Grace Bible-Presbyterian Church


Grace Bible-Presbyterian Church
Prayer Meeting
8.00 p.m.
Adult Fellowship
5.30 p.m.
(Last Saturday of every month)
Worship Service
9.30 a.m.
Junior Worship
9.30 a.m.
Bible Class
11.30 a.m.
$ 2,034.90
$ 2,615.00
Love gift - Christmas @ Grace $
Building Fund
$ 100.00
Prayer Meeting — Wednesday
Attendance on 21 Jan: 11
Sis Hannah Yeo takes devotion on 28 Jan.
This Week
Next Week
This Week
Next Week
Rev Tan Eng Boo
Dn Lee Chang Loong
Bro Adrian Teo
Sis Loretta Wong
Volume 40
Kindly turn off your mobile phones or
put them on silent mode!
“The Lord is in His holy temple:
let all the earth keep silence before Him.”
5 Jalan Haji Salam, Singapore 468745
Tel: 6442-2440 Fax: 6876-0346
Our Mission:
“Passion for Christ, Heart for the Lost”
(Phil. 1 : 21; Matt. 28 : 18—20)
Pre-Worship Hymns
Sis Melissa Chan & Sis Loretta Wong
Silent Meditation
Call to Worship
Dn Richard Tan
: Bro Augustine Tham/Sis Elsie Chan
Sis Evonne Tee / Sis Grace Tham
Bro Lee Kee Min
Sis Hannah Yeo & Sis Tan Chew
Gim are away in Israel from 19 to 27
Jan 2015.
Opening Hymn
: Sis Lynna Seah / Bro James Tan
Bro John Tan / Bro Benjamin Lian
Missions Committee meeting on Sat
14 Feb at 10.00 am in church.
Responsive Reading
John 14:1-14 “The Way Home”
: Bro James Tan
: Bro John Tang
Grace Adult Fellowship will hold a
Church History Seminar on Sat 28
Mar, 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm in church,
with Dr Lai Pak Wah of Biblical
Graduate School of Theology (BGST).
Dr Lai is the Director (Academic Planning) and Lecturer in Church History
and Historical Theology. Seminar
theme: “World Wind Tour of Church
History: 1st - 20th Century.” Plan to
attend and invite your friends along.
** Doxology
Junior Worship (7—10 years old)
This Week : Sis Tan Ser Kim
Next Week : Bro Lee Min Sen
Pre-Primary Worship (3-6 years old)
This Week : Sis Mary Pang / Sis Ling Ling
Next Week : Sis Sue San / Sis Chea Ruei Jean
Flowers and Refreshment
This Week : Irene Seah
Next Week :
Refreshment Duty
This Week : Sis Goh Jee Eng/Sis Ling Ling
Sis Nancy Neoh / Sis Tabitha Tan
Pastor: Rev. Tan Eng Boo : 9784-2761 (Hp) email:
Elder: Seah Soon Huat : 9835-2178 (Hp) email:
Grace to you and Peace from God
Bible class begins today at 11.30am.
Come and join a class. See Dn Victor if
you need help.
Grace 39th anniversary congregation photo If you wish to have this
photo in soft copy, please contact the
church (Sis Irene Lim).
25 January 2015
Grace Bible-Presbyterian Church
Session meeting today, 25 Jan 2015 at
1.30 pm in church. Department I/Cs
please meet with Session at this time.
Grace Adult Fellowship 11th anniversary Praise the Lord for this occasion yesterday.
Issue No. 4
“Strong in Salvation”
*Gloria Patri
“Precious Lord, Take My Hand”
Scripture Reading
Jonah 4:1-11
“Fill My Cup, Lord”
Pastoral Prayer
Closing Hymn
“Strong on the Promises”
Threefold Amen
Welcome & Announcements
* Gloria Patri
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Ghost, As it was in the
beginning, is now and ever shall be,
world without end. Amen, Amen
** Doxology
Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;
Praise Him, all creatures here below;
Praise Him above, ye heav’nly host;
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen
 Dn Richard Tan Y.H. (Advisor)
 Sis Lynna Seah
 Bro Benjamin Lian
 Bro James Chen
Church Session:
 Ps Tan Eng Boo (Moderator)
 Sis Lydia Lee
 Ps Lee Fatt Ping
 Sis Naomi Neoh
 Elder Seah Soon Huat
 Sis Winnie Chia
 Dn Richard Tan Y.H. (Clerk of Session)  Sis Desiree Chia
 Dn Victor Goh (Treasurer)
 Sis Elsie Chan
 Dn Lee Chang Loong
 Bro Augustine Tham
 Sis Evonne Tee
 Sis Grace Lian
 Ps Tan Eng Boo (I/C)
 Dn Victor Goh
 Dn Lee Chang Loong
 Sis Carol Lee
 Dn Richard Tan Y.H.
 Bro Chan Beng Hock
 Bro John Chen
 Bro Chea Oei Kiang
Counting Committee:
 Bro Lim Chien Chong
 Dn Victor Goh (I/C)
 Bro Adrian Teo
 Sis Alice Sng
 Bro David Leong
 Sis Eng Meng Hoon
 Sis Low Ley Hong
 Sis Elsie Chan
 Sis Cheryl Chiu (I/C)
 Sis Yvonne Shaw
 Bro Edwin Lian
 Sis Wendy Ng
 Sis Chea Ruei Jean
 Sis Mildred Chan
 Sis Melissa Chan
 Ps Tan Eng Boo (I/C)
 Bro Adrian Teo
 Elder Seah Soon Huat
 Sis Lim Sue San
 Sis Jenny Chin
 Sis Joanna Hor
 Sis Tay Boon Jin
 Bro Jeremy Hor
 Bro Philip Wong (Foreign Missions I/C)
 Bro Augustine Tham
 Bro Gerald Pang (Evangelism I/C)
 Sis Tay Boon Jin
 Bro Jeremy Hor
 Sis Loretta Wong
Building Committee:
Ushers Committee :
 Ps Tan Eng Boo (I/C)
 Bro Allan Lim (I/C)
 Elder Seah Soon Huat
 Bro Lee Kee Min
 Dn Richard Tan
 Bro Daniel Tan
 Bro David Leong
 Bro John Chen
 Sis Chan Lai Ngoh
 Dr Tan Teck Shi (Advisor)
Devotion For Kids
What do we eat that has a smile on it?
Search for the LORD and for his strength;
continually seek him. I Chronicles 16:11
That’s what the Portuguese explorers who saw this food in the
1400s first noticed about it. It was growing on trees on islands in the
middle of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. It was round like a head,
with hairy strands hanging on it and dents that looked like two eyes
and a smile. The explorers named it “grinning face,” which was the
word coco in Portuguese, and that’s how it became known as the coconut. But the coconut isn’t actually a nut at all. It’s the fruit from the
coconut palm tree. Coconuts are very efficiently designed. Each one
has a hard shell that doesn’t weigh a lot, and there is extra air carried
inside, along with a seed, coconut milk, and some chewy white fruit.
The shell is then wrapped with a husky, hairy coat that helps everything stay moist inside, while keeping damaging salt water out. Now
you have a fruit that can float along on the ocean until a wave drops it
off on the shore, where it begins to germinate, or sprout. What a perfect travelling plan for the tasty tropical treat!
Coconuts were a special treat for sailors. Imagine how carefully
they searched for coconuts when their ships reached the shore of an
island. Sailors would look for the face of a coconut in the trees and on
the sand because they wanted a sweet reward. The Bible tells us how
much we should want to search for Jesus. “Search for the LORD and
for his strength; continually seek him” (I Chronicles 16:11). If you keep
looking until you can sense the smile of Jesus, you will get a sweet
reward too - the reward of a closer relationship with him.
~ Nancy S. Hill
Key Dates
Bible Class Students’
Junior Bible
(Hannah Yeo)
(Oei Kiang / John Tang /
Teck Shi)
(Chien Chong / Lydia)
Young Ladies
26 Apr
19 Jul
Combined Bible Class
Combined Bible Class
11 Jan: Grace Church 39th Anniversary Dedication
Mar: Annual Congregational Meeting (ACM)
5 Apr: Combined Easter Service
1 June (Mon) (Vesak Day): Bible Class Fellowship
14 – 17 Jun: Church Camp @ Penang
Word of God
Dig Deeper
(Certain selected topics for selected groups include:
a. Precepts Study: How Do You Know God’s Your Father?
b. Relationship Issues c. Managing Stress)
Pastoral Epistles (Continued)
Titus / 2 Timothy
Daniel Part 1:
Living Out a Biblical
40 Minute - How To Make
Choices You Won't Regret
Working Adults / Families
(Victor / Zhenlong)
Term 2
(3 May – 12 Jul 2015)
Term 1
(25 Jan – 12 Apr 2015)
Bible Classes
40 Minute - Discovering
What The Future Holds
Daniel Part 2:
Gaining Understanding of
the Time of the End
Fruit of the Spirit/
Living in the Spirit
Daniel Part 2:
Gaining Understanding of
the Time of the End
4 Oct
20 Dec
Combined Bible Class
Bible Class Check-out
• 25 Oct: Reformation Sunday
• 25 Dec: Combined Eng/Mand Christmas Service
• 31 Dec: Watch-Night Service
Daniel Part 1:
Living Out a Biblical
Reading through Luke
Reading through Luke
Term 4
(11 Oct – 13 Dec 2015)
Term 3
(26 Jul – 27 Sep 2015)
18 Jan 2015: Bible Class Check-in
Adult Fellowship:
 Ps Tan Eng Boo (I/C)
 Mr & Mrs Eric Ng
 Mr & Mrs Chan Beng Hock
 Mr & Mrs Augustine Tham
 Sis Chea Ee Wen
 Bro Mervin Tan
 Sis Mary Pang
Holy Communion Preparation:
 Sis Irene Seah
 Sis Elsie Chan
Junior BC:
 Sis Ruth Wong
 Sis Soong Sing Huey
 Sis Han Geok Tin
 Sis Goh Jee Eng
 Sis Magdalene Wong
 Bro Daniel Tan
 Sis Hannah Yeo
Bro John Tan (I/C)
Bro Nathanael Goh
Bro Chea Ruei E
Bro James Chen
Bro Benjamin Lian
Junior Worship:
 Sis Hannah Yeo (I/C)
 Bro Chea Oei Kiang
 Sis Lydia Lee
 Sis Tan Ser Kim
 Bro Lee Min Sen
 Sis Ruth Wong
 Dn Lee Chang Loong
 Bro John Tang
 Bro Lim Chien Chong
 Sis Soong Ching Huey
 Sis Margaret Teo
 Sis Lim Sue San
 Bro James Chen
 Sis Hannah Yeo (I/C)
 Sis Winnie Chia
 Sis Chea Ruei Jean
 Sis Lim Sue San
 Sis Leong Ling Ling
 Bro Daniel Tan
 Sis Tabitha Tan
 Sis Ruth Wong
 Sis Jolene
Bible Class Teachers:
 Dn Victor Goh (I/C)
Youth BC:
 Bro John Chen
 Bro James Chen
 Bro Jeremy Hor
 Sis Melissa Chan
 Sis Winnie Chia
 Sis Joanna Hor,
 Sis Lydia Lee
 Bro Lim Chien Chong
Young Adults (Ladies)
 Sis Lim Ai Lin
Young Adults (Men, Young Couples &
Young Families):
 Dn Lee Chang Loong
 Dn Victor Goh
 Dr Tan Teck Shi
 Bro Chea Oei Kiang
 Bro John Tang
Combined Class:
 Ps Tan Eng Boo
Prayer Page
“Men Ought Always To Pray and Not To Faint” (Luke 18: 1)
Praise and Prayer Items
in Brief
Ministry– 1 Feb 2015.
Pray for the Lord’s anointing on the
Lord’s messenger - Pastor. Chairman: Dn Lee Chang Loong. Pray
for our instrumentalists: Bro
Adrian Teo and Sis Loretta Wong.
Pray for the Lord’s blessings upon
the pulpit ministry.
Ministry– 1 Feb 2015.
Pray for Sis Lynna Seah, Bro
James Tan, Bro John Tan and Bro
Benjamin Lian. Pray for their
safety in the Lord’s work.
Our Missions
Batam, Indonesia
Filadelfia - Shelter Home
and Kindergarten: Thank God
for good staff serving in Filadelfia.
Pray for them: Sis Ang Liang, Sis
Maria, Sis Fransina and Bro Rudi.
Pray for good health, stamina and
wisdom in the Lord’s work
Our Church Ministry
Church redevelopment plan:
Pray that renovation plans be completed soon.
Sis Alice Heng: Pray for her as
she continues to receive oral
chemo and that the medication will
work against the disease.
Pray for others who are receiving medication for their
illness: Bro Richard T. C. Tan, Sis
Cindy Ng and Elder Cheow Hock
(Life BPC).
Bible class 2015: Thank God
for the start of the BC this year.
Pray for a fruitful year of learning,
bonding and living out God’s word.
Pray for BC teachers as they prepare Sunday lessons.
Pray for Nigeria:
Please pray for our brothers
and sisters in the north of Nigeria to enjoy the Lord's comfort, sustenance and internal
peace in the midst of the terrible suffering brought upon
them by the militants. Give
thanks for the lives of those who
were able to flee the violence.
This deadly attack is just one of a
number that have already occurred
in Northern Nigeria in 2015 and
the second on Baga since
2013. Pray that the Lord will be
at work in these circumstances
to strengthen His children, and
also to draw many unbelievers
to Himself.
Some analysts suggest Boko
Haram attacks will only intensify in
the lead-up to Presidential elections in February. Pray for the
leadership of Nigeria. Pray that
President Goodluck Jonathan will
know and undertake miraculous
direction in combating the enemy
in his nation. (Open Doors)
“And I heard a voice
from heaven saying
unto me, Write, Blessed
are the dead which die
in the Lord from
henceforth: Yea, saith
the Spirit, that they
may rest from their
labours; and their
works do follow them”
(Rev. 14: 13)
The late Mrs Leong (Bro
David Leong’s mother) was baptized on December 1984 in Grace
church (photo below). The candidates photo, above, right
shows her seated in the centre.
The ladies seated on her left is
Sis Moi Kim and Sis Geok Tin
seated next to Elder Mah’s left.
These photos were kept by her
and was discovered by Bro
David Leong.
I remember her as
a very lively and encouraging
who loves the Lord
after her conversion.
She was always looking for opportunity
to bring some lost
souls to church. She
attends the Grace
and was a blessing to the people.
Her husband came to know the
Lord later in life and he attended
Shalom BPC after she left Grace
church for a Cantonese speaking
church. After some years battling lung cancer, the Lord took
her home on Friday 16 January,
How appropriate for the
apostle John to say, blessed are
the dead which dies
in the Lord. More so,
their works do follow
them. Thank God for
the testimony of the
our dear sister. She
had lived well for the
Lord and even when
she was down with
cancer, she continued
to shine for Jesus.