8:00 PM, Rosary 7:45 PM Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children- March for Life in D.C St. Valentine’s Day Assembly meets at the Abbottstown Council 13692 at 8:00 PM, Rosary 7:45 PM Ash Wednesday World Day of Prayer St. Patrick’s Day Color Corps will participate in the closing of 40 hrs. at St. Joseph the Worker in Bonneauville. The Bishop may be in attendance 7:00 PM Mass Assembly meets at the McSherrystown Council 2551 at 8:00 PM, Rosary 7:45 PM Exemplification of the Fourth Degree: Hospitality Room will be open at 4:00 PM in the Holiday Inn Grantville Exemplification of the Fourth Degree in the Holiday Inn Grantville: Mass 9:00am, Candidate Registration 12:00 Noon, Exemplification 1:00 PM, Banquet 5:30 PM Color Corps to participate at Mass and the Exemplification Palm Sunday Color Corps will participate at the Palm Sunday Celebration at St. Vincent’s Church at the 11:30 AM Mass Continued on Page 7a New Freedom, PA January 2015 Page 7a Knights of Columbus - Fourth Degree FATHER CYRIL J. ALLWEIN ASSEMBLY NO. 944 2015 Calendar of Activities (Tentative) - Continued April 3 April 5 April 16 April 25 April 28 May 2 May 7 May 25 May 14 May 21 June 7 June 7 June 14 June 16 June 18 July4 July 16 August 6 August 15 August 20 Good Friday Easter Sunday Assembly meets at Hanover Council 871 at 8:00 PM, Rosary 7:45 PM Color Corps will participate in Confirmation at St John the Baptist Church, New Freedom 10:00 AM Color Corps will participate in the closing of 40 hrs. at St. Joseph’s Church, Hanover. 7:00 PM Mass Color Corps at First Holy Communion St John the Baptist Church, New Freedom 11:00 AM National Day of Prayer Memorial Day Solemnity of the Ascension Holy Day of Obligation (transferred to Sunday May 17) Assembly meets at the New Freedom Council 8891 at 8:00 PM. Rosary 7:45 PM Color Corps will participate in the Corpus Christi Mass at St John the Baptist Church at the 3:00PM Mass (Tentative) Color Corps will participate in the Corpus Christi Mass at St. Vincent’s Church at the 9:00 AM mass Flag Day Closing of 40 hrs. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Abbottstown 7:00 PM Assembly meets at the St. Vincent’s Council 14865 at 8:00 PM. Rosary 7:45 PM Independence Day Assembly meets at the Bopnneauville Council at 8:00 PM. Rosary 7:45 PM The Transfiguration of the Lord Solemnity of the Assumption (Holy Day of Obligation) Assembly meets at St. John the Baptist Parish Center for the Assembly Family Picnic, Social at 6:00 PM and Meeting at 7:00. September 7 September 10 Labor Day Color Corps will participate at the Blue Mass at Annunciation Church McSherrystown at 7:00 PM Mass (Tentative) September 11 Patriot Day September 15 Color Corps will participate Close of 40 Hrs. at Annunciation Church McSherrystown (Tentative} September 17 Assembly meets at the Abbottstown Council 13692 at 8:00 PM. Rosary 7:45 PM October 6 October 13 October 13 October 15 October 17 Color Corps will participate in the closing of 40 hrs. at St John the Baptist Church at the 7:30PM Mass (Tentative) Columbus Day (observed) Color Corps will participate in the closing of 40 hrs. at St. Vincent’s Church, Hanover. 7:00 PM Mass Assembly meets at the Hanover Council 871 at 8:00 PM. Rosary 7:45 PM Fall Social- venue to be determined November 1 November 3 All Saint’s Day (Holy Day) Color Corps will participate in the closing of 40 hrs. at St. Francis Xavier Church, Gettysburg. 7:00 PM Mass (Tentative) November 11 Veterans Day November 19 Assembly meets at the St. Vincent’s Council 14865 at 8:00 PM. Rosary 7:45 PM November 26 Thanksgiving Day November 29 First Sunday of Advent December 8 December 17 December 25 December 31 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation) Assembly meets at the McSherrystown Council 2551 at 8:00 PM, Rosary 7:45 PM Christmas (Holy Day of Obligation) New Year’s Eve New Freedom, PA January 2015 Page 8 New Freedom, PA January 2015 FTGOTO: Please keep the following in your prayers: Our Religious Fr. Paul Thiesz Our Troops Don Christensen Law Enforcement Schwarzman Family Fire Fighters Denise Correveau Medical Workers George Fischer Pregnancy & Family Resource Center President & Legislators Saenz Family Joy & Susanne Crimmins Clem Marchildon Joann & Mike Polash Dennis Cipko ACTIVITY DIRECTORS Claudia Casseday Dominick Pennella Wilasinee Beck Steinauer Family Terry Myers Ann Price Gene Kornak Galante Family Ray Pesta BUILDING FUND CHAIRMAN Barry Price 428-0365 CHURCH – Dave Taylor 993-3105 COMMUNITY – Sam Bongiovano 717-968-6290 YOUTH – Tim Schott -235-0437 COUNCIL – Barry Price 428-036 FAMILY - Joe Grohal 993-6693 APPARAL - Dan Beck 235-4604 MEMBERSHIP – Tony Steinauer VOCATIONS - Don Vosnick 724-288-7225 PRO-LIFE - Tom Evans 235.8833 ASSISTANT CHAIRMAN (Fund Raising) Eugene Kornak 235-0322 (Investment & Home Opportunities) Ron Seufert 235-5317 John Nycz 235-3721 EX-OFFICIO COMMITTEE Tony Steinauer 443-838-3241 Greg Gering 717-552-8173 Page 9 Building Fund - Card Social & Luncheon January 11th and February 8th Game Starts Promptly at 1:00 in the Parish Center Benefits St. John the Baptist K of C Council #8891 Building Fund Contact John 235-3721 or Barry 428-0365 for info. COUNCIL #8891 2014 – 2015 GRAND KNIGHT - Kevin Quinn (Jane) 717-235-0745 DEPUTY GK – Don Vosnick (Carolyn) 724-288-7225 CHAPLIN – Fr. Brommer 717-235-2156 CHANCELLOR - Dave Taylor (Barbara) 717-993-3105 RECORDER - Mark Phipps (Sharon) 717-993-9365 TREASURER – Greg Gering (Michelle) 717-552-8173 ADVOCATE – Rick Corriveau (Leslie) 717-227-2728 WARDEN – Brendan Crimmons (Joy) 443-510-5521 Fund OUTSIDE GUARD – Gene Kornak (Alvina) 717-235-0322 INSIDE GUARD –Dominick Pennella 717-227-1152 Fr. Cyril J. Allwein Assembly #944 2014 – 2015 Officers Faithful Navigator Faithful Comptroller Faithful Friar Faithful Captain Faithful Admiral Faithful Purser Faithful Pilot Faithful Scribe Inner Sentinel Outer Sentinel One Year Trustee Two Year Trustee Three Year Trustee Color Corp Commander Bo Gifford 235-4751 Al Saenz 235-3917 Fr. Lawrence Sherdel 637-1191 Francis Blodgett 630-8246 Don Vosnick 724-288-7225 John Schwarzman 235-6220 Steve Arthur 465-0097 Nathanial Fissel 646-9255 James Hintenach 235-6117 Dennis Cooper 993-6973 Gilbert Mehring 632-5457 Charles Stoecker` 410-329-2140 Daniel Beck 235-4604 Richard Corriveau 227-2728 TRUSTEE 1 YEAR – Sam Bongiovano (Linda) 717-968-6290 TRUSTEE 2 YEAR – John Green (Liz) 717-235-6588 TRUSTEE 3 YEAR – Tony Steinauer (Romy) 443-838-3241 FINANCIAL SECRETARY - Al Saenz 717-235-3917 DISTRICT DEPUTY – TBD INSURANCE AGENT – Jon Deakin 717-818-2858 Jon.Deakin@KofC.org - - NOTICE - Want to help save your Council money and also be green, receive an e-mail copy of the Knight Edition monthly. If we don’t have your e-mail address, e-mail me at bapent @ comcast.net St. John the Baptist Council 8891 Recognizes St. John the Baptist Council 8891 Recognizes Gamache Family Brendan Crimmins as the as the )$0,/<2)7+(<($5 .1,*+72)7+(<($5 St. John the Baptist Knights of Columbus Council No. 8891 & Fr. Cyril J. Allwein Assembly #944 P.O. Box 219 New Freedom, PA 17349 New Life Christmas Party – Wrap-Up - Photos (From article on page 5) New Freedom, PA January 2015 Page 10 Knights of Columbus January 2015 Calendar Sunday 28 29 = 4 Monday 5 Tuesday Wednesday 30 31 December Business Mtg New Years Eve Dance 8:00pm NH 9pm to 1am Parish Center 6 7 = 12 13 14 2 3 9 10 NEW YEARS DAY 8 15 4th Degree Meeting Bonneauvile Rosary 7:45pm Meeting 8:00pm Card Social 1pm PC = Saturday 8:00pm NH Don’t forget your Sunday Obligation & 18 1 Friday Rosary 7:30 General Mtg Don’t forget your Sunday Obligation 11 Thursday 19 20 21 22 March for 16 February Newsletter Articles Due bapent@comcast.net Basketball Free Throw 9am-2pm, Southern Elementary 23 24 Wife Appreciation Night Out Mama’s, Loganville 30 31 Life in DC & Business Mtg Don’t forget your Sunday Obligation 17 6:30 pm 8:00pm NH 25 = Don’t forget your Sunday Obligation 26 27 28 29