January 31st Coronation Ball Pg.


January 31st Coronation Ball Pg.
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
January 23rd
Jester Circle Dinner
January 24th
Den Party
Pg. 4
January 31st
Coronation Ball
February 1st
Brunch at Hotel Galvez
Ball Weekend:
Parade Weekend:
February 6th
February 7th
Beading in the Community
George Mitchell Award and Parade Pg.8
Pre-Parade Party at Yaga’s
Gambrinus Lights up the Night Parade
Brew-Ha-Ha Party
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Captain’s Note:
Laissez Les Bon
Temps Rouler
Roaring Back to
the 20’s
Krewe Sponsors:
Joe & Mary
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Jester’s Circle
The Shipyard Hall at Willie G’s
January 23rd
Jester Circle Supporters
What Time: 6:30 p.m.
The annual Jester’s Circle Dinner is upon us. Last year’s dinner had a record attendance and this year’s should be
even better. The Jester’s Circle was established many years ago as an opportunity for interested members to socialize, dine, and to provide additional support to our Krewe. Jester’s Circle members are recognized for their extraordinary generosity and benevolence in our Krewe newsletter and on the Coronation Ball program.
This year’s dinner is on Friday, January 23, 2015 and will be held at Willie G’s at 2100 Harborside in Galveston in their
Shipyard Hall. Social hour will be from 6:30 to 7:30 with dinner following. Membership in the Jester’s Circle is $275.00
per person or $550.00 per couple. For those interested in joining us this year please mail your contribution to me by
January 16th, as we must confirm attendance with Willie G’s for their planning needs. An email confirming your desired
attendance is greatly appreciated.
If you would like additional information I can be reached at: Gimenez_Chris@hotmail.com or directly at 713.824.4195.
The mailing address for payment is: 1198 Sailfish St., Bayou Vista, TX 77563.
Thank you for your continued support,
Chris Gimenez
New Members / All Members
WELCOME new members who have joined since the last newsletter - Holly Wade, John Prejean,
John Leonard, Jimmie Allen, and Mary Callier.
All new members this year, please wear your new member name tags and pearl beads to the upcoming Den Party on January 24 so we know who you are and can welcome you in true Gambrinus style. If you have not gotten your name tag and pearl bead, they will be at sign in at the Den
Party. Any questions or concerns, contact me. I am here for you.
There are still a few bags of the specialty beads left to order for $130 per bag. Get your order to
me asap if you need a bag - FIRST COME-FIRST SERVE. Believe me, the parade route is very long
and you do not want to run out of beads. Having nothing to throw is a BUMMER!!!
Janet Morgan, tjmorgan1995@sbcglobal.net
409-770-0876, cell 832-561-4633
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Den Party
Float Barn, 44th Street and Avenue G
January 24, 2014
Members and Invited Guests
How Long:
1:00 p.m. til 5:00 p.m.
How Much:
Members Free /Guests ($25)
The Den Party is our traditional kick off of the Mardi Gras season. The doors of the Gambrinus Float Barn will
be thrown open for an afternoon of Gambrinus Revelry. Food provided by Dickinson BBQ, Drinks, Music,
Old Friends, New Friends, Meeting the Royal Court. ! Beads! Beads! And more Beads!
You will be able to look over the floats you will be riding this year. What a great way to begin the “Month that is
Mardi Gras” Our social committee has so many things in store for this year’s Den Party ! Don’t be late or you
may miss out on some good old Mardi Gras fun.
Richard Ivey, Director and Social Committee Chair
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Coronation Ball
“The Roaring Twenties"
Coronation Ball
We are going to be roaring back to the twenties at the premier party of the year. The Coronation
Ball committee is ready to make this an event of swanky glitz and glamour. The Galveston Island
convention center will be transformed into the biggest Speak Easy in town. Doors will open at
The Coronation will start at 8:00pm sharp as we welcome the entrance of King Gambrinus XXV
in anticipation of his crowning and passing the scepter to our new King Gambrinus XXVI and
crowning Her Royal Majesty The Queen. The Royal Court in all their finery will certainly dazzle
the guest and promises beads- beads- beads.
Past Kings and Queens you are invited to drop by the Royal room and wish the 2015 Royal
Court a great year.
The Doppleganger Band is one of the most sought after groups in the Houston area and will
keep you on the dance floor all night. Their lead singer is also a regular in Las Vegas. They are a
true premier band.
For your dinning pleasure you are invited to a delicious dinner buffet immediately following the
Coronation. There will be a chefs carving station with your choice of chicken beef or fish with all
the trimmings along with everyone's favorite a Martini potato bar.
Bootlegging is not required since there will be a "Juice Joint" with every top shelf libation you desire.
Genesis Photographers will be there to capture that special moment with you and your special
Face Painters will be on hand to give you that great Mardi Gras look.
Be sure and look for special characters that will be mingling with the guest.
Please get your response cards in asap so table arrangements can be made for you and your
table mates.
Looking forward to making this another
great year.
Sandra Thiem
Coronation Ball Coordinator
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Sunday Brunch
"Brunch at the Hotel Galvez - Sunday February 1st, 2014
We will be enjoying the Champagne Brunch at the Galvez again this year the morning after the Ball
(Sunday, Feb.1) at 11:00 am. The cost is $40 for adults, $36 for seniors ( 60 and older), $26 for
children (6-11), and free for 5 and under.
Please contact me at karen.hansen@earthlink.net if you plan to attend.
Beading in the Community
Beading for a Great Cause - Nursing Homes
The Krewe of Gambrinus proudly supports the residents of The Meridian Retirement Community
and the Gulf Health Care Center. Our Royal Court will guide Krewe members on a beading parade
with our elderly friends. The joy that this small bit of time gives to these folks is a WONDERFUL
way to kick off your Mardi Gras experience. Plan to attend this year!
The Meridian Retirement Community
Gulf Health Care Center
2228 Seawall Blvd.
3702 Cove View Blvd.
Hostess: Carolyn Urbani
Host: Richard Ivey
Times and dates were not available at this time . As soon as all the information has been provided an
email will be sent to all Krewe Members.
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Parade Weekend
Happy Mardi Gras! Its time once again for Gambrinus to Light Up The Night!
In the following pages you will find all the information you need to enjoy all our Mardi Gras Weekend Festivities. Gather up your beads, your costumes, your ice chests, and your Mardi Gras Spirit.
Join King Gambrinus XXVI Angelo “Flukey” Urbani, His lovely Queen Julie Jannett, and The
Greatest Krewe In The World in celebrating Mardi Gras in Galveston!
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
George Mitchell Award and Parade
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Parade Eve Party at Yaga’s
Yaga’s, 2314 Strand Street
February 6th, 6:30 p.m. til 10:00 p.m.
Members (Free) Guests ($20)
This wonderful party will be held at Yaga’s on the Strand again this year, Friday, February
6, from 6:30 to 10:00, with Yaga’s all to ourselves during that time. If you missed it last
year, it was really FUN, with great food and access to the Strand activities if desired. This
party is free to members and $20 for guests, cash only. You can get into the entertainment area for free with a decorated umbrella at 21st and Mechanic. With that umbrella
you can march in the Funky Uptown Umbrella Brigade if you want. Line up starts at 6:30
and the parade at 8:00. We encourage all to belly-up to Yaga’s Bar for our libations. Part
of our attractive price for the event is an expectation that we will spend freely at the bar.
Please do your part to help us run the bar tab up!
Remember that Texas law prohibits you from taking alcoholic beverages in or out of Yaga’s, so save yourself frustration by finishing them off first either way. The law was actively enforced last year.
You should have already received information on the George P. Mitchell award ceremony
that same afternoon honoring the Lidstone’s, founders of the Krewe of Aquarius. You
will remember that our own George and Sherry Black were honored last year. The social
hour starts at the Press Box at 3:30, followed by a Dixie Land band accompanied march
to the Tremont for the ceremony at 5:00. Our Krewe has been invited to attend.
If you have any questions please contact me, Karen Hansen at
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
The parade staging location is 57th and Seawall Boulevard. There will not
be bus transportation to the parade site.
If you are a new member, please check with your friends or your Float
Captain to answer any of your questions that pertain to riding on your
There will be hot dogs, hamburgers and all the fixins’ courtesy of the
2014 King Bob Planck, being served up by the Lighthouse Charity Team
between 3-5 in the Party Zone. The Party Zone is the area of the line up
which will be formed between 2 lines of floats this year instead of the
long single line of floats we had last year. At the top of the Party Zone
the King, Queen & Royal Court will preside over the festivities on their
float. Music will be supplied by the Houkelele Music Group participating
in our parade.
Please review the following Safety Information and the Brew Ha Ha Party Information that will follow the parade!
Stay Safe and Have a Wonderful Time!!
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Parade Safety and Other Important Stuff:
Important Safety and Regulatory Information: Please read
Parade day is Saturday, February 7, 2015, at 6:00 pm
The parade staging location is 57th and Seawall Boulevard. There will not be bus
transportation to the parade site.
 Only Full MEMBERS, or their alternate, can ride on the floats. Associate Members cannot unless they are a Full Member’s alternate.
 You must be 21 or older. Insurance reasons make this non-negotiable.
 You must be on your float by 5:30 pm and start staging your beads, etc.
 There will be costume judging this year. See your Float Captain for details.
 Do not attach any posters, flags, signs or any other item to your float.
 You may have sponsors on your float. Be kind and respectful to them. Be helpful
if you can. They help pay for the parade and we want them to always want to
come back again.
 SAFETY ISSUES: These items are for the safety of the riders and the spectators
and are part of our insurance requirements.
 NO SMOKING ON A FLOAT – Your Float Captain has the authority to have you
removed if you do – even in the middle of the parade.
 Wear shoes that are comfortable and provide a firm grip on the wood decks in
case of any sudden movements of the float.
 Pace your drinking so you do not become unstable. We do not want anyone to
fall. You will be on the float for about 4 hours.
 No fighting or causing someone to want to! Be respectful to all your fellow riders.
Don’t drink more than you can handle!
 Do not throw or hand beads to people that come up to the float. This encourages
poor behavior that can cause someone to be injured. Do not throw beads when
your float is stopped!
 Know the location of the fire extinguisher on your float. It is near the port-o- potty.
 You may bring your own snacks and drinks in a small cooler or cold bag.
 You may bring your own beads and throws.
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Parade Safety and Other Important Stuff:
Items that you bring may be left on the float until clean-up at the float barn on
Sunday at 12:00 noon.
 Do not take anything off the float that does not belong to you when you get your
 Anything still left on the floats after clean-up may be thrown away and will not be
the responsibility of the Krewe.
 Once the parade begins, you cannot get off the float; even if the float is stopped
for a moment. If you get off, your Float Captain may not let you back on.
 There is a port-o-potty on each float. However, before the parade starts use the
ones that will be placed at the staging area.
 Dispose of your trash properly. Your Float Captain will have plastic garbage
bags. DO NOT throw your trash on the street either during the staging time or
while the parade is in motion. The Krewe may be fined if you drop any trash on
the street.
 Beads provided by the Krewe will already be stationed at your spot on the float.
 Do not throw any beads until your float is on Seawall Boulevard.
 Do not throw any beads when your float is stopped. This causes people to come
too close to the floats. This is an insurance requirement! You may be asked to
leave the float in the middle of the parade if you do not heed this instruction.
 Always throw your beads to people near the sidewalks. Do not encourage or reward people that come up to the floats for beads. This is a safety and insurance
 The Parade will end after passing through the Strand. The floats will be routed to
Santa Fe where you will be able to board buses that will be parked at Santa Fe
and 26th Street.
 Plan to attend the brew-ha-ha after the parade at The Convention Center. See
your Float Captain for information on booking a room.
 On Sunday at 12:00 noon, please come to the Float Barn to help clean your float
of all trash and remove all sound equipment and other items.
The Parade Marshalls and Board of Directors look forward to a FUN and
SAFE parade experience for everyone. Please encourage your fellow
float riders to follow the safety guidelines.
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Brewe Ha Ha Party
The Brew Ha Ha will be held in the Galveston Convention Center located at 5600 Seawall Blvd.
We will be allowed to board the floats at 2:30pm this year. Starting at 3pm there will be hot dogs, hamburgers and all the fixins’ courtesy of the 2014 King Bob Planck, being served up by the Lighthouse Charity
Team between 3-5 in the Party Zone. The Party Zone is the area of the lineup which will be formed between 2 lines of floats this year instead of the long single line of floats we had last year. There will also
be live music supplied in the Party Zone by the Houkelele Music Group who will be participating in our
If you are not staying at the Hilton you will be able to park in the convention center parking garage.
PLEASE enter parking garage on the side entry facing the Hilton Hotel. There will be an attendant there
asking who you are with. Let him know KOG!! After the parade ends the GISD shuttles located next to the
Railroad Museum will take us back the Convention Center for our 2015 Brew Ha Ha. PLEASE REMEMBER cooler are NOT allowed in the ballroom. Please leave them on your float or take them back to your
room before coming to the Brew Ha Ha. You will not be allowed in with convention center with your ice
As you know the Brew Ha Ha is the party for all, it is free for members and
guest cost is $25.00. It is
the after parade party with music, food, cash bar and complimentary draft beer
from after parade to 12 midnight. This is also where the much anticipated costume contest results are announced as well as our Theme for 2016.
Hope to see everyone there!
Shanna Thiem
Unload and Clean Up at the Float Barn
Cleanup Day! Join Your Float Riders At The Float Barn at Noon Sunday
The Float Barn is open for Parade Captains and Krewe members to remove any items left
on the floats from the parade, clean the floats, and fight a terminal hangover. There will
also be a general cleanup to make sure the floats are in good condition. We will have
floats to clean that have been occupied by our sponsors, so please be willing to pitch in
on those floats. Remember, Momus and Gambrinus share some floats and we get to use
them first. Leave your float ready for another parade the Second weekend. If many participate, the job will be done quickly. Meeting Time is 12:00 The float barn is located at
the corner of 44th Street and Ave. G.
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Krewe of Barkus & Meoux Parade
Pets of the Year Leads the Parade
This year’s theme, Disco Paws, Stayin’ Alive is a carry-over
from our 2014 Paws Gala. The “Pet of the Year” belongs to
the pet of the owner(s) who are featured as an Elite Pet Owner and raises the most money for the Gala. The funds raised
at the Gala are designated for the building operation and improvements.
This year’s honor went to little Bernard thanks to his beloved
family, Ryanne Dizich and TJ Culberson.
The Krewe of
Barkus & Meoux Parade will begin at 1:00 pm
Sunday, February 15th, 2015
Check in and on-site registration will begin at 11:00 am
28th and Seawall
Pets and their humans are encouraged to wear their Mardi
Gras finest or anything fun. A costume contest is planned before the parade beginning at 11:30 am. The winners will be
announced and ribbons awarded prior to the start of the parade.
Written proof of current rabies vaccinations MUST be provided for all pets and tags worn on collars.
All pets must be on a lead
no longer then 6 feet.
Control must be maintained at all times.
All pets should be friendly.
No aggressive dogs.
NO candy should be thrown during the parade
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
The Party’s Not Over
The Party’s Not Over
Saturday, February 14th
5:00 PM
2515 Avenue O
Vickie and Kert DesPrez are opening up their house to the
Krewe to sit in front of their house and watch the Krewe of
Momus Parade go by and catch beads. This is potluck so
please bring enough to share, plus it is BYOB . You might
also want to bring a folding chair.
Avenue O is a one way street and you can park on both
sides. If you have any questions, please call Vickie at 281450-2144.
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Sponsors and Supporters
Without our sponsors and supporters we simply could not have the activities we all enjoy so
much. Thank you from all of us in the Krewe of Gambrinus!
Jester Circle
Chris and Cathy Abernethy
Dean and Patty Atkinson
Bryon and Linda Bills
George and Sherry Black
Trey Boudreau & Tamsen Valoir
Joe and Shirley Byers
Shane and Renee Donaldson
Chris and Dee Gimenez
Guy and Mary Gimenez
Ken and Debbie Gordon
K&N Sales
Ken and Mona Hixon
Larry and Glenna Landry
Galen and Sherry Lidgett
Del Papa Distributing Company
Dunn Heat Exchangers
Moody Gardens
San Luis Hotel and Resort
Southern States Offshore, Inc
Weeks Service Company
HRH Deborah M. Wright
Supporters of the Krewe
Ken and Kate Marx
Bob and Sharron Planck
Chris and Marie Robb
Mario's Seawall Italian Restaurant
Interconnect Enterprises
Palletized Trucking Inc.
Classic Auto Group Galveston
The Home Page Inc.
Charlie and Beverly Silva
Shanna Thiem
Bartt and Deborah Thompson
Thomson Land Services
Gary and Cindy Weeks
John and Mary Willis
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Genesis Photographers continues to be the official
photographer of the Krewe of Gambrinus. Access
t h e i r
w e b s i t e
h t t p : / /
www.genesisphotographers.com through http://
www.kreweofgambrinus.org and check out photos
from every Gambrinus event. The password is
mardigras for all Gambrinus event photos. Order
your copies directly online and David Postma
(713.827.9207) will be delighted to help you out.
Please continue to support Genesis – they help
support your Krewe every year.
George Black, CAPTAIN
Charna Graber, PRESIDENT
Barbara Silvertooth, TREASURER
Carolyn Urbani, SECRETARY
Event Sponsors
Each event put on by the Krewe has a base
cost and budget depending on the number of
members in the Krewe. However, extra touches
and upgrades come from sponsorships. If you
or a group of you would like to help sponsor
your favorite event, give it a special touch,
please contact Chris Gimenez for more information.
Ken Gordon Director, Logistics
Richard Ivey, Social Committee Chair
Janet Morgan, Float Captain/ New Member Coordinator
You can also join a committee and experience
the “behind the scenes” look at the workings of
the Krewe! Just contact the event coordinators.
Karen Hansen, Royal Court Coordinator
Newsletter Editor Update
Larry Thomson, Krewe Insurance Needs & Parade Bands
If you have photographs or articles you would
like to see in the newsletter free to drop me
line at: news@kreweofgambrinus.org.
Sandra Thiem, Coronation Ball Chair
Marilyn Comstock, Fundraiser Chair, Internal Auditor
Chris Gimenez, Sponsorship Chair
Julie Jannett
Galen Lidgett, Beads and Means Chair
Shanna Thiem, Brew Ha Ha Chair
Kate Marx, PR Chair
Julie Jannett, Newsletter Editor, Krewe Community News
Krewe of Gambrinus
January 2015
Calendar of Events 2014-2015
Krewe YA YA Trip
Yaga’s on the Strand
September 18 - 21
Bus Ride to New Orleans
Reserve with Joe Tambrella
February 6, 2015
6:30 - 10:00 PM
New Member Orientation
Bead Store Day
Funky Uptown
Umbrella Brigade
Hidden Palms, Santa Fe
September 27, 2014
NMO 5:00 PM BSD 6:00 PM
Strand Street Parade
February 6, 2015
8:30 PM
Krewe B-Q
October 11, 2014
Baker Ranchette, Friendswood
Noon to 7 PM: Dinner 3:00 pm
February 7, 2015
Shuttle Service
Christmas Party
King’s Day Celebration
December7, 2014
Fisherman’s Wharf
5:00 PM
February 7, 2015
9:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Location TBD
January 23, 2015
Shearn’s at Moody Gardens
7:00 PM
January 24, 2015
Float Den, 44th and Avenue G
1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Sneak a Peek at the Floats
January 31, 2015
Galveston Island Convention Center
7:00 PM to 1:00 AM
March 14, 2015
By Order of His Royal Majesty
King Gambrinus XXVI
May 2, 2015
Elks Lodge 1518 Tremont
7:00 PM to 1:00 AM
May 1, 2015
6:00 pm to 8:30 pm,
First Lutheran Church
2415 Winnie Street