NCGS WEEKLY NEWS - North Cestrian Grammar School


NCGS WEEKLY NEWS - North Cestrian Grammar School
Message from the Headmaster
Friday 9th January 2015
A Happy New Year to you all.
This coming year promises to be as busy as ever and the drive to continuously improve the quality of
the day to day experiences of pupils will continue. Staff have been busy writing reports and they offer
lots of good advice to students. Reports should be sent home in the next few weeks. Work on the
Free School bid continues unabated; training has taken place and earlier this week Mr Gartside visited
the school to view lessons, speak to pupils and governors, and meet with some staff. I am grateful for
his support and advice as we prepare for the interview with the Department for Education next
Like the pupils’ reports, it is a healthy experience to review and reflect on strengths and weaknesses,
to not be afraid of challenge and to seek and act upon advice given. Following next week’s Parents’
Evenings for Year 8 and 9, the Year 9s will embark on their selection of Options for next year. We
continue to modify the subject choices to adapt to the needs of pupils; separate science will be
offered within option blocks allowing access to the enrichment programme as well. As GCSEs
themselves have evolved, we feel some pupils will benefit from having qualifications that are more
practically assessed.
The Wolf Commission led to a massive overhaul of KS4 qualifications to ensure parity of value. One
example will be the BTEC in Performing Arts which is recognised as fully equivalent to a GCSE and as
such conforms to the Government’s ‘Progress 8’ measure. As such we are confident that such courses
are relevant, accessible and valued as qualifications for our pupils. Our Year 11s similarly have huge
decisions to be making regarding Post 16 Qualifications. Parents may wish to make an appointment to
see me to discuss options available, particularly to consider applying for a scholarship to support
academic fees. Pupils in the Lower Sixth may also submit applications to study for the Extended
Project Qualification (EPQ).
So, the coming term is busy and exciting. Life at NCGS should never be dull and all pupils are urged to
make the most of every minute of every day. The New Year does indeed mark time – another year has
passed—how quickly time flies. Let us hope for a year of success and progress in all our ventures.
Diary Dates:
Thursday 15th January Year 8/9 Parents’ Evening
Wednesday 21st January Year 9 Options Evening
Wednesday 21st January - House Swimming Competition
Friday 23rd January - “Silly Sock Day”
Saturday 24th January - Open Morning (11am-1.00pm)
Thursday 29th January - Year 10 Parents Evening
Catering Assistant
We have a vacancy for 4 hours a day in our school
For further details please contact the Catering Manager
between 9am and 2pm on 0161 928 1856
On this day January 9th……
Born - Catherine Elizabeth Middleton 1982 - Duchess of Cambridge, married to Prince William, Duke of Cambridge.
Died on this day,1873 - Emperor Napoleon III of France.
Also on this day, 1969 - The supersonic aeroplane Concorde made its first trial flight, from Bristol.
Yr10 Physical Activity
Congratulations to all of the Year 10 students who completed the team building session on Wednesday 7 th January
for Enrichment. Students were encouraged to come up with imaginative ideas to problem solve.
How to cross ‘Croc Creek’ to extend benches as far as possible and to place their team-sheet as high as possible.
Team work, cooperation, discussion and application was on show by all. However, following a staff de-brief the
team that impressed the most was Kaine Heaps, Patrick Harrison and Simon Calvert.
These students received their prize following Senior School assembly.
Mr Boswell
6th Form News
What are you planning on doing after life at NCGS? Thinking of going to University? Got a favourite
subject or even an idea of which career path you want to follow? Well, obviously you have to attend selected open
days, but does this give you enough information? Open days are invaluable regardless of how they are selling their
University – it is a business after all – and they tempt you with “student life” but what about the actual course you
should be taking?
For the last week of term, I was at Nottingham University attending Vet-Medlink which is a taster course for those
looking to go into veterinary science. You stay in Halls so get some idea of student life and it was a very intense few
days with lectures starting at 9 am. Each lecture lasts 45 minutes with a 15 minute break and finishes at 10.30 pm or
if you elect to take optional sessions then they ended at 12.30 am!
We were treated to a wide range of topics from applying for Veterinary Schools both in the UK and Overseas, life as
a Student Vet, case studies for a huge range of animals including domestic pets, equine, zoo, reptile and avian,
applied biomechanics, through to life as a qualified Vet and beyond. Each one was very informative and thought
provoking. We had extra sessions on enhancing your Personal Statement, getting better grades and applying to
Universities. They also offer advice and support at key times up until you get your University placement.
The winter course is lecture-based and they run another in July which is practical and even has a keyhole surgery
The Campus was full with students attending a wide variety of courses:
There are taster courses available in a huge range of subjects at many of the Universities and I strongly
recommend them as a way of making sure that the course you choose is actually the course you need to
be doing – and it looks great on your Personal Statement!
Jenny Levis, Year 12
GCSE Geography Exam Information:
So your controlled assessment got you above your target…
Do you want to know the secrets of ‘Gold Dust’ for the exams which make or break
your GCSE grade?
Below you will see several options for you to attend one of a series of parental workshops where pupils also
attend. The activities include interactive exam questions in a pupil versus parent competitive style, analysis of AQA
data for previous Year 11s and plotting the way to avoid pitfalls in reading, understanding and answering exam
questions, making the best use of mark schemes, key vocab and understanding the key driver words in questions.
Please email me on and let me know which workshop you can attend.
Wednesday 21st January 2015 - Option 1: 16.00 to 17.30, Option 2: 18.45 to 20.15
Saturday 24th January 2015 - Option 1: 09.30 to 11.00, Option 2: 13.00 to 14.30
Wednesday 28th January 2015 - Option 1: 16.00 to 17.30
Our first assembly of the New Year was by Mr Bergin talking about New Year Resolutions. His Power-point
presentation covered the most common New Year’s resolutions; his own personal goals and what the
Facebook founder (Mark Zuckerburg) set to achieve. Mr Bergin first explained that many adverts after Christmas
linked in with getting healthy and burning all the calories you have gained over the Christmas season. Like most of
us, Mr Bergin wanted to fit more exercise into his daily routine and cut down on sweets and chocolate.
The final point he talked about was how Mark Zuckerberg, had made previous New Year resolutions to dress more
smartly for public appearances and to learn Mandarin. The lesson was that making resolutions is easy, sticking to
them is hard.
By Erica Emmott
Friends of NCGS
We have teamed up with an organisation called ‘The Giving Machine’ to help generate money for the
school every time you shop online. It will not cost you a penny – the online shop makes a donation on
your behalf.
There are more than 100 participating shopping sites, including all the major online and high street names such
as Amazon, eBay, M&S, Argos, Waterstones, Boden.
Please do look overleaf to see the full list.
It’s incredibly quick and simple to register and use.
Once registered, one click will download ‘The Giving Machine’ icon onto your desktop as a reminder to shop via
the site.
Each time you shop, real cash goes into the school funds (the total amount raised can be viewed online).
Each participating shopping site will donate a varying amount. For example, Waterstone’s will donate 75p for
every £10 you spend with them, Amazon give 3.75% of every purchase.
The Giving Machine is a not for profit company.
Go to
REGISTER online as a shopper/giver
CHOOSE to support North Cestrian Grammar School
DOWNLOAD The Giving Machine icon to your desktop.
REMEMBER to shop via
every time you buy online.
Raffle Prizes
We are holding a Spring Raffle this term.
If anyone has any prizes they would like to
donate, unwanted gifts, vouchers, etc
please email
Thank you
Friday 23rd January 2015
Following on from last year’s successful fundraising event we
are organising another “Silly Socks Day”
In return for being able to wear the craziest hosiery possible,
pupils will need to bring in an item that we will be able to repackage into great raffle prizes. It’s a great way of recycling
those unwanted Christmas gifts. For example, toiletries,
smellies, chocolate etc….
Library based learning
Library based learning
Homework Club
Homework Club
Recorder Club, ALL YR's,
Mrs James
Rugby, ALL YEARS, Mr
Football YR's 7 & 8, Mr
Wilson/Mr Cross
Food Tech, All YEARS, Miss Bus Studies, YR's 10 & 11,
Mr Mills
English Lang Revision, YR
11, Mrs Dempsey
Art drop in, ALL YR’s, Mrs Faccin
Harmonic Singing, ALL YR’s
Mrs Morrison
Badminton, All YR's, Mr
Football YR 11, Mr Stobbs
Debate Club, ALL YR's, Miss Weights Room, All YR's,
Ross,Miss Connell
Sports Capt
Weights Room, ALL YR's,
Music Theory Drop In ALL
Sports Capt
YR's, Mrs Morrison
DT Drop In, YR's 10 & 11, Computing, ALL YR's, Mrs
Mr Cruxton
Art Drop In, YR's 10 & 11, English Lang Revision YR 11,
Mr Whittam
Mrs Dempsey
Time Harmonic Singing,ALL YR's, Poetry Society, ALL YR's,
Mrs Morrison
Library Prefect
Maths Clinic, YR 11, Mrs
French Club, YR's 7-9, Mrs
Maths Resit Revision, Mr
Library based Learning
Netball, ALL YR's, Miss Connell
Library based learning
Homework Club
Homework Club
Homework Club
LOL Club, ALL YR's, Mr
FES Film Club, ALL YR's,Mr
Equestrian Club, ALL YR's, Miss
Betteridge/Miss Sherlock
Drama Club, ALL YR's Mr Science Club, ALL YR's, Mrs AlBetteridge
lison/Mr Wilson
Girls Fitness, LL YR's, Mrs Lapwood
French, YR's 10 & 11, Miss
Secret Outstanding Learners Club,
by invitation (monthly) Mr Bell
Tech Club, YR 7, Mr Cross
Weights, All yrs Sports Capt
DT Drop In YR's 10-11 Mr Cruxton
Ensemble, ALL YR's Mrs
Art Drop In Yrs 10 & 11, Mr
Physics Revision Yrs 10 & 11 Mr
Chemistry Rev, YRS 10 Keyboards, All YR's Mrs Morri& 11,Mrs Holmes
Maths Club, ALL YR's, Mrs Showcase, All yrs (monthly) Mrs
Maths Clinic YR 10 Mrs Klutz
Drama Club, YR 7 & 8, Mrs Biology Rev YR's 10 & 11 Mr
Scrabble Club ALL YR's Mrs Cooper
Computing, ALL YR's Mrs Patterson
Sociology Drop In YR 12 Miss Nixon
Weights, ALL YR's, Sports
Football Yrs 9 & 10 Mr Boswell
Geog Exam Prep YR's 1013, Mr Bell
Library based learning
2014-2015 'Extra Curricular' Activities
Mobile phones & other electronic devices
Mobile Phones & Electronic Equipment
Parents and students are reminded that the use of mobile phones and other electronic devices is not
permitted during the school day. Students are also advised that for security reasons, any valuable
belongings must be locked securely in pupil lockers at all times.
Pupil Safety!
As always, please can all parents/carers remind
their sons/daughters to consider their personal safety
when travelling to and from school and ensure
that arrangements are in place for the after-school
journey, especially in the dark evenings.
The school library closes at 5pm.