2015 Arc Conference Registration


2015 Arc Conference Registration
The Arc of K
entucky Ann
ual Conf
60th Anni
y Celebration
Best Practices for P
eople with
velopmental Disabilities
In collaboration with JJeff
erson & Simpson County P
arent Resource
Centers Regional Conf
entucky De
tment of Education,
erence,, K
and K
entucky TASH
March 19-20, 2015
wne Plaza Louisville Air
2015 Annual Conference
The Arc of Kentucky
60th Anniversary Celebration
“Great Expectations”
Best Practices for People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
Individuals with disabilities, family members, friends, the elderly, service providers, caregivers,
community leaders, businesses, advocacy organizations, education professionals, policymakers, etc.
who want to learn about best practices from state and national presenters.
Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport
830 Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY
(888) 233-9527; (502) 367-2251
Thursday March 19, 2015
--Morning & Afternoon Concurrent Breakout Sessions
1/2 day Breakout session “If You Build It They Will Come; If You Close It They Can Belong:
A Tale of Agency Transformation” presented by Gail Fanjoy, Millinocket, Maine
Morning Breakout presented by Darcy Elks, Elks Consulting, PA, “Now is the Time for Vision”
--Luncheon/Speakers - Dr. Donna Hargens, Superintendent, Jefferson County Public Schools
Gail Fanjoy, Executive Director, KFI, Millinocket, Maine - “Community is
Relationships...Stirring Our Souls with Stories of Success”
--Annual Membership and Board Meeting
--Share Fair Stories/Poster Session
--Awards Banquet - 2015 Legislative Update & Cabinet for Health & Family Services Update
Entertainment/Dance: A Blast From The Past - 60th Year Anniversary Celebration -Enjoy music
from the 50s to present--Dress in attire from your favorite music era, i.e. poodle skirt, bell bottoms, etc.). First, Second and Third place prizes will be awarded.
Friday, March 20, 2015
--Morning & Afternoon Concurrent Breakout Sessions
1/2 day Breakout session “The Critical Role of Discovery in Assuring Access to Employment”
presented by Michael Callahan, Director, Marc Gold & Associates, Gautier, Mississippi
--Luncheon Speakers - Shawn Terrell, Washington, D.C., “Life After the HCBS Waiver Approval:
Issues Related to Implementing, Measuring, and Improving”
Michael Callahan, Director, Marc Gold & Associates, Gautier, Mississippi, “The Promise and
Possibility of Employment First and Employment for All Initiatives”
Both Days will include an Exhibit Information Extravaganza and Silent Auction.
CEUs: The Arc of Kentucky is applying for Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for Social Workers
and Certified Rehabilitation Counselors.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Parents with school age children from the Louisville area can apply through the
Jefferson Co. Parent Resource Center for a scholarship-contact Marsha Wiseman at
(502) 485-3807.
Be An Exhibitor
Approximately 350 potential customers composed of parents and family members, self-advocates, service providers,
professionals, government organizations and advocates can be reached when you become a conference exhibitor.
For additional information call The Arc office (800) 281-1272 or (502) 875-5225; or www.arcofky.org
“Great Expectations”
Best Practices for People with
Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
In collaboration with Jefferson & Simpson County
Parent Resource Centers Regional Conference, Kentucky-TASH
Kentucky Department of Education
830 Phillips Lane, Louisville, Kentucky
March 19-20, 2015
Registration Deadline: March 9, 2015
Address:________________________________________Phone: (
______________________________________Zip:________Fax: (
E-mail Address:__________________________________________________________________
Please note if you require any special accomodations:______________________________________
THURSDAY CONFERENCE FEE -$75.00 (The Arc or TASH member) $85.00 (non-member)$_______
FRIDAY CONFERENCE FEE -$75.00 (The Arc or TASH member) $85.00 (non-member)
(Non-member rate includes one year membership in State or Local Arc Chapter)
(Please indicate on reverse side which conference breakout sessions you want to attend)
(Fees include breaks, luncheons and materials.)
AWARDS DINNER (Thursday) -
NOTE: Registrations received after March 9, and on site, add $10.00 each day.
Enclosed is my check(s) made payable to The Arc of Kentucky.
Enclosed is my signed purchase order.
Please charge my credit card as follows:
American Express
Name on credit card (please print)______________________________________________
Card Number:_______________________________________Amount: $______________
Expiration Date:__________________Signature:__________________________________
Return this form with payment by March 9, 2015 to: The Arc of Kentucky, 706 East Main Street,
Suite A, Frankfort, KY 40601; Fax: (502) 875-5226. For additional conference information, contact Patty
Dempsey or Linda Wainscott at The Arc of Kentucky, (800) 281-1272; (502) 875-5225, www.arcofky.org
or e-mail at arcofky@aol.com.
Please indicate which BREAKOUT sessions you would like to attend.
This will help us plan adequate space needs. (Please mark one from each time slot)
9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions A
___If You Build It They Will Come; If You Close It They Can Belong:
A Tale of Agency Transformation (1/2 day workshop)
___Now Is The Time for Vision
___Health Promotion Strategies That Work
___ADHD, Live It, Learn About It, Embrace It
___UPS Employment Initiatives for People with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities
___Home Has Many Faces
___It Makes Sense to Me! (1/2 day workshop)
10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Current Breakout Sessions B
___ If You Build It They Will Come; If You Close It They Can Belong:
A Tale of Agency Transformation (1/2 day workshop continued)
___Navigating the Patient Liability Maze and Effecting Change
___Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: The Basics
___Strategies for Supporting KCAS at Home for Students with Disabilities
___How To Develop An Effective Partnership With Your Child’s School
___Bullying from a Self Advocate Perspective
___It Makes Sense to Me! (1/2 day workshop continued)
1:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions C
___Community Access-Opening Doors to the Good Life
___Ability, Disability, Faith Communities (1/2 day workshop)
___Healthy Lifestyles: Eat Well, Move More, Live Happy
___The Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System and the Educator of
Exceptional Children
___Tools for Raising Responsible Children
___Sibling Relationships: A Two Way Street
___Inclusion: Is It Working?
3:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions D
___Bringing Generative Change to the Legacy Agency
___Ability, Disability, Faith Communities (1/2 day workshop continued)
___Welcome to the (Virtual) Neighborhood
___Stress Management for Everyday
___Using PBIS to Address Bullying for Students with Disabilities
___Relationships: We All Want Them, We All Need Them
___Supported Employment: What It Is and Is Not?
Please indicate which BREAKOUT sessions you would like to attend.
This will help us plan adequate space needs. (Please mark one from each time slot)
9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions E
___The Critical Role of Discovery in Assuring Access to Employment (1/2 day workshop)
___Evidenced Based Service Delivery: Tools and Strategies to Improve Quality Services
for Those We Serve
___Positive Interaction with Police/First Responders
___Dealing with Tantrums, Rage and Meltdowns: Practical Strategies for Children
with Autism
___Sensory & Fine Motor Tips for Tots to Teens
___How To Use Money To Make Your Dreams Come True (Money Management,Budgeting)
___Transition to the Adult World Creating the Future We Want for Our Children
10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions F
___The Critical Role of Discovery in Assuring Access to Employment (1/2 day workshop)
___Medicaid Waivers (HCBS Final Rule Implementation)
___Building a Safe and Secure Future for Your Loved One with a Disability
___Simple Academic Strategies for Students with Aspergers Syndrome
___Effective Instructional Strategies for Students with Moderate to
Severe Disabilities
___Using Assistive Technology to Live an Independent Life
___Advocacy for Parents
1:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions G
___The Truth About Working While Disabled
___SNAPSHOTS FROM THE EDGE: A Look at Directing Your Own Services (PDS/CDO)
___Moments with Micah: Motivational Behavior Intervention
___Communication Across Environments
___A Parent’s View into Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment
___Panel on Employment Options for People with Disabilities
___Supported Higher Education - New Opportunities for Kentucky Citizens
3:15 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Concurrent Breakout Sessions H
___Asset Development and the ABLE Act
___Real People: Real Lives - Brothers & Sisters Sharing Their Stories
___Stress Management for Everyday (REPEAT)
___Collaborative Teaming in Transition of Communication Services
___Plan Ahead for Success in Using Kentucky IEP Guidance Document
___Your Voice, Your Vote
___The Effects of WIOA on the Kentucky Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
___Medicaid Waiver Management/Electronic Records System Implementation
Conference Schedule
Thursday, March 19, 2015
8:00 - 5:00 p.m.
12:00 noon - 5:30 p.m.
Conference Registration
Exhibitor Information Extravaganza
9:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions A
Session 1
“If You Build It They Will Come; If You Close It They
Can Belong: A Tale of Agency Transformation
(1/2 Day Workshop)
Gail Fanjoy, CEO, Executive Director, KFI
Millinocket, Maine
Session 2
Now is the Time for Vision!
Session 3
Health Promotion Strategies That Work
Session 4
ADHD: Live It, Learn About It, Embrace It
Lindsey Catherine Mullis, M.S.
Health & Wellness Coordinator
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Session 5
Darcy Elks, Educator, Consultant
Elks Consulting
West Chester, PA
Ruth Bewley, Ph.S., School Psychologist
Jefferson County Public Schools,
Van Hoose Education Center
Louisville, KY
“UPS Employment Initiatives for People with Intellectual/
Developmental Disabilities”
Presenter: Norm Terry, Transition Specialist
Jefferson County Public Schools,
Van Hoose Education Center
Louisville, KY
Session 6
Home Has Many Faces
Central KY Chapter of Kentucky Self Advocates for
Freedom Panel, Lexington, KY
Session 7
It Makes “Sense” To Me! (Sensory) (1/2 day workshop)
10:15 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.
Lesley Atwood, Preschool Teacher
Allen Co. Schools
Scottsville, KY
10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions B
Session 1
“If You Build It They Will Come; If You Close It They Can
Belong: A Tale of Agency Transformation” (1/2 Day Workshop)
Session 8
Navigating the Patient Liability Maze and Effecting Change
Session 9
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder: The Basics
Session 10
Strategies for Supporting Kentucky Core Academic Standards
(KCAS) at Home for Students with Disabilities
Session 11
Melanie Tyner Wilson, Parent
Marie Allison, Parent
The Arc of Central Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Julie Donlon, SRT Coordinator
Jefferson County Public Schools, Vanhoose Education Center
Louisville, KY
Joseph L. Bargione, Ph.D., Lead Psychologist
Jefferson County Public Schools
Louisville, KY
Bullying from a Self Advocate Perspective
Session 7
Jeff White, Quality Assurance Coordinator-Employment
Division of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities
Frankfort, KY
How to Develop An Effective Partnership with Your Child’s
Session 12
Gail Fanjoy, CEO, Executive Director, KFI
Millinocket, Maine
Central KY Chapter of Kentucky Self Advocates for
Freedom Panel
Lexington, KY
It Makes “Sense” To Me! (Sensory) 1/2 day workshop
Lesley Atwood, Preschool Teacher
Allen Co. Schools
Scottsville, KY
11:45 - 12:00
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Luncheon Speakers:
Donna Hargens, Ed.D., Superintendent
Jefferson County Public Schools
Gail Fanjoy, CEO, Executive Director
KFI, Millinocket, Maine
“Community is Relationships...Stirring Our
Souls with Stories of Success”
Concurrent Breakout Sessions C
1:45 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Session 13
“Community Access - Opening Doors to The Good Life”
Session 14
Ability, Disability, Faith Communities (1/2 day workshop)
Presenters: Steven Carr, Direct Support Care Worker
Hope Leet Dittmeier, Director of Service Innovation
Whitney Kays. Service Innovation Coordinator
Mattingly Center
Louisville, KY
Matthew Livers, Direct Support Care Worker
Louisville, KY
Session 15
Healthy Lifestyles: Eat Well. Move More. Live Happy!
Session 16
Lindsey Catherine Mulis, M.S.
Health and Wellness Coordinator
University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
The Teacher Professional Growth & Effectiveness System and the
Educator of Exceptional Children
Carol Franks, Effectiveness Coach
Kentucky Department of Education
Frankfort, KY
Session 17
Tools for Raising Responsible Children
Session 18
Sibling Relationships: A Two Way Street
Session 19
Marsha Lemon, Emotional/Behavioral Program Specialist
Jefferson County Public Schools
Louisville, KY
Central KY Chapter of Kentucky Self Advocates for
Freedom Panel
Lexington, KY
Inclusion: Is It Working?
Dr. Meada Hall
Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
3:00 - 3:15 p.m.
3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions D
Session 20
“Bringing Generative Change to the Legacy Agency”
Greg Givan, Executive Director
Hope Leet Dittmeier, Director of Service Innovation
Mattingly Center
Louisville, KY
3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions D (Continued)
Session 14
Ability. Disability. Faith Community. (1/2 day workshop)
Session 21
Welcome to the (Virtual) Neighborhood
Session 22
Stress Management for Everyday
Session 23
Using PBIS to Address Bullying for Students with Disabilities
Steven Carr, Direct Support Care Worker
Matthew Livers, Direct Support Care Worker
Louisville, KY
Isela Arras, Assistant Director
Kentucky Domestic Violence Association
Frankfort, KY
Roberta Alston
Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN)
Louisville, KY
Cheryl Dolson, Bullying Prevention Specialist
Pam Sheehan, SRT Bullying Prevention Specialist
Jefferson County Public Schools, Louisville, KY
Session 24
Relationships: We All Want Them, We All Need Them
Session 25
Supported Employment: What It Is and Is Not?
4:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Break and Hotel Check In
The Arc of Kentucky Annual Membership and Business Meeting
4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
“Share Fair” Stories/Poster Session
Central KY Chapter of Kentucky Self Advocates for
Freedom Panel, Lexington, KY
Katie Wolf Whaley
Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
Visit the poster session presenters - individuals, local groups,
agencies as they share their “best practices” stories with you.
Note: Exhibitor Information Extravaganza will remain open to visit
until 5:30 p.m.
5:00 - 5:30 p.m.
The Arc of Kentucky Board Meeting
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Awards Dinner - An Update-The 2015 Legislative Session (Legislators)
& Cabinet for Health & Family Services Update, Eric Friedlander,
Deputy Secretary (Invited)
8:00 - 10:00 p.m.
A Blast From The Past - 60th Year Anniversary Celebration
(Entertainment/Dance-Enjoy music from the 50s to present--Dress in
your favorite music era outfit, i.e. poodle skirt, bell bottoms, etc.).
First, Second and Third place prizes will be awarded.
Conference Schedule
Friday, March 20, 2015
7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
8:00 - 9:00 a.m.
8:00 a.m.. - 3:00 p.m.
Continental Breakast
Exhibitor - “Information Extravaganza “
Silent Auction
9:00 - 10:15
Concurrent Breakout Sessions E
Session 26
The Critical Role of Discovery in Assuring Access to Employment
(1/2 Day Workshop)
Michael Callahan, Director
Marc Gold & Associates
Gautier, Mississippi
Session 27
Evidence Based Service Delivery: Tools and Strategies to
Improve Quality Servces For Those We Serve
Jason Keller, Psy.D., BCBA-D
Marci Young, MS/CCC-SLP
Applied Behavior Solutions
Louisville, KY
Session 28
Positive Interactions with Police/First Responders
Session 29
Dealing with Tantrums, Rage and Meltdowns: Practical Strategies
for Children with Autism
Captain Greg Jones
Covington Police Department
Covington, KY
Trisha Gallagher, Autism Specialist
Nicole Bishop, Autism Resource Teacher
Ellen McKinley, Autism Resource Teacher
Jefferson Co. Public Schoolss
Louisville, KY
Session 30
Sensory & Fine Motor Tips for Tots to Teens
Session 31
How To Use Money To Make Your Dreams Come True
Amy Jones, Independent Living Specialist
Center for Accessible Living
Louisville, KY
Session 32
Transition to the Adult World Creating the Future We Want
for Our Children
Laura Cullens, MS., OTR/L, Program Specialist
Mary Beth Lettieri, M.Ed., OTR/L
Jefferson County Public Schools
Louisville, KY
Leslie Lederer, Disability Rights Advocate
Kentucky Protection & Advocacy
Frankfort, KY
10:15 - 10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions F
Session 25
The Critical Role of Discovery in Assuring Access to Employment
(1/2 day workshop)
Session 33
Medicaid Waivers (HCBS Final Rule Implementation)
Session 34
Building a Safe and Secure Future for Your Loved One with a
Session 35
Alice Blackwell, Assistant Director
Division of Developmental & intellectual Disabilities
Lyris Cunningham, MPW Coordinator
Department for Medicaid Services
Frankfort, KY
Carolyn Wheeler, M.S., Special Care Planner
Lexington, KY
Simple Academic Strategies for Students with Aspergers
Session 36
Michael Callahan, Director
Marc Gold & Associates
Gautier, Mississippi
Trisha Gallagher, Autism Specialist
Jefferson County Public Schools
Louisville, KY
Effective Instructional Strategies for Students with Moderate to
Severe Disabilities
Jina Gibson-Hurst , Low Incidence Specialist
Jamie Gootee, Low Incidence Resource Teacher
Sara Stout Heinrich, Low Incidence Resource Teacher
Jefferson County Public Schools
Louisville, KY
Session 37
Using Assistive Technology to Live An Independent Life
Session 38
Advocacy for Parents
11:45 - 12:00
Kelly Knoop, President
Self Advocacy Connection of Metro Louisville
Louisville, KY
Margaret Reed
Covington, KY
12:00 - 1:30 p.m.
Lunch & Keynote Speakers
Shawn Terrell, Washington, D.C.
“Life After the HCBS Waiver Approval: Issues Related to Implementing,
Measuring and Improving”
Michael Callahan, Gautier, Mississippi
“The Promise and Possibility of Employment First and Employment for All
1:45 - 3:00 p.m.
Concurrent Breakout Sessions G
Session 39
The Truth About Working While Disabled
Session 40
SNAPSHOTS FROM THE EDGE: A Look at Directing Your
Own Services (Participant Directed Services (PDS) and
Consumer Directed Services (CDO)
Session 41
Session 42
Session 43
Jeff White, Quality Assurance Coordinator-Employment
Division of Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities
Frankfort, KY
Leslie Lederer, Disability Rights Advocate
Kentucky Protection & Advocacy, Frankfort, KY
Stella Beard, Parent Advocate
Dunnville, KY
Moments with Micah: Motivational Behavioral Intervention
Dr. T. James Kimble, DCC, LCPC
Radcliff, KY
Communication Across Environments
Trish Gallagher, Autism Specialist
Jina Gibson-Hurst, Low Incidence Specialist
Melissa Weedman, Speech Language Specialist
Jefferson County Public Schools
Louisville, KY
A Parent’s View into Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment
Kevin O’Hair
Department of Education
Frankfort, KY
Session 44
Panel on Employment Options for People with Disabilities
Session 45
Supported Higher Education - New Opportunities for
Kentucky Citizens
David Minor, Linda Williams, Mike Lovett,
Donna Kouns, James Brown
Ashland, KY
Amanda Payne, Scottsville, KY
Barry Whaley, Director
Supported Higher Education Project
Human Development Institute, University of Kentucky
Lexington, KY
3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Break
3:15 - 4:30 p.m.
Session 46
Session 47
Concurrent Breakout Sessions H
Asset Development and The ABLE Act
Dave Matheis
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Frankfort, KY
Real People: Real Lives - Brothers and Sisters Sharing
Their Stories
Jessica Marschke, Andrea & Amanda Miller
Mt. Washington, KY
Kate Steinman Westfall , Cincinnati, OH
Julia Steinman
Carolyn Wheeler
Lexington, KY
Session 48
Stress Management for Everyday (REPEAT)
Session 49
Collaborative Teaming in Transitioning of Communication Services
Session 50
Plan Ahead for Success Using the Kentucky IEP Guidance
Roberta Alston
Kentucky Special Parent Involvement Network (KY-SPIN)
Melissa Weedman, Speech Language Specialist
Kinsey Chambers, Speech Language Liaison
Jefferson County Public Schools
Louisville, KY
Kathy Eversole, State Transition Coordinator
Kentucky Department of Education
Division of Learning Services
Frankfort, KY
Session 51
Your Voice, Your Vote
Session 52
The Effects, of WIOA on the Kentucky Office of Vocational
Session 53
Kelly Knoop, President
Self Advocacy Connection of Metro Louisville
Louisville, KY
Teresa Brandenburg, Community Rehabilitation Program Adm.
Office of Vocational Rehabilitation
Frankfort, KY
Medicaid Waiver Management/Electronic Records System
Department for Medicaid Services Staff
Featured Presenters
Thursday, March 19th
Luncheon Plenary
12:30 -1:30 p.m.
“Community is Relationships...Stirring Our Souls with Stories of Success”
Gail Fanjoy is CEO of KFI, a non-profit agency which provides supports for people
with intellectual and developmental disabilities in community living, community
employment, and community engagement. Having worked for KFI since 1976, Gail
was instrumental in the organization’s transformation to one with a national reputation for excellence and cutting edge services and a leader in the revolutionary shift in
service delivery away from sheltered and segregated services to customized supports
for people. As part of KFI’s core leadership, she has tirelessly and passionately
advocated for the rights of people with disabilities to lead regular lives; that is, to live,
work and participate in their communities in the same way as any other citizen. This
strongly held belief has resulted in KFI earning two national awards for its impact on
people becoming fully participating members of their communities.
Gail is President of Maine APSE, a Subject Matter Expert for the Office of Disability
Employment Policy’s Employment First State Leadership Program, a member of
Maine’s Employment First Coalition, and the Maine Partnership for Values-Based
Practice. She serves on the TASH national Board of Directors and is Past President of
TASH New England. Gail is active in her hometown of Millinocket, serving on various
committees and boards in order to improve community living and employment for all
its citizens, is still married to her college sweetheart, and is the proud grandmother of
a darling eight year old grandson on the autism spectrum.
Friday, March 20th
Luncheon Plenary
12:15 - 12:45 p.m.
“Life After the HCBS Waiver Approval: Issues Related to Implementing,
Measuring, and Improving”
Shawn Terrell has been working in the long term services and supports (LTSS) arena
for 15 years. His primary focus is on developing person centered planning capacity in
States, and on developing quality measures and quality improvement in home and
community based service systems. Shawn previously worked at the Office on
Disability (which merged into the Administration for Community Living), and the
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services where he worked on Medicaid State plans,
HCBS Waivers, and various discretionary grant programs. Prior to joining CMS
Shawn participated in the development of several initiatives in a county-based
managed care HCBS program in Michigan, including working with adults with
psychiatric disabilities to develop consumer owned and operated drop-in centers, peer
supports, micro enterprises, and self-direction. He also worked to develop
wraparound, juvenile diversion and other community based initiatives for children
with serious emotional disturbances and self-direction for people with developmental
disabilities and seniors.
Luncheon Plenary
12:45 - 1:30 p.m.
“The Promise and Possibility of Employment First and Employment
All Initiatives”
Michael Callahan has consulted throughout the U.S., Canada and Europe in the area
of supported employment for the past twenty-three years. He has worked with Marc
Gold & Associates since 1979 and has served as president of the organization since
1982 following the death of Marc Gold. MG&A is a network of consultants that
provides technical assistance to systems, agencies and families interested in insuring
the complete community participation of persons with severe disabilities. Michael also
studied vocational rehabilitation while at Syracuse University in a doctoral studies
program. He is an editor of a popular “how-to” book on employment for persons with
severe disabilities, Getting Employed, Staying Employed (1987) and co-author of Keys
to the Work Place (1997) a text on systematic instruction and natural supports in
supported employment. He has written numerous articles, chapters, manuals and
curriculums pertaining to employment of persons with disabilities.
The Arc of Kentucky
Annual Awards - 2015
The Arc of Kentucky Annual Awards to be presented in 2015 at the annual conference in Louisville on March 19-20,
2015 and will be given to the nominated individuals who best fit these descriptions: These awards emphasize the
importance of recognizing the ABILITIES of people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities, and the
outstanding service delivered by many volunteers and professionals in the fields of intellectual and related
Carl D. Perkins Service Award - is presented to an individual who has made notable contributions
continuing over an extended period of time to promote and enhance the quality of services to
individuals with intellectual and other related disabilities.
Gayla Peach Advocacy Award - is presented to an individual who has made a significant contribution
by speaking out and providing leadership to secure or maintain the rights, services, and
supports for individuals with intellectual and other related disabilities and their families.
Ronald J. Cutter Professional Service Award - is presented to a professional who has provided
significant support and services that have contributed to the development of individuals with
intellectual and other related disabilities.
Susy Riffe Memorial Award for Achievement - is presented to a Kentuckian, age 25 or older, who
has an intellectual disability and has made a positive contribution through participation at work,
in the home, and in the community. In addition to a plaque, the recipient of the Susy Award
receives a $100 U.S. Savings Bond.
Organization Service Award - is presented to an organization that has provided outstanding service
to The Arc.
Membership Award - is presented to the local Arc Chapter with the greatest membership increase
during the previous calendar year. (if the largest number and largest percent increases are not
achieved by the same chapter, two awards will be given.)
Each nomination must be described in a letter detailing the nominee’s qualifications and explaining the
nominator’s relationship or extent of acquaintance. Typically nominations are made by parents, friends, fellow
workers, or service providers or other professionals in fields involving intellectual and other disabilities.
A letter of nomination may be sent at any time. For the 2015 awards, the letter must be received in
The Arc Office by February 15, 2015 by U.S. mail, the letter should go to The Arc’s Award Selection Committee, 706 E. Main Street, Suite A, Frankfort, KY 40601, by fax (502) 875-5226, or by e-mail to
The Arc’s Award Selection Committee will review the nominations and make recommendations for approval
to The Arc Board. Recipients’ names will be announced at the Annual meeting to be held on March 19-20th in
Louisville, KY. The awards will be given on Thursday evening, March 19th at the Awards Banquet.
The Arc of Kentucky, Inc.
706 East Main St., Suite A
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Non Profit Standard
Permit # 236
Frankfort, Kentucky
Return Service Requested
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport
830 Phillips Lane
Louisville, KY
Toll Free: (888) 233-9527
(502) 367-2251
Lodging rates for the conference are:
$99.00 per night
Check in time is 3:00 p.m.
Check out time is 11:00 a.m.
DEADLINE to receive Conference Rate
is March 1, 2015. When making
reservations, please let the hotel know
you are with The Arc of Kentucky
Annual Conference.
Located just two minutes from the Louisville
International Airport
From I-65: Either direction (north/south) take
exit 131-B. Turn left at first stop light
From I-64 West, take Watterson Expressway
(I-264 West. Take exit 11 toward KY
Exposition Center Main Gate, turn left at first
stop light at Phillips Lane, hotel is on the left.
From I-264 East: Take Exit 12, toward KY
Exposition Center Main Gate, turn left at first
stop light at Phillips Lane, hotel is on the left.
The Hotel has...
*Indoor Swimming Pool
*State-of-the-art fitness center
*Complimentary Wi-Fi access
*Self service business center