Register Now - Minnesota Association
Register Now - Minnesota Association
Daily Schedule: 8:00 am –5:00 pm Monday Welcome & Administrative Information Mechanical Locking Devices and Door Systems Electronic Access Control Systems Tuesday Intrusion Detection (Security Alarm) Systems Video Surveillance Systems Wednesday Security Lighting Use of Biometrics in Crime Prevention Bollards and Other Vehicle Barriers Security Safes Glazing Materials Landscaping Crime Prevention Guidelines Fencing and Exterior Intrusion Sensors Security Signage and Way finding Introduction to Security Surveys Thursday Introduction to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) CPTED Security Assessment Residential Security Surveys Commercial/Retail Security Surveys Industrial/Manufacturing Security Surveys Exam Review Friday Construction Site Security Surveys Security Surveys of Parking Lots and Structures Public Utility Security Surveys House of Worship Security Surveys SECURITY ASSESSMENT SPECIALIST CERTIFICATION EXAM Cancellation/Refund Policy: Cancelled registration received by March 11th will receive a full refund. Cancellations after March 11th are subject to a $100.00 cancellation fee. NO REFUNDS WILL BE GIVEN AFTER APRIL 13TH, 2015. For more information please contact: Jill Ondrey Eagan Police Department Phone: (651) 675-5727 In Conjunction With American Crime Prevention Institute The Minnesota Crime Prevention Association Invites you to attend Security Assessment for Law Enforcement Personnel Seminar April 27th—May 1st, 2015 The American Crime Prevention Institute (ACPI) provides crime prevention training and resource materials for both law enforcement agencies and community organizations. ACPI instructors are among the most knowledgeable and experienced crime prevention specialists, each with impressive law enforcement and academic credentials. Bloomington Police Department Haeg Conference Room 1800 West Old Shakopee Road, Bloomington, MN 55431 This course has been submitted to the MN POST board for continuing education credits for Peace Officers. What is a Security Assessment? A security assessment or survey is a critical on-site examination to identify security-related risks, threats and vulnerabilities and the determination of needed improvements. Law enforcement personnel are frequently requested to conduct security assessments of residential properties, commercial/retail facilities, schools, houses of worship, government and institutional buildings, construction sites, public utilities, etc. Objectives A security assessment should address environmental security, physical security, electronic security and procedural security issues. Law enforcement agencies should have specially trained crime prevention/community resource specialists capable of conducting security assessments or surveys for members of their community or jurisdiction. This seminar is designed to enable participants to effectively Seminar Details Seminar participants learn how to conduct high-quality security assessments for: • • • • • • • • • • Certification This seminar is a certification training program. Passage of a written examination covering seminar topic areas is required for successful completion of the course. Individuals who attend and successfully complete the one-week training program will be recognized as Certified Law Enforcement Security Assessment Specialists. Course Materials Seminar participants will receive the following: assessments. Law enforcement professionals, city and private planners, government officials and other crime prevention practitioners and leaders who are looking for innovative ways to prevent crime in their communities. MCPA Member Pricing: $200.00 Early Bird before Feb. 13 $225.00 After Feb. 13 Non-Member Pricing: $250.00 Early Bird before Feb. 13 $275.00 After Feb. 13 ** The national cost to attend this seminar is $650 per person. The MCPA is subsidizing the cost of this training to make it affordable for all interested persons. The registration deadline is: Wednesday - March 11th, 2015 Name Agency/Organization Address City/ State/ Zip Phone E-mail Address conduct a wide range of security surveys or Who should attend? Residential Properties Commercial/Retail Facilities Schools Industrial/Manufacturing Public Utilities Houses of Worship Construction Sites Government Buildings Parking Facilities Campus Buildings Seminar Registration A comprehensive seminar presentation guide with detailed PowerPoint and multi-video presentations covering each of the seminar topic areas. A copy of the new Security Assessment for Law Enforcement Officer’s Guide. This exclusive publication contains numerous templates and standards for the conduct of security assessments. A copy of the 900-page 2012 Revised Edition of The Law Enforcement Officer’s Complete Crime Prevention Manual. A specially designed laser-engraved certification plaque. Check and purchase orders should be payable to MCPA. Method of Payment (Full payment due with registration) Check # _____________ Amount $ ____________ Purchase Order Amount $ ____________ Signature ALL checks and purchase orders should be payable to MCPA. Please send registration and payment to: Jill Ondrey Eagan Police Department 3830 Pilot Knob Rd. Eagan, MN 55122