Current Newsletter - Fort Worth Emmaus Community


Current Newsletter - Fort Worth Emmaus Community
Gathering THIS Friday night @ Genesis UMC
map on pg. 2
January 2015
Thank you Ridglea UMC for hosting the Emmaus Community last month. Thanks to you all for attending the meeting last month.
In November, the election of new officers for 2015 was held and the results are as follows:
Lay Director
Eva Huey
Lay Dir. In Training
Doug Kirkpatrick
Spiritual Director
Rev. David Fergeson
Troy Chapman
Music Coordinator
Rick Vieira
Agape Coordinator
Linda Rutledge
Mike Houston
Newsletter & Facebook
Eva Huey
Congratulations to all the officers and thank you for your service in your endeavors this next year. To all the officers that served
2014, THANK YOU! It has been an honor and pleasure to serve with you. Thank you to all the members as we continue to grow and serve
God. My hopes for the this year, is a large amount of growth and many trips to Saturday night Candlelight services showing our committed
service to God and Walk to Emmaus. So as we continue with Faith, hope and joy to serve, may God lead us to new heights for His Glory.
Our mission is to find pilgrims for next year so keep on the look out for someone to bless as you were blessed. And remember to bring
a snack and or drink or both to share and your purple worship book and wear your cross lanyard and name tag. Invite a friend to come and
see what Emmaus is about.
Eva Huey
Eva Huey
Fort Worth Emmaus Community Lay Director
Remember to bring
† a FRIEND or two or three
† Your Worship Book
re Scho
† Your cross lanyard and name tag
S. Hulen St.
† a snack or drink to share
Genesis United Methodist Church
7635 So. Hulen
Fort Worth TX 76133
817 292 4551
Both Hulen and Sycamore School Rd.
are “weavy”.
You can exit Sycamore School Rd.
from I-35 and Hulen from I-30.
Parking is in rear of building.
If you can’t make 7 p.m., arrive when you can!
If you can’t make 7 p.m., arrive when you can!
“Late” is GREAT!
“Late” is GREAT!
From our Spiritual Director…
“ Pray without Ceasing (Constantly, Continually)”
1 Thessalonians 5:17
sages.” (Jesus in John 17:20), “Devote yourselves to Prayer” ( Colossians
4:2) “Pray Continually” (1 Thessalonians 5:17) “… Pray for each
other….” (James 5:16)
There is a story about a very devout and loving Christian woman who
was injured in an accident and paralyzed from the neck down. A friend
Most of us have learned that having a daily or weekly routine is condu- came to see her and lamented that now she could do nothing for the Lord
cive to following healthy habits that help us live healthier lives. When we or for the people. She responded firmly, “Oh no, my friend. I can pray.”
Prayer is our grand connection to God. Prayer is powerful both in sharing
allow ourselves to be distracted and derailed from these routines, we fail
our concerns with God and in awakening our conscience to how we can be
to follow the healthy habits we know are best and we find ourselves in
positions and places we don’t want to be. In the United Methodist Church, part of God’s answer to prayer.
new members take the Five Vows of Church membership. These vows exYour Church needs your prayers and you, as a part of or as a supporter
press the Biblical understanding of Christian commitment to Christian com- of the Christian community of your Church, need to show your love and
munity. Whether taken in a public service or simply advocated in preachdevotion to God and to your neighbors in this community of faith. Also, I
ing and teaching, these Vows are representative of what any Christian tra- know that the Holy Spirit is encouraging you to be an active, participatory
dition will prescribe as Healthy Christian Routines . The Vows are to sup- Christian, and through your prayers God will help you see how you can
port our church “with our prayers, our presence, our gifts, our service and make a difference. Let me suggest the following prayer as a guide:
our witness.” I encourage you to make these vows routine for your Christian practice in 2015.
God, thank you for what Jesus did for me; so that I can be saved and
live the life of salvation. I know that living the saved life includes being
In our Emmaus Ministry we are taught that the Emmaus Walk is not
part of my Christian community. You want to bring your saving message
about the Emmaus Walk but about serving God as committed Christians in and acts of goodness to the world through my Christian community. I pray
and through our local congregations. We desperately need to live out our for my congregation, NAME OF YOUR CHURCH , and for our work of minis4th day as active committed Christian believers who work with our pastors try in the world. May your Kingdom come and your will be done through
and fellow Christians in our local congregations; not with pride or arromy congregation, our denominational tradition, the Universal Church of all
gance but with willing servant hearts. If we follow these routines for
Christians in all places and through the Emmaus Walk ministry you have
Christian living we will be the light God wants us to be in and through our provided to strengthen the church. Please help us to find your way for us
Christian congregations
to do our part. Please help us to be devoted to the acts of worship and
study, and the acts of care and concern that make a positive difference in
The first vow/routine is to PRAY for our Church. Are you praying for
the lives of the people we serve. Show me my part in this. In Jesus’
your church? Are you regularly asking God to supply the needs of your
Name, Amen
church to sustain the ministry of your church? Are you asking God how
you can be God’s minister to your church in order that you may be in min- As we pray, God will show us the way.
istry with your brothers and sisters of your church on behalf of your
neighbors. Sir Thomas Moore prayed, “God grant us the grace to work for
what we pray for.” This is a good prayer to pray.
Here are some passages about prayer in the New Testament: “I pray for
those who will believe in me through their (my followers) mes-
Eva Huey Lay Director
817 992 7729
cell 817 201 5735
Doug Kirkpatrick, Lay Director in Training (LD 2015)
cell 682 478 9897
Troy Chapman, Treasurer
817 297-1840
Rick Vieira, Music Coordinator
cell 682 216 5977
Linda Rutledge, Agape Coordinator
cell 817 812 4525
Mike Houston, Webservant
Eva Huey, Newsletter & FaceBook
817 992 7729
Rev. David Fergeson, Spiritual Director
817 626 7994
Walks for 2015
403 Men’s
404 Men’s
Walk Location
Sponsor Community
# of Pilgrims
Brownwood Ch Ctr
Pecan Valley
Greene Family Camp 02/19/2015
Round Rock
Ar/l Mid Cities
Feb 20
Aug 21
Mar 20
Sept 18
Apr 17
Oct 16
May 15
Nov 20
June 19
Dec 4
or 11
Glen Lake
Latham Springs Bapt 04/23/2015
Brownwood Ch Ctr
408 Men’s
Latham Springs
410 Men’s
Greene Family Camp 10/08/2015
Glen Lake
FW Emmaus website:
Jan 16
Genesis UMC
*minimum not yet met
Fort Worth
July 17
Joint Christmas with Arlington/Mid Cities
CTC Emmaus website: